In light of the Colonel's death, the assembled soldiers are thrown into disaaray, easy pickings for the mechanical soldiers. Once the last is disposed of, a heavily damaged machine limps towards your party and points in the direction a large matte black boat. On the sides you can see the name 'Colonel William F. Guile.'
"Good job guys" I congratulate the robots

I make my way over to the large and armored speedboat

"Christ how small was this guy?" I wonder as I look over the vehicle that was heavily modified
"Well, we gotta get going. Can all of us fit on this single boat in the Marina? Or are some of us screwed?" I ask solemnly.
"Well, we gotta get going. Can all of us fit on this single boat in the Marina? Or are some of us screwed?" I ask solemnly.
"If need be," Ait replies, "I can hover above the ship, but I doubt that will be necessary." He then proceeds to get on the boat.
I, meanwhile, am standing behind everyone still eating the Lieutenant's body. I've managed to get to his legs, but have discarded certain bits since he was called Sin of Lust.

It tastes funny, almost like pop rocks in terms of a sting, but I can't really taste anything because my tongue is numb...
(OOC: I'm pretty sure it might fit all of you guys, but not me too)
... Once the last is disposed of, a heavily damaged machine limps towards your party and points in the direction a large matte black boat. On the sides you can see the name 'Colonel William F. Guile.'

Barco is still surprised that a bunch of rocks managed to do it, and decides to follow instead. If anyone knows how to move a boat it would be him since he served the Marines. Also he is lucky that there are allies there to fight on his side, since he is certain that there result would be more grim if he is forced for a 1 vs 1 against a supernatural foe. But that's on the inside, on the outside he is proud.

Having recovered from the paralysis by this point, I ignore the fighting going on before just heading over to the headless body and begin munching it.

I'm constantly getting electrified, but my stomach is stronger than me, so it should just adds to the flavor by that point. If I finish before anyone stops me, I'm taking his head too for a snack.

The Kid just got bigger... but more importantly its boat time.

"Hey, get to tha BOAT!"

He tries his best at a Schwarzenegger impression.
"Well I'm getting on the boat. Let's go, okay guys? Let's get on the boat and get going." He wondered if there would be any more trouble, but he had naively hoped that this would be the end of their bizarre problems.
I took a tentative step onto the boat as I didn't want to get wet. I could see a serious about of power coursing through it's systems

"Baby's gonna pack a kick, so be careful" I inform the others

I run my hand along the controls and everything starts up suddenly
I took a tentative step onto the boat as I didn't want to get wet. I could see a serious about of power coursing through it's systems

"Baby's gonna pack a kick, so be careful" I inform the others

I run my hand along the controls and everything starts up suddenly
An automated voice quickly responds to the influx of power.

<<Start Process Begin.... Away facility deemed unfit for continued operations...

Advisement.... All designated parties please take their places aboard the Repurposed UN Stealth Ship Designated as Gaile. Main Facility Self Destruct will be remotely primed for 15 minutes. Repeat, all designated parties please takes their places onboard the Repurposed Un Steatlh Ship, Designated as Gaile. D-Drive and set coordinates have been automatically established as mandated by Site Director G. Garland. >>

@Maximum Power
An automated voice quickly responds to the influx of power.

<<Start Process Begin.... Away facility deemed unfit for continued operations...

Advisement.... All designated parties please take their places aboard the Repurposed UN Stealth Ship Designated as Gaile. Main Facility Self Destruct will be remotely primed for 15 minutes. Repeat, all designated parties please takes their places onboard the Repurposed Un Steatlh Ship, Designated as Gaile. D-Drive and set coordinates have been automatically established as mandated by Site Director G. Garland. >>

@Maximum Power
I raise my hands with my mouth agape

"That's not my fault" I swear

Quickly I take a seat and buckle up

"Wonder how big of a boom will it be?" I wonder out loud
An automated voice quickly responds to the influx of power.

<<Start Process Begin.... Away facility deemed unfit for continued operations...

Advisement.... All designated parties please take their places aboard the Repurposed UN Stealth Ship Designated as Gaile. Main Facility Self Destruct will be remotely primed for 15 minutes. Repeat, all designated parties please takes their places onboard the Repurposed Un Steatlh Ship, Designated as Gaile. D-Drive and set coordinates have been automatically established as mandated by Site Director G. Garland. >>

@Maximum Power
Finishing up my snack, I go to enter, but it's not big enough to enter...and so i just beggining to climb on top and rocking it heavily.
"Alright. . . is everyone here? I have a feeling once we get out of here, there's no turning back." Jacob states.
Phew! Glad that's over. I guess the only place to go now is the boat huh? Well, alright. I get on the boat and stretch my back.


Looking back though I frown, seeing that weird child like giant eating the guy who just died. That's just not right.

I... Maybe I should have a talk with him.


Later, yeah.
An automated voice quickly responds to the influx of power.

<<Start Process Begin.... Away facility deemed unfit for continued operations...

Advisement.... All designated parties please take their places aboard the Repurposed UN Stealth Ship Designated as Gaile. Main Facility Self Destruct will be remotely primed for 15 minutes. Repeat, all designated parties please takes their places onboard the Repurposed Un Steatlh Ship, Designated as Gaile. D-Drive and set coordinates have been automatically established as mandated by Site Director G. Garland. >>

@Maximum Power

As he is the first aboard he looks at the button then lets out a breath of relief that it is automated, hon the up and up he didn't have to rely on his sudden if shaky expertise with USMC skills. Then again he is worried that they have to fight someone else, but at this point it is better to be anywhere else but here.

Finishing up my snack, I go to enter, but it's not big enough to enter...and so i just beggining to climb on top and rocking it heavily.

Its strange to see someone get so big in such a short amount of time but then again he didn't ask when he saw a man covered in lightning breathing fire, so he isn't going to ask around now.
As he is the first aboard he looks at the button then lets out a breath of relief that it is automated, hon the up and up he didn't have to rely on his sudden if shaky expertise with USMC skills. Then again he is worried that they have to fight someone else, but at this point it is better to be anywhere else but here.

Its strange to see someone get so big in such a short amount of time but then again he didn't ask when he saw a man covered in lightning breathing fire, so he isn't going to ask around now.
When all passengers take whichever positions on the boat they feel the comfortable with, the automated voice returns.

<<Scanning... All surviving staff are present... departing to coordinate A0063 now...>>

You all feel the engine rev up underneath your feet as the boat begins to steer out of the marina. The moment it clears into open water, it begins to rapidly pick up speed and the voice returns.

<<Distance between obstruction considered safe. Priming D-Drive... D-Drive active.>>

Without any preamble, a field surrounds the ship causing reality to bleed away into a stream of colors, sights and sounds.

Just as quickly as it comes, does it easily pass and you find yourselves still in the boat and back onto open water. The sea though is choppier than it was previously, and the flow of the waves travels in a different path than before. In the distance, you all can see Island sitting serenly with a large castle jutting from its side.

The boat begins to slow as it approaches an well worn dock.

<< Point A0063 has been reached. D-Drive deactivated.>>
"Well, that's a pretty light shining on that demonic looking castle."
"It feels like we're in a horror movie now, and I don't know why."
"Anyway, maybe we should go somewhere else? What the hell are we doing here?"
If any were to look back on the ship, they'd see the giant child gripping for dear life on top of the boat. (It's very much creaking and some parts are bent due to his grip strength)

He then rolls off onto the dock and is shaking from his nerves being on high tension.
I look at the castle and shake my head. None of this was boring well and I grew increasingly worried

"Are we in Hell, fuck are we working for Hell"
Honestly at this point Barco would have thrown up if he hadn't had some of Cena's experience. A wrestler, a member of the USMC and a superhero but everything still feels off.

"Well, that's a pretty light shining on that demonic looking castle."
"It feels like we're in a horror movie now, and I don't know why."
"Anyway, maybe we should go somewhere else? What the hell are we doing here?"

"I think whatever it is we need to move on may be inside that location. Try getting inside but from a less predictable spot."

If any were to look back on the ship, they'd see the giant child gripping for dear life on top of the boat. (It's very much creaking and some parts are bent due to his grip strength)

He then rolls off onto the dock and is shaking from his nerves being on high tension.

Barco holds his vomit and approaches the lad to calm him down by doing motivational poses that embody the values of Hustle, Loyalty and Respect.

I look at the castle and shake my head. None of this was boring well and I grew increasingly worried

"Are we in Hell, fuck are we working for Hell"

"I don't remember hell floating like a meatball"
Honestly at this point Barco would have thrown up if he hadn't had some of Cena's experience. A wrestler, a member of the USMC and a superhero but everything still feels off.

"I think whatever it is we need to move on may be inside that location. Try getting inside but from a less predictable spot."

Barco holds his vomit and approaches the lad to calm him down by doing motivational poses that embody the values of Hustle, Loyalty and Respect.

"I don't remember hell floating like a meatball"

"Alright. Let's go to Dracula's Castle." Jacob quipped in an attempt to break the ice. "I bet there will be giant bats and walking dead on the first floor, an alchemy lab, a bell tower and a bunch of flying medusa heads."
A feathered friend
"Alright. Let's go to Dracula's Castle." Jacob quipped in an attempt to break the ice. "I bet there will be giant bats and walking dead on the first floor, an alchemy lab, a bell tower and a bunch of flying medusa heads."

A sharp voice calls out.

"You know how unsanitary that would be Jackass!? And for you information, the only one of those here is an alchemy lab!"
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"Where are you? We need to talk!" I shout out loud. "It's very important!"
"You ever think of looking up!?"

The voice shouts again. There on a broken archway is a large bird of prey, with dark blue feather with red highlights and a split beak.

"G's been waiting for you all... where's Peterson?" It asks with an edge to its voice.
"Peterson is dead. I am afraid. We have a lot of questions we need to ask, like, now." Jacob looked annoyed.
Honestly at this point Barco would have thrown up if he hadn't had some of Cena's experience. A wrestler, a member of the USMC and a superhero but everything still feels off.

"I think whatever it is we need to move on may be inside that location. Try getting inside but from a less predictable spot."

Barco holds his vomit and approaches the lad to calm him down by doing motivational poses that embody the values of Hustle, Loyalty and Respect.

"I don't remember hell floating like a meatball"
The buff guy does some poses, which does help calm him, but mostly out of being replaced by 'Wut?'
"You ever think of looking up!?"

The voice shouts again. There on a broken archway is a large bird of prey, with dark blue feather with red highlights and a split beak.

"G's been waiting for you all... where's Peterson?" It asks with an edge to its voice.
I do as the voice says and I just tilt my head seeing a bird. "Wha-"

It's at that point that nausea kicked again and made him vomit some bile...and a cracked skull.
"Peterson is dead. I am afraid. We have a lot of questions we need to ask, like, now." Jacob looked annoyed.
"Mmmmmm G's gonna be pissed when he finds that out, Peterson was useful in certain matters..."

The buff guy does some poses, which does help calm him, but mostly out of being replaced by 'Wut?'

I do as the voice says and I just tilt my head seeing a bird. "Wha-"

It's at that point that nausea kicked again and made him vomit some bile...and a cracked skull.

"Is that...?" The bird shots you a dirty look. "Your cleaning up that one."