Terrene Spire - Gently ended.



Zest: So... I'm... enlightened?
Daeva: I hope so!
Zest: ಠ_ಠ

[X] Is there more to watch? If so, watch.
-[X] If not, ಠ_ಠ
Well then.

This is great though and so much stuff happening! So worth the wait!:D

How to respond.

[X] What just happened?
-[X] Is that like a younger you in the background?
-[X] Who is the guy with the orange for a head?
-[X] Wait I remember coming out of a coffin that looked just like that one there!
-[X] Was this suppose to tell me something? Can you explain since it seems like you know a lot more than me right now?
[X] What just happened?
-[X] Is that like a younger you in the background?
-[X] Who is the guy with the orange for a head?
-[X] Wait I remember coming out of a coffin that looked just like that one there!
-[X] Was this suppose to tell me something? Can you explain since it seems like you know a lot more than me right now?
Considering how beautiful this looks and how much time must of gone into it was well worth the wait.

[X] Is there more to watch? If so, watch.
-[X] If not, ಠ_ಠ
For those wondering that is indeed a tiny Daeva in the background with what is basically his "father."
Interesting, Klog Satsuma is written properly on the sarcophagus.

The little gray bar behind them reads:

TA?LE or TA??E


While on the right it says:


And up top on the right:

Beautiful work here, the attention to detail is amazing. I'm especially impressed by the backgrounds in the chat boxes. Almost no one would go through the trouble of doing that.
Levi needs to keep a tally of whenever he runs into stuff he doesn't understand if only to see how high he can get it.
Man, So our faction are a bunch of dorks.


[X] Snrrrkt! Hehehehehe~
-[X] Watch in rapt attention, this is getting good.
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[X] Okaaay, yeah
-[X] Oi Deva is this really a tutorial or are you just pulling a fast one on me with a homemade video ?
-[X] keep watching the video anyway
[X] What just happened?
-[X] Is that like a younger you in the background?
-[X] Who is the guy with the orange for a head?
-[X] Wait I remember coming out of a coffin that looked just like that one there!
-[X] Was this suppose to tell me something? Can you explain since it seems like you know a lot more than me right now?

I'm really hoping that the laughter isn't a sign of Deva losing his marbles...