Q: Considering the Imperium has multiple Blackstone mines and we know there were some WiH projects in the region, do any of the local mining worlds have deposits?
A: one of them does, check back on turn 2 and pay attention to the description of the mining world emissaries
> That particular world is the one that sent a diplomat just for the purpose of insulting us, and is later implied to have a high chance of allying with Chaos to attack Shogi. Naturally, if they do, we won't be the only ones working to ensure they burst into flames and die. And then we can take their stuff.
Basically one mine is enough to fuel one basic enterprise, a complex one might require several mines of the same kind of material. Making Custodian Armor would require 5 mines of Auramite for example
One mine is enough to feed Atraxas
[Living World and Warp Conduit Seed] would synergize in somewhat unpredictable ways but it would be beneficial
Q: Does having a divine boon from Isha help moderate our naturally terrible first impression with Eldar?
A: if you bring it with you to meeting the Eldar yes
though it does run the risk of them trying to nick it from you
Divinity is pretty limited right now to either creating life or modifying things in weird ways
with actualization Atraxas could kludge together something resembling an enchantment system
after a good amount of work
Robinton note: If we put in 4 Atraxas Actions in a single turn, that's >99.9% likely to succeed; 3x has a 5.4% success chance (12.8% with Actualizing Information). (I'm assuming the "roll 2 drop lower" rule applies to the whole set and not the individual actions.)
as a concept Divinity is nebulous but also constrained
its best described as making something
more than it is
every god has legends of doing
something with
something that is normally impossible
you would have to meet said god, and then observe
how they work, and then work from there
but with that you
could use Divinity to make short cut rituals so to speak
it would be possible for example to use Divinity to instantly create complex biospheres with an Isha based ritual, for example
Q: So for the shortcut rituals, is that just short cutting establishing the narrative of a ritual by tapping into a god's, or would it also make rituals meant to benefit their god more effective/easier?
A: both
it affects pretty much all rituals
Q: So we couldn't, say, weave divinity and information around a divine artifact to learn about the god or pantheon it belonged to?
A: you would be able to learn how to use the relic in question and perhaps hidden aspects of it
and perhaps some surface details of its maker
but thats about it
Divinity's biggest value for the Exatari is enabling them to make Relic tier items somewhat
due to its bootleg enchantment method
of course its less useful due to Phase Forging already sort of doing that
but it allows for the creation of Plot Armored things
which Phase Forging does not
generally Divinity based enchantments are less potent directly than phase forging but tend to have far greater narrative weight
Q: Can they be combined or does phase forging make things too real to be divine or some such?
A: sort of
Phase Forging introduces too much distortion so to speak into local reality and warp
again its a side effect of the Exatari playing with principles that should be paired with a godly tech base
Phase Forged materials are basically absolutely inert
they can be touched by things like Divinity but only during creation
and trying to enchant them would be liable to make a cascade failure
for example you could throw a phase forged stick of iron and throw it into nurgle's core domain and it would take
aeons to begin to rot
in short Phase Forging basically renders stuff inert to metaphysical stuff
Q: And divinity enchantment (at the TL we're likely to hit any time soon) can't be incorporated at creation?
A: the enchantment stuff is too fragile so to speak
it requires
mutable materials
phase forging basically turns the material
its how you can get magical aspects on stuff that doesn't care if its in the warp or inside a blank field of arbitrary strength
it is what it is
Q: If Eldrad reached apotheosis, which mantle(s) would he inherit?
A: Eldrad would probably inherit the magic domains and dreams, he would probably not be
happy since he would start becoming female
due to the weight of the mantles vs his innate power
yeah its not enough to just eat [Auramite or another Exotic]
there has to be enough to make it a
normal part of the diet
or to fiddle with cellular machinery to use it
Q: What's the cheapest way to get enough Auramite to ensure Atraxas has its buff for the invasion? Put a single action into Atraxas himself walking into the Auramite mine? Putting a Harkar + Private Army Action combo at it? Or is this automatic after the upcoming turn?
A: It's not fast enough. You need to eat the stuff consistently for several turns, discover how to add it into the alloy that forms the bulk of Exatari biology. Neither of which are going to be easy or super fast
Q: If Atraxas puts 4 Actions into Divinity, does he get 80d100 drop lowest 40 (plus stats), or does he get (20d100 drop lowest 10) + (20d100 drop lowest 10) + (20d100 drop lowest 10) + (20d100 drop lowest 10) (plus stats)? Basically, does the "double dice and drop lowest half" modifier combine across all Atraxas dice rolled in that project that turn, or not?
A: The 80d100 drop 40 plus his bonus
Q: Whenever Atraxas rolls below 10, it counts as 10, right? Does this mean that he can't directly critfail anymore? (Considering only normal rolls where this rule applies, naturally.)
A: pretty much yes, although for Atraxas crit fails were at most annoying rather than terrible compared to human ones
Q: What turn would the canon 13th Black Crusade - which may well be derailed but still - what turn would that occur?
A: I think 99X where X is 0 through 9 depending on decade
Q: Do you regard Gothic Style as a "boon with possible side-effects", as a "trade-off - good returns at the cost of Emps maybe causing problems", or as a "dangerous bargain - see previous"?
A: I consider it a trade off yes. It reduces suspicion by making the world more
imperial, which includes everything that would count as
Q: When collecting Planets, are we going to have to take mostly-unused ones from other Imperial Worlds, or what?
A: you are going to be taking from random uninhabited systems within the sector. There are
thousands of worlds in Erimyst that the Imperium simply doesn't care about
Q: You said that Atraxas tends to push all Emps's "non-hostile xenos" buttons. Can I have some further clarification on that thought process? I'd assume he'd be thinking something like "Well, Atraxas isn't killing humans (barring ones that are killing other humans), he's trying to keep them alive and healthy, he's succeeding at his attempts, he mostly isn't undermining the Imperium, he's not friendly to Chaos (at all!), and he's mostly interested in tech-development and building cool projects." What am I missing?
A: thats pretty much it, Atraxas has basically been the
perfect model for a xeno ever since he got this job. Emps has done a bit of back checking and found that the single
biggest thing was buying a few thousand las and plasma guns legally to send to his people. In short Emps views Atraxas as a lesser evil and hopes that Atraxas might be able to drag Shogi out from the death spiral of the Imperium in time.
Q: Would we - theoretically - be able to start helping other systems rise towards Matryoshka in the future?
I'm thinking "suppose we get a prompt to put one of our allies/minions on the throne of one of the 3-jerk-worlds after they betray the Imperium" or "suppose it's turn 100 and we've made it through Matryoshka 5+."
A: you
could but very few systems would have the factors that would allow for that to work
Your advisors are in the top 1% of humans galaxy wide, and Atraxas is pretty much equal to a Custodian in terms of direct intelligence and is even better at long term planning
you have a
lot of soft factors that enable things like the Matryoshka System that 99.999% of imperial systems simply cant have
off the top of my head I think only Macragge, Noctrune, Sol, Medusa and maybe Inwit would be able to build a Matryoshka System
Q: How about if we - somehow - manage to get a team of a dozen Exatari per system? How many systems could be improved then?
(Yes this would require us to justify it to both the Inquisition - and avoid our fellows realizing we're Broken.)
A: you would need a Forge Scholar
and at the very least one that is in the upper 25% of the group
basically Civilian Exatari lack the knowledge base
and the other Scholars are too limited prior to Breaking
and Atraxas is solidly in the top 1% of all Forge Scholars
even before he Broke
he is under 2000 years old and was a Forge Scholar pretty much instantly, he chewed through the ranks stupidly fast
most Forge Scholars get there around 5000+
Atraxas got there around 1000
which is when normal people reach the 3rd rank or 2nd rank of the path
so using Atraxas as a measuring stick is basically the same as measuring astartes against custodians
or normal humans against Harkar
Q: Any chance we could make it easier for others after getting the process working ourselves? Or is it just so difficult that "good luck even so"?
A: megastructures once you get beyond the Kilo scale are inherently non mass producible
even Kilo scale ones would pose a non insignificant challenge to make codification for
but something like the Matryoshka System relies on so many factors that its basically impossible to make any codes for
I mean one of the prerequisites for Stage 5 is to do a quantum mapping of the
entire system's spacetime topography
and then start fiddling with it
well not absolutely true
the Necrontyr would be able to mass produce the things
but thats the
Q: How about just doing Planetary Acquisition and basic Mining/Factories/Defenses?
The System Orbital Alignment action might require an Atraxas action, but I'd think everything else could be spammed by "mere" planning savants (of which our sector probably has a dozen).
I'm assuming, as described, that System Overhaul is probably beyond the capabilities of any normal group - and would require Atraxas to put in quite a bit of planning even if we loaned them a Ministry of Construction?
A: yeah pretty much
although most systems would cap at around 60 or so planets
A: The Witness is basically becoming a hybrid C'tan/Warp God
its a effect of the species being Veil instead of Warp base
the Exatari Oversoul is technically buried
inside the Veil, instead of being a foundational part of the warp - its the primary reason they could discover Meta Particles so readily, and have such insane anti chaos value and their warp shred
they arent perfectly balanced but the oversoul leans closer to reality than the warp so to speak, which is why they have weaknesses to the C'tan
Q: Can development altered to where its more along the lines of perfectly balance, or has that moment passed?
A: that displacement is part of why the Witness is in so much pain
it is being corrected over time
the Witness can't ascend so to speak until it corrects that misalignment
but the C'tan codes that form the kernel of the Exatari souls is holding things back
A: yes adding in Auramite and Blackstone to Exatari biology would help balance things out with regards to the latent Necrodermis remnants
but the Forge of Creation - even being powered by the Witness - isnt enough for the Witness
you would need several of the things dedicated fully to production of Auramite and Blackstone for the Witness
Q: Is the Witness more or less important than a black hole?
A: more
vastly more
its closest peer is Emps
its just its
so massive
Q: Fair. How many Singularity Forges would be needed then?
A: that the amounts needed for it are astronomical - billions at min; more likely hundreds of trillions
the Witness would need several times more Auramite and Blackstone than
currently exists in the Galaxy
to be upgraded with it directly
Q: How would new Exatari joining it affect it? Or would they just be a drop in the bucket?
A: they would be a much cleaner method but the Witness hasnt accepted any additions for eons
but you can do it inversely so to speak
upgrade the race and the Witness will follow
self generating the materials needed
and self upgrading if the race as a whole is uplifted
upgrading the Witness directly is basically impossible
Q: Would the Forge of Creation be able to produce enough for the normies and maybe some of the lesser LM?
A: the Forge would be able to count as a singular mine of either Auramite or Blackstone
the stuff is
really damn hard to make, but part of the issue is that the Forge does it by brute force really
there are far more efficient ways in reach, but the Exatari never have really
cared enough about producing super exotics to invent them
they just went from base resource to their alloys to phase forged alloys and called it a day
by and large they had little reason to bother inventing better ways to make materials that they saw little value in
Q: So access to non-meta exotics, proof from Imperium metallurgy that it can be useful and probably access to Veil Physics might lead to research breakthroughs.
I assume that's all LM level work though, since we don't have any research options.
A: the issue is that Atraxas isn't really
actively searching for things to do currently
he could with the resources build a Forge of Creation
its like the issue with understanding economy, simply something that Atraxas currently doesn't truly see value in
once he realizes how useful Auramite is and how rare it normally is, he will start brainstorming specially designed Exotic Forges
one of the things I am doing is that actions become unlocked when they would make sense in character for them to be options
so if you want certain actions try to find a way to make that action a sensible In Character choice for Atraxas to consider
Q: So we already know how useful Auramite is (we saw how it made even poorly constructed golems very durable and know from the atemporal blueprints that it's great for Phase Forging) so the next step is finding out how uncommon it is, likely paired with the economics lessons?
How much more efficient would dedicated Exotic Forges be?
A: orders of magnitude more efficient
but you would require
certain Invoked Laws to build them and they could only produce one thing
for Auramite you would need to build the forge out of purely Phase Forged Balance/Metal as the base adding extra laws like Null/Creation would improve the results
Q: So since Arrays are based on Weight instead of warpiness, they work on Blanks right?
A: yes
for species the biggest limit is just how many there are
technological advancement has more to do with population and baseline mentality than anything else
barring research warp effects
Q: Of course, inventing a way to keep Living Mausoleums awake would massively bump the effective numbers of high end researchers.
A: yes
The Witness if fully active would basically count as an Emperor tier researcher
in short it would drive progress through the stratosphere
add in the other Living Mausoleums and the Exatari research speed would more closely resemble the Necrontyr than anyone else
granted it would be a fraction of a fraction of the Necrontyr
but thats still better than the drop in the ocean that every other modern race is
if you set the R&D speed of the Necrons at 1
the average race would research at 1*10^-10
and some like humanity and the tau would research at 1*10^-6 or so
the fully active Witness and LM, would get the Exatari to around 1*10^-3
Q: once Exatari gets to level 16 in weight, likelihood of acquiring the technology libary increase greatly from pretty much impossible to near impossible
A: pretty much yeah
the Technology Library like all Meta Libraries only has one Tier of effect namely 1
its effect is both simple and potent
Every Tech Level counts as 2
so a field that has a Tech Level of 4 is now Tech Level of 8 without needing any more work
Q: Oh
And tech level 16 becomes tech level 32
the Meta Meta Libraries are insanely overpowered
Q: What actually is the tech level of the Ctan?
I'd assume 50 to 100?
A: it varies, rather drastically
the Dragon for example is N/A
it has basically Infinite in every material tech branch, but it can't directly use that so its tech level is more its Infrastructure level
it can scale from TL1 to TL100 and beyond
the other C'tans tend to have more metaphysical aspects than just Tech
generally they would have 25 in their special fields
so the Burning One has 25 in most fields relating to energy and general physics
that kind of thing
Q: Neat
Actually, could Exatari break through their Ctan issue than?
That being tech level 32
A: with the right tech yes
Technology doesn't
give new fields it only doubles your progress
Q: Still gives an idea of what we need
Q: Does that doubling include Veil Tech? Because Weight 32 seems crazy.
A: it does - it affects
all tech - warp, material, veil, weirder; it all counts and is affected
there is a reason that the 4th tier Libraries are impossible to get, and Technology is only
nigh impossible
Q: And even Tech's crazy boost would do jack squat to bring any of the other 4th tiers into reach, I assume.
A: the 4th tier libraries require narrative reasons to even be possible
Technology is even possible due to the Exatari being a veil race, ferroid, able to link directly with technology, warp shred
if they did not have a single one of those aspects it wouldn't be reachable
Q: Are they possible to teach if someone with narrative reasons discovers them? Or are they just incomprehensible to those who aren't the perfect storm?
A: pretty much the latter
technically you could probably get the Anti Library
if you found a Mechanvore and somehow got its main weapon back online
the Anomalous Library is also
probably discoverable if you get ahold of enough Old One relics that are still fully functional
but both of those Libraries are limited in what they can do
the Anti Library would only really be good for fighting another race with Meta Particles
the Anomalous Library is just sort of useless? You would need to figure out how to translate it into something useful before it could be used for anything
Anomalous Library is basically corrupted and would have to be defragged to get any use out of; if its successfully defragged it would unlock several otherwise-inaccessible warp related libraries
Q: What I meant was, if someone with the right traits (such as the Exatari with Tech) discovered a 4th tier, could they teach it to someone without those traits.
A: yes in that case yes
you can teach the tech to another
Q: Neat. Meaning that Golden Ending galaxy where the races are friendly enough to share techbases, other races could potentially add their biological and technological distinctness to our own.
A: I will say that the odds of another race discovering a 4th order library is basically 0
the Necrons are the only one with a chance and they could only discover Technology
Q: So the Aeldari and Humanity, even once they get patched up from their respective problems are simply badass and not "suited to a specific facet of reality" special?
A: yeah
the Old Ones would have been able to figure out the Oversoul Library
but Humanity and Aeldari just dont have the right mix of aspects to find a 4th tier library
Q: are there any Cloud'Tan still out there, or were they all embodied?
A: there are millions of cloud'tans in the wider universe
all of the ones in the milky way and the surrounding dwarf clouds were embodied
A: I will say that the Orks use a form of the Webway at that scale
the Webway is on the warp side of the Veil
you could think of it being on the borderline between the Warp and Veil
Q: But is their, purely Veil FTL?
A: yes
it would be very very creepy for anyone not an Exatari
Q: Creepier than the Warp or Ghostwind?
FTL in general has a pretty high creepiness index
A: creepier
for everyone thats not Veil based going through a pure Veil FTL method would be sort of like taking a bath in distilled paranoia, ice water, endless whispers and an absolute bone deep certainty that you do not
belong here
you also cant really block out the creepiness by closing the windows and turning on a gellar field
the Ghostwind is creepy in part because nothing is in there
the Veil feels likes it both absolutely empty and also teeming with things that do not like you one bit
so the worst of both worlds
Q: Damn. Is it actually teeming with things that hate you or is that just paranoia?
A: maybe maybe not
thats the worst part
some people will see things others will not
the Exatari dont notice any of this
if anything its comforting for them
Q: Okay but on a practical level, will people be eaten by monsters beyond mortal ken?
Because that factually does happen in the warp, and it feeling more likely might be a fair trade.
A: less monsters eating you and more your technology just borking for no explainable reason
Q: So obviously stasis pods for non Exatari passengers are a flawed solution. Because the Veil is infested with Gremlins
A: also Psykers and Blanks would be variable so to speak through the journey varying from
Normal Human to APEX
stasis doesnt prevent it
Q: Because the Veil allows the consciousness to continue experiencing paranoia even while the body isn't doing the normal thinkmeat stuff?
A: yes
the Veil varies a lot in how the soul works
but the soul sort of takes over thinking inside of it
thats just a passive effect universally applied
Q: Neat. Does Veil Tech also Bork or is that just tech operating on the laws of Reality and Unreality?
A: Veil tech is safe
anything Veil sourced is more or less immune
much like how prior to Slaanesh the Aeldari could do whatever the hell they wanted inside the warp proper
and nothing could touch them
Q: Does that mean Exatari could build civilizations in the Veil like the Webway cities?
Well, the Three weren't a total non-threat. Just an easily avoidable one.
A: with the right technology which they currently dont have yes
the Three were on a layer that the Aeldari dint bother with
they were sort of in the marina trench
the Aeldari rarely ventured below the Bathypelagic
Q: They did send out feelers sometimes tho. Since there were chaos cults and daemon events predating the Age of Strife.
A: the only big one was the one corrupting the dominion
basically by the time chaos became a notable force the watchdogs were fully infected
Q: What would a Necron "dynasty" wherein, by chance, the only necrontyr to retain sapience were commoners (a la Shezu) look like?
A: it would break down really fast
I will say that you need a particular set of Meta Libraries to do Veil Construction
none of them at tier 4
but they are Tier 2 and 3
Q: So we can't just build a city in the Materium and use the FTL tech to dump it in the Veil long term.
A: that would do very weird things and bork a lot more
you would have to follow in the foot steps of the Old Ones so to speak
and build using
the Veil itself
like they did with the border of the Veil and Warp for the Webway
Q: How rapidly will Veil Physics be developing considering what a revolution it is for Homeworld?
A: fairly fast but not going to put a direct value on it
Q: So rapidly on the scale of Exatari history but unlikely to become relevant before our own actions in the Quest change our situation enough that speculation is pointless.
A: that is accurate
right now they are having to do a lot of backfill
they are on the other side of the problem we are having with a grand unified theorem. They have the quantum stuff mastered but the general relativity is what they are struggling to figure out
Q: And also all their best physicists are focusing a significant portion of their energy on another new field that's unsafe for the regulars to study. (Ruin)
A: yeah, that is sucking up research efforts
Q: Which libraries are needed to wake up the Elder+ LMs
We've already got Life
A: Revenant, Divinity, Ruin, Civilization, Death and Life are the libraries that will affect LMs
Robinton note: We've got Divinity, Ruin, and Life. We need Revenant, Civilization, and Death.
Q: the awakening effect is a certain threshold of improvement and you established [Homeworld mastering Library: Life] was only enough for the youngsters
Ie, once Homeworld cracks Ruin, Life and Divinity, will that push Venerables over the threshold?
A: you need Life (or Ruin) for the youngest, Life and Ruin for Elders, Life/Ruin/Revenant for Venerables, for The Witness Life/Ruin/Revenant/Divinity
Q: And Death and Civilization offer other buffs unrelated to wakefulness
A: Death is more or less interchangeable with Revenant
it has slightly different aspects and effects, but the bulk is the exact same
Civilization is more just a buff to the species and their society/culture overall
of which the LMs have an insane amount of power over
Q: Would Spirit Stones give off Revenant particles because of their "lets souls exist in physical space and not be eated" thing?
A: yes
Q: Yet another reason to try to be nice to the Eldar. So much useful research material
Q: is Actualization TL2 or just going from TL0.5 to TL1 in full?
A: its more figuring out how to add those libraries to your tech base
basically making the baseline tools to work with them
Q: How difficult is upteching at these early stages with a higher leveled adjacent techbase?
A: libraries dont directly improve research speed for other libraries
but there is some crossover
it will probably take a quarter of the time to reach TL6 or so in the new Libraries as it did to reach TL12 in Weight
Q: Which was tens of thousands of years, right?
A: yes
so probably 5 thousand years or so
a blink of the eye for the Exatari
Q: Less so with an apocalypse a millennium away.
A: at the end of the day the Exatari are pretty content to just let the galaxy die around them and inherit the remains
Q: Atraxas less so. He's got duties now.
A: true
but the Exatari take a very long term view of things
they have proven that the galaxy loves its apocalypses and is just waiting for the one that clears away the current empires
at which point they might start colonizing their system
Q: Btw, since the Great Rift makes all species more warpy, would that affect the Exatari's existing unbalance?
A: not really the most it would do is make them feel like they drank a cup of coffee for a few centuries before it stabilizes
warp shred is potent
A: ok in short the Tier is more a measure of relative value
Tier 2 is the second order effects
but it translates roughly to TL 12
Tier 3 is a bit wonkier but is going to be either TL 16 or 20
Tier 4 is either 20 or 24
Tier five is either 24 or 28
and Tier 5 is the final tier
its basically a short hand I use although TL works just fine for it
Q: What's the purpose of TL if the main significance watersheds are Tier?
A: TL is a better comprehensive overview of capability
TL 12 is roughly equal to the DAoT
TL 16 is lowest end Necrontyr tech level
TL 20 is middle of the road Necrontyr/Old One level
TL 24 is what the War in Heave was fought with
TL 28 is the apex Necrontyr/Old One/C'tan stuff
Q: So, assuming roughly logarithmic progression between tech levels, Homeworld'll probably take a century and a half to hit TL 2 in stuff. And Atraxas, while having access to significantly more research opportunities, is just one dude.
A: pretty much
Atraxas can get stuff
working for him but its inherently less comprehensive and total than what the Homeworld can manage
Q: Which is a problem if he wants to figure out esoteric shit like pruning daemons (as an example of what TL2 ruin can do)
A: no thats Tier 2 Ruin
Q: Btw, is that estimate based on current rates or taking into account the effects of lower tech levels in Ruin, Life and Divinity on awakening LMs and Information in boosting our stats?
A: current rates
By current rates I am not including the Hearts since they are still being fully implemented; by next turn they will basically triple research speed
Q: Can our ansible contact other scouts, or just Homeworld?
A: only Homeworld
the Homeworld is
super paranoid about being discovered
Q: So no becoming penpals with the other forge scholar without inventing a separate communication channel and hoping he doesn't snitch
Q: you would have to figure out where in the galaxy they are
A: [Nameria] wanted the full on [education] model
in many ways she is too kindhearted
Q: Does she realize that would have brought the inquisition down on our ass?
...I'm now having the very unfortunate and mean mental picture of going the full-on education model and, when the Inquisition comes for us, pointing them at Nameria to deflect the blame
A: she would have taken the blame willingly
she is as much of a zealot as normal sisters of battle
only in a different direction
in short Atraxas finds this entire plan distasteful
he personally would rather be working
with Nameria on this
but he sees humanity as just too incapable to make her goal work
the education vote was in part a character vote for Atraxas
Robinton: Sadface
as I said his view of humanity has regressed a bit due to this vote
he views humanity as more incapable than he did prior to this vote
so more "Why should I bother explaining such obvious facts to her?"
also remember the Exatari culture
its bad form for a person of higher skill to tell a person of lower skill that they are being silly/stupid
he also has to give her a
chance to prove him wrong
in which case he can explain things
Q: Will there be rolls to determine how well [Nameria is] doing [at raising the current batch of orphans as tech-generalists]?
A: yes
if she does well enough to show that its doable, that will both make Atraxas very much upset with himself for wasting so much time
and also for not realizing it himself
so Nameria doesn't have to do it to his level or planetary, she just has to show that full discourse is a viable educational style for humans
Q: Well, here's hoping she's successful, if only because I think it's better than her not being successful
I assume it'll be somewhat difficult rolls, though
A: it will be yes, but she has good bonuses
Q: Robinton: Can Omakes be dedicated to wishing her well? If so, are there any limits on what kind of Omakes - or just write one and dedicate it to her success in the postscript?
A: just write one
I am pretty open for omake rewards
a civilian could build one of the things, the calc hearts are stupidly simple since they were created by a young LM in five seconds then improved by an Elder in another few seconds, got bounced to a Venerable and then tossed to the species
Young [LMs] tend to be active for around a few minutes per year, elder are awake for a few seconds or so, Venerable a handful of milliseconds and the Witness is active for mere nanoseconds
Death and Revenant are not linked in that fashion, their discovery cases are radically different. LMs are just wonky with how those Libraries read them
1. you can sort of upgrade [Augments], it wont be as effective due to how the augments work, but you can slightly improve them
2. with Sincratus' notes completed it would improve the amount you could improve [said Augments] by yes
3. you have no clue how hard [Knowledge Implantation Chair and/or buffing Cybernetics with research from it] would be, its not something that fits cleanly into Atraxas fields of study
4. Life is going to activate Turn 12, Ruin Turn 10
5. Right now [Exatari Research is] roughly 99% from Forge Scholars and other workers in that caste and 1% from LM, but most LM can only throw out a sentence once per month or so
6. LM by age-bracket (Youngest/Elder/Venerable/The Witness) - Roughly 60/39/1/0 for percent amounts; there are a few ten thousand LMs
there is going to become a new classification for the point inbetween Elder and Venerable soon, Ancient
as the current young ones become Elders the current Elders dont have the age/amount required to become Venerable ones
all the Scholar LMs are Venerable
the Forge one though is almost on par with the Witness
its between the other Venerable and The Witness
the way fully activated homeworld will work is that the Witness makes a design, hands it down to the Venerable who modify it then hand it down to the Ancients who modify it then hand it off to the Young who modify it and then hand it off to the Forge Scholars
(With, to summarize a few other statements, enough numbers-growth from stage to stage that every stage always has free time to think up and pursue their own ideas.)
(A lot of attempts to calc hard numbers for LMs vs Forge Scholars, that left me very confused, but I have proven one thing: Each rank of LMs Awoken should be a multiplier to all current Exatari Research. Minimum 3x, likely more. Calc Hearts are another 3x. And we're about to get 2 LM ranks waking on Turn 12.
Q: Then we should expect - at minimum - the Homeworld to hit TL2 on every Library (plus hopefully Veil Physics) on Turn 13?
(That is, one turn after the LM's wake up, given that TL2 would normally take 150 years but we're researching >9x faster for LMs and 3x faster for Calc-Hearts?)
A: that sounds right
Q: What would Emps think of the Witness?
A: GC Emps would be cautious of the Witness since it would be one of the few beings that could actually true kill him
current Emps would be annoyed by it but could equally squish it if he needed to and could spend the power
Q: I meant, will [Revenant and Death Libraries] be easy to work on or will homeworld want samples like with Information.
A: the reason they needed samples is because you didnt actually
discover Information like you did the other libraries
you found a way to get it
so yes if you find a way to unlock it but not find a way to truly discover it then they want samples
to be fair Revenant is one of the few Libraries that
can be found via items
most of them can only be discovered via happenstance events