Terrene Spire - Gently ended.

Man, Nightmare Mouth is the best mouth.

-[X] Seriously, don't die. It'd be bad. Just...Scythe the dudes head space.
Good stuff

-[X] Seriously, don't die. It'd be bad. Just...Scythe the dudes head space.
[X] The Enemy is before you, TO BATTLE!
-[X] Seriously this isn't the time for naps, get up and get to work.
--[X] With the scythe, you know the thing in your hands?
---[X] P.S. the sharp bit goes in the bad guy.
----[X] P.P.S. Scan the scythe and Eschalon while you are at it, after all, know thy enemy and all that.
[X] The Enemy is before you, TO BATTLE!
-[X] Seriously this isn't the time for naps, get up and get to work.
--[X] With the scythe, you know the thing in your hands?
---[X] P.S. the sharp bit goes in the bad guy.
----[X] P.P.S. Scan the scythe and Eschalon while you are at it, after all, know thy enemy and all that.

[X] Time to fight! Let our enemies be crushed before us!
-[X] Seriously we have work to do and that bloody useless thing is in the way.
--[X] Carve it up and get on with things.

An update! Fantastic!
Just realized that Mood Spike would be a great counter to any enemies that grabble so should that come up we have a solution.

Also hopefully our weapon should cut through any crazy affects enemy might use.
-[X] Seriously, don't die. It'd be bad. Just...Scythe the dudes head space.


HOly shit that was AMAZING. I especially loved the nightmare mouth - and damn, this entire bit - just - holy shit it is AWESOME. Like seriously! And the humour- top notch, Dex, top fucking notch. This is the stuff that makes Terrene Spire so freaking awesome. All this abnormal stuff happening, is actually totally normal, and taking a quick two seconds for a pose-off? And that little bit of banter going on? That is just sO FUCKING AWESOME I AM SHAKING THIS IS THE BEST OF DAYS

No need to worry. You are doing well. The fact that TS is still going after so long is testament to how determined you are. And I say that no matter the outcome, it was still worth the wait. Terrene Spire is an amazing quest and you are an even more amazing person!
Heeeeeccccck yeah! That was such a good update! I'm SO HYPED to kill some Eishalons!

However, I think now would be our best chance to use psyche up because we're out of range, and we might as well get that in while we can. We can probably taunt while we're psyching up, like the haka!

-[X] use our terrifying mouth to yell defiantly at the Eishalon.
[X] move towards the Eishalon.
Okay so, hello again everyone! Got another update out yesterday and since there's a bit of attention now, I just wanna ask this:

Would you all care for a side Quest set in the world of Terrene Spire that doesn't have animation, and instead follows something else for a small time? These could be used to get a better grasp of the combat system, along with explore more corners of Slagmar and other darosian things.

It's a weird question to ask, I know, but I just feel like such an ass when its so hard to deliver these updates regularly. Without animation and other bigger fancy doodads like talksprites, things would go faster. Heck, this side thing could finish way before TS does.

Hm. Either way, I would really like your input on this.

Thank you all again, a thousand times for reading Terrene Spire! It means so much to me. It really, really does.
I won't say I "Want" it, because it doesn't quite encompass how I feel about it.

I will participate in almost anything TS-related that you produce, Dex. I will enjoy it. If you want to do it, I'll encourage it.

Until you posted the idea of a side quest, I had no desire for one, but there was never a question of me participating.
Okay so, hello again everyone! Got another update out yesterday and since there's a bit of attention now, I just wanna ask this:

Would you all care for a side Quest set in the world of Terrene Spire that doesn't have animation, and instead follows something else for a small time? These could be used to get a better grasp of the combat system, along with explore more corners of Slagmar and other darosian things.

It's a weird question to ask, I know, but I just feel like such an ass when its so hard to deliver these updates regularly. Without animation and other bigger fancy doodads like talksprites, things would go faster. Heck, this side thing could finish way before TS does.

Hm. Either way, I would really like your input on this.

Thank you all again, a thousand times for reading Terrene Spire! It means so much to me. It really, really does.
Like mentioned already do what you want to have fun with and will likely gladly join the ride if you decide to.:D

Also in regards to all the animations slowing things down if you ever wanted you don't have to include a lot of them in all your updates or any at all since your art is awesome as is without putting more work/pressure on you.
Would you all care for a side Quest set in the world of Terrene Spire that doesn't have animation, and instead follows something else for a small time? These could be used to get a better grasp of the combat system, along with explore more corners of Slagmar and other darosian things.

It's a weird question to ask, I know, but I just feel like such an ass when its so hard to deliver these updates regularly. Without animation and other bigger fancy doodads like talksprites, things would go faster. Heck, this side thing could finish way before TS does.

On one hand, more TS! Who could say no to that? :D On the other hand... I don't want to increase your workload, since it sounds like you're having difficulties regarding getting it out there already - aaaaaaand possibly one of the most important in-universe ones...
If we do have this... side-quest thing, how will it effect Zest Lavie? will he suddenly be gaining knowledge he has no right to have, purely because we've tried it before on this side-quest? I know we're the voice lords and all, and have a heavy influence on Zest, but... I am concerned.
If we do have this... side-quest thing, how will it effect Zest Lavie? will he suddenly be gaining knowledge he has no right to have, purely because we've tried it before on this side-quest? I know we're the voice lords and all, and have a heavy influence on Zest, but... I am concerned.

Can't say for certain given incomplete knowledge on setting, but context suggests that Voice Lords are kind of...a conglomeration of folks with a variety of knowledge, skills, and stuff that pop up occasionally and give advice/commands. In universe it'd basically be "Oh Hey Steve you know how to do advanced photochemistry right? we need some of that right now you mind comin over?" "Sure Thing Shana."

Might have a problem if the timelines get dysnced badly enough, but then again that's already accounted for with how time works in setting anyway sooooooooooooooo.
I have a small(?) request...
Could we get a gif of Zest's little character window from this for an [EXTERNALLY SCREAMING]? Pretty please? :D
I don't particularly mind either way. If you make a side quest I'll probably join. If you don't its no big deal as I don't mind.