Name : Xevelin Itzamu'thi blanca
Point of Isekai: 1661
Description: A tall and sleek raven haired vixen with shapr brows, bright green eyes and quite imperative loking disposition
Personality: buissnes oriented and detached at first, open, friendly and heplfull once better aquinted. Always having some insight to share.
Atributes: ???
Virtues: Inquisitive
Sins: Stuborn and attachment (Will die on her hill rather than save herself)
Summary: It is bad time to be african witch in New Mexico, or Voodoo witch doctor in Mehico proper, worst still to be of both bloodlines. Educated in both traditions, open to new and ever inquiring into the lost and forgoten. In Texas. During XVII centurie, the centurie of witch hunts. Often looking down on those proven to be foolish, yet always aiding the respectfull and mindfllul, Xeva as she ould be know to most would earn her stay performing many a services. Healing sickness, divining the lost, enriching the infertile and many more. As well as cursing and bewitching the wiked, the dangerous, the overly pious. She would lead fulfiling life of self-academic, teaching apprentices and learning all that could be reveiled, listening to spirits of new lands and wisdom of ancestors. Yet she had seen best and worse humanity has to offer.
In the end all that mattered was what inquisition thought of her. They wanted her dead, so she ended on a pyre. Not before sending away all her family students to safety. and even in death, a potion returned from her stomach slayed those that sought her end. Dead on the hill she owned, day of her 29 birthday.
-Lifetime goal - Academing foundations. learning and teaching and institutionizing empirizm of meta-phisical. Ensuring all that is aviable is of use to those worthy of the knowledge of how.
Secondary Goal - Not being alone. While her inner circle is a smaller one and quite difficult to enter, she does makes hard effort to be a part of community. Hoping one day to have a family of her own that would not be a curse upon her.
Secondary Goal - dealing with spirits of the land and ensuring humanity would be able to find friends on the beyond and know better than to deal with some.
- Misc Action - findd out potential uses and qualities of local life for use in magic rituals
- Misc Action - Help out with the little things, carrying medicine to someone's house, helping with care of a local elder, teaching some children how not die beore age of 20, little bits of kindness and wisdom.
- Life Hard Earned: After what she been thru, few are those she listens to.
- Hermit: has no probles holing up for weeks at a time. Woe be those she keeps close
- Academic: To know is to be, to know is to seek. and what better way to learn than to teach.
- Silent Matron: Strong desire to keep beloved safe, stronger still to see them succeed on their own. Won't stop her from bending the odds.
Administration: Rank -/- points
Diplomacy: Rank -/- points
Intrigue: Rank -/- points
Lore: Rank -/- points
Fervor: Rank -/- points
Martial: Rank -/- points
Prowess: Rank -/- points
Magic: Rank -/- points