@darkgamer returns and oversees the training of many of his men to become druids. It goes steadily through out the day. Until night falls and a scream is heard. Outside the temple your people rush pulling out various weapons quickly.
The mother who gave up their baby is being held on their knees, a man standing behind her with one hand holding a fist of hair the other a jagged saw like knife. Beside him stands a small animal of shadow, a fox.
He stands flanked by roughly 2 dozen fey warriors, men and women hovering on glittering wings. They have armor of wood and leather and carry bows.
He speaks in a booming voice clearly magic helping to be heard by everyone.
"MOTHER! You gave me to the FEY! Do you know what my life has been? Nothing but pain. They are immortal so they use torture as the punishment for any failings and I as a mere human failed many many times! However I found my place I earned my position and my men. Now I come for vengeance!"
With a rugged brutal motion the knife crudely and bloodily takes her head off. He throws it at the arch druid it bouncing off of there chest.
Many people throw a spear or shoot an arrow someone throws a shovel all at him to try to stop him. The miss or bounce off of some energy field around him. Many people trip as they charge him or find their weapons breaking or other misfortune. The druids can see layers and layers of bonds and can start to unweave the shield but it will take time. He speaks through the barrage.
"I offer food, safety, protection and POWER!" His statement is punctuated by his blade becoming covered in flame.
"Simply come ten miles north of here and you can join my army of fey and human united for amazing power!"
In a flash he is gone, a murder committed and a speech given and he just leaves, already you can see some of the humans that had followed but not joined you heading north. With no name given many of your people start referring to him as "Shadow Fox"
(all druids trained to level 1)
You send away your followers to their various task and spend a few hours catching and smoking fish, with such a small group and so far from the others your able to eat without getting into your rations. The river cuts through the city and you make your way into a several story building to look out over the city and to see how much further the river goes.
Your progress gets halted by what you see. You knew it was a war zone from the noise however from a vantage point you can see how bad it really is.
The battle rages between two unstoppable forces. One side fights as waves of green huge muscular flesh covered in shiny chrome armor. The other chrome robots smaller in number, but surviving huge amounts of bullets and explosions to just keep coming, the occasional laser firing from a gauntlet cutting down a whole line of the green beast at a time.
Your people refuse to go much further looting a bit of iron and steel from the broken scraps of the building to make or improve their weapons a bit.
Since your progress is halted by not waiting to meet the various patrols your scout to the farms comes back.
The farms were manned by undead, zombies specifically. They saw a couple of robed figures but avoided them with a wide berth, necromancers manipulating the undead?
Between 0,0 and -1,1
@mcclay Your efforts have been very successful after cutting all the undergrowth and improving the already roughly beaten bath people are coming forward with clay tiles and stone to make a real road.There is talk about making a cart to make things much quicker. A few other of your people start trying branches cut from other trees to make the canopy thicker above the "road" offering some more protection from sun and rain. Your people also manage to make a few spears as they patrol beating down the road further and further.
@Pyro Hawk @Sailor Midgard
The camp is steadily getting more and more refined, people making more and larger shelters as clay becomes more common and the skill in making shelter is quickly refined by raw practice. A few large trees are taken down to both make more room for the growing community and to provide raw resources for the wood workers. Flint is found fairly easily -1,0 not far outside the barrier that protects your main camp. Food though does not come quite as easily. (I'll add a blurb on all the nearby hexes soon) The exploration proves promising though. In -1,-2 you leave the forest into rolling plains there is a temple, or you suspect as such. It is a beacon of light falling from the sky. Though you haven't reached it yet and will probably want to explore it carefully. Maple syrup can be found from a few trees but not enough to make a huge difference maybe once some druids are trained
@Lordhighalnder @Alanek @cathsuaco
You get a shoddy cart made though the terrain is still to rough to make the most of it. Your expansion of the farm and the clay pipes for irrigation goes well more and more land is cleared and set aside for farming, even if it's slow work removing huge trees and more difficultly their huge stumps. The earthbending training is slow going as well, the most basic technique raises a small wall of earth, while possibly useful defensively it has less use flattening out farm land for instance, but they keep practicing improving. The air benders master the art of making small gust of wind come off of their fist. The water benders practice a technique similar to the water whip but struggle to make it strike as they wish instead of just more randomly. All of this happens as the tent city continues to grow walls made of clay are torches to harden it, paths being made simply by repetition and burn pits made next to the latrines.
(All benders trained to level 1)
(5 fletchers trained to level 2, bows are improving, but they need a better workshop and tools to really excel)
Last Day before people start suffering penalties for rationing.
If I forgot anything let me know!
Adding a link to the discord in the OP
New map incoming!
Adding an excel link for troop count soon!
(Troops are generally leveled 1-4 with PCs being capable of reaching 5. All roughly speaking.)