Plant kid Dying=Timelimit=Reason for Railroading
We can always come back later, once we saved the kid
As it is, I want to move the fuck on, get the magi dirt and maybe meet the guardian of thsi place so that maybe we might become friends with him
Once should that happen we can just ask him instead of starring at every little thing like a retard in hope that our non existential knowledge of this world might give us an exposition about things we don't have the slighest clue about
Considering the dead bodies and the fact that this first area looks like a pretty blatant attempt at a trap, I'm not sure that we would actually be able to run through. I agree that we need to hurry if we want to save the kid, but we should still try to be cautious, since, from what I remember, dying has a time penalty attached to it before we re-spawn.
I think the best option might be to either go in swinging, so we catch whatever is waiting for us by surprise, or to go in cautious and try to peel back the stickers like someone else suggested earlier.
Don't we have a throwing skill? Shattershards I think it was. We could try opening with that and if nothing happens, move forward cautiously.
If we do this, it might be a good idea to focus on the boxes instead of the stickers. For one, if I was going to ambush someone getting them between me and a buddy so we could attack from both sides would seem like a good way to do it (if you look, all of the stickers, asides from the smiley face, is positioned, roughly, between them. In particular the couch which is asking us to sit on it). The second reason I think targeting the boxes might be a good idea is that they are the only place that I think someone could reasonably hide. The stickers just don't look like they would give you enough room. Could be wrong though...
Also, this has probably been covered already, but I'm pretty sure that the green thing isn't a rock but another person. If you look closely at it, it has cuts across the skull and torso, with liquid (blood?) that looks somewhat similar to both the kids and the thing on the bridge (though a different color), spilling down from under the sticker. There's also some splattered on the walls.
So, my suggested plan of action is:
[X] Use the Shattershard Skill to attack the stickers, focus fire on the boxes since they seem suspicious.
-[X] If nothing happens continue forward (cautiously)
...And something which I just noticed is that there might be a trap door under the red carpet sticker. Seems like it is raised slightly and that there is some wood or other raised platform there.
@Dexexe1234, great story so far. I'm loving the art and the characters
Sorry if I've repeated something which someone else has already said, or if I got the voting system wrong.