Terrene Spire - Gently ended.

[X] ACT: Pick up weapon while shouting "Why you gotta be such a jerk, you jerk?!"
[X] MOVE: Close to SHORT range.
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Ssso hey I figured I should give an update since you all seem to at least respond a little to it: My knee is slowly improving! I can bend it all the way together again! of course i'm not like, running around like crazy, i'm taking it slow and it still hurts or cramps once in a while but, beyond that things are looking better! After the whole holiday and new year stuff I really probably am able to pick up the pace to be daily again!

I know you guys say i'm already astronomically fast but like, I really want to work faster for you guys! It means so much to me that you all keep reading and commenting and discussing and everything, it really does!

Thank you for reading this Quest and supporting me, with the money I have already gotten from the patreon, I have been able to stop worrying about little money details. It's still not perfect, but with the edge off I feel... More stable? The less I worry about being able to exist, the better I feel about everything.

But I guess that's only like, completely logical.

Uh, either way, thank you all again, a thousand thousand times!

For getting this far into my windings, have some sketches (WARNING, SLIGHT SPOILERS? MAYBE? MAYBE NOT?):

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Wow, those are awesome, dude. Makes me even more anxious to see how this quest will unfold.
Jeez, developing OCs are difficult, much more worldbuilding. I can't believe they'd say that to you and your creations.
Like okay there has always been people who liked it, but the vast majority of people i have tried to show it to in a "selling" manner or trying to get some help with parts I cant do has been a sort of, sad sneer. And the people that did like my stuff either never said anything or was uh, I dont know, distant? They never had any input, just, consumption of the media I guess.

I am not angry or disappointed in them, and of course there are always some that break the mold and talk and are now some of my online friends that I talk daily to but like, just, jegus. You walk through an ocean of negative impulse and all you get is more shit thrown at you.

I... I'm sorry. Call me an idiot or something, counterbalance the good.