Day 9 (You see a rat)
I just started a Patreon!
- Location
- Washington
@Lordhighalnder @chathsuaco @Alanek
The military encampment does not wish to join you, even for bending. They explain they are keeping there distance, operating as a "Military base". They have heard of the dangers and are doing there best to prepare. Half have went and learned at the temple of shadowmancy, the other half plans to study at the paladin temple. Then they plan to cross train, using stealth and then combat strength to operate as special forces did in your home world. Still they understand you have metal working going and am willing to trade. Your doubts they have anything of value vanish when you see their offer. They have en fenced about 100 deer. They explain that several of them had been hunters and catching them all for breeding to build a food supply had been their biggest effort so far, but with your druids you may be able to provide meat and leather for a lot more people. They do have a shopping list (mini quest added at bottom).
Your furnaces and black smithing is scaling up nicely, currently your biggest limit is trained hands. They are improving rapidly but it has only been a few days you can make 10 soldiers worth of iron weapons and armor a day though you expect that number to grow by about 5 a day. The German woman Luna Schmid simply doesn't have the experienced hands, nor was she exactly a master herself. Today's iron goes into making the tools needed and she could probably use another full days work just improving the forging area and tools. You may be able to speed it up if you can find other experienced hands, possibly in other camps?
You find and catch another 3 bunnies, it's a steadily climbing endeavor and even if they breed quickly it will be quite some time to have them in enough quantity.
0,2 opens up to get more dry and warm, you can see how further out it turns to sands and desert with great dry rocky mountains. You see in the distance scorpions which seem to be the size of a small horse. Your people make it fairly clear they are ready to go after that.
Though the tarp air balloon gets finished quite nicely. It doesn't seem to be completely air tight but it's got redundant stitches making it strong and much more air tight then it could have been. Druid sealing will do the rest quiet nicely.
All training commences as do the improvements. No one is taken from BSS, they seem to take the easiest target.
@darkgamer @RaptorusMaximus
The walls is growing and a break through in understanding gets the staff all the way to 25% of your strength. The walls are similarly growing you suspect about 5 more days to just have a basic wall another 2 or 3 to have a cat walk around it. Though you will need to find a good way of keeping the soil rich enough to support that big of a giant circular tree.
The recruits to the army are sore after a hard days work, unfortunately your testing shows that the best archers and best people for a spear wall are one and the same. The both require a lot of strength and stamina and a good bit of coordination. You could try to split them or allow one corp to be much better. Your talking to the recruits finds squad leaders easily enough but platoon leader is where you find a strong divide one peoples opinion and your own. On one hand you have a Vietnam vet turned boy scout troop leader with no magic yet, a black Vietnam vet at that, he has seen and lived through quite a life, goes by Samuel. On the other hand he is getting rather old and that worries some of the younger troops. The other strong contender is a young paladin by the name of joe.
@mcclay @Pyro Hawk
The farms grow nicely, the apple grove most of all people are happy to have some variety in their food. The fish farm is easy enough to start, clearing out a section near the river and making nice water filled holes to keep fish in. In another day or two you can probably have some druids working on it and have a steady supply of fish.
With 50 people patrolling you expect to be safe, but the night is long and the area is large not helped by the many strange groups of the 15k doing their own patrols. Still one of your 5 man patrols gets into a scuffle. 4 of them are knocked out and kidnapped, the fifth only escapes by taking his torch and setting himself on fire, so they can't grab him running back into the camp screaming to get peoples attention. He is put out though seriously injured, still he managed to avoid capture with the idea and is able to tell you that his patrol was attacked by rat men in ninja costumes using some type of sleeping poison, they seem to each be carrying a person out, of camp, so you can guess there is 13 of them.
There is indeed reports of 9 of the unaffiliated SVers having been kidnapped int he same manner as last night.
1,0 and 0,1 both seem to simply be heavily wooded forest area, nothing immediately jumps out at you as odd.
@Sailor Midgard
Your road clearing and paving are both going well and the simple palisade walls are erected quickly from the fallen trees. Still removing stumps is a huge pain the ass, and by far your slowest parts, but the roads are mostly done, and people are happy about the ease of travel. There are several narrow areas of the river a bridge could be built across and is indeed one of the last hang ups to fully connected roads. The training commences but nothing of value is found by exploration.
You manage to take out the center of their infrastructure with concentrated fire, unfortunately no cyber canons are able to help so it takes some time. The sun is starting to set. The pockets of resistance are being handled easily when you suddenly find yourself thrown back an explosion shattering the ground right by you leaving a crater and completely destroying 0-3. A general retreat is called though you are not officially ordered into it. The orks have set up a rather large artillery piece on a near bye roof top. You could fight your way to it, but if successful leaving would be difficult without the rest of the cyberman army, or you could simply fight your way back to base with the rest of the cyber-men.
Military Camp trade request list.
[] Steel weapons and armor for 100 people (Actually only 50 but quite a bit of weapons)
-50 Steel long swords
-150 Throwing axes
-100 K-bar knives
-50 Breast plates
-50 lets of leather armor enhanced with steel plates for other areas
[] Tutoring by the Shadowmancer (3 actions)
[] Tutoring by the Paladin (3 actions)
[] Paper* lots
In exchange you will get their 100 deer and be able to request their help in combat situations.
[] Written legal charter between major groups
[X]125% food requirements being made.
[]Large scale metal production (need several more days or to go camp to camp finding skilled help)
[]An organized army of at least 150 people (Can be combined from multiple people as long as it's a standing army)
[]At least one walled city or fortress (Progress is being made BSS is the closest but stone walls are tiring to build and would work faster if a major focus)
[]Paved roads between all major settlements( Need bridge and finishing)
[]Sanitation system in at least one city
[X] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
[] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
[] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
@Lordhighalnder @chathsuaco @Alanek
The military encampment does not wish to join you, even for bending. They explain they are keeping there distance, operating as a "Military base". They have heard of the dangers and are doing there best to prepare. Half have went and learned at the temple of shadowmancy, the other half plans to study at the paladin temple. Then they plan to cross train, using stealth and then combat strength to operate as special forces did in your home world. Still they understand you have metal working going and am willing to trade. Your doubts they have anything of value vanish when you see their offer. They have en fenced about 100 deer. They explain that several of them had been hunters and catching them all for breeding to build a food supply had been their biggest effort so far, but with your druids you may be able to provide meat and leather for a lot more people. They do have a shopping list (mini quest added at bottom).
Your furnaces and black smithing is scaling up nicely, currently your biggest limit is trained hands. They are improving rapidly but it has only been a few days you can make 10 soldiers worth of iron weapons and armor a day though you expect that number to grow by about 5 a day. The German woman Luna Schmid simply doesn't have the experienced hands, nor was she exactly a master herself. Today's iron goes into making the tools needed and she could probably use another full days work just improving the forging area and tools. You may be able to speed it up if you can find other experienced hands, possibly in other camps?
You find and catch another 3 bunnies, it's a steadily climbing endeavor and even if they breed quickly it will be quite some time to have them in enough quantity.
0,2 opens up to get more dry and warm, you can see how further out it turns to sands and desert with great dry rocky mountains. You see in the distance scorpions which seem to be the size of a small horse. Your people make it fairly clear they are ready to go after that.
Though the tarp air balloon gets finished quite nicely. It doesn't seem to be completely air tight but it's got redundant stitches making it strong and much more air tight then it could have been. Druid sealing will do the rest quiet nicely.
All training commences as do the improvements. No one is taken from BSS, they seem to take the easiest target.
@darkgamer @RaptorusMaximus
The walls is growing and a break through in understanding gets the staff all the way to 25% of your strength. The walls are similarly growing you suspect about 5 more days to just have a basic wall another 2 or 3 to have a cat walk around it. Though you will need to find a good way of keeping the soil rich enough to support that big of a giant circular tree.
The recruits to the army are sore after a hard days work, unfortunately your testing shows that the best archers and best people for a spear wall are one and the same. The both require a lot of strength and stamina and a good bit of coordination. You could try to split them or allow one corp to be much better. Your talking to the recruits finds squad leaders easily enough but platoon leader is where you find a strong divide one peoples opinion and your own. On one hand you have a Vietnam vet turned boy scout troop leader with no magic yet, a black Vietnam vet at that, he has seen and lived through quite a life, goes by Samuel. On the other hand he is getting rather old and that worries some of the younger troops. The other strong contender is a young paladin by the name of joe.
@mcclay @Pyro Hawk
The farms grow nicely, the apple grove most of all people are happy to have some variety in their food. The fish farm is easy enough to start, clearing out a section near the river and making nice water filled holes to keep fish in. In another day or two you can probably have some druids working on it and have a steady supply of fish.
With 50 people patrolling you expect to be safe, but the night is long and the area is large not helped by the many strange groups of the 15k doing their own patrols. Still one of your 5 man patrols gets into a scuffle. 4 of them are knocked out and kidnapped, the fifth only escapes by taking his torch and setting himself on fire, so they can't grab him running back into the camp screaming to get peoples attention. He is put out though seriously injured, still he managed to avoid capture with the idea and is able to tell you that his patrol was attacked by rat men in ninja costumes using some type of sleeping poison, they seem to each be carrying a person out, of camp, so you can guess there is 13 of them.
There is indeed reports of 9 of the unaffiliated SVers having been kidnapped int he same manner as last night.
1,0 and 0,1 both seem to simply be heavily wooded forest area, nothing immediately jumps out at you as odd.
@Sailor Midgard
Your road clearing and paving are both going well and the simple palisade walls are erected quickly from the fallen trees. Still removing stumps is a huge pain the ass, and by far your slowest parts, but the roads are mostly done, and people are happy about the ease of travel. There are several narrow areas of the river a bridge could be built across and is indeed one of the last hang ups to fully connected roads. The training commences but nothing of value is found by exploration.
You manage to take out the center of their infrastructure with concentrated fire, unfortunately no cyber canons are able to help so it takes some time. The sun is starting to set. The pockets of resistance are being handled easily when you suddenly find yourself thrown back an explosion shattering the ground right by you leaving a crater and completely destroying 0-3. A general retreat is called though you are not officially ordered into it. The orks have set up a rather large artillery piece on a near bye roof top. You could fight your way to it, but if successful leaving would be difficult without the rest of the cyberman army, or you could simply fight your way back to base with the rest of the cyber-men.
Military Camp trade request list.
[] Steel weapons and armor for 100 people (Actually only 50 but quite a bit of weapons)
-50 Steel long swords
-150 Throwing axes
-100 K-bar knives
-50 Breast plates
-50 lets of leather armor enhanced with steel plates for other areas
[] Tutoring by the Shadowmancer (3 actions)
[] Tutoring by the Paladin (3 actions)
[] Paper* lots
In exchange you will get their 100 deer and be able to request their help in combat situations.
[] Written legal charter between major groups
[]Large scale metal production (need several more days or to go camp to camp finding skilled help)
[]An organized army of at least 150 people (Can be combined from multiple people as long as it's a standing army)
[]At least one walled city or fortress (Progress is being made BSS is the closest but stone walls are tiring to build and would work faster if a major focus)
[]Paved roads between all major settlements( Need bridge and finishing)
[]Sanitation system in at least one city
[] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
[] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)