1 Recruit
2 Hike up river, to roughly the same location as Lordhighalnder. Safety in numbers.
3 collect firewood and small stones
4 collect more firewood
5 set up tarps as windbreakers.
Survival Kit
1 12 Clear small campground, start campfires... boil water.
2 x new people: Build fishing traps.
After the Fae queen left, I immediately gathered my people and started going upriver, as did a good number of others. Maybe it was the fact that we were going in the same direction, maybe it was the fact that we were all visibly armed that did it, but a number of people started to specifically follow my group, rather than just following the river. While there wasn't many leaving, compared to the whole, and even fewer going upstream, every person helps. "Huh. Hey, you guys! Yeah the ones following us. Want to join us properly?" They pause, one or two power walking away from us.... are the spears really so intimidating?

"Well... yes?" "Great, come on over. We're heading pretty far upstream, and we don't want to get separated if you take a break, or something."

After a few hours of hiking, we settle near another camp. Safety in numbers, no?

Alanek threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 12
5 5 7 7
Day 2 (First temple)
The people were scared, not hungry yet but it was apparent they did not have even a week before people would be starving. So the fey's offer was taken seriously. Where some minor fights broke out and knives and spears were pulled people were not yet willing to give up a child. Except for @darkgamer "The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few". With the second night approaching they bring the child to the queen. She thanks them and takes them and their followers on a journey through the woods, many others follow curious about the gifts and magic that was promised. It is several hours of walking but the forest seems to slide out of the way and you feel invigorated with energy with every step so you make excellent time. (Now at -2,1, with 200 unaligned) The humans are lead to what can only be called a ruin. The entire thing is made of iron and as they approach you can tell the fey step carefully afraid of touching the metal. Until finally the queen speaks. "We can take you no further you must go alone. We will raise the child and if your people can get to the bottom of this temple then you will have all you need to survive. I warn you though it is very dangerous and many may fall." You can attempt to ask her questions but she will leave quickly, seeming to be in a rush to leave this place.
(BONUS 1d10 to recruiting for "having" a temple, BONUS 1d10 to recruiting for having the MOST magical temples, until you "share")

Over in 1,-1 up river from the arrival point several others have left to spread out and increase their chance of survival. It is https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/members/5400/ who discovers a perfect place to start a camp. A several hundred food perfectly flat stone on the ground. Better than dirt and the trees are thick around it. People start collectively placing their tarps up tying them to make a roof and a bit more cover between the trees before setting up their tents. With so many people working on shelter, wood branches are starting to be woven together to make much better walls against the tarps. Several peoples bags are filled with boiled clean water and brought back having several gallons on hand for peoples use now. A bit of fishing is started and a few decent sized trout are caught. All in all it is coming together very nicely.
Joined by @Alanek the first tent city is started. With even more fishing being organized and the shelter growing in size, comfort and complexity quickly as people keep adding their tarps to attempt to make a woven wood covered dome in the forest.

At base camp 0,0

@Sailor Midgard and @Pyro Hawk start working together to more formalize and organize the people. A communal kitchen is set up where berries and fish are are added to the ration bars to add some flavor, and extend how long they will last. Beyond that some spears are made for hunting or other use. They do get people working on creating better shelter through the use of their 550 cord and tarps to help block wind and rain before it hits the tents. It is the start of a tent city as others see what they are doing and attempt to copy it with people grouping up and setting up their own group shelters or making their own spears. They notice something odd though. Their is a set of clouds, rather high up that never moves, day or night always obscuring on part of the sky.
1 recruit
2 set up base around and in temple
3 look around temple careful not to go too far
4 clean up temple
5 prepare for more temple excursion
Survival Kit
1 (41) all set up base
2 (41) after that, all go inside with my character.

The people were scared, not hungry yet but it was apparent they did not have even a week before people would be starving. So the fey's offer was taken seriously. Where some minor fights broke out and knives and spears were pulled people were not yet willing to give up a child. Except for @darkgamer "The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few". With the second night approaching they bring the child to the queen. She thanks them and takes them and their followers on a journey through the woods, many others follow curious about the gifts and magic that was promised. It is several hours of walking but the forest seems to slide out of the way and you feel invigorated with energy with every step so you make excellent time. (Now at -2,1, with 200 unaligned) The humans are lead to what can only be called a ruin. The entire thing is made of iron and as they approach you can tell the fey step carefully afraid of touching the metal. Until finally the queen speaks. "We can take you no further you must go alone. We will raise the child and if your people can get to the bottom of this temple then you will have all you need to survive. I warn you though it is very dangerous and many may fall." You can attempt to ask her questions but she will leave quickly, seeming to be in a rush to leave this place.
(BONUS 1d10 to recruiting for "having" a temple, BONUS 1d10 to recruiting for having the MOST magical temples, until you "share")

"Before you go may I ask a few questions? I know the Iron is having an effect on you so I will try to keep it brief"

"You may."

"Are there any other temples and how do we find them?"


With her answer given I said my goodbyes, making sure i didn't say thank you. With that done I Began searching for more individuals, the ones who followed where the only ones who I could recruit and that is what i did. Now with the temple backing me I could recruit more.
darkgamer threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: people stuff Total: 25
2 2 3 3 10 10 10 10
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I figure that you find me as my groups doing the night actions. Basically, you hear that someone's setting up a community kitchen and investigate.

So co-operating after this 'turn', perfectly fine!

Note though that I'll basically be concentrating on four things.
  1. Obtaining sources of resources such as food, lumber/wood, stone, medicines and similar.
  2. Teaching people survival skills
  3. Setting up basic infrastructure. Things like enough community kitchens, latrines, 'hospitals' for when people break limbs or get sick, etc, etc.
  4. Preventing everything going to hell.
In other words? Making sure we can survive as a group and don't see a mass die off of people.
Perfectly fine with me....

Things to consider IMHO....

Recruit more people. Safety in numbers , atleast until we reached the 75-100 persons state. Then, we should try to otganize sub leaders. I, personally, would say 500 to 1000 would be ideal.

We need specialists or at least people with useful knowledge. That should be prioritzed. No body should be sent away for now, but as surely, we should try to get survivalists, former scouts, medics, engineers, crafts men... the truly impotant persons.

Also fish and shellfish, While I can not stand the stuff , others will, and we are near a river.
Second, we should try to organize entertainment. Ye, it sounds corny, but morale is important.

And third, what the hell do we do about the Fae?
  1. Recruiting Couriers and Remembrancers
  2. Organise a 'Courier Service' between each of our major 'settlements' so we can keep in contact.
  3. Dig plenty of latrines throughout the tent city, preferably on the edges. Don't want disease to turn up if we can help it.
  4. Investigate the unnatural cloud formations, hopefully finding the centre. Might be a 'Temple'.
  5. Create a group of Remembrancers who basically at as scribes to record everything, just without writing things down due to lack of writing materials so it's all remembered.
Survival Kit
Fire-Hardened Wood Spear
Tent City at 0,0
Community Kitchen at 0,0 + 3 Cooks + 3 Berry/Apple Pickers
  1. (6) Set up Courier/Messenger Service, to keep in contact with the other groups
  2. (4) Set up 'Remembrancers'. Basically, as we don't have anything to record information, they'll keep it all in their heads, for now...
  3. (8+Me) Investigate the unnatural Cloud Formations, aiming to reach the centre. Be careful and all have a spear.
  4. (8) Dig latrines at the edges of the Tent City
  5. (4) Search for a source of clay, initially along the river banks. Start harvesting it and bringing it back to improve the kitchen if some is found.

Well, someone's already met the Fey Queen's offer. Should have expected that really. And what the handful of people who've come back from that group have said is interesting. Unfortunately looks like if I want more information I'll need to have someone investigate directly, as those guys only came back to get the rest of their group to follow them back. Oh well. Least I'm not the only person still trying to organise the people where we started.

But again, first things first. Time to organise more people. And climb that boulder again. Kinda funny how it's basically in the middle of our 'tent city square'...

"Okay. I'm sure you all know why I'm up here again, and yeah, it's to ask for more people to help with things."

"Today, I'm looking in particularly for people who are able to consistently travel long distances over a long time. Marathon runners basically. I'm also looking for people who have exceptional memories."

"Good reasons for both requests. We've started to spread out, and it's probably best if we kept in contact with each other, so I'm hoping to set up basically a courier or messenger service between the 'towns'. Not to transport goods between them, but rather to have some contact set up so if anyone finds something special, others can find out about it. Second request is because we need to start actually organising, and as we don't exactly have any source of paper, or even clay tablets, to write stuff down on, it's going to have to be kept in peoples heads."

"Oh, and if you're willing to do heavy labour, we're going to set up some latrines and that's going to require a lot of digging."

Well, now that I've said my piece, time to actually start organising everything. And the first thing I'm going to do is get some of the people who helped me the first day to investigate and hopefully find the centre of the place where the clouds are constantly present. After all, from all reports the place that the Fey Queen led the other guy was completely overgrown, and as there's a place with unnatural cloud formations... Makes me think the Queen led that guy to the 'Life Element' or 'Earth Element' temple... So here's hoping the clouds are the 'Air Element'...

Probably best to grab @Sailor Midgard and see if they want to investigate too, or if they want to help with anything else.

Oh yeah, that reminds me... Won't necessarily need everyone, so might send a few people looking along the river banks to see if they can't find clay. If we can find some, it'll mean we can do quite a few things... Including writing on clay tablets before firing them.
Pyro Hawk threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 18
10 10 8 8
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1. Recruit
2. Circumnavigate the invisible boundry
3. hike along river to see if theres anything interesting, particularly useful, or dangerous
4. As above
5. As above
Surival kit, Fish trap, Bamboo bow (rough)
1. 10 to pull clay from river
2. 3 to build kiln
3. 15 to build walls of mud and stone
4. 2 to convert clay into tiles
5. 5 to work on building bows

Meeting up with Alanek was good news, as we could work together a bit easier than apart. It also meant the tent city would be converted to mud, wood, and clay sooner. In truth, that was the goal, building a solid set of homes for people to have some kind of comfort.

Based on a half remembered video I had watched again and again, I had them start building a kiln with clay, and mud, simultaneously having a few source clay from the river, and using the mud to build up the walls of the various buildings. The people sourcing clay slowly carved out a hole that would later have additional use, possibly serving as a well later on.

Five I set to working on bow making, using the one I had as a basis, while I went in search of additional people to recruit, and a small scouting expedition.

First, a word to alanek, requesting they work on making some clay pots for water storage, and baskets, maybe a charcoal mound as well. Then I was off, water canteen full, treking along the river back to the safe zone. Anyone I met I had a short conversation with, telling them about the virtues of the place me and Alanek were devising, with fish aplenty, a real start to rebuilding home. Once I reached the invisible boundry, I began to circumnavigate it along the inside, charting it as best I could, seeing if it was round, square, hexegonal, octoganal, or what have you. I had a few ideas that might work later based on the nature of it, but I needed to know. It also would give me an idea as to what land lay beyond the safe zone.

Once I had completed the hike around, pausing to observe anything interesting, I returned to camp along the river, resupplying before continuing further upriver alone, walking a few hours further before returning to camp once more.

Lordhighalnder threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 13
5 5 8 8
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Updated turn:
1 recruit
2 set up base around and in temple, end up doing temple lol
3 Use super druid powers to quickly set up farms
4 practice using my powers
5 Begin reading the text of the wall
Survival Kit
1 (41) all set up base
2 (41) after that, all go inside with my character.
3 (31) Remain and come out. relax and rest up.

Alas poor mooks they died with honor​
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The fey were like sup so i got yo magic but you have to go in a temple to find it.

I was like sure thing bro but I'm going to bring my posse

So me and my pals strolled up and went give me da magic fo shizzle

The temple went give me 10 peeps

I gave them the mooks and now i have magic
Okay, before I post, how many persons do I have with me? @Zedalb, are my 'troops included in Pyros post or not ?

Can I have a overview of persons with special useful talents as allready outlined?
No, your troops aren't counted in my post @Sailor Midgard

I've so far recruited 36 people, including this turn. You have recruited 12 and can still recruit this turn. Really, I think the best way to co-operate in this game is to either spend an action on the same task as another player, at the same place. OR to spend your actions building up the same place as another player, just working on separate parts of whatever is being developed.

Basically think of it as either having two people work together to make an iron mine, or instead have one person build the mine and the other person build the smelter.
Okay, before I post, how many persons do I have with me? @Zedalb, are my 'troops included in Pyros post or not ?

Can I have a overview of persons with special useful talents as allready outlined?

Pyro hit it on the head.
Your troops are your own no one else can give them orders.

No one has special talents, until you spend some time training them and give them a title and give them different orders.

"I have them practice with bows"
Then I respond
"Cool you know have X archers"
Pyro hit it on the head.
Your troops are your own no one else can give them orders.

No one has special talents, until you spend some time training them and give them a title and give them different orders.

"I have them practice with bows"
Then I respond
"Cool you know have X archers"
Erm, no persons who have special talents crom earth? All people are, for the purpose of this, untrained with no pertinent xkills?

I will be posting in a few hours....

But here is my recruitment effoert
Sailor Midgard threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: recruitment. Total: 10
3 3 5 5 1 1 1 1
Erm, no persons who have special talents crom earth? All people are, for the purpose of this, untrained with no pertinent xkills?

More that their skills are rolled into your efforts to lead them.

If you set up a kitchen the best cooks will be the one to do it.
If you set up archers, the ones with some experience will be the best to do it.
Etc etc.
@Zedalb @Pyro Hawk
Wip, .Feel free to criticize, Pyro. Fluff to be added...

1: Continue recruiting
2: Fishing and shell-gathering in the river, food gathering nearby
3:Try to find a supply of clay and to set up a kiln.
4:Do even more recruiting.
5:Set up a 'sickbay to care for wounded and ill and teach everybidy the basics of first aid.
survival kit
Fire hardened spears.

Troops: 22

Fishing ( 8 )
Searching for claybuilding a kiln( 5 )
Training people in first aid/setting up a med bay (3 )
Aiding the Remembrancers in gathering knowledge (me+2)
Assirted food gathering efforts (3)
Gathering and oreparing seeds and such from berries etc for reaeedibg(1)
1: Continue recruiting
2: Fishing and shell-gathering in the river, food gathering nearby
3:Try to find a supply of clay and to set up a kiln.
4:Do even more recruiting.
5:Set up a 'sickbay to care for wounded and ill and teach everybidy the basics of first aid.

You realise even more recruiting just gives you a +1 on the dice roll.

darkgamer - 5+11+25-10 = 31 (1 Out of Action, May Recover)
Alanek - 12+12+9 = 33
Lordhighalnder - 13+9+13 = 35
Pyro Hawk - 12+6+18 = 36
Sailor Midgard - 13+9 = 22
Pyro Hawk threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Alanek's Automated Recruiting Total: 12
5 5 7 7
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Day 3! (Food running out)

@Sailor Midgard and @Pyro Hawk both sent people down the river banks searching for clay who eventually find it down a few miles (1,-1). They start harvesting it and bringing it back, but it's slow due to the distance. Still they manage to get both a small kiln made and some small pots to store food and water improving the kitchen. The addition to latrines is a welcome improvement as a few areas are designated by the barrier keeping it far away from food and water. The "Remebremancers" look at you like your very slow and just carve any important information onto nearby trees It isn't perfect but it will last well enough until better options are made. The messengers seem to be happy for something productive to do and start making paths and marking trees so they can find their way around and back into the barrier.

The food gathering goes decently, the river is already being fished upstream and there is simply so many people trying. The berries are quickly picked out but some people do start a stock pile of seeds, emergency food if you don't live long enough to plant them. The medical "center" is just a section of the tent city that is far better covered than most as some clay is used to seal some of the tarps together to be water proof. As well as some tarps on the ground giving a rough floor. A few more tarps are converted into hammocks so the sick can lay off the ground on something cleanish.

@Sailor Midgard now has 3 "Medics"

-1, 1

@Lordhighalnder and @Alanek continue working on there upriver tent city. Wattle walls are covered with mud and heated to provide more solid protection from the rain and wind, tarps being moved to make a better and better ceiling as walls are converted. The distance of clay makes getting very much of it a time consuming measure but a kiln is built and a few tiles are produced. Bow production does not go as well, though a handful of bows are made a quick experiment shows thrown spears preform quite a bit better still. Though they are sort of making progress.

@Lordhighalnder now has 5 (bad) Fletcher/bowyers

On his exploration of his area @Lordhighalnder notices something odd on the edge of the giant rock his people has settled on, its some type of symbols. A few moments with a shovel lets him dig away the dirt to see what it is.
The bottom left of the four has a very slight glow all the way to the top and as he digs the dirt away the top left slowly gathers a glow about a quarter of the way up.

-2, -1


The first time you connect a plant to the earth it takes you about half an hour to get it to grow a full seasons worth. After a few times you manage to get it down to ten minutes, to give you a new fully grown berry bush ripe with berries. Even if it is quite a bit of food, it is apparent you are going to have to train others in order to manage the food needs of 16k. The druid chamber has so very much writing it's hard to pin point a good starting place but you get a solid idea on a lot of the long term things that can be done. You also learn you should never wear shoes, and can probably get a big jump by studying and making the right tattoos on your feet to strengthen your connection with the earth. Speaking of the earth, you can only store a very small amount of power from the earth at the moment when not in connection, which makes practicing in the temple itself limited, but the iron blocking out other connections does make it very easy to focus on practicing precise control.

Your people also start setting up tents inside and out of the temple there are a few empty chambers that become more clear once all the vines and such started making themselves comfortable inside.


The average person has right now about a day and a half of food left, having come in mid day and having scavenged everything they could. Though with many people traveling further and further out you will soon start to hear rumors on what else exist in this world.
Watching the 'Remembrancers' carving words into the trees, I promptly face-palm.

"Well now, I feel dumb. I thought of clay tablets, but I didn't think of doing the same with wood. This is why it's always good to get a second opinion. I'll just mark you guys down as 'scribes' then, shall I?"
Pyro Hawk threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Recruiting Total: 10
7 7 3 3
Pyro Hawk threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Alanek's Automated Recruiting Total: 5
5 5
1 recruit
2 Train with power
3 Train more with power
4 read a bit more of the wall
5 go find the other peoples bases start at where we started
Survival Kit
1 25 people start expanding the base trying to make Weapons: Flame hardened spears, Spear flingers, Bows.
2 (26) come with me to go to the starting base

I begin by explaining about my base and how we have a proper roof over our heads. I tell them about the magic granted to me and how food would not be a big issue for any of us ever again. with that said small groups of people began to join us and I could only feel that it would get even bigger.
darkgamer threw 4 10-faced dice. Reason: people stuff Total: 20
6 6 4 4 8 8 2 2
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