Tangled Fate [Ranma 1/2 / Exalted]

Every time this story updates, I celebrate by re-reading it. It so perfectly manages to capture the essence (if you'll pardon the pun) of Exalted, and while the Ranma 1/2 parts are perhaps less true to the spirit of their original canon, they are no less amazing for it.

Now, to await the next wonderful installment...
I do not want to bring sex in the thread (apologies to the moderators if I broke a rule), but do you think Ranma and Ryoga would handle the Solar-Lunar bond more easily if Ryoga master the knack "Twin-faced Hero" and thus became a girl?
It's entirely within Luna's character to have made him start with it for shits and giggles.
owe the pattern spiders money.
...who the hell is dumb enough to not pay the pattern spiders back?
Indeed. I knew one Sidereal player who decided that just taking the Pattern Spider bites were preferable to constantly writing up apologies, or dealing with the fallout of not being watched over by them for 24 hours.
Indeed. I knew one Sidereal player who decided that just taking the Pattern Spider bites were preferable to constantly writing up apologies, or dealing with the fallout of not being watched over by them for 24 hours.
...what is so hard about appologizing? Are their bites much less nasty than I've seen implied?
...what is so hard about appologizing? Are their bites much less nasty than I've seen implied?
There are ten different possible outcomes of pattern spider bite. They include one of your mortal loved ones just dying, loosing all of your essence for ten days, and 10 dice of aggravated damage.
The player in question had a habit of abusing resplendencies for their paradox effects, flaring their anima while under an resplendent destiny, etc. They would accumulate paradox at a truly astonishing rate. And yes, the spider bites were a major problem for them.
The player in question had a habit of abusing resplendencies for their paradox effects, flaring their anima while under an resplendent destiny, etc. They would accumulate paradox at a truly astonishing rate. And yes, the spider bites were a major problem for them.
Did they never get told to stop by their bureaucratic superiors? Or an audit for making so many gods wast their time fixing all the snarls they paperwork that would have cause?
Did they never get told to stop by their bureaucratic superiors? Or an audit for making so many gods wast their time fixing all the snarls they paperwork that would have cause?
The attitude of the StoryTeller was "The Pattern Spider's bite is bad enough." And starting to give them points of permanent paradox, to show how annoyed the spiders were.
The attitude of the StoryTeller was "The Pattern Spider's bite is bad enough." And starting to give them points of permanent paradox, to show how annoyed the spiders were.
Sure, that's a reasonable attitude for the Storyteller. But what about the characters they are portraying?
I don't recall anything special the NPC's had in store for the character. The rest of us were just trying to stay on the spider's good side, so we didn't get paradox by association. Being Sidereals meant we had enough work as it was.

My compliments. Almost as I imagine her… Apart from having black hair.

I see this is when she first confronted Ranma when she crashed into the dining hall.
Exactly how I imagined her.

Especially the dress and the pipe.

Heh, how much do you want to bet that she knows a martial art using that pipe?
Heh, how much do you want to bet that she knows a martial art using that pipe?
Assuming she bothers with 'mundane' martial arts.

From what has been hinted, she is not normal (for a citizen of Creation anyway) but she is not an Exalted.
I can confirm... she is not a sidereal. Try again.
IS she an Exalted, though?
... No, not exalted. At all.
Of course in Creation that leaves a lot of possibilities open.
Let's put it this way until yesterday I didn't know what she was.
Hey there's a god for everything in Exalted right?

So a Godblood of surprises/unexpected events isn't an impossible thing.
*Checks notes* Hmm... *Peers Suspiciously at Lich* Stop reading half my notes. Either read them all or stop doing it.
Heh, how much do you want to bet that she knows a martial art using that pipe?
The pipe is usable as a weapon for a martial art that doesn't exist. The school that teaches it doesn't exist, and the students who don't attend don't learn to use a pipe as a blowgun. They don't learn a thousand ways to poison someone. They can't do it so subtly that their victim doesn't realize they weren't in a fight, until they don't die either peacefully in their sleep or screaming in agony, days or weeks later.

Also, those sleeves are a form weapon for Dreaming Pearl.