Terrene Spire - Gently ended.

[X] Investigate the plant growing out what appears to be a tiny piece of house just above your head.
[X] Is that a...giant white kneecap to your right?.
[X] Investigate the plant growing out what appears to be a tiny piece of house just above your head.
[X] see if you can revert back to normal afterwards.
[X] Investigate the plant growing out what appears to be a tiny piece of house just above your head.
OH lord the noodle words and pictures, this is hilarious! Bwahahahahahaha!!!

[X] Investigate the plant growing out what appears to be a tiny piece of house just above your head.
I see with my little eye...

[X] Is that a...giant white kneecap to your right?.
Because this is genuinely both scary and intriguing at the same time. I mean, just how big was the thing that used to have it, or how small are we?
[X] Look around. Uninterrupted lines of sight FTW
[X] Investigate the plant growing out what appears to be a tiny piece of house just above your head.
[X] Test how much you can pull
[X] Investigate the plant growing out what appears to be a tiny piece of house just above your head.
[X] see if you can revert back to normal afterwards.
I'm really starting to like this new form... I love his/her expressions on that tiny face.

(...now that I've started wondering, I really want to know... @Dexexe1234, what pronouns should be used for Orange Ghost?)

[X] What're these? What's that? What're those? (Examine - or try to examine - literally everything that stands out, nearby or in the far distance.)

Yes, let us examine all of the things--the little pink stars, the huge pink star, the wooden structure and its plant, the golden star-ish shape and the vines by it, the orange object, those bones that I really want to find out what sort of skeleton they are attached to, the things that maybe exist on the other side of this platform?
We should name ourselves The Noodliest Noodle In Loodleland.

Wait, I mixed something up, didn't I?
This is hilarious! :lol:rofl::lol:rofl:

[X]Ascertain storage status (ie pockets? pocket dimenions? Do you have them)
[X]Attempt to loot everything that isnt nailed down.
@Dexexe1234 This quest is amazing. The art is fantastic and the format engrossing. You've also been updating quite quickly, which when combined with the images is truly astounding. Thanks for bringing this quest to life. :)

[X] Investigate the plant growing out what appears to be a tiny piece of house just above your head.
[X] see if you can revert back to normal afterwards.
[X] Investigate the plant growing out what appears to be a tiny piece of house just above your head.
[X] Is that a...giant white kneecap to your right?.