Well, at least the Heberts are a part of the Blazkowicz family, yes.

Well, didn't Taylor show a video of her dimension hopping shenanigans already?

Was thinking the same thing.
Albeit, given how Danny apparently could ghost his way through a fight, I had a thought that Danny might be an Attano.
As in, a descendant of Corvo Attano, protagonist of Dishonored. I mean, Dishonored is a Bethesda game, and the Doom 2016 came from Bethesda, so......
Do you think the Outsider is watching the Hebert family bonding in amusement?
One things for certain, Medhall's going to need to be demolished after this. That skyscraper is NOT structurally sound anymore, I'm quite certain. Somehow, i dont think they'll have the money to rebuild or repair any time soon either.
Do you think the Outsider is watching the Hebert family bonding in amusement?
Amusement? Maybe.
If Danny is an Attano (which would mean Taylor has some old noble blood in her, as Emily is Corvo's daughter), at this point I guess the Outsider would be also terrified of what Taylor could manage to unleash.

...Then again, he could be the one who sent Taylor to become the Doom Queen, and got more than he wished for.
Okay, so that was fun. Excellent, long chapter... Battle scenes... I happened to have 'Avalon Is Risen' playing on loop in the background... Awesome.
In other news, go buy that song. It's seriously catchy and very well done.

But if she accepted that the ridiculous things they'd told here were actually true
told her
"The Fires of Hell are hers to control, all Demons submit to her might or perish, now and forever. Her RAGE is unlimited and she has risen to overcome all that could stand against her. She is the Doom Queen, rightful ruler of the dimensions of Hell, unbeatable and unvanquished. Yet she is capable of mercy to those who offer her peace and do not stand in her way. Worship her Glory, bask in her Anger, fear her on the field of War. Serve Her Will and Thrive. Become Her enemy and Perish Screaming in Despair."
Whoa. I have shivers. And she apparently has a herald...
The phone melting was a nice touch.
and some maniac with a chainsaw who cut the front door into ribbons about ten minutes ago.
I can't help but suspect this is going to be a theme.
The super heroine nodded dumbly, not looking away from the screen. Emily, feeling that no more needed to be said, although she was also pretty sure that this wouldn't apply in Armsmaster's case as he was a fucking pain in the ass a lot of the time, returned her attention to it as well. She was just in time to see a tall man in a long leather trench-coat hurdle a crater on the eleventh floor through the missing glass, turn in mid air, and fire several shots from a large shotgun at the people pursuing him. Light reflected from his glasses as four of them dropped like sacks of rice and he landed, rolled, got to his feet in one motion, and disappeared deeper into the building.

"Jesus fucking Christ," she muttered. "Dock worker my ass. Who is that goddamn man?"
That is getting to be a very good question. And this is starting to read like a fight from Hellsing Ultimate Abridged. That's not a bad thing...
Right now, she could do little but watch the Hebert's having a family moment.
That establishment is… known to be dangerous if provoked. Dockworkers go there.
There have to be some good stories involved there. This sounds interesting.
And why the fuck was she so invested in using that damned chainsaw? He'd never be able to look at a lumberjack the same way again after seeing what he'd seen.
Snerk. In which way can he not look at one the same way?
Too bad she took out Hookwolf already, he'd probably ask for lessons.
He had no idea who the guy was, but he had a healthy respect for his aim.

And his ability to simply ghost away without trace. Clearly some sort of Stranger, but not one he'd ever heard of.
That probably is as wrong as he can possibly be. Whatever he is, I suspect it's something a bit worse than a mere parahuman.
I'm still undecided as to whether he's the original DoomGuy, or how Annette would be involved were she here...
Moments later there was a horrible descending scream from outside the building just after a large boom! made the floor shake again.

"Wilhelm!" One of his two current companions stopped for a second, yelling out the name, only for his friend to push him into a run again.

"He will be avenged," Stormtiger vowed. He wasn't sure how at the moment, but it was important to keep morale up.
He was lucky to be alive, as he'd paused in sheer shock when she'd dropped on Menja with a yell of triumph that had made his blood run cold, accompanied by a roar from her fucking chainsaw and the most horrific scream he'd ever heard from his cape. Who had found her power nowhere near enough to help against an armored lunatic wielding a huge powered tool like a bread knife, with apparent glee.
Oh my. That's just wrong...
"Ah. I suspect that you do not serve HER will. Excellent."
Effing. Cackling.
The 'excellent' on the end there really sells it.
"I am not interested in joining your gang," Taylor told him. "Don't ask again or I will be very angry. You really wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

After several seconds, Kaiser yanked what was left of his helmet off his head and threw it to the floor, then pointed at her wordlessly. Then he waved a hand around the room, before pointing at her again, his mouth working.

Eventually his voice seemed to come back. "ANGRY!?" he screeched in disbelief. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS IF NOT ANGRY?"
Oh nice. I never suspected that she'd actually leave him alive, much less treat it as a minor retaliation!
Plus I think she might have broken his composure a bit there. Just possibly.
"Hey. Portal to our house, now," Taylor called. "Don't make me move you up the list."

Danny watched as a dark pink mist appeared off to one side, causing Taylor to nod in satisfaction. "That's a good trick," he said mildly.

"It's useful, but you wouldn't believe the trouble I've had with it," she grumbled as she walked towards it.
That's one way to handle it...
I wonder what power does the portals, or if it's her own?
She looked up at Renick, who was watching her curiously, then turned to examine the drone image. The Medhall tower was looking precarious but was still standing. "Think we can land a VTOL on the helipad without the entire thing falling over?" she queried, pointing at the screen. He followed her finger, then looked enquiringly at her.

"Kaiser, who is indeed Max Anders, says that if we rescue him, Othala, and Stormtiger from his penthouse and guarantee that none of them ever see Brockton Bay or the Heberts again he'll tell us everything we want to know about the Empire Eighty Eight, Gesellschaft, and four separate international weapons and drugs smuggling operations."

Renick raised an eyebrow and looked at the screen again. Then he grinned.

She sighed faintly. "This fucking city..."
Have I mentioned lately that I greatly enjoy your work?
And all that in one day...
I'm actually amazed. Taylor, The DOOM QUEEN, Queen of Escalation, chose to deescalate and let Max off with a warning. She's actually mellowed out a fair bit, it seams.......
"Listen to me, Max Anders. I am Taylor Hebert. I have killed worlds, destroyed entire civilizations, walked through dimensions that will know my name for all time and fear it. And your people interrupted me having a pizza with my dad. Don't ever do that again or I'll come back, destroy everything you have left, and personally drag you to hell by the balls. You understand me?"

There's boasts, there's badass boasts, and then there's making the 100% accurate statement that despite not being old enough to legally drink (not that anyone but her dad might rise a fuss) you are the literal one woman apocalypse with several dead civilizations already to your name. I do hope Max's wardrobe had survived enough that he was able to find a pair of clean pants...

Wouldn't want the PRT officers to suffer the smell.
I'm actually amazed. Taylor, The DOOM QUEEN, Queen of Escalation, chose to deescalate and let Max off with a warning. She's actually mellowed out a fair bit, it seams.......
Letting him live, knowing that he is powerless, broken, hopeless and surrounded by his slowly crumbling building, hopes and dreams, is sometimes crueller than just straight up killing him. After all, a once broken will can be very, very delicate.
Blood For The Blood God!
Dead Nazi's For The Doom Queen!
So... Lung's guilty pleaser is Candy Crush. Gotcha. And Nazi Hunting Family is now a confirmed thing. Good. And she let Max live on, as a broken, broken man. Eh, if he hasn't learned his lesson already, HE WILL, OH HE WILL!
"Didn't think so," he responded, tossing the charge in his hand and catching it again. "Takes me back, all this."

"Mom would be sad she's missing it."

"She'd already be in there shooting Nazis," he snickered, before turning and walking off into the darkness, his shotgun over his shoulder, the leather trench coat he'd gone back to the car to retrieve flapping around his ankles with the pockets full of ammo. She looked after him with a fond smile, feeling happiness that she'd not only made it home but reconnected with her dad over a mutual hobby, then went about her business.

You know, it's those family times that keep you together. Sitting around, talking, reminiscing, eating pizza, killing Nazis... you know, the little things.
One things for certain, Medhall's going to need to be demolished after this. That skyscraper is NOT structurally sound anymore, I'm quite certain. Somehow, i dont think they'll have the money to rebuild or repair any time soon either.
To make amends to the city, Taylor sells the schematics for the Plasma Rifle to DARPA, uses the money to build a munitions plant and new hospital in the city. Then BFG's the ship blocking the bay.
"So the girl said." He shook his head. "Pity. They're a major employer in the city, but there have been rumors for years that they have backing from sources overseas that are less than entirely legitimate. And it would explain some of the stranger things about where the Empire gets its drugs from. I've heard from more than one place that they actually distribute more narcotics than the Merchants do, but in much higher purity and for a lot more money." He shrugged a little. "From what I've been told by at least one person, they might actually be supplying the Merchants. Not that Skidmark knows, of course."

"I'd have thought the Nazi ideal would frown on narcotic use," she commented wryly.

"Hah. They say that but I highly doubt they actually believe it. And, of course, money is money," he chuckled. "Got to cost a lot, trying to get the Fourth Reich off the ground."

I'm surprised neither took the angle of them selling it to the Merchants, which is run by a black man, means that they have no problem giving drugs to non-White people and exploiting them for cash. They might publicly disapprove of giving it to White people, but have no problems with colored people doing them.
And now they were attacking his home? Hadn't they heard of the Rules?
I love the hypocracy, when just an hour or so earlier he was contemplating using threats to her home and father against her to get her to join up.
Then again, just about everyone that likes to boss others aroud is a hypcrite this way. Even legitimate authorities.
Several people swore under their breaths at the sight, then winced when a blindingly bright beam of something cut horizontally across the entire side of the tower on that floor, causing a large piece of the exterior skin to crumble and collapse. This exposed internal rooms and corridors to their view, showing at least two dozen people firing a large collection of heavy weapons including an RPG launcher at another figure at the front of the building. This one was wearing all too familiar power armor and seemed entirely unmoved by being the target of enough firepower to take out a small battalion.
I wonder if other agencies are going to be getting involved in the aftermath. The PRT might not have the proper jurisdiction. The DEA and ATF would probably be interested in those narcodics labs and all that heavy weaponry respectively.
"Kaiser, who is indeed Max Anders, says that if we rescue him, Othala, and Stormtiger from his penthouse and guarantee that none of them ever see Brockton Bay or the Heberts again he'll tell us everything we want to know about the Empire Eighty Eight, Gesellschaft, and four separate international weapons and drugs smuggling operations."

Renick raised an eyebrow and looked at the screen again. Then he grinned.
He rejoined "That's easily arranged. They'll be spending a lot of time in a jail cell and then a federal prision if they don't get the birdcage. We can easily arrange for a change of venue for the trial so he never has to stay in Brockton Bay during the trial.

new responses
Don't you mean "make a BFG out of the ship blocking the bay", since Taylor has in her head a good chunk of tech knowledge from the UAC and more?
The tanker isn't anywhere near the size or tonnage of the Yamato. At best it would be a cruiser.
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Danny could be a Deus Ex analog, like Adam before his surgery. Not really vanishing, but using vents and ducts to move and shoot.
...Which doesn't go against the idea of Danny being an Attano, as you could play Dishonored without using any Outsider derived powers like that.

IMO... "Danny Hebert" is just a name. A new name. The man's previous name... had quite a few accolades to it.

A Ph.D in Theoretical Physics.

A crowbar.

A Hazardous Environment suit.
...Oh dear.
"Kaiser, who is indeed Max Anders, says that if we rescue him, Othala, and Stormtiger from his penthouse and guarantee that none of them ever see Brockton Bay or the Heberts again he'll tell us everything we want to know about the Empire Eighty Eight, Gesellschaft, and four separate international weapons and drugs smuggling operations."
And there by showing that he is not COMPLETELY braindead.

Also, if Taylor has conquered multiple hells can she call back the dead?... Now I want here to scare the afterlife enough that it gives her her mother back to calm her down.