I pull up a seat and slide the armband on and watched as it fastened to my forearm

"How do we use this?" I ask
I turn to face him at his words and raise an eyebrow.

"Did you not hear the instructions?" I ask. "He said, "Set the dials on the bands to VK2001, the most outward rings for the letter and the inner rings for the numerical value", I suppose you missed it then."

I offer a friendly smile after my words.
The large feline jumps down shaking itself and flicks it's tail. He goes to grab a armband in his jaws,tossing it up before shifting back to his normal humaniod state. He catches the armband before tinkering with it for a moment. He then flipped up his hair as he tied the thing around his neck like a second collar. He stretched then got back down on all fours, changing back into the large cat and went back over to ken. He walked around his leg, rubbing his head against it before meowing at him. The feline then jumped up onto his shoulder, perching there like a obedient pet.
I turn to face him at his words and raise an eyebrow.

"Did you not hear the instructions?" I ask. "He said, "Set the dials on the bands to VK2001, the most outward rings for the letter and the inner rings for the numerical value", I suppose you missed it then."

I offer a friendly smile after my words.
I stare for a moment then do as instructed. The armband hums slightly as it seems to warm up
The large feline jumps down shaking itself and flicks it's tail. He goes to grab a armband in his jaws,tossing it up before shifting back to his normal humaniod state. He catches the armband before tinkering with it for a moment. He then flipped up his hair as he tied the thing around his neck like a second collar. He stretched then got back down on all fours, changing back into the large cat and went back over to ken. He walked around his leg, rubbing his head against it before meowing at him. The feline then jumped up onto his shoulder, perching there like a obedient pet.
I watch the Gelfling, just not trusting it for some reason. Then I jolt in shock as spikes form on my knuckles and shoulders

"That's interesting"
@Nerx @GamerXZ @Cambion @Noob5674 @mewbot5408 @Maximum Power

Garland begins to wave at you all before saying, "Good luck, We're all counting on you."

Before your eyes, there is a sudden and violent flash of light that bleeds into a multitude of twisting color that themselves fade into the image of a snowy medieval township surrounded by a red lake. Only the color of the water is not actually red, rather, its frozen over and the scarlet hue comes from the glare of the setting sun.
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My eyes widen and my body quakes at the sudden traversal of worlds.

Blinking, I steady myself and cast my gaze around the area.

This place... looks really nice. Everything about it gives me feelings of awe and excitement. There's probably a considerable amount of danger soon to come, but I can't help but feel somewhat positive about what the future holds.

Looking around at the others also arriving, I can't help but feel a little relieved. I was a tad worried that there might be an error or something, and that we'd all end up in wildly different, dangerous locations as a result.

I suppose I can only wonder what our next step is.
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@Nerx @GamerXZ @Cambion @Noob5674 @mewbot5408 @Maximum Power

Garland begins to wave at you all before saying, "Good luck, We're all counting on you."

Before eyes, there is a sudden and violebt flash of light that bleed into a multitude of twisting color that themselves fade into the image of a snowy medieval township surrounded by a red lake. Only the color of the water is not actually red, rather, its frozen over and the scarlet hue comes from the glare of the setting sun.
Not even waiting after arriving, Ken looks around and...the sight of the frozen lake...

It is quite clear that he is moments from diving straight towards and into the frozen lake.
Garland begins to wave at you all before saying, "Good luck, We're all counting on you."

Before eyes, there is a sudden and violebt flash of light that bleed into a multitude of twisting color that themselves fade into the image of a snowy medieval township surrounded by a red lake. Only the color of the water is not actually red, rather, its frozen over and the scarlet hue comes from the glare of the setting sun.
I went from sitting in the castle to falling through a tunnel of color and then standing in a snow covered village. My cape flares around me and wraps me in a cloak that hides my armor and face in a deep set hood

"Where to now? I ask the others
@Nerx @GamerXZ @Cambion @Noob5674 @mewbot5408 @Maximum Power

Garland begins to wave at you all before saying, "Good luck, We're all counting on you."

Before eyes, there is a sudden and violebt flash of light that bleed into a multitude of twisting color that themselves fade into the image of a snowy medieval township surrounded by a red lake. Only the color of the water is not actually red, rather, its frozen over and the scarlet hue comes from the glare of the setting sun.
Barco immediately looks around to see if there are hostile beings in the area, lifting an eyebrow to make sure.

I went from sitting in the castle to falling through a tunnel of color and then standing in a snow covered village. My cape flares around me and wraps me in a cloak that hides my armor and face in a deep set hood

"Where to now? I ask the others
"Lets head to town and see the locals."
For a second, the kid was in a diving position, ready to break into the lake...

But then he caught whiff of something mighty fine in his senses. Not smell or something like that, but almost instinctively, he knows it's there. Fear. And it's in plentifuls.

Turning and adjusting his stance, he now is in prime stampeding stance and is now beginning to move into said charge.
"Lets head to town and see the locals."
As I followed I could sense a dark energy surrounding us. As I honed in on it I saw that it was the vermin scurrying about, the owls and other predatory birds. Most of it was coming from the cemetery and I found myself compelled towards it
The grave town
Barco immediately looks around to see if there are hostile beings in the area, lifting an eyebrow to make sure.

"Lets head to town and see the locals."
For a second, the kid was in a diving position, ready to break into the lake...

But then he caught whiff of something mighty fine in his senses. Not smell or something like that, but almost instinctively, he knows it's there. Fear. And it's in plentifuls.

Turning and adjusting his stance, he now is in prime stampeding stance and is now beginning to move into said charge.

The town looms in the distance, and the sun begins to truly set. There is a feeling of wrongness as you approach.

As I followed I could sense a dark energy surrounding us. As I honed in on it I saw that it was the vermin scurrying about, the owls and other predatory birds. Most of it was coming from the cemetery and I found myself compelled towards it
As you approach, one of the graves begins to tremble slightly, and then in a violent display of motion, an emaciated figure leaps from the grave and lungs at you.

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The town looms in the distance, and the sun begins to truly set. There is a feeling of wrongness as you approach.

As you approach, one of the graves begins to tremble slightly, and then in a violent display of motion, an emaciated leaps from the grave and lungs at you.

He was thinking of punching one but they smell really bad, like enough to make him puke if he were to close the distance to even be in six feet. Before he may be strong enough to chuck rocks as projectiles but now his arms are even more powerful, so testing his newfound abilities he looked to the ground and punched it real hard.

Its done for multiple purpose, first is to create difficult terrain... this is the kind of punch that is intended to leave fissures on the ground and the kind that would definitely make foes rethink their moving pattern. Second its to pick up rocks to throw, like the one in front of him.

"Hey fellas, be careful of the bumpy road! Don't be trippin"

@GamerXZ @Cambion @Noob5674 @mewbot5408 @Maximum Power

Then he lobs the rock at the strange but horribly smelling creature, it smells like the cheese that Europeans eat but much much worse.
He was thinking of punching one but they smell really bad, like enough to make him puke if he were to close the distance to even be in six feet. Before he may be strong enough to chuck rocks as projectiles but now his arms are even more powerful, so testing his newfound abilities he looked to the ground and punched it real hard.

Its done for multiple purpose, first is to create difficult terrain... this is the kind of punch that is intended to leave fissures on the ground and the kind that would definitely make foes rethink their moving pattern. Second its to pick up rocks to throw, like the one in front of him.

"Hey fellas, be careful of the bumpy road! Don't be trippin"

@GamerXZ @Cambion @Noob5674 @mewbot5408 @Maximum Power

Then he lobs the rock at the strange but horribly smelling creature, it smells like the cheese that Europeans eat but much much worse.
The rock impacts the creature and tears through it like wet paper. Before your eyes, the remains ignite and quickly burn to ash. There are many more graves with loose snow and dirt, but no other creature rises to greet you.
As you approach, one of the graves begins to tremble slightly, and then in a violent display of motion, an emaciated leaps from the grave and lungs at you.
Completely on instinct, the child shifts his charge to stop for a second before lunging in response to the side at the thing and bit down with half of it in his mouth...

Luckily, the child doesn't have a sense of taste, so he didn't taste icky stuff...
Then he lobs the rock at the strange but horribly smelling creature, it smells like the cheese that Europeans eat but much much worse.
Unfortunately, he also ate the rock thrown too.
The rock impacts the creature and tears through it like wet paper. Before your eyes, the remains ignite and quickly burn to ash. There are many more graves with loose snow and dirt, but no other creature rises to greet you.
More misfortune, the body just burns away and now the kid is less than happy with no food as a reward for the small skirmish.
Jacob picks up a piece of dirt. "You guys are naturals at your jobs. Well done." He then pours a piece of the dirt into his other hand, closes his eyes, and concentrates. ::psychometry::
Jacob attempts divination to learn what has happened to the location the party currently is. He inhales deeply, then exhales. This will certainly be interesting.
As you approach, one of the graves begins to tremble slightly, and then in a violent display of motion, an emaciated figure leaps from the grave and lungs at you.

The zombie throws the both of us back into another tombstone from the force of the tackle. We roll around on the ground a little before I manage to roll to my feet and grab it by the neck and dig my other hand into it's flesh and around it's spine. With a roar, I raise it up and slam in intro the ground

Jacob picks up a piece of dirt. "You guys are naturals at your jobs. Well done." He then pours a piece of the dirt into his other hand, closes his eyes, and concentrates. ::psychometry::
Jacob attempts divination to learn what has happened to the location the party currently is. He inhales deeply, then exhales. This will certainly be interesting.

Your mind opens to the reality of the situation. This land was once beset by a troupe of vampire before they were wiped out by a pair of hunters. Many of the remains still exist to this today. Recently however a new vampire lord has made this land their home and has moved into the old castle above the town. The name comes to you, Meyer Link. He remains within the castle and rarely leaves, however two subordinates have been known to make frequent trips into the town and country side, turning the weak and dying to their lord's cause. There is still a small community of townspeople within the town for feeding purposes

There is something else. You see an image of golden quartz like stones with roots growing in and out of them within an area of the castle. What could that mean?
(I don't know how good your sychometry is, so I'll leave it there for now.)

The zombie throws the both of us back into another tombstone from the force of the tackle. We roll around on the ground a little before I manage to roll to my feet and grab it by the neck and dig my other hand into it's flesh and around it's spine. With a roar, I raise it up and slam in intro the ground

The zombie burns away on impact, and the four that remain who themselves are crawling from their shallow graves, charge at you recklessly.
the four that remain who themselves are crawling from their shallow graves, charge at you recklessly.
Half-heartedly, the kid can see some crawling up before he simply stomps on the ground as small fields of spikes made of rock and bones pop up to impale two of them.

He doesn't go to handle the other two though, he knows they can't be eaten and so is less than happy to fight than usual. They aren't even that exciting to fight either!
The rock impacts the creature and tears through it like wet paper. Before your eyes, the remains ignite and quickly burn to ash. There are many more graves with loose snow and dirt, but no other creature rises to greet you.

That's one down and many more to go, however they may be hiding. This is troubling, remembering a pattern that thing is like the gun cyborgs who serve for Volgin.

Completely on instinct, the child shifts his charge to stop for a second before lunging in response to the side at the thing and bit down with half of it in his mouth...

Luckily, the child doesn't have a sense of taste, so he didn't taste icky stuff...

Unfortunately, he also ate the rock thrown too.

More misfortune, the body just burns away and now the kid is less than happy with no food as a reward for the small skirmish.

"Sorry about that, and I guess we ought to dig the graves to find more before going to town."

As Barco said the words he picks up more stones and puts them in his pockets.

Your mind opens to the reality of the situation. This land was once beset by a troupe of vampire before they were wiped out by a pair of hunters. Many of the remains still exist to this today. Recently however a new vampire lord has made this land their home and has moved into the old castle above the town. The name comes to you, Meyer Link. He remains within the castle and rarely leaves, however two subordinates have been known to make frequent trips into the town and country side, turning the weak and dying to their lord's cause. There is still a small community of townspeople within the town for feeding purposes

There is something else. You see an image of golden quartz like stones with roots growing in and out of them within an area of the castle. What could that mean?
(I don't know how good your sychometry is, so I'll leave it there for now.)

The zombie burns away on impact, and the four that remain who themselves are crawling from their shallow graves, charge at you recklessly.

He has two hands so he aims and throws two rocks to assist his ally, besides that he has faith that his buddies can do the rest.

Half-heartedly, the kid can see some crawling up before he simply stomps on the ground as small fields of spikes made of rock and bones pop up to impale two of them.

He doesn't go to handle the other two though, he knows they can't be eaten and so is less than happy to fight than usual. They aren't even that exciting to fight either!

Aiming carefully so the stones evade the big boy.
That's one down and many more to go, however they may be hiding. This is troubling, remembering a pattern that thing is like the gun cyborgs who serve for Volgin.

"Sorry about that, and I guess we ought to dig the graves to find more before going to town."

As Barco said the words he picks up more stones and puts them in his pockets.

He has two hands so he aims and throws two rocks to assist his ally, besides that he has faith that his buddies can do the rest.

Aiming carefully so the stones evade the big boy.
The stones strike turn and only ash remains of the entities.
I pooled my power and massive arcs of lightning surged across my out stretched arms. But before I could do anything the others took down the rest of the zombies. Calming down I looked around

"What are the chances we didn't wake the entire town?"
I pooled my power and massive arcs of lightning surged across my out stretched arms. But before I could do anything the others took down the rest of the zombies. Calming down I looked around

"What are the chances we didn't wake the entire town?"
Taking that question as a suggestion, Ken proceeds to get up, and roar as loud as possible...

Which may hurt a little physically to be so close to.
Taking that question as a suggestion, Ken proceeds to get up, and roar as loud as possible...

Which may hurt a little physically to be so close to.
"What the hell-" I started to scold but stop and thought about it

"You know what, FUCK IT"

With a smile I arch back and unleash massive voltages of lightning into the sky with a shrieking roar as I spread my arms wide. What caught me off guard was when a bellowing pillar of green energy surrounded me and shot off into the sky too.
As his buddies are making loud noises he takes the initiative and flies to the city , at least the general direction while going up so that he can act as the scout for his teammates. Barco would then relay back the information after he sees what's going on inside the city from a higher altitude.

@Atma Warrior
Taking that question as a suggestion, Ken proceeds to get up, and roar as loud as possible...

Which may hurt a little physically to be so close to.
The roar resonates through the area, even cracking the iced over lake. However, there is no response other tan a sudden mass spike in fear, and sense of great annoyance coming from the Castle.

"What the hell-" I started to scold but stop and thought about it

"You know what, FUCK IT"

With a smile I arch back and unleash massive voltages of lightning into the sky with a shrieking roar as I spread my arms wide. What caught me off guard was when a bellowing pillar of green energy surrounded me and shot off into the sky too.
From your vantage point, you can't see much else of interest besides what was already available save for that the wilderness seems to strecth a fair distance on every side.

As his buddies are making loud noises he takes the initiative and flies to the city , at least the general direction while going up so that he can act as the scout for his teammates. Barco would then relay back the information after he sees what's going on inside the city from a higher altitude.

@Atma Warrior

The town seems to have been quickly deserted of its main occupants, as evidenced by various carts, baskets, and other daily items left on the streets in an obvious rush. Still, there is some movement to be seen. In the dark recesses of the allies, glints of metal can be seen moving quickly and quietly to destinations unknown.