Testing Great Man Theory in A Fantasy World [Isekai Succession Quest]

I look forward to designing my own character. I actually had an idea for a good character for this next reincarnation, but I'll have to be a tad more patient and wait my turn.

I have a few character ideas, but with so many slots between now and me I'm going to wait and see what kind of person we'll be needing.

Now, regarding voting.

[X] Magnificent Hoof
The best beast of burden and of some military use to. That fact it's also the hardest to domesticate isn't ideal, but might gain us more experience in domesticating animals than some of the easier animals would.

[X] Destroy the river raptor breeding grounds
While the idea of early fortifications is tempting, humanity is up against the figurative wall and I feel we really need to actively make this place safe for humanity. I also don't want to lose out on possible food.

[X] Tribute is offered
I think it is a bit too ambitious to hope that just talking to the dangerous territorial giants when we don't even know their language. I'm thinking we might be able to do diplomacy, but after they have been suitably passified with tribute.
I think I'd like to throw my hat into the ring with our first mage build.
Name: Yona (Dawn)
Point of Isekai (POI): 1156 AD Heian Period, Japan
Description: Back length straight black hair, 148 cm (4ft 9in), common Japanese features, wearing a Shinto Shrine Maiden uniform, with a longbow over her shoulder.
Personality: Diligent and kind, until you piss her off, then it is like dealing with an Oni.
Attributes: 5 + 1d10 Roll (Let us see who the Gods favor.)
Virtues: Diligent, Kind
Sins: Wrath
Summary: Yona was a Shrine Maiden of a medium sized shrine dedicated to Amaterasu. She lived a relatively idyllic life; plenty of hard work to maintain the shrine, pears to work with, many children to care for, and a mostly full stomach. Better yet, few bandits would be willing to risk the great Amaterasu's wrath be striking one of her shrines, especially when there were less well defended places. The band of Kiyomori's surviving samurai from the Hogen Rebelion that moved through the area didn't seem to agree with that.
-1 Lifetime Goal - Introduce the locals to Shinto. (mostly purification techniques and healing methods)
-2 Secondary Goals: - A: Found her own shrine to Amaterasu
B: Set up a dedicated combat force, connected to the shrine, to deal with monsters and demons, (even if none have shown up since she arrived...)
-2 Misc Actions - A: Care for the strange white wolf that seems to have followed her.
B: Care for the local children (orphanage in shrine?)
C: Set up a few festivals

-The Dawn's Wrath: once her ire is truly roused, Yona will break all that stand before her. Purified arrows and bracers tend to do good work.
-The Dawn's Warmth: Children and Innocents are to be nurtured and cared for with love and kindness.
-The Dawn's Diligence: When something needs doing, it gets done.

Attributes: (Will add numbers after roll)
Administration (Rank 3) - points
Diplomacy (Rank 1) - points
Intrigue (Rank 1) - points
Lore (Rank 3) - points
Fervor (Rank 4) - points
Martial (Rank 1) - points
Prowess (Rank 1) - points
Magic (Rank 3) - points

Edited: removed preexisting magic. Rolled dice. Ha!
ReaperOfShadows threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Attributes Total: 5
5 5
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I think I'd like to throw my hat into the ring with our first mage build.
Name: Yona (Dawn)
Point of Isekai (POI): 1108 AD Heian Period, Japan
Description: Back length straight black hair, 148 cm (4ft 9in), common Japanese features, wearing a Shinto Shrine Maiden uniform, with a longbow over her shoulder.
Personality: Diligent and kind, until you piss her off, then it is like dealing with an Oni.
Attributes: 5 + 1d10 Roll (Let us see who the Gods favor.)
Virtues: Diligent, Kind
Sins: Wrath
Summary: Yona was a Shrine Maiden of a medium sized shrine dedicated to Amaterasu. She lived a relatively idyllic life; plenty of hard work was necessary to maintain the shrine, pears to work with, many children to care for, and plenty of monsters and idiots to take out her aggression on. She exceled in her more mystical studies quite well and excelled in the more militant aspects of the shrine. The hardest part was the diplomacy side of the job. Seriously, it takes so much work to keep humans and Yokai from slaughtering each other. It really doesn't help when a Noble gets it into their head to "Hunt down that slippery fox; I want a new rug." and the Kitsune decides to eat the Noble for the insult, and it starts a bloody feud, and you just want to beat all of their Heads in till They Stop Being Stupid! (She died by tripping over the corpse of the Kitsune down a flight of stairs. One final joke from the trickster.)
-1 Lifetime Goal - Introduce the locals to Shinto magics. (mostly purification techniques, and healing methods, both of which can be turned to combat)
-2 Secondary Goals: - A: Found her own shrine to Amaterasu
B: Set up a dedicated combat force, connected to the shrine, to deal with monsters and demons, (even if none have shown up since she arrived...)
-2 Misc Actions - A: Care for the strange white wolf that seems to have followed her.
B: Care for the local children (orphanage in shrine?)
C: Set up a few festivals

-The Dawn's Wrath: once her ire is truly roused, Yona will break all that stand before her. Purified arrows and bracers tend to do good work.
-The Dawn's Warmth: Children and Innocents are to be nurtured and cared for with love and kindness.
-The Dawn's Diligence: When something needs doing, it gets done.

Attributes: (Will add numbers after roll)
Administration (Rank ) - points
Diplomacy (Rank ) - points
Intrigue (Rank ) - points
Lore (Rank ) - points
Fervor (Rank ) - points
Martial (Rank ) - points
Prowess (Rank ) - points
Magic (Rank ) - points
I dont think supernatural beings are a part of the Earth we're borrowing folks from
Or real magic

Otherwise biblical Jesus would be allowed, but it was only "Historical" Jesus
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I'd like to claim a place as well.

[X] Lazy Snakes: Small serpentine-like beings that could burrow and hide in rocky areas, not poisonous or lethal to humans they possessed some nutritious values. They were easy to maintain, reproduce, and grow. Their diet consisted of roots, insects, and some greenery. These animals could also provide fat for some oil for medicine.

Lazy Snakes seem good to me, well adapted for local region and seem to be rather useful. They kinda look like Chicken equivalents in that regard, eat roots, insects and greenery. So they'd be good for keeping out pests from farms and such as well as reproducing fast enough to be a good food source... I wonder if we can eat their eggs?

[X] Destroy the river raptor breeding grounds. The river raptors must be exterminated if we are to continue living in this land and prosper. Many will die but this may secure our future.

Don't see a point keeping them around, I know the death tolls gonna be high but... to be honest the alternative is more death in the long term or we waste the fact we have a food surplus and positive growth when we don't currently need defences.

[X] Tribute is offered: The Giants preferred food is meat, animal, or otherwise. The humans may begin to hunt the larger animals to offer them to Giants as a sign of peace.

I don't like this, sets a possibly bad precedent but I'd rather we not stir the hornets nest.
I think I'd like to throw my hat into the ring with our first mage build.

I dont think supernatural beings are a part of the Earth we're borrowing folks from
Or real magic

Otherwise biblical Jesus would be allowed, but it was only "Historical" Jesus

That would be correct, you can certainly fluff your character as a spiritual priest or the like. But more relegated to actual historical tasks, where they gain actual magic in their reincarnation.
@Rockeye I'd like to ask where would you even build a boat, there's barely any water in the valley and the only visible body of water is on the eastern side of the known map?
There's a river. Boats are good for moving heavy things up and down rivers, also, they're a conspicuous luxury to cruise around on in Egyptian mythos, though I don't know if that was true as early as 37th century BC, admittedly.
Still working on the character sheet. Anyone have an idea what sin I should assign to Jesus? Also, not really sure what Trait to give him.

Rolling for attributes:

Edit: Looks like it's just a normal amount
digital2 threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: +5 Total: 5
5 5
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Still working on the character sheet. Anyone have an idea what sin I should assign to Jesus?
Wrath, not as in he is a dude that smites whenever he wants, but to reference that part of the new testment where he shoves a demon into a pig then makes it drown itself, and that time he destroyed some property in retaliation against someone turning a temple into a market or something similar
Still working on the character sheet. Anyone have an idea what sin I should assign to Jesus? Also, not really sure what Trait to give him.

Well... if we're going Jesus you might as well give him the trait of Peacemaker? That be useful maybe well score lucky and the Giants won't be bastards. Having him be someone who tries to make peace and basically be a good person seems to fit historical Jesus in intention at least.

There's a river. Boats are good for moving heavy things up and down rivers, also, they're a conspicuous luxury to cruise around on in Egyptian mythos, though I don't know if that was true as early as 37th century BC, admittedly.

On that note anyone thinking of going south down the river? Seems like a good idea to see what down south and following a river is often the easiest way to do that.
Updated the map, and added a description of the territory. The territory overall is temperate, sorta alpinish for comparison with earth. The river now goes all the way up from south to north
This is a rough draft of what I've got. What do the rest of you think? I wasn't really sure how the ranking system worked.

Name: Jesus Christ
Point of Isekai (POI): 30 AD
Description: A thin but strong man with olive brown skin, brown eyes and short dark hair.
Personality: Compassionate, courageous and wise
Virtues: Compassion
Sins: Melancholy (his death of crucifixion has sapped him of much of his joy and left him depressed and questioning his own sanity)
Jesus Christ was born around 4 to 6 BCE in Bethlehem, Judea, to Mary, a young woman who claimed to be a virgin and who claimed that an angel had told her that she would bear the child of the Holy Spirit.

After being baptized, at around the age of 30, Jesus began his public ministry, preaching about the Kingdom of God, love, compassion, repentance, and forgiveness. He would go around as a healer and feed large crowds of people. His teachings emphasized love for God and neighbor.

His growing popularity and radical ideas eventually led to conflicts with religious authorities and Roman officials. Around the age of 33, he was betrayed by one of his disciples, arrested in Jerusalem, tried for blasphemy, and condemned to death by crucifixion.

-1 Lifetime Goal - Spread the teachings of God to as many people as possible.
-2 Secondary Goals:
A.Go around and do your best to feed and clothe the poor and needy.
B. Help cure the sick with your healing magic and try to improve their medicine.
-2 Misc Actions -
A. Teach people to read and write, so people will remember your teachings after you are gone
B. Continue your predecessor's efforts at domesticating the local wildlife.

Peacemaker- Thanks to his charismatic speaking skills, he has become good at settling disputes and at helping different people get along in a peaceful manner.
Wrath of the Messiah - Jesus considers himself a pacifist, but if pushed too far, he will go on a violent rampage.

Administration (Rank 1) - 0 points
Diplomacy (Rank 2) - 1 points
Intrigue (Rank 1) - 0 points
Lore (Rank 4) - 3 points
Fervor (Rank 4) - 3 points
Martial (Rank 1) - 0 points
Prowess (Rank 3) - 0 points
Magic (Rank 5) - 3 points
You know what would be funny if Isekai Jesus believes this is Hell, that this horrible terrible place where monsters stalk and humans live on the edge of existence is Hell.

That this is him descending into Hell to bring salvation to the captive "souls" and then return to Earth to be resurrected.

Anyway that a random stray thought I had.
Administration (Rank 1) - 0 points
Diplomacy (Rank 2) - 1 points
Intrigue (Rank 1) - 0 points
Lore (Rank 4) - 3 points
Fervor (Rank 4) - 3 points
Martial (Rank 1) - 0 points
Prowess (Rank 3) - 2 points
Magic (Rank 5) - 5 points

You are 4 points over, remember that the magic trait begins at 0 rather than 1 unlike the other traits.
[X] Magnificent Hoof
[X] Clans will erect fortifications! Reduces Food bonuses due to the need to enclose and protect fields, but gains a bonus to defend of human villages and towns.
[X] Diplomacy: If the clans can communicate with the Giants, then maybe there is a chance of peaceful coexistence. Though there are no memories of such a thing happening in any of the clans.
This is a rough draft of what I've got. What do the rest of you think? I wasn't really sure how the ranking system worked.

Name: Jesus Christ
Point of Isekai (POI): 30 AD
Description: A thin but strong man with olive brown skin, brown eyes and short dark hair.
Personality: Compassionate, courageous and wise
Virtues: Compassion
Sins: Melancholy (his death of crucifixion has sapped him of much of his joy and left him depressed and questioning his own sanity)
Jesus Christ was born around 4 to 6 BCE in Bethlehem, Judea, to Mary, a young woman who claimed to be a virgin and who claimed that an angel had told her that she would bear the child of the Holy Spirit.

After being baptized, at around the age of 30, Jesus began his public ministry, preaching about the Kingdom of God, love, compassion, repentance, and forgiveness. He would go around as a healer and feed large crowds of people. His teachings emphasized love for God and neighbor.

His growing popularity and radical ideas eventually led to conflicts with religious authorities and Roman officials. Around the age of 33, he was betrayed by one of his disciples, arrested in Jerusalem, tried for blasphemy, and condemned to death by crucifixion.
Well, even though I'm sad my character isn't up next, I can't wait to see what magic Jesus does soon. I hope his charity and compassion are enough to strengthen the sense of community amongst the tribes to make them more united & stable since humanity cannot afford to be anything but united in the face of adversity in this cruel world.
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One of my ideas was to have a priest or monk get isekai'd and now I'm even more interested in the idea, since there might be historical records or stories about fucking Jesus having come there before them.
Maybe later some of us can coordinate and have some folks that knew eachother get summoned, the first learns of the stories of previous Summoned Ones and leaves a message for their future peers, said future peers being a relative or something that recognizes them from the historical descriptions and or message
Is this okay now? @Murtox
If anyone has any suggestions, now would be the time to tell me.

Name: Jesus Christ
Point of Isekai (POI): 30 AD
Description: A thin but strong man with olive brown skin, brown eyes and short dark hair.
Personality: Compassionate, courageous and wise
Virtues: Compassion
Sins: Melancholy (his extremely painful death of crucifixion has left him depressed and questioning his own sanity)
Jesus Christ was born around 4 to 6 BCE in Bethlehem, Judea, to Mary, a young woman who claimed to be a virgin and who claimed that an angel had told her that she would bear the child of the Holy Spirit.

After being baptized, at around the age of 30, Jesus began his public ministry, preaching about the Kingdom of God, love, compassion, repentance, and forgiveness. He would go around as a healer and feed large crowds of people. His teachings emphasized love for God and neighbor.

His growing popularity and radical ideas eventually led to conflicts with religious authorities and Roman officials. Around the age of 33, he was betrayed by one of his disciples, arrested in Jerusalem, tried for blasphemy, and condemned to death by crucifixion.

-1 Lifetime Goal - Spread the teachings of God to as many people as possible.
-2 Secondary Goals:
A.Go around and do your best to feed and clothe the poor and needy.
B. Help cure the sick with your healing magic and try to improve their medicine.
-2 Misc Actions -
A. Teach people to read and write, so people will remember your teachings after you are gone
B. Continue your predecessor's efforts at domesticating the local wildlife.

Peacemaker- Thanks to his charismatic speaking skills, he has become good at settling disputes and at helping different people get along in a peaceful manner.
Wrath of the Messiah - Jesus considers himself a pacifist, but if pushed too far, he is willing to go on a violent rampage.

Administration (Rank 1) - 0 points
Diplomacy (Rank 2) - 1 point
Intrigue (Rank 1) - 0 points
Lore (Rank 3) - 2 points
Fervor (Rank 4) - 3 points
Martial (Rank 1) - 0 points
Prowess (Rank 2) - 1 point
Magic (Rank 3) - 3 points
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Administration (Rank 1) - 0 points
Diplomacy (Rank 2) - 1 point
Intrigue (Rank 1) - 0 points
Lore (Rank 3) - 2 points
Fervor (Rank 4) - 3 points
Martial (Rank 1) - 0 points
Prowess (Rank 4) - 1 point
Magic (Rank 3) - 3 points

Points are good just that prowess should be rank 2 instead of 4 given point distribution
Chapter 2: Yoshua, Son of God - 43 I.T to 55 I.T
Winning Votes

[X] Diplomacy: If the clans can communicate with the Giants, then maybe there is a chance of peaceful coexistence. Though there are no memories of such a thing happening in any of the clans.

[X] Destroy the river raptor breeding grounds. The river raptors must be exterminated if we are to continue living in this land and prosper. Many will die but this may secure our future.

[X] Magnificient Hoof

Crit Policy:
The current crit policy is any number between 98 to 100 to give you some chances of crits.

Chapter 2: **Yoshua son of Joseph**

Many people know the story of Jesus Christ, the Christian savior, born to a virgin, killed for our sins, and resurrected on the third day, to be one of the most influential people in the history of humanity. But before the bible and its Latin translations came to be, there was a man named Yoshua in the land of Judah and Galilee. Born in a time period of turmoil for the Jewish people, the Romans came and took control of the government. The Pharisees were often at odds with the Sadducees over the interpretations of their ancient laws and rituals. And a radicalized faction of zealots who sought to free Judah from the rule of the Roman Empire (Your friends the People's Front of Judea).

Yet, paradoxically this was also a time of greater cultural exchange and cosmopolitan attitudes in Judah, Hellenism led to increased exposure to new ideas and beliefs from Greece and Rome, ideas that were at odds with the written law of the Jewish people but that could also coexist under the interpretation of the oral law. Even amongst the teachers of the people, there was dissent on what should be allowed and what shouldn't in the eyes of the faith.

Talks of resurrection and of the coming of a messiah who would deliver them from their enemies. Old legends that were transmitted amongst the Jews of a time in which their people flourished, when the temple stood tall, and Jerusalem was the capital of a kingdom stretching across many lands. Stories told by grandfathers of the exodus out of Egypt, the days of old of Moses, Samson, David, and Solomon, Joshua the mighty general leading the Hebrew armies against their foes, and Gideon son of Yoash defeating a whole army with nothing more than a sword in his hand and 300 torches. Many were in expectation of the coming of the new messiah who would unite the twelve tribes of Israel and deliver them from foreign rule, as to add another tale to the many of the Jewish traditions.

But the Messiah that would be most remembered wouldn't be a man of great strength nor of kingship descent but rather a common carpenter from a simple town north of Jerusalem...At around the age of thirty, he would begin his ministry and travel throughout Judah and Samaria to preach to his people and to those who would hear his message. Knowingly or not he had begun a journey that took him to a hill to be crucified and executed under the authority of Pontius Pilate, to his trial, conviction, sentencing to death, and subsequent execution, buried in a stone tomb near the place of his crucifixion.

"God, God why hast thou forsaken me?", cried he from the cross, dying from exhaustion, blood loss, suffocation and dehydration, being struck down by an eagle spear by a Roman Legionnaire...and then darkness, followed by an awakening that he had expected for his sacrifice must have meant something to the heavens.

Light hit his eyes with a bright white shine, as he rose from his sleep, and walked forward. There were no wounds on him, his flesh was as clean and pure as any infant of his people, his clothing felt renewed in their fabrics and cloth, the sun shone brightly over the skies and the light breeze brought a cool feeling upon his skin. He wondered if this was this had been the bodily resurrection that had been promised. There was for certain green and forests that surrounded him.

This couldn't be Canaan, the landscape was too different. Yet, there was beauty and peace to these plains, hills, and forested areas. The nearby stream and river invited him to come take a drink and to cleanse himself. While he looked over these hills and mountains he pondered where he was now, as the angels of heaven seemed silent, for now.

He could spot figures moving in the distance, people as far as he could tell, and not unlike the men of Canaan, black-skinned, olive-skinned, and some even like the Romans and Greeks that he had encountered during his days as a preacher. The only difference that he could see with these individuals was that their clothes seemed far more primitive than the clothes of his fellow compatriots, but perhaps this was the way it was meant to be. Humble and primitive, following God's guidance.

He would eventually meet with the locals of this area, the valley of K'etal as it was called in their tongue, though initially reluctant and suspicious of him, the wanderers of K'etal allowed him entry into the town. Everything seemed far more rudimentary, his knowledge of carpentry made him wonder why relied on mud brick rather than wood when they had plenty of trees in the forests. What was clear was that the people of K'etal lived a simple and rustic way of life. One that would come to find out wasn't his land nor the Kingdom of Heaven...

**A Flock without Guidance**

Yoshua would find out soon that the people here lived lives very distant from the teachings that his people had received through Yahveh. Though they had gods that they prayed to, their ceremonies and festivals felt like pagan rites and idolatrous beliefs, and their practices of offerings seemed more focused on the appeasement of the unseen forces. God was not here among them and that was for sure, the languages differed from the spoken languages of Judah, and the land itself looked very unfamiliar to him. Which posed a question...Why had he been brought here at all?

His resurrection was a fact for as far as he could tell he was breathing and alive, which meant that his resurrection was factual. Therefore, the arrival to this strange land had been divine intervention after all, regardless of the intention behind this action. But if there were no twelve tribes, no knowledge of God nor scripture. Then what? There had to be a purpose for his resurrection. Why?

The learned Yoshua scrounged in his mind a dozen or more possible explanations that were nonetheless shown down by none other than himself. What prophecy was now fulfilled that would explain this situation? Were the end of times not supposed to be near but to what point? There were no Romans or chosen people here. No nations as he knew it existed.

Thus he remained for the moment as a silent stranger who slowly acclimated himself to the community of humans that he now had been taken into, years of practice in meditation would surely help him as he tried to decipher the meaning behind God's actions in sending him to this faraway land. His skills in carpentry did assist him greatly when it came to settling in and integrating into the town and clan of K'etal. The craftsmanship that went behind creating tables, chairs, doors, and even huts was unlike anything done by the inhabitants of these villages. His skill became valuable and for a while, he felt like the son of a carpenter he had been before his enlightenment to his true purpose and mission as the Son of God.

Though he spent many of his days simply praying and wondering where God's voice had gone, no answer from heaven above was forthcoming. Could this be a punishment or a reward for his suffering at Golgotha? So he waited, hoping for some kind of revelation to come...

One day whilst deep in thought he heard cries from the distance of a young man who was being attacked by one of the local beasts, these raptor-like animals were a constant menace for the villagers and hunters that traversed these areas and were responsible for dozens if not hundreds of deaths each year. The tribes of this land were organizing to deal with this threat once and for all, a danger that had been relatively unknown to him back in Judea and that now was part of reality.

The young man managed to escape the grasp of one of these scaled beasts but fell upon a small patch of uneven soil that caused his ankle to twist, and sprained and dislocated. Unable to move without aid he yelled in pain, screaming for anyone who could listen to him for help. If he was left there he would be left to die from hunger, thirst or worse to be eaten by another group of creatures in this land.

A calm and selfless Yoshua endangered himself to rescue him and carry him back to the nearest village, it would be no easy task but his experiences had taught him not to abandon another soul so he didn't do it this time. He inspected the wound with his hands but just as he did so, he felt a burning feeling within him that flowed into his hands like a pulsing flame. At this moment, he felt something familiar within him...something that he hadn't felt since before his crucifixion. It wasn't the enlightenment of his youth but faith.

The ankle of the young man began to heal, the bruise changing in color rapidly as the broken bone returned to its natural alignment inside of the foot, with the flesh quickly restoring itself. For the young man, there were no words for what had just happened to him, for this man had saved him both from death and healed him of his injury. But beyond that, he had been witness to a miracle.

While Yoshua understood that what he had done was indeed miraculous he wasn't truly satisfied. Something within him screamed that there was more to it than a mere healing. God had allowed him to have the power to heal, like the prophets of old like Elijah and Elisha who had used this holy power for great acts. Yet, the people here had no knowledge of God nor the word of prophets. A thought came to his mind...This may be God's purpose after all. To give the Good Word to these people who dwelled here in K'etal and prepare them not for the imminent coming of the Kingdom of God but for the salvation of their souls and guidance to the path of Yahweh. A sense of urgency rushed through Yoshua as he realized what his task was to be here.

Yoshua would bring the young man back to his hometown and thus a new chapter in his life began in earnest.

**One God**
Fervor + Lore + Magic = 3d100 -> 96,13,73 = 2 Succeses
DC: 40 (Base) = 45
+ 15 (Lack of religious context)
+ 20 (Non-monotheistic beliefs)
- 15 (Religious Vacuum)
- 10 (High Threat Level)
- 5 (Peacemaker)

The wanderers of K'etal did not know of a Yahweh, nor of worshipping a single god. Were they to forsake their guardian spirits, the moon, the sun, and all the gods that made the world as it was? Wasn't the river and the earth gods not worthy of praise as well? But they knew of a miracle, they knew of tales of other beings that were able to cast miracles and curses upon the world, and Yoshua, a stranger had been the first amongst their kind to wield such evident power.

Perhaps Yoshua spoke of a god much greater than those they had always known, a god whose dominions were far broader and deeper than those they worshipped. It was hard for them to understand, the concepts of salvation, reincarnation, and soul but they were soothing nonetheless, they promised to encounter those who had fallen long ago and that was an idea that brought comfort.

Shamans and priests tried their best to stop his attempts to introduce a new religion amongst them, the village elders worried about the implications of listening to a single being and putting all of the gods on his side alone. But it wasn't easy for the humans to simply ignore such miracles and signs of power either, rumors spread between clans. Many began to convert to his words and to believe in the existence of Yahweh, his mercy, and miracles that had happened before and continued to happen as he showed his powers for healing those wounded and curing the sick.

But if there was someone in the clans that could vouch for his claims, it was the Lieto. The chieftain Thriel, Strahl, and his kin had heard stories from his father and mother. They remembered when their father told them to pray to one particular god before his father became a priest of Shelt. They recognized similarities and gave unto him protection and respect to continue his work.

The work of Yoshua here wasn't easy at all, he had trouble even picking twelve disciples as he had done before due to the local culture of the Wanderers of K'etal. Many still saw his god as a competitor to the already existing gods and goddesses, not understanding his teachings. Nonetheless, he would go on to have twelve once more, ten men and two women who would become his closest followers. Who aided him in translating the words of God into the local tongues and teaching the ways of Yahweh.

[Followers of Yoshua added as a faction of interest]

**The Raptor War and Yoshua**

Curing the Sick
Lore + Fervor + Magic = 3d100 -> (32 +3 +80) = 1 Success
DC: 50 (Base) = 55
+ 10 (Tribal Medicine)
+ 10 (Lack of Magic Theory)
- 15 (Magic Attribute)
- 5 (River Raptor War)

While Yoshua wandered amongst the tribes to find converts to his belief, the war bands that were preparing to face the raptors in battle were becoming ready and would head out towards the hunting grounds of their enemy to finish them off. This was a time in which food had begun to be more available as the techniques of Niel were refined and adopted further by a new generation of farmers. Enough to allow for the sharing and communion amongst Yoshua's followers, but also enough to draw the attention of the riverine raptors.

Their breeding grounds were closest to rivers and freshwater sources which were the main source of water for the wanderers. When the raptors settled in one location, they could quickly deplete it and kill off local wildlife unless humans drove them off or they moved on to look elsewhere for prey.

Chief Valgor Celo of the Clan Urua would be leading the tribes to put to the flame each and every nest and burrow hole where these pests hid. One day, with torches in hand and armed with weapons. They set upon these creatures that were dangerous during the day and extremely lethal at night. The groups would approach from several directions encircling these predators before they would even be aware of what was coming to them. But this plan did not work to perfection, the riverine raptors quickly picked up on the sound of footsteps and movement by the humans that came near them.

They attacked in packs with zeal against the humans with teeth and claws. The wanderers would succeed against the raptors...at first, the raptors that escaped were like alarms to other broods of river raptors. Even as the first breeding ground was destroyed, the others would rally together in response to the attack against their territory. Packs upon packs descending upon the hunting humans, they would be wise enough to know when the humans had left and organize an attack on a defenseless village...Leaving only the stench of death and blood.

The wanderers had drawn the ire of the beasts and a beastly war would occur. The K'tali would attack with greater zeal than before, burning and cutting down the raptors until their numbers were thinned significantly. Their tactics, tools, and ability to herd and kill these monsters through teamwork gave them the edge needed to secure victory after countless losses. By the end of this, most of the raptors were either dead or fled away from the valleys but they were not exterminated. Instead, they would migrate northwards and be pests to other places.

During this time Yoshua healed and preached for many moons, from the clan of Neit to the smaller clan of Erbaros and many others. At the end of the period of strife with the riverine raptors, the news reached Yoshua who would proclaim this victory to be a sign of God's providence. In the midst of the strife, he continued preaching and reaching new converts in secret and in public. Many were eager to believe in the god that could grant them respite from pain and even though Yoshua could not fully heal limbs even with all of his powers and faith, his touch was said to soothe pain and his presence filled those around him with a sense of serenity.

This earned him a significant following from Clan Urua, Clan Lieto, and a few other minor clans of the area who saw the benefit of believing in the prophet and his words. Regardless of this, they had suffered losses against the riverine raptors that numbered over 3000 souls, a blow that wouldn't be so easily recovered from by the wanderers.

[-2000 Population]
[Riverine Raptors expelled from this land.]
[Food goes to Surplus]


When times were more peaceful, the clans began to discuss a newer issue, one of great concern. The giants that had settled into the forests of the highlands were still there and they were a threat to their safety. Unpredictable in their behavior and impossible to negotiate or talk with, the chieftains considered the possibility of driving them away by blood as they had paid it to the riverine raptors. But they also were aware of how powerful these creatures were.

They decided instead to conserve their forces and send a few of their men to attempt the impossible by any means necessary, talk or find some form of arrangement to coexist with these giants. The tallest of the K'tali was chosen to go forth and meet with these titans of the forest and try to establish some sort of dialogue. This individual, who would be remembered in the annals of the wanderers was Chugara Loen.

At the height of six feet and five inches, he was the tallest member of the Wanderers of K'etal. A strong warrior who had fought against the riverine raptors during the conflict and had survived his ordeal. He was no coward but a brave warrior willing to go into an unknown land in the hopes of preventing a massacre of his kinsmen. With the backing of his clan, the Calenath. And a minor faction of the Lieto who were supporting him in this quest, he set off.

Chugara would trek for several days before finding one of the giants wandering about in the forests. A giant clad in primitive clothing, a mix of furs and hide made of animals that he did not recognize, and some from the wilderness of K'etal. He felt small before the giant, a feeling that he had hardly experienced since leaving childhood behind, but he didn't show fear for he had seen the jaws of death.

Instead, he made gestures and spoke as diplomatically as he could with the giant. The giant merely frowned at the small man that was before him, regardless, he seemed uninterested to talk or discuss as it walked away ignoring the human's attempts to negotiate or discuss matters. Angered by this treatment Chugara threw rocks at the giant hoping to draw its attention. Which would not be an event devoid of consequences. He managed to get the attention of the behemoth alright, but not the kind that he wanted. Furious at being struck by rocks thrown by such an insignificant creature, the giant charged back at the human and shoved him onto the ground in retaliation.

Things did not escalate further and Chugara learned not to throw stones at giants anymore but it did earn him some favor with his peers amongst the chieftains for trying to talk things out. However, he promised to return and he did. This time bearing gifts as an apology for his previous transgression. It took some time to find the giant, but when he did he offered trinkets of bronze and copper to the giant. Trinkets that for the giant were mere children's toys and baubles.

Yet the trinkets were accepted and placed in a pouch. A message was received but not understood and Chugara returned to the main town of the Valley once again empty-handed. The chieftains once more held a meeting discussing possible next steps, the gift-giving had been successful to some extent. Things would remain like this for the remainder of the life of Yoshua, who upon hearing that the giants were real believed them akin to Nephilim or fallen ones from the scripture and thought cautiously of what dangers they could represent.

Regardless, raids by the giants never materialized and so the giants remained in their territory and the Wanderers in their own territories. Though there was unease, the tribes and clans knew not to disturb or anger them. Perhaps they would pay the price for not removing this menace...or reap a benefit. Only time will tell.

[The giants remain at peace with the humans of K'tal for now]

**Works of Charity**
Go around and do your best to feed and clothe the poor and needy.
DC: 40 (Base) = 35
+ 15 (Survalist: Sacrifices must be made)
- 10 (Results of the River Raptor War)
- 10 (Stable Food Supply)
- 10 (Peacemaker)

Fervor + Lore + Administration = 3d100 = (36 +12 +67) = 2 Successes

In a somewhat egalitarian tribal society like this one, Yoshua saw an opportunity, however small for the creation of a new community that could truly come to terms with the fact that everyone was equal in the eyes of God regardless of rank or class. But first, he had to begin by aiding those that were mostly on the fringes of this small society. Those who could not work, those maimed or injured were seen as less productive members of the Wanderer communities. To this end, he began to care for those unable to work, instilling in his followers the teachings of charity. It's not that the tribes didn't understand this concept as it was extremely familiar, but it was done to those of their kin and only in very few cases for those belonging to other tribes.

The hunt of the riverine raptors provided a chance to put this into practice. Due to the heavy casualties suffered against the raptors, there were a few smaller clans that became severely weakened by the conflict. Leaving them with limited manpower and resources, with fewer people to work the land or conduct labor or other activities in the household. To these, Yoshua taught his disciples to help them recover, whether by feeding, donating money, or helping out in practical work like farming or gathering firewood, this was done selflessly for the sake of compassion and empathy and to a lesser degree to build social ties of gratitude with the smaller tribes.

"What you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me."

In these words were contained the mission of Yoshua, to help the poor and vulnerable even in their darkest moment, giving hope and spreading the good word.

[K'tali gains the non-active ethos "Compassion"]

**Records of the Word**
Lore + Fervor + Magic = 3d100 -> (32 +3 +80) = 1 Success
DC: 50 (Base) = 75
+20 (Survalist: Learn useful skills)
+10 (Lack of Necessity)
-5 (Niel's Family)

Writing was rudimentary if almost non-existent amongst the K'tali, they knew Niel scribbled into leather or carved into stone sometimes but they couldn't grasp his ideas completely when they read these pieces. The people of K'tali also spoke multiple languages due to their different origins making the creation of a single written form difficult, therefore, seeing this and knowing that there was a lack of texts for learning Yoshua began to work with his disciples in creating symbols and meanings, but nothing far too complex. Nothing like a written language but more like pictographs to communicate certain words such as "god", "love", and "heaven".

His followers would continue this tradition and carve into stone slates these pictographs along with stories from the life of Yoshua and some other teachings he shared with them. These records while not all-encompassing ensured that to some extent the teachings of Yoshua would remain passed down for future generations and that some aspects of his life could be known at some point.

[Followers of Yoshua gain "Rudimentary Records" ]

**God sent mankind to rule this earth**

Administration + Lore + Magic = 2d100 -> (42 +99) = 1 Crit Success
DC: 50 (Base) + 20 (Dangerous Environment) + 10 (Misc Action) = 80

"And God blessed them. And God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'"

While the world may differ greatly from Canaan and the lands that he knew, it was clear that just as nature itself was in this world. It is said that once a Magnificient Hoof that escaped captivity charged right at him but turned around upon recognizing who was standing in front of him. He would walk amongst the creatures of K'etal, petting them, feeding them, and seemingly taming them. For some reason or another, his presence was calming even to the riverine raptors that had proven to be a dangerous force to the people of K'tali and especially for his disciples.

By the last days of his life, he had become known amongst the locals as an animal whisperer of sorts, being able to calm angry or restless beasts that caused havoc in their communities. This allowed the K'tali to learn not to fear but to understand these creatures, after all, they could be companions of humanity in this world as God intended.

[Domestication of the Magnificient Hoof reduced in length by 50 years]

**The End of the Son of God**

Yoshua would come to live another twelve years in this land, his passing would occur in his sleep or so his disciples claimed, found resting eternally without suffering or pain, unlike before. His body was preserved and embalmed in the fashion that his disciples were used to seeing amongst their relatives and neighbors. Thus his tomb was created and later his remains were placed under careful watch inside a building erected for him, and his memory and honor. His teachings would not resonate with all of the K'tali and many still believed the monotheistic beliefs that he preached to be no more than another collection of beliefs like those of other peoples in this land.

Still, Yoshua would gain a respectable number of followers by the end of his natural life cycle and the seeds planted in this valley would perhaps bear fruit in the future as well.

The Wanderers of K'etal
56 I.T

Initial Stats of Humanity

  • Centralization: Tribal. Your piece of humanity is far too small to be splintered just yet, it works along tribal and familial connections made up of the different humans that wandered and joined the group.
  • Stability: Stable. The piece of land you call home has managed to avoid petty infighting for now.
  • Population: 28,269 - 2000 [River Raptor War] = 26,269
  • Food Availability: Surplus. The agricultural techniques of K'etal continue to improve and enhance, a new generation has made more widespread use of Niel's techniques. You are very much below the carrying capacity of this land.
  • Threat Level: Medium. In this world, wild animals and flora can cause significant damage to human populations often requiring sacrifices to ensure the survival of the majority.
  • Technological Level: Limited Bronze Age. Humans have knowledge of metalworking, astrology, and mathematics however there aren't the necessary complex networks of trade and specialization to allow them to reach greater levels of complexity.
Geography and Weather:

The land settled by the wanderers of K'etal is a temperate territory with some amount of rainfall falling constantly throughout the year, the land to the south and west tends to be higher in altitude than that to the north. A single small river with not much water passes through the territory, it is navigable by canoes and other vessels of similar size. The land is relatively fertile enough with forests covering much of the non-arid land surrounding the territory.

Temperatures vary from a comfortable 22° C in summer to -1° in Winter, as such, cultivation is seasonal and relies on rainwater, aquifers, and also enough temperature to keep working. The lower lands are mostly grasslands of the temperate variety, with the higher territories having plenty of forests around.


The situational and cultural aspects of this society are defined by Ethos which can change and confer bonuses and also maluses to certain actions taken as a whole by this society.

  • Tribal: The societal structure of this society revolves around extended family identities and common features like language and kinship, the different groups that have joined the original wanderers also hold their own clans and tribes as separate with their own cultural traditions, though, how united remains to be seen. [-10 to Centralization-related rolls, +10 towards Stability]
  • Nomads: The mythos of these people tell of endless danger outside of the Rift Valley and that one day they will return. Everyone must be ready to leave at a heartbeat's notice as the elders wander of complacency and staying in this land for too long. [+10 to Settlement and Urbanization Type Rolls][+15 to Exploration and Resettling]
  • Survivalists: The people are ready to sweat and bleed so that they can survive, they are used to hardships and nature's trials. One will find amongst them many willing to do anything to protect their family and loved ones even if it must come to the worst. [+10 to Defensive Goals]
  • Compassion: Yoshua's teachings focused on compassion among the sons of God. This compassion extends to selflessness, virtue, and worship of god. Their beliefs instill a communal sense of belonging and of hope for the future. [+5 Towards Stability [Bonus or Malus may increase as time goes on]]

The Giants of the Forest:
Description: Bipedal beings that sort of reassemble humans that stand from 4 to 6 meters in height. Dangerous in combat and territorial.
Population: 19
Status: Peaceful

Factions of Interest:

Lieto Clan:
Locations: Neutheol [1,800]
History: Wanderers from the southern lands, they took a stranger by the name of Niel Strähl and gain increased relevance amongst the clans. The son of Niel, Thriel remains as chieftain of this clan.

Clan Urua:
Locations: K'etal [3,500]
History: Clan Urua was the one to lead the efforts to drive off the river raptors from this valley and land. While successful they incurred several casualties. During the life of Yoshua, some converted to the monotheistic religion due to the healing done by the "Son of God".

Locations: Viru [500]
History: They are small clansmen that were once fishermen and are now hunters and farmers closer to the higher lands to the east. Chugara Loen the champion sent to talk to the giants lives amongst them.

Followers of Yoshua:
Members: 1,200
History: Those who followed the preacher of Yoshua during his lifetime, while a minority amongst the K'tali, have been known to praise the miracles of Yoshua's healing. It is said that some of them are able to continue healing just as Yoshua did, though their healing is minor at best.


Legends of Fear: Humanity fears and it has managed to escape its greatest fears for the time being.

Shelt, Minor God of Agriculture and Shelter: A relatively new god that had appeared within the mythos not long before the settlement of K'etal. He protects and provides for the farmer, shepherd, and herder. Influenced by Niel Strähl towards enhanced organization and more pragmatic management of foodstuffs.

The One God: Yahweh, one true god of humanity, a god that guarantees bodily resurrection, peace, and love at the end of times. A comforting religion for people who are on the edge of death.

Technological Archives:

-Crop Rotation [Improves Overtime][2/5]
-Crop Selection [Improves Overtime][2/5]
-Improved Early Crop Irrigation [Improves Overtime][2/5]

-Domestication [45 / 500 - 50 (Yoshua) = 450]

-Urban Planning Added [Not very relevant but will help later on]
-Improved Early Shelters and Huts. [Enhanced protection against the elements]

The Situation:

The life of Yoshua while short at only 12 years of length during his stay in K'tal has some lasting impacts on the ideology of the people of K'tal. The dealings with the giants and the destruction of the riverine raptor threat ensure safety for the wanderers of K'tal and many already believe that staying here is for the best. [Nomad may be lost in further turns]

Food surplus growing means that the population is growing as well, though, the losses of the raptor war are heavy, tribesmen of K'tal are having more and more children as time passes in order to cultivate more land. Especially now that the raptors can't go sneaking around the river valleys to get a snack.

The domestication of the Magnificient Hoof continues, though, it will take many generations to get them to a domesticable and somewhat peaceful variant, it will ensure a good source of food and an animal that can go pasturing around the northern plains and grasslands next to the river.

Another family of giants (7) has settled near the original family that came into this valley. Many hope they are the last of them that wander into this area. However, with peace reigning amongst the tribes and giants it seems that there isn't a reason to worry about them just yet.

Life goes on. [No significant events occur this turn that demand the attention of the tribes]

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