Princess Glutei a Forma di Cuore
- Location
- England
You have troop actions which is the actions of the people you recruited. So you have 12 people.
The people were scared, not hungry yet but it was apparent they did not have even a week before people would be starving. So the fey's offer was taken seriously. Where some minor fights broke out and knives and spears were pulled people were not yet willing to give up a child. Except for @darkgamer "The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few". With the second night approaching they bring the child to the queen. She thanks them and takes them and their followers on a journey through the woods, many others follow curious about the gifts and magic that was promised. It is several hours of walking but the forest seems to slide out of the way and you feel invigorated with energy with every step so you make excellent time. (Now at -2,1, with 200 unaligned) The humans are lead to what can only be called a ruin. The entire thing is made of iron and as they approach you can tell the fey step carefully afraid of touching the metal. Until finally the queen speaks. "We can take you no further you must go alone. We will raise the child and if your people can get to the bottom of this temple then you will have all you need to survive. I warn you though it is very dangerous and many may fall." You can attempt to ask her questions but she will leave quickly, seeming to be in a rush to leave this place.
(BONUS 1d10 to recruiting for "having" a temple, BONUS 1d10 to recruiting for having the MOST magical temples, until you "share")
Perfectly fine with me....I figure that you find me as my groups doing the night actions. Basically, you hear that someone's setting up a community kitchen and investigate.
So co-operating after this 'turn', perfectly fine!
Note though that I'll basically be concentrating on four things.
In other words? Making sure we can survive as a group and don't see a mass die off of people.
- Obtaining sources of resources such as food, lumber/wood, stone, medicines and similar.
- Teaching people survival skills
- Setting up basic infrastructure. Things like enough community kitchens, latrines, 'hospitals' for when people break limbs or get sick, etc, etc.
- Preventing everything going to hell.
Okay, before I post, how many persons do I have with me? @Zedalb, are my 'troops included in Pyros post or not ?
Can I have a overview of persons with special useful talents as allready outlined?
Erm, no persons who have special talents crom earth? All people are, for the purpose of this, untrained with no pertinent xkills?Pyro hit it on the head.
Your troops are your own no one else can give them orders.
No one has special talents, until you spend some time training them and give them a title and give them different orders.
"I have them practice with bows"
Then I respond
"Cool you know have X archers"
Erm, no persons who have special talents crom earth? All people are, for the purpose of this, untrained with no pertinent xkills?
Gear1: Continue recruiting
2: Fishing and shell-gathering in the river, food gathering nearby
3:Try to find a supply of clay and to set up a kiln.
4o even more recruiting.
5:Set up a 'sickbay to care for wounded and ill and teach everybidy the basics of first aid.