The preparations for self-cutting prompt an immediate reaction from Jessica, followed by several less immediate reactions in short succession:
1: There is suddenly a thin layer of grey in between the knife and Selena's hand. If the knife is brought to it, it simply stops.
2: Jessica is, following a soft white glow, holding the necessary equipment for drawing blood.
3: She's also holding a much different knife from the one Selena is holding. It looks like a mad scientist and a wizard put together the most knifey and useful knife they could make.
"...Okay, then, that all just happened. Apparently one of the templates doesn't like people doing that sort of thing. And my other two came together to make you a really good knife in record time, apparently... If you want it. But please do the blood draw with actual equipment? I presume that's what you were doing, at least. Assuming that it's not a necessary component of the ritual, at least..."
Selena is shocked to find that there's a grey line in between her palm and the knife. She looks over at Jessica since she seems to be the only one close to her. Selena's expression is one of muted awe that she just created a much improved knife and conjured blood drawing equipment.

"Wow, I'm gonna like be over here stunned for a moment. This stuff is gonna take some getting used to." Selena walked closer to Jessica and held out her hands.

"Sure, my voice doesn't mind which knife we use. That one looks like really stabby." She giggles.

"Thank you Jessica. This really helps." If Jessica gave her the knife and blood drawing equipment, she went to work, coating the knife in the blood she drew and the herbs, and chanting an incantation. When she was done a pattern of shifting colors formed over the blade of the knife, then dissipated.

Now it'll be more effective against demons. You would need to be like me for the demon killing spell. The blood loss would kill you. Ruby said.

"Can you make any object? That seems really super useful." Selena enthused.
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Selena is shocked to find that there's a grey line in between her palm and the knife. She looks over at Jessica since she seems to be the only one close to her. Selena's expression is one of muted awe that she just created a much improved knife and conjured blood drawing equipment.

"Wow, I'm gonna like be over here stunned for a moment. This stuff is gonna take some getting used to." Selena walked closer to Jessica and held out her hands.

"Sure, my voice doesn't mind which knife we use. That one looks like really stabby." She giggles.

"Thank you Jessica. This really helps." If Jessica gave her the knife and blood drawing equipment, she went to work, coating the knife in the blood she drew and the herbs, and chanting an incantation. When she was done a pattern of shifting colors formed over the blade of the knife, then dissipated.

Now it'll be more effective against demons. You would need to be like me for the demon killing spell. The blood loss would kill you. Ruby said.

"Can you make any object? That seems really super useful." Selena enthused.

A small part of Alex's mind twinged at seeing this, urging him to label her a threat, whatever magic having been done to that knife bringing a memory of a shrine maiden and her infernal talismans bubbling to the surface, along side that of a maid with a, frankly obscene, number of knives. "Well, that brings back memories." he said.
Selena is shocked to find that there's a grey line in between her palm and the knife. She looks over at Jessica since she seems to be the only one close to her. Selena's expression is one of muted awe that she just created a much improved knife and conjured blood drawing equipment.

"Wow, I'm gonna like be over here stunned for a moment. This stuff is gonna take some getting used to." Selena walked closer to Jessica and held out her hands.

"Sure, my voice doesn't mind which knife we use. That one looks like really stabby." She giggles.

"Thank you Jessica. This really helps." If Jessica gave her the knife and blood drawing equipment, she went to work, coating the knife in the blood she drew and the herbs, and chanting an incantation. When she was done a pattern of shifting colors formed over the blade of the knife, then dissipated.

Now it'll be more effective against demons. You would need to be like me for the demon killing spell. The blood loss would kill you. Ruby said.

"Can you make any object? That seems really super useful." Selena enthused.
Jessica does indeed give her the knife and the equipment.

"Anything I can understand how to make and have the materials for, though there are a few things I notably can't construct the way I made this due to what I can only imagine are tech-tree incompatibilities. That's not going to come up for mundane fabrication requests, though."
A small part of Alex's mind twinged at seeing this, urging him to label her a threat, whatever magic having been done to that knife bringing a memory of a shrine maiden and her infernal talismans bubbling to the surface, along side that of a maid with a, frankly obscene, number of knives. "Well, that brings back memories." he said.
Selena looked at Alex and smiled, unaware as usual.

Jessica does indeed give her the knife and the equipment.

"Anything I can understand how to make and have the materials for, though there are a few things I notably can't construct the way I made this due to what I can only imagine are tech-tree incompatibilities. That's not going to come up for mundane fabrication requests, though."
"So if I made a deal with my voice to get you materials, could you make me other things? I'm just trying to think of how to synergize." She said.

"That sounds amazing. My voice told me I haven't inherited her powers completely but I can basically take mortal damage and survive. I'm sure she's just trying to spare me going into shock." Selena said.
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Selena looked at Alex and smiled, unaware as usual.

"So if I made a deal with my voice to get you materials, could you make me other things? I'm just trying to think of how to synergize." She said.

"That sounds amazing. My voice told me I haven't inherited her powers completely but I can basically take mortal damage and survive. I'm sure she's just trying to spare me going into shock." Selena said.
"Honestly, if I'm that stretched for materials...I could probably just transmute literal actual dirt. But if you have specific esoteric resources available, that might be interesting to know."
"Honestly, if I'm that stretched for materials...I could probably just transmute literal actual dirt. But if you have specific esoteric resources available, that might be interesting to know."
"I can get witch stuff. My friend in my head would know where to find it or have a spell to get it I'm sure. You may be interested in Demon's Blood. That's cool that you can turn dirt into something useful tho." Selena smiled again.

Selena waited to see if Jessica had anything to say and then decided she was ready to move on to the mission. She finger waved to Jessica and Mr. Alex and then walked to where Mr. Garland had said he was going to be. She paused to make sure he wasn't busy with something else and then approached him. Quietly clearing her throat to be heard.

"Um, e-excuse me, Sir. I'm ready to depart. My friends back home wouldn't understand what's going on so I felt no need to tell them. I'm totally free to be a part of this mission and whenever everybody else is ready so am I." Miss DeGray said with some hesitation.
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"I can get witch stuff. My friend in my head would know where to find it or have a spell to get it I'm sure. You may be interested in Demon's Blood. That's cool that you can turn dirt into something useful tho." Selena smiled again.

Selena waited to see if Jessica had anything to say and then decided she was ready to move on to the mission. She finger waved to Jessica and Mr. Alex and then walked to where Mr. Garland had said he was going to be. She paused to make sure he wasn't busy with something else and then approached him. Quietly clearing her throat to be heard.

"Um, e-excuse me, Sir. I'm ready to depart. My friends back home wouldn't understand what's going on so I felt no need to tell them. I'm totally free to be a part of this mission and whenever everybody else is ready so am I." Miss DeGray said with some hesitation.
Garland looks at you before nodding. He then makes a quick and the red and black form of Ouroboros manifests with a large bag of wristband like devices.

"Right so to the people who were here before you know what to do with these already. For those who don't, put the wristband on and set the dial to the alphabetical and numerical value of GN 1936. Then, presto D.C. in the thirties. Try to figure out a way to blend in, find the sin, stop them and try to see what else they were doing. I you want to, you can also enjoy the sights unless the situation is bad enough, It'll take me sometime to find the next sin anyway.

(At this point @GamerXZ and @jerry larry can jump right in.)
"Wow. 1936. . . We hadn't even entered the second world war until 1941 . . ."
"I wonder what things are like here these days."
Jacob thought out loud. "Anyway, I'm a diviner, I can try to find him with my magic."
Jessica Bivens takes not one, not two, but three wristbands should the stores thereof permit. "One to use for the moment, one to integrate, one for other scientific experimentation..."

"And as far as that goes, if it's written down, I know what it says. Give me a moment...Let's see what we've got."
Garland looks at you before nodding. He then makes a quick and the red and black form of Ouroboros manifests with a large bag of wristband like devices.

"Right so to the people who were here before you know what to do with these already. For those who don't, put the wristband on and set the dial to the alphabetical and numerical value of GN 1936. Then, presto D.C. in the thirties. Try to figure out a way to blend in, find the sin, stop them and try to see what else they were doing. I you want to, you can also enjoy the sights unless the situation is bad enough, It'll take me sometime to find the next sin anyway.

(At this point @GamerXZ and @jerry larry can jump right in.)
Selena took one of the wristbands and put it on. She started fiddling with it but was careful not to activate it. She had no knowledge of the 30s so this was gonna be a challenge. She swallowed around a lump in her throat. Looking around at the others and smiling anxiously. Selena asked Ruby what they could do and she responded that scrying was possible.

Selena stood there with her hand ready to set the dial appropriately. Sneaking glances around the room. She would need to find a new outfit or something to blend into the 30s. Selena received some words of encouragement from Flonne.
@Janus @shinkiro @Maximum Power @Coshiua @jerry larry @GamerXZ @Alexis Kerib @kittygirl

The transition is reasonably quick with little negative effect on your senses. That is until the world rights itself from the technicolor catastrophe of inter dimensional distortions into the bustling streets of Washington D.C. Some people take a cursory glance, there's a disapproving look here and there, loud noises, the works. One thing catches your combined attention though.

"Paper! Paper! read all about it!" A young man's voice calls out from the corner across from you all.

"J Edgar Hoover found murdered in his home. Actives!? Pale Horse!?" He continues to call out. A few people stop, throw him some coins and take a paper with them.

He continues on with other headlines. "Reflecting pool restoration on schedule! Active registration meeting heavy resistance from populace! Japanese Embassy struck by terrorist attack!"

Across town in a upscale hotel, Howard Stansfield was just opening the doors for several people to get on his elevator. As a bell hope, he saw a lot of people come and go through his short time working this joint, but none were as striking as the person who got on last. Dressed in an all white high collared dress, with light blond hair pulled in a bun that left two locks to perfectly frame her face, the woman was instantly the thing he focused on. Did he mention that she was tall and beautiful? Like stupidly tall. She stood partially hunched in the elevator as he pressed the buttons on the panel to each designated floor. Her floor was the last. Despite her beauty though, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when he was alone with her. It felt like she was looking at him in all the wrong ways. When they finally reached the floor, 32, she slipped him a five dollar bill, and that was the weirdest part. It felt like she didn't Want to let that bill go. He had to physically tug the damn thing to get it out from between her two fingers.

"Weird brute." He muttered as he began to close the doors. As he did, she turned as if she had heard him and simply said one phrase that made his blood run cold.

"I am a Pale Horse." She said with a pleasant smile.

As Howard rode the elevator back down, he dropped the 5 to the ground like it was superheated metal and tore off his gloves before getting as far away from the bill as possible. When his manager eventually tried to drag him from the elevator when he refused to go near the dollar bill, all he could do was mutter the phrase 'Pale Horse.'

OOC: If I missed anyone please tell me.
The transition is reasonably quick with little negative effect on your senses. That is until the world rights itself from the technicolor catastrophe of inter dimensional distortions into the bustling streets of Washington D.C. Some people take a cursory glance, there's a disapproving look here and there, loud noises, the works. One thing catches your combined attention though.

"Paper! Paper! read all about it!" A young man's voice calls out from the corner across from you all.

"J Edgar Hoover found murdered in his home. Actives!? Pale Horse!?" He continues to call out. A few people stop, throw him some coins and take a paper with them.

He continues on with other headlines. "Reflecting pool restoration on schedule! Active registration meeting heavy resistance from populace! Japanese Embassy struck by terrorist attack!"

" not even going to pretend i know what the fuck is going on. reflecting pool? active registration? I dont like the sound of that last one."
@Janus @shinkiro @Maximum Power @Coshiua @jerry larry @GamerXZ @Alexis Kerib @kittygirl

The transition is reasonably quick with little negative effect on your senses. That is until the world rights itself from the technicolor catastrophe of inter dimensional distortions into the bustling streets of Washington D.C. Some people take a cursory glance, there's a disapproving look here and there, loud noises, the works. One thing catches your combined attention though.

"Paper! Paper! read all about it!" A young man's voice calls out from the corner across from you all.

"J Edgar Hoover found murdered in his home. Actives!? Pale Horse!?" He continues to call out. A few people stop, throw him some coins and take a paper with them.

He continues on with other headlines. "Reflecting pool restoration on schedule! Active registration meeting heavy resistance from populace! Japanese Embassy struck by terrorist attack!"
Selena recovers fairly quickly and hears the boy calling out the headlines. It seemed that an important person was dead. And they had a single clue: "Pale Horse."

"Maybe this 'Pale Horse' is the next Sin we have to find? The voice in my head says she can try scrying for... whatever a 'Pale Horse' is, but she suspects this person would have protections against her witchy stuff." Selena said.

" not even going to pretend i know what the fuck is going on. reflecting pool? active registration? I dont like the sound of that last one."
"I don't like the sounds of an active registration either. Maybe they're talking about something else? But I don't think there's a war going on or anything. I'm totally clueless about the 30s." Selena giggled anxiously.
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'Well this is strange ' Kirby thought as he the got off the ground. One moment he was going for a walk at the park, the next he suddenly he was in the air and fell face first into the floor. It didn't hurt for some reason but he didn't complain about it.

Garland looks at you before nodding. He then makes a quick and the red and black form of Ouroboros manifests with a large bag of wristband like devices.

"Right so to the people who were here before you know what to do with these already. For those who don't, put the wristband on and set the dial to the alphabetical and numerical value of GN 1936. Then, presto D.C. in the thirties. Try to figure out a way to blend in, find the sin, stop them and try to see what else they were doing. I you want to, you can also enjoy the sights unless the situation is bad enough, It'll take me sometime to find the next sin any way.
Now normally someone shouldn't do what a stranger says, but for some reason he felt it was necessary for whatever purpose he's here for. Taking the bands he followed the instructions, and disappeared from the location.

The transition is reasonably quick with little negative effect on your senses. That is until the world rights itself from the technicolor catastrophe of inter dimensional distortions into the bustling streets of Washington D.C. Some people take a cursory glance, there's a disapproving look here and there, loud noises, the works. One thing catches your combined attention though.

"Paper! Paper! read all about it!" A young man's voice calls out from the corner across from you all.

"J Edgar Hoover found murdered in his home. Actives!? Pale Horse!?" He continues to call out. A few people stop, throw him some coins and take a paper with them.

He continues on with other headlines. "Reflecting pool restoration on schedule! Active registration meeting heavy resistance from populace! Japanese Embassy struck by terrorist attack!"
" Well that's convenient " he commented before dashing to the nearest person at twice the speed of sound with a paper to: Steal it. Read it for info. and run off before they can react. It's better than having to use the money he has get a paper him self.
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Jessica distances herself from the dumbasses who are breaking opsec as she churns through all the written words of this world, looking for the signs of people showing up from nowhere with grand designs.
" Well that's convenient " he commented before dashing to the nearest person at twice the speed of sound with a paper to: Steal it. Read it for info. and run off before they can react. It's better than having to use the money he has get a paper him self.
Selena waits for the guy who went to steal a paper (@jerry larry) to come back. The paper might have clues as to what their Pale Horse had done in this time period so far. If the guy was successful in stealing the paper, Selena would walk towards him and motion for him to get closer.

"Hey, um, you? Sorry, I don't know your name. Any clues in that paper about the Pale Horse? I'm gonna try scrying for whatever it is." Selena tried on a friendly smile.
Jessica Bivens floats in the sky multiple kilometers away from the ground, reaching out to whisper in the ears of she's apparently working with with the space magic bullshit that is the Impeller Field of a Valkyrie Core. "Perhaps not talking about magic on a busy street is safer than talking about magic on a busy street."

One thing she knows: People never really look up. And another thing she also knows: How to bend light around her so it doesn't matter if they do or not anyway.

Incidentally, in case something in this setting cares about the nature of the distortion or the flight, it's technological in nature, not magical.
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Jessica Bivens floats in the sky multiple kilometers away from the ground, reaching out to whisper in the ears of she's apparently working with with the space magic bullshit that is the Impeller Field of a Valkyrie Core. "Perhaps not talking about magic on a busy street is safer than talking about magic on a busy street."

One thing she knows: People never really look up. And another thing she also knows: How to bend light around her so it doesn't matter if they do or not anyway.

Incidentally, in case something in this setting cares about the nature of the distortion or the flight, it's technological in nature, not magical.
Selena hears Jessica's voice in her mind. She hadn't actually thought they were being especially obvious or that people would believe they could do magic, after all, until today she didn't believe in demons or angels or scrying either. But she acquiesces with a shrug and a nod, shutting up and going to stand somewhere more out-of-sight. She tries to talk back to Jessica:

"How are we supposed to work out a plan unless we talk about it? But fair enough. Do you have any ideas on how to find this Pale Horse?" She says in her thoughts directed towards Jessica.

Selena stands around smiling in what may be described as a ditzy way as she waits for somebody smarter than her to come up with a plan.
James lurked in the shadows down the street from everyone and kept an eye out for anything. With a shimmer he took a more normal appearance and walked out the alley. As he walked he skimmed the minds of those he passed by, seeing if anyone was a threat

Selena hears Jessica's voice in her mind. She hadn't actually thought they were being especially obvious or that people would believe they could do magic, after all, until today she didn't believe in demons or angels or scrying either. But she acquiesces with a shrug and a nod, shutting up and going to stand somewhere more out-of-sight. She tries to talk back to Jessica:

"How are we supposed to work out a plan unless we talk about it? But fair enough. Do you have any ideas on how to find this Pale Horse?" She says in her thoughts directed towards Jessica.

Selena stands around smiling in what may be described as a ditzy way as she waits for somebody smarter than her to come up with a plan.
Jessica is not using any hypothetical mind-reading spell that she could have gotten from the lore attached to The Archive, instead using Pure Impeller Bullshit, but she can probably pick up on the subvocalizations of Selena having thoughts. "I'm looking through the paperwork to see if there are people who have come out of nowhere with plans they shouldn't have. If they let it get written down anywhere, I can track them."
Actually now that he thinks about it he really shouldn't do that it would raise ring alarm bells for the person who has a paper. Kirby quickly stops the operation and runs up to the lady (@kittygirl) he saw in the corner of his eye. She was their at the place he was summoned too so surely she has to know something. " Excuse me miss do you know about a pale horse? " he asked.
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Actually now that he thinks about it he really shouldn't do that it would raise ring alarm bells for the person who has a paper. Kirby quickly stops the operation and runs up to the lady (@kittygirl) he saw in the corner of his eye. She was their at the place he was summoned too so surely she has to know something. " Excuse me miss do you know about a pale horse? " he asked.
"Well, there's a registration for 'Actives.' And an important person was murdered. And there are terrorist attacks on the Japanese Embassy. Putting all that together, my best guess is this Pale Horse is a terrorist, an Active, or both. As to what Actives are, I don't know that. But if they're like us then they would have powers comparable to ours. 'Pale Horse' is a reference from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse I would guess... so, powers related to death and dying?" Selena took a shot in the dark. Keeping her voice down so she wasn't overheard. She already made a mistake talking about scrying in the open and may get forced onto a registration list if anybody overheard. She smiled pleasantly after she was done talking.
"Well, there's a registration for 'Actives.' And an important person was murdered. And there are terrorist attacks on the Japanese Embassy. Putting all that together, my best guess is this Pale Horse is a terrorist, an Active, or both. As to what Actives are, I don't know that. But if they're like us then they would have powers comparable to ours. 'Pale Horse' is a reference from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse I would guess... so, powers related to death and dying?" Selena took a shot in the dark. Keeping her voice down so she wasn't overheard. She already made a mistake talking about scrying in the open and may get forced onto a registration list if anybody overheard. She smiled pleasantly after she was done talking.
"That much I can confirm from even cursory analysis. That would be Pestilence, incidentally, on the pale horse. So the Pale Horses bring...disease."
James lurked in the shadows down the street from everyone and kept an eye out for anything. With a shimmer he took a more normal appearance and walked out the alley. As he walked he skimmed the minds of those he passed by, seeing if anyone was a threat

A few minds bring up ideas of envy towards your suit, even going as far to wonder where you got. Some, very few, think about pulling a gun on for your cash but relent due to the crowded nature of the city at this time, though they may come back. There is something else, scattered throughout the crowd and belonging to those of the most affluent, is the thought of preparations for a party, in honor of the swearing in of the FBI head, a man named Archibald Stanton.

Jessica is not using any hypothetical mind-reading spell that she could have gotten from the lore attached to The Archive, instead using Pure Impeller Bullshit, but she can probably pick up on the subvocalizations of Selena having thoughts. "I'm looking through the paperwork to see if there are people who have come out of nowhere with plans they shouldn't have. If they let it get written down anywhere, I can track them."
Most records you discover don't have anything of great note regarding new peoples. The most is an influx of germans citizens entiring the country illegally. There is something. Scattered throughout your search are several reports of earnings and products belonging to an upcoming and highly profitable company named Charn LLC. with the appearent CEO originally being a woman named Jadis Charn. However, the ownership was recently given over to another woman for a brief period. This woman's named is Natasha Sowilo. The company has started up very recently and have been producing materials that would be common in both the late 20th and 21st century. There biggest seller is a commission with United States Department of Defense for an item dubbed SHAGAHOD.

Actually now that he thinks about it he really shouldn't do that it would raise ring alarm bells for the person who has a paper. Kirby quickly stops the operation and runs up to the lady (@kittygirl) he saw in the corner of his eye. She was their at the place he was summoned too so surely she has to know something. " Excuse me miss do you know about a pale horse? " he asked.
"Well, there's a registration for 'Actives.' And an important person was murdered. And there are terrorist attacks on the Japanese Embassy. Putting all that together, my best guess is this Pale Horse is a terrorist, an Active, or both. As to what Actives are, I don't know that. But if they're like us then they would have powers comparable to ours. 'Pale Horse' is a reference from the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse I would guess... so, powers related to death and dying?" Selena took a shot in the dark. Keeping her voice down so she wasn't overheard. She already made a mistake talking about scrying in the open and may get forced onto a registration list if anybody overheard. She smiled pleasantly after she was done talking.

The newsie from before looks at you two before taking a cigarette out of his coat pocket and adressing you @jerry larry "Holy shit what kind of active are you? Never seen one move that fast." He says before a small flame appears above thumb and he lights up. "And the two of yous don't know what a Pale Horse is? I know they're not talked about much, but still... okay, I'll give you this one for free. But you owe me 50 cents for that copy afterward buddy! Pale Horses are like the opposite of healers. Healers get rid of all injury and disease, Pale Horses... they operate by giving their magic through an item. Target picks it up and bam, every disease known to man in an instant. Yeah a healer could halt it, but that doesn't last forever. That happened to 'Black Jack' Pershing, you know, though nobody really spoke about it. So yeah, you die horribly and all that's left is a rotting husk of body. Now tell anyone I said but I think this was inside job. Yep, nobody really liked Hoover anyway, especially not us actives, but the guys who worked for him? Word around claims if they have dropped his body down a mine shaft and walked off scot free, then that's exactly what they'd do."

In a hotel across town, the woman who had identified herself as a pale horse, slips into the apartment given to her. Jadis's touches are all over the place, as the walls, furniture, and decor are stark whites with a sense of Cold purveying the rooms. She sits in one of the high back, thankfully styled after a throne and let slip the mask of humanity that reflected the woman her 'father' had so tirelessly Wanted. Her skeletal hands gripped the files that were neatley stacked on her fellow's desk and found an invitation to that delightful little mockery of a ball that was being hosted within a short time as well as the plans for the 'modulated part system' as Envy called it. She scoffed at the reports and thought back to the past. In her world strength was not measured but weapons but by the souls of those who weilded them. She shuddered for a moment, feeling several strong souls enter into her awareness. Everything in her screamed for her to take them and devour them. But, she reined her hunger in. She did not attain her original posistion of power by throwing a tantrum becaue she could not get what she wanted when she arrived, although she would and should have thanked her sister for doing just that in that decrepit kingdom of hers. Half mad as she was, her sister had drawn the further attentions of the knight that could have ruined everything for her. It was a shame that she could not have him kill that thrice damned outsider though. She arose from her position and placed back the mask of humanity that had serviced her and sisters for so long before looking through Jadis's wears. She had to sell a product after all and this party required a certain type of dress.