Day 9 (You see a rat)
@Lordhighalnder @chathsuaco @Alanek

The military encampment does not wish to join you, even for bending. They explain they are keeping there distance, operating as a "Military base". They have heard of the dangers and are doing there best to prepare. Half have went and learned at the temple of shadowmancy, the other half plans to study at the paladin temple. Then they plan to cross train, using stealth and then combat strength to operate as special forces did in your home world. Still they understand you have metal working going and am willing to trade. Your doubts they have anything of value vanish when you see their offer. They have en fenced about 100 deer. They explain that several of them had been hunters and catching them all for breeding to build a food supply had been their biggest effort so far, but with your druids you may be able to provide meat and leather for a lot more people. They do have a shopping list (mini quest added at bottom).

Your furnaces and black smithing is scaling up nicely, currently your biggest limit is trained hands. They are improving rapidly but it has only been a few days you can make 10 soldiers worth of iron weapons and armor a day though you expect that number to grow by about 5 a day. The German woman Luna Schmid simply doesn't have the experienced hands, nor was she exactly a master herself. Today's iron goes into making the tools needed and she could probably use another full days work just improving the forging area and tools. You may be able to speed it up if you can find other experienced hands, possibly in other camps?

You find and catch another 3 bunnies, it's a steadily climbing endeavor and even if they breed quickly it will be quite some time to have them in enough quantity.

0,2 opens up to get more dry and warm, you can see how further out it turns to sands and desert with great dry rocky mountains. You see in the distance scorpions which seem to be the size of a small horse. Your people make it fairly clear they are ready to go after that.
Though the tarp air balloon gets finished quite nicely. It doesn't seem to be completely air tight but it's got redundant stitches making it strong and much more air tight then it could have been. Druid sealing will do the rest quiet nicely.

All training commences as do the improvements. No one is taken from BSS, they seem to take the easiest target.

@darkgamer @RaptorusMaximus

The walls is growing and a break through in understanding gets the staff all the way to 25% of your strength. The walls are similarly growing you suspect about 5 more days to just have a basic wall another 2 or 3 to have a cat walk around it. Though you will need to find a good way of keeping the soil rich enough to support that big of a giant circular tree.

The recruits to the army are sore after a hard days work, unfortunately your testing shows that the best archers and best people for a spear wall are one and the same. The both require a lot of strength and stamina and a good bit of coordination. You could try to split them or allow one corp to be much better. Your talking to the recruits finds squad leaders easily enough but platoon leader is where you find a strong divide one peoples opinion and your own. On one hand you have a Vietnam vet turned boy scout troop leader with no magic yet, a black Vietnam vet at that, he has seen and lived through quite a life, goes by Samuel. On the other hand he is getting rather old and that worries some of the younger troops. The other strong contender is a young paladin by the name of joe.

@mcclay @Pyro Hawk

The farms grow nicely, the apple grove most of all people are happy to have some variety in their food. The fish farm is easy enough to start, clearing out a section near the river and making nice water filled holes to keep fish in. In another day or two you can probably have some druids working on it and have a steady supply of fish.

With 50 people patrolling you expect to be safe, but the night is long and the area is large not helped by the many strange groups of the 15k doing their own patrols. Still one of your 5 man patrols gets into a scuffle. 4 of them are knocked out and kidnapped, the fifth only escapes by taking his torch and setting himself on fire, so they can't grab him running back into the camp screaming to get peoples attention. He is put out though seriously injured, still he managed to avoid capture with the idea and is able to tell you that his patrol was attacked by rat men in ninja costumes using some type of sleeping poison, they seem to each be carrying a person out, of camp, so you can guess there is 13 of them.

There is indeed reports of 9 of the unaffiliated SVers having been kidnapped int he same manner as last night.

1,0 and 0,1 both seem to simply be heavily wooded forest area, nothing immediately jumps out at you as odd.

@Sailor Midgard

Your road clearing and paving are both going well and the simple palisade walls are erected quickly from the fallen trees. Still removing stumps is a huge pain the ass, and by far your slowest parts, but the roads are mostly done, and people are happy about the ease of travel. There are several narrow areas of the river a bridge could be built across and is indeed one of the last hang ups to fully connected roads. The training commences but nothing of value is found by exploration.


You manage to take out the center of their infrastructure with concentrated fire, unfortunately no cyber canons are able to help so it takes some time. The sun is starting to set. The pockets of resistance are being handled easily when you suddenly find yourself thrown back an explosion shattering the ground right by you leaving a crater and completely destroying 0-3. A general retreat is called though you are not officially ordered into it. The orks have set up a rather large artillery piece on a near bye roof top. You could fight your way to it, but if successful leaving would be difficult without the rest of the cyberman army, or you could simply fight your way back to base with the rest of the cyber-men.


Military Camp trade request list.

[] Steel weapons and armor for 100 people (Actually only 50 but quite a bit of weapons)
-50 Steel long swords
-150 Throwing axes
-100 K-bar knives
-50 Breast plates
-50 lets of leather armor enhanced with steel plates for other areas

[] Tutoring by the Shadowmancer (3 actions)
[] Tutoring by the Paladin (3 actions)
[] Paper* lots

In exchange you will get their 100 deer and be able to request their help in combat situations.

[] Written legal charter between major groups
[X]125% food requirements being made.
[]Large scale metal production (need several more days or to go camp to camp finding skilled help)
[]An organized army of at least 150 people (Can be combined from multiple people as long as it's a standing army)
[]At least one walled city or fortress (Progress is being made BSS is the closest but stone walls are tiring to build and would work faster if a major focus)
[]Paved roads between all major settlements( Need bridge and finishing)
[]Sanitation system in at least one city
[X] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
[] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
[] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
1. Unit W0-1 will be dispatched to conduct a strafing run in Ork Artillery piece. Aim is to divert attention from the retreating forces and to possibly set off ammunition and destroy the gun. Once W0-1 makes two passes he is to veer off and regroup with the main body.
2. I will alongside Units 0-1, 0-2, and 0-4 stay towards the back of the formation and assist in retreat by fending off any pursuing forces
3. After retreat is successful and we arrive at the temple I will repair refit and rearm while awaiting possible replacement units for combat losses.
4. While awaiting new orders I will conduct a search of the temple under the guise of finding out what the temple is and what it's purpose was.
5. Upon new orders being received from the cyber king I will move to complete said orders
Cyberman equipment

Well. Yesterday's progress on the future fish farms was promising, but definitely offset by what sound like Skaven abducting people... And whilst I'm not especially familiar with WHF's lore, I do know that that is... not exactly good. by any measure. Better than actual Chaos... But that's like saying cyanide is a better poison than nightshade. Both still kill you, just differently.

Anyway, that metaphor's probably gone strange places. I was a bit too busy to do anything about the 'unified army' people are waiting to set up yesterday, but I think I'll focus my recruiting efforts on finding people who'd be happy joining that, and then directing them were they need to go.

The rest, and vast majority, of my efforts will be devoted to actually getting the fish farms functional, and maybe some final gradual improvements to the rest of the farms here at err... what was it decided to call this place? Oh! New Genesis! That's it.

I think I'll start planning what to do once the fish farms are working however... I'm thinking assisting with the road cutting operations and maybe setting up regular watch-towers along them. We're going to need as much warning as we can get to keep our people safe, and if we can make small forts around the towers, it'll provide future safe zones to fall back too...

1. Recruiting
2. Continue construction on Fish Farms at 0,0
3. Continue construction on Fish Farms at 0,0
4. Continue construction on Fish Farms at 0,0
5. Continue gradual improvement of 'City Farms' at 0,0
Flint Throwing Spears and Atlatl
Flint Thrusting Spear
Crude Wooden Bow and Flint Arrows
Miscellaneous Flint Tools
Primitive Fish Traps, Primitive Fishing Rod
Survival Kit
Fired Clay Pots, Pans and Miscellaneous Gear
5 Magical Gems coloured Red, Green, White, Blue and Black. The green gem glowed faintly when pressed against a tree in a forest. (Probably leads to Magic: The Gathering Temple.)
Favour owed to darkgamer - First crack at future temple we hold in exchange for training up to [40] druids at once. [Shared with Sailor Midgard]
'City Farms'
- Located along the stream bed to the north of the city, but still within the boundary field
- Apple Orchards
- Construction site of Fish Farms (Construction Started)
Community Kitchen with 4 Cooks
- Butchery and Fish Cleaning Station with 2 Butchers (Cooks)
-- Smoking Rack with 2 Cooks
Small Pottery Kiln with 2 Scribes (Currently using tree carving and clay tablets to record)
Wood-Working Cottage Industry with 2 Wood Carvers, 2 Crafters, 2 Bowyers and 2 Fletchers
-Flint Knapping Workshop with 2 Flint Knappers
Small Pottery Industry with 6 Potters/Clay Diggers
Small Flint Quarry with 4 Miners
Courier Network between SV Settlements with 6 Couriers
Transportation Network with 4 'Pack Mules'
All Armed with:
- Flint Throwing Spears and Atlatl
- Flint Thrusting Spear
- Crude Wooden Bow and Flint Arrows
100% Equipped with Survival Kit
Fish Traps, Fishing Rods and Flint as Needed
Fired Clay Pots, Pans and Miscellaneous Gear as Needed
Troop Count = 110 + 10 Recruits - 40 Assigned Personnel = 80
1. (40 Druids) Working best available farms and orchards.
2. (5 Earthbenders) Constructing Fish Farms
3. (5) Learning Earthbending
4. (15) Constructing Fish Farms
5. (5) Continue to improve farms
6. (10 new Recruits) Donated to Unified Army
Pyro Hawk threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 10
1 1 9 9
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1. Train in Earthbending
2. Train in firebending.
3. Recruit
4. Alaneks temple
5. Build the walls of BSS
Surival kit
Fish trap
Bamboo bow (rough)
Glass Arrows, Glass spears.
Avatar Magic (starting earth Bending)
70 earthbenders
3 firebenders
3 waterbenders
10 airbenders
10 Glassworkers
10 potters
5 fletchers
1 untrained
10 farmers
1. 17 Earthbenders training at the temple
2. 40 Earthbenders building the BSS walls.
3. 10 farmers tending to the farms
4. 10 Earthbenders using clay to set up a communal bath house and toilet
5. 5 fletchers continuing to build bows
6. 10 glassworkers continuing to work on glass crafting
7. 10 airbenders to work on studying a horse sized scorpian
8. 3 earthbenders and 1 untrained to work on studying a horse sized scorpian.
9. Alaneks temple
Glass Furnace
Temple (Elemental Bending)
Clay Storage
Sand Storage
Clay mine (Next to river)
Charcoal Farm
Earth/stone Wall
Rabbit Farm (in Progress)
The walls of Ba Sing Sey were moving at a snails pace. It was time to move that prioirty up. Me and fourty earthbenders got into position, and the earth began to shift. Stones tore themselves free of the ground, and were placed along strategic points. Ramps were formed, and the walls of Ba Sing Sey almost seemed to grow from the very earth, with not a single gap between rocks to betray weakness.

Sanitation was becoming a problem. I had a few earthbenders create a set of pipes, and an aquifer high along the walls, which would use a series of screws to bring the water for storage, though the screws would have to be made from ceramic since we didnt have aluminum readily available.

Water would be pumped into the cistern with archamedes screws, which themselves were powered with a water wheel. Fro mthere they would get piped into the bath house, where the water would be heated. Waste water would be piped out to the farm.

The bathhouses themselves were set elevated so we could actually heat them, and maintain the clay pipes in case there was damage, or we could replace them later.

Second came the toilet house, which was also elevated, however this just used a series of dry toilets, which were replaced after they had been filled. The waste was loaded into a cart, and dropped off outside the city, in a spot near the farm. It was seeded with fodder and mushrooms, which would then be harvested and composted, serving to clean everything to actually make it consumable.

Not the most efficient system in the world, but functional, and would keep people cleaner.

As for keeping hands and the like clean and washed, the Potters had started making clay jars and buckets. I made my expectation clear, just because we were in the wild made it no excuse not to keep clean. The river as it was was not to be used for such things, however any water piped from it was community water for sanitation purposes.

After the walls I listened to my men speak about horse sized giant scorpians, and decieded to send a party to study one, as the immediate thought of scorpian cavalry crossed my mind.
1. Train in Earthbending
2. Train in Earthbending
3. Explore -1,2
4. Develop movement under the earth via earthbending as a technique
5. Acquire Iron Pillar with Chath
Surival kit
Fish trap
Bamboo bow (rough)
Glass Arrows, Glass spears.
Avatar Magic (starting earth Bending)
53 earthbenders
5 firebenders
5 waterbenders
10 airbenders
10 Glassworkers
10 potters
5 fletchers
0 untrained
10 farmers
1. 5 Earth Benders to build a fletchery
2. 10 Potters continuing Pottery
3. 10 glassworkers refining their craft and making knives and blades
4. 10 Airbenders training Martial arts and Airbending
5. 5 Firebenders training Brazilian Arts and Firebenders, and working with @chathsuaco
6. 5 Waterbenders training Waterbending and tending the farm
7. 10 Earthbenders Training Earthbending and Beginning the construction of the walls of BSS
8. 5 Earthbenders Training Earthbending and tending to the farm
9. 10 Earthbenders exploring -1,2
10. 15 Training Earthbending
11. 5 Earthbenders to build a set of charcoal kilns, to mass produce charcoal
12. 5 Earthbenders working with @chathsuaco
13. 8 new recruits training Earthbending.
14. 10 trapping and securing Rabbits for a rabbit farm in BSS
Glass Furnace
Temple (Elemental Bending)
Clay Storage
Sand Storage
Clay mine (Next to river)
Charcoal Farm
Earth/stone Wall
Rabbit Farm (in Progress)

The Earthbenders working the farm set up a large scale composting bin of clay and shelves, with holes that would allow the worms to travel and mulch that much more effectively. The scraps and dead plants were tossed into these large bins, and allowed to decompose, while wood ash was used to help spread nutrients among the already growing plants. A few small fish caught by water benders were spread amongst the rice paddies, encouraged to clean and weed the plants of any unhealthy growths, while enriching the water further with their poop.

While the farm was being worked and the rabbits secured, the fletchers had finally built a workshop, the earthbenders pitching in to craft it from stone easily enough, with glass windows for lighting.

Other Earthbenders began erecting the soon to be famous walls of BSS, one section at a time. Working together to form walls as the Chinese Great Wall, with gates leading in each of the four great directions.

After the failed envoy to speak with shadow, I grew concerned. I think it was time for a bit more drastic effort, and something to curb the fae. I remembered a certain technique, a 'hiding like a mole' technique from the naruto anime that would allow someone to tunnel through the earth without much effort. Combined with an air bender and a set of hand crafted pipes, it would allow us to scout out a source of metals with which we could use to combat the fae.

Aside from that, I personally needed to focus on training. I sent out a few people to recruit, while I submersed myself in the earth, with a few narrow channels of air even as I breathed the very stone around me, learning from it with bare feet, feeling the tremors as it spoke, using my entire body to listen.
Lordhighalnder threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 24
9 9 6 6 9 9
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1. Recruit some more soldiers/helpers

2. Assign people to Squads, appoint Sergeants and Platoon Commanders

3. Go with Janet, the Smith, and the 2 wannabee smiths to check out the iron production.

4. Go learn Firebending

5. Look over the new recruits for those with Sergeant and Captain potential

Survival Equpment
Roughly made Bo Staff
'Brown Belt'

Total: 57
40 soldiers-in-training
1 Smith
2 wannabee smiths
2 Druids-in-training
12 generic workers

40 soldiers will train with David for the day
2 untrained workers to go learn Druidcraft
The Smith and 2 willing trainees will go to the Forges and help out (preferably in making us weapons)
12 untrained workers to continue working on the barracks area

Total Size: 90 (3 full Platoon)
RaptorusMaximus: 40
lordhighlander: 10
darkgamer: 7
mcclay: 7
Sailor Midguard: 8 Paladins
Pyrohawk: 10
Alanek: 6

Army Command
-General Matthew (RaptorusMaximus)
-Colonel David, Paladin, former drill sergeant in the Isreali Armed Forces, overseeing training
-Colonel Janet, Paladin, in charge of securing metal weapons for the army, and overseeing logistics in general

1st Platoon (Battleline Platoon)
-Command Squad w/ Captain Joe (Paladin),Centurion, Nightwatcher, Herald, and Drakebearer.
-Linebreaker Squad
-Spear Squad
-Spear Squad
-Spear Squad
-Healer Squad

2nd Platoon (Fire Support Platoon)
-Command Squad w/ Captain Samuel, Centurion, Nightwatcher, Herald, and Drakebearer
-Archer Squad
-Archer Squad
-Archer Squad
-Scout Squad
-Scout Squad

3rd Platoon (Purgation Platoon)
-Purgation Squad
-Purgation Squad
-Purgation Squad
-Engineer Squad

(1 unassigned Paladin, 3 unassigned regulars)

I awoke feeling sore, but confident that this army-thing was going well.

I was approached last night by two paladins, an Isreali man by the name of David and a Russian woman named Natasha. They had each offered their real-world experience in building this army: David in the role of a trainer for the troops (as he used to be a drill sergeant in the Isreali Army) and Natasha in Logistics and Supplies, as she oversaw product distribution for a decent-sized company back on earth.

I eagerly agreed, as I was...more than a little out of my depth with all this.

I went out to my now-familiar raised recruiting area and called for more people willing to fight for the safety of all, as well as anyone with experience with Smiting or a willingness to learn the craft to help arm and armor our troops.

Ten new soldiers-to-be stepped forwards, while a middle-aged gentleman who made horseshoes came forward as well, alongside an aspiring smith with no training but who, apparently, 'always wanted to try it.'

With that done, I returned to the training area just before David was about to get started, and I take about an hour to assign the current trainees to different squads and designate the Sergeants, putting 2/3 of the people with...combat-appropriate physiques in the Battleline Platoon, and 1/3 in the Fire Support Platoon.

I assign the Paladin, Joe, to oversee the 1st Platoon, and the old veteran, Samuel, to look after the 2nd Platoon, as well as sending two of my followers to learn Druidcraft, for when I eventually go off and find a Temple of my own.

Oh yeah, I'm planning to do that.

That done, me, Natasha, and the 3 smiths (another one of my followers said she'd be up to learn the craft) head over to Ba Sing Sei to offer the services of the Smiths to the burgoning metal industry, and talk to the person/people in charge about starting to get equipment for the Army.

After my business is concluded there, I leave Natasha and the smiths to their work while I head off to...fulfill a childhood dream, really.

I descend into the Bending Temple and, with the help of a few practitioners, make my way to the Firebending section, arriving just as a training session was starting.

I spend the next few hours following along, learning, feeling the mystical energy of the temple course through me, changing me, until at last a small flame bursts from my palm, the heat soothing as opposed to searing as one would expect.

I smiled.

I returned to the Army Camp as sunset begins, seeing tired soldiers scattered about, panting hard after what I assume was a grueling day of work. I slowly make my way through the newer soldiers, who have yet to form a platoon, and talk with each of them for a time, picking out squad leaders and looking for a good candidate for Captain, Centurion, Nightwatcher, Herald, and Drakebearer of the 3rd platoon.

Just as I am about to go to sleep, I receive a message from the leader of the Paladin Temple, Sailor Midguard, requesting that the various leaders among the SV exiles meet to discuss the emergent Skaven threat, as they were apparently the ones kidnapping people.

I give my response, then curl over to sleep, conjuring a small flame in my hand for a few moments before drifting off to sleep.
RaptorusMaximus threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 12
6 6 6 6
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1 Recruit
2 Train charms
3 Train charms more
4 work on staff even more
5 help with the wall.
Survival backpack, staff.
1) 49 druids working on a charm that increases the fertility of the soil massively.
2) 20 DR-WS Improve weapon making.
3) 12 Airbenders training still.
4) 20 train as warriors.
5) 19 build better facilities for hygiene.

I had returned from the necromancers with news of Paperwork and began working on my staff again. I also began to recruit and heard the news about the scaven. Luckily I wasn't attacked during the night but news had it at rat men and not fey. Still I wasn't going to stop getting stronger. I needed to help everyone as much as i could.

darkgamer threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 10
3 3 1 1 6 6
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The messenger had brought his message and it was bad. We now knew the kidnappers.The fay would actually have been a relief. Skaven.
The Children of The Horned Rat.

Chaos ratmen had kidnapped our missing people and... I shudderred. I KNEW enough about the awful burrowing menance to wish the poor guys and gals a quick death.

Turning to my local second -in-command I said quietly
"Walls. This calls for walls, high and patrolled walls everywhere we control. And... and for finally getting our act together, working as a group , not as a haphazard coalition."
"Why, Sir?"
"Call me Lawrence" I eyerolled.
"Because the enemy does . The Skaven are a very communal species and while there is lots of internal strife.... to the outside world they always act as one."
Rubbing my brow, I add...
"And since the things are at best looking forward to become paradites of our culture... at worst to exterminate us...." I just trail off.

Then, I send a second missive to everybody....


To: my fellow leaders among the SV exiles.

Seeing as how we are now, at least in my opinon, in a state of undeclared war with the ratmen known as Skaven, I find a meeting and a discussion of further operations and measures imperative.

Please answer this missive


Lawrence O. West "Sailor Midgard" , Keeper of Beacon Temple.

Message to the SV exiles at large :
( @Zedalb )

Especially in light of the skaven threat, the temple called Beacon is from now on opened to any person meeting minimum physical and mental perrequisites.

1. Recruit,,, Calling especially persons who might want to be paladins and see them selves as capable to live up to the code physically and soiritually.
2. Looking into edible mushrooms and nuts to broaden tne food sources.
3. Train both my self and the new recruits.
4. Plan walls. And other defensive measures, try to come up with Skaven - proving plans likeflooding or hot oil.
5. Build more roads. Plan that bridge.

Survival gear.
Hardened wooden spears.
Other equipment as needed.
Wicker shiled
Stone axe

Structures and Jobs
Med section at Tent City, three medics (my second +2)
Pottery specialists at potters place8, 4 persons.
39 lvl 1 Druids, all but 1 sent to Ba Sing Se, creating food...
1 druid sent to 'Beacon Temple, creating food and healing people if needed
103 Troops +25 recuits, 54 assigned, 74 free

1. (3 Medics) Medical section of Camp city, doing their job and trying to teach basic first aid to others, training two more
2. (4) working with the kiln at the clay deposit. (Potters Place) + 4 more
3. 39 druids helping to farm and all, at Ba Sing Se
4.One druid at the Beacon Temple

Group : Ba Sing Se (10 ) assigned to learn Earthbending

Group :Temple.
Teaching and getting training / Beacon Temple at -1,-2
5. Me + 1veteran + 10 recruits select men and women : traing in the physical and mental arts of being a paladin

Trainingat Druid temple
6 (10) training 10 new Druids

Civic work

7(8)Connecting Beacon with the other settlements by road. Using axes to fell trees. Trees felled to be used for palisade walls for Potters place and Flint quarry. Tiling the road with tiles provided from own and other kilns
8.(8) Starting to build a bridge to the other side at appropriate place
9.(5) fresh recruits send to join the army
10 (8) Fortifying the temple, digging latrines.
11(8) Fortyfying the main settlement,
12. (8) searching for akternate food stuffs
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1. Clear forest around 0,0
2. Clear forest around 0,0
3. Recruit
4. Check for tunnels in 0,0
5. Help work on palisade
Survival Kit, Wooden Spear
Spells: Dusk Arrow, Mystic Reflections
1 10 Patrol Shadow temple (Shadowmancers)
2 24 Patrol 0,0 edges
3 Clear forest around 0,0
4 Build palisade around 0,0
5 10 Patrol Shadow Temple (Firebenders)
6 10 Patrol 0,0 (Firebenders)
7 20 Run supplies between the connected settlements using a cart (Cargo Runners)
8 10 Work in the medical center (Medics)
(119 Total)
20 Cargo Runners
10 Firebenders
10 Medics
10 Shadowmancers
69 Untrained

Hahahahha. Well. Fuck. That was uh, not super duper great news. I had been right though! I'd showed them all! It was the damn ratmen. Scurrying little bastards. I had no intention of fighting them in their tunnels. Trying to do that would be stupid and suicidal. The much better plan would be to make it harder for them to get into our settlements. 0,0 was the biggest population center and thus the biggest target. The shadow temple could be walled off later, either by our hands or by the earthbenders. 0,0 needed to be secured now, and fast. Chopping down a stupid amount of trees would help both in construction and giving us a large clearing with line of sight around the place.
mcclay threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: recruit Total: 26
8 8 5 5 8 8 5 5
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A response to @Sailor Midgard about the request for meeting:

Mr. West,

I agree. These chaotic ratmen will need to be dealt with, or at the very least we must devise countermeasures to prevent more people from being taken. I shall come to your council gladly.

Sincerely, Matthew De Vette-Johnston (aka RaptorusMaximus), Commander of the SV Citizens Army.
A response to @Sailor Midgard about the request for meeting:

Mr. West,

I agree. These chaotic ratmen will need to be dealt with, or at the very least we must devise countermeasures to prevent more people from being taken. I shall come to your council gladly.

Sincerely, Matthew De Vette-Johnston (aka RaptorusMaximus), Commander of the SV Citizens Army.
Mr.De vette

I thank you kindly. I am looking forward to meet you. Where, exactly, would you like to hold said council? My proposal would be either the Tent city or Ba Sing Se....


Lawrence O. West
Personal Actions:
1. Recruit
2. Temple!
3. Temple!
4. Temple!
5. Temple!

Surival kit
23 airbenders Level 1
10 Iron druids
100 Others, no magic yet.
- 30 wood workers
1. 6 donated to the army, as promised.
2. 23 Airbenders training Airbending.
3. 5 iron druids ferrying people up and down (after temple. Before temple, growing food.)
4. 3 Iron druids resting
5. 6 people fanning the resting iron druids.
6. 2 iron druids Searching for Australian Iron wood.
7. 20 without magic Assisting the druids in their search... and also protecting them from skaven. No less than 7 men with each druid, and splitting up is not encouraged.
8. As agreed, 10 going to the fire bending temple to learn how to operate the hot air balloon bend fire.
9. 30 still working on gliders.
10. 10 people to travel to sky temple and learn how to blade dance. (food is brought with them)
11. 14 Work on the farms.

"Now... due to some safety concerns about our glider testing, we've gotten rid of the fire pit. *cheering*

"So instead, We've got darth vader waiting underneath the perch to electrocute you if you fall too soon!" *Dead Silence* I wave, humming the imperial march covered in painfully hot black clothes, and then arc some lighting in the air above me. It isn't very lethal... but they don't need to know that.

"Also, if testing doesn't go well, we might be moving to the castle in the sky. You'll have so much more time to learn how to fly before hitting anything!"

Surprisingly, few tried to flee. Maybe they had learned from last time when they got chased down before they could leave the city.
1. Working with blacksmiths
2. Helping with sewage canals
3. Training with dragon shaman
4. Recruiting
Survival kit
Sharpening Stone
Glass Headed Bamboo Spear
15 Waterbenders: Level 1
20 Crafters : Level 1
30 Dragon Shamans: Level 1
15 Waterbenders: Training with Highlanders waterbenders.
5 Crafters: working on aqueducts for farm.
5 Crafters: working on aqueducts for sewage
10 Crafters: blacksmithing.
30 Dragon Shamans: training

No fluff this time.
chathsuaco threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 16
10 10 6 6
Once upon a time, there was this show called "LOST". It was pretty great at first, but then as time went on it kind of went down hill a little, but it was still fun in its own way. Show about these people trapped on a mystery island made out of WTF after their plane crashed for reasons. This place? This place was both better and worse. But mostly worse.

Better because hey, everyone has potential for superpowers. And there's a lot more people to help with the whole 'survival' thing.

Worse because the monsters and threats running around are all kinds of worse in a very bad way. It's a scary place, this.

The other bad news was that potentially getting home was probably going to be a lot more difficult. Because unlike being stuck on an island that was (probably) still on Earth, who knew where this crazy messed up land was located. If it was really located anywhere.

Also, did I mention I hate camping and the wilderness?

The other good news was that the basics for survival were mostly in place. Nobody had to worry about dying from the lack of the basics anymore.

Which meant more time for more advanced survival requirements.

Recruitment seemed the best first step, arranging those who were still largely aimless into another not-so aimless group. Protection was the main aim, and so protection was the selling point. I can't say I've ever thought of myself as much of a leader, but it seemed an easy enough task. Act like you've got some idea what you're doing, tell people you've got a plan. That you've got vision! People like vision. People like to gravitate towards people with vision. As long as it's a good vision. So that's what I do - I tell people I've got an idea. And I tell em like I mean it.

It feels kind of good, actually. Putting on a show of confidence. Feels better than expected.

I make a mental note not to let this thing go to my head. Next thing I know, I'll be going power hungry, raising a personal army, and trying to seize power over the population of survivors as a whole.

'Today the cities, tomorrow the world!'

'Muah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!'​

And that just wouldn't do, you know?

In the end, I count about 14 people that are willing to hear me out and give me a chance to prove myself.

"Not bad." I think to myself, though it could be better.

Then I worry a little bit about what happens if I fail to prove myself. I take a moment to breath in order to calm down. It would be terrible to start out my efforts as a leader by proving that no, I'm not qualified as a leader.

I start simple, I start with addressing probably the biggest problem facing the survivor colony right now - people disappearing.

Best way to start? Training, of course. Train today to be prepared for tomorrow.

Alongside that? Patrols. Protect the colony. We won't survive if we're all getting picked off.

I do a little training of my own, and then I see if I can't branch out a little. Other people are picking up magic and powers, why not see if I can figure out how to unlock some other skills?​

1. Recruit
2. Recruit Harder
3. Take a course in @RaptorusMaximus's basic combat training routine
4. Study in and attempt to unlock the power of The Force
5. Study in and attempt to unlock Planeswalker-style Wizardry/Magic
Survival Kit
14 Basic Recruits
1. Take Basic Training with RaptorusMaximus' Training Regimen (7)
2. Arm up for protection and Organize Night Watch Patrol protecting other followers and the settlement at Ba Sing Se (7)

(@Zedalb - I think your info posts on page 1 are due for an update.)
Space Jawa threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: I want YOU to work for me! Total: 23
4 4 9 9 2 2 8 8
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Once upon a time, there was this show called "LOST". It was pretty great at first, but then as time went on it kind of went down hill a little, but it was still fun in its own way. Show about these people trapped on a mystery island made out of WTF after their plane crashed for reasons. This place? This place was both better and worse. But mostly worse.

Better because hey, everyone has potential for superpowers. And there's a lot more people to help with the whole 'survival' thing.

Worse because the monsters and threats running around are all kinds of worse in a very bad way. It's a scary place, this.

The other bad news was that potentially getting home was probably going to be a lot more difficult. Because unlike being stuck on an island that was (probably) still on Earth, who knew where this crazy messed up land was located. If it was really located anywhere.

Also, did I mention I hate camping and the wilderness?

The other good news was that the basics for survival were mostly in place. Nobody had to worry about dying from the lack of the basics anymore.

Which meant more time for more advanced survival requirements.

Recruitment seemed the best first step, arranging those who were still largely aimless into another not-so aimless group. Protection was the main aim, and so protection was the selling point. I can't say I've ever thought of myself as much of a leader, but it seemed an easy enough task. Act like you've got some idea what you're doing, tell people you've got a plan. That you've got vision! People like vision. People like to gravitate towards people with vision. As long as it's a good vision. So that's what I do - I tell people I've got an idea. And I tell em like I mean it.

It feels kind of good, actually. Putting on a show of confidence. Feels better than expected.

I make a mental note not to let this thing go to my head. Next thing I know, I'll be going power hungry, raising a personal army, and trying to seize power over the population of survivors as a whole.

'Today the cities, tomorrow the world!'

'Muah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!'​

And that just wouldn't do, you know?

In the end, I count about 25 people that are willing to hear me out and give me a chance to prove myself.

"Not bad." I think to myself. Then I worry a little bit about what happens if I fail to prove myself. I take a moment to breath in order to calm down. It would be terrible to start out my efforts as a leader by proving that no, I'm not qualified as a leader.

I start simple, I start with addressing probably the biggest problem facing the survivor colony right now - people disappearing.

Best way to start? Training, of course. Train today to be prepared for tomorrow.

Alongside that? Patrols. Protect the colony. We won't survive if we're all getting picked off.

I do a little training of my own, and then I see if I can't branch out a little. Other people are picking up magic and powers, why not see if I can figure out how to unlock some other skills?​

1. Recruit
2. Recruit Harder
3. Take a course in @RaptorusMaximus's basic combat training routine
4. Study in and attempt to unlock the power of The Force
5. Study in and attempt to unlock Planeswalker-style Wizardry/Magic
Survival Kit
25 Basic Recruits
1. Take Basic Training with RaptorusMaximus' Training Regimen (10)
2. Train in Earthbending (5)
3. Arm up for protection and Organize Night Watch Patrol protecting other followers and the settlement at Ba Sing Se

(@Zedalb - I think your info posts on page 1 are due for an update.)

Yes they are, It's on the back burner.

Anyway this is a lot easier if you can jump on discord.

Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

A lot of your writing was good but a few details.

Magic systems only come from finding, clearing, and training in a temple (or getting permission to train in someone elses) You can't just "Try to use the force" Nor can you send people to learn earth bending without the head of BSS (The avatar, head of the temple, permission).

Not sure why you have 4 dice.

You get 1d10 for your first action
2d10 for an action and a paragraph.

Xd10+1,2,3,4 Etc etc per extra action.

So your total should have been 2d10+1
Nor can you send people to learn earth bending without the head of BSS (The avatar, head of the temple, permission).


Not sure why you have 4 dice.

You get 1d10 for your first action
2d10 for an action and a paragraph.

Xd10+1,2,3,4 Etc etc per extra action.

So your total should have been 2d10+1

Understood and Fixed, I used the first two dice and went from there.

Magic systems only come from finding, clearing, and training in a temple (or getting permission to train in someone elses) You can't just "Try to use the force"

Oh well. I'll chalk it up to not realizing that In-Universe and hoping for the best.

Who knows, maybe I'll learn how to acquire such powers that I desire. :V
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Day 10 a rats nest!
@Lordhighalnder @chathsuaco

The walls grow from the ground slowly and as a great tiring effort but by the end of the day they stand a little over six feet tall. They aren't perfect and could use a real gate, a real walk way along the top things like that. The bath houses and toilets are basic improvements are clearly still needed but even the basic system is a big step up.

Those seeking scorpions don't return within the same day.

The additional skilled labor sent your way helps your forges become much more efficient you can equip about 25 people a day now.

@darkgamer @RaptorusMaximus

The staff can now hold 35% of your normal strength.

Your druids working on a fertility charm manage a break through. They can create a charm now that automatically connects the plants to the energy of the earth. This charm will not improve the same way a druid will and still, needs a druid to check it daily however it means after some production you can automate much of what they are currently doing with plants by putting the charm on planter boxes surrounding the plant. The wall is still growing, ever so slowly, the charm recently discovered could help greatly. The hygiene facilities are growing but will probably take another day to really finish.

The army training commences nicely and your people are getting somewhere close to something that vaguely resembles competency. The people you send with some smithing experience are extremely helpful and get the forges out putting weapons and armor much quicker. Though it will be up to you to work out a deal with BSS for equipment, presumably though they are going to work with you.

@mcclay @Pyro Hawk @Space Jawa @Alanek @Sailor Midgard

The search party for "iron wood" has no luck, but is lucky enough to find cotton instead which is becoming pretty needed for new clothes.
The fish farms grow quiet nicely and the people are happy to have a regular supply incoming. The farms in total are rather nice if a bit redundant with BSS, however, the redundancy may save lives. The fortification goes nicely, mostly it's removing trees in a big circle around the people working together to stack logs and make a rough wall around everyone. It isn't done by any means with the group so big however it seems like it will help. No tunnels are found at or around 0,0.

The paladins and shadowmancers continue training steadily improving.

The man shouting "Go, Go force lightning has no luck but is an amusing sight" nor does "Force lightning I choose you!!" Though he does manage to get a few more people working as a night watch. Though someone does eventually explain how temples work to him.

The gliders make good progress as do the first ten blade dancers.

All training and construction commence.


The retreat is successful even though your Cyber wing is killed before it's second run. Still, it buys you and the other cybermen time to escape.
Your losses will be replaced, though it will be a day before your next mission. The temple itself is largely off limits, but you do get a basic lay out.
Your free will is upgraded to 10% and you are given two more squads identical to your own and your choice between a cyber canon squad or an R&D squad.

@Pyro Hawk

Your sleeping peacefully, when a pin prick to the neck awakens you. You go to shout but your body is stiff umoving in anyway. You are picked up by ratmen, the skaven dressed in all black nothing on them reflects light nor do they make any noise as they move. You catch whispers but only because you are over ones shoulders and right next to its mouth.
"This man thing important, important"
"Mine now the gems,gems"
"We take others soon, they have tricks but we are The 13"

You try and try but can not move at all. You are aware you are going to be tortured to death for information most likely but even with the fear and adrenline pumping strong enough to make you sick, you can do nothing. Then suddenly it is day light. From the side a tarp covered in sticks and bushes for camolauge is thrown up as a bunch of kids throw shadowmancy, a few magical arrows of darkness fly towards your captors doing nothing. However that was not the only spell all around you the night evaporates and everything becomes bright as they pull away the dark. the sudden light and their yelling catches the notice of many more people, in under a second fire balls, arrows and spears are being chucked at you and your captors, for a few feet they carry you before they drop you so they can move with maximum speed.

You are saved and in a few hours the posion wears off and under the morning light you are able to get a full acounting of what happened.
You meet your "Saviors" a bunch of teenagers the youngest of which is probably 13 and the oldest 19, there is about 25 of their group in total.
"Hey man we heard you were in charge, and since we used our sick shadow powers, from our dark souls to save you could you get us some black leather armor so we can protect the night better? because we are the -Shadow locks- , like warlocks but of shadow, and that is just what we do. "

They are edgey teenagers who want to be vigalintes. Talking with them is almost painful, but they have a few other request, that in total aren't unreasonable but.... You should probably talk to the council.

In other news the various gaurds chased and tracked the rats quite a ways away, not catching them, but several people brag about how one arrow, spear or fireball they used hit, and they have to be injured or dying. It's impossible to verify if any of this is true though. Though in tracking it is discovered they have set up a forward base in 2,-2 tunnel lead into trechnes and some wood and stone fortifications looking towards the paladin temple. The SVers quit the chasing upon seeing that and the rifles poking out of those fortifcations. They may be planning to attack the paladins soon.

Though it may not matter, the potentially most disasterous news is that your 5 gems were stolen by the skaven. If your theory is right and they do lead to planes walker magic you can only imagine how bad it would be to have skaven planes walkers or MTG wizards. Though 13 banners fly on that forward base, the very 13 who took it may still be there with the gems.
New SV Factions

"Shadow Locks"(25ish)
Young kids, Shadowmancers, want to play super hero at night

"Eclipse" (50ish)
What the Millitary Group is calling itself now. Training in shadowmancy for stealth and paladin for combat strenght, plan to operate as SF, Ex millitary.

"Church of Light"(200 ish)
A largely unmagical group but many of them are planning to filter through the paladin temple. They are devout christans meeting for church daily lead by an old Irish Catholic priest. Who claims this is purgatory where they must kill the monsters and sinners to purify themselves and go to heaven. Potentially useful or problematic.

"Eclipse" trade request list.

[] Steel weapons and armor for 100 people (Actually only 50 but quite a bit of weapon)
-50 Steel long swords
-150 Throwing axes
-100 K-bar knives
-50 Breast plates
-50 sets of leather armor enhanced with steel plates for other areas

[] Tutoring by the Shadowmancer (3 actions)
[] Tutoring by the Paladin (3 actions)
[] Paper* lots

In exchange, you will get their 100 deer and be able to request their help in combat situations.

"Shadow-Locks" Trade Request list
[] 25 sets of black leather armor
[] 25 Face Masks
[] 25 Good Quality bows
[] Tutoring by Shadowmancer (5 Actions)
[] Tutoring by a skilled Archer (3 Actions)
[] Tutoring by someone skilled in stealth (3 Actions)

In exchange, they will mostly follow the orders of the council and potential be quite useful instead of a bunch of loss cannon teenagers with shadow magic.

[] Written legal charter between major groups
[X]125% food requirements being made.
[]Large scale metal production (need several more days or to go camp to camp finding skilled help)
[]An organized army of at least 150 people (Can be combined with multiple people as long as it's a standing army)
[X]At least one walled city or fortress
[X]Paved roads between all major settlements
[X]Sanitation system in at least one city
[X] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
[X] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
[] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
The retreat is successful even though your Cyber wing is killed before it's second run. Still, it buys you and the other cybermen time to escape.
Your losses will be replaced, though it will be a day before your next mission. The temple itself is largely off limits, but you do get a basic lay out.
Your free will is upgraded to 10% and you are given two more squads identical to your own and your choice between a cyber canon squad or an R&D squad
Due to expected Combat performance needed it is decided that a Cyber Cannon Squad would be more useful then a R&D squad for the immediate future.

Action 1 Upload General Information
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'Yay...' I get what's quite possibly a very powerful magic system but it first requires a quest to access... So I decide to wait for the turns to become weeks before really looking into that... And now they're stolen...

That said, I think we do need to make sure we destroy that skaven forward base ASAP... cause it's definitely going to be a problem... (Also, I want my gems back if possible...)
Oh, speaking of good bows... How good are my crafters/etc by now? I've had them working for a while, and not received any updates...

(Oh, and as for why I haven't been chatting on Discord, been sick for the past week or so. Nothing that's an actual problem, just a major pain in the ass/demotivator...)
Pyro Hawk threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 13
4 4 9 9