does destroying the building count as clearing it?
If there are buildings still standing by the time your mechs get there, then either your artillery and air support suck big time, or someone way above you wants at least one of those buildings to be intact for who knows what reason. In which case, destroying the building will not count.
Walking through fire... in a battle mech? You must really like saunas.

Spending any amount of time in a fire in a battle mech usually leads to overheating. Heck, most of them can't reliably be used in a desert.
Or I'm using Heat-Dissipating Armor, DHS, and loaded up (outside of one Plasma Rifle) with Ballistics.

Also, you can walk a 'Mech through a lava flow. Just not for much more then 40 seconds.
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Most mechs have issues with overheating if they fire a couple weapons and walked forwards, and god forbid you unleashed an alpha strike of "everything on my mech". And even mechs using ballistic weapons have serious issues with overheating. Only now said issues include ammo cooking off, and potentially destroying the entire mech. Remember, CASE is your friend... assuming it's available. Chosing to walk through a fire? No sane mechwarrior would do that if they have any other options.
Suddenly, Lisa is this reality's equivalent to Maul. Talking to other capes and their powers to avoid DOOM.

Well, wouldn't you break every law of man to avoid She Whose Rage Breaks Reality Itself?

Lisa stared at the plain-looking man before her briefly, then shook her head no and shrugged, "No idea where she is, sorry. Have you tried the white pages?"

His power wants me to tattle on you. Not gonna. Connection to your Coronas is fluctuating... your headache will increase, Host.

I know, Power. As long as she doesn't slaughter us, and these two don't slaughter us, a headache is fine. Just keep him talking.

Ooohhh.... I can lie to his power! His power is a wasteful idiot.

Jack Slash narrowed his eyes, suddenly a little more interested in the teenager.

The naked, striped figure next to him poked him in the side and then gestured to the blonde.

"You do know who we are, don't you? You should be scared. But you're not? Why not?" asked Jack Slash.

Lisa shrugged, letting a little of her headache show on her face, "Because I could use an Ibuprofin, and because I've seen worse."

"Oooohhh! You've met the Siberian's candidate? Do tell! What's she like?"

Invite him to ice cream. And tell him.

"I'm going to get some ice cream. You two can join me and I'll tell you."

Jack grinned, delighted at a new response to him, "Certainly!"

She sees me...

As she walked, Lisa talked, "I met her once on the way to pick up dinner. She is nothing more than flesh and metal wrapped around a brightly glowing core of utterly transcendent rage fit to obliterate stars and tear down the walls of reality itself."

She comes.

"Now I definitely want to meet her."

With a flicker, a lean, seven foot tall figure in matte purplish armor appeared in front of Lisa, energy gun once again pointed at her head, slightly off-center.


Don't let her kill me!

"Sorry! Sorry! You're my only hope! The Slaughterhouse Nine found me!" squeaked Lisa.

She wants money to found a tech firm.

"They have huge bounties!" continued Lisa.

Taylor turned slightly, looking at the other two dimensional corners-not-corners with this cape, her senses warning her of the others hiding in the area... they were about as good at ambushes as a Plasma Imp. Probably just jumped out of dark places, too.

Yep, Taylor thought, that's the Siberian.

"Let's play a game!" Taylor said brightly.

"I love games!" replied Jack Slash, knife in his hand.

"It's called I kill you all!" answered Taylor, and stepped forward with a wide punch, then fired her plasma rifle at the armored cape ambushing her from the tree and darted off after the running one. She had a policy, after all... never let one get away.

Lisa watched in shock as the woman's fist - her fist - popped the Siberian like a soap bubble and then continued through Jack's head, turning it into little more than a fine red mist.

Killed their powers. Killed their Hosts.

The Siberian too?
Lisa asked her power.

Trans-dimensional punch. Siberian Host remains is in a van two blocks South.

Lisa started heading South, using some paper napkins from a Boardwalk picnic table to wipe her face off.

Two blocks later, she encountered a van, stuffed overfull of, and leaking, a mix of fine red paste and strange crystalline biological material.

Power, what happened?

Punch sent a tiny fraction of the Power through his Hosts's Corona.

That's what a Power is?

It was. Can we go farther away now? Southeast there are no Slaughterhouse 9 members. And I'm scared.

Heading in the indicated direction at a jog, Lisa replied to her Power.

Me too. Do you think you can get Panacea's Power to calm her down so she can clear up whatever diseases Jack gave me when he got turned into vapor?
So many comments.. this story is all the rage ;) :whistle:

I love all the little omake too! Ohh, also, my guess is: she comes back to Earth Bet to a small town somewhere.. right in front of Jack Slash as he projects a blade. It scratches her armor.. nuff said.
Most mechs have issues with overheating if they fire a couple weapons and walked forwards, and god forbid you unleashed an alpha strike of "everything on my mech". And even mechs using ballistic weapons have serious issues with overheating. Only now said issues include ammo cooking off, and potentially destroying the entire mech. Remember, CASE is your friend... assuming it's available. Chosing to walk through a fire? No sane mechwarrior would do that if they have any other options.
If your mechs are overheating you guys need to rebuild your mechs better.

I used the TTRPG rules to build some mechs for my friends and I to play a tabletop version of the PC game and I balanced the heat and heat sinks easily*. It's a bit tougher but you can do the same on the PC.

*My personal mech was a Hellcat mk. II with all the pulse lasers. One time we tried a desert run and suddenly I knew what you scrubs were complaining about, but under normal operating conditions I could fire every laser at once and not raise my heat any.

Punch sent a tiny fraction of the Power through his Hosts's Corona.
She punched the Siberian so hard that Manton got popped. OUCH.

What happened to Genesis? Isn't she linked to the same shard too?

Jess took Cauldron vial F-1-6-1-1, 'Deus', the same vial as the Siberian's Master[17].
If your mechs are overheating you guys need to rebuild your mechs better.

I used the TTRPG rules to build some mechs for my friends and I to play a tabletop version of the PC game and I balanced the heat and heat sinks easily*. It's a bit tougher but you can do the same on the PC.

*My personal mech was a Hellcat mk. II with all the pulse lasers. One time we tried a desert run and suddenly I knew what you scrubs were complaining about, but under normal operating conditions I could fire every laser at once and not raise my heat any.

My custom heavy mech, the Battler BT-XL6 (first 5 versions got destroyed in battle, but Gerald Knight survived to have an improved version built) also has no issues with heat, normally. It can run at full speed or jump maximum distance while firing every weapon and still dissipate heat. Granted, it uses double heat sinks (and lots of them). But most stock mechs have the base 10 heat sinks. They might go up to 15 heat sinks even, maybe, if it's a design from after the Clan Invasion started and double heat sinks were rediscovered. 10 heat sinks is barely enough to cover a mech walking forward and firing a couple auto canons or lasers.

The first Battler BT-XL was rather slow with a running speed of 4. But it was armed with a PPC, a couple large lasers, a hatchet (which hit like a mack truck due to the Battler being a 100 ton mech), and a pair of SRM 2 launchers. That one had extreme trouble with hills, but was decent in urban engagements or open fields. The BT-XL2 was upgraded with jump jets and an XL engine, thus allowing it to get around the battle field easier. It also opened up the new tactic of jumping right behind an enemy mech and hitting their rear 'armor' with the hatchet. The BT-XL3 added a CASE system to protect against ammo explosions after one crippled the BT-XL2. The BT-XL4 used better improved armoring tech to increase how much punishment it could take without sacrificing other features. And the BT-XL5 replaced the SRM 2 with Streak SRM2. The BT-XL6 replaces the lasers with ER Large Lasers, and swapped to double heat sinks to allow even more cooling after issues in a mission where the entire battlefield was on fire.

That said, taking out a battlemaster with a light mech armed only with a flamer and 15 points of armor combined that has a walking speed of 12? Priceless. This mech was the reason why I had to plan for the battle field to be on fire. And why I had to make so many fire and smoke tokens.
Can I say that I love this take on Lisa and kind of want it to be Canon to the story?
Hell, I can see this kind of Lisa being a story all its own.
Note the 60-foor demon in this story was also transdimensional.

Taylor's been trained.

That makes her angrier!

Horrible suspect: the training-by-punchspoding Demons was intentional. On the Legions of Doom's part.

Because they wanted someone ready to murerkill Scion (and any of its ilk they will be able to find).
Horrible suspect: the training-by-punchspoding Demons was intentional. On the Legions of Doom's part.

Because they wanted someone ready to murerkill Scion (and any of its ilk they will be able to find).

Somehow, the interlude doesn't make me thing this was arranged by the demons. But if it had been, clearly they didn't think things through.
Well, we know from that interlude that Taylor's time on Mars then in Hell were training. Just not for what, yet. Just that if "he" finds out, it'll be bad.
I believe they were using the Superfriends line to refer to the people in the interlude.
Well, we know from that interlude that Taylor's time on Mars then in Hell were training. Just not for what, yet. Just that if "he" finds out, it'll be bad.
..... Great. So, which ones are keeping what from Luthor, and why do they think training up a tool for killing both potential competition and future heroes by being able to Rip And Tear the ultimate source of their powers to shreds? Unless, of course, Lex was planning on strip-mining Scion, and some of the other members realized that would be a Bad Idea......
So did I miss it, or did Taylor somehow not get what is debatably the coolest weapon in the Doom Arsenal, the Sword? Seriously, the BFG kills real good, but a blade made from hell energy like that is sick as hell.
There is the possibility that the various computers and possible recordings, from the various worlds that Hell absorbed, and she downloaded into her suit and read might have included sciences and technology outside of her direct use. Like presumably this could include travel through space for those areas that were the equivalent of Mars with travel to Earth. Maybe she got the equivalent of archives that are combination of wikipedia and other information like technical libraries that would have been of use for the researchers that were once there and possibly entertainment for both researchers, soldiers, maintenance personnel, etc. that would have to keep themselves from being bored or going crazy from being stuck at the various bases for months or longer.