Your first paragraph was ok.

Your second and third was incredibly stupid.
I blame it being 2am my time for the second paragraph, to be honest. I should be asleep right now, but I'm too riled up because of a little fight between me and my spouse. I have work today at 10.

Still, there is Anti-Christ implications around the emps. Here. See.

The Antichrist will not be so called; otherwise he would have no followers...he will come disguised as the Great Humanitarian; he will talk peace, prosperity and plenty not as means to lead us to God, but as ends in themselves...He will tempt Christians with the same three temptations with which he tempted Christ... He will have one great secret which he will tell to no one: he will not believe in God. Because his religion will be brotherhood without the fatherhood of God, he will deceive even the elect. He will set up a counterchurch ... It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ.​

14 ​And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
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he created a warp storm called the ruinstorm

different things
Kay, so... could a smaller event with a smaller polity done the same?

I really don't think so. The scale of the event is part of what reverberates in the warp. Without the Empire to feed off of, chaos would have a much harder time making new demon princes, and creating new demon worlds.
>he says he isn't a god
>his enemies are heretics

Pick one, big G

Also the number of people who are in this thread to nitpick and cavill and get cross about small things like how long Lorgar had to evacuate a city is just

Why? Why do you care about people not liking a fascist cluster fuck of a polity and the fan reception thereof? If you don't like the thread's basic and inoffensive idea, go have a cuppa and read the papers instead of pumping your blood pressure.
Honestly, why not use the Warp as a plot device to bring in something better? Have Magnus and his legion from 1d4chan's Brighthammer pop out of the warp in the wrong universe. Or BRIAN BLESSED!Angron and the World Eaters from SB's Lovehammer 40k?
>he says he isn't a god
>his enemies are heretics

Pick one, big G

Also the number of people who are in this thread to nitpick and cavill and get cross about small things like how long Lorgar had to evacuate a city is just

Why? Why do you care about people not liking a fascist cluster fuck of a polity and the fan reception thereof? If you don't like the thread's basic and inoffensive idea, go have a cuppa and read the papers instead of pumping your blood pressure.
People dont ilke it when you shift the setting into something unrecognizable go figure
No dude, just edit your post and reply it within the edit box OR delete your post and start over.

Anyway, the idea that most people in this thread want to make 40k unrecognisable has no real footing. Yes, this does mean actually admitting the Imperium is freaking awful. But the Imperium has always been awful. It was awful back in Rogue Trader, and GW stripped it away to be more pleasing to more people, thus in a way, justifying and excusing the fascist elements of the series.
No dude, just edit your post and reply it within the edit box OR delete your post and start over.

Anyway, the idea that most people in this thread want to make 40k unrecognisable has no real footing. Yes, this does mean actually admitting the Imperium is freaking awful. But the Imperium has always been awful. It was awful back in Rogue Trader, and GW stripped it away to be more pleasing to more people, thus in a way, justifying and excusing the fascist elements of the series.
Gw just wants to sell toys. They dont care about anything else
Gw just wants to sell toys. They dont care about anything else

Which is not an argument against the purpose of the thread...

Edit; This is important. It's fine to want to transform the setting because oh boy does it have problems. What I've tried to convey (probably not particularly well because I'm not great at arguing) is that what replaces it must be well written and fun and how to achieve that. If you're simply saying that the setting should not be changed at all and is fine then well did you read the OP?
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We will die free.

There are those among us who will resist. They will call us heretic, apostate, traitor, blasphemer. All the tired old meaningless labels, parroted from lines fed to our fathers before us, and their fathers before them. They will cling blindly to the decrees of the bloated old monster hidden away behind his palace walls, side with the thugs calling themselves our planet's "defenders". There will be those who cower or rush to aid our oppressors at the threat of retribution. Those who fear answering for their own sins, or who simply blind themselves to the truth.

Justice balances in all accounts. We don't need fables to know that. If there ever was an Emperor, if he was anything remotely human, He must have long since turned his face away in shame from what His Imperium has done to its children.

No god worth the name would support this. Our children taken to die for meaningless wars. The slow death in the factories, or the quick death at the hands of the governor's death squads. The Cardinals feasting while the workers starve. The Black Ships and sinister figures in the night. The flesh-culls, and screams you can hear from the highest hive towers. It's no wonder the nobles never leave their spires.

Should it take all of our lives, we shall die free.

We all know we risk far worse than simple death. Should we be found, we all know the price. The Church takes time, in between bleating about the joys of servitude, to spell out in loving detail the fate of the blasphemer, the seditionist, the heretic. The Arbitrators have their show trials shown on every pic-caster. There are gibbets of cold iron above every street corner. Even should we fail, even should they clasp us in chains, we will die free. They may break us, but even in the breaking, we will not be meek chattel. By the manner of our deaths shall they know that we are free.

We will clog their tracks with our dead. We will stand and drown out their insanity with a million voices raised as one. Perhaps victory is beyond us. Perhaps we're fighting a hopeless war, bringing down merciless retribution for imagined sins, or offering ourselves to some distant horror from the stars. But our follies will be our own, not those of some distant, uncaring master or false godhead. We will die without masters, and with our own purpose. We will die free.
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Gw just wants to sell toys. They dont care about anything else

Irrelevant because it's quite clear the writers of BL do care and the fans care. You might as well go "well Sony just fucked up Venom, they only care about money." You're more or less plugging your ears and yelling la la la la.

This is a terrible argument and simply not conducive to this thread.

Come now, surely there are some things about 40k lore you don't like. Even the most diehard lore masters have things they don't like? Me, it's the focus on the Imperium and Space Marines especially. I just want more xeno stuff.
We will die free.

There are those among us who will resist. They will call us heretic, apostate, traitor, blasphemer. All the tired old meaningless labels, parroted from lines fed to our fathers before us, and their fathers before them. They will cling blindly to the decrees of the bloated old monster hidden away behind his palace walls, side with the thugs calling themselves our planet's "defenders". There will be those who cower or rush to aid our oppressors at the threat of retribution. Those who fear answering for their own sins, or who simply blind themselves to the truth.

Justice balances in all accounts. We don't need fables to know that. If there ever was an Emperor, if he was anything remotely human, He must have long since turned his face away in shame from what His Imperium has done to its children.

No god worth the name would support this. Our children taken to die for meaningless wars. The slow death in the factories, or the quick death at the hands of the governor's death squads. The Cardinals feasting while the workers starve. The Black Ships and sinister figures in the night. The flesh-culls, and screams you can hear from the highest hive towers. It's no wonder the nobles never leave their spires.

Should it take all of our lives, we shall die free.

We all know we risk far worse than simple death. Should we be found, we all know the price. The Church takes time, in between bleating about the joys of servitude, to spell out in loving detail the fate of the blasphemer, the seditionist, the heretic. The Arbitrators have their show trials shown on every pic-caster. There are gibbets of cold iron above every street corner. Even should we fail, even should they clasp us in chains, we will die free. They may break us, but even in the breaking, we will not be meek chattel. By the manner of our deaths shall they know that we are free.

We will clog their tracks with our dead. We will stand and drown out their insanity with a million voices raised as one. Perhaps victory is beyond us. Perhaps we're fighting a hopeless war, bringing down merciless retribution for imagined sins, or offering ourselves to some distant horror from the stars. But our follies will be our own, not those of some distant, uncaring master or false godhead. We will die without masters, and with our own purpose. We will die free.

Now this is podracing cool.