"That much I can confirm from even cursory analysis. That would be Pestilence, incidentally, on the pale horse. So the Pale Horses bring...disease."
"Great. We're gonna have to fight a Pestilence wannabe? I guess I'm glad Miss Flonne can cast healing spells thanks to one of her old students."

"And the two of yous don't know what a Pale Horse is? I know they're not talked about much, but still... okay, I'll give you this one for free. But you owe me 50 cents for that copy afterward buddy! Pale Horses are like the opposite of healers. Healers get rid of all injury and disease, Pale Horses... they operate by giving their magic through an item. Target picks it up and bam, every disease known to man in an instant. Yeah a healer could halt it, but that doesn't last forever. That happened to 'Black Jack' Pershing, you know, though nobody really spoke about it. So yeah, you die horribly and all that's left is a rotting husk of body. Now tell anyone I said but I think this was inside job. Yep, nobody really liked Hoover anyway, especially not us actives, but the guys who worked for him? Word around claims if they have dropped his body down a mine shaft and walked off scot free, then that's exactly what they'd do."
"Can you tell us anything else? A Pale Horse stole 50 Dollars from me and I want it back. Anybody we can talk to if you can't give us more information? Oh, and here." Selena offered the man a 20 Dollar Bill. She just would've spent that money on more meth anyway.
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A few minds bring up ideas of envy towards your suit, even going as far to wonder where you got. Some, very few, think about pulling a gun on for your cash but relent due to the crowded nature of the city at this time, though they may come back. There is something else, scattered throughout the crowd and belonging to those of the most affluent, is the thought of preparations for a party, in honor of the swearing in of the FBI head, a man named Archibald Stanton
'A party, that could be the perfect place a Sin would lurk around at'

James took time to mentally nudge those that considered trying to start something with him to go on a slow stroll in a park. Then he reached out to the others in his team

'Everyone there's a party planned for the director of the FBI, it's the best place to find the Sin'
"Aw, fuck, we're dealing with - do any of you know the Chronicles of Narnia? The White Witch. She of the Unspeakable Word curse thing. Unless that's a double-bluff. But they have the damn project name, out in the open. But who's the other one...? Does anybody recognize a 'Natasha Sowilo'?"
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'Everyone there's a party planned for the director of the FBI, it's the best place to find the Sin'
Selena was getting confused with all the voices in her head. But she heard the message and excused herself from the paper boy's company. Waiting just long enough in case he had something important to say. Any clue was valuable after all.

"I hope you enjoy the rest of your day." She said before walking off towards where she heard James's mental voice coming from.

"Aw, fuck, we're dealing with - do any of you know the Chronicles of Narnia? The White Witch. She of the Unspeakable Word curse thing. Unless that's a double-bluff. But they have the damn project name, out in the open. But who's the other one...? Does anybody recognize a 'Natasha Sowilo'?"
"I'm afraid I don't. Sorry."
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Selena was getting confused with all the voices in her head. But she heard the message and excused herself from the paper boy's company. Waiting just long enough in case he had something important to say. Any clue was valuable after all.

"I hope you enjoy the rest of your day." She said before walking off towards where she heard James's mental voice coming from.

"I'm afraid I don't. Sorry."
"Answer's in: Dark Souls, how pleasant."
"Aw, fuck, we're dealing with - do any of you know the Chronicles of Narnia? The White Witch. She of the Unspeakable Word curse thing. Unless that's a double-bluff. But they have the damn project name, out in the open. But who's the other one...? Does anybody recognize a 'Natasha Sowilo'?"

"I've read The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe, yes."
"She must be quite the dangerous woman indeed."
"I would suggest that we be especially careful dealing with her, she's not just dangerous in a fight, she's a sneaky person that typifies who Satan is supposed to be."
"I've read The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe, yes."
"She must be quite the dangerous woman indeed."
"I would suggest that we be especially careful dealing with her, she's not just dangerous in a fight, she's a sneaky person that typifies who Satan is supposed to be."
"We're dealing with a different Sin at the moment, though. I do, however, suspect that neither of them are particularly sturdy compared to anti-Type weaponry."
"Answer's in: Dark Souls, how pleasant."
"Isn't that a video game? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Miss Flonne is from one too. What do you propose we do to stop this Sin? The paperboy said that Healers are only effective for a while, so my cleansing spells wouldn't necessarily stop her diseases."
"Isn't that a video game? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Miss Flonne is from one too. What do you propose we do to stop this Sin? The paperboy said that Healers are only effective for a while, so my cleansing spells wouldn't necessarily stop her diseases."
"The Sins' defining characteristics are not being locals. We shouldn't have to worry about Pale Horses unless somebody sics one on us, and given that if we know where this person is going to be I can snipe her from the other side of the planet - though that perhaps overstates my capabilities a bit, because I've only considered shooting through a decent arc of the planet, not the entire thing - we can prooobably get her."

Hey, is there anywhere whatshername is obligated to be for, for example, legal reasons as a military contractor, board meetings, et cetera? @Atma Warrior
The newsie from before looks at you two before taking a cigarette out of his coat pocket and adressing you @jerry larry "Holy shit what kind of active are you? Never seen one move that fast." He says before a small flame appears above thumb and he lights up. "And the two of yous don't know what a Pale Horse is? I know they're not talked about much, but still... okay, I'll give you this one for free. But you owe me 50 cents for that copy afterward buddy! Pale Horses are like the opposite of healers. Healers get rid of all injury and disease, Pale Horses... they operate by giving their magic through an item. Target picks it up and bam, every disease known to man in an instant. Yeah a healer could halt it, but that doesn't last forever. That happened to 'Black Jack' Pershing, you know, though nobody really spoke about it. So yeah, you die horribly and all that's left is a rotting husk of body. Now tell anyone I said but I think this was inside job. Yep, nobody really liked Hoover anyway, especially not us actives, but the guys who worked for him? Word around claims if they have dropped his body down a mine shaft and walked off scot free, then that's exactly what they'd do."
" Oh that's cool" he said not paying attention at all. Shrugging his shoulders he gave the man a thumbs up for the info.

Everyone there's a party planned for the director of the FBI, it's the best place to find the Sin'
A party huh? that sounds like a place a son would be.
" I've got to go see ya! " he gave the paper boy his 50 cents and left.

Aw, fuck, we're dealing with - do any of you know the Chronicles of Narnia? The White Witch. She of the Unspeakable Word curse thing. Unless that's a double-bluff. But they have the damn project name, out in the open. But who's the other one...? Does anybody recognize a 'Natasha Sowilo'?"

We're dealing with a different Sin at the moment, though. I do, however, suspect that neither of them are particularly sturdy compared to anti-Type weaponry."

Isn't that a video game? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Miss Flonne is from one too. What do you propose we do to stop this Sin? The paperboy said that Healers are only effective for a while, so my cleansing spells wouldn't necessarily stop her diseases."

"The Sins' defining characteristics are not being locals. We shouldn't have to worry about Pale Horses unless somebody sics one on us, and given that if we know where this person is going to be I can snipe her from the other side of the planet - though that perhaps overstates my capabilities a bit, because I've only considered shooting through a decent arc of the planet, not the entire thing - we can probably get her."
He listened to the conversation, and was going to speak up but he had no idea what to say. Oh! He just thought of something. " so what I can understand is that we 1 need to be careful and 2 go to the party to investigate that so like a good plan to me".
"I believe that that party is the worst sort of place to engage with this Sin. Far too much in the way of potential hostages. Though perhaps it would be possible to arrange an unfortunate accident for her on the way there. Make her show her true colors to survive it, and then sweep in and bring her down."
" so what I can understand is that we 1 need to be careful and 2 go to the party to investigate that so like a good plan to me".
"I thought it was a good plan too. But like Jessica says she may take hostages or try to make the party people collateral damage. We may wanna rethink our strategy." Selena said.

"I believe that that party is the worst sort of place to engage with this Sin. Far too much in the way of potential hostages. Though perhaps it would be possible to arrange an unfortunate accident for her on the way there. Make her show her true colors to survive it, and then sweep in and bring her down."
"What did you have in mind? Do we even know where she's coming from to intercept her? I had a thought. It may not be popular but... if she's involved in anything illegal, maybe we could tip off the authorities to intercept her as our unfortunate accident? We don't have to tell them anything about ourselves."
"They're a military contractor. Unless we want to get in and leak the Pentagon Papers or something...We can probably assume they've covered their tracks. ...That said, I could totally do that."
"They're a military contractor. Unless we want to get in and leak the Pentagon Papers or something...We can probably assume they've covered their tracks. ...That said, I could totally do that."
"Yeah, you're right. It's not very likely that they've done something illegal that they haven't covered up. That was my best idea tho. Do you have anything else in mind? Besides from Ruby the demoness, the souls in me aren't really suited to stealth, so much as all out direct combat."
"They're a military contractor. Unless we want to get in and leak the Pentagon Papers or something...We can probably assume they've covered their tracks. ...That said, I could totally do that."
"I'm a clairvoyant and a literal mind reader, and I can teleport. I can get the job done if you need me."
"I'm a clairvoyant and a literal mind reader, and I can teleport. I can get the job done if you need me."
James silently joined the others as the talked put in his two cents. He kept scanning the streets, every odd glance thrown their way was met with the person having the idea to immediately go home and take a nap

"I'm a powerful telepath as well, I'll back you up if you don't mind"
"I just got finished saying that I don't think we can bring them down through intrigue. I'm reasonably sure we'll need to fight them. The question is how we set the scene."
"I just got finished saying that I don't think we can bring them down through intrigue. I'm reasonably sure we'll need to fight them. The question is how we set the scene."
"That makes things easier. I suggest we go to the party and just wait for the Sin to be by themselves. Then, we gang up and attack all at once. We could set some traps if anybody has powers like that? Really, if a direct brawl is what we end up doing, we don't need much to set up besides who's going to hit them first, how hard, and making sure they're away from support and the other party people. But that's just how I see it and I'm not that smart." Selena said shyly.
"That makes things easier. I suggest we go to the party and just wait for the Sin to be by themselves. Then, we gang up and attack all at once. We could set some traps if anybody has powers like that? Really, if a direct brawl is what we end up doing, we don't need much to set up besides who's going to hit them first, how hard, and making sure they're away from support and the other party people. But that's just how I see it and I'm not that smart." Selena said shyly.
"Why, exactly, are we letting the Sin have their prepared battlefield? I'm going to go find somewhere isolated that we can explode, and then I can warp her to the point."
"Why, exactly, are we letting the Sin have their prepared battlefield? I'm going to go find somewhere isolated that we can explode, and then I can warp her to the point."
"Did you miss the part where I said we wait for the Sin to be by themselves? We could wait until they're outside, on the way home, whatever. But fine. I'll be over here."

And then Selena crossed her arms. She was silent and didn't seem happy. She was going to try a Devil's Trap, which should hopefully immobilize Lady Sin.
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Ok he's getting a little bit bored with standing around. He wandered off in search of anything interesting( preferably a food place as he's starting to get a little hungry) knowing his luck he's probably going to run into something bad first then run into something good. He hope's what he stumbles upon us exciting. ( @Atma Warrior )
Ok he's getting a little bit bored with standing around. He wandered off in search of anything interesting( preferably a food place as he's starting to get a little hungry) knowing his luck he's probably going to run into something bad first then run into something good. He hope's what he stumbles upon us exciting. ( @Atma Warrior )
She hadn't walked away to cool down before because she wasn't sure how to get reunited with everybody. But if somebody else had the same idea as her, going with him may be an option, since presumably they would actually want 2 members of the team to come back.

"Hey, can I go with you? I won't talk your ears off or anything. I just need time to cool down." Miss DeGray starts walking closer to the man while speaking so he doesn't wander away before she can finish asking.
She hadn't walked away to cool down before because she wasn't sure how to get reunited with everybody. But if somebody else had the same idea as her, going with him may be an option, since presumably they would actually want 2 members of the team to come back.

"Hey, can I go with you? I won't talk your ears off or anything. I just need time to cool down." Miss DeGray starts walking closer to the man while speaking so he doesn't wander away before she can finish asking.

Sure! He said. happy that someone was going with him.