Guys Taylor is going to go slaughterdeathkill whoever's trapped her in hell right? Well in a very real way mp3.1415 was the one that trapped her there.
Ah, but lucky for him, he has always claimed he is but a humble chronicler, of Suarial and co's tales. So he should be fine, right? Well, I hope so, for our preciousss words' his sake.
Mentally perhaps. As she has been resetting however she's likely physically only 3-4 weeks older.

As pointed by another just, changes been staying through the resets, and Taylor's been growing with a steady diet of rage, MRE, rage, nanomachines, Rage, combat drugs, RAGE, demon essence and RAGE! So yeah, she's definitely not looking like a tall teenager anymore.
As pointed by another just, changes been staying through the resets, and Taylor's been growing with a steady diet of rage, MRE, rage, nanomachines, Rage, combat drugs, RAGE, demon essence and RAGE! So yeah, she's definitely not looking like a tall teenager anymore.

You know, you're right! She's looking like a buff tall teenager (in power armor and carrying a sizable arsenal).
Therefore, it's entirely possible that the accumulated time has had some effect, at least
As pointed by another just, changes been staying through the resets, and Taylor's been growing with a steady diet of rage, MRE, rage, nanomachines, Rage, combat drugs, RAGE, demon essence and RAGE! So yeah, she's definitely not looking like a tall teenager anymore.
Well, yes she's going to be in top physical shape, possibly(almost certainly) even beyond what would normally be humanly possible. But she's also still likely going to be a 15 year old teenager, as it is roughly 6 months from when she went into the locker to her 16th birthday.
Im hoping that everything that occurred happened out of time so re entry into the locker and oh shit school go bye bye Sophie fizznazz PRT wrong end of the stick ho boy there goes the neighborhood
I nominate this Taylor for the Angry Marines.
Nice idea, but I think she might be a bit too ANGRY for them. OTOH, they could put up posters of her, and have inspirational talks illustrated with highlights of her career...
Guys Taylor is going to go slaughterdeathkill whoever's trapped her in hell right? Well in a very real way mp3.1415 was the one that trapped her there.
I'm pretty sure our brave and clever Author knows enough about 'meta' to put in effective cut-outs, who do not even believe in the concept 'author', never mind considering it a possibility. :)

((Also, all this "Rip, Tear" stuff. You need to remember that it's "Rip, Mangle, Shred, Tear" - don't miss out important stages! :) ))
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((Also, all this "Rip, Tear" stuff. You need to remember that it's "Rip, Mangle, Shred, Tear" - don't miss out important stages! :) ))

Now don't you go adding extra steps that don't belong in DOOM.

And if it's possible, even angrier. :)

"In other news, flashes of light seen on Deimos, a moon of Mars, are thought to be an explosion estimated to have a yield in the gigaton range..."

Fortunately her respawn point seems to change when she shifts dimensions via portal. On the other hand, if she emerges into the locker and that becomes her new respawn point...
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Daleks trash talking someone is never not funny :D
It's even better since this episode fixed one of the stupidest flaws they ever had: the inability to maneuver over STAIRS.

Nice idea, but I think she might be a bit too ANGRY for them. OTOH, they could put up posters of her, and have inspirational talks illustrated with highlights of her career...
Taylor is their entire Sisters of Battle chapter.
Fortunately her respawn point seems to change when she shifts dimensions via portal. On the other hand, if she emerges into the locker and that becomes her new respawn point...
Somehow I doubt the locker holds a candle to anything she experienced on Mars, much less in HELL.

Now if she wakes up in the locker without her powerarmor and guns then she's going to rip and tear the spacetime continuum a structurally superfluous orifice to get it back.
It's even better since this episode fixed one of the stupidest flaws they ever had: the inability to maneuver over STAIRS.
That happened earlier, in the Ninth Doctor Episode called Dalek. They've had flight ever since the show came back on after the "hiatus" that came about because one BBC bigwig hated having to pay for sci-fi series........
Mentally perhaps. As she has been resetting however she's likely physically only 3-4 weeks older.
Well, yes she's going to be in top physical shape, possibly(almost certainly) even beyond what would normally be humanly possible. But she's also still likely going to be a 15 year old teenager, as it is roughly 6 months from when she went into the locker to her 16th birthday.
I point back to DOOMed IV and V
she deliberately went out of her way to collect every scrap of ammunition, every single weapon she'd seen
this would take a few days to a week to finish mostly the going to and from places
the enormous energy weapon in the middle of a room that had taken her over three hours to get into
Three weeks later, Taylor stepped back from the last console
this is before her next checkpoint
By the two hundred and fifth time, she seemed to be on a roll, and hadn't died for weeks.
this was the last confirmed reset a total of 469 deaths at this point and the end part the "for weeks" would be more than three weeks but less than three months being conservative let's say 6 to 7 weeks we're at about 10 weeks of physical aging
Quite a long time later, after a number of other visits to strange places including several more of those semi-living ones that twitched when you blew holes in the walls, Taylor finally found what she was looking for.
the long time later can be anything from weeks to months or more at the end I think Taylor is either just before her next birthday if the big time jump is less than two and half months or she is already sixteen if it's more than two and half months my best guess at her physical age would be about a month before her sixteenth
Should Danny really be the original Doomguy/Doomslayer it could very well be that her ending up on a version of Mars was something she inherited from her space-time travelling father and was triggered by QA bonding to her.

Then it would be supremely funny for her to return to Brockton Bay only to find out that her father busted out his armor, from the concrete block he hid it in, and went to town on the gangs of the city and other S-Class threats.

Or she turns up in Ellisburg only to meet him there slaughtering Nilbog and his spawn for some "rage-relieve" against her disappearance. With her gone his very last reason to keep himself under absolute control would be gone as well after all.

It would make for some A-grade father-daughter bonding activity! No longer RIP&TEAR alone.
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What if Taylor picked up something bigger than power armor in hell?

A wtf mod for giant stompy robots.
Interesting video, and a potentially fun mod.

For story purposes.... like almost all armored vehicles, Mechs seem to be optimized to fight things like themselves, and not all that well set up for anti-infantry work. They are too big to clear a building and usually favor heavier weapons over faster firing ones. This is not to say they can't take out infantry, and in open field combat infantry would stand little chance of dropping a mech. However, dealing with large numbers of small mobile targets is not what most mech excel at, and a well equiped infantry group can, with luck and cleverness, punch way above their weight.

The Demons from DOOM are not, by and large, all that cleaver, but they are a lot more powerful then infantry, and often favor fire based attacks, which can really mess with a Battletech style mech; most mechs have issues if they can't keep their temperature down, after all......
does destroying the building count as clearing it?

Armor in urban areas needs infantry support even more so than usual, and even then the solution to clearing a building tends to be "put an HE round into it".

Not if you make the mistake of trying to walk through a building with infantry inside it. That is a great way to get your mech trashed and yourself dead.
Not if you make the mistake of trying to walk through a building with infantry inside it. That is a great way to get your mech trashed and yourself dead.
Put an HE round into it, THEN walk though the building.

Also, flamers.

Better yet, an IS Plasma Rifle (not the Clan's shitty knockoff though, which is shitty), as then you're putting an HE round into the building AND setting it on fire everywhere. Then walk through it.