That sense is certainly there though no more knights come out of the woods to fight you, the road is clear for to move forward
I stare up at the tower and the roots crisscrossing through it

"We can either try and find a way inside from the base and work our way up. Or use the roots to climb to the top"

I say as I turn to the others

"Either way, they'll be a curveball at some point"
after having spent a bit of time getting his bearings, Alex proceeds to begin making his way towards the castle, its the only landmark from what he can tell.
I turn to look at the newbie

"You've been recruited by unknown party to help save existence. To facilitate this, you've been given powers that'll reveal themselves at some unknown point in time randomly. Dying is probably a bad thing, so don't do it"

I finish up the talk with a light pat on his shoulder
You stare as @Cambion proceeds to the tower. There not really anything else for you to question at this immediate time. So all you can do is proceed.
David stared up at the tower. "So we have to climb that?"
At first, he looked for rope, but, finding none, he realised - how, he wasn't sure, because it's certainly not a thing they taught him back in the army - that he didn't need one. Sighing, but unwilling to waste any time, he made his way to the wall of the tower. With another sigh, he jumped at the wall; instead of - like any normal person - bonking his head and falling back, he hit the wall legs first and simply jumped up on it. He seemed to be able to keep this sort of wall-hopping indefinitely, which meant - he hoped - that he'd be able to scale the tower completely before too long.
You all begin to walk/climb/ stare into the closest open area of the castle. It is a large open room that appears to have been used as a meeting place. There's a great deal here too. Suits of archaic yet pristine armor stand at attention, various medieval weapons line the walls, and of course legitimate silver ware is present. You all can loot if you want... no one living will care either way.
You all begin to walk/climb/ stare into the closest open area of the castle. It is a large open room that appears to have been used as a meeting place. There's a great deal here too. Suits of archaic yet pristine armor stand at attention, various medieval weapons line the walls, and of course legitimate silver ware is present. You all can loot if you want... no one living will care either way.
I walk into the room and started looking around. I could easily tell that everything in the room likely was worth a lot of money. But money wasn't really a concern of mine anymore and the only interest I had was if anything here was useful. I walked over to a weapons display and picked up a sword, taking a few swings.

"Decent" I mumbled

I took a good swing at a suit of armor near by and flinched as the sword carved nearly clean through it from the shoulder to the midsection. I let go of the handle and walked away

I hovered my hand over the silverware and plates as I walked by the table, causing them to rattle as I sent out arcs of electricity

"Anyone see anything that might be useful"

O stopped as I locked eyes on a a pair of amulets in a display case and walked towards it

"I want these" I say as I smash the glass and reach in and grabbed them
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You all begin to walk/climb/ stare into the closest open area of the castle. It is a large open room that appears to have been used as a meeting place. There's a great deal here too. Suits of archaic yet pristine armor stand at attention, various medieval weapons line the walls, and of course legitimate silver ware is present. You all can loot if you want... no one living will care either way.
With everybody inside the tower, Ken doesn't have much to do. So...he just wanders over to the forest and begins erasing its existence into the black hole that is his stomach.
(As long as nothing loud happens, Ken is just gonna make the forest not exist)
You all begin to walk/climb/ stare into the closest open area of the castle. It is a large open room that appears to have been used as a meeting place. There's a great deal here too. Suits of archaic yet pristine armor stand at attention, various medieval weapons line the walls, and of course legitimate silver ware is present. You all can loot if you want... no one living will care either way.

Jessica began stuffing silverware into her bag. She ignored everything else until she had quite the amount stuffed in her bag. She then used her 'Magic Detection' skill, to see if anything interesting and magic was nearby because she can do that for some reason.

Her powers were many and confusing... Was she some sort of 'magic monster hunter' type Magical Girl?
Jacob went through the area, looking for anything that appeared magical. He was not interested in anything else.
you all begin to walk/climb/ stare into the closest open area of the castle. It is a large open room that appears to have been used as a meeting place. There's a great deal here too. Suits of archaic yet pristine armor stand at attention, various medieval weapons line the walls, and of course legitimate silver ware is present. You all can loot if you want... no one living will care either way.

Loot. loot was good.

as alex looked around the room, something however, did catch his attention. a pair of spiked gauntlets that seemed to call out to him. "yes, these will do nicely. seem good for punching someone in the face... or anywhere else really." He muttered, making sure said gauntlets fit properly before looking around for anything else that might catch his interest.
Finding a single gauntlet which Jacob divined to be a magically important piece of armor, the man took it. . . he divined that this gauntlet could be used to magically decipher whatever the target's greatest weakness is. "Well, this should be pretty useful." Jacob stated, as if it were obvious. He immediately put it on his right hand.
Jessica found a really creepy ring. It had an eye that stared back at her, but other than that... The ring was pure gold, so she put it on, as soon as she did so she found out that it had the power to sense her 'enemies' 15ft in all directions from her and alert her to them. "Creepy..." She muttered to herself. She was still going to keep it, it was GOLD after all.
All your loot is looking fine, Ken is out in the forest noming on trees so everything is looking up...

Jessica found a really creepy ring. It had an eye that stared back at her, but other than that... The ring was pure gold, so she put it on, as soon as she did so she found out that it had the power to sense her 'enemies' 15ft in all directions from her and alert her to them. "Creepy..." She muttered to herself. She was still going to keep it, it was GOLD after all.

That ring you pilfered gives a feeling of a presence in the floor directly above you. At one of the corners of the room is small alcove with a spiral staircase. If there was any way of getting up there, that would be it.
I notice the spiral staircase, and feel the presence in the other room with my powers of divination. Curious, I ready myself for a battle before walking up this stair case. I'm ready to blast whatever it is with fire.
That ring you pilfered gives a feeling of a presence in the floor directly above you. At one of the corners of the room is small alcove with a spiral staircase. If there was any way of getting up there, that would be it

Jessica tests the ring until she lined up directly with the enemy above her... Aims upward and prepared to shoot a massive spear upward and through the floor entirely (being large enough to likely crush the entire room above her upwards). Shrugging she puts enough energy to send the spear extending upwards three or so floors worth higher before the attack almost as fast as a bullet train released from in front of her.

"Get Vlad the Impaler'd bitch!" Unlike anime characters or shitty villains she didn't hold back her best attack for last. That was stupid. Nah, fuck that guy and everyone near them and upwards.

Unfortunately she'd be quite spent after releasing such a devastating attacks.
Jessica tests the ring until she lined up directly with the enemy above her... Aims upward and prepared to shoot a massive spear upward and through the floor entirely (being large enough to likely crush the entire room above her upwards). Shrugging she puts enough energy to send the spear extending upwards three or so floors worth higher before the attack almost as fast as a bullet train released from in front of her.

"Get Vlad the Impaler'd bitch!" Unlike anime characters or shitty villains she didn't hold back her best attack for last. That was stupid. Nah, fuck that guy and everyone near them and upwards.

Unfortunately she'd be quite spent after releasing such a devastating attacks.

"you know, i could probably just bring this whole place down if we can reach the basement. Sound like a plan or do we wanna do this the fun way."
Jessica tests the ring until she lined up directly with the enemy above her... Aims upward and prepared to shoot a massive spear upward and through the floor entirely (being large enough to likely crush the entire room above her upwards). Shrugging she puts enough energy to send the spear extending upwards three or so floors worth higher before the attack almost as fast as a bullet train released from in front of her.

"Get Vlad the Impaler'd bitch!" Unlike anime characters or shitty villains she didn't hold back her best attack for last. That was stupid. Nah, fuck that guy and everyone near them and upwards.

Unfortunately she'd be quite spent after releasing such a devastating attacks.
Now, Ken might just be stuffing his face with trees and getting a decent size boost (Additive, not exponentially, but even that adds up with how much he eats), but he's still a child who's attention span is actually quite solid if you can get it.

And a loud boom as a spear rips through the tower is enough to attract his interest. Getting himself off the ground with a thud that shakes the ground due to placing his hands on the ground to lift himself, Ken rises to his new height of somewhere between 40-50 meters tall. And then he proceeds to head over to the tower and look through what openings of the towers are near the boom sound...before beginning to start reaching towards 'Destructive Boredom' stage.
The Sin of Sloth Revealed
Jessica tests the ring until she lined up directly with the enemy above her... Aims upward and prepared to shoot a massive spear upward and through the floor entirely (being large enough to likely crush the entire room above her upwards). Shrugging she puts enough energy to send the spear extending upwards three or so floors worth higher before the attack almost as fast as a bullet train released from in front of her.

"Get Vlad the Impaler'd bitch!" Unlike anime characters or shitty villains she didn't hold back her best attack for last. That was stupid. Nah, fuck that guy and everyone near them and upwards.

Unfortunately she'd be quite spent after releasing such a devastating attacks.
The attack did hit something. You knew as much when through the contact of your spear, you felt something other than the castle crack and quite tellingly too. There is sound of something fluttering up above you, like a wing.

@Janus @Cambion @shinkiro @Desdendelle @Maximum Power @Nerx

Throughout various means you enter the upper floor and look upon the room. Aside from the hole that @Sword of Mars made just recently, the room is extremely ornate in a Gothic sense. Heavy tapestry line the walls, ornate candlebras cast a gloomy light and all things lead to single figure and the room's center piece. It hard to see the figure's features but he is kneeling reverently in front of a large partially raised coffin. Lying upon a bed of withered roses, the coffin is angled to the point where the eyes would naturally follow it up towards a large painting. It is of a woman and it's careful work denotes a level of extreme care and devotion that went into it's creation as the attention of detail is impressive beyond all reasonable doubt.

@Noob5674 You can only look on through the windows but you can feel a sense of simmering rage and weariness emanate from the room.

@Sword of Mars Tired as you may be, you can still hear everything that goes on above.

It is then that the figure speaks. The voice is male, but extremely weary sounding, like the person has nothing truly left to live for.

"In my younger days, I would have taken great offense to an intrusion such as this. I can assume that with your presence here that Balthamey is dead? You need not answer, you physical presence is answer enough."

A sigh follows and then the figure stands revealing himself to you all. He is pale, deathly so, with pale hair that stands on its ends, and clothing that is reminiscent of the stereotypical vampire, save for one detail. One of the edges of his cloak is broken, as if something tore through it. He looks at you all before looking directly at @Janus and @Cambion . His eyes scan you two before they slightly widen.

"I was told that you warriors bear aspects of others long since past within you... What drives you so that you would turn against your spiritual fore-bearers with such brazen ignorance?" Another sigh follows before he addresses you all. "Do you wish to know why I have done what I have done? If I had aided my 'superior' in these efforts then they would return my dear Charlotte to me. Free from her father's grip and Carmilla's lust..." He closes his eyes and squares his shoulders. As he does his hands drop to his sides, altering themselves into a pair of demented claws.

"I am Meier Link, he who represents the sin of Sloth, and I will be your end." He intones quietly before his cape folds itself into a long wing like structure and he lunges at you.

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"I am Meier Link, he who represents the sin of Sloth, and I will be your end." He intones quietly before his cape folds itself into a long wing like structure and he lunges at you.

"fancy talk for a dead man."

A grin spread across Alexs face as a surge of murderous intent flooded his body, dark chi slowly wafting off his form, before amassing in his hands, thrusting them forwards and sending a fireball on an interception path for this so called Meier.
@Noob5674 You can only look on through the windows but you can feel a sense of simmering rage and weariness emanate from the room.

It is then that the figure speaks. The voice is male, but extremely weary sounding, like the person has nothing truly left to live for.

"In my younger days, I would have taken great offense to an intrusion such as this. I can assume that with your presence here that Balthamey is dead? You need not answer, you physical presence is answer enough."

A sigh follows and then the figure stands revealing himself to you all. He is pale, deathly so, with pale hair that stands on its ends, and clothing that is reminiscent of the stereotypical vampire, save for one detail. One of the edges of his cloak is broken, as if something tore through it. He looks at you all before looking directly at @Janus and @Cambion . His eyes scan you two before they slightly widen.

"I was told that you warriros bear aspects of others long since past within you... What drives you so that you would turn against fore-bearers with such brazen ignorance?" Another sigh follows before he addresses you all. "Do you wish to know why I have done what I have done? If I had aided my 'superior' in these efforts then they would return my dear Charlotte to me. Free for her father's grip and Carmilla's lust..." He closes his eyes and squares his shoulders. As he does his hands drop to his sides, altering themselves into a pair of demented claws.

"I am Meier Link, he who represents the sin of Sloth, and I will be your end." He intones quietly before his cape folds itself into a long wing like structure and he lunges at you.

It takes a great deal of patience, willpower, and mental growth to not take immediate action, knowing that one's size could break many things.

None of which Ken has, and is made apparent as he proceeds to pout, right before a gale of wind seems to blow through the room towards the window he's at...and will soon be made apparent that he's taking a deep breath for something that should be clear as day to everybody else, seeing how he's done this so many times before.
The powerful warlock thought for a moment, before he raised his hands. "Everyone, stop!!!"
"I am Meier Link, he who represents the sin of Sloth, and I will be your end." He intones quietly before his cape folds itself into a long wing like structure and he lunges at you.
Another Sin... I sat out every other encounter with them, but I think it's time I finally entered a battle myself.

Yet I can't help but have reservations against this. Most prominently because the man seems to have more reason in him than the others we've faced. Maybe this battle does not have to end in death? Maybe we can come to an accord? However difficult it may be, I'd like to try.

I have a feeling that negotiations may not be as simple as i'd prefer, given that he's already decided to engage us. But surely that doesn't close off the possibility? Perhaps if I can subdue him fast and hard, I can spare his life before any of my more trigger happy fellows get too overeager!

Stepping quickly away from his lunge towards the group, I breathe deeply and take a stance I've never known before yet somehow do now. I can feel my life energy intensifying and growing outwards from my body, a golden light that emerges from deep within me. From this light forms a magnificent shape.

This is...

"One-Hundred Type Guanyin Bodhisattva!"

Without hesitation my hands form a shape resembling the number ninety nine.

"Ninety-Ninth Hand!"

With a little luck, i'll have him incapacitated with just this. Though just in case I think i'll keep my senses sharp to notice any movement when the attack concludes. Still, here's to hoping...
Another Sin... I sat out every other encounter with them, but I think it's time I finally entered a battle myself.

Yet I can't help but have reservations against this. Most prominently because the man seems to have more reason in him than the others we've faced. Maybe this battle does not have to end in death? Maybe we can come to an accord? However difficult it may be, I'd like to try.

I have a feeling that negotiations may not be as simple as i'd prefer, given that he's already decided to engage us. But surely that doesn't close off the possibility? Perhaps if I can subdue him fast and hard, I can spare his life before any of my more trigger happy fellows get too overeager!

Stepping quickly away from his lunge towards the group, I breathe deeply and take a stance I've never known before yet somehow do now. I can feel my life energy intensifying and growing outwards from my body, a golden light that emerges from deep within me. From this light forms a magnificent shape.

This is...

"One-Hundred Type Guanyin Bodhisattva!"

Without hesitation my hands form a shape resembling the number ninety nine.

"Ninety-Ninth Hand!"

With a little luck, i'll have him incapacitated with just this. Though just in case I think i'll keep my senses sharp to notice any movement when the attack concludes. Still, here's to hoping...

Turning to the newcomer, my left hand transforms into a six fingered hand. Using a simple hand gesture, I cause his hands to raise straight upward, then stop, then suddenly, the whole group, and probably Sloth could only move their eyes, and no other parts of their body.

"Now that I have got everyone's attention. . . It is time for us to talk, like civilized creatures."

"Sloth, or is it, Meier Link. . . I have a proposal for you. Stop working for your boss, and I will bring back whoever you want."
Despite being slightly exhausted Jessica smirked rubbing her hands together viewing the very expensive things in the room.

Seeing the dudebro who ran this place attack her companions she summoned several clones and...

They began ransacking the place stuffing more things into her bag to the point it was almost bursting, then they saw the coffin...

One totally grabs the painting as well. Jessica is a little bit of a asshole.

While the clones stuffed the bag, Jessica's main body used a chain spear to yank and pull the coffin entirely towards her until she caught it.

"Hohohoh... what extravagance!" She clearly wasn't interested in fighting and was almost on her way out from the 'shortcut' she had created. Her clones trailing behind her with arms full of ornaments and one holding her bag.

It was at this point people may have realized that nobody explained why she should care about some random Goth man and why she should fight him.
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