The people in the town shy away from you all, especially @Noob5674, until an older woman steps out among them. She's sharp faced with wethered features and wears an scrutinizing expression on her face that wouldn't be out of place in Las Vegas casino. She looks at you directly and waits for a baited breath before addressing you.

"Have you come to conqueror us to, like Belthamey?"
"That's what they said when 'they' first came here! And then what!" The woman snarls back. "They wanted to cultivate that 'Land of Gold' for themselves and they used our land to do it!"
Ken...doesn't really mind people shying from him. He's busy atm with eating. Eating what exactly? Turns out he managed to rip out a decent chunk of root from the castle earlier.

And by decent, I mean it's enough that the castle may or may not be precariously balanced due to support being removed. Fortunately, it's as hard as stone, so he can't really chew it down. Unfortunately, every so often he manages to crack it, making a loud snap sound each time, and god is it nerve-wracking.
"That's what they said when 'they' first came here! And then what!" The woman snarls back. "They wanted to cultivate that 'Land of Gold' for themselves and they used our land to do it!"
"I get it, I do" I say as I calm down

"You're afraid to get your hopes up over this living nightmare ending. Just for another one to take it's place" I step out the shadows

My clawed hand hovers in front of her

"I can feel your sorrow. You lost someone close yo you"

Yet again I had no idea what I was doing but I poured power into my hand, causing it to glow

"See my memories and know, old woman, we share an enemy"

I push into her mind my memories from when I woke up in that hospital
Jacob decides to simply stay there, his face was visibly pained at the people's suffering, but he just stood there silently.
Ken...doesn't really mind people shying from him. He's busy atm with eating. Eating what exactly? Turns out he managed to rip out a decent chunk of root from the castle earlier.

And by decent, I mean it's enough that the castle may or may not be precariously balanced due to support being removed. Fortunately, it's as hard as stone, so he can't really chew it down. Unfortunately, every so often he manages to crack it, making a loud snap sound each time, and god is it nerve-wracking.
There is only the lingering taste of emotions within the stone like root, barely enough for a true emotion, but never the less its present. At every snap though, the townspeople flinch. Some even stare at you with an extremely annoyed look.

"I get it, I do" I say as I calm down

"You're afraid to get your hopes up over this living nightmare ending. Just for another one to take it's place" I step out the shadows

My clawed hand hovers in front of her

"I can feel your sorrow. You lost someone close yo you"

Yet again I had no idea what I was doing but I poured power into my hand, causing it to glow

"See my memories and know, old woman, we share an enemy"

I push into her mind my memories from when I woke up in that hospital
The woman recoils and falls to a knee before shakily getting to her feet. She silent for a few moments, taking breaths every time it appear she wishes to say something, and then she straightens and speaks.

"They were more of those devils?" Of course there were, all of them wanting that 'Land of Gold'."

She emits a laugh before continuing.

"We knew what it was when they claimed it as such. Every group that came here thinking there was wealth in the ground were just... cut down. The vampire, his servants, even those that fled into that devil's arms for life.... they would kill all that came here. Drag they're bodies into that castle and.... We'd see lights, golden orbs that danced within the windows and we knew, all those lights within were the poor souls of the fools that came to this land in search of wealth."

Jacob decides to simply stay there, his face was visibly pained at the people's suffering, but he just stood there silently.
She looks from @Cambion and towards you.

"You seen this misery before, yes? Then..." She begins while approaching you. The old woman is practically in your face when she next speaks.

"Kill them. Murder them. Make them suffer like we did. Like all of us did. There can't be anymore of these 'Lands of Gold'. They're abominations that should never have been conceived let alone enacted."
The woman recoils and falls to a knee before shakily getting to her feet. She silent for a few moments, taking breaths every time it appear she wishes to say something, and then she straightens and speaks.

"They were more of those devils?" Of course there were, all of them wanting that 'Land of Gold'."

She emits a laugh before continuing.

"We knew what it was when they claimed it as such. Every group that came here thinking there was wealth in the ground were just... cut down. The vampire, his servants, even those that fled into that devil's arms for life.... they would kill all that came here. Drag they're bodies into that castle and.... We'd see lights, golden orbs that danced within the windows and we knew, all those lights within were the poor souls of the fools that came to this land in search of wealth."

She looks from @Cambion and towards you.

"You seen this misery before, yes? Then..." She begins while approaching you. The old woman is practically in your face when she next speaks.

"Kill them. Murder them. Make them suffer like we did. Like all of us did. There can't be anymore of these 'Lands of Gold'. They're abominations that should never have been conceived let alone enacted."
I look to the castle and clenched my fists, a dark green energy starts to crawl up my arms

"Let's go say hello" I demand as I start towards the castle
"We should be on the look out for magical quartz crystal in the castle somewhere." He looks to the old woman.

@Atma Warrior

"Don't worry. I may do just that."
I look to the castle and clenched my fists, a dark green energy starts to crawl up my arms

"Let's go say hello" I demand as I start towards the castle
"We should be on the look out for magical quartz crystal in the castle somewhere." He looks to the old woman.

@Atma Warrior

"Don't worry. I may do just that."
The road up the castle is far more woodland than street and there is heavy foliage and trees obscuring the surrounding area. Tracks reminiscent of heavily armored foot wear can be seen along the path and there was alot of rapid foot traffic there recently. However, after certain distance, the tracks stops. Where could they have gone?
The road up the castle is far more woodland than street and there is heavy foliage and trees obscuring the surrounding area. Tracks reminiscent of heavily armored foot wear can be seen along the path and there was alot of rapid foot traffic there recently. However, after certain distance, the tracks stops. Where could they have gone?
Just following behind the group...Ken is getting a face-full of branches and leaves. And he's enjoying it because his mouth is wide open and he's basically just eating as much as he can. So much food, much fun...

As for him noticing the tracks stopping...He's having a face full of trees, he wasn't even paying attention. Although, he does keep his senses keen for any emotions besides the ones that were always present like the village's fear/annoyance at him.
Just following behind the group...Ken is getting a face-full of branches and leaves. And he's enjoying it because his mouth is wide open and he's basically just eating as much as he can. So much food, much fun...

As for him noticing the tracks stopping...He's having a face full of trees, he wasn't even paying attention. Although, he does keep his senses keen for any emotions besides the ones that were always present like the village's fear/annoyance at him.
Your senses start to pick up some emotions, all negative, all above you, and all directed t your combined group. You can hear the trees quickly moves as the sounds of moving armor clamors around. From the trees, the Knights that Served Sloth descend upon you.
Ya' see, Ol' Jessie wasn't completely unused to waking up in the gutter. Every once in a while, shit happens and you lose your wallet, and your dignity to some two bit thug who kicks your ass. No matte how good someone was that's just what happens after long enough time... But Jessica was pretty fucking confused right now because she sure as hell didn't remember getting her ass kicked. Jessica just graduated from high school, and immediately decided to celebrate finishing her parole by breaking into some dumb fucker's car and stealing his shit. She checked and nobody was around at the time!

So she was a bit fucking confused why she woke up face down in a ditch... Somewhere? "Where the fuck..." Jessica got up and took a look around... There was very little signs of civilization, just what looked to be one of those medieval ass villages... Holy shit was that a castle! This wasn't Europe, according to her smart watch she snagged off some dumb kid. It'd take way more than like, a few hours or so to get from Canada to Europe. So where the fuck... Wait, no fuck no this ain't it... But that makes sense in it's own twisted way. But that's bullshit!

She was in a shitty Isekai! FUCK! Alright, shit... So that means she must have some bullshit superpower or something right? "Summon! Manifest! Uhhh, Powers, GO! AbrafuckinKedabra! No. Nothing?" Fuck. "Motherfucking bitch ass I swear to fucking Christ if I was dropped into some shitty fantasy world with nothin but some-" A huge as fuck spear hit the ground in front of her. She grabbed it, and unexpectedly effortlessly lifted it easily... Hell for some reason she had instinctive knowledge on how to use the thing. Hell not only that, she knew how to do a bunch of crazy ass shit... It also came with a fucking magical girl transformation if she wanted to look pretty stupid, good thing to have if her clothes were destroyed though she guessed. Well now what, Genius?

...If anyone was to see her right then they'd swear they saw dollar signs in her eyes when she looked at the castle. I'm gonna break in there and steal all their shit! With a small jaunty tune and a smile on her face that was totally normal and wasn't creepy she swears! She walked towards the castle in the distance spear resting on her shoulder.
Your senses start to pick up some emotions, all negative, all above you, and all directed t your combined group. You can hear the trees quickly moves as the sounds of moving armor clamors around. From the trees, the Knights that Served Sloth descend upon you.
Descend upon them as they's hard to descend upon Ken, but he notices them drop down and wonders what's going on under there...

And then one of them landed and stabbed into his toes. (Fun fact: The toes have a lot of nerves bundled up in there, including a lot that reacts with pain) And something cracked in Ken's mind. Cry? Sure, it hurts a lot and tears would well up. But for pain like this?

He screams. And then he goes full berserk on the land around him, letting spikes of wood, bones, stone, many many spikes of the stuff his body couldn't use to grow began spiking out from the ground beneath with every stomp of his feet.

Although, they aren't that hard to dodge. The main issue is the rampaging building-sized child, who is cleaving with claws on his back and smashing wildly with his arms. And every few seconds, he screams, overloaded with mana, causing everybody nearby to be shaken both physically and mentally from it.
Ya' see, Ol' Jessie wasn't completely unused to waking up in the gutter. Every once in a while, shit happens and you lose your wallet, and your dignity to some two bit thug who kicks your ass. No matte how good someone was that's just what happens after long enough time... But Jessica was pretty fucking confused right now because she sure as hell didn't remember getting her ass kicked. Jessica just graduated from high school, and immediately decided to celebrate finishing her parole by breaking into some dumb fucker's car and stealing his shit. She checked and nobody was around at the time!

So she was a bit fucking confused why she woke up face down in a ditch... Somewhere? "Where the fuck..." Jessica got up and took a look around... There was very little signs of civilization, just what looked to be one of those medieval ass villages... Holy shit was that a castle! This wasn't Europe, according to her smart watch she snagged off some dumb kid. It'd take way more than like, a few hours or so to get from Canada to Europe. So where the fuck... Wait, no fuck no this ain't it... But that makes sense in it's own twisted way. But that's bullshit!

She was in a shitty Isekai! FUCK! Alright, shit... So that means she must have some bullshit superpower or something right? "Summon! Manifest! Uhhh, Powers, GO! AbrafuckinKedabra! No. Nothing?" Fuck. "Motherfucking bitch ass I swear to fucking Christ if I was dropped into some shitty fantasy world with nothin but some-" A huge as fuck spear hit the ground in front of her. She grabbed it, and unexpectedly effortlessly lifted it easily... Hell for some reason she had instinctive knowledge on how to use the thing. Hell not only that, she knew how to do a bunch of crazy ass shit... It also came with a fucking magical girl transformation if she wanted to look pretty stupid, good thing to have if her clothes were destroyed though she guessed. Well now what, Genius?

...If anyone was to see her right then they'd swear they saw dollar signs in her eyes when she looked at the castle. I'm gonna break in there and steal all their shit! With a small jaunty tune and a smile on her face that was totally normal and wasn't creepy she swears! She walked towards the castle in the distance spear resting on her shoulder.
From a forest nearby, you can clearly hear ruckus going on. And the roar of something load, as well as the faint sight from the ground that something huge is knocking down trees somewhere in there.

And with how far you are...god, the thing that's roaring must either be built to SCREM, or is so large it might as well be a T-Rex roaring at you point-blank.
The road up the castle is far more woodland than street and there is heavy foliage and trees obscuring the surrounding area. Tracks reminiscent of heavily armored foot wear can be seen along the path and there was alot of rapid foot traffic there recently. However, after certain distance, the tracks stops. Where could they have gone?
As me and the others begin our trek I start to play with my powers. Slowly getting a handle on the ones I know and learning about new ones. I was now tossing a fireball covered in lightning between my hands
Your senses start to pick up some emotions, all negative, all above you, and all directed t your combined group. You can hear the trees quickly moves as the sounds of moving armor clamors around. From the trees, the Knights that Served Sloth descend upon you.
A sensation in the back of my head warns me of the danger in the surrounding forest
Ya' see, Ol' Jessie wasn't completely unused to waking up in the gutter. Every once in a while, shit happens and you lose your wallet, and your dignity to some two bit thug who kicks your ass. No matte how good someone was that's just what happens after long enough time... But Jessica was pretty fucking confused right now because she sure as hell didn't remember getting her ass kicked. Jessica just graduated from high school, and immediately decided to celebrate finishing her parole by breaking into some dumb fucker's car and stealing his shit. She checked and nobody was around at the time!

So she was a bit fucking confused why she woke up face down in a ditch... Somewhere? "Where the fuck..." Jessica got up and took a look around... There was very little signs of civilization, just what looked to be one of those medieval ass villages... Holy shit was that a castle! This wasn't Europe, according to her smart watch she snagged off some dumb kid. It'd take way more than like, a few hours or so to get from Canada to Europe. So where the fuck... Wait, no fuck no this ain't it... But that makes sense in it's own twisted way. But that's bullshit!

She was in a shitty Isekai! FUCK! Alright, shit... So that means she must have some bullshit superpower or something right? "Summon! Manifest! Uhhh, Powers, GO! AbrafuckinKedabra! No. Nothing?" Fuck. "Motherfucking bitch ass I swear to fucking Christ if I was dropped into some shitty fantasy world with nothin but some-" A huge as fuck spear hit the ground in front of her. She grabbed it, and unexpectedly effortlessly lifted it easily... Hell for some reason she had instinctive knowledge on how to use the thing. Hell not only that, she knew how to do a bunch of crazy ass shit... It also came with a fucking magical girl transformation if she wanted to look pretty stupid, good thing to have if her clothes were destroyed though she guessed. Well now what, Genius?

...If anyone was to see her right then they'd swear they saw dollar signs in her eyes when she looked at the castle. I'm gonna break in there and steal all their shit! With a small jaunty tune and a smile on her face that was totally normal and wasn't creepy she swears! She walked towards the castle in the distance spear resting on her shoulder.
I looked off into the distance on my left as I sense something else in the woods
Descend upon them as they's hard to descend upon Ken, but he notices them drop down and wonders what's going on under there...

And then one of them landed and stabbed into his toes. (Fun fact: The toes have a lot of nerves bundled up in there, including a lot that reacts with pain) And something cracked in Ken's mind. Cry? Sure, it hurts a lot and tears would well up. But for pain like this?

He screams. And then he goes full berserk on the land around him, letting spikes of wood, bones, stone, many many spikes of the stuff his body couldn't use to grow began spiking out from the ground beneath with every stomp of his feet.

Although, they aren't that hard to dodge. The main issue is the rampaging building-sized child, who is cleaving with claws on his back and smashing wildly with his arms. And every few seconds, he screams, overloaded with mana, causing everybody nearby to be shaken both physically and mentally from it.

From a forest nearby, you can clearly hear ruckus going on. And the roar of something load, as well as the faint sight from the ground that something huge is knocking down trees somewhere in there.

And with how far you are...god, the thing that's roaring must either be built to SCREM, or is so large it might as well be a T-Rex roaring at you point-blank.
I brace for pain as one of the erupting shards aims for my crotch. But the skull on my belt flashes out and a jaw forms on it before it smashes the shard into pieces with it's teeth. I glare, hatefully, at the roaring beast. With a strong desire to hurt him
Your senses start to pick up some emotions, all negative, all above you, and all directed t your combined group. You can hear the trees quickly moves as the sounds of moving armor clamors around. From the trees, the Knights that Served Sloth descend upon you.
The sudden ambush from the knights should be unexpected, yet as they descend, I realize that I could detect them the whole time. I momentarily curse my lack of attentiveness, before I prepare to fight.

However, something more pressing occurs moments afterwards...
Descend upon them as they's hard to descend upon Ken, but he notices them drop down and wonders what's going on under there...

And then one of them landed and stabbed into his toes. (Fun fact: The toes have a lot of nerves bundled up in there, including a lot that reacts with pain) And something cracked in Ken's mind. Cry? Sure, it hurts a lot and tears would well up. But for pain like this?

He screams. And then he goes full berserk on the land around him, letting spikes of wood, bones, stone, many many spikes of the stuff his body couldn't use to grow began spiking out from the ground beneath with every stomp of his feet.

Although, they aren't that hard to dodge. The main issue is the rampaging building-sized child, who is cleaving with claws on his back and smashing wildly with his arms. And every few seconds, he screams, overloaded with mana, causing everybody nearby to be shaken both physically and mentally from it.

From a forest nearby, you can clearly hear ruckus going on. And the roar of something load, as well as the faint sight from the ground that something huge is knocking down trees somewhere in there.

And with how far you are...god, the thing that's roaring must either be built to SCREM, or is so large it might as well be a T-Rex roaring at you point-blank.
The sounds are devastating and break my focus once more, nearly causing me to stumble into one of my assailants.

I can feel my... life energy? Chi? I guess Aura will do for now, protecting me from the damage such volume could produce. But the pain is really getting to me, and a more permanent solution is more than preferred!

Responding to my will, my Aura channels my anger, unleashing a wave of supernatural malice outwards. Something tells me that the knights will probably collapse like puppets with their strings cut, and anyone else without some significant measure of spiritual protection will likely follow suit. Those that can resist however, may simply be briefly frozen by terror, should their wills prove strong enough.
Descend upon them as they's hard to descend upon Ken, but he notices them drop down and wonders what's going on under there...

And then one of them landed and stabbed into his toes. (Fun fact: The toes have a lot of nerves bundled up in there, including a lot that reacts with pain) And something cracked in Ken's mind. Cry? Sure, it hurts a lot and tears would well up. But for pain like this?

He screams. And then he goes full berserk on the land around him, letting spikes of wood, bones, stone, many many spikes of the stuff his body couldn't use to grow began spiking out from the ground beneath with every stomp of his feet.

Although, they aren't that hard to dodge. The main issue is the rampaging building-sized child, who is cleaving with claws on his back and smashing wildly with his arms. And every few seconds, he screams, overloaded with mana, causing everybody nearby to be shaken both physically and mentally from it.

From a forest nearby, you can clearly hear ruckus going on. And the roar of something load, as well as the faint sight from the ground that something huge is knocking down trees somewhere in there.

And with how far you are...god, the thing that's roaring must either be built to SCREM, or is so large it might as well be a T-Rex roaring at you point-blank.
The scream howls through the forest, shaking it to its very foundations. The trees closest to you are completely obilterated by the force while others farther away are pulled up by the force. Others much further away are shaken but remain standing. You sense a strong sense of anger from @Cambion after your scream stops.

The sudden ambush from the knights should be unexpected, yet as they descend, I realize that I could detect them the whole time. I momentarily curse my lack of attentiveness, before I prepare to fight.

However, something more pressing occurs moments afterwards...

The sounds are devastating and break my focus once more, nearly causing me to stumble into one of my assailants.

I can feel my... life energy? Chi? I guess Aura will do for now, protecting me from the damage such volume could produce. But the pain is really getting to me, and a more permanent solution is more than preferred!

Responding to my will, my Aura channels my anger, unleashing a wave of supernatural malice outwards. Something tells me that the knights will probably collapse like puppets with their strings cut, and anyone else without some significant measure of spiritual protection will likely follow suit. Those that can resist however, may simply be briefly frozen by terror, should their wills prove strong enough.
Many of the knights collapse, a few are able to stand but remain rooted to the spot, while a very few tear off their helms to reveal what can only be described as Man-Bat faces. They hiss at you in a rage and make a lunge towards you.

Ya' see, Ol' Jessie wasn't completely unused to waking up in the gutter. Every once in a while, shit happens and you lose your wallet, and your dignity to some two bit thug who kicks your ass. No matte how good someone was that's just what happens after long enough time... But Jessica was pretty fucking confused right now because she sure as hell didn't remember getting her ass kicked. Jessica just graduated from high school, and immediately decided to celebrate finishing her parole by breaking into some dumb fucker's car and stealing his shit. She checked and nobody was around at the time!

So she was a bit fucking confused why she woke up face down in a ditch... Somewhere? "Where the fuck..." Jessica got up and took a look around... There was very little signs of civilization, just what looked to be one of those medieval ass villages... Holy shit was that a castle! This wasn't Europe, according to her smart watch she snagged off some dumb kid. It'd take way more than like, a few hours or so to get from Canada to Europe. So where the fuck... Wait, no fuck no this ain't it... But that makes sense in it's own twisted way. But that's bullshit!

She was in a shitty Isekai! FUCK! Alright, shit... So that means she must have some bullshit superpower or something right? "Summon! Manifest! Uhhh, Powers, GO! AbrafuckinKedabra! No. Nothing?" Fuck. "Motherfucking bitch ass I swear to fucking Christ if I was dropped into some shitty fantasy world with nothin but some-" A huge as fuck spear hit the ground in front of her. She grabbed it, and unexpectedly effortlessly lifted it easily... Hell for some reason she had instinctive knowledge on how to use the thing. Hell not only that, she knew how to do a bunch of crazy ass shit... It also came with a fucking magical girl transformation if she wanted to look pretty stupid, good thing to have if her clothes were destroyed though she guessed. Well now what, Genius?

...If anyone was to see her right then they'd swear they saw dollar signs in her eyes when she looked at the castle. I'm gonna break in there and steal all their shit! With a small jaunty tune and a smile on her face that was totally normal and wasn't creepy she swears! She walked towards the castle in the distance spear resting on her shoulder.
You hear the noise of @Noob5674 's roar all around you before it quickly cuts off. Unfortunately for you, the actual origin point of that noise is directly in the path of the castle... somewhere a being known as Murphy cackles in the aether of the multiverse.
The scream howls through the forest, shaking it to its very foundations. The trees closest to you are completely obilterated by the force while others farther away are pulled up by the force. Others much further away are shaken but remain standing. You sense a strong sense of anger from @Cambion after your scream stops.
Even sensing anger from those that are now visible with the trees cleared, Ken's mind is clouded in chaos since...well, this is the first time he's been put into this extreme of pain before. Yes, he's been shocked while eating someone else, but that was tingling pain like swallowing hot food. This, however, is enough that if not for what would occur soon, he would continue his path of destruction.
The sudden ambush from the knights should be unexpected, yet as they descend, I realize that I could detect them the whole time. I momentarily curse my lack of attentiveness, before I prepare to fight.

However, something more pressing occurs moments afterwards...

The sounds are devastating and break my focus once more, nearly causing me to stumble into one of my assailants.

I can feel my... life energy? Chi? I guess Aura will do for now, protecting me from the damage such volume could produce. But the pain is really getting to me, and a more permanent solution is more than preferred!

Responding to my will, my Aura channels my anger, unleashing a wave of supernatural malice outwards. Something tells me that the knights will probably collapse like puppets with their strings cut, and anyone else without some significant measure of spiritual protection will likely follow suit. Those that can resist however, may simply be briefly frozen by terror, should their wills prove strong enough.
The overwhelming sense hits him hard, and basically cut out his lights like that...But funny thing is, guess how big Ken is. Yeah, him falling is more or less gonna be an issue...
They hiss at you in a rage
You sense a strong sense of anger
(...Why do I feel so much hungrier...)
From a forest nearby, you can clearly hear ruckus going on. And the roar of something load, as well as the faint sight from the ground that something huge is knocking down trees somewhere in there.

And with how far you are...god, the thing that's roaring must either be built to SCREM, or is so large it might as well be a T-Rex roaring at you point-blank.
You hear the noise of @Noob5674 's roar all around you before it quickly cuts off. Unfortunately for you, the actual origin point of that noise is directly in the path of the castle... somewhere a being known as Murphy cackles in the aether of the multiverse.

"What the fuck was that! Holy shit!" Jessica almost stumbled onto her face in surprise at the sudden roar. So... Does she go towards it? Jessica's face went into a definitive :thonk: before she shrugged her shoulders and kept walking towards the... Whatever that was. Apparently her spear skills she just got were really effective in slaying giant monsters, and one on one combat so if it wasn't the friendliest thing around she could give it a good beating. Hopefully. Jessica wasn't easily spooked, she was used to being knee deep with creeps, gangers and addicts she can handle some Hollywood monster...

So Jessica decided if she was in anime, she was gonna act if this was fucking anime. If she was Magical Girl Thief-Chan or whatever she's gonna fucking own it! "Come on you fucking monster of the week dickhead I'll smash ya." Jessica muttered to pump herself up, instinctively leaping up onto a branch and then maneuvering through the forest via jumping. Mostly so she could get a vantage point and literally get the drop on any loser shorter than a tree... It was harder than it looked though, occasionally Jessica had to swing her spear to clear away a landing spot but she very quickly became a pro at super parkour or whatever it's called. It was much faster traveling this way then just walking or running. Her body was optimized for sprinting and manifesting her magic energy towards her legs to leap into the air making aerial travel most efficient.

She could tell she's almost at the area where the monster roared, and was about to enter in some sort of clearing when -

Responding to my will, my Aura channels my anger, unleashing a wave of supernatural malice outwards. Something tells me that the knights will probably collapse like puppets with their strings cut, and anyone else without some significant measure of spiritual protection will likely follow suit. Those that can resist however, may simply be briefly frozen by terror, should their wills prove strong enough.

Jessica lost all feeling in her body mid jump, smashed into every branch onto the next tree on her way down to the ground and landed into a bush. For some reason her mind was still conscious like some sort of sleep paralysis WHAT THE FUCK! OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW she focused on getting the pain away and what did ya know, just wishing for it to happen made her feel no pain at all. Damn, and she had that whole badass entrance planned... She fucking felt like Team Rocket.
"What the fuck was that! Holy shit!" Jessica almost stumbled onto her face in surprise at the sudden roar. So... Does she go towards it? Jessica's face went into a definitive :thonk: before she shrugged her shoulders and kept walking towards the... Whatever that was. Apparently her spear skills she just got were really effective in slaying giant monsters, and one on one combat so if it wasn't the friendliest thing around she could give it a good beating. Hopefully. Jessica wasn't easily spooked, she was used to being knee deep with creeps, gangers and addicts she can handle some Hollywood monster...

So Jessica decided if she was in anime, she was gonna act if this was fucking anime. If she was Magical Girl Thief-Chan or whatever she's gonna fucking own it! "Come on you fucking monster of the week dickhead I'll smash ya." Jessica muttered to pump herself up, instinctively leaping up onto a branch and then maneuvering through the forest via jumping. Mostly so she could get a vantage point and literally get the drop on any loser shorter than a tree... It was harder than it looked though, occasionally Jessica had to swing her spear to clear away a landing spot but she very quickly became a pro at super parkour or whatever it's called. It was much faster traveling this way then just walking or running. Her body was optimized for sprinting and manifesting her magic energy towards her legs to leap into the air making aerial travel most efficient.

She could tell she's almost at the area where the monster roared, and was about to enter in some sort of clearing when -

Jessica lost all feeling in her body mid jump, smashed into every branch onto the next tree on her way down to the ground and landed into a bush. For some reason her mind was still conscious like some sort of sleep paralysis WHAT THE FUCK! OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW she focused on getting the pain away and what did ya know, just wishing for it to happen made her feel no pain at all. Damn, and she had that whole badass entrance planned... She fucking felt like Team Rocket.
And she kinda did, as parts of her can be seen by the rest party sticking out of bush trying to get out. Normally, this would be the point of comedic "I meant to do that", however
Even sensing anger from those that are now visible with the trees cleared, Ken's mind is clouded in chaos since...well, this is the first time he's been put into this extreme of pain before. Yes, he's been shocked while eating someone else, but that was tingling pain like swallowing hot food. This, however, is enough that if not for what would occur soon, he would continue his path of destruction.

The overwhelming sense hits him hard, and basically cut out his lights like that...But funny thing is, guess how big Ken is. Yeah, him falling is more or less gonna be an issue...

(...Why do I feel so much hungrier...)
It's their like shroud over your mind, you can either overcome the pain and focus or 'ride out the wave' so to speak.
It's their like shroud over your mind, you can either overcome the pain and focus or 'ride out the wave' so to speak.
Not thinking much...Ken just sleeps...But there are so many delectable morsels around~

Catching himself, Ken lets out a low growl, before he sees some of the collapsed bat people on the ground and instincts kick in hard. There's gonna be a lack of bodies, but for now, at least, he's more occupied with the free meals more than anything.
I'm tackled to the ground by 5 of the knights and they try to bite me. I slam my feet into the ground and send us tumbling into the brush and down a ditch. Grabbing one by the head I slam my head against his face and throw him away. As two others rush me I fire a beam of green energy at them from both hands at each. The last two try to attack from above again but I roar at them and a torrent of green flames spew out. Afterwards I look around and wait for another attack
The knights seem to be doing well in their battle against the man's comrades. Stretching forth his hands he conjures some enormous flames from out of thin air, in an attempt to melt them all. The fire would be capable of destroying mind, body and even soul. This sorcerer's power was immense.
Not thinking much...Ken just sleeps...But there are so many delectable morsels around~

Catching himself, Ken lets out a low growl, before he sees some of the collapsed bat people on the ground and instincts kick in hard. There's gonna be a lack of bodies, but for now, at least, he's more occupied with the free meals more than anything.
The bodies swiftly fall into your maw and aren't capable of burning away before being fully consumed.

I'm tackled to the ground by 5 of the knights and they try to bite me. I slam my feet into the ground and send us tumbling into the brush and down a ditch. Grabbing one by the head I slam my head against his face and throw him away. As two others rush me I fire a beam of green energy at them from both hands at each. The last two try to attack from above again but I roar at them and a torrent of green flames spew out. Afterwards I look around and wait for another attack
You see a good number on the trail and could easily attack them until....

The knights seem to be doing well in their battle against the man's comrades. Stretching forth his hands he conjures some enormous flames from out of thin air, in an attempt to melt them all. The fire would be capable of destroying mind, body and even soul. This sorcerer's power was immense.
A wall of flame annihilates the knight leaving super heated stones and steam in their place.

The path is clear to castle for now.
I walk up back to the trail and rejoin the others. The vampire blood that was covering me starts to dry up and flake away. While my wounds heal

"Path looks clear, probably isn't, let's keep moving. Can only imagine what creeps at night in this forest"
The bodies swiftly fall into your maw and aren't capable of burning away before being fully consumed.
Munching away whole bodies worth of material, it's clear that Ken is growing rapidly. While the garden earlier had a lot more to eat, fresh meat, in general, has more to convert, more to use to grow. And finishing the bodies passed out, he turns to the ones still alive...
A wall of flame annihilates the knight leaving super heated stones and steam in their place.

The path is clear to castle for now.
Until they get annihilated...a moment later, Ken's growth stops as all the bodies he's eaten finishes converting to his own mass...and the same endless hunger comes back again...for a moment, he stares down at the rest of the group...
Alex smith
status: slightly annoyed

Where...Am I? And why am I in a ditch? shit, was this a failed hit on me?
Alex thought, as he got to his feet and surveyed the area, looking for some kind of landmark to get his bearing, before remembering the voice. so it was gonna be one of those days, huh. well fuck you too, Life. Alex thought
Jessica gets out of the [Bush]. "So uh... Yo, how's it hanging-God that was so lame" Jessica leaned on her magic spear chain thing, "What I mean to say is... Hey, you guys look like you belong out of an anime or something too... Can I assume we're in the same boat of 'randomly thrown into a fantasy land like yesterday's garbage' or what... Haha..."

@Noob5674 "Is that guy eating people? Holy fuccckiinnnn shitttt...You know what, thats cool, that's cool. You know gotta get ya' calcium and vitamins somehow... damn fucking, what the fuck am I getting myself into" Jessica really didn't want to fight all these guys, nah... She was pretty sure if she pushed enough magic juice into her legs she can outrun almost everyone... But someone might have a bullshit power that instagibbs her so... Well, she might be fucked, so here's hoping she's the main character of the Isekai.