Tangled Fate [Ranma 1/2 / Exalted]

I can imagine Ranma then deliberately doing things to 'stir the pot' purely for amusement.
Of course unlike Genma, Ranma+Exaltation has become subtle enough that Ryoga never notices her pot-stirring and/or uses proxies that are so willing to 'help' everyone involved and Ryoga can't easily lash out at.

Ranma: "Yes mother, it seems that Ryoga has managed to greatly impress some young maidens who are all pining for and pursuing him. Unfortunately they're making a bit of a mess and matters of state are keeping me from helping to clear matters up. I was hoping you'd be able to take them in hand, give them some pointers?"

Nodoka: "Oh how thoughtful you are towards your good friend my child, and for such a worthy cause. Yes I will give the poor girls proper guidance."

Elsewhere Ryoga feels like somebody replaced his spine with a column of ice and was riverdancing on it in steel-toed boots.
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To be fair, in the world of Creation, standards are a bit different, in many regions, it is entirely viable to have multiple spouses. Marrying them all is a valid solution! Heck, that's how it was for the original dragon bloods, where there were way more ladies than guys(to pop out more dragon bloods faster), if I remember right.
To be fair, in the world of Creation, standards are a bit different, in many regions, it is entirely viable to have multiple spouses. Marrying them all is a valid solution! Heck, that's how it was for the original dragon bloods, where there were way more ladies than guys(to pop out more dragon bloods faster), if I remember right.
Sure but Ryoga doesn't know that.
If you had to summarize this story how would you describe it? (Open invitation to everyone.)

I'm still not even sure if I'm going to do Romance at all, at least beyond some comedic misunderstandings. I just don't trust my ability to do it well.

A cadre of rascally bois and gurls fuck up big time and drop Ranma and Co into creation.

Things go horribly right.


Beneficent God-Empress and Civilization Builder Simulator Mark-1


Ranma (Probably) invents the Solar School of Anything Goes Perfectly.


If you had to summarize this story how would you describe it? (Open invitation to everyone.)

Hm, tricky.

"Circle of Sidereals enact a plan. As expected, it doesn't do anything remotely resembling what it was supposed to, scattering Ranma and Friends Rivals and thousands of others, into Creation - and Exalting every last one of them."

Might do for 'book one' or 'part one'.

I'm still not even sure if I'm going to do Romance at all, at least beyond some comedic misunderstandings. I just don't trust my ability to do it well

Good romance is hard to write, yeah; bad romance is easy.

Fortunately the most likely involved parties are incredibly uncomfortable with the matter, so hijinks, off-screen romances, and the like is probably fine.

It's either that or really awkward attempts against well-trained 'density' and 'not paying attention', which probably counts as hijinks... except when someone figures it out.
Honestly, despite the usually bombastic displays Exalted may be known for... I'd say this story feels like the sort of thing that would be better served by the "quiet realization" approach to any new romantic feelings
So as you have all noticed there hasn't been much progress for the last several months. The reason is the story, as it currently stands, has been fighting me. Fighting me to the point where I've started to wonder if I should rewrite the whole thing. While I haven't made a decision either way yet I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter. Would you like a rewrite? If so what would you like to see addressed better? Keep in mind that I haven't committed to a rewrite and the next chapter is slowly coming together.
Eh, I'm really not a fan of rewrites, reading rehashed story (even if it's better that original) is much less enjoyable than reading a fresh one for me, and since majority of rewritten fanfanfics seem to die before they catch up to the original story it doesn't seem that fun to write either.
On the other hand if you appear to have written yourself into a corner it may be the only option, though I would advise of trying to do partial edits/retcons instead of complete rewrite.
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I would say only do a rewrite if absolutely necessary. Do you have people to bounce your thoughts off of/help with editing/proofread?
So as you have all noticed there hasn't been much progress for the last several months. The reason is the story, as it currently stands, has been fighting me. Fighting me to the point where I've started to wonder if I should rewrite the whole thing. While I haven't made a decision either way yet I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter. Would you like a rewrite? If so what would you like to see addressed better? Keep in mind that I haven't committed to a rewrite and the next chapter is slowly coming together.
I would not like a rewrite. Part of that is because I have been very happy with the story we have been given so far, and can't think of much I would rather was handled differently. The other reason is that in my experience rewrites of incomplete work has been the death of most every fic that has attempted it, whether it was original fiction or fan-fiction.
I would not like a rewrite. Part of that is because I have been very happy with the story we have been given so far, and can't think of much I would rather was handled differently. The other reason is that in my experience rewrites of incomplete work has been the death of most every fic that has attempted it, whether it was original fiction or fan-fiction.
What they said...
Maybe make a pivot that requires little to no retcon of what's already happened, like putting Akane & co somewhere closer and less...challenging...than Thorns and focusing on them for a while?
I'm going to have to agree with most of the others here. Rewriting something because in hindsight what you have is unacceptably bad is one thing. So is starting over on a completely new instance of a concept that you've written before.

Rewriting something that's already a perfectly good story over a bit of writer's block however, is not a good idea. Especially a really long one like this. Almost without exception, it will just result in the rewrite dying out completely while still far short of where the original was.
How shall I put this...

The issue isn't Thorns. That story hasn't seen much progress entirely because I've been too busy fighting with the next main chapter to focus on it. My issues start with how I've gone about introducing many of the characters. Let's take Lockler as an example. His first scene is basically running about being something of a blowhard screaming about anathema and coming off like a knock-off 40k Commissar... Compare that with what we've seen since. Really doesn't fit what the character has become, does it? More recently I feel like I've bungled Emily's intro. The project I have her working on is... meta at best. Miyu could do with a better introduction and in fact, the only ones I'm happy with are Kiku and Hikari who doesn't even have a perspective scene. Really it's not one thing. It's a bunch of little things that are piling up.

If I do continue this version of the story I'll need to go back and fix a few scenes from the last chapter at the minimum.

Those are the minor issues I'm finding. Going right back to the start the first three chapters were me forcing things out so I'd stop changing my damned mind about what I actually wanted to write. I kept jumping from one thing to another. This story started as a DnD crossover originally, went through three versions there before I discovered Exalted then it went through four versions set in the north of creation, five in the scavenger lands, and visited Greyfalls twice before I managed to wrangle my thoughts onto a single path. Chapter one was done in a rush and rather than review it I kicked it out the door so that I could count on feeling some obligation to continue writing. Chapters two and three followed in the same manner. It was only after I hit chapter four, and the Curse fiasco that occurred, that I started really figuring things out. Who these characters were, what their motivations are, how they talk, and what the world is. Frankly looking back at chapters 1-4 the only parts I can consider salvageable is everything before Ranma crashes through the roof of the Greyfalls Keep.

The amount of changes I've mapped out that I would make if I rewrote it basically makes everything after chapter 4 irrelevant. Same characters, but the exact events change immensely. The same general storyline I will admit. Crashland in Greyfalls, chaos, a different sort of "Ranma takes charge", and then a siege/battle and take it from there.

My point is that looking back I figured out what I wanted from the story after I wrote the foundations, and those foundations are only barely stable. I can continue on them, but that nagging feeling of I can do better is getting to me, and it's getting worse as time goes on...
My point is that looking back I figured out what I wanted from the story after I wrote the foundations, and those foundations are only barely stable. I can continue on them, but that nagging feeling of I can do better is getting to me, and it's getting worse as time goes on...
That's a pretty fair reason to want a reboot, yeah.

Especially when you're doing this for your entertainment, it's only going to last as long as you find writing the story entertaining.
Especially when you're doing this for your entertainment, it's only going to last as long as you find writing the story entertaining.
It's not just entertainment for me though. For me this is practice. I want to write novels for a living and I've been writing these stories as a means to improve my writing ability.
It's not just entertainment for me though. For me this is practice. I want to write novels for a living and I've been writing these stories as a means to improve my writing ability.
Then finish it.

More important than anything else in the Profesional's arsnial, more than spelling, quality, or anything else, is you have to finish.

Nothing else matters as much.

So, just keep writing. Some of the stuff that people pay for right now, including some very big names, is crap. This is better than a whole heap of things on Amazon right this second.

They have one thing on this, though.

They're done.
It's not just entertainment for me though. For me this is practice. I want to write novels for a living and I've been writing these stories as a means to improve my writing ability.
There's two things you can do, then. One is that you can practice writing a better story from the beginning, aka rewrite. The other is that you can practice continuing a story and making it better even if you feel the start is a bit shaky.

If you rewrite now, you get into the habit of starting over whenever you aren't satisfied with the earlier parts. That's all well and good when your original writing is truly bad, but it means that once your writing is good you will never finish anything either. Because you will always get better, and you will always be able to look back on your past work and say "that's not as good as it could be." Perfect is unreachable.

As it is right now, you are already at that point. Yes, the earlier parts aren't perfect, but they are still good. More than good enough, at least. If you want writing practice, a part of writing is knowing how and when to build on something imperfect and shore up weak points in your story from ahead. You have to be able to force yourself not to get bogged down editing and reworking in an endless cycle.
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