"We're all important, I think, by the nature of being here. As crazy as this is, I can't help but think it's as real as things are going to get for us..."
"You are real. I'm real. The others? Yeah, they're real. But the rest of this world is a hallucination. My therapist taught me how to recognize them. She said things would happen that defy reality." And Selena paused.

"And the only way to stop a hallucination is to take my medication."
"You are real. I'm real. The others? Yeah, they're real. But the rest of this world is a hallucination. My therapist taught me how to recognize them. She said things would happen that defy reality." And Selena paused.

"And the only way to stop a hallucination is to take my medication."
"Look, if you're observing, and I'm observing, and everyone else in here is observing, that", and here Jessica gestures at the creature that appears to be staring down Apollo, " - well, the evidence suggests that as far as we're concerned it's probably real - and if something that fantastical is real, then the leap to 'we've just been trawled through a bunch of concepts to see what accretes' is less so - and that explains where the blanket came from, because it didn't exist a minute ago as far as I know. I have much lower priors on my ability to hallucinate a blanket into existence that then has a tangible effect on you."
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"Look, if you're observing, and I'm observing, and everyone else in here is observing, that", and here Jessica gestures at the creature that appears to be staring down Apollo, " - well, the evidence suggests that as far as we're concerned it's probably real - and if something that fantastical is real, then the leap to 'we've just been trawled through a bunch of concepts to see what accretes' is less so - and that explains where the blanket came from, because it didn't exist a minute ago as far as I know. I have much lower priors on my ability to hallucinate a blanket into existence that then has a tangible effect on you."
"I don't pretend to understand how all of this works. If you say it's all real, I suppose I believe you. That dragon over there would eat me if I freaked out anyway for sure." Selena looked over at the dragon.

"I wonder what we're supposed to do next?"
Explanation of the Sins and Beyond
"Right. So does somebody around here know the next step to do that? Maybe the guy who like summons dragons?" Selena asked.
"Atolm wouldn't eat you... maybe fire a laser but that's the extent of it. Right saving the multiverse... First let's ask our pale friend has to say." He says before addressing Meyer.

"You were saying?"

@Janus @shinkiro @Cambion @Maximum Power @kittygirl @TheBiggerFish @Alexis Kerib @See my smile @Coshiua

Meyer pauses before beginning.

"The first thing I remember seeing of her was the light upon a still lake, a multitude of colors with each different from last and all streaming from her eye... No not from the eye, around her eye like a scar. There were others that stood below her. The first was the man you saw in the forest, he is her second. When she requires a task to handled utterly, it is he who does the deed. The second was a woman... no man... I couldn't tell. They were garbed in white and reeked of blood and fire, they had wings as well. The third was a creature of shadow and hunger. It appeared as large spider that clung to sides of the lake. The last was a man from he eastern lands clad in black and red armor. There was a bitter cruelty in his eyes. Then I saw six others standing with me. Ours names were never exchanged just our titles. I was given the name SLOTH, then GLUTTONY was named. It was a skeletal monstrosity that spoke with a woman's voice. WRATH named herself, she carried with her Ice and stone in equal measure. ENVY was a bald man with a glowing eye. PRIDE was a dark skinned man whose clothing had serpents embroidered all across, specifically in the shape of two serpents coiled together and facing each other. LUST was a strange man who had metal growing along and into his body. The last, GREED was a blond woman who bore a rapier. It was her that told the woman of light about the 'Land of Gold'."

At this phrase, Garland stiffens before reaching into his pocket to retrieve a small gold stone. "You mean this? You mean Amrita?"

"That's what she referred to it's true name as. A 'Land of Gold' to decide the course of the world... The lady of Light took an immediate interest in and asked for it's applications and power. You are aware?"

Garland nods and turns to face you all before explaining. "Amrita or spirit stones are mineral essences of pure spiritual power. Amrita can occur naturally but can also be 'assisted' through the propogation war and bloodshed. When used properly, they can turn a man into an army of one, a god even. Improper use leads to devolution into demonhood. One of my own templates utilized Amrita extensively and by extension so have I... Continue Meyer."

"We were tasked with either starting wars or profiting from. I choose that land due to battles between various vampires in the preceding years. I drew other clans into the township and sent my knights and lieutenant to destroy them for the amrita. I can tell you all now that the others would do something as kind as that, Gluttony especially. From the few times I had the displeasure of interacting with her, I can say safely that performing these actions came as easy as breathing to her. You..." He began, while Garland. "You discovered Wrath in your scrying... I can tell you that she choose a more modern time blended with the magics hidden from the world. I do not know what she is planning exactly but I can tell you this, Lust's lieutenant brought with him plans of what you would call a battle tank, one capable of Nuclear armament. That world has never seen nuclear war, what can you all imagine if one were to give a land of magic nuclear capabilities?" He ends quietly.

Sorry for the delay in this, I have been studying for important that I took yesterday 11/20/2019. To make matters worse, I got into a car accident the day before that. Nobody got hurt, thank God, but it rattled the shit out of me. So when I took that test I came home and passed out for the rest of day into the night. Any questions or meta knowledge regarding the info dump here should either be asked or utilized. If you can guess the identities of the world enders, then please go ahead and guess. I'd love to see the responses.
"I'm sorry, is it or isn't it a modern world? Modern worlds have nukes. That's a fact of modern worlds. If it is not a modern world, how would it have the toolchain for a tank without...Hax? Either way, yes, nukes are not pretty, but they're also - Pretty damn expensive to produce if you're starting from nothing. Even if you do get to skip over a lot of the theoretical work of the Manhattan Project, the practical engineering work that you'd need to do...And the bit where, quite frankly, if they think it's going to be that easy to nuke things, they've got another think coming. Especially when I can see them coming."
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"I'm sorry, is it or isn't it a modern world? Modern worlds have nukes. That's a fact of modern worlds. If it is not a modern world, how would it have the toolchain for a tank without...Hax? Either way, yes, nukes are not pretty, but they're also - Pretty damn expensive to produce if you're starting from nothing. Even if you do get to skip over a lot of the theoretical work of the Manhattan Project, the practical engineering work that you'd need to do...And the bit where, quite frankly, if they think it's going to be that easy to nuke things, they've got another think coming. Especially when I can see them coming."

"I would like to point out he said nuclear war, not nuclear weapons. they could have very well developed but never used them."
"Atolm wouldn't eat you... maybe fire a laser but that's the extent of it. Right saving the multiverse... First let's ask our pale friend has to say." He says before addressing Meyer.

"You were saying?"
"That's good to know. Lasers, huh?" Selena put her hands on her hips and listened to the explanation given about these scary figures.

They're named after the Deadly Sins. I'm kinda familiar with this, my world had its own versions of those. But they didn't have nukes. Ruby explained.

Selena paced back and forth. Trying to pull herself together. She worried that their enemies would be too powerful, and since Jessica had told her this was all real, the possibility of dying was on the table.

Then there were these spirit stones. Selena was a little shaken. Godhood? Demons?

I don't think these demons would feel Love. Flonne said sadly.

Selena had no idea what to say. She crossed her arms and stood aside while the others talked.
"I'm sorry, is it or isn't it a modern world? Modern worlds have nukes. That's a fact of modern worlds. If it is not a modern world, how would it have the toolchain for a tank without...Hax? Either way, yes, nukes are not pretty, but they're also - Pretty damn expensive to produce if you're starting from nothing. Even if you do get to skip over a lot of the theoretical work of the Manhattan Project, the practical engineering work that you'd need to do...And the bit where, quite frankly, if they think it's going to be that easy to nuke things, they've got another think coming. Especially when I can see them coming."
"My notation system for worlds have their ending numbers represent the year in which the event is taking, so... it's 1936, Washington D.C. Pretty sure that's modern enough. But... I can tell you all who Greed is at least." Garland says while Meyer's eye widen.

"Her name is Maria, specifically Lady Maria of the Spanish Inquisition..." At this Garland turns to you all before explaining. "One of my templates dealt heavily with Amrita before he died on the shores of Lake Biwa, So in my down time I looked into the hidden history of what happened. According to historical evidence, Maria was last in her home verse fleeing the burning remains of the Sanada-Maru Castle while her employer, the Lady Yodo, used the stored Amrita to become a monstrous Nine Tails... No I'm not kidding that happened, although the Tokugawa will be damned if they let that bit of information out. Right! so what else?"

"I would like to point out he said nuclear war, not nuclear weapons. they could have very well developed but never used them."
"Which would mean that that would have near unchecked war and destruction by some idiots who lacked the context of the dangers Nuclear weapons have on the world.

"That's good to know. Lasers, huh?" Selena put her hands on her hips and listened to the explanation given about these scary figures.

They're named after the Deadly Sins. I'm kinda familiar with this, my world had its own versions of those. But they didn't have nukes. Ruby explained.

Selena paced back and forth. Trying to pull herself together. She worried that their enemies would be too powerful, and since Jessica had told her this was all real, the possibility of dying was on the table.

Then there were these spirit stones. Selena was a little shaken. Godhood? Demons?

I don't think these demons would feel Love. Flonne said sadly.

Selena had no idea what to say. She crossed her arms and stood aside while the others talked.
"Mmm, oh yeah, Atolm and Dragoons like him don't breath fire, they were designed for more intensive engagements."
"My notation system for worlds have their ending numbers represent the year in which the event is taking, so... it's 1936, Washington D.C. Pretty sure that's modern enough. But... I can tell you all who Greed is at least." Garland says while Meyer's eye widen.

"Her name is Maria, specifically Lady Maria of the Spanish Inquisition..." At this Garland turns to you all before explaining. "One of my templates dealt heavily with Amrita before he died on the shores of Lake Biwa, So in my down time I looked into the hidden history of what happened. According to historical evidence, Maria was last in her home verse fleeing the burning remains of the Sanada-Maru Castle while her employer, the Lady Yodo, used the stored Amrita to become a monstrous Nine Tails... No I'm not kidding that happened, although the Tokugawa will be damned if they let that bit of information out. Right! so what else?"

"Which would mean that that would have near unchecked war and destruction by some idiots who lacked the context of the dangers Nuclear weapons have on the world.

"Mmm, oh yeah, Atolm and Dragoons like him don't breath fire, they were designed for more intensive engagements."

"Um so what do we do in the mean time?" Jacob asked. "Should it be time for us to get off on our mission to find one of these so called Sins right away?" He asked again. "I only ask because I'm worried about home."
"Um so what do we do in the mean time?" Jacob asked. "Should it be time for us to get off on our mission to find one of these so called Sins right away?" He asked again. "I only ask because I'm worried about home."
"No, no need to rush... If you all want to check on family and friends by all means do so. I'll handle these two anyway. If anyone just want to explore the island, then go right ahead. There is... was a garden... I'll have to break out the hotoculture book again. Maybe it will give me some ideas for the Orta."
"Mmm, oh yeah, Atolm and Dragoons like him don't breath fire, they were designed for more intensive engagements."
"I'd like to get shot and burned by a laser." Selena said. Was she serious?

"No, no need to rush... If you all want to check on family and friends by all means do so. I'll handle these two anyway. If anyone just want to explore the island, then go right ahead. There is... was a garden... I'll have to break out the hotoculture book again. Maybe it will give me some ideas for the Orta."
"I'd like to check on my friends and family, but saving our realities seems more important. A monstrous nine tails? Wow." Selena was shocked.

"Could I explore the island?"
"I'd like to get shot and burned by a laser." Selena said. Was she serious?

"I'd like to check on my friends and family, but saving our realities seems more important. A monstrous nine tails? Wow." Selena was shocked.

"Could I explore the island?"
"Go crazy, it was a an old demon fortress back in the day, but that issue has been taken care of. So, no traps or anything, just macabre painting and puppets every now and then."

Jake, now empowered with the magic of a powerful warlock, some kind of mutant, and a Dark One, was sharing the Earth with 7 billion Human beings who didn't have magic available. With someone like him around, that was bad news.
It was now a little while ago that the empowered warlock had paid some of his past enemies a little visit, ending their lives, but also magically erasing any evidence leading to him in the process. Now it was time for another visit. There was a young man at a bar attempting to pick up a woman or two to take home, for obvious reasons. Tapping him on the shoulder, he turned around, only to have Jacob's hand pick him up by the neck with one hand, starting to choke him. "Hi Dennis." Jacob said in a faux cheerful voice. As the bouncers came to stop the ensuing death that would come, only to suddenly freeze in place as the man makes sudden motions with his right hand, casting a paralysis spell. It was then that time seemed to stop, although in actuality it was still moving as much as it always does. "Dennis, you beat me so bad, I was incapable of having children. I was blind in one eye, and had to walk with a cane, for what I thought would be the rest of my life. I was weak, confined to a hospital bed for weeks.. "

"Needless to say I made a miraculous recovery." His hand tightened around Dennis'es neck, before suddenly relaxing, letting the man fall prone to the floor. "Any last words. . ." After Dennis took several labored breaths before beginning to speak. . . "I . . . I'm sorry. . . " He managed to barely speak above a whisper. Jake began to nod. "Yes. You're sorry."
"By the way, after I'm done here at the bar, I'll be paying your girlfriend Anna a visit." Before the man could respond, the warlock made a quick gesture with his right hand, severing the victim's head from his body. Waving his left hand, he would alter everyone's memory so that no one would remember what he even looked like, and then , he would travel to Dennis'es house.
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"My notation system for worlds have their ending numbers represent the year in which the event is taking, so... it's 1936, Washington D.C. Pretty sure that's modern enough. But... I can tell you all who Greed is at least." Garland says while Meyer's eye widen.

"Her name is Maria, specifically Lady Maria of the Spanish Inquisition..." At this Garland turns to you all before explaining. "One of my templates dealt heavily with Amrita before he died on the shores of Lake Biwa, So in my down time I looked into the hidden history of what happened. According to historical evidence, Maria was last in her home verse fleeing the burning remains of the Sanada-Maru Castle while her employer, the Lady Yodo, used the stored Amrita to become a monstrous Nine Tails... No I'm not kidding that happened, although the Tokugawa will be damned if they let that bit of information out. Right! so what else?"

"Which would mean that that would have near unchecked war and destruction by some idiots who lacked the context of the dangers Nuclear weapons have on the world.

"Mmm, oh yeah, Atolm and Dragoons like him don't breath fire, they were designed for more intensive engagements."
"I'm sorry, did you just say the nineteen-fucking-thirties are modern? I'm ten years and change off from the twenty-thirties! The nineteen-thirties are twice as far from my date of birth as from the present moment! And of course they're about to be in the right time for nuclear research to spin up all on its own if the timeline of events is remotely like...Well, if World War II is about to hit. So, what the fuck are we actually planning on doing about this?"

Jessica Bivens looks around at the sudden disappearances and people talking about wandering off to explore the base. "...Apparently, fail to coordinate at all. Fine, I'll start industrializing."

Over the base Jessica's Impeller extends, searching out appropriate places to start building Valkyrie-grade industrial fabricators, as she continues to integrate the knowledge of Ivy/the Archive, and the technological intuition of a super-genius. Getting Anna's loadout up to full...That might not be a simple task, for, quite frankly, her equipment was high-quality bullshit, but it would be a lot easier with both knowledge and understanding working in tandem.
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"I'm sorry, did you just say the nineteen-fucking-thirties are modern? I'm ten years and change off from the twenty-thirties! The nineteen-thirties are twice as far from my date of birth as from the present moment! And of course they're about to be in the right time for nuclear research to spin up all on its own if the timeline of events is remotely like...Well, if World War II is about to hit. So, what the fuck are we actually planning on doing about this?"

Jessica Bivens looks around at the sudden disappearances and people talking about wandering off to explore the base. "...Apparently, fail to coordinate at all. Fine, I'll start industrializing."

Over the base Jessica's Impeller extends, searching out appropriate places to start building Valkyrie-grade industrial fabricators, as she continues to integrate the knowledge of Ivy/the Archive, and the technological intuition of a super-genius. Getting Anna's loadout up to full...That might not be a simple task, for, quite frankly, her equipment was high-quality bullshit, but it would be a lot easier with both knowledge and understanding working in tandem.

Alex though, was one of the few to stay. "normally im just content to punch the problem in the face until it stops moving, but i have the feeling trying to go solo will not work. So what can I do to help?"
"Go crazy, it was a an old demon fortress back in the day, but that issue has been taken care of. So, no traps or anything, just macabre painting and puppets every now and then."
Selena said goodbye to Garland.

Selena went off to explore by herself. First she explored the building they were in. She wasn't paying much attention at first, something was on her mind.

She stopped when a painting seemed to be looking at her. Surely she must be having some anxiety and the painting wasn't really looking at her? She began to look on the ground as she walked.

Selena decided to start the journey outside. She heard there was a garden.

While going outside, she got sidetracked looking at more paintings. She had been in several rooms of the base.

Selena would still be out wandering for some time.
Alex though, was one of the few to stay. "normally im just content to punch the problem in the face until it stops moving, but i have the feeling trying to go solo will not work. So what can I do to help?"
"Research? Wait, shit, I have research on lock, don't I..." Perhaps it is time to make a visit to Earth and, through various magical and technological means, process through the written corpus of modern humanity to see what the heck these people are drawing from. This is, compared to modeling the extremely-high-energy theoretical physics necessary to improve one's Fuck You Beam, relatively easy.
I'll let you all work it out on your own for now. If you need for me anything, and I do mean anything, don't hesitate to ask. You can find me in the hangar working on ORTA. So close to making the dual system... Eat, clear your heads, and go from there, come talk to me when your all ready to go.

AN: To all players, at this juncture you can talk to others players, figure out new abilities, and clear up anything from back home. When your ready to move on to Descent Point: GN1936, you can say so IC, PM me here on SV or say so on Discord. Now, onto to an Interlude.

Descent Point: Ų̵̟̟̫̰͓̃͝n̴̖̓͋̾͆͆̊͂͗k̸̢̪̠̩͙̈͒n̶͚̣͎̙̫̖̔͌͐̾̌̕ố̵̫̟͍̳̠̳̀͂̎͂̚͜ẇ̸̮͕̩̒n̴̝̐̂̋

The plane was still and the water that rested placidly against his feet rested peacefully. His head was bowed as he waited for his instructions.

"Meyer has turned his back to us, as expected."

"Should I levy my armies to eliminate him and our opposition?"

"No PRIDE, focus on your duties for now, but inform the others that we have interlopers, fools that would stand in the way of my glorious light. One more thing, tell Wrath she is to be reassigned to Wygol and Gluttony is take her place."

"Understood my Lady." The man said as he rose and faced his superior. She was and was not what one would think of when they thought of a goddess. Her features were attractive but not overly so. Her hair and eyes were a common shade of brown, her skin was a common peach tone, and her was fit enough to neither attract nor detract from her appearance. In any other situation she was a woman that would find it child's play to blend into the crowd. There only two things that stood out were her green robe that hung from her or more specifically, the way the robe seemed to be crafted from the very light stemmed from the other noteworthy aspect of her. In a vertical line that sat before her right eye, was a thin stream of light that seemed to be every color of the rainbow at once. From that light came everything, from her power to their continued existences after their worlds had levied fools and philistines against them. At such a thought, he reflexively rubbed the sides of his neck in response to a phantom. That being the feeling of a broken sword swung against his neck by that damned Barbarian.

"He should have died on the Tree Of Woe like he was meant to." He thought to himself before falling through the realms of time and space until he came to the place he was assigned to.

Descent Point: Variable Point - LL - Number Not Found

Pride quickly looked at the various slats and papers that littered his personal study. Most of it were taxes and tithes that were to be paid to his institutions. There were some missives from the Endtrails regarding a certain family though.

"Fireseed." he thought as he read the barely legible handwriting. "I will have to deal with them at a later date."

Signing off on a few forms, and directing one his lesser priests to handle its implementation, he began to close his study down. No light would enter or escape the now darkened room and sitting before the empty space, he called out to the darkness.

"I will call this meeting into order."

There was silence for several moments until Pride heard the tell tale sign of footsteps. He turned to look at the first of many, the man who come to embody Envy.

"You called?" He asked with obvious disdain. I will wait until the rest are assembled." Pride stated.

And so from the darkness. Wrath came next, bringing with her the feeling of a everlasting winter, then Lust bringing with him smell of metal and oil. Next in flash of light came Greed. She looked at the others with a coy smile. Finally, with a forbidding sense of dread, came the skeletal form of Gluttony.

Pride began to address them one by one starting with Envy. "How fares your efforts?"

"The challenge was almost laughable. This 'First Order' is so keen on establishing their dominance that they don't care who pledges loyalty to. Alterations to their existing technological base as proceeding on track and the acquisition of ancient lore and devices are ahead of schedule."

"Have you faced any complications for your superiors?"

"Minor issues, they exhibit similar issues as the recruiters. Too blinded by their own self importance to realize the serpents in their midst."

At that, Pride smiled and reverently touched the pendent that hung from his neck. It depicted two serpents fused as one and facing each other. "Excellent." He began "Keep to your current schedule, and ensure that the battles between them and the resistance last as long as possible. Wrath, how goes your efforts?"

"Proceeding with some complications. The demon summoner in D.C. has increased tensions between normal humans and actives. While this may lead to eventual war, it also means that I must move with greater caution. Not only that, but I've been spied upon, most likely by that old sorcerer."

"Yessss... about that, it seems that Meyer has turned his back on his. It is no great loss but it still bears some consideration."

"HE WAS NEVER ONE TO PAY US MUCH MIND." Gluttony stated simply.

"True my dear. Meyer was more concerned with his dearly departed than us. Speaking of which, you will be taking Wrath's place while she begins to lay the ground work at Wygol. Wrath, take Gluttony with you and show her what she needs to know before the testing of this... newer Peace Cannon model."

"Yes Pride." Wrath assented before gesturing for Gluttony to follow her.

"Oh Gluttony. Please restrain yourself like you used to when you were Queen. We need some discretion until they realize the capabilities of war with the Shagahod designs that Wrath has begun to provide."

Gluttony refused to answer, instead she loomed over Wrath as she followed after her.

"Lust. How goes your designs?"

At this, the man named Lust slowly smiled before speaking. "All these cowboys and cowgirls were so oppressed by they're 'Lords' they were just waiting for a release, so I gave it to them. Now the whole word is eating itself and the so called heroes!" He shouts the last part before throwing his arms wide. "Don't know how to handle to inner desires of their subjects. There's a beauty in the destruction they cause. I give this world a few months before it's so war torn that extraction will both be simple and huge. And then... we move on, plenty of planets that are same there. It'll be easy pickings."

"Any issues?" Pride asked unfazed by his subordinates exuberance.

Lust shrugged before responding. "Not many but there is that AI. It's halting some of our more lucrative moves but we're... subverting it. Slowly, but we'll get it to the beauty of destruction."

"Continue on Lust." And with that, Lust faded into the darkness. With that, only Greed and Pride were left.

"Anything to report?" Pride asked simply.

Greed smiled and simply. "The flow of Amrita has been bountiful, and our future of Gold is step closer to completion." She stated and begun to turn away.

"And why is that?" Pride asked.

Greed turned and stated. "I've been working under War... Cadia has fallen and no one knows what to make of our forces."

Descent Point: WW2012 - CUI - Beijing

The city was burning in the moonlight and memories of now ancient battles filled his mind with memories both cherished and hated. He watched as his forces finished executing the ranking officials. Not the generals though, he wanted to use them for his own purposes, their tactics, their cruelty. One of his more simplistic soldiers forced a uniformed woman down to her knees in front of another similarly dressed man, a man currently devoid of his head. She stared at the corpse for sometime before silently moving her mouth in various. He recognized the silent scream as easily as he would anything else. Still, that man was too dangerous to afford his life and too dependent on his poisoned power to be of true use. She, on other hand... He dismounted from his horse and directed his corpse soldier to drag the woman up. Inspecting her, his eyes noticed the symbol on her uniform.

"You are number two yes?"

She did not respond.

"Do you know why I did this?"

She continued her silence.

"I did not do this out of an old hatred. Nor did I do this for those lost in the Islands' collapse. A man's life is fifty years. A blink in the eye of the cosmos..."

Descent Point: Ų̵̟̟̫̰͓̃͝n̴̖̓͋̾͆͆̊͂͗k̸̢̪̠̩͙̈͒n̶͚̣͎̙̫̖̔͌͐̾̌̕ố̵̫̟͍̳̠̳̀͂̎͂̚͜ẇ̸̮͕̩̒n̴̝̐̂̋

She stared at the object of her desire that hung silently in the air for some time after Pride departed from her sight. It was only after she heard another set of footsteps approach that she averted her gaze.

"My lady." Her second greeted as he dropped to a kneel.

"By what name should I refer to you today?"

"Elan." He stated simply.

"Rise Elan and tell me the reason for your visit."

The man smiled before flecks of darkness danced across his eyes and a black portal deposited something onto the still lake.

"Is that...? Interesting and Useful. Thank you Elan."

"My Pleasure my lady."
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Selena came back to the group looking unnerved and said nothing as she sat down in the chair that she had occupied previously. She started playing with her hair. Those paintings were creepy.

In fact they were so creepy that she was considering arming herself. She wasn't allowed weapons at home, so she was determined to find one.

Flonne offered some suggestions on weapon types to aid her skill set. Ruby wanted a demon killing knife.

Selena stared into space as her voices continued talking.
Jessica has done her research, and has returned 'upgrading the Fuck You Beam' to a higher priority level now that the data is integrated.

"Oh, hey Selena."

...Well, that sudden appearance of a person probably isn't going to help any.
"Oh, hey Selena."

...Well, that sudden appearance of a person probably isn't going to help any.
"Hey Jessica. What's up?" Selena asked with a bit of a quiver to her voice.

Selena looked around the dining room for any kind of weaponry, and found a sharp knife. She was still paying attention to Jessica while she was pocketing the knife.

We can work out how to do a spell on that thing now. You're going to need some ingredients. Ruby said.

While Selena was looking through the room for the ingredients that Ruby asked for she turned to face Jessica on occasion to listen if she had anything to say.

"I'm looking for some spell ingredients. Mostly herbs, which they may have as spices h--" Selena squealed with delight as she found jars of spices that matched what Ruby wanted, and raised the knife to her palm, but didn't cut just yet. Her blood was the most important reagent.
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The preparations for self-cutting prompt an immediate reaction from Jessica, followed by several less immediate reactions in short succession:
1: There is suddenly a thin layer of grey in between the knife and Selena's hand. If the knife is brought to it, it simply stops.
2: Jessica is, following a soft white glow, holding the necessary equipment for drawing blood.
3: She's also holding a much different knife from the one Selena is holding. It looks like a mad scientist and a wizard put together the most knifey and useful knife they could make.
"...Okay, then, that all just happened. Apparently one of the templates doesn't like people doing that sort of thing. And my other two came together to make you a really good knife in record time, apparently... If you want it. But please do the blood draw with actual equipment? I presume that's what you were doing, at least. Assuming that it's not a necessary component of the ritual, at least..."