Tangled Fate [Ranma 1/2 / Exalted]

But I guess you'll still need your mining and transport network to be running well for large scale production.
And Greyfalls has many connections across the scavenger land and sits on a river, and produces the best ships outside of the West. They'll do fairly well, though admittedly it'll be a choice of what they'll commit to first.
And Greyfalls has many connections across the scavenger land and sits on a river, and produces the best ships outside of the West. They'll do fairly well, though admittedly it'll be a choice of what they'll commit to first.
Speaking of ships, I know it's mentioned in story/thread that Greyfalls makes ships and sent them to the Blessed Isle. This means the Yanaze (and the Yellow) river are deep/wide enough that blue-water vessels (ones designed for the ocean meaning they have deeper keels etc) can freely travel.

While an army is vital for the coming siege, I suspect that a navy will have to form at some point to prevent Lookshy/the Realm from sailing right up the Rock river to assault Greyfalls from another direction.

Though I have to ask, right where the Rock river meets the Yellow there's this place called the Mist Island. Seems like prime real estate to control river travel, so is there any info on the place?
The Sharps Rifle was breechloading and was transitioned to metallic cartridges. Finding an example of a breechloading rifle in Europe or elsewhere is still ongoing, however. It should be noted that the sharp rifle was an example of a "Falling Block" action, a subtype of breech-loading rifles. It's generally what I've been thinking of.
Eh? The Dreyse and the Chassepot were both breechloading as well. Bolt-action does not preclude breechloading. Really, anything that's single-shot and not muzzle-loading is breech-loading.
Speaking of ships, I know it's mentioned in story/thread that Greyfalls makes ships and sent them to the Blessed Isle. This means the Yanaze (and the Yellow) river are deep/wide enough that blue-water vessels (ones designed for the ocean meaning they have deeper keels etc) can freely travel.
Yes, oddly enough its also mentioned that during summer there are places where the river can be forded. The river must get pretty shallow in places. Keeping in mind that the standard ship produced by the Greyfalls docks for use by the Realm is the Galley.
Though I have to ask, right where the Rock river meets the Yellow there's this place called the Mist Island. Seems like prime real estate to control river travel, so is there any info on the place?
Doesn't appear to be any. Just a label on the map.

Eh? The Dreyse and the Chassepot were both breechloading as well. Bolt-action does not preclude breechloading. Really, anything that's single-shot and not muzzle-loading is breech-loading.
Every source I've consulted seems to treat the two as entirely separate terms.
Exalted can make things happen that quickly? In the real world obviously you'd never get there that quickly.

To be honest it depends on a number of factors. But one of the biggest ones when making new stuff?

Iteration and testing of prototypes. If there's only 1 person who can produce prototypes and it takes them a week per prototype you are going to get a very limited amount of tests done over time, which means that design flaws can take ages to identify and correct, and a very large amount of money. This is also part of why prototyping is often done by the most experienced and knowledgeable members of a team, if you are involved with something long enough you build up a body of practical knowledge no amount of schooling can convey adequately.

This is a good chunk of why computer aided design has been such a boon to research and development, it lets testing to occur in a simulated environment in much greater numbers and for much less money than having to put all the time and resources that would otherwise be required in prototype testing.

Exalted, especially Solar Exalted, get some pretty bullshit Crafting boosting Charms. Including an Essence 3 (IIRC for 2nd Edition, don't know about 3rd) Charm that lets you speed all Crafting efforts on a project by Essencex3. Which means that even at the time you first purchase that charm you are effectively completing entire production and development cycles 10 times faster than would otherwise be possible even without looking at the ludicrous dicepools you'd be throwing at any issue.

Keep in mind that a skilled craftsman would be lucky to toss something like 10 dice in total at a crafting check. A Solar that specialized in crafting would throw a minimum of 20, and that's before accounting for assistants, superior tools and superior materials, as well as the ability to just have another Exalt make any non-crafting issues that could slow the project down go away through handling all the legal, logistical and diplomatic issues.

A Circle that knows what it's doing and is working together on an issue can make major shifts happen very quickly indeed. Even if most of it's predicated on the Circle keeping up the effort themselves unless they are willing to take the longer term route of making all the infrastructure necessary to support non-Exalts in the same endeavors.
Every source I've consulted seems to treat the two as entirely separate terms.
Did you check Wikipedia? The Dreyse needle gun and Chassepot are both described as breech-loading. Breech-loading just means that you put the bullet directly into the barrel from the rear, and while most bolt-actions use some type of magazine instead, the earliest bolt-action rifles didn't.

Edit: Actually, it might also include magazine-loaders. Not sure what the exact definition is.
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Doesn't appear to be any. Just a label on the map.
Not that surprising I guess. Trade, blockades and other such 'boring' things probably wouldn't be the focus of the epic adventures that Exalted tend to focus on.
Yes, oddly enough its also mentioned that during summer there are places where the river can be forded. The river must get pretty shallow in places. Keeping in mind that the standard ship produced by the Greyfalls docks for use by the Realm is the Galley.
Well the shallowness will depend on how variable the river height can be. Also is this supposed to be the Rock, Yellow or Yanaze that can be forded? Because while I can see the Rock being forded, the latter two must be miles across and rather deep.

Galleys huh, any indication of type or features in the lore? Because from my limited rooting around it's suggested that the primary military ship of the Realm are triremes (focusing on delivering loads of Dragonbloods to the target while things like galleons or junks serve as cargo transports.
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Well the shallowness ill depend on how variable the river height can be. Also is this supposed to be the Rock, Yellow or Yanaze that can be forded? Because while I can see the Rock being forded, the latter two much be miles across and rather deep.

Galleys huh, any indication of type or features in the lore? Because from my limited rooting around it's suggested that the primary military ship of the Realm are triremes (focusing on delivering loads of Dragonbloods to the target while things like galleons or junks serve as cargo transports.
The Lesser Rock which leads to Greyfalls actually. I'd personally call it something that only effects a month or two of the year. The Yellow River is miles across. Its more like the great lakes in width and can definitely support deepwater vessels.

I've seen both Trireme and Galley thrown around for the realm. At the same time we see Galleons, Junks and Caravels relegated to secondary roles... Frankly, I think the 1st or 2nd editions of Exalted were written by people who don't know anything about ships...
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I've seen both Trireme and Galley thrown around for the realm. At the same time we see Galleons, Junks and Caravels relegated to secondary roles... Frankly I don't think the 1st or 2nd editions of Exalted were written by people who don't know anything about ships...
Well they would be a secondary aspect at most so not a lot of thought was put into them in all likelihood.

Still it presents a navel mentality for the Realm (and likely everyone in general) largely focused around boarding enemy vessels and relatively close range combat (bows, the occasional magic/charm user etc). There might be some mounted weaponry but they would be largely secondary in exchange for carrying more boarding troops.

Any Greyfalls navy in the future ergo will potentially adopt a mentality of (at least trying to) sink/disable enemy vessels before they can close the distance, because they simply won't have the numbers of combatants that the other powers can field. Combined with a requirement for ships that can operate in the various rivers (they would be a defensive force for the most part) and advanced knowledge of gunpower/cannons; yeah there will probably be some new types of vessels emerging over the years.
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Any Greyfalls navy in the future ergo will potentially adopt a mentality of (at least trying to) sink/disable enemy vessels before they can close the distance, because they simply won't have the numbers of combatants that the other powers can field. Combined with a requirement for ships that can operate in the various rivers (they would be a defensive force for the most part) and advanced knowledge of gunpower/cannons; yeah there will probably be some new types of vessels emerging over the years.
Fortunately cannons are very good at sinking ships at a distance. I can see some ironclad riverboats getting used for force projection. This is the River province after all, and while most maps don't show the thousands of small to medium rivers that run through the Scavenger Lands they are there.

Also I was doing some more research into 19th century Rifles and I stumbled on this. I rather like the design of the action, and I believe that Emily would know about it. Also, Video! Interestingly, I think it might actually be easier to manufacture than many of the other ideas we've been throwing around.
PIty that all I know is guns and cars.

Not like military vehicles, but like muscle cars. I suppose we'll have to see what other civilians are around, but I just had this idea that they were grabbed from random enough places, since the one doctor was in Switzerland.


I just had this thought that yeah, you got some American drag racers and their vehicles. A 75 Camaro, a 74 240z, a 73 Road Runner... and you got a combined Horse Power of 3000+ with those vehicles.

Hell, there could be, roving the country side, right now, dragonblooded Hell's Angels/Mongols/Pagans/Warlocks on their charm enhanced Harleys!
Ah, the Remington Rollingblock, that is a relatively simple design, yes. You'd need to combine it with brass cartridges to make it usable as wanted and it would still need relative precise machining, but you'd have less of an issue needing all the parts to work just right.

Though I some times wonder that once they figure out a smokeless powder, if they might not just at that point transition over to an AK-47 knock-off or some such. It would depend on their industrial ability at the time, but as long as it's up to the task of required precision and milling complexity, the later guns really are the superior option in cost to make and over all effectivity.

Well probably not relevant any time to soon, so I guess we can ignore it so long as the blocker technology remains.
Ah, the Remington Rollingblock, that is a relatively simple design, yes. You'd need to combine it with brass cartridges to make it usable as wanted and it would still need relative precise machining, but you'd have less of an issue needing all the parts to work just right.

Though I some times wonder that once they figure out a smokeless powder, if they might not just at that point transition over to an AK-47 knock-off or some such. It would depend on their industrial ability at the time, but as long as it's up to the task of required precision and milling complexity, the later guns really are the superior option in cost to make and over all effectivity.

Well probably not relevant any time to soon, so I guess we can ignore it so long as the blocker technology remains.
Skipping manually-operated magazine-fed and semiautomatic designs and jumping straight to assault rifles? Certainly achievable, but it might not be worth it, and would make ammo supply a much bigger problem extremely fast.
Skipping manually-operated magazine-fed and semiautomatic designs and jumping straight to assault rifles? Certainly achievable, but it might not be worth it, and would make ammo supply a much bigger problem extremely fast.
Well it would depend on other factors, true. Including being able to make a smokeless powder equivalent in large quantities.

In the end logistics dominates concerns I suppose.
Reports From the Spymaster's Table -- Part Two
Dear Reader,

As the first of our reports has been well received we have continued to expand our investigations of the Nations of Almarath and Prandar. Compiled below is an expansion of our reports on the cities of the two nations and our preliminary reports on both organizations and notable figures from the two kingdoms. We remind you, however, that these are preliminary and most likely will see revision as rumours are dispelled and new information comes to light.

Hinagawa Miyu
Royal Spymaster

P.S. We are still working on getting functional cameras. Until then we apologize for the lack of pictures to go along with the profiles.

P.P.S. We appear to have managed to acquire photos of some of the notable figures within.

Cities of Prandar -- Part Two

City Name: Pinecross
Nation: Prandar
Population: 4,000-7,000
History: Founded one hundred and five years ago in RY663 the town and fortress now known as Pinecross was named for one simple feature of the crossroads that meet in the town's center. A pine tree, growing at the spot where the two roads met. Pinecross valley was, at the time of founding, an unnamed territory known at the time only for the crossroads that lead to fairer lands. Positioned so high into the mountains Pinecross's growing season is half that of the lower reaches of Prandar. Yet something led the family of Duke Gunther Pinecross to settle. When asked the Lord himself merely shrugs. His father never told him why, merely said some things were gifts not to be questioned. He himself suspects gods or spirits of some kind may have had a hand, but admits that it is mere speculation. There has been nothing to suggest the continued activity of such beings, if they were ever involved to begin with.

Regardless of its origins Pinecross started as a farm, then two, then three, and eventually a small market appeared which only blossomed into a town when the Lord Pinecross was raised to his current station. Pinecross stands at a key crossroads north of Ester's Ring. Over the years the good Duke has slowly built up his seat, from a large holdfast up to a fortress that overlooks the valley with a wall that runs across the southern exit of the valley, barring progress towards the capital without first having dealt with the Fortress and its defenders.

The Citadel of Pinecross doubles as training camp for soldiers and acts as the home for one of the three Knightly orders that provide the bulk of Prandar's limited standing cavalry force. The Knights of Pinecross only number around Three hundred, however between them and the regular soldiers who guard the pass the northern route to and from Ester's Ring is well protected.

Cities of Almarath -- Part Two

City Name: Almarath's Hearth
Nation: Almarath
Population: 400-600(Normally), 4,000~(Current Estimate)
History: Almarath's Hearth a small hamlet whose only real claim to any fame is being the seat of House Almarath. A village of miners whose primary export is silver. The mine has brought House Almarath considerable wealth over the years, though rumours of poor production rates in recent years suggests that the easy life of House Almarath may be coming to an end.

The population of the hamlet has jumped recently as House Almarath has been training new soldiers and their camp has eclipsed the village itself several times over. For what purpose none have been willing to divulge, though it is possible that no one outside Lord Almarath himself knows their true purpose.

Organizations of Prandar

Name: Knights of Pinecross
Membership: 300-400 (Average age is 26)
Home: The Citadel of Pinecross
Leader: Knight-Captain Amelia Lindberg
History: Founded Fifty years ago the Knights of Pinecross are the youngest of the three Knightly orders in Prandar, yet as they are based out of the Citadel of Pinecross they enjoy a greater prestige than would normally be expected of such a young order. Or they did, before Wu. The current Knight-Captain, Amelia Lindberg, is young as are many in the order. A consequence of losses taken at the Siege of Wu. First over the walls they cleared and seized the main gatehouse, a tremendous feat of valour that was purchased at the cost of many lives, including the previous Knight-Captain William Bouge.

Wu, the very mention of the city invokes mixed emotions for the order. To be chosen to lead an assault is a great honour, but the slaughter that followed weighs on many. Worse still rumours persist that the entire reason they had been chosen to lead the way was because their Knight-Captain had disagreed with the King. On what no one can agree on, only that loud voices could be heard from within the Royal Tent before the Knight-Captain stormed out. Six hours later half the order lay dead including the Knight-Captain. Regardless of their veracity these rumours haunt the survivors of the assault, nibbling at them during hard times.

Of those who have joined the order since many were appointed by the King rather than invited in by the Knight-Captain as has been tradition amongst Prandar's Knightly orders since their inception. The result has been arguments, always out of sight of outsider, within the halls of the order between those who fought at Wu, and those who owe their privilege and status to the King.

Name: Eastpeak Academy
Membership: 16 Teachers, 24 Staffers, 120 Guards, 400 Students
Home: Eastpeak Academy, Ester's Ring
Leader: Retired General William Mansson
History: Eastpeak Academy is as old as the city it is a part of. Established within the first year after the first stones were laid in what would become the fortresses of Ester's Ring the Eastpeak Academy has continuously produced exceptional and well educated officers for Prandar. Though not every youth who passes through its walls goes on to join the military Eastpeak is the only academy in Prandar certified to extend the option of a junior commission upon graduation, which it does so to nearly every student. The only other option for a commission is to attract the eye of the King, and even then most elect to attend Eastpeak classes to help prepare them for their new duties. Those rare few who are not extended a commission by Eastpeak or by the Crown are usually beset with the stigma of failure for the rest of their lives.

Organizations of Almarath

Name: Priesthood of Valenic
Membership: 2,000-3,000
Home: Goldcrest
Leader: High Priestess Marie Tobias
Holy Symbols: The Number 7, A Golden Goat, A triangle made of angled gold ingots
History: The Priesthood of Valenic is older than the nations of Prandar and Almarath. For centuries the order has served the God of Gold, Traders, and Ambition. When Prandar overtook the small towns and villages that made up what passed for civilization the God embraced the nation, and later heartily endorsed the rule of House Prandar of Alamarath. Lately, however, his High Priestess has been seen visiting other Houses, including House Almarath, more often than she has been seen visiting with the young Princess.

His priest regularly hold festivals in both Helmin and Almarath where the bulk of his worshippers reside. Those embarking on risky ventures often seek the blessing of the most influential God of Almarath. For the right price the God is more than willing to endorse or damn entire enterprises, sometimes even both at once. This fickle nature, and the consequences that follow from it, are often said to be the only thing that prevents Valenic from attaining the one thing he seeks, becoming the God of Almarath itself.

Name: Merchant's Association of Marburg
Membership: Varying constantly, usually several thousand
Home: Marburg's Merchant Guildhall down the street from townhall
Leader: Council of Seven
History: Older than Marburg. Not something that can normally be said of a City's Merchant Association. Back before Marburg was founded there was a group of seven merchants who were prevented from trading in Helmin. For some it was due to the nature of their wares. For others they simply had offended one influential party or another. Their reasons mattered little to the others in their group for in the end all of them found themselves barred from the heart of Prandar Trade. Together they established a trading post across the river from Marburg featuring a variety of goods that could not be found in the great trade city.

Time passed and when Marburg was formed they decided that their nameless partnership needed to become more than it was. The seven merchants formed the Merchant's Association of Marburg and set about amassing the power and wealth that flowed into the new city. Now, over a century later, their descendants still control the seven seats of the Asssociation and their houses control the bulk of the trade that flows through the city. Whether legal or contraband all of it passes through their hands at some point, or it doesn't pass at all.

Notable Figures -- Prandar

Name: Giovanni Prandar
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Hair: Long, Blonde
Eyes: Blue-grey
Exaltation: N/A
Characteristics: The ambitious King of Prandar. Known for his political machinations and his talent and predilection for war. Rumours swirl about his nation that those he is displeased with tend to disappear. While most are simply shuffled off to places out of the public eye, others will never again be seen with mortal eyes.
History: King Giovanni Prandar was elevated to the role in the wake of his father's death during a rebellion in the north-west edge of the Teeth of the Serene Maiden. In the wake of his father's death Giovanni crushed the rebel forces and began a campaign to renew the military might of his nation. At age 18 in order to curb the ambitions of the protectorate of Almarath he ordered the assassination of Prince Ruth Prandar. The assassination failed, however the Prince died a couple months later during a suspicious hunting trip.

Ever since Giovanni has led the kingdom on two minor wars of expansion, seizing the minor city-states of Kel'tundas and Wu. In the latter his men sacked the city of Wu, reducing its population by nearly half and destroying the vast wine plantations that once brought it wealth.

His efforts have, on the surface, stalled and perhaps even reversed the slow decline of Prandar. Territories lost to the many minor city-states that surround Prandar have been reclaimed. New lands, untouched by Prandar have been claimed and settled. New contacts within The Guild have been made and trade brings yet more wealth… and yet this golden age is only surface deep.

Giovanni knows he has made many enemies with his plans. Many are the people who have died; or lost land, loved ones, or even everything either at his hand, or by his orders. He knows they lurk, out of sight, out of reach. He does not doubt that there are those in his court that would love to see him fall, to see vengeance brought upon him. He does not care. He has gotten this far with wit and ruthless cunning, and he will reach farther still. The Teeth belong to him, and one day so will all the lands that surround them. So he wishes it, so shall it be, and no God, Exalt, or Fair Folk shall impede his desires.

Name: Gunther Pinecross
Age: 85
Gender: Male
Hair: Short, Grey-Silver
Eyes: Green
Exaltation: N/A
Characteristics: Seen it all, loyal, cunning, dying of old age, Seeks to ensure Prandar's safety after his death,
History: Duke Gunther Pinecross of House Pinecross has served three Kings and one Queen over the course of his lifetime. He has seen battle in wars against Lookshy, Vaneha. Greyfalls, and even the Fair Folk. He has lead the hunt for three Anathema, and returned each time with the head of the Anathema. His name is known across all of Prandar as the General who has defied creatures of greater might than any mortal time and time again, and yet emerged each time victorious. And yet, for all these amazing feats, he is mortal. Death comes for all in time and Lord Pinecross, Captain-General of Prandar's armies and Master of the Pinehold, feels it nipping at his heels more strongly every day. One day, soon, he knows it will take him and everything he has helped build over his seventy year service to Prandar will be without his guidance or his wisdom. Like the young man who fancies himself King. The very thought of his most recent Monarch brings a scoff to the old man whenever he is in private.

The boy believes that a King needs only ambition and cunning. That fear alone will keep at bay his foes and bring to heel his 'allies'. Once, some years passed, he had thought the boy might be counseled and taught other more sustainable methods. Those beliefs had died with the people of the City Wu. They had burned with its fields of grapevines and its orchards of pears. They bled out on its streets with his great-grandson and heir.

Duke Gunther Pinecross First and Last Lord of House Pinecross, Protector of the Realm, Captain-General of its Armies, Master of Pinehold. Once he knew everything he built could stand without him. Now he understands his death will spark its final conflagration.

Name: Amelia Lindberg
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Hair: Long, Blonde
Eyes: Green
Exaltation: N/A
History: Formerly the prodigy of Knight-Captain William Bouge she was among the eldest and most experienced knights left after the Battle of Wu. Raised to her position by the acclaim of her fellows she has done what she could to rebuild the order. While the Order of the Knights of Pinecross is once again several hundred strong it has come at a price. Young inexperienced knights who dream of glory without knowing anything of battle fill the halls. Many of them there solely because of the orders of the King.

At times Amelia finds herself standing in the window of the Knight-Captain's office watching the new knights run through drill after drill. Their eagerness for battle makes her feel old, despite not having lived through even twenty-five summers. Before Wu she was much like them, eager for battle and reveling in the prospect of glory. That was before she had to spend six hours trying, and failing, to wash the bloodstains from her clothes. Blood from her enemies, from her friends.. From her mentor. She had been at his side that day. She remembers all too well the sight of a spear point erupting through the back of his neck, blood gushing in a parody of the fountains that decorate the courtyards of Ester's Ring. She doesn't remember much after that, just blood and death, and anger.

The arguments that erupt from the new knights, loyal more to their King than their order, and the older members who fought at Wu bring nothing more than a sad sigh when she stumbles upon them. There was a time, not that long ago, when even the thought of such arguments between sworn brothers and sisters would have been anathema to her thoughts. Now it is just one more thing that she finds herself dealing with.

Notable Figures -- Almarath

Name: Rayna Prandar
Age: 15
Birthdate: 3 AE, RY752
Gender: Female
Hair: Long, Blonde
Eyes: Blue-grey
Exaltation: N/A
Characteristics: Naive, cloistered, has rarely left the Palace of Goldcrest. Enjoys horseback riding and archery, but is rarely allowed to venture out of the protected confines of the palace and has few opportunities to practice. Her personal horse, when she does get to go out, is a mare named Marie after Rayna's mother. Is bad at recognizing deceit.
History: Born to Ruth and Marie Prandar of Alamarath on the third day Ascending Earth of RY 752. Her mother died shortly after her birth due to an illness that struck her while she was recovering from childbirth. Her father died when she was five in a hunting accident that, to this day, sparks discussions of assassins and traitor whenever it is brought up.

She was placed, as per her father's will, under the care of Lord Frederick Almarath of House Almarath, best friend and cousin of the late Prince. Since then she has spent her life mainly in the Palace of Goldcrest. Only rarely has she been seen leaving Palace for trips into both the city and the countryside. Those who have met her have much to say of her kindness and thoughtfulness. Still the infrequency of these trips has done much to fuel rumours of poor health and possible sickness.

Name: Frederick Almarath
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Hair: Short, Black
Eyes: Brown
Exaltation: N/A
Characteristics: Proud, Cunning, Pragmatic
History: The Regent of Almarath is an aging man who has just begun to show the first hints of silver in his hair. A close friend of Prince Ruth Prandar it surprised few when the Prince's will named him Regent and placed the young Princess Rayna into his care. It seemed only natural that the man who was the Right-Hand of the Prince would take up the roll of Regent and guardian of the young Princess.

Alas his rule has been beset since almost the beginning, through no fault of his own as many are quick to point out. First it was Brigands in the eastern hills, then a small raiding band of Fair Folk in the south, followed by various other incidences. Twice has outright rebellion occurred under his rule. Once in a mining town not far from Alamarath's Hearth, and again not fifteen miles from the Capital of Goldcrest when a small army of mercenaries was raised by a now defunct lesser house.

His policies have gained a great deal of support amongst the more mercantile houses of Goldcrest and the mining Houses of the southern ridge of Almarath. Interestingly this has been mirrored by many of the gangs within Goldcrest. Rare is it to hear of gangsters heckling or attempting to hold up agents of House Almarath. Similarly, it is rare to hear of Brigands in the countryside holding up or raiding convoys of House Almarath, even in areas where the raiders have no compunctions about striking at patrols of the Royal Guard.

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This sort of in-depth intelligence report feels sort of quest-like... which is a bit of a strange tone, since this isn't a quest, and there doesn't appear to be any reason for the defenders of Greyfalls to be interacting with these people quite yet.

We appear to have managed to acquire photos of some of the notable figures within.
Given the technology of the age, it seems like portraits would be more easily acquired than photos. The latter would require Earth technology, either brought across or reinvented... while the former merely requires the services of a local artist, or even the acquisition of some of the portraits already kept by local nobility as part of their own intelligence gathering.
This sort of in-depth intelligence report feels sort of quest-like... which is a bit of a strange tone, since this isn't a quest, and there doesn't appear to be any reason for the defenders of Greyfalls to be interacting with these people quite yet.

Given the technology of the age, it seems like portraits would be more easily acquired than photos. The latter would require Earth technology, either brought across or reinvented... while the former merely requires the services of a local artist, or even the acquisition of some of the portraits already kept by local nobility as part of their own intelligence gathering.
Somewhat amusingly, a lot of portraiture was done using pinhole cameras to capture the image for the artist, so the subject doesn't have to pose for literal hours on end. It's why so many people are left-handed in old paintings.
I honestly can't wait to see a report on Thorns.

If they can to more and get gossip. I'm pretty sure it's common knowledge it fell to an army of the dead.
This sort of in-depth intelligence report feels sort of quest-like... which is a bit of a strange tone, since this isn't a quest, and there doesn't appear to be any reason for the defenders of Greyfalls to be interacting with these people quite yet.
I can't do things for fun? *Pouting Kitsune* That's just unfair. Its framed as a report just because it felt like a fun idea, no other reason. As for why... well this is part two of two of what is a preview for what will be Book Two. Enjoy, speculate, offer criticism the usual. I'll admit I do enjoy seeing people just talk about this stuff. It's fascinating where the conversations go. Take the last one for example. It started with Uniforms and somehow transitioned into what kind of Rifle they should be making. It actually helped me quite a bit.

Given the technology of the age, it seems like portraits would be more easily acquired than photos. The latter would require Earth technology, either brought across or reinvented... while the former merely requires the services of a local artist, or even the acquisition of some of the portraits already kept by local nobility as part of their own intelligence gathering.
I was having issues getting the pictures to work so rather than break immersion I decided to have some fun with it. My issues didn't last as long as I thought they would.
Fortunately cannons are very good at sinking ships at a distance. I can see some ironclad riverboats getting used for force projection. This is the River province after all, and while most maps don't show the thousands of small to medium rivers that run through the Scavenger Lands they are there.

Also I was doing some more research into 19th century Rifles and I stumbled on this. I rather like the design of the action, and I believe that Emily would know about it. Also, Video! Interestingly, I think it might actually be easier to manufacture than many of the other ideas we've been throwing around.

Very, very interesting.

As they say, simple and efficient.

It requires brass cartridge so is more engineering involved than a design with loose gunpowder but it is a good weapon.

I can see units handmade by dragonblooded, and thus superior in quality, be set aside and made into sniper rifles with the adjunction of a simple scope. The glass industry of Greyfalls should be able to handle that.

And, of course, putting a bayonet design is simplicity itself.

P.S. We are still working on getting functional cameras. Until then we apologize for the lack of pictures to go along with the profiles.

Photo-paper! Of course! Hum, you have all the chemicals required, but quality is a must… It's ironic since Greyfalls is reputed for its paper-making.

Especially since you can't use early designs on the battlefield… Although… It was done during the USA Secession War… I don't think armies would respect reporters.

A village of miners whose primary export is silver. The mine has brought House Almarath considerable wealth over the years, though rumours of poor production rates in recent years suggests that the easy life of House Almarath may be coming to an end.

But among the minerals present in a silver mine is Galena. Won't they be surprised if Greyfalls buy their refuse…

There is also the fact that we know Electrolyse and thus could extract more silver from a seemingly depleted mine.

Wu, the very mention of the city invokes mixed emotions for the order. To be chosen to lead an assault is a great honour, but the slaughter that followed weighs on many. Worse still rumours persist that the entire reason they had been chosen to lead the way was because their Knight-Captain had disagreed with the King. On what no one can agree on, only that loud voices could be heard from within the Royal Tent before the Knight-Captain stormed out. Six hours later half the order lay dead including the Knight-Captain. Regardless of their veracity these rumours haunt the survivors of the assault, nibbling at them during hard times.

Hum… There is a political story here. Probable foreshadowing or merely a seed for future chapters.

Those rare few who are not extended a commission by Eastpeak or by the Crown are usually beset with the stigma of failure for the rest of their lives.

Elitism social structure and thus a bed for hidden and future problems for rebellion, guild drugs tactics and whatnot.

For centuries the order has served the God of Gold, Traders, and Ambition.

Uh oh… Yu-Shan's eyes are nearby. Tread carefully here, especially considering his nature and character. This god seems to have a good following and thus Essence and rank.

Name: Giovanni Prandar

This guy is a tyrant and conqueror, plain and simple.

He will cause problems as Greyfalls expanding its influence in any forms (especially economic and social) would hinder him.

Name: Gunther Pinecross

A great guy. One that Ranma would be proud to call friend. The only little brake to the stupidity of his king…

And a great candidate for Exaltation…

I wonder… If the Vaneha Solar dies, then why not bestowing his exaltation to this character…

Name: Amelia Lindberg

Poor girl, this is a tragic story in the beginning.

On another note, Fiance Alert!

Don't look at me like that, she would be very susceptible to Ranma or Ryoga's chivalry.

If this one doesn't become a fiance or a little sister to Ranma or Ryoga, I'll eat a warstrider pieces by pieces (hum… have to prepare ketchup in quantity just in case…).

Name: Frederick Almarath

Something smell fishy here.

Too many coincidences, I am suspecting enemy action in a long term campaign of destabilization.

Need someone to sniff out the truth… Maybe a James Bond like neriman dragonblooded..?

P.P.S. We appear to have managed to acquire photos of some of the notable figures within.

Some people have brought a few instant-photo cameras from earth. I think the few usable items like that have been distributed to those who could use it properly.

In fact, I bet that new thaumaturgy rituals should appear based on some modern devices and practices.
I can't do things for fun? *Pouting Kitsune* That's just unfair. Its framed as a report just because it felt like a fun idea, no other reason. As for why... well this is part two of two of what is a preview for what will be Book Two. Enjoy, speculate, offer criticism the usual. I'll admit I do enjoy seeing people just talk about this stuff. It's fascinating where the conversations go. Take the last one for example. It started with Uniforms and somehow transitioned into what kind of Rifle they should be making. It actually helped me quite a bit.

Sorry; I didn't intend to be mean about it. If it was helpful for you to write that; that's totally fine. I'm just saying it felt weird for me to read it, here and now, since these mortal kingdoms don't seem especially relevant to the ongoing story at this time.
I can't do things for fun? *Pouting Kitsune* That's just unfair. Its framed as a report just because it felt like a fun idea, no other reason. As for why... well this is part two of two of what is a preview for what will be Book Two. Enjoy, speculate, offer criticism the usual. I'll admit I do enjoy seeing people just talk about this stuff. It's fascinating where the conversations go. Take the last one for example. It started with Uniforms and somehow transitioned into what kind of Rifle they should be making. It actually helped me quite a bit.

I was having issues getting the pictures to work so rather than break immersion I decided to have some fun with it. My issues didn't last as long as I thought they would.
Aren't kitsune pretty much defined by 'doing things for fun?' Personally, I find the intelligence reports to be an fun method of storytelling.

....also, as I mentioned, most of the Great Masters used crude photography to capture their scenes for later painting.
Don't look at me like that, she would be very susceptible to Ranma or Ryoga's chivalry.
While we've already seen one native girl rather enamored with Ranma:
Ranma smiled and stifled a laugh. "Thank you, for giving me a chance." She replied.

The girl blinked and blushed. "Yes, of course your grace." She said before her mother took her by the shoulders and gently steered her out the door, whispering something to her all the while.

Huain looked after her for a moment and sighed before following with an amused shake of his head.

Ranma glanced towards Kodachi who was also shaking her head and trying not to laugh. Then they made eye contact and Kodachi started giggling.

"What?" Ranma asked. Kodachi only giggled harder. The redhead sighed. "Fine, be that way. I'm headed upstairs." She stood up and walked out the door while Kodachi giggled.
Though it would be rather amusing that it's Ryoga that ends up collecting the horde of fangirls/fiances all chasing after him. I'm sure Ranma will be understanding and mature, not mocking him about it at all.:p
But among the minerals present in a silver mine is Galena. Won't they be surprised if Greyfalls buy their refuse…

There is also the fact that we know Electrolyse and thus could extract more silver from a seemingly depleted mine.
And that right there is one of those things that encourages me to share these little things. I didn't even know Galena was a thing.

If this one doesn't become a fiance or a little sister to Ranma or Ryoga, I'll eat a warstrider pieces by pieces (hum… have to prepare ketchup in quantity just in case…).
I suggest you start eating. The extra minerals will be good for you and might give you superpowers if you eat enough Jade.
Something smell fishy here.
*Nibbles Tuna Wrap* No idea what you're talking about. *Tail wags happily*
Though it would be rather amusing that it's Ryoga that ends up collecting the horde of fangirls/fiances all chasing after him. I'm sure Ranma will be understanding and mature, not mocking him about it at all.:p
*Amused Kitsune* I can imagine Ranma then deliberately doing things to 'stir the pot' purely for amusement.