Terrene Spire - Gently ended.

[X] Think about hugging the crap out of the Daeva, but realize hugging too hard might do the 1 point of health ghosts seem to have.
- [X] Hug the Daeva carefully.
This is an incredibly cool thread. I feel like im watching a run through of an extremely stlylish and creative indie video game. You planning on doing any more fan contests?
[X] Think about hugging the crap out of the Daeva, but realize hugging too hard might do the 1 point of health ghosts seem to have.
- [X] Hug the Daeva carefully.
[X] What did we just DO!? I thought Ghosts were all but helpless outside possessed shells, yet we manage this?
-[X] Query the Daeva how he´s holding up, and if he kindly could explain what the fuck happened.
--[X] Consume Ego Mantle.
---[X] Possess another crystal.
----[X] Ask the Daeva about this world.
-----[X] Finally go and locate the Blessed Dirt. Upon succesful delivery, ask the Ordgrown a few questions about this world and their place in it.
[X] Think about hugging the crap out of the Daeva, but realize hugging too hard might do the 1 point of health ghosts seem to have.
- [X] Hug the Daeva carefully.
Yay, Dex is back! I really hope everything is going okay for you and your whole family. *hugs*
And don't worry at all about the update speed; take as long as you need, and make them however big or small you want! They're all top-notch quality regardless. I especially love that animation of the Daeva falling over!

Also, aaaaaaaaaaaaa! Did WE do that to the Daeva?!
[X] What did we just DO!? I thought Ghosts were all but helpless outside possessed shells, yet we manage this?
-[X] Query the Daeva how he´s holding up, and if he kindly could explain what the fuck happened.
--[X] Consume Ego Mantle.

Instead of possessing a crystal, I think we should try to
[X] Possess one of those orange-faction chests.
[X] Think about hugging the crap out of the Daeva, but realize hugging too hard might do the 1 point of health ghosts seem to have.
- [X] Hug the Daeva carefully.
And don't worry at all about the update speed; take as long as you need, and make them however big or small you want! They're all top-notch quality regardless. I especially love that animation of the Daeva falling over!

Also, aaaaaaaaaaaaa! Did WE do that to the Daeva?!
Think railgun/cannon where the Hearth Coal was the ammunition. It was going so fast that it just cut straight through Deva's body like it was made of paper. Huh... Wonder if we can possess that?
[X] OhmygoshIthoughtyouDIED!!! Areyouokay???! Doyouhurtanywhere???!
-[X] Smother Daeva with hugs of worried affection.
--[X]Not... Literally smother them, we don't wanna actually kill them when we just almost had a breakdown over their death.
[X] OhmygoshIthoughtyouDIED!!! Areyouokay???! Doyouhurtanywhere???!
-[X] Smother Daeva with hugs of worried affection.
--[X]Not... Literally smother them, we don't wanna actually kill them when we just almost had a breakdown over their death.
[X] What did we just DO!? I thought Ghosts were all but helpless outside possessed shells, yet we manage this?
-[X] Query the Daeva how he´s holding up, and if he kindly could explain what the fuck happened.
--[X] Consume Ego Mantle.
[X] What did we just DO!? I thought Ghosts were all but helpless outside possessed shells, yet we manage this?
-[X] Query the Daeva how he´s holding up, and if he kindly could explain what the fuck happened.
--[X] Consume Ego Mantle.
I am, going to produce the content I can. Sorry about the small updates, I just, I gotta get some victories in for me, however small they may be. Sorry, just. Sorry.​
There really is no need to say sorry we understand and if it's easier to produce content in small amounts for yourself we have no problem with that.

[X] What Happened!? I Thought I killed You!
No worries Dex, we're still cool with the updates you are giving us. Nice job with the ghost Daeva by the way.