Terrene Spire - Gently ended.

[X] Yes, I did. Can you put me down now?
-[X] Pick up the mask that got dropped
--[X] Scan the Mask
---[X] Show it to Deva & ask him if he has an idea why a retainer of want suddenly appeared here
-[X] Ask if there's enything else essential you need to know about.
--[X] Remind him that you are a man on a mission and that you have no idea of how much more sidetracked you can get before it become a problem.
-[X] Also psych up again in case we are attacked
[X] "So, quick question. How do I make the spikes go away? They may make getting through here a pain..."
Chapter 1: Part 52


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Thank you all for reading Terrene Spire! It's been fantastic so far, and I can only hope it gets better and better!

Have a mini update. I am gonna push more of these for now.
[X] Dimling, huh? That must be what they thought I was going to do to them
-[X] Do you have any food, by the way, Daeva?
[X] Eshalons must get harder than the one I already beat, I guess.
-[X] Daeva, I'm hungry
We are the most petite and elegant princess~~! Beware our wrath!

[X] "Daeva, will you come back to the village with me?"
-[X] Acquire more special dirt than necessary.
[X] Say, do you have any spare food?
[X] Do you know where the "old fortress" is? I need to get some blessed dirt from it.
[X] Is there any way to check how much that fight filled the current tick?
[X] Ask for food to test out your new set of chompers!
[X] LOOT THE BODIES! (pick up the Dimling's mask)
[X] Directions to the old fortress
[X] Have we scanned everything in our inventory? Like that ball we gained from our dead red faction friend. Or was that when we beat an enemy for the first time? Maybe the second time.
[X] Ask Deva about our dead red faction friend. Like why did they die smiling, and were guarding the coffin.
I think there may be some confusion regarding the old fortress - we are currently inside of it! Now we just need to figure out exactly where that blessed dirt is.

[X] Do you happen to know where I can find some blessed dirt around here?
[X] Say, do you have any spare food?
[X] LOOT THE BODIES! (pick up the Dimling's mask)

[X] Is there any way to check how much that fight filled the current tick?
Not to worry! Dex has said a few times that unless we either die or go to sleep, the tick is effectively infinite, so this fight took up just about 0% of it!
I think there may be some confusion regarding the old fortress - we are currently inside of it! Now we just need to figure out exactly where that blessed dirt is.
Are you sure? The directions we got said we needed to pass through the tunnel past the gate, and I'm pretty sure we're still in the tunnel. This cave doesn't really seem like a fortress.

Not to worry! Dex has said a few times that unless we either die or go to sleep, the tick is effectively infinite, so this fight took up just about 0% of it!
Really? When I reread the explanation of ticks I thought it said that fighting would contribute to filling the tick as well.
Are you sure? The directions we got said we needed to pass through the tunnel past the gate, and I'm pretty sure we're still in the tunnel. This cave doesn't really seem like a fortress.

Really? When I reread the explanation of ticks I thought it said that fighting would contribute to filling the tick as well.
Hmm, you may well be right about the fortress! I guess I just assumed that the Daeva would live inside the fortress, but then again, then hasn't been a turnoff to continue to the falling lakes yet, so I think you're correct about that one!

As confirmed by Makuta though, I am certain about the tick - we have as much time as we need unless we die or fall asleep or something like that.
Imagine that the time limit is about ten thousand arbitrary units of 'full'.

The battle took up around five units.

We have all the time we want until we deliberatly turn it over.
[X] Do you happen to know where I can find some blessed dirt around here?
[X] Say, do you have any spare food?
[X] LOOT THE BODIES! (pick up the Dimling's mask)
[X] Also, about that dirt...
I believe that the previous votes for looting and de-summoning the spikes are still valid. We could and should add Some things tho

[X] Good sir/madam/whatever-adjective, could you give me some nurischment?
-[X] Because I am starving
[X] Directions to old fort
-[X] Aquire intel about old fort
-[X] Aquire Intel about blessed dirt