Okay so, hello again everyone! Got another update out yesterday and since there's a bit of attention now, I just wanna ask this:
Would you all care for a side Quest set in the world of Terrene Spire that doesn't have animation, and instead follows something else for a small time? These could be used to get a better grasp of the combat system, along with explore more corners of Slagmar and other darosian things.
It's a weird question to ask, I know, but I just feel like such an ass when its so hard to deliver these updates regularly. Without animation and other bigger fancy doodads like talksprites, things would go faster. Heck, this side thing could finish way before TS does.
Hm. Either way, I would really like your input on this.
Thank you all again, a thousand times for reading Terrene Spire! It means so much to me. It really, really does.