Terrene Spire - Gently ended.

[X] A thin, armoured figure adorned in pointed sunglasses and a cape with a massive collar. Sharp geometric shapes softened by frilly ornaments.
[X] A Thin Knightly Figure with the Mantle taking the form of a pair of interlocking rings with outward facing eyes crossing over it's chest. And Of course, the Helmet sort of splaying out into staresque "glasses".
My suggestion was made in jest mostly but c'mon :V

We've got plant people, robots with helicoptor arms, the daeva, eschalons, and the best we can do is 'biped knight.'

We can get a little more imaginitive than that. More legs! More arms! I don't have any suggestions that way though, so I guess I'm just blowing hot air. And, yeah complexity issues I guess but still!
No matter what we pick I can safely say that I found a goal we can shoot for.

Seriously if we can even pull of half this crap I'd be happy.
[X] A thin, armoured figure adorned in pointed sunglasses and a cape with a massive collar. Sharp geometric shapes softened by frilly ornaments.

We've got plant people, robots with helicoptor arms, the daeva, eschalons, and the best we can do is 'biped knight.'

Sometimes simple and direct is the best. We're (presumably) going to be playing Zest as a Hero Type. So why not look Classically Heroic?
Honestly, I just find the imagery of a fabulously orange dragon going around in Kamina shades and randomly posing all over the place like a total dweeb hilarious.

The knight option is basically our Glimmercite Star form, but with some frills added on to soften the hard lines.
My suggestion was made in jest mostly but c'mon :V

We've got plant people, robots with helicoptor arms, the daeva, eschalons, and the best we can do is 'biped knight.'

We can get a little more imaginitive than that. More legs! More arms! I don't have any suggestions that way though, so I guess I'm just blowing hot air. And, yeah complexity issues I guess but still!
I don't mind it being more complex if Dex is up to it, but being recognizably humanoid helps with 'being fabulous'

On that note though, I definitely don't mind some Asura's Wrath added into that fabulousness either; certainly hits the STTGL feeling — especially including the special stuff before it CX
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Of course, I decided to fire up Tilt Brush again. Target: Ego Cape.

At first, I decided, let's do something flat. I can't do fancy easily enough, make something simple.

Then I started looking through the brushes, and came across some new stuff. Like Disco.

Disco looks a bit supervillain-ish to me.

I'm also a tad disappointed about the lack of enormous, Dr. Strange-style collars.
Body Choices 1
Several new forms have already revealed themselves...

Like this one...

Or this one...

Or even this one...

But, more forms can be chosen and decided upon.

Keep up the pace! Find your true self!

You are but just yourself, a perfectly unique being all to its own, yet born of a million faces and masks. There are so many facets, so many tiny corners to the maze that makes up your very being. Be kind to yourself. You deserve it.
[X] The top-form, but more knight-ly, like a suit of armor, helmet and whatnot.
[X] The top-form, but more knight-ly, like a suit of armor, helmet and whatnot.
-[x]and with bigger shades