Max Anders is a fucking hypocrite.
Nothing new under the sun.

And the whole time, Armsmaster's lie detector keeps blinking, "TRUE" while he's trying to convince himself, "I can take her."
Cue Piggot putting a gun in his mouth and asking "what was that mumbling Armsmaster?" while cocking the hammer.

That's one way to handle it...
I wonder what power does the portals, or if it's her own?
I think it's either God or Doormaker

Wouldn't want the PRT officers to suffer the smell.
I would be more concerned for poor Piggot, she already had enough with the gangs, now she has the Goddamm Doom Queen in the bay and her servants, of which she doesnt know about.

Ok Gentlemen/women, I fear we are forgetting a very important question to the author of this magnificent thing......When the hell does Taylor meet Isabelle?
Ok Gentlemen/women, I fear we are forgetting a very important question to the author of this magnificent thing......When the hell does Taylor meet Isabelle?
That depends...... just how much of a hold does a certain Tanuki have over the poor girl?

Let's face it; Tom Nook isn't about to let her go if he can help it.
Tom nook needs some heavy firepower to get his money man, he runs a buisness after all...(not entirely legal but you know potato patato)
Considering she can put a BFG to his face?
Considering his family may have control of her via a few million in debt, and friends in the legal system? A BFG doesn't help much if using it will not only see yourself in prison, but also your loved ones suffer for generations to come for your actions.

It's amazing how potent economic power can be, when properly applied.
Considering his family may have control of her via a few million in debt, and friends in the legal system? A BFG doesn't help much if using it will not only see yourself in prison, but also your loved ones suffer for generations to come for your actions.

It's amazing how potent economic power can be, when properly applied.
Considering how Isabelle seems to be all but married to her job, and her only friends and loved ones are the Mayor and the Doomslayer, that might not be as big an issue as you think it is.
Considering she can put a BFG to his face?
If there's anyone who can do a cockroach and crawl out of the crater only mildly singed from a direct BFG shot to the face, it's That Absolute Bastard, Nook.

He is a Tanuki after all, and mythologically speaking Tanuki are basically 'trickster' spirits, so pulling bullshit stunts like that is right up his alley.
4. Omake - The BOOM of DOOM
Just a little omake to mark American Explosive Treason Day :D

"What's that one?"

"I call it the Asteroid Impact."

"Catchy name. Is it any good?"

"Not bad, I guess. Bit small, but it's still pretty."

"Hmm. Ah, what about this one?"

"That's the finale."

"It's… quite large. And hard to look at. Seems to have too many corners for the number of sides."

"Yeah, the people I got it from are… well, they're pretty weird. Friendly, but weird. Scaly too."

"You did meet some interesting people in your travels."

"Some right fuckers too, I have to admit. Mind you, they're not a problem any more."

"That's my girl. So what does it do, anyway?"

"The clue is in the name there."

"'Stellar Detonator Type XIV. I see."

"You need to set it off quite a long way away to be completely safe..."

"I imagine you do. All right, I agree, that's for last. What do we start with?"

"Well, I want Mr Death to have some fun, but I was thinking a spread of plasma warheads to kick things off, then maybe shoot off a couple of those things."

"Huh. That's not any of the UAC designs you showed me."

"No, I picked that up from this giant AI tank I met. We swapped some designs. He told me the hellbore was pretty impressive, and I want to see if he's right. Took ages to build it, but it checks out."

"I think we should stand way over there, just in case."

"Sure. I made a remote for it."

"Good. And these smaller ones?"

"That one makes every particle in the zone of effect fly apart at the speed of light. Total protonic reversal, that scientist said, then he screamed and ran away when I explained what I wanted it for. Or it might have been because of that Zuul guy, he was a dick. Not a very tough dick though… Anyway, this other one here just makes a pretty light show for a while. And sometimes summons extremely hostile demons, but lately they seem to be staying away for some reason. Bit irritating, I could do with the target practice."

"I see. And this one?"

"Oh, that thing is pretty cool, it'll blow a hole the size of the moon in a planet."


"Yep. I tried it. Moon fitted right in no problem."

"Impressive indeed."

"I thought so."

"Seems like we have a decent loadout then. I've got a few toys of my own I've been sitting on for a while, like this thing. Picked it up when I was dating your mother."

"'Baby Nukem? Weird name."

"It's pretty funny. They hear it coming, and run like hell. Doesn't usually help."

"Hah. Nice one, Dad."

"Your mother loved it. Anyway, we're running out of time, so we should get ready."

"I have retrieved the hot dogs of DOOM, my Queen."

"Did you get the pizza too?"

"Um… I will be back soon, my Queen. My apologies."

"Whatever. Oh, make sure we get the good mustard this time, you hear me?"

"As my Queen commands, so shall it be."

"You better believe it."

"He's polite all things considered."

"Yeah, they're pretty helpful. OK, let's get everything set up. You! Portal, now. And you lot, grab all this and carry it through. Do not drop it!"

"As my Queen commands."

"Coming, Dad?"

"Yes, just hold on a second, I need another beer… OK, let's go. Video recording on?"

"Of course, I want to remember this."

"And you're sure no one wants this star system any more?"

"Not… any more, no."

"That is a truly disturbing grin, Taylor."

"Thanks, Dad. Yours is pretty good too. Oh, should we send a copy to dear old Max? Just to let him know we remember him?"

"Should help keep him honest. Excellent idea."

"This should be fun. I've always loved the fourth of July..."


Emily watched as the screen gradually dimmed to reveal what was left of a star, her hands clammy and her face covered in sweat. When the recording ended, she took several seconds to recover enough to look around at the others in the conference room. Armsmaster was fixedly staring at the now blank screen, several people had their eyes closed, one had fainted, and the rest were looking terrified.

"And that, yet again, is why we do not upset Overkill, ladies and gentlemen," she said through a dry throat as she reached for a glass of water. "That was her having fun with her dad."

She glanced at Tagg, who was white and shaking. "You get the point, you incredible asshole?"

He nodded silently. She was fairly certain his pants were damp.

"Nice of her to send us a copy of the video," Assault eventually commented in a high-pitched voice.

Looking at him, Emily merely shook her head before getting up to go and get drunk. Again.
"Seems like we have a decent loadout then. I've got a few toys of my own I've been sitting on for a while, like this thing. Picked it up when I was dating your mother."

"'Baby Nukem? Weird name."

"It's pretty funny. They hear it coming, and run like hell. Doesn't usually help."
Baby Nukem? What the heck? Duke Nukem is in the Hebert family tree?
Emily can get drunk? I'll have to reread this! I don't remember her being healed. Then again, there is a certain impact to be had if she's going off to get drunk without the healing.
You know I think that demonstration might have a small chance of actually penetrating Tagg's skull, a small one maybe but it's still there.
Well... At least she didn't accidentally the star. No, that was entirely on purpose.
You never forget your first. Why sully the perfectly good memories through accidental repetition where something could go wrong, when you can just ensure everything goes ohhhh soooo right... boom baby, boom.
"Oh, that thing is pretty cool, it'll blow a hole the size of the moon in a planet."


"Yep. I tried it. Moon fitted right in no problem."
..I am actually more curious as to HOW she got the Moon into the hole...
What am I saying? She probably just glared at it, and the Moon understood and moved out of sheer unadulterated terror.
"And that, yet again, is why we do not upset Overkill, ladies and gentlemen," she said through a dry throat as she reached for a glass of water. "That was her having fun with her dad."
To be fair? So was what happened to the E88.
cannnnntttttt....... *gasp* Brrreeeeeaaattthhhh......*wheeze* Lauggghhhiiinnggg.....*chortle* Tooooo....*snerk* Hardddd.... *thuds on the ground, passed out*
Was gonna take the Mickey out of the author for the title but it's to funny to get mad at :)
Also I would really really have loved to see that Fourth of July show:drevil::D
Emily can get drunk? I'll have to reread this! I don't remember her being healed. Then again, there is a certain impact to be had if she's going off to get drunk without the healing.
After Taylor gets back, I can absolutely see Emily approaching Panacea in person to request healing for the sole purpose of being able to drink herself unconscious, being entirely up-front about it, and Amy going along with it because she wants to get wasted too.