Okay, 1 recruitment action allows you to roll a die, 1 recruitment action with a paragraph of fluff allows you to roll 2 dice.

2 recruitment actions with a fluff paragraph allows you to roll 2 dice with a +1 to how many people you recruit total. Each further recruitment actions increases the +1 by 1 each.
I am fine atm. We will be at how many druids next turn?

Also, Potter village needs a latrine.
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1. Recruit
2. Build cart
3. Set up cart system between Ba-sing-se and Tent city
4 Explore 0, -1
5. Explore 0, -1
Survival Kit, Wooden Spear
1 16 Come with me to explore
2 4 Pull the cart and do supply runs from 0, 0 to BSS
3 10 Go learn Firebending from Lord

Well, it never rains it...goes surprisingly well?


Anyways, there was still more shit to do. I grabbed a few more people and went to work. Some of the ladz went off to glorious pottery land to learn the arts of setting people the fuck on fire, thanks again for that Lord. The rest of us stayed at, uh, Spawn? Tent City? Whatever, we stayed at the big mass of people and began to work on a rudimentary cart. It wasn't the prettiest thing anyone had ever seen, no thanks to my godawful manual dexterity, but it got the job done. I set a few of the remaining guys to supply runs with the cart and took everyone else off into the great unknown. Let's hope we don't get splattered across the wall like a ketchup packet on hot cement. I'm gonna be pissed if I die before getting sick magic powers.
mcclay threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting boys Total: 10
5 5 5 5
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1. Waterbending training
2. Aiding weapon crafting: Using glass spearheads
3. Help the super farm.
4. Recruiting
5. Hunting local small game with new recruits in -2,2
Survival kit
Sharpening Stone
Stone Headed Bamboo Spear
10 Waterbenders: Level 1
5 Waterbenders: Level 0
6 Crafters
16 Hunters
15 Waterbenders: Practice Waterbending: focus on fighting
6 Crafters: Weapon crafting: Spears with glass spearheads
16 Hunting

With morning light, I directed my recruits to, to some of their dismay, different tasks than they thought I'd be giving them. During my restless night, I'd put together that the need for food may be smaller than anticipated. Druids would be in the camp soon, and food would be less of an issue when they got here. I directed the waterbenders to instead pick up their spears for the morning, and use them in training. I direct them to use the blunt end, rather than the sharp one, and find ways to mesh fighting with spears with their waterbending. I directed my crafters to return to making weapons. I wanted an excess, and I had an idea that I wanted them to try soon enough...

I joined my waterbenders in their training, though it was brief. I helped them mesh the movements of their spear with the movement of the water whip. I myself practiced by keeping the butt of my spear encased in water, until I flicked it forward to strike, and whip at the same time. It was meaningless in combat, but useful for practice. An hour later, I could smell the fires of furnaces as others in the camp began to work.

@Lordhighalnder's glassmakers had fired up their furnaces, and begun to melt sand down in an attempt to make glass. Though it was brittle, and misshapen, I saw an opportunity in it. I gathered up the discarded shards of glass, and brought them to my crafters. I helped them make the first spear with a sharpened glass tip, and tested it against a log. The glass tip held it's shape the first time, then the second, then broke off as I tried to pull it out the third. But three strikes with a glass tip like this would hopefully be enough to fell anyone it'd need to be used on. The glass was cheap, and easily enough replaced, that I had the crafter build glass tipped spears from then on, using sharpening stones to bring them to a deadly point. Hopefully as the glass makers improved, they'd build more durable glass.

When @mcclay's men entered the city hauling wagons, I decided to return the favor for setting up a route, by offering them all of the extra stone and glass spears we didn't need.

Once more, I made my way to recruit some of the otherwise lost 16 thousand people. I came this time with ten spears and put them in the hands of those who were willing to hunt. I took my own spear in hand, and guided them into the jungle up the river and began to hunt whatever game we could find, no matter how small. We gathered up whatever we hunted and brought it back to BSS to supplement the rations.
chathsuaco threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 16
6 6 10 10
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1. Recruiting
2. Organise a rotation where the trained Druids go back to Base Camp and grow food, and are replaced with new students
3. Set up a flint quarry at the newly discovered flint deposit at -1,0
4. Ensure the flint quarry is functional
5. Using the seeds and similar things that [Sailor Midgard] had started to save and the newly trained Druids, set up a 'farm' to feed everyone.
Fire-Hardened Wood Throwing Spears and Atlatl
Fire-hardened Wooden Thrusting Spear
Crude Wooden Bow and Fire-hardened Wood Arrows
Miscellaneous Wooden Tools
Primitive Fish Traps, Primitive Fishing Rod
Survival Kit
Fired Clay Pots, Pans and Miscellaneous Gear
Favour owed to darkgamer - First crack at future temple we hold in exchange for training up to [40] druids at once. [Shared with Sailor Midgard]
Community Kitchen with 3 Cooks and 3 Gatherers
Small Pottery Kiln with 2 Scribes (Currently using tree carving and clay tablets to record)
Wood-Working Cottage Industry with 2 Wood Carvers, 2 Crafters, 2 Bowyers and 2 Fletchers
Small Pottery Industry with 6 Potters/Clay Diggers
Courier Network between SV Settlements with 6 Couriers
Transportation Network with 4 'Pack Mules'
All Armed with:
- Fire-Hardened Wood Throwing Spears and Atlatl
- Fire-hardened Wooden Thrusting Spear
- Crude Wooden Bow and Fire-hardened Wood Arrows
100% Equipped with Survival Kit
Fish Traps, Fishing Rods and Wooden Tools as Needed
Fired Clay Pots, Pans and Miscellaneous Gear as Needed
Troop Count = 65 + 13 Recruits -32 Assigned Personnel = 46
1. (20 Druids) Returning to 'Base Camp' and beginning to grow food for everyone
2. (10) Rotating with the trained Druids in the Temple, so they are trained as Druids
3. (8) Constructing and operating a Flint Quarry at -1,0
4. (4) Constructing additional workshops near the woodworking workshops, this time for flint knapping
5. (4) Constructing a butchery station and smoking rack near the Community Kitchen at 0,0

Well, some good news... A flint deposit's been found that's actually pretty close, and the people I lead to the Temple yesterday managed to get trained enough that we can begin to start feeding everyone. Though no one's getting more than half-rations for a while yet unfortunately.

Time to climb the boulder again I suppose. This time seeing if I can recruit anyone who knows flint knapping or how to mine flint nodules without rendering them unusable for flint knapping... Going to be good if we can actually get some spear- and arrow heads that are sharper than a point hardened in a fire.
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Day 6
@darkgamer Your people are starting to leave. You let one of your own get their head cut off and did nothing. You got many of your people by promising food but now another does that too. 8 of your untrained followers leave camp in the middle of the night headed in the direction of the shadow fox. Your recruitment is going to suffer a 1 die penalty until you address this to your people.

In other news your abilities are growing. You make some progress in your training and the staff, is started. The best process you could find involved growing it slowly with as much bonding to the earth as you could spare. Strengthening but turning that strength mostly inward back into it. It's a slow progress and the longer you wait the better it will be. Your wall is going very slowly trees need nutrients and competing that closely together is bad for them. You start experimenting growing the sides of trees together and make some progress but it is still far to slow to make walls with any time soon.
(training all completed)

@Lordhighalnder @Alanek
Together you two manage to make a massive infrastructure of a farm. Irrigation through clay pipes earth bending to make it a leveled terrace into the ground greatly increasing your farming area. The farm is currently large enough that the druids you have working on it produce roughly twice what they would other wise as long as the soil is maintained and the farm up-kept. (10 Druids make 4000 peoples worth of food at half rations or 2000 at full).
All benders continue practicing making glacier slow progress without proper teachers and supplies.
The paper plants are brought closer and in a few days the druids may have time to focus on making a stock pile, for now though their focus is on food.
Alanek has things thrown at him. Some of them hit, but not as many as could have.


You suck at hunting. That or 16k people within a few miles scare away most of the game. Still you slowly make your way through. Until you notice something, a warm current of air. You follow it until you find what seems like a cave? It has stone doors though as you delve into it the cave. There is images all over it of various symbols in various colors. You don't know what this language means. You could delve further but will you?

@sailormidgard @pyrohawk
You guys continue to make great improvements to the city improving the wood working and butchery station. The druids grow quite a bit of food helping alleviate peoples fears and concerns about food as a stable food source is started. Sailor becomes the PALADIN and can start training people in those arts as long as they live up to that code of ethics. Even if sailor is greatly hurt they do get some practice in their magical healing working on themselves. No salt is found, but the stone industry is improving nicely.
(all training and work progress steadily)

You explore the hex getting lost quickly, the sun sets in what seems like seconds as you take one turn after another all seeming to lead you into more darkness. Until you bump blind into a stone wall busting your nose open to start a slow bleed. You can see nothing but you can feel it and you can feel engraved upon it all shapes and sizes making odd symbols. You seem to have found a temple, yet you can't see it or much of anything really. FUN


Your people move up river packs full of old broken rusted steel and iron leaving you behind with only one other to start exploring and hoping to find a weapon a real weapon. You have to be careful and quiet trying to wait for the cybermen to win a battle. The orks pick their dead clean so you need them to lose. It doesn't take long to find one of the dozen of battles going on that the orks seem to be losing.

Your carefully watching from a fairly distant window until you see an opportunity. Orks dead and the shiny metal men leaving. You head down with mark and manage to grab an ork shoota before you hear behind you. "Prepare to be upgraded" You and mark start to run but you see him grabbed as he screams for your help. You turn and fire as fast you can emptying the weapon. The kick is nothing like any you have felt before and it flies into the air knocking down some ruins causing an avalanche in the alley you were running in. It blocks it off protecting you but stopping you from saving mark. You do the only thing you can and run, dropping the empty weapon. More of them are coming and you have to get away.


We have a numbers Excel sheet!

D&D toolset
And maps!
Roll20: Online virtual tabletop for pen and paper RPGs and board games
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1. Recruit (Temple and Write in Bonus)
2. Train in Earthbending
3. Teach Earthbenders
4. Train Kung Fu
5. Envoy to speak to Shadow Fox
Surival kit
Fish trap
Bamboo bow (rough)
Glass Arrows, Glass spears.
Avatar Magic (starting earth Bending)
30 earthbenders
5 firebenders
5 waterbenders
10 airbenders
10 Glassworkers
10 potters
5 fletchers
2 untrained
1. 30 assigned to learn Earthbending (start working on Super Farm)
2. 5 assigned to learn Firebending
3. 5 assinged to learn Waterbending
4. 10 assigned to learn Airbending
5. 10 to become Glassworkers
6. 10 Potters
7. 5 Fletchers building bows.
8. 2 Untrained learning martial arts.
Glass Furnace
Temple (Elemental Bending)
Clay Storage
Sand Storage
Clay mine (Next to river)

With the farm set up and running, though producing less than I hoped since we hadnt had a sufficent number of druids, It was time to turn my attention to other things. My martial arts skills which I had spent a little time before all this on, were serving me well in bending, the stances, the movements helping me guide my pupils through their motions, allowing them to discover their own style. For some the rigid Hung Gar worked best, taught in the rice paddies which the druids were developing. THe water and muck clung to their feet, forcing them to be deliberate, to find a solid stance even as they shifted. The Water benders found the running river and the calm Tai Chi to aid them, pulling the water as a living meditation, yet allowing them to flow with the movements. Our Airbenders enjoyed the sticky hands techniques of Wing Chun, though one of the Brazilian ladies Madame Isabella, a Capoeira specialist smacked me aside when I tried to teach the fire benders Karate. Capoeira seemed to work far better to channel the element of fire, the dance moves lending itself to alternate channel points.

Unfortuantly, I hear rumors which kept me from further develpoments, and so I gathered up a couple of earth benders and water benders, we collected large clay barrels of water and a few filled with food, using the bending and breathing techniques to lighten our loads sufficiently, and began the treck towards where Shadow fox claimed to be. The murder of one of ours was uncalled for, though from what I understood not unreasonable. I hoped that I could prevent further violence, and so was gifting the man with the water barrels, food, and fresh water, while I sought to bring the young druid back into the fold.

(5 water benders, 10 earth benders, 5 air benders, 5 fire benders to go with me)
Lordhighalnder threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruitment Total: 17
6 6 4 4 7 7
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New people can join at any time right now it seems.

1. Recruiting
2. Organise the rotation of trained Druids with new learners, and making sure the trained Druids are growing food in the 'farms'
3. Improving the 'farms', such that they actually bear a resemblance to 'farms' and aren't just 'That cleared patch of land we grow all our food on'.
4. Exploring new territory, looking for new edible foods to provide samples to the Druids at the farms, and more temples.
5. Doing a lot of exploring.
Fire-Hardened Wood Throwing Spears and Atlatl
Fire-hardened Wooden Thrusting Spear
Crude Wooden Bow and Fire-hardened Wood Arrows
Miscellaneous Wooden Tools
Primitive Fish Traps, Primitive Fishing Rod
Survival Kit
Fired Clay Pots, Pans and Miscellaneous Gear
Favour owed to darkgamer - First crack at future temple we hold in exchange for training up to [40] druids at once. [Shared with Sailor Midgard]
'City Farms' worked by 30 Druids
- Located along the stream bed to the north of the city, but still within the boundary field
Community Kitchen with 4 Cooks
- Butchery and Fish Cleaning Station with 2 Butchers (Cooks)
-- Smoking Rack with 2 Cooks
Small Pottery Kiln with 2 Scribes (Currently using tree carving and clay tablets to record)
Wood-Working Cottage Industry with 2 Wood Carvers, 2 Crafters, 2 Bowyers and 2 Fletchers
-Flint Knapping Workshop with 2 Flint Knappers
Small Pottery Industry with 6 Potters/Clay Diggers
Small Flint Quarry with 4 Miners
Courier Network between SV Settlements with 6 Couriers
Transportation Network with 4 'Pack Mules'
All Armed with:
- Fire-Hardened Wood Throwing Spears and Atlatl
- Fire-hardened Wooden Thrusting Spear
- Crude Wooden Bow and Fire-hardened Wood Arrows
100% Equipped with Survival Kit
Fish Traps, Fishing Rods and Wooden Tools as Needed
Fired Clay Pots, Pans and Miscellaneous Gear as Needed
Troop Count = 78 + 9 Recruits - 40 Assigned Personnel = 47
1. (30 Druids) Continuing to work the Primitive Farms at 'Base Camp'
2. (10) Rotating with the trained Druids in the Temple, so they are trained as Druids
3. (7+Me) Exploring unexplored territory, looking for new edible plants to return samples of to the farm, and especially looking for new temples.

Well, new day and for once things actually look like they'll start improving from now on... More or less. Though I seriously need to get access to one of those temples for myself... Maybe some form of arcane magic, or technological-magic... Would prefer the Tech-Magic, but it might not be the best for the moment... Oh, oh! I know! Some form of Summoning Magic! That has so many possibilities... Though if it allows me to summon Demons or Angels or such like, I'd have to be even more careful than normal...

Meh, time to stop day dreaming and actually plan out what I'll be actually doing for the day. First things first. Seeing if I can grab some more people to be trained as druids, then sending them to swap with the people that trained yesterday. But this is the last day I'm going to be able to spare people to be trained as new Druids... So hopefully we can improve the farms enough that it's easier for the druids to provide for everyone.

Huh, thinking of improving the farms...We're getting a lot of fish guts from all the fish people catch and that's some REALLY good fertiliser. I'm going to make sure the guys at the Butchery/Fish Cleaning Station know to collect all the fish guts from everyone into clay jugs or something that then get delivered to the farms.

... Probably want to move the latrines closer to the farms as well as we can use 'that' as well... But I'm going to have to ask people who actually know there stuff if that's a good idea first. After all, one of the big infection routes is through... 'leavings' contaminating food and drink or otherwise getting into the mouth/digestive system. Hopefully just means the food needs to be washed before eating, which everyone should be doing anyway...
Pyro Hawk threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 9
7 7 2 2
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1. Dungeon Delving
2. Dragon "Taming" More like "Trying to get the dragon to talk, and not get eaten."
3. Training at temple: Fire Breath (I don't want to embarrass myself in front of new recruits)
4. Recruiting
5. Training at temple: Fire Breath
Survival kit
Sharpening Stone
Glass Headed Bamboo Spear
10 Waterbenders: Level 1: Training
5 Waterbenders: Level 0: Training
12 Crafters: Clearing path between BSS and Dragon Temple
19 Dragon Shamans: Training
15 Waterbenders:
12 Crafters: Clear a path between BSS and Dragon Temple
19 Dragon Shamans
The moment I saw the dungeon, I took my chance and delved into it... 10 men died, and I stared a dragon face to face in a battle of whits, where I could not manage to shut up and stop making an ass of myself for five minutes. But regardless, the dragon seemed pleased enough with me to give me his power- god knows why.

Once the initial adrenaline rush passed, my arrogance faded into a small laugh as I realize just how close to death I was in that temple. A literal dragon blew fire at me once for my insolence, and I kept being arrogant towards him. If he had burned me to a crisp, I don't know that even i'd have blamed him. I'd pick myself up and inspected the temple behind me, full of writings on what it means to be... this. A dragon shaman. I direct my surviving recruits to come into the temple. They nearly sacrificed themselves for my cause, they should at least reap the benefits.

I'd spend a few hours with my six newly made dragon shaman, learning and teaching them. I chose to fill myself with a draconic aura that pulsed with the breath of life itself, the aura of vigor. The effects were hardly noticeable, but I clung to that aura for a time, studying it, understanding it. That is, until I discovered the text explaining my breath weapon. I could now breathe a jet of fire. The problem with breathing jets of fire as a human is: even if it doesn't burn you, it's very uncomfortable. At first, all I could do was burp up a few flames, but before long I was getting a few seconds of a sustained jet.

When I felt ready, I left my dragons to continue practicing, and headed to Ba-Sing-Se. I went to my crafters and told them to begin clearing a path between here and the temple, explaining where to go with as much detail as possible. It ultimately broke down into "just start copping trees in that direction, and I'll show you where to go before long." Before sending them off to work. I went to Highalnder and Alanek to tell them about the temple, and what I'd gained from it. I also requested firebending from Highalnder. And then I was off to the tents to recruit.

I'd use my newfound powers to my advantage, approaching the sick or injured and offering healing. I'd show others the power of fire that I'd gained. The jets were not what I expected, but who's going to question the guy who can belt jet of flame?

I'd gather up a small group, and- after vetting some of the values of the recruits, I'd bring those who I thought could handle the responsibility to the Dragon Temple, while I directed the others to helping build a path between the temple and Ba-Sing-Se.
chathsuaco threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 19
10 10 5 5 4 4
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(OOC: Is it too late to join?)
By all means, jump on in. The discord chat is best so we can explain everything without cluttering up the thread, the link should be in the OP.

@Pyro Hawk Can you, when you actually do your turn, just edit the post that you have your dice rolled in with your actions? It will keep it clear and make it easy when im handling numbers
1. Chop down trees
2. Start building more permanent housing with logs.
3. Help patrols in Spawn City
4. Learn Firebending
5. Learn Firebending
Survival Kit, Wooden Spear
1 10 Learn Shadowcasting
2 10 Create Road between 0,0 and 0, -1
3 10 Patrol Tent City, BSS and the roads connecting them. (Firebenders)
4 6 Run supplies between the connected settlements using a cart
5 9 help build wooden housing
(36 Total)

Out of the temple comes seven battered looking men. Six of them cluster together in a circle, scarred by what they'd seen in the temple but their bond stronger for it.. Their leader, covered in wispy shadow, carries himself with a new found confidence born of victory. The strange procession winds its way into the tent city. From there the leader jumps up on a stump and grins at the crows.
"Rejoice friends! A beast has been slain, blood has been split and the shadows conquered! No longer shall we be forced to creep in the darkness, terrified by the light! I have conquered a temple and invite all those willing to learn from it, to learn the lore of the Shadows!"

In the hours after he speaks some flock to his call, heading south to the gloomy place where he resides. While a few go into the temple itself others work on creating a road network between the tent city and the shadow temple. Those left behind in Spawn City patrol the roads and streets of both it and the growing Ba-Sing-Se, keeping down crime and making sure shit wasn't off the hook. Due to their efforts the cart runners continue their mission to keep supplies flowing between the settlements.

Mcclay himself spends time chopping down trees and using the logs left behind to set up sturdier walls around some of the tarp enclosures, helping his patrolmen all the while. Once that is done he recuse's himself within the Elemental Temple.
mcclay threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: recruit Total: 25
6 6 10 10 9 9
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@darkgamer Your people are starting to leave. You let one of your own get their head cut off and did nothing. You got many of your people by promising food but now another does that too. 8 of your untrained followers leave camp in the middle of the night headed in the direction of the shadow fox. Your recruitment is going to suffer a 1 die penalty until you address this to your people.

In other news your abilities are growing. You make some progress in your training and the staff, is started. The best process you could find involved growing it slowly with as much bonding to the earth as you could spare. Strengthening but turning that strength mostly inward back into it. It's a slow progress and the longer you wait the better it will be. Your wall is going very slowly trees need nutrients and competing that closely together is bad for them. You start experimenting growing the sides of trees together and make some progress but it is still far to slow to make walls with any time soon.
(training all completed)

"Everyone, I'm S-sorry for not addressing you sooner, well more than that stupid excuse for a speech I gave you yesterday. But that was the first time I've ever s-s-seen anyone killed and I'm not sure how to react. I think I'm still in shock. My speech was meant to be reassuring and in my mind at the time i think i thought it was meant to be, sorry."

I took a moment to reorganise my thoughts. "I'm sorry, I'm unsure what to do. I'm worried for us right now as we are being threatened by a murderer who has admitted to being tortured by the very beings he wants you to join and has all but said that you would suffer the same fate Just for being human.

I know I'm not much of a leader, I'm scared, I'm paranoid and I'm worried for all of you. I'm unsure what i need to do to make up for this but I will try and do something. I'm sorry about that."

1. Recruit.
2. Do something to look like I'm protecting the place
3. Train druidry even more
4 Continue making the staff
5. Read more of the wall
Survival Kit,

1 (10) - Send 10 more druids to the farm
2 (39) -Druids work on increasing food production and making the connection even better
3 (20) - DR-WS working on Making weapons better
4 (25) Set up defences around the base.
5 (12) Air benders keep training.
darkgamer threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 7
6 6 1 1
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Guilt. It was far more heavy a weight and hurt far more than any physical wound.
I was looking at the big carved wooden marker i had erected before the Beacon Temple .
The one on which now seven names were inscribed. The names of the seven I had led to their dead. Seven names I would never allow myself to forget. From now on, every failure to live up to my standards- standards that always had been high- would be measured by that.
I sighed. Everything hurt still, but that was no excuse anymore.
My wounds still hurt. Theirs wiuld never hurt again. Nor would they feel joy in this life again.
I turned to the couriers and gave my orders to the troops back at Base Camp and the outposts.
Then, it was observing and-as far as my wounds allowed - training.
I had to account for what seven persons could not do anymore.
Not that one man could,really.
But still...

1. Recruit,,, Calling especially persons who might want to be paladins and see them selves as capable to live up to the code physically and soiritually.
2. Help setting up even more farms at Basecamp to feed the hungry.
3. Train both my self and help with the training of the recruits at being paladins. As much as my weakened state allows and then some.
4. Plan already tested civic improve ments like latrines and med stations where needed in potters village or at the flint quarry.
5. Seek for salt, temples, minerals in general and try to prepare it if found., And explore while doing so . Hexes

Survival gear.
Hardened wooden spears.
Other equipment as needed.
Wicker shiled
Stone axe

Structures and Jobs
Med section at Tent City, three medics (my second +2)
Pottery specialists at potters place8, 4 persons.
39 lvl 1 Druids, all but 1 at the tent city, creating food...
1 druid sent to 'Beacon Temple, creating food and healing people if needed
52 Troops +17 recuits, 47 assigned, 22 free

1. (3 Medics) Medical section of Camp city, doing their job and trying to teach basic first aid to others
2. (4) working with the kiln at the clay deposit. (Potters Place)
3. 39 druids helping to farm and all
4.One druid at the Beacon Temple

Group :Temple.
Teaching and getting training / Beacon Temple at -1,-2
5. Me + 7 select men and women :rptraing in the physical and mental arts of being a paladin

Edploration and foraging group.

4. (5) Hunting for Salt deposits and more other useful minerals and trying to exploit them if found. Also exploring hexes -2,-2 /-1, -3
5.(4) Gathering food and supplies.Also exploring same hexes as 4

6.(4) trying to establish a neolitic stone wirking industry near flint deposit.
7. Doing civic improvement work at Pottery village (2)
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Personal Actions:
1. Recruit
2. Train Airbending
3. Train Airbending
4. Train Airbending
5. Train dodging (Have people chuck stuff at me, etc.)

Surival kit
25 airbenders Level 1
67 Others, no magic yet.
1. 25 assigned to learn Airbending
2. 30 working on learning how to work wood well/turning wood into needed things.
3. 30 still Working on expanding the superfarm.
4. 6 Gathering more Papyrus, and replanting it closer to ba sing se.
5. 1 making sure that nobody gets rid of the papyrus while building things.

edit: Fluff tomorrow. Just actions for now.
Alanek threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 10
3 3 7 7
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1. Run
2. Run
3. Hide
4. Find a non Ork weapon
5. Run back upstream
Iron, Steel, Survival Kit
"...I've got a twister in my hands" As I spoke the lines, forming the twister in front of another group of potential recruits, I groaned mentally. While they did appreciate it, and I got a few more recruits each day for it, I was honestly tired of repeating the same lines over and over again.

...Also. the twister kept blowing dust in my eyes.

So I devised a cunning plan: I would just make sure all of my airbending practice was in view of un-attached people, and not harrass them!
~one hour later~

...While the practice in dodging is nice, having a group of younger kids chucking stuff at me to try and elict a response was annoying. Maybe tomorrow I'd go back to old spice.
Day 7 (Blade Fucks everything up)

With your friend taken you run and run hiding out in ruined buildings, refusing to leave the city ,refusing to leave without a cyberman weapon. However that doesn't seem to be an easy thing to find. You scrounging around the battle field when suddenly you feel a steel hand clamp around your shoulder. You try to rip free but it's impossible. You just hear it say "Time to Upgrade!" With something injected into your neck the world suddenly goes black.

You wake up eyes feeling heavy as steel as they slowly open. The first thing you notice is that you have a H.U.D. Looking over your body you see to your horror.
You have become one of them.You mind feels different, less cloudy. Emotion for the most part gone. Instead you find yourself with orders and following through them with little or no thought as you run through routine checks to prepare you for combat.

You can see the database, the hive mind that is not quite controlling you just orders you can't really think of not following. In this database you can see all of your old memories and those of mark being assimilated. They know the location know of all the SV members. You should feel panic or fear, instead it is just a quiet acceptance. They two will be upgraded and this calm..is nice why wouldn't you want to share this power, and peace?

You walk forward equipping an arm blaster on one arm (Ranged laser gauntlet) and a cyber lance on the other(Melee range laser spike) . You look around to find yourself in some type of stone temple surrounded by others like you but three other types unlike you.

You are filled with knowledge on the cyber cannon and the cyber wing. Heavy weapons and scouts. You see dozens of each preforming maintenance or other various task preparing for battle. The giant of which there is only one sits alone though and you know it as "Cyber-King" as you look over it you feel its awareness fall onto you. In a moment your H.U.D flashes. -Position granter: Squad Leader-. Five new small boxes appear on your H.U.D 4 with a small image of cybermen the fifth being a cyberwing giving you information on their condition and giving you the ability to give them silent commands.

You are instantly aware of everything they are though it feels different, second hand not a true hive mind but very much you are an admin system over them and the king is an admin system over you.

Your H.U.D flashes once more -Mission given: Kill Ork Weirdboy "Big White"- You feel information on him downloaded into your head nearly instantly. An ork psyker who specializes in teleportation with armor made from a few killed cybermen, tends to teleport around 100 orks with him at a time. Bouncing between battle to battle for the city. There is about to be an attack on the ork camp and you have been given a bit more freedom so you could focus on killing him as the King manages other more important aspects.

Lost:95% of free will, followers, all equipment.
Gained: Mission, squad 4/1 Cybermen body, Cybermen equipment


Talking to your people helps ease their fears. It is however more than that. They want answers, who is he? Is he coming back? What can he do? He's building an army is he going to start a war? You can't answer these so recruitment is still slowed, but the fear does inspire them to work harder and longer when it comes to defending the "Town".

Which is why so much progress is made on making a wall. Your people have a simple plan. Grow trees in a circle around the temple, until they start merging into one tree, and make one huge living wall,and hopefully by the time it is done they have enough control to make a walk way. A few people cut branches into spikes planting them into the ground on the outside of where the wall is planned to be making charging in harder.

Progress is made in your studies and training and you are learning how to better manipulate bonds. Which helps with your staff it seems that it can now hold about 10% of your own capacity in "power" really it just seems that it will be a long project but will speed up as you improve.

Your druids are studying how to better grow food but its going to take time for the improved skills and theory to really distribute and make a difference.
The weapon crafting druids make good spears, and manage to grow some shields, however they are a long ways off from being even comparable to metal tools.

@Lordhighalnder @Alanek

The farm continues to grow larger and papyrus is added in another section, 10 more druids even arrive to staff it. You have more that enough space it is coming down to number of druids and other improvements you could do to improve the soil. You have a stock pile of bows now, you couldn't equip equip everyone with one but not far from it. They would be better with a real workshop with proper tools, for now they remain fairly crude.

The wood working is progressing nicely too, people appreciate having some more furniture and small things that they had been missing.

All training progresses.


The path is cleared and all people proceed in their training and hit level one.


You start building the housing and the road with out any issue. The road is really just a beaten path at this moment. You notice that training your fire bending any further seems terribly slow. It feels difficult, hell nearly impossible to see progress in a single day now that your main source of magic is shadowmancy.

@Sailor Midgard

4 Dead
The group you sent to explore -1,-3 and -2,-2 found some odd type of city submerging into the ground before they could get closer they were ambushed. Only one survivor returned, telling stories of rat people with rifles that shoot with green energy.

Your flint and pottery production improvements go fine. Mostly sending people to do "What ever will help".
Your healing abilities are improving which is helping you recover, even if the leg that was broken still doesn't really like supporting weight.

@Pyro Hawk

Working the land more than clearing it is hard difficult work. Most of these trees were huge and clearing them out and pulling out stumps is nearly impossible.
Your exploration shows -2,-2 has wheat farms for edible food, granted it is being worked by an undead legion. Your slow exploration of the area around 0,0 reveals something else of value. A tone panel in the ground of 1,0 with 5 small gems lightly embedded in it.

The gems can easily be pulled out and taken with you.



Checklist before moving to weekly!

[] Written legal charter between major groups
[]125% food requirements being made.
[]Large scale metal production
[]An organized army of at least 150 people (Can be combined from multiple people as long as it's a standing army)
[]At least one walled city or fortress
[]Paved roads between all major settlements
[]Sanitation system in at least one city
[] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
[] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
[] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)

If I forgot anyone or anything let me know!
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