Well me personally I am going to recruit

From there I am going to head downstream and looking for any geographical landmarks while making a map
CommanderBlade threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruitment Total: 19
9 9 10 10
Well me personally I am going to recruit

From there I am going to head downstream and looking for any geographical landmarks while making a map

Welcome to the game!

You are free to do so, through me 1d10 for how many people you get. 2d10 if you are willing to do just a paragraph of fluff.

I have a template in the OP for turns to keep everything clean and smooth.

Feel free to jump in the discord and bother me with questions, comments concerns.
1. Recruit
2. Build a bonfire
3. Build fans
4. Prepare to dungeon delve
5. Additional recruiting action
Surival kit, Fish trap, Bamboo bow (rough)
5 fletchers
3 potters
4 fishermen
5 hunters
1. 10 to pull clay from river
2. 7 to continue building shelter
3. 5 to start building food storage
4. 5 to build storage for raw materials out of mud and wood
5. (5) Bowcrafters/fletchers refining craft
6. 4 to act as security
7. 5 to hunt for food, (Bamboo shoots, animals, etc.)
8. 3 to start building a basic sledge
9. 4 to fish (fishermen)
10. 3 to become potters, making tiles, bowls, spoons, and vases
11. 4 to move sand into newly made storage in order to turn into glass

While most of my time was taken handling the entrance to what I had presumed was a temple, a few curious bystanders were infected by my excietement, and quickly put to task erecting a temporary structure while I worked.

I posted a security detail, and began issuing out orders, hunting with the new spears and bows, some to fish, most to work on setting up a place to live and work. I would need to start developing industry, I had the plan for a water powered sawmill, but the temple, for thats what it obviously was, would sidetrack those.

What they say about the magic box is true, it looks shiny to those that havent gotten it. Well, I was preparing to delve into mine, but the rumor of Darks temple being lethal... 10 men dead in less than a day.

I had no intention of losing anywhere near that many, so I would have to play this smart, which meant packing lots of water, two bows and spare strings, and anything else I could get my hands on. I would be taking ten people, mostly the curious looky loos who had signed on with me after I found the temple.

Alanek said something about working recruiting duty, so I was left to handle his peoples assignments...


33 people
5 to start building piping for water from the river to the central areas of buildings
5 to start building a set of latrines on the opposite side of the stone slab from the water,
5 to start converting a small section of land into farmland, which hopefully druidic magic will be able to assist with later
3 to build a furnace near the water to which glass will be made at
15 to gather food
Lordhighalnder threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruitment Total: 19
8 8 8 8 3 3
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1. Recruit
2. Make map
3. Go downstream
4. Keep going downstream
5. Make camp at day's end and fish
Surival kit,
19 normals
After convincing a number of people to follow me. We had begun walking downstream while making a map. It was rough and kinda crude but it was a good starting point. We walked and walked farther down while I sketched our route making sure to make note if identifiable locations. When we stopped to fish a couple of the others where trying barehand fishing. While I just took out some line got a piece of metal in the shape of a hook and grabbed a piece of wood to use as a handle. It took a hour of patient casting before I had hooked what looked like a trout. We gutted and descaled the fish and ate it wasn't much but it was good from there we slept and then continued our activities the next day.
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1. Recruiting
2. Setting up a Pottery Industry near the clay deposit.
3. Exploring for anything unusual in the region
4. Getting some wood workers started up.
5. Ensuring that the wood working industry is functional, after all I do want some primitive wooden tools and weapons soon.
Survival Kit
Fire-Hardened Wood Spear
Tent City at 0,0, Has Latrines
Community Kitchen at 0,0 + 3 Cooks + 3 Gatherers
Pottery Kiln at 0,0 + 4 Scribes (Currently using tree carving and clay tablets to record)
Courier Network between SV Settlements + 6 Couriers
1. (6) Set up a pottery industry at 1,-1, to produce things like pots, tiles, bricks, clay tablets. Desired End Result is 4 Potters, 2 Transporters (aka, the guys carrying the successful products fro mthe pottery to where they need to go)
2. (14) Set up a wood-working industry at 0, 0. Desired End Result is 4 Wood Carvers (Things like bowls and cutlery), 4 Tool Makers (Things like wooden hoes, fish traps and spears at the present time) and 3 Bowyers + 3 Fletchers.
3. (10+Me) Exploring the surrounding region with me, looking for anything unusual or useful such as (possible) Temples or new food sources
4. (3 Cooks in Kitchen) Cooks sort themselves out so they know what they are doing (Basically, upgrading my 3 Cooks in the Kitchen to 'good cooks' or whatever they end up.
5. (3 Gatherers in Kitchen Jobs) Gatherers sort themselves out so they keep gathering more berries, apples, etc.
6. (4 Scribes) Scribes work out a format in which they carve their 'reports'
7. (6 Couriers) Couriers work out the best routes and route marking together between settlements.

Okay, so it's a new day and new tasks need to be done. Time to climb the boulder again.

"Okay everyone, tasks I'd like to see done include expanding our basic pottery industry we started up yesterday. Part of that is going to be moving most of it to near the actual clay deposit so the potters don't have to keep travelling several miles just to get enough clay to make a pot. And as we all know from yesterday, not everything they make's going to work out. Basically, what I'm asking for are volunteers to set up a small village next to the clay deposit and produce clay objects that can then be transported to wherever they are needed. Most of which are going to be coming straight back here to start with admittedly."

"Second task is going to be getting a wood-working industry set up at the edge of the city here. After all, we're going to need more food soon, and we're also going to need some basic tools. Hell, we really just need more of everything. So if you think you can carve wooden bowls, make wooden hoes, fish traps, more wooden spears or if you actually know how to make a bow and can craft a few arrows, that would all be useful. So please volunteer to help out."
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@Sailor Midgard Do you mind if I permanently 'borrow' the small kiln we've set up at the Tent City so I can have the 'Scribes' writing stuff on clay tablets that are then fired in the kiln?
I mean, I am setting up an actual pottery industry at the clay deposit so it's not as essential any more...
@Sailor Midgard Do you mind if I permanently 'borrow' the small kiln we've set up at the Tent City so I can have the 'Scribes' writing stuff on clay tablets that are then fired in the kiln?
I mean, I am setting up an actual pottery industry at the clay deposit so it's not as essential any more...
Not to the slightest, that was one of the reason I set it up. Clay tablets are at the moments our best writing material, damn it. At least until we figure out hiw to cure skins for use as parchment...

In the Forest

Watching the 'Remembrancers' carving words into the trees, I promptly face-palm.

"Well now, I feel dumb. I thought of clay tablets, but I didn't think of doing the same with wood. This is why it's always good to get a second opinion. I'll just mark you guys down as 'scribes' then, shall I?"

I stare at it and groan.
"You and me, my friend, you and me both."

Then, looking at the kiln, I grin.
"Well, that looks promising, both for crockery and for tablets... the clay kind, of course."
I sigh.
"What I would not give to have a solar driven tablet with some BOOOKS on it. And if wishes were horses , beggars might ride."

Then I hmmmm....
" Salt. We definitely need salt. And maples, for maple syrup."

1. Recruiting
2. Setting up a Pottery Industry near the clay deposit.
3. Exploring for anything unusual in the region
4. Getting some wood workers started up.
5. Ensuring that the wood working industry is functional, after all I do want some primitive wooden tools and weapons soon.
Survival Kit
Fire-Hardened Wood Spear
Tent City at 0,0, Has Latrines
Community Kitchen at 0,0 + 3 Cooks + 3 Gatherers
Pottery Kiln at 0,0 + 4 Scribes (Currently using tree carving and clay tablets to record)
Courier Network between SV Settlements + 6 Couriers
1. (6) Set up a pottery industry at 1,-1, to produce things like pots, tiles, bricks, clay tablets. Desired End Result is 4 Potters, 2 Transporters (aka, the guys carrying the successful products fro mthe pottery to where they need to go)
2. (14) Set up a wood-working industry at 0, 0. Desired End Result is 4 Wood Carvers (Things like bowls and cutlery), 4 Tool Makers (Things like wooden hoes, fish traps and spears at the present time) and 3 Bowyers + 3 Fletchers.
3. (10+Me) Exploring the surrounding region with me, looking for anything unusual or useful such as (possible) Temples or new food sources
4. (3 Cooks in Kitchen) Cooks sort themselves out so they know what they are doing (Basically, upgrading my 3 Cooks in the Kitchen to 'good cooks' or whatever they end up.
5. (3 Gatherers in Kitchen Jobs) Gatherers sort themselves out so they keep gathering more berries, apples, etc.
6. (4 Scribes) Scribes work out a format in which they carve their 'reports'
7. (6 Couriers) Couriers work out the best routes and route marking together between settlements.

Okay, so it's a new day and new tasks need to be done. Time to climb the boulder again.

"Okay everyone, tasks I'd like to see done include expanding our basic pottery industry we started up yesterday. Part of that is going to be moving most of it to near the actual clay deposit so the potters don't have to keep travelling several miles just to get enough clay to make a pot. And as we all know from yesterday, not everything they make's going to work out. Basically, what I'm asking for are volunteers to set up a small village next to the clay deposit and produce clay objects that can then be transported to wherever they are needed. Most of which are going to be coming straight back here to start with admittedly."

"Second task is going to be getting a wood-working industry set up at the edge of the city here. After all, we're going to need more food soon, and we're also going to need some basic tools. Hell, we really just need more of everything. So if you think you can carve wooden bowls, make wooden hoes, fish traps, more wooden spears or if you actually know how to make a bow and can craft a few arrows, that would all be useful. So please volunteer to help out."

1. Recruit, again, mostly from stragglers ant people at tent city.
2. Help setting up the pottery industry
3. Seek for anything unusual in the surrounding area
4. Seek for salt and try to prepare it if found.
5. Seek for Sugar Maples or other sources of sweetenings.
Survival gear.
Hardened wooden spears.

Structures and Jobs
Med section at Tent City, three medics

32 Troops

1. (3 Medics) Medical section of Camp city, doing their job and trying to teach basic first aid
2. (2) Workers at Medical section, trying to improve its shelter further, better insulation, more comfortable cots, etc.
3. (2) Still trying to fish.
4. (5) helping with establishing the kiln at the clay deposit.
5. (5) Hunting for Salt deposits and trying to exploit them if found.
6. (2) Trying to find sweeteners
7. (7) Gathering Food.
8. (1) Collecting seeds.
9. (2+me) Helping to find out about anything unusual in our surroundings
10. (3) Helping establish that woodworking industry
Sailor Midgard threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: recruitment. Total: 10
8 8 2 2
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@Sailor Midgard Just a request, but uh... Could you tidy up your troop count? It's kinda... scary...

1. (3 Medics) Medical section of Camp city, doing their job and trying to teach basic first aid
2. (2) Workers at Medical section, trying to improve its shelter further, better insulation, more comfortable cots, etc.
3. (2) Still trying to fish.
4. (5) helping with establishing the kiln at the clay deposit.
5. (5) Hunting for Salt deposits and trying to exploit them if found.
6. (2) Trying to find sweeteners
7. (7) Gathering Food.
8. (1) Collecting seeds.
9. (2+me) Helping to find out about anything unusual in our surroundings
10. (3) Helping establish that woodworking industry

Is the above accurate? (and copy/pastable?)
@Sailor Midgard Just a request, but uh... Could you tidy up your troop count? It's kinda... scary...

1. (3 Medics) Medical section of Camp city, doing their job and trying to teach basic first aid
2. (2) Workers at Medical section, trying to improve its shelter further, better insulation, more comfortable cots, etc.
3. (2) Still trying to fish.
4. (5) helping with establishing the kiln at the clay deposit.
5. (5) Hunting for Salt deposits and trying to exploit them if found.
6. (2) Trying to find sweeteners
7. (7) Gathering Food.
8. (1) Collecting seeds.
9. (2+me) Helping to find out about anything unusual in our surroundings
10. (3) Helping establish that woodworking industry

Is the above accurate? (and copy/pastable?)
Yes to both. G-d, I should not post at night......
1 Produce ceramic sharpening stones.
2 Scouting the river and taking a bit of a sample of the sediment at the bottom.
3 Building a spear
4 Recruiting alone
5 Even more recruiting, possibly with @Lordhighalnder.
Survival Kit
A mild headache

The initial warp in would leave me drained, at least initially. The first while would be spent in a daze of exhaustion. When I finally work up the energy to pull myself together, I awake in an encampment with crude tents and a growing mud wall. The haze of memories subside to recall following a friend here, @Lordhighalnder was a friend both online, and otherwise. It was only natural that when reduced to more simplistic thinking, I'd simply follow my friend. The only nicety I was left was a small tent over my head, and the survival kit to my side. I'd rummage through it only a moment, getting a feel for what was inside, while I processed everything else. A small meal later, I'd collect myself and started out into the camp. I'd look for @Lordhighalnder, and simply ask him: "What's going on?"...

Ten minutes later, I'd make my way to the kiln in the encampment, set on making crude sharpening stones from ceramics. I'd use the flat top of the stove in my survival kit to form several bricks roughly 3x5 inches with two flat edges.

I'd then make my way out of camp and over to the river. I was only here to take notes, for now. I take a moment to study the river with my own eyes, gauging the width of it, as well as any wild life I could see. I'd make a point of moving into the river just a bit to dip my hand into the water and look at the sediment at the bottom, making sure that the sediment was sand, rather than mud or dirt. While I'm out, I'd gather a long stick or piece of bamboo, something resembling rope- as I'd rather not cannibalize my para cord, and look for a spear-tip shaped stone. Once back at camp, I'd take a short while to craft a crude spear, using my sharpening stone on the spear tip to make it more dangerous.

Finally, spear in hand, I turn and make an attempt at recruiting sheeple people. I tap the spear on the ground a few times to try and get attention (Assuming I didn't accidentally fudge that.), before speaking up. "I'm looking for people who either know their way around science, or are at least willing to put up people who do. We're stuck out here in a forest with little to no technology, so one priority we should focus on is rebuilding some of that technology, just in case this magic thing doesn't pan out as well as we want it to. After all, we know what technology we can do, magic may come with some... we'll say 'vicious monkey paws'." After my candid speech, I'd spend time attempting to convince those on the fence to join me.
chathsuaco threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 8
6 6 2 2
Day 4!
@darkgamer reads more of the secrets of their art and attempts to practice is as they march Leaves half of their people to work on producing weapons and defending the iron temple. They even do so for a few hours before 14 of them ignore what they were asked to do and go into the temple to attempt to learn the magic that is written about on the walls instead. With varying degrees of success.

@darkgamer you can now make these bonds a bit faster and have learned how to connect yourself or others to the earth to grant them some strength and endurance. Not really super strength but the endurance lets them try harder consistently effectively increasing strength.

@Lordhighalnder Leading the tent city manages to see it into rapid growth. People are making clay and mud buildings. Weaving branches between trees then hardening clay or mud over them to make walls and adding a tarp sealed with more clay or mud to make a roof. Not just that but latrines a distance a way and some food storage goes well. If only you had something to store. All in all the infrastructure and development is going at a steady pace with things becoming more comfortable, solid and protected. More clay even if it is far away is being worked and a forge is being set up for glass though that is taking some effort an area is cleared for farming, and seeds planted.

The hunters and fisherman catch a few things, extending out your food just a little bit more but your people like everyone else is having to move to rationing soon and that will really slow people down.

@chathsuaco Joins the growing city making a spear and a few sharpening stones as well. The testing of river sediment is odd, it seems to change fairly quickly as you walk down the river.

Base Camp is growing quickly to look like a real settlement. @Sailor Midgard @Pyro Hawk You manage to set up the wood workers and transportation without problem the exploration for salt or sugar cane is ongoing though. You now have people making wood tools and a few working on wood bows, though atalas are still more useful for the moment. The tools help with some wood production as people keep improving their "homes". With more and more clay being brought in for tools. You manage to hunt and fish for a bit more food but

Clay "mining" is set up with people taking there shovels to dig out huge bunches of clay while a few others get to work on making them pots, tiles and various other things of use to be transported back.

@CommanderBlade taking the small handful of troops you have you manage to cross all the way though 2,-2 where the forest slowly clears into rolling hills and you can see some types of small farms being set up. With your goals though you avoid the possibly hostile settlement. You keep moving making it all the way to 3,-3 Which looks like a modern if empty city. You spend a bit of time on the outskirts of it. You can clearly hear gun fire and explosions. It is a warzone inside and maybe worth avoiding.

All if you are moving hexes or exploring other hexes let me know with the hex number!
Also sorry for the delay, everyone on their next recruitment action will receive a free 5 extra followers!

Everyone has about one day of food left (Except darkgamer) and is starting to ration with no foreseeable windfall of food coming in.
1 Recruit
2 Return to base/ Congratulate the units for using their initiative and getting results.
3 Begin training with the units learning as I teach.
4 Read more of the wall
5 Begin building a wall around the encampment with trees grown tall.
Survival Kit
1 (25) everyone who came with dark returns
2 (35 (Including the 14 who began learning druidic magic)) continue learning magic.
3 (20) Create more weapons.
4 (19) keep working on Improving the community

I began spreading the word about a place where food is greater. I began spinning tales about the leader, a man who learnt the spells of the fairies and can now control the plants of the earth. That got a few interested. I told them I would guide them to the little community/temple. I gave them a little more food and began to head off.
darkgamer threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: people stuff Total: 18
3 3 6 6 7 7 2 2
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Okay, rolling recruitment now, paragraph and actions will be up later. Just remember it's +5 recruits added onto whatever your roll is everyone.
Pyro Hawk threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 14
7 7 7 7
Pyro Hawk threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Alanek's Automated Recruiting Total: 7
7 7

1. Send 3 followers back up river with a copy of the map I made
2. Send a follower to the farms in 2,-2
3. The rest of us will follow the river hoping to find the end.
4. Continue making the map
5. Begin catching fish and smoking them for storage purposes
Survival Kit
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Okay, rolling recruitment now, paragraph and actions will be up later. Just remember it's +5 recruits added onto whatever your roll is everyone.
"We NEED a reliable food source,Hawk. I loathe to even suggest it ,but ....'' a helpless shrug '' the fay could create berries from nowhere. "
I stare into the forest.
"Should we ask them?"

Recruitment rolls

17 recruits gained.
Sailor Midgard threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: recruitment Total: 12
9 9 3 3
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Already rolled @Lordhighalnder , See under my recruitment roll as 'Alanek's Automated Recruitment'

Also, the recruitment action's text:

Well, it's another day, and we're almost out of food. Got nothing special on the plan for today, so I guess I'll just go and see if anybody who looks like they're going to be helpful is willing to join my group.

Huh, wait a second... That's the person who gave the baby to the Fey Queen, isn't it?

I think I'll go and talk to them in a moment, as it seems like they're preparing to move out again. They should have received something that will help feed everyone if the Fey Queen's words weren't misleading. Might as well ask if they can do that before they disappear again. After all, even if they only provide enough berries or apples for everyone, that drastically extends how long we have before people start dying as it's not starvation that'll kill, it's malnutrition then. Which hopefully can be resolved by finding other foods.
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1. Recruit
2. Help build weapons
3. Build path from 0,0 to -1, 1
4 Build path from 0,0 to -1, 1
5. Gather berries
Survival Kit, Wooden Spear
1 10 Patrol the Roads
2 5 Gather Food

Its cold, I'm tired, my feet hurt and eating berries sucks.
So about the same as it has been the past few days, squatting under a tarp in the woods while others went about playing with clay and following fairies into the woods. Shock had kept me from doing much more than following basic orders and working silently, but that time is over. Things need to change and fast, otherwise we're going to end up with empty bellies and horrible monsters ripping us apart. Coming out the the tent I point to the nearest cluster of people and yell.
"Hey, you lot! Come on, theres work to be done. Things aren't gonna get less shitty by playing hunter-gatherers!"

With my posse in tow we head down to the stockpile and help put together a few weapons, arming ourselves and probably a few others as we carve out spears and whittle branches down for bows. Thusly armed we set out!

Having two separate settlements that had nothing besides some sorta trodden ground between them always struck me as dumb. Food was important, but we wouldn't survive long if someone come boiling out of the woods and separated us. With shovel and hand we cut a path through the woods. Fallen logs moved away, smaller plants dug up and the ground beaten down into a recognizable path between the camps. Hopefully this would help people go to the clay mines and the miners to send clay down to base camp. The fact that they had walls up there was nearly a cause for envy. Along the way me and my workers pick berries from the stream and set them up in little stockpiles, taking them back down the base camp as we head home for food and sleep.

((I-Ignore the d2s I rolled above))
mcclay threw 2 2-faced dice. Reason: Recruitment Total: 4
2 2 2 2
mcclay threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruitment Total: 15
7 7 8 8
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1. Recruit
2. Temple
3. Temple
4. Temple
5. Train
Surival kit
Fish trap
Bamboo bow (rough)
Avatar Magic (starting earth Bending)
5 fletchers
3 potters
25 earth benders
1. 3 to pull clay from river
2. 4 to continue building shelter
3. 4 to gather wood
4. -
5. (5) Bowcrafters/fletchers refining craft
6. 25 to learn Earthbending
7. 3 potters
8. 3 to build basic cart
9. 4 to continue to build glass furnace out of thick ceramics
Glass Furnace
Temple (Elemental Bending)
Clay Storage
Sand Storage
Clay mine (Next to river)

Ten graves were dug today. 11 men, volunteers who were excited to have a chance to help, dead because we ran out of time. Each obstacle could have been completed with less loss of life, and yet, there simply wasnt time.

For what, I could move the earth at a whim, spit fire, leap to the air, and twirl water.

11 good people sacrificed, and we didnt even find a way to save the masses.

I was frustrated, I yelled a lot at the river, cursing in the night as I stumbled my way to Dark's temple, moving inside in search of the only other magic user amongst us. He wasn't there, having gone into the camp for a purpose, and so I sat. I wept, the blood spilled for a goal that now seemed meaningless. A purpose, that would kill most before I had a chance to aid them. My tears stained the ground, though the Iron cared not one whit.

I looked around at the writing on the wall, so clear, but...

Dark would have an answer. Maybe his magic was as worthless as mine for saving the people from the perils of starvation. It was likely why they hadn't shared the secrets. Still, I rallied, and moved into the larger camp, searching for those stony, like the earth beneath my feet, I would give them direction, I would save as many as I can. And maybe, just maybe the temple in the sky would give us what we needed.

I could only hope.


58 people
4 to continue building piping for water from the river to the central areas of buildings
5 to build burn pit near latrines
5 to continue converting a small section of land into farmland, which hopefully druidic magic will be able to assist with later
20 to gather food
24 to learn airbending

Alanek was focused on gathering as many as he could, pooling as much knowledge and manpower together in order to learn the bending that would get him to the floating temple. Flight! Proudly they used that as the linchpin of their recruitment technique, the fantasy of flight, the utility of gathering from trees, and the ease of movement, of being free.

People flocked to him, as much as any other leader who had an idea, or a vision. WIth a goal, a clear one. "We will reach the Air temple!" Nothing would stand in his way.
Lordhighalnder threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 16
9 9 2 2 5 5
Lordhighalnder threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Alanek Recruitment effort 7+? Total: 9
9 9
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Hey, @Zedalb. What are the 16k other people doing exactly? Are they just chilling out in the warp-in spot? Or are they spreading out? Are they hunting and trying to figure out food for themselves? And more to the point of these questions: If none of us helped them, how many would begin to starve?
1 Recruiting before returning to camp.
2 Training waterbending with my group of waterbenders.
3 Training.
4 Training more.
5 Little more training
Survival Kit
Bamboo spear
Sharpening stone
10 waterbending training
4 Crafting bamboo spears and wooden shields for the group of recruits

I'd talk to others in the camp a while longer, before deciding to call it a day and return to camp. Though, the state of the people, and the comments he'd heard from his recruits left him with a frustrating thought that wouldn't vacate the back of his mind: These people are going to get themselves killed. He'd once more tap his spear on the ground to get the attention of the nearby people. This time he spoke more softly, though more seriously. "Listen carefully. Our rations run out tomorrow. If we don't do something about food, people will start starving, or killing each other, or maybe something even worse. Spread the word around that people need to start rationing. They need to build basic tools, and go out hunting, or gathering. Make wicker baskets, or simple spears. Hunt wildlife, pick berries, I don't care- but you need to find a way to survive. We're struggling just as much, but we're taking steps to ration and hunt. Even if we want to help you guys, one hundred men can not feed sixteen thousand." With that, I'd turn from the few people that did listen and walked off, simply hoping they'd take the words to heart.

Once in camp, I go to meet with @Lordhighalnder. I was asked to begin training my recruits in waterbending, to my own surprise. After a little back and forth as to whether I'd rather do water bending or earth bending, I settled on my friends request and set out to relay the message to my recruits. I divided single group into two groups. Waterbenders, and Crafters. I required that ten of my troops be water benders, and to my displeasure, most of them wanted to do that over crafting. However, three were willing to simply toil away on whatever task I thought would assure their survival, leaving me to push one into the other group with a little prodding.

The crafters were asked to make wooden shields, using woven plant fibers to affix the shield to one's arm. They were also asked to make as many spears as was reasonable, using the few sharpening stones I left behind to make the stone tips as sharp as possible. Without argument, they complied and set off on their tasks.

The waterbenders, however, were a more trickly lot. We walked to the river with the crafters and began practicing while they gathered up the materials they needed. It was unbelievable that using sheer force of will, we could move the water of the river into the air. From there, disbelief slowly faded into pure frustration. Water was, predictably, always in motion. This worked well to those who just wanted to bounce water between their hands, but making an "orb of water" required one to smooth out a ball and make it constantly spinning at just the right speed to make it hold together without breaking apart. Gathering enough water to produce any sort of blast was near impossible for novices at this form of magic. The frustration lead one of the recruits shouting and stomping in the river, causing water to launch high into the sky and rain down. Another of the recruits took the falling water as an excuse to redirect beads of water and fling them at the other recruits, sparking a firefight waterfight between the recruits. This encompassed the first hour or so of training...

As the sun dipped below the treeline, I would direct the waterbenders to return to the camp. I'd direct the whole of my recruits together, taking the chance to pass out the spears and shields that were made. "Magic is all well and good, but I said that we didn't know what it may cost, so to speak. So tomorrow, we're going off to hunt for the camp. We will probably be joined by a group of others as well, but if not, learn to lean on each other and work together. Use waterbending when the target is far away. Use it to stun, damage, maim, but rely on that spear to kill, and that shield to protect you. Whoever wakes up first, come and get me, else I'll be waking everyone at first light. So try to settle down, relax, get to know each other, and get some rest."
chathsuaco threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 7
4 4 3 3
Hey, @Zedalb. What are the 16k other people doing exactly? Are they just chilling out in the warp-in spot? Or are they spreading out? Are they hunting and trying to figure out food for themselves? And more to the point of these questions: If none of us helped them, how many would begin to starve?

Well they are spreading out rapidly, I'm going to update the numbers soon, but expect 200 in every tile 1 away from 0,0 and 50 in every tile 2 away.

For starvation you have a few days before people even begin to starve rationing was common sense most people thought of. People are hunting and gathering it's just 16K people need more than 50 miles of forest to support them. Even spreading out a LOT their is only so much food before find other sources.
1. Recruiting
2. Talk with [darkgamer] about whatever it was that the Fey Queen gave them access to, and organise a response.
3. Lead the bunch of people you and [Sailor Midgard] have assigned to learning the magic to darkgamer for training.
4. Before leaving, organise a bunch of people to search for more food or start a fishing operation.
5. Before leaving, assign a few people to seeing if they can find flint.
Fire-Hardened Wood Throwing Spears and Atlatl
Fire-hardened Wooden Thrusting Spear
Crude Wooden Bow and Fire-hardened Wood Arrows
Miscellaneous Wooden Tools
Primitive Fish Traps, Primitive Fishing Rod
Survival Kit
Fired Clay Pots, Pans and Miscellaneous Gear
Favour owed to darkgamer - First crack at future temple we hold in exchange for training up to [40] druids at once. [Shared with Sailor Midgard]
Community Kitchen with 3 Cooks and 3 Gatherers
Small Pottery Kiln with 2 Scribes (Currently using tree carving and clay tablets to record)
Wood-Working Cottage Industry with 2 Wood Carvers, 2 Crafters, 2 Bowyers and 2 Fletchers
Small Pottery Industry with 6 Potters/Clay Diggers
Courier Network between SV Settlements with 6 Couriers
Transportation Network with 2 'Pack Mules'
50% Armed with:
- Fire-Hardened Wood Throwing Spears and Atlatl
- Fire-hardened Wooden Thrusting Spear
- Crude Wooden Bow and Fire-hardened Wood Arrows
100% Equipped with Survival Kit
Fish Traps, Fishing Rods and Wooden Tools as Needed
Fired Clay Pots, Pans and Miscellaneous Gear as Needed
Troop Count = 46 + 19 Recruits -30 Assigned Personnel = 35
1. (20+20 Borrowed from [Sailor Midgard] with Me Leading) Travelling back to [darkgamer]'s area to learn the magic (I don't learn the magic, just keep everyone on task
2. (5) Fishing where appropriate
3. (5) Searching for flint in 0,0 and further afield if needed
4. (5) Searching for food in hexes surrounding 0,0
Well, it's another day, and we're almost out of food. Got nothing special on the plan for today, so I guess I'll just go and see if anybody who looks like they're going to be helpful is willing to join my group.

Huh, wait a second... That's the person who gave the baby to the Fey Queen, isn't it?

I think I'll go and talk to them in a moment, as it seems like they're preparing to move out again. They should have received something that will help feed everyone if the Fey Queen's words weren't misleading. Might as well ask if they can do that before they disappear again. After all, even if they only provide enough berries or apples for everyone, that drastically extends how long we have before people start dying as it's not starvation that'll kill, it's malnutrition then. Which hopefully can be resolved by finding other foods.

--- After talking with [darkgamer] ---

Okay, well they've allowed us to send trainees to learn the magic, which will hopefully solve the food crisis shortly. Guess I'll lead the group [Sailor Midgard] and I have assembled to do that.
In the mean time, I'll need to rearrange the jobs people are doing as I've had to pull some of the people from those tasks to learn magic, and I might as well have the handful of people left back here at the base camp doing something useful.

Just need to remember that we both owe them first crack at any temples [Sailor Midgard] and I find in the future... Well, after we train each other's groups of course...

Let's see... Eh, don't have time to give it a lot of thought if I'm to catch up to [darkgamer]'s group.
"You fifteen will equally split into people fishing in the best spot you can find, searching for flint in the nearby areas that haven't already been thoroughly searched, and the remaining group shall search for food, in basically the same area. Got it? Good."
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14 people ceded to darkgamer in exchange for them working the farms that ill be building, and 16 untrained returned after 3 turns.

Also, going to limit training in bending to 1/5 for any force of what I have trained, without other concessions.


Me (25) Earth
Alananek (15) Air
Chath Suaco (15) Water
Darkgamer (5) Air
Mcclay (5) Fire

Anyone else: Contact me for an element.

edit: @Pyro Hawk We may as well merge your pottery and mine industry, since ive got people doing the exact same thing in that same hex, up to and including mining clay
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