With your friend taken you run and run hiding out in ruined buildings, refusing to leave the city ,refusing to leave without a cyberman weapon. However that doesn't seem to be an easy thing to find. You scrounging around the battle field when suddenly you feel a steel hand clamp around your shoulder. You try to rip free but it's impossible. You just hear it say "Time to Upgrade!" With something injected into your neck the world suddenly goes black.
You wake up eyes feeling heavy as steel as they slowly open. The first thing you notice is that you have a H.U.D. Looking over your body you see to your horror.
You have become one of them.You mind feels different, less cloudy. Emotion for the most part gone. Instead you find yourself with orders and following through them with little or no thought as you run through routine checks to prepare you for combat.
You can see the database, the hive mind that is not quite controlling you just orders you can't really think of not following. In this database you can see all of your old memories and those of mark being assimilated. They know the location know of all the SV members. You should feel panic or fear, instead it is just a quiet acceptance. They two will be upgraded and this calm..is nice why wouldn't you want to share this power, and peace?
You walk forward equipping an arm blaster on one arm (Ranged laser gauntlet) and a cyber lance on the other(Melee range laser spike) . You look around to find yourself in some type of stone temple surrounded by others like you but three other types unlike you.
You are filled with knowledge on the cyber cannon and the cyber wing. Heavy weapons and scouts. You see dozens of each preforming maintenance or other various task preparing for battle. The giant of which there is only one sits alone though and you know it as "Cyber-King" as you look over it you feel its awareness fall onto you. In a moment your H.U.D flashes. -Position granter: Squad Leader-. Five new small boxes appear on your H.U.D 4 with a small image of cybermen the fifth being a cyberwing giving you information on their condition and giving you the ability to give them silent commands.
You are instantly aware of everything they are though it feels different, second hand not a true hive mind but very much you are an admin system over them and the king is an admin system over you.
Your H.U.D flashes once more -Mission given: Kill Ork Weirdboy "Big White"- You feel information on him downloaded into your head nearly instantly. An ork psyker who specializes in teleportation with armor made from a few killed cybermen, tends to teleport around 100 orks with him at a time. Bouncing between battle to battle for the city. There is about to be an attack on the ork camp and you have been given a bit more freedom so you could focus on killing him as the King manages other more important aspects.
Lost:95% of free will, followers, all equipment.
Gained: Mission, squad 4/1 Cybermen body, Cybermen equipment
Talking to your people helps ease their fears. It is however more than that. They want answers, who is he? Is he coming back? What can he do? He's building an army is he going to start a war? You can't answer these so recruitment is still slowed, but the fear does inspire them to work harder and longer when it comes to defending the "Town".
Which is why so much progress is made on making a wall. Your people have a simple plan. Grow trees in a circle around the temple, until they start merging into one tree, and make one huge living wall,and hopefully by the time it is done they have enough control to make a walk way. A few people cut branches into spikes planting them into the ground on the outside of where the wall is planned to be making charging in harder.
Progress is made in your studies and training and you are learning how to better manipulate bonds. Which helps with your staff it seems that it can now hold about 10% of your own capacity in "power" really it just seems that it will be a long project but will speed up as you improve.
Your druids are studying how to better grow food but its going to take time for the improved skills and theory to really distribute and make a difference.
The weapon crafting druids make good spears, and manage to grow some shields, however they are a long ways off from being even comparable to metal tools.
@Lordhighalnder @Alanek
The farm continues to grow larger and papyrus is added in another section, 10 more druids even arrive to staff it. You have more that enough space it is coming down to number of druids and other improvements you could do to improve the soil. You have a stock pile of bows now, you couldn't equip equip everyone with one but not far from it. They would be better with a real workshop with proper tools, for now they remain fairly crude.
The wood working is progressing nicely too, people appreciate having some more furniture and small things that they had been missing.
All training progresses.
The path is cleared and all people proceed in their training and hit level one.
You start building the housing and the road with out any issue. The road is really just a beaten path at this moment. You notice that training your fire bending any further seems terribly slow. It feels difficult, hell nearly impossible to see progress in a single day now that your main source of magic is shadowmancy.
@Sailor Midgard
4 Dead
The group you sent to explore -1,-3 and -2,-2 found some odd type of city submerging into the ground before they could get closer they were ambushed. Only one survivor returned, telling stories of rat people with rifles that shoot with green energy.
Your flint and pottery production improvements go fine. Mostly sending people to do "What ever will help".
Your healing abilities are improving which is helping you recover, even if the leg that was broken still doesn't really like supporting weight.
@Pyro Hawk
Working the land more than clearing it is hard difficult work. Most of these trees were huge and clearing them out and pulling out stumps is nearly impossible.
Your exploration shows -2,-2 has wheat farms for edible food, granted it is being worked by an undead legion. Your slow exploration of the area around 0,0 reveals something else of value. A tone panel in the ground of 1,0 with 5 small gems lightly embedded in it.
The gems can easily be pulled out and taken with you.
Checklist before moving to weekly!
[] Written legal charter between major groups
[]125% food requirements being made.
[]Large scale metal production
[]An organized army of at least 150 people (Can be combined from multiple people as long as it's a standing army)
[]At least one walled city or fortress
[]Paved roads between all major settlements
[]Sanitation system in at least one city
[] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
[] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
[] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
If I forgot anyone or anything let me know!