"I am willing to bet on their being a way back. Far more than I'm willing to bet on simply accepting that we're stuck here and giving up on the idea of ever going home."

"If you've got enough prisoners together to form a full squad, it's about the opposite of the 'perfect solution'. If you've got a significant number of prisoners together and throwing them at the front lines where they're most likely to die, putting the responsibility of killing them on someone else because you don't want the guilt of executing them yourselves, I wouldn't put it past anyone to take their chances with escape and survival elsewhere rather than being thrown at an enemy for someone they're not loyal to."

"I can't be the only one that sees the disconnect between calling it barbaric to institute capital punishment but Ok to throw those same prisoners on the front lines of battle, can I? If anything, it worse and even more barbaric; it's just letting you lie to yourselves because you're getting someone else to kill those prisoners for you."

"And that doesn't even touch on how we make this work unless everyone's under the same set of laws and there's a reliable court system in place."
"Jawa? Ah, well... not to sound too crazy, but do you have any proof we ARE not just copies of the original us? Our abductors could and did heal all illnesses we had... who is to say they did not simply copy us wholesale with none the wiser?
And why do you keep insisting there has to be a way back even if thats not true? Granted, being able to return to a modern Earth would be great... but thats no reason it has to be do-able."

I sigh. Deeply. I am an optimist by nature, nirmally. This, however...

"For all we know, this might be Purgatory, as the Church of Light thinks.. although the birth of several bables seems to make that a bit farfetched."

My eyebrows rise " So, what is your solution to the question of crime and punishment? "
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"Instead of a penal legion, integrate them with the normal troops. Don't assign them to shit duties, but make sure their comrades are aware why they are serving. Its how the marine crops functioned in the real world, liuterally saved some lives because of it, turning people around who had nothing and giving them a purpose. Perhaps thats what we can do here?"
"Instead of a penal legion, integrate them with the normal troops. Don't assign them to shit duties, but make sure their comrades are aware why they are serving. Its how the marine crops functioned in the real world, liuterally saved some lives because of it, turning people around who had nothing and giving them a purpose. Perhaps thats what we can do here?"
"Hm.. i am not sure about those accused of murder or Rape. But the others, aye, that sounds like a plan, if @RaptorusMaximus thinks it could work"
"Instead of a penal legion, integrate them with the normal troops. Don't assign them to shit duties, but make sure their comrades are aware why they are serving. Its how the marine crops functioned in the real world, liuterally saved some lives because of it, turning people around who had nothing and giving them a purpose. Perhaps thats what we can do here?"

"That still sounds like a recipe for a bad time."
Day 11 Smart Rats?
@Lordhighalnder @chathsuaco

The scorpion group returns today. "We saw riders on them and wanted to know if we should make contact? We saw them from a distance, but they seem to have shells, possibly extra arms, or they were simply carrying many things on their back.

The walls are improving steadily getting a bit taller and more sophisticated.
25 Peoples worth of Iron arms and armor are saved. With the increased help you can produce 40 peoples worth of iron arms and armor.

All training Commences.

@darkgamer @RaptorusMaximus

The Iron Temple is quickly becoming a real city. The walls are finished, and the massive amounts of charms on it is having the side effect of the wall gwoing taller with every passing day.Though the bear charms on it so that defenders can refresh their strength is most useful. The additional facilities are appreactied and even a basic hygiene/sanitation system is set up.

Staff at 50% of your own strength.

The charm to automatically connect someone with the earth is made, but it will only last a few hours before a druid need to refresh it, and it has to be tattoed on. You can keep working on it to try to improve it though.
The soliders training is progressing nicely. They are far from anything like the roman legions, but merely the idea that they are responsible for the defence and a small amount of training breaks the bystander effect a big step forawrd.

All training commences

New Genisis
@mcclay @Pyro Hawk @Space Jawa @Alanek @Sailor Midgard

A Pallaside is finished around NG. It's roughly made, great piles of logs with some work done so that it can be walked across the top, with torches every few feet to provide light into the open field around it. The earth benders help, leveling the land around it and securing and smoothing over the walk way along the top.

Blade dancers are a funny bred to suddenly be able to back flip and do parkour makes them often overly active, wanting to run around and play with their new skills. Alanek now has the people to staff the balloon on his own. Gliders are decent but really a better quality of wood and wood working tools are needed.

Eclipse appreciates the training, they tend to favor stealth enchancing abilites, dark sight, and the steel shadow spell to offer more protection. Though they still need a bit more training in the paladin arts, to both enchance them in direct combat and make them more surviable with the healing.


A represenative from the undead arrives today in 0,0 in black robes and carrying a staff with a human skull on the end. He brings a back pack full of grain as a gift and explains he is here to be the represenative and diplomat for his people and request can be given to him. He gives his name as Jarvis.

All training comences.

There are a few hundred cybermen total around and you message to the cyber king is not sent it seems to mostly be a one way connection.

The temple is suddenly rocking from explosions. As you and the other units rush outside you seem to under attack from a pincer movement. On the left artillery, on five connected roof tops. On the Right an apartment building which seems to be covered in heavy weapon teams. Something seems off though. Then from the corner of your eye you see sudden movement rushing for the temple it's brief and you mind supplies the information "Kommandos". This attack may be a distraction, however you have no orders yet as the cyberking seems to busy controlling the unorganized mass.

Through out the night the patrols report seeing things at the edges of their vision in the shadows, many times arrows or fireballs are shot at the darkness without ever scoring a clear. At one point some type of molotov cocktail is thrown over or at the different walls. However the various magical systems have different ways to handle it so it has little effect. Some type of smoke gernade is thrown at BSS but an airbender thinking quickly sends the green smoke straight up away from everyone. It seems the skaven are experimenting now, testing and probing your defences. Looking for weakness and gathering information

New SV Factions

"Shadow Locks"(25ish)
Young kids, Shadowmancers, want to play super hero at night

"Eclipse" (50ish)
What the Millitary Group is calling itself now. Training in shadowmancy for stealth and paladin for combat strenght, plan to operate as SF, Ex millitary.

"Church of Light"(200 ish)
A largely unmagical group but many of them are planning to filter through the paladin temple. They are devout christans meeting for church daily lead by an old Irish Catholic priest. Who claims this is purgatory where they must kill the monsters and sinners to purify themselves and go to heaven. Potentially useful or problematic.

"Eclipse" trade request list.

[] Steel weapons and armor for 100 people (Actually only 50 but quite a bit of weapon)
-50 Steel long swords
-150 Throwing axes
-100 K-bar knives
-50 Breast plates
-50 sets of leather armor enhanced with steel plates for other areas

[X] Tutoring by the Shadowmancer (3 actions)
[] Tutoring by the Paladin (2 Left)
[] Paper* lots

In exchange, you will get their 100 deer and be able to request their help in combat situations.

"Shadow-Locks" Trade Request list
[] 25 sets of black leather armor
[] 25 Face Masks
[] 25 Good Quality bows
[] Tutoring by Shadowmancer (5 Actions)
[] Tutoring by a skilled Archer (3 Actions)
[] Tutoring by someone skilled in stealth (3 Actions)

In exchange, they will mostly follow the orders of the council and potential be quite useful instead of a bunch of loss cannon teenagers with shadow magic.

[] Written legal charter between major groups
[X]125% food requirements being made.
[]Large scale metal production (need several more days or to go camp to camp finding skilled help)
[]An organized army of at least 150 people (Can be combined with multiple people as long as it's a standing army)
[X]At least one walled city or fortress
[X]Paved roads between all major settlements
[X]Sanitation system in at least one city
[X] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
[X] One more type of food being made (Variety is the spice of life)
Okay, got two questions.

1. @Zedalb One of my troop orders was for my guys to cross-train with the people in BSS and offer them the use of the NG facilities, was this done, and what were the effects?
2. @Lordhighalnder Can I send a few of my people to do forging? We're going to need more gear, and I'd like some of it myself...

EDIT: Also, what effect did all my combat training have for me and my troops?
1. Train in Firebending
2. Train in Airbending
3. Recruit
4. Explore -3,2
5. Practice rapid trenching (Train in Earthbending)
Surival kit
Fish trap
Bamboo bow (rough)
Glass Arrows, Glass spears.
Avatar Magic (2 earth, 2 fire, 1 water, 1 air)
70 earthbenders
5 firebenders
3 firedancers
20 waterbenders
3 waterdancers
10 airbenders (learning archery)
10 Glassworkers (5 fire/5 air)
10 potters (5 earth/5 fire)
5 fletchers
0 untrained
10 farmers (5 earth, 5 water)
1. 2 Firebenders training, 2 waterbenders training
2. 10 airbenders and 3 earthbenders to explore -3,2
3. 3 to train firebending
4. 5 farmers training waterbending/farming
5. 5 farmers training earthbending/farming
6. 5 fletchers working on bows
7. 10 Potters working with ceramics (5 earth, 5 fire)
8. 10 Glassworkers working Glass (5 fire, 5 air)
9. 30 Earthbenders to from construction crew (Constant improvements to BSS and surrounding infrastructure)
10. 3 firedancers training
11. 3 waterdancers training
12. 17 earthbenders practicing rapid trench construction
13. 18 to train waterbending
14. 20 earthbenders continuing construction of wall
Glass Furnace
Temple (Elemental Bending)
Clay Storage
Sand Storage
Clay mine (Next to river)
Charcoal Farm
Earth/stone Wall
Rabbit Farm (in Progress)

Tier 2 on Firebending

1. Train in Firebending
2. Train in Firebending
3. Recruit
4. Train in Firebending
5. practice rapid trenching (Train in Earthbending)
Surival kit
Fish trap
Bamboo bow (rough)
Glass Arrows, Glass spears.
Avatar Magic (2 earth, 1 fire, 1 water, 1 air)
70 earthbenders
5 firebenders
5 waterbenders
10 airbenders (learning archery)
10 Glassworkers (5 fire/5 air)
10 potters (5 earth/5 fire)
5 fletchers
8 untrained
10 farmers (5 earth, 5 water)
1. 2 Firebenders training, 2 waterbenders training
2. 10 airbenders to work on studying a horse sized scorpian
3. 3 earthbenders and 1 untrained to work on studying a horse sized scorpian.
4. 5 farmers training waterbending/farming
5. 5 farmers training earthbending/farming
6. 5 fletchers working on bows
7. 5 potters training earthbending
7. 5 potters training firebending
8. 5 glassworkers training firebending
9. 5 glassworkers training airbending
10. 3 waterbenders training blade dancing
11. 3 firebenders training blade dancing
12. 17 earthbenders practicing rapid trench construction
13. 30 earthbenders on loan to @darkgamer
14. 20 earthbenders continuing construction of wall
Glass Furnace
Temple (Elemental Bending)
Clay Storage
Sand Storage
Clay mine (Next to river)
Charcoal Farm
Earth/stone Wall
Rabbit Farm (in Progress)
Fire dancing from hand to hand was... Calming. the feeling of the warmth as it danced, shaping it into unusual and odd structures, letting the heat fill my limbs, and warm my belly. I would need to move to handle the skaven soon, and so I practiced, exhausting myself to push my limits as best I could.

Meanwhile, I sent several benders to assist my fellows, Dark as there was a long standing alliance between him and myself, and to further build up the walls of Ba Sing Say, hopefully to bring it to the legendary heights that it inspired.

This was also the day that I began crosstraining my people, bringing their styles together in new and exciting ways.
1. Train in Earthbending
2. Train in firebending.
3. Recruit
4. Alaneks temple
5. Build the walls of BSS
Surival kit
Fish trap
Bamboo bow (rough)
Glass Arrows, Glass spears.
Avatar Magic (starting earth Bending)
70 earthbenders
3 firebenders
3 waterbenders
10 airbenders
10 Glassworkers
10 potters
5 fletchers
1 untrained
10 farmers
1. 17 Earthbenders training at the temple
2. 40 Earthbenders building the BSS walls.
3. 10 farmers tending to the farms
4. 10 Earthbenders using clay to set up a communal bath house and toilet
5. 5 fletchers continuing to build bows
6. 10 glassworkers continuing to work on glass crafting
7. 10 airbenders to work on studying a horse sized scorpian
8. 3 earthbenders and 1 untrained to work on studying a horse sized scorpian.
9. Alaneks temple
Glass Furnace
Temple (Elemental Bending)
Clay Storage
Sand Storage
Clay mine (Next to river)
Charcoal Farm
Earth/stone Wall
Rabbit Farm (in Progress)
The walls of Ba Sing Sey were moving at a snails pace. It was time to move that prioirty up. Me and fourty earthbenders got into position, and the earth began to shift. Stones tore themselves free of the ground, and were placed along strategic points. Ramps were formed, and the walls of Ba Sing Sey almost seemed to grow from the very earth, with not a single gap between rocks to betray weakness.

Sanitation was becoming a problem. I had a few earthbenders create a set of pipes, and an aquifer high along the walls, which would use a series of screws to bring the water for storage, though the screws would have to be made from ceramic since we didnt have aluminum readily available.

Water would be pumped into the cistern with archamedes screws, which themselves were powered with a water wheel. Fro mthere they would get piped into the bath house, where the water would be heated. Waste water would be piped out to the farm.

The bathhouses themselves were set elevated so we could actually heat them, and maintain the clay pipes in case there was damage, or we could replace them later.

Second came the toilet house, which was also elevated, however this just used a series of dry toilets, which were replaced after they had been filled. The waste was loaded into a cart, and dropped off outside the city, in a spot near the farm. It was seeded with fodder and mushrooms, which would then be harvested and composted, serving to clean everything to actually make it consumable.

Not the most efficient system in the world, but functional, and would keep people cleaner.

As for keeping hands and the like clean and washed, the Potters had started making clay jars and buckets. I made my expectation clear, just because we were in the wild made it no excuse not to keep clean. The river as it was was not to be used for such things, however any water piped from it was community water for sanitation purposes.

After the walls I listened to my men speak about horse sized giant scorpians, and decieded to send a party to study one, as the immediate thought of scorpian cavalry crossed my mind.
1. Train in Earthbending
2. Train in Earthbending
3. Explore -1,2
4. Develop movement under the earth via earthbending as a technique
5. Acquire Iron Pillar with Chath
Surival kit
Fish trap
Bamboo bow (rough)
Glass Arrows, Glass spears.
Avatar Magic (starting earth Bending)
53 earthbenders
5 firebenders
5 waterbenders
10 airbenders
10 Glassworkers
10 potters
5 fletchers
0 untrained
10 farmers
1. 5 Earth Benders to build a fletchery
2. 10 Potters continuing Pottery
3. 10 glassworkers refining their craft and making knives and blades
4. 10 Airbenders training Martial arts and Airbending
5. 5 Firebenders training Brazilian Arts and Firebenders, and working with @chathsuaco
6. 5 Waterbenders training Waterbending and tending the farm
7. 10 Earthbenders Training Earthbending and Beginning the construction of the walls of BSS
8. 5 Earthbenders Training Earthbending and tending to the farm
9. 10 Earthbenders exploring -1,2
10. 15 Training Earthbending
11. 5 Earthbenders to build a set of charcoal kilns, to mass produce charcoal
12. 5 Earthbenders working with @chathsuaco
13. 8 new recruits training Earthbending.
14. 10 trapping and securing Rabbits for a rabbit farm in BSS
Glass Furnace
Temple (Elemental Bending)
Clay Storage
Sand Storage
Clay mine (Next to river)
Charcoal Farm
Earth/stone Wall
Rabbit Farm (in Progress)

The Earthbenders working the farm set up a large scale composting bin of clay and shelves, with holes that would allow the worms to travel and mulch that much more effectively. The scraps and dead plants were tossed into these large bins, and allowed to decompose, while wood ash was used to help spread nutrients among the already growing plants. A few small fish caught by water benders were spread amongst the rice paddies, encouraged to clean and weed the plants of any unhealthy growths, while enriching the water further with their poop.

While the farm was being worked and the rabbits secured, the fletchers had finally built a workshop, the earthbenders pitching in to craft it from stone easily enough, with glass windows for lighting.

Other Earthbenders began erecting the soon to be famous walls of BSS, one section at a time. Working together to form walls as the Chinese Great Wall, with gates leading in each of the four great directions.

After the failed envoy to speak with shadow, I grew concerned. I think it was time for a bit more drastic effort, and something to curb the fae. I remembered a certain technique, a 'hiding like a mole' technique from the naruto anime that would allow someone to tunnel through the earth without much effort. Combined with an air bender and a set of hand crafted pipes, it would allow us to scout out a source of metals with which we could use to combat the fae.

Aside from that, I personally needed to focus on training. I sent out a few people to recruit, while I submersed myself in the earth, with a few narrow channels of air even as I breathed the very stone around me, learning from it with bare feet, feeling the tremors as it spoke, using my entire body to listen.

Legal Charter

Laws of the land are to be dictated by leaders in control of any given hex. Uncontested territory within 10 miles is to be considered controlled territory by the nearest leaders, if there is territory between two leaders, it is equidistant to the center.

In order to form a council of SVers, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, establish Justice, do ordain and establish this Legislative Charter of Genesis.

A leader as recognized to be a member of the council of SVers must maintain a constituancy no less than 100 members.

Territory claimed by a member of the council of SVers is not to exceed one hex per thousand people in their constituancy.

Any crime committed in controlled territory will be the sole perview of the leader whos territory was infringed. A representative will be appointed by the controlling authority of the criminal. If convicted of the crime, an agreement between the two authorities will dictate the punishment of the crime. In such cases where one holds the death penalty and the other does not, the crime may not retain the death penelty as a valid punishment.

Any criminal act will be judged by no less than 4 peers and no more than 8, with territorial leaders having final say on conviction.

All leaders will ceede a single person a week to the military until the military stands a minimum of seven hundred and fifty people, after which so long as that number exceeds a seven hundred and fifty people, donations will be optional.

Section 1
All legislative powers herin granted shall be vested in the council of SVers.

Section 2
1: The Council of SVers shall be composed of leaders with greater than a hundred and fifty followers.

2: During times of crisis, a single Leader shall be placed in charge of the militia of SV, until the crisis has completed.

Section 3
1: The militia shall be composed of donations from each member of the council of SVers.

2: The size of the militia is to match the size of the largest group of SVers led.

3: Donations to the militia are to stand a minimum of a single person a week from each member of the council of SVers.

Section 4
1: The Council of SVers shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of Genesis, but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout Genesis;

2: To regulate commerce with foreign nations and among Genesis leadership;

3: To coin Money, regulate the Value therof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

4: To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

5: To establish Communication lines and Roads;

6: To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times not to exceed the lifetime of their creator or discoverer, to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

7: To define and punish Piraces and Felonies committed, and Offences against the Law of Nations;

8: To delcare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerining Captures on Land and Water;

9: To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of Genesis, supress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

10: To make Rules for the Government and regulation of the land and Naval forces;

11: To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of Genesis, reserving to the leaders respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the AUthority of training the MIlitia according to the discipline prescribed by the council of SVers;

12: To excercise exlusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Council of SVers for the erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, Dock-Yards, and other needful buildings; -And

13: To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the forgoing powers and all other powers vested by this Charter in the Government of New Genisis, or in any Department or Office Therof.

Section 5:

1: The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invassion the public Safety may require it.

2: No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

3: No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels be bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.

Section 6:

1: No state shall lay any Imposts or Duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws: and the net produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the Council of SVers; and all such laws shall be subject to the revesition and Controul of the Council.

2: No state shall, without the Consent of the Council, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminebt Danger as will not admit of delay.


Donate 1 person to the militia.
Lordhighalnder threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruitment Total: 14
3 3 10 10 1 1
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Okay, got two questions.

1. @Zedalb One of my troop orders was for my guys to cross-train with the people in BSS and offer them the use of the NG facilities, was this done, and what were the effects?
2. @Lordhighalnder Can I send a few of my people to do forging? We're going to need more gear, and I'd like some of it myself...

EDIT: Also, what effect did all my combat training have for me and my troops?

It was done, but one day of training is really just a good workout and some core concept ideas.
1.I will immediately organize the Cybermen who have no orders. I will divide them into three groups alongside my own units. Cyber Wings will deploy to the left and support a advance by Cyber Cannon Squads alongside regulars. The Cyber wings are to fire at the Artillery teams as well as lob grenades at them to cover a the advance. Once the Cyber Cannons are in range they will deploy and begin hammering the Ork Artillery. Red Wing, Green Wing,Blue Wing and Grey Squad will support this advance.
2. The Second Group consisting of Regulars will advance on the Right on the Heavy Weapons teams set up in the Apartment building. All units here have orders to close in to engagement range and fire as fast as possible together on the Enemy positions. Green Squad and Blue Squad will support this push minus their Cyber Wings.
3. Myself and Red Squad will secure the temple. Use all available sensor suites to locate these "Kommandos" and destroy them. The temple must not fall into their hands keep the Faux lightsaber at the ready for Close Quarters Combat.
Standard issue gear
Red Squad
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Red 4
Red Wing

Blue Squad
Blue Leader
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Blue 4
Blue Wing

Green Squad
Green Leader
Green 1
Green 2
Green 3
Green 4
Green Wing

Grey Squad
Grey Cannon 1
Grey Cannon 2
Grey 1
Grey 2

Another day of what feels like the same. More training, mostly. I'm behind the other personalities that have emerged to the front. I need to work to catch up. Not in a good position for branching out on my own, in the best sense of the idea given our situation. I still need to build up. Recruit. Prep myself.

I open the day by making sure to attend the daily services of the Church of Light. I have no plans of joining them, but it's been several days since I've been to a proper worship service. Not that I'm Catholic, but I figure it's close enough for now. I figure it can double as information gathering. I'll have an opportunity for first-hand understanding of what Father O'Malley is saying from the pulpit every day.

From there, I tend to my daily recruitment schedule. More the same, though numbers seem to have largely leveled off. Another ten. Can't complain. As long as my team continues to grow as a steady pace, that's all I really need.

I spend most the rest of the day in training, working alongside my newly dubbed 'A-Squad'. They're my 'lead' troops at the moment, the ones who'll be doing the heavy lifting for the time being if it comes down to it. They're not much, yet. But neither am I. We'll grow together, and then we'll make things happen together.

I spend the end of the day learning the basics of how to make things out of metal. Like the combat training, I do it alongside the recruits I put to work learning to do the same. We can always use more people who can arm the fighters amongst the survivors. Both amongst my own men, and amongst the Survivors at large.

I really ought to get armed and armored soon...

1. Attend Daily Worship Service with the Church of Light
2. Daily Recruitment
3. Day 3 of Combat Training alongside newly formed A-Squad
4. Day 3 of Combat Training alongside newly formed A-Squad pt2
5. Train in Smithing and Forging alongside Basic Recruits doing same
Survival Kit
(7) Lv1 Soldiers [7 w/Spears]
(3) Lv1 Soldiers [3 w/Spears]
(10) Basic Recruits [10 w/Spears]
(15) Basic Recruits [5 w/Spears]
1. A-Squad (10) Continue with Day 3 (7) & 2 (3) using the Training Regimen practiced by RaptorusMaximus' Recruits
2. B-Squad (10) and Basic Recruits (5) Organize Night Watch Patrol protecting other followers and the Paladin Temple
3. Basic Recruits (10) Train in Smithing & Forging
Space Jawa threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruitment Drive Total: 11
9 9 2 2
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Personal Actions:
1. Recruit
2. Train Blade Dancing!
3. Train Blade Dancing!
4. Train Blade Dancing!
5. Train Blade Dancing!

Surival kit
The blade dancer -
23 airbenders Level 1
10 Iron druids Making food/Tending balloon.
10 blade dancers (2 day)
50 blade dancers (1 day)
6 Firebenders, balloon tenders.
14 Shadowmancers - night watch
-5 woodworkers
40 Others, no magic yet.
- 25 wood workers

1. 60 Blade dancers to continue training
2. 30 people, alongside 10 from lord highlander to take the balloon up to Laputa (15 of which are wood workers)
3. 10 (If dark replies favorably to me) to become iron druids. (All of which are wood workers.)
4. 23 Airbenders to continue training.
5. My night watch, when they wake up in the afternoon, are going to spend a few hours looking for various plants before it gets dark.
6. 5 people learning earthbending (for construction company.)
Yew tree
Australian iron wood
Flax (main focus)
Potatoes (By looking for their flowers.)

fluff later.
1 Recruit
2 train bond strength
3 Improve the charm that automatically boosts a person by auto bonding them to the earth.
4 work on staff even more
5 work on tattoos .
Survival backpack, staff.
1) 19 druids & 15 earth benders Work on building a school for druidry and other subjects.
2) 10 Druids help improve the charm that auto bonds people to the earth and enhances them.
3) 20 DR-WS Improve weapon making at ba sing se
4) 12 Airbenders training still.
5) 11 continue to train as warriors. 13 train as warriors
6) 19 untrained & 10 druids build better facilities for farming using charms. Wheat.
7) 15 Earthbenders continue to build better buildings and facilities: cooking, sewers and recreational areas.
8) 5 Warriors train as shadowmancers
9) 5 warriors train as paladins
10) 10 warriors continue to Train.
11) 10 druids work on improving the bear charm.

My town was finally starting to look like a proper town, or city. The walls were growing and the warriors where starting to improve everybody's mood due to the feeling of safety. In the meantime I was working on tatoos due to their use in druidry and their ability to grant powers onto non druids. Though they would have to be recharged for now.
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"So. Exhausted."

Who knew that training to fight was physically exhausting? Yeah... You knew it would be a challenge, but you didn't quite expect just how much of a challenge. On the other hand, it has reminded you of something. One of the other leaders who've popped up since we landed here has set up some metal working facilities. In particular, they've got a massive amount of iron to forge with, and they've gotten a small forging operation running. Whilst you've probably going to let them continue being the main source of metalwork, it did bring up thoughts on just what will be needed once enough of the tools, weapons and armour has been made.

In particular, whilst you might not actually produce new metalwork in New Genesis, the city is basically the largest settlement around. Which means there's going to be a lot of people eventually using the metal stuff here. And all of that metal is going to need maintenance. So why not set up a small blacksmith to be able to fix and maintain things here, rather than 5 or 10 kilometres or more down the barely made roads?

1. Recruiting
2. Train for Combat (Use All Valid Training Faculties and Methods) (Aka, what the army's using to learn how to fight, just not magic yet)
3. Repeat Above Action
4. Repeat Above Action
5. Organise the cross-training of my guys with the people at BSS
Flint Throwing Spears and Atlatl
Flint Thrusting Spear
Decent Wooden Bow and Flint Arrows
Miscellaneous Flint Tools
Primitive Fish Traps, Primitive Fishing Rod
Survival Kit
Fired Clay Pots, Pans and Miscellaneous Gear
[Stolen] 5 Magical Gems coloured Red, Green, White, Blue and Black. The green gem glowed faintly when pressed against a tree in a forest. (Probably leads to Magic: The Gathering Temple.)
Favour owed to darkgamer - First crack at future temple we hold in exchange for training up to [40] druids at once. [Shared with Sailor Midgard]
'City Farms'
- Located along the stream bed to the north of the city, but still within the boundary field
- Apple Orchards
- Fish Farms
Community Kitchen with 4 Cooks
- Butchery and Fish Cleaning Station with 2 Butchers (Cooks)
-- Smoking Rack with 2 Cooks
Small Pottery Kiln with 2 Scribes (Currently using tree carving and clay tablets to record)
Wood-Working Cottage Industry with 2 Wood Carvers, 2 Crafters, 2 Bowyers and 2 Fletchers
-Flint Knapping Workshop with 2 Flint Knappers
Small Pottery Industry with 6 Potters/Clay Diggers
Small Flint Quarry with 4 Miners
Courier Network between SV Settlements with 6 Couriers
Transportation Network with 4 'Pack Mules'
All able to be armed with the following:
- Flint Throwing Spears and Atlatl
- Flint Thrusting Spear
- Decent Wooden Bow and Flint Arrows
100% Equipped with Survival Kit
Fish Traps, Fishing Rods and Flint as Needed
Fired Clay Pots, Pans and Miscellaneous Gear as Needed
Troop Count = 120 + 8 Recruits - 40 Assigned Personnel - 3 Donated = 85
1. (35 Druids) Working best available farms and orchards.
2. (5 Earthbenders) Work on fortifying New Genesis
3. (35) Training for Combat (Use All Valid Training Faculties and Methods) (Aka, what the army's using to learn how to fight, just not magic yet)
4. (5 Druids) Training how to be Combat Medics
5. (5+5 Earthbenders) Constructing a blacksmith in New Genesis
6. (3 new Recruits) Donated to Unified Army
7. (All valid assigned troops) Cross-train with the people in BSS and offer facility use in New Genesis
1. Recruit

2. Send out a message to all commanders of the Temples that the army will be dispersing out to get their magical training tomorrow, and to be prepared.

3. Get a Gladius, Helmet, and Breastplate for myself.

4. Organize the troops:
reorder squads to accommodate the sudden surge of Dragon Shamans. Look for more Sergeants and Captains. Find someone who seems capable enough to lead the new Company and promote them to Major.

5. Train Firebending while wearing armor.

Survival Equpment
Roughly made Bo Staff
Gladius Shortsword
Iron Helm and Breastplate
'Brown Belt'

Total: 83
50 soldiers in the SV Volunteer Army
10 Personal Bodyguards
1 Smith
4 wannabee smiths
3 Druids (lvl 1)
15 generic followers

50 soldiers will train with David for the day
10 Bodyguards train with David for the day.
2 Druids train their skills.
1 regular goes to learn Druidry
The Smith and 2 trainees continue to help with the forging weapons and armor for the Army.
2 regulars go to Ba Sing Sei to learn Smithing.
15 untrained workers to continue working on the barracks area.

Total Size: 155 (1 Company)
RaptorusMaximus: 50
lordhighlander: 13 regulars
darkgamer: 7 regulars
mcclay: 7 regulars
Sailor Midguard: 8 Paladins, 11 untrained
Pyrohawk: 13 regulars
Alanek: 6 regulars
Space Jawa: 2 regulars
Chathsuaco: 30 Dragon Shamans, 10 regulars

Army Command
-Commander Matthew (RaptorusMaximus)
-Colonel David, Paladin, former drill sergeant in the Isreali Armed Forces, overseeing training
-Colonel Natasha, Paladin, in charge of securing metal weapons for the army and logistics in general

1st Company
Comand Squad:
-Major, Centurion, Nightwatcher, Herald, Company Standard Bearer.

1st Platoon (Battleline Platoon)
-Command Squad w/ Captain Joe (Paladin),Centurion, Nightwatcher, Herald, and Standard Bearer.
-Linebreaker Squad
-Spear Squad
-Spear Squad
-Spear Squad
-Healer Squad

2nd Platoon (Fire Support Platoon)
-Command Squad w/ Captain Samuel, Centurion, Nightwatcher, Herald and Standard Bearer
-Archer Squad
-Archer Squad
-Archer Squad
-Scout Squad
-Scout Squad

3rd Platoon (Purgation Platoon)
-Command Squad w/ Captain, Centurion, Nightwatcher, Herald and Standard Bearerl
-Purgation Squad
-Purgation Squad
-Purgation Squad
-Engineer Squad
-Engineer Squad

4th Platoon (Battleline Platoon)
-Command Squad w/ Captain,Centurion, Nightwatcher, Herald, and Standard Bearer.
-Linebreaker Squad
-Spear Squad
-Spear Squad
-Spear Squad
-Healer Squad

5th Platoon (Fire Support Platoon)
-Command Squad w/ Captain, Centurion, Nightwatcher, Herald and Standard Bearer
-Archer Squad
-Archer Squad
-Archer Squad
-Scout Squad
-Scout Squad

Today was...quite interesting. As per usual, I went out and gathered up a new batch of would-be warriors and some more helpers from my Preaching Rock. However when I returned, I found a great mass of people who had all come to join up with the army, the majority of which all came from the Dragon Shamman Temple: seeming to consist of all the currently trained Dragon Shamans-30 in total-and ten more people who had been working at the temple when...something happened.

The Leader of the group, Chath, had apparently gone missing, and the group was left without direction.

And so they came here.

Not one to pass up such a massive opportunity like this, I eagerly welcomed them and the other 'volunteers' sent by other leaders to the army. A quick mental check of our numbers with this new surge brought us up to 155 troops: the exact number needed for a Company, and meeting the personal goal that I'd set.

With that met, I decided that it was time to start building up a personal force of soldiers: I didn't want to use Army resources when I eventually go off to find my own temple, and a personal guard loyal to me alone would be very useful if things started to go to shit among the population for whatever reason.

So I sent off ten of my new recruits for that very purpose, while the other 5 went to go help on the Barracks construction project. That done, I composed a short message on a clay tablet and send a runner to each of the Temple leaders, to let them know I plan to send the Army out to get their Magic training tomorrow.

After that, I intercepted the latest delivery of weapons and armor from Ba Sing Sei, grabbing a Gladius and some armor for myself.

Note to self: Have Benders bring back all the already-made gear tomorrow, I think as I walk once more out of the City of Benders, sword on my hip and helm tucked under my arm.

After returning to camp, I go through our troops once more, picking out Leaders for the new squads, as well as selecting Platoon Leaders and looking for someone who seems capable of-basically-running the entirety of the existing SV Army: our first Major.

When that is done, I don my new armor and practice my firebending while wearing it: I'll need to be able to perform just as well in armor as out if I'm going to lead the Army into battle, or head into a Temple of my own.

And after I've exhausted myself doing that, it is easy to fall into a deep sleep.
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"Woohoo!" I call as I flip and twist between the trees near new genesis. "This is Awesome! Ezio's got nothing on me!" I say, before a branch cracks under my feet.

Fortunately, I landed on another branch. Unfortunately, it wasn't with my feet. I coughed slightly, as the branch that my stomach just landed on tried to make me vomit.

"oof... I need to train more..." I say, before noting a group of people below me. "...And you can train too! At Laputa, the castle in the sky! You'll get awesome acrobatics, and power over lightning! You just need to head to Ba sing Se to sign up!"

....I like to think I'm good at the whole impromptu recruiting thing, even if most of them were snickering at me.
I had just fiinished the days work training myself and of course the Eclipse people in paladinhood.
And martial arts, armed and unmarmed , in my case...
Had send an request for an axe and armor to the foundry.
And was reding..reading...
What was apparently the fi4st draft of iur law to be.
I mean, of course we, the de facto leaders, had great power and dedicated followers.
But tnis was blatantly declaring us as oligarchs. There was no, absolutely no, limitations or balances built in.
This was not law, this was codyfying our utter dominion as autocrats.
This.. was not good.

Personal actions
1. Recruit,,, Calling especially persons who might want to be paladins and see them selves as capable to live up to the code physically and soiritually.
2. Planing chestnut and walnut orchards as well as hazel nut hedges at larger settlements, help establishing them at New Genesis Beacon and smaller settlements between them.
3. Train both my self and the people Eclipse sent.
4. See above
5. Ordering a suit of armor and an iron axe.
Survival gear.
Hardened wooden spears.
Other equipment as needed.
Wicker shiled
Stone axe

Structures and Jobs
Med section at Tent City, three medics (my second +2)
Pottery specialists at potters place8, 4 persons.
39 lvl 1 Druids, all but 1 sent to Ba Sing Se, creating food...
1 druid sent to 'Beacon Temple, creating food and healing people if needed
148 Troops +18 recuits, 64bassigned, 102 free

1. (3 Medics) Medical section of Camp city, doing their job and trying to teach basic first aid to others, training two more
2. (4) working with the kiln at the clay deposit. (Potters Place) + 4 more
3. 39 druids helping to farm and all, at Ba Sing Se
4.One druid at the Beacon Temple

Group : Ba Sing Se (9) assigned to train further in Earthbending

Group :Temple.
Teaching and getting training / Beacon Temple at -1,-2
5. 1veteran + 20 recruits select men and women : traing in the physical and mental arts of being a paladin

Trainingat Druid temple
6 (10) training 5 new Druids from recruits

Civic work

7(15, 8 troopers, 1 druid, 1 earthbender, 5 paladins (trained)) Explore unexplored hexes east of river. Looking fof: wild pigs. Mineral deposits. Edible plants. Temples and other abnormalies
8.(8) improving the bridge to the other side at appropriate place
9.(5) fresh recruits send to join the army (@RaptorusMaximus )
10 (10 , 8 troops , 2 Eathbenders ) Fortifying the temple, digging latrines.
11(10, 8 normal, 2 Earth benders) Fortifying the main settlement,
12 ( 8 druids, working at new orchard)

The training progress smoothly but slowly. Trenching still is fairly limited in scale.

Your exploration shows mostly woodlands that have been walked over many times. There are others near this area.

@darkgamer @RaptorusMaximus

All training progresses, the staff now at 65% of your base strength.

The charm your working on isn't exactly auto bonding them to the earth so much as doing it once well by a druid then letting them use that strength. Still your people work on it to little progress. It is a complicated thing and your knowledge of charms is still limited.

The training of the army goes well. You are able to find people to hold the ranks you want but it feels rather place holder. The defacto leader of the army is able to get his basic equipment.

New Genisis
@mcclay @Pyro Hawk @Space Jawa @Alanek @Sailor Midgard
All training and construction moves along steadily. A small metal working station is built in the city though it will require metal to be brought to it
More area is cleared around the city and the fortifications are made just a bit stronger with more torches ad the start of a trench outside the wall.


You have been given a new mission. A simple mission. There is a four way intersection in a section of ruined sky scrappers you have to guard it from the orcs.


The people of SV have made homes here. In about two weeks they have gone from nothing to cities, mages, armies and lives. However enemies are pounding at the gates, the skaven to the south. The fey to the north and so many more. It is unknown what the future will bring but it is no longer going to be decided in an hour or a day. Instead the future of the SVers will be forged in the fire of war taking weeks or months to end on way or another.

Do not respond with a turn plan! We will be making a new thread with time measure in weeks as soon as me and anyone who wants to help, gets my Resource list finished.

New SV Factions

"Shadow Locks"(25ish)

Young kids, Shadowmancers, want to play super hero at night

"Eclipse" (50ish)

What the Millitary Group is calling itself now. Training in shadowmancy for stealth and paladin for combat strenght, plan to operate as SF, Ex millitary.

"Church of Light"(200 ish)

A largely unmagical group but many of them are planning to filter through the paladin temple. They are devout christans meeting for church daily lead by an old Irish Catholic priest. Who claims this is purgatory where they must kill the monsters and sinners to purify themselves and go to heaven. Potentially useful or problematic.


"Eclipse" trade request list.

[] Steel weapons and armor for 100 people (Actually only 50 but quite a bit of weapon)

-50 Steel long swords

-150 Throwing axes

-100 K-bar knives

-50 Breast plates

-50 sets of leather armor enhanced with steel plates for other areas

[X] Tutoring by the Shadowmancer (3 actions)

[X] Tutoring by the Paladin
[] Paper* lots

In exchange, you will get their 100 deer and be able to request their help in combat situations.

"Shadow-Locks" Trade Request list

[] 25 sets of black leather armor

[] 25 Face Masks

[] 25 Good Quality bows

[] Tutoring by Shadowmancer (5 Actions)

[] Tutoring by a skilled Archer (3 Actions)

[] Tutoring by someone skilled in stealth (3 Actions)
In exchange, they will mostly follow the orders of the council and potential be quite useful instead of a bunch of loss cannon teenagers with shadow magic.
I'm probably going to drop this. Just lost the interest in it...

If I do, I figure you can just make me another Faction. Just one dedicated to the cities and construction or something...