I wouldn't mind merging it, but we need to have some method to remember who's troops are there.

Would doing something like me adding he following to my post work for you?

Small Pottery Industry with 12 Potters/Clay Diggers

Where we permanently lose the troops 'donated' to the infrastructure, but as long as you've donated a few troops to assisting with the infrastructure in question, people get added to the list of people who have 'access' to the infrastructure in question?

Pretty sure Sailor Midgard's got a few people working their, but I don't know the numbers so haven't added them in yet.
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I wouldn't mind merging it, but we need to have some method to remember who's troops are there.

Would doing something like me adding he following to my post work for you?

Small Pottery Industry with 12 Potters/Clay Diggers

Where we permanently lose the troops 'donated' to the infrastructure, but as long as you've donated a few troops to assisting with the infrastructure in question, people get added to the list of people who have 'access' to the infrastructure in question?

Pretty sure Sailor Midgard's got a few people working their, but I don't know the numbers so haven't added them in yet.
4 men. So, we are at 16.
I wouldn't mind merging it, but we need to have some method to remember who's troops are there.

Would doing something like me adding he following to my post work for you?

Small Pottery Industry with 12 Potters/Clay Diggers

Where we permanently lose the troops 'donated' to the infrastructure, but as long as you've donated a few troops to assisting with the infrastructure in question, people get added to the list of people who have 'access' to the infrastructure in question?

Pretty sure Sailor Midgard's got a few people working their, but I don't know the numbers so haven't added them in yet.
Works for me! Thats six of my guys that are doing pottery stuff and things permanantly. Ill mark em off on the next update.

Heavens above and Earth blow, I was so happy this all went off without a hitch and the magic training was gonna happen.
I watched them go off to become .. whatever the Earth mages were called, those young men and women we had chosen... bright, hopefully responsible and everything.
They were going to save us from immediate starvation.

I had contemplated going to the temple myself (-n the back of my head there was this old song ('Temple of the king' ) playing - but no. It could be done later. Perhaps we might find an alternative that was even more useful.

Also, I brooded over the information Blade (by now everybody seemed to use a variant of their handle as identification, huh?) had sent us.

Farms were set up?
And there was a modrn city where a war seemed to be going on?
That was surreal... was this place a kind of dump for people and things dimensionally displaced? Were the wrecks of the ships lost in the Devils Triangle strewn around here somwewhere?

Eh, not our problem. Yet.

I armed up as well as I could and gathered a trusty band of tough and hopefully woodwise people around me.

"So, guys. We are going on a little trip. Foraging, exploring and all. Nothing too serious, but hopefully we find the various things we are lookinfpg for...." and besides, the excitement might distract you from the rationing to be adopted.

I waved good-bye to my Friend Fenix. I had set her and her husbant up as seconds in command of my group....

And off we were, guys.....

1. Recruit,,, again mostly people who are going to be trained as mages and some more explorers
2. Help setting up a neolithic stone working industry
3. Seek for anything unusual in the surrounding area
Hexes to be explored are-1, 0 /O ,-1 /1, -2 as far as we get.
4. Seek for salt and try to prepare it if found., same Hexes as above.
5. Seek for Sugar Maples or other sources of sweetenings. Same Hexes as above.
Survival gear.
Hardened wooden spears.
Other eq uipment as needed.

Structures and Jobs
Med section at Tent City, three medics (my second +2)
Pottery specialists at potters place, 4 persons.
Assigned to woodworking , 3 persons
20 persons designated to learn magic at Temple

49 Troops

1. (3 Medics) Medical section of Camp city, doing their job and trying to teach basic first aid
2. (4) working with the kiln at the clay deposit. (Potters Place)

Expedition group Exploring Hexes -1, 0/0, -1 /1, -2

3. (4) Hunting for Salt deposits and trying to exploit them if found. Also exploring
4. (2) Trying to find sweeteners Also Exploring.
5. (8) Gathering Food.Also exploring
6. (4+me) Helping to find out about anything unusual in our surroundingsAlso exploring.

7.(4) trying to establish an neolitic stone wirking industry
8 .(3) permanently assigned to woodworking.
9.(20) 20 person assigned to learning magic at the temple.
10 (2)Still fishing.
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Day 5 (Oh Shit)
@darkgamer returns and oversees the training of many of his men to become druids. It goes steadily through out the day. Until night falls and a scream is heard. Outside the temple your people rush pulling out various weapons quickly.
The mother who gave up their baby is being held on their knees, a man standing behind her with one hand holding a fist of hair the other a jagged saw like knife. Beside him stands a small animal of shadow, a fox.
He stands flanked by roughly 2 dozen fey warriors, men and women hovering on glittering wings. They have armor of wood and leather and carry bows.
He speaks in a booming voice clearly magic helping to be heard by everyone.
"MOTHER! You gave me to the FEY! Do you know what my life has been? Nothing but pain. They are immortal so they use torture as the punishment for any failings and I as a mere human failed many many times! However I found my place I earned my position and my men. Now I come for vengeance!"
With a rugged brutal motion the knife crudely and bloodily takes her head off. He throws it at the arch druid it bouncing off of there chest.

Many people throw a spear or shoot an arrow someone throws a shovel all at him to try to stop him. The miss or bounce off of some energy field around him. Many people trip as they charge him or find their weapons breaking or other misfortune. The druids can see layers and layers of bonds and can start to unweave the shield but it will take time. He speaks through the barrage.

"I offer food, safety, protection and POWER!" His statement is punctuated by his blade becoming covered in flame.
"Simply come ten miles north of here and you can join my army of fey and human united for amazing power!"

In a flash he is gone, a murder committed and a speech given and he just leaves, already you can see some of the humans that had followed but not joined you heading north. With no name given many of your people start referring to him as "Shadow Fox"

(all druids trained to level 1)


You send away your followers to their various task and spend a few hours catching and smoking fish, with such a small group and so far from the others your able to eat without getting into your rations. The river cuts through the city and you make your way into a several story building to look out over the city and to see how much further the river goes.

Your progress gets halted by what you see. You knew it was a war zone from the noise however from a vantage point you can see how bad it really is.
The battle rages between two unstoppable forces. One side fights as waves of green huge muscular flesh covered in shiny chrome armor. The other chrome robots smaller in number, but surviving huge amounts of bullets and explosions to just keep coming, the occasional laser firing from a gauntlet cutting down a whole line of the green beast at a time.

Your people refuse to go much further looting a bit of iron and steel from the broken scraps of the building to make or improve their weapons a bit.
Since your progress is halted by not waiting to meet the various patrols your scout to the farms comes back.
The farms were manned by undead, zombies specifically. They saw a couple of robed figures but avoided them with a wide berth, necromancers manipulating the undead?

Between 0,0 and -1,1

@mcclay Your efforts have been very successful after cutting all the undergrowth and improving the already roughly beaten bath people are coming forward with clay tiles and stone to make a real road.There is talk about making a cart to make things much quicker. A few other of your people start trying branches cut from other trees to make the canopy thicker above the "road" offering some more protection from sun and rain. Your people also manage to make a few spears as they patrol beating down the road further and further.

@Pyro Hawk @Sailor Midgard

The camp is steadily getting more and more refined, people making more and larger shelters as clay becomes more common and the skill in making shelter is quickly refined by raw practice. A few large trees are taken down to both make more room for the growing community and to provide raw resources for the wood workers. Flint is found fairly easily -1,0 not far outside the barrier that protects your main camp. Food though does not come quite as easily. (I'll add a blurb on all the nearby hexes soon) The exploration proves promising though. In -1,-2 you leave the forest into rolling plains there is a temple, or you suspect as such. It is a beacon of light falling from the sky. Though you haven't reached it yet and will probably want to explore it carefully. Maple syrup can be found from a few trees but not enough to make a huge difference maybe once some druids are trained

@Lordhighalnder @Alanek @cathsuaco

You get a shoddy cart made though the terrain is still to rough to make the most of it. Your expansion of the farm and the clay pipes for irrigation goes well more and more land is cleared and set aside for farming, even if it's slow work removing huge trees and more difficultly their huge stumps. The earthbending training is slow going as well, the most basic technique raises a small wall of earth, while possibly useful defensively it has less use flattening out farm land for instance, but they keep practicing improving. The air benders master the art of making small gust of wind come off of their fist. The water benders practice a technique similar to the water whip but struggle to make it strike as they wish instead of just more randomly. All of this happens as the tent city continues to grow walls made of clay are torches to harden it, paths being made simply by repetition and burn pits made next to the latrines.

(All benders trained to level 1)
(5 fletchers trained to level 2, bows are improving, but they need a better workshop and tools to really excel)

Last Day before people start suffering penalties for rationing.

If I forgot anything let me know!
Adding a link to the discord in the OP
New map incoming!
Adding an excel link for troop count soon!

(Troops are generally leveled 1-4 with PCs being capable of reaching 5. All roughly speaking.)
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1. Recruit (Temple and Write in Bonus)
2. Train in Earthbending
3. Teach Earthbenders
4. Work on superfarm
5. Train Kung Fu
Surival kit
Fish trap
Bamboo bow (rough)
Avatar Magic (starting earth Bending)
30 earthbenders
5 firebenders
5 waterbenders
5 airbenders
9 Glassworkers
6 potters
5 fletchers
1. 30 assigned to learn Earthbending (start working on Super Farm)
2. 5 assigned to learn Firebending
3. 5 assinged to learn Waterbending
4. 5 assigned to learn Airbending
5. 9 to become Glassworkers
6. 6 Potters
7. 5 Fletchers building bows.
Glass Furnace
Temple (Elemental Bending)
Clay Storage
Sand Storage
Clay mine (Next to river)

The basics were a bit easier to learn than I had expected, though the stances that seemed natural for earthbending mirrored what I knew of Hung Gar, with solid stances and deliberate movement. Those around me were eager to learn, while others of a more flighty nature tended towards the other aspects of bending. In truth, most of the people who followed me now were attempting to learn the bending arts, as the way we saw it, most of the work we needed to do would be handled easier, wether it be the glass worker plunging their hands into molten glass with rock encased arms, the potter who shaped their work with form and breath as sure as hand and clay.

Our fletchers expressed interest ing learning airbending, with the idea that they would be able to harness the currents to place arrows with precision seen in modern sniping, using lenses of air to view the world as eagles, marking them one of the perfect archers.

For now, they focused on their art, the bowmaking they had started, though they would need a workshop at some point in the up and coming days, as they had done most of what they could without specialized tools.

Most of Alaneks people were clearing the land, while me and the earthbenders under my tutilage compacted earth to form channels for water, mulched ground and enriching it even as we flooded it. Specifically I sent people to collect wild rice, an easy to maintain crop, that should grow explosively once we had some druids able to assist.

When the ten druids sent by Dark arrived, I cried. Tears streamed down my face even as we harvested plants en masse, simple rice true, but it was more than we expected. Life was flourishing, and we had enough to feed the people of BaSingSe (BSS) several times over. Still, with people in Home City starving, we couldnt be selfish. The remainder was packed up in clay jars and transported to the kitchens that were in Home City.

Bland, tastelss, filling Rice. There was a bit of rejoicing, and the People in BSS seemed renewed.

Things were looking up, and I had a Ba-sing-se to design and build....

(14 people to Darkgamer, in exchange I recieve 16 after 3 turns)
Lordhighalnder threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 23
10 10 9 9 4 4
Lordhighalnder threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: alanek Total: 9
9 9
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@darkgamer returns and oversees the training of many of his men to become druids. It goes steadily through out the day. Until night falls and a scream is heard. Outside the temple your people rush pulling out various weapons quickly.
The mother who gave up their baby is being held on their knees, a man standing behind her with one hand holding a fist of hair the other a jagged saw like knife. Beside him stands a small animal of shadow, a fox.
He stands flanked by roughly 2 dozen fey warriors, men and women hovering on glittering wings. They have armor of wood and leather and carry bows.
He speaks in a booming voice clearly magic helping to be heard by everyone.
"MOTHER! You gave me to the FEY! Do you know what my life has been? Nothing but pain. They are immortal so they use torture as the punishment for any failings and I as a mere human failed many many times! However I found my place I earned my position and my men. Now I come for vengeance!"
With a rugged brutal motion the knife crudely and bloodily takes her head off. He throws it at the arch druid it bouncing off of there chest.

Many people throw a spear or shoot an arrow someone throws a shovel all at him to try to stop him. The miss or bounce off of some energy field around him. Many people trip as they charge him or find their weapons breaking or other misfortune. The druids can see layers and layers of bonds and can start to unweave the shield but it will take time. He speaks through the barrage.

"I offer food, safety, protection and POWER!" His statement is punctuated by his blade becoming covered in flame.
"Simply come ten miles north of here and you can join my army of fey and human united for amazing power!"

In a flash he is gone, a murder committed and a speech given and he just leaves, already you can see some of the humans that had followed but not joined you heading north. With no name given many of your people start referring to him as "Shadow Fox"

(all druids trained to level 1)


You send away your followers to their various task and spend a few hours catching and smoking fish, with such a small group and so far from the others your able to eat without getting into your rations. The river cuts through the city and you make your way into a several story building to look out over the city and to see how much further the river goes.

Your progress gets halted by what you see. You knew it was a war zone from the noise however from a vantage point you can see how bad it really is.
The battle rages between two unstoppable forces. One side fights as waves of green huge muscular flesh covered in shiny chrome armor. The other chrome robots smaller in number, but surviving huge amounts of bullets and explosions to just keep coming, the occasional laser firing from a gauntlet cutting down a whole line of the green beast at a time.

Your people refuse to go much further looting a bit of iron and steel from the broken scraps of the building to make or improve their weapons a bit.
Since your progress is halted by not waiting to meet the various patrols your scout to the farms comes back.
The farms were manned by undead, zombies specifically. They saw a couple of robed figures but avoided them with a wide berth, necromancers manipulating the undead?

Between 0,0 and -1,1

@mcclay Your efforts have been very successful after cutting all the undergrowth and improving the already roughly beaten bath people are coming forward with clay tiles and stone to make a real road.There is talk about making a cart to make things much quicker. A few other of your people start trying branches cut from other trees to make the canopy thicker above the "road" offering some more protection from sun and rain. Your people also manage to make a few spears as they patrol beating down the road further and further.

@Pyro Hawk @Sailor Midgard

The camp is steadily getting more and more refined, people making more and larger shelters as clay becomes more common and the skill in making shelter is quickly refined by raw practice. A few large trees are taken down to both make more room for the growing community and to provide raw resources for the wood workers. Flint is found fairly easily -1,0 not far outside the barrier that protects your main camp. Food though does not come quite as easily. (I'll add a blurb on all the nearby hexes soon) The exploration proves promising though. In -1,-2 you leave the forest into rolling plains there is a temple, or you suspect as such. It is a beacon of light falling from the sky. Though you haven't reached it yet and will probably want to explore it carefully. Maple syrup can be found from a few trees but not enough to make a huge difference maybe once some druids are trained

@Lordhighalnder @Alanek @cathsuaco

You get a shoddy cart made though the terrain is still to rough to make the most of it. Your expansion of the farm and the clay pipes for irrigation goes well more and more land is cleared and set aside for farming, even if it's slow work removing huge trees and more difficultly their huge stumps. The earthbending training is slow going as well, the most basic technique raises a small wall of earth, while possibly useful defensively it has less use flattening out farm land for instance, but they keep practicing improving. The air benders master the art of making small gust of wind come off of their fist. The water benders practice a technique similar to the water whip but struggle to make it strike as they wish instead of just more randomly. All of this happens as the tent city continues to grow walls made of clay are torches to harden it, paths being made simply by repetition and burn pits made next to the latrines.

(All benders trained to level 1)
(5 fletchers trained to level 2, bows are improving, but they need a better workshop and tools to really excel)

Last Day before people start suffering penalties for rationing.

If I forgot anything let me know!
Adding a link to the discord in the OP
New map incoming!
Adding an excel link for troop count soon!

(Troops are generally leveled 1-4 with PCs being capable of reaching 5. All roughly speaking.)
A question... when do we reach the point that 'druids' can alleviate the food crisis?

At least our food crisis?
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Shared Infrastructure

Names in brackets are people able to use infrastructure. Any Shared Infrastructure with (Open) is available to all.
Large City comprised of Primitive Shelters of Sticks and Clay. Clay Tiles, Bricks and Clay Pipes beginning to appear.
- Contains Latrines
- Contains Community Kitchen
-- 3 Cooks
Small Pottery Industry with 16 Potters/Clay Diggers
Shared Infrastructure

Names in brackets are people able to use infrastructure. Any Shared Infrastructure with (Open) is available to all.
Large City comprised of Primitive Shelters of Sticks and Clay. Clay Tiles, Bricks and Clay Pipes beginning to appear.
- Contains Latrines
- Contains Community Kitchen
-- 3 Cooks
Small Pottery Industry with 16 Potters/Clay Diggers
Tent city also contains 4 woodworkers and 3 medics. And a medical section.

Are 5 added to recruitment?
Sailor Midgard threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: recruitment (mostly f travelin Total: 8
6 6 2 2
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Sailor, right now I'm not opening up the woodcarvers and the crafters to other people. They are basically allowing both of us to have as much of whatever they produce as we need, and giving the unaligned people in the Base Camp open access to it's goods. Not the other players (yet).

Shared Infrastructure is basically something we're saying 'we don't care if others gain the benefits of this structure, it's available either for everyone (if (Open) or anyone who's contributed to the structure (if with names). And if you've contributed to the structure, you can share all the stuff you get from it with whoever you want.

Also, can't get my turn up yet, but I'll be spending one of my personal actions reaching the new temple, another beginning the exploration (not going in deep yet, just poking around the surface and entrance at most), a third being setting up the flint quarry, the fourth the standard recruitment, and probably the fifth will be swapping the druid trainees with new ones and having the trained start producing food...

If you want to designate another 20 people I can send with my 20 to the druid temple Sailor?
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Will this number increase with dedicated farmland?

Farmland and supporting infrastructure

All they do is speed up what would naturally occur anything that would improve a normal farm will improve their work the same amount.

(but exponentially better because of how fast food grows)
Sailor, right now I'm not opening up the woodcarvers and the crafters to other people. They are basically allowing both of us to have as much of whatever they produce as we need, and giving the unaligned people in the Base Camp open access to it's goods. Not the other players (yet).

Shared Infrastructure is basically something we're saying 'we don't care if others gain the benefits of this structure, it's available either for everyone (if (Open) or anyone who's contributed to the structure (if with names). And if you've contributed to the structure, you can share all the stuff you get from it with whoever you want.

Also, can't get my turn up yet, but I'll be spending one of my personal actions reaching the new temple, another beginning the exploration (not going in deep yet, just poking around the surface and entrance at most), a third being setting up the flint quarry, the fourth the standard recruitment, and probably the fifth will be swapping the druid trainees with new ones and having the trained start producing food...

If you want to designate another 20 people I can send with my 20 to the druid temple Sailor?
Hmmm.. i could send all my new gains and the woodworker designates to the temple? Also, I am going to spend a personal action or two on the new temple, as welll as the explorers.
I also am going to start working at the quarried flint (and looking for diorit and Jade?)
And looking for SAlT.
We need SALT.

@Zedalb, I gain 15 persons, correct?
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Okay, going to bed but rolling for recruitment... Paragraph up later.
Pyro Hawk threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 13
10 10 3 3
There was a light...
In fact, it had been an Beacon-like pillar of it emanating from thr southerly pkains and now we stood almist in sight of it.
Messengers had been dispatched, assitance had been required, new recruits and old stalwarts alike had been sent to the Druids aaTemple.. and here we were now, waiting for Hawk and his contigent to arrive , while others scouted out the surroundings.
We stil needed more and more Divesrepse mineral ressources.
We ALSO desperately needed Salt.

But I tried to put all of this aside as I turned to my basic Exploration team...
The ones to brave the 'Beacon Temple'.

"Friends, before we will start our investigations, some simple ground rules.
The secrets of the Temple need to be explored.
But rhis is not a Life or Death question -meaning that your lives are worth more than the knowlrpedge inside, at least to me.
We will there fore priceed with caution, look before we leap, try to find traps and secret doors and trigger things as cautiously as if we are handling eggshells... filled with Nitroglycerine."
I chuckle.
"Let us show how clever persons do this, okay?"
1. Recruit,,, again mostly people who are going to be trained as mages and some more explorers. These are for the Druid Temple, mostly.
2. Help setting up a neolithic stone working industry. Inthis cas3, that means getting people to work what we have . Aditionally, we keep searching for Diorit, Jade, basically any workable stone....
3. Explore the temple. Do so carefully. The temple is important, our people are more important.
4. Explore the Temple, as above. Get a medic in case people get hurt . Try getting two trained nages here to aid.
5. Seek for salt and try to prepare it if found., And explore while doing so Hexes.
Survival gear.
Hardened wooden spears.
Other equipment as needed.

Structures and Jobs
Med section at Tent City, two medics (my second +2)
Pottery specialists at potters place, 4 persons.
20 lvl 1 Druids, all but 1 at the tent city, creating food...
20 persons designated as Druids sent to the temple
1 medic sent to 'Beacon Temple'
1 druid sent to 'Beacon Temple

59 Troops

1. (2 Medics) Medical section of Camp city, doing their job and trying to teach basic first aid
2. (4) working with the kiln at the clay deposit. (Potters Place)

Expedition group :Temple.

Exploring Beacon Temple at -1,-2
3. (Medic + 1lvl druid + me + 7) carefully examining the Beacon Temple

Edploration and foraging group.

4. (5) Hunting for Salt deposits and more other useful minerals and trying to exploit them if found. Also exploring hexes -1 ,-2 /-2,-1 / -2, -1)
5. (6) Gathering food .Also exploring same hexes as 4

7.(4) trying to establish a neolitic stone wirking industry near flint deposit.
8. (20) 20 person assigned to learning magic at the temple.
9. (19 lvl 1 Druids) working at allevating the food crisis as best as they can
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(OOC: I LIVE! No issue with the actions proposed by @Lordhighalnder )

Personal Actions:
1. Recruit
2. Train Airbending
3. Train Airbending
4. Work on superfarm
5. Train dodging (Have people chuck stuff at me, etc.)

Surival kit
25 airbenders Level 1
57 Others
1. 25 assigned to learn Earthbending (start working on Super Farm)
2. 10 assigned to carpentry, learning how to effectively work wood.
3. 35 Working on the superfarm.
4. 7 Gathering Papyrus, and replanting it closer to ba sing se.

"Hey, We're still recruiting people!" I call out to the group of unattached people. "Safety in numbers and all that. More importantly, we're setting up farms, and teaching bending. All without selling anybody to the Fae!" I call. ...The group moves past me, ignoring me. I sigh. I really was going to be here all day, wasn't I? Only getting a person or two on average per group... At least I was able to work on my airbending while waiting for another group to wander by. On the plus side, it also helped verify I wasn't making the bending part up. I tried another tactic on the next group. "Look at your group, and back to me. Look at your group again, and back to me. Sadly, your group isn't magic. If you stopped wandering around and joined us, you could be magic too. Look down, back to me. I've got a twister in my hands."
Alanek threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Second recruitment die Total: 6
6 6
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1 Recruit
2 Train some more
3 Experiment with plant growth
4 Start building a staff.
5 Keep building a wall around the encampment with trees grown tall.
Survival Kit
1 (25) - continue to train units in druidry
2 (12) - go to LordHighlanders temple to train units in air bending
3 (34) - Start training in druidry while making weapons
4 (25) keep building up the base
5 (10) Send these druids to lord highlander's base to work on his farms

I tell my people about the fey, and mention how they lie about most things by twisting the truth. Sure that person may have been given to the fey but only by a person who didn't want any of you to starve. And the fey didn't fully uphold their deal. 10 people died due to them and one went insane and it is this why I don't want any of you guys to fall victim to their schemes.
darkgamer threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: people stuff Total: 20
5 5 9 9 6 6
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1. Loot more steel and Iron
2. Have the bulk of my men go back up river and smoke more fish(15)
3. Me and only one man are to try and get ahold of one of the weapons being used even if we have to wait out the the battle and pick the dead clean.
4. After collection of everything everyone is to head back up river towards 0,0 and then from there we will follow the river upstream just dropping off some of the metal.
Iron, Steel, Survival Kit
Hmmm.. i could send all my new gains and the woodworker designates to the temple? Also, I am going to spend a personal action or two on the new temple, as welll as the explorers.
I also am going to start working at the quarried flint (and looking for diorit and Jade?)
And looking for SAlT.
We need SALT.

@Zedalb, I gain 15 persons, correct?
The +5 was a one time thing last turn to apologize for my lateness.

You get 8 right now and 3 actions total would push it up to ten.
Zedalb threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Mcclay Total: 10
10 10
Okay, 1 recruitment action allows you to roll a die, 1 recruitment action with a paragraph of fluff allows you to roll 2 dice.

2 recruitment actions with a fluff paragraph allows you to roll 2 dice with a +1 to how many people you recruit total. Each further recruitment actions increases the +1 by 1 each.
Okay, 1 recruitment action allows you to roll a die, 1 recruitment action with a paragraph of fluff allows you to roll 2 dice.

2 recruitment actions with a fluff paragraph allows you to roll 2 dice with a +1 to how many people you recruit total. Each further recruitment actions increases the +1 by 1 each.
Correct, to a maximum of 2d10+4 if you use all personal actions to recruit.