A somewhat cracky warhammer quest where a xenos somehow became the planetary governor of an imperial world and now has to juggle various jobs and not getting discovered.
Within the Imperium of Man, aliens lived in the shadows of humans. Underhives were filled with aliens and abhumans that lived in the sewers and zones that no proper emperor fearing man would tread, yet even beyond the darkness of the underhives, one could find the xenos across the galaxy. Scrounging a life from the cast off remains of the Imperium, hiding in the shadows working towards their own ends just as any human would do.
Yet, it was inevitable that across the million worlds of the Imperium, the strangest of events would occur in time. Aliens that cowered before the march of humanity would rise up and cast their masters down, until they were cast back down into the darkness from whence they came. It was a cycle that had repeated for millennium and would continue to occur without end for as long as the Imperium stood.
No world was absent the threat of danger, from the most vigilant fortress world, to even worlds that held proud Fortress Monasteries, threats to humans would slip through the cracks. Aliens and worse would slide through the shadows even on the worlds that boasted of their security, perhaps less than others indeed, but not untouched by the ravages of the dangers that lurked in the darkness of the void. This was a threat that the cleansing light of faith could not cast out, for only the beings from beyond the veil cared for such matters in the majority of time and so the infection grew in the shadows. Aliens from all worlds and walks of life, slide into the underbelly of the Imperium, finding within the domain of their eternal foe a place to call home.
Indeed, the rulers of the Imperium knew well that the plague existed, but they cared not for it due to it not affecting the numbers that mattered. Furthermore, the cost to rectifying it would cost thousands of worlds from the pull back of troops and supplies, an unjustifiable amount even for the Imperium, and thus the aliens lived in the shadows and crannies of human worlds. Most never saw conflict, learning well to hide their nature via manifold ways and pretending to be simple humans, given succor in an ironic twist by the very same faith that preached their annihilation, for what proper emperor fearing man would believe that he could be so easily duped by a xenos.
Thus, the Imperium trundled onward, ever aware of the hidden foes within its flesh, but the flesh had long since rotted away and so it cared not for the cure as its organs struggled to cling to life yet. Worlds rose and fell with depressing regularity and the mantle of governorship changed hands often as well, some managed to hold to the title for generations, but other times it fell through many hands within mere years. Especially when circumstances changed violently and suddenly, as had happened on a world where a single xenos from an unknown race had been sent to infiltrate the world for the good of its people.
It was no ruler of legions, it was no once in a generational prodigy, it was simply the one that had chosen to shoulder the burden offered so that others would not need to do so. Perhaps, in the end that selfless act would make all the difference for the world was wracked by chaos some mere years after its arrival on the surface, and when the dust settled the seat of the governor was open and was thrusted into the hands of the selfless xeno that had taken a job it knew was death, only to be forced into a position where death lurked around every corner and every second of life.
However, all stories must start with a setting to take place within, and this one is no different. Three worlds wracked by disasters great in scope, yet only one would have the champion it so desperately needed at that moment of crisis. A world of humans saved by the hands of a xenos.
[] Henshol a simple backwater world of the Imperium, a feudal world for centuries and yet now it has climbed high from its past. Primitive spaceships are built in orbit to journey through the warp as the tech priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus watch in pride over their designs. Yet, it is a young world with limited technology indeed, yet more pressing is the simple fact that its population is small and unsuited for the constant demands that the Imperium imposes. It has done well no question, but any disaster would see it lost without doubt, only due to obscurity does it live. (Gives 2 points, this is the Easy World)
[] Geserou'l one of the countless armory worlds, where weapons are stored for the day in which they will be needed. Trillions of lasguns rest in racks miles long, numbered and labeled from the forge world they have arrived from. Plasma rifles stand at the ready, machine sprits warmed and ready to fight. Yet, for all the weapons this world boosts, it is manned by only a few forces, of low quality. In many ways it is an administrative world instead of the world of war that it professes to be. However, where other worlds lack, it does not and has technology that dwarfs the average of the Imperium to a grand extent. (Grants 4 points, this is the medium world)
[] Shogi one of the rare fortress worlds, a world that trains for war and is prepared to fight until the bitter end. A titan legion stands ready to guard against all invaders, billions serve in the armies of this world with weapons of high quality and tended to by priests of the machine that are most skilled in their ways. Technology moves forward upon this world, research conducted in the most secretive of zones into deeper mysteries of technology itself. It Is a world of war and wonder, yet it would be difficult indeed for a xenos to hide upon this world. (Gives 6 points, this is the Hard World)
With the setting decided, a story can progress onward to the inciting moment. For what reason could a xenos become the planetary ruler of a world of the Imperium? How much would be lost to ensure such an unlikely event could occur, what madness would be needed for it to happen. Thus, the question of crisis presents itself, two worlds lost and one saved from the crisis is to be the fate of the three. In what way did fate unfold?
[] The invasion came from the stars, hordes of foes rained down upon the world. Endless waves of foes washed over the world and the forces of the world were unable to stem the tide, billions of humans died in hours as the world stood poised on the brink of annihilation. Yet, the tenacity of humanity is to never be underestimated, and even more critically one should never question the power of fear to motivate and allow the impossible to occur. In the dawn light, the nameless xeno assumed command over the forces and drove them to a grand victory saving countless billions of lives in the process and ensuring the world would not fall to the foes this day. For this the nameless commander was given the throne by those that lived to see the next dawn. (Sets Martial to Tier 3)
[] From within came the crisis of faith, cults that had lang dormant for centuries erupted in orgies of violence and atrocities. Human blood ran through the streets in rivers as sacrifices were committed in the name of the Dark Gods, and millions died to bring forth the horrors from beyond. A world that would have been doomed if not for the nameless xeno that had stood firm against the whispers of the world beyond and rallied to them those that yet remained themselves. In a grand triumph, the xeno gave their new congregation the faith to call upon the God Emperor in the name of the innocent to be lost and be answered with radiantly golden flame. (Sets Faith to Tier 3)
[] Economic ruin had gripped the world for centuries, infrastructure crumbled and the government failed to slow the degradation. Tempers roared in the streets as people brayed their anger loud and clear against those that they saw as failures. Those few that tried to stem the tide were unable to weave through the minutiae of the laws woven by the governor and his group to enrich themselves and so the world was strangled of its wealth by mismanagement and nepotism. A nameless xeno, stepped forth from the shadows and unwove the tangle of laws and contracts into understandable concepts. Giving the world's administrators the proof that they so needed and correcting the downslide at once, for this act the nameless savior of the world was given the Throne. (Sets Stewardship to Tier 3)
[] A political battleground was the crisis, nobles vying against each other to the detriment of all. Backstabbing each other for the gain of the self, a curse upon the world and yet their own greed saw their downfall made manifest. The governor fell to the plots of their foes in the nobles and so another moved to offer a replacement. A figurehead all knew, for that is what all governors were in truth, a mere figurehead of the council of nobles, a pawn within their games. Yet, this time their own actions brought forth their end. The figurehead was no human, but a nameless xeno of an unknown race that was thrown into the job to ruin the plots of others. Yet, in this life it thrived and soon wove a web around those that sought to be its masters and one by one they fell. (Sets Intrigue to Tier 3)
[] The aftermath of a purge was always a stressful time for an Inquisitor, and this was no different. A heretic had been found as the governor of the world and so he had to be purged along with all of his staff for the risk of heresy spreading was far too great to leave them alive. Thus, the gutted system needed new blood to replace the old and so the over worked inquisitor scoured the world for those of competence and skill to handle the work and when found gave them their orders, soon leaving after giving the last order to an unknown figure that had lived in the shadows for years. (All stats set to Tier 1)
[] A civil war that had raged for years, with millions dead on both sides had consumed the world. The imperium was slow as ever to respond to the cries for help from its world as it was busy fighting across the galaxy on a thousand worlds, and the legendary astartes had far grander fights to partake in. The civil war was no heresy, the church had remained unified across the world and even though the priests called for peace, they were rejected in heretical actions. Yet, people still gathered for mass on the proper days and the proper respects were payed, a strangely wholesome war of differences were fought, but the signs of escalation grew prominent and then from the shadows a silent and cloaked figure emerged, with an offer for talks between the sides. In a stunning display the shadowed figure, from behind the holoscreen wove a story of such beauty that the leaders were moved to tears and from there they were within the shadowed hands of the figure and soon the fighting ceases as brothers rejoined brothers. (Sets Diplomacy to Tier 3)
[] The Adeptus Mechanicus is not truly a part of the Imperium, it serves its own goals and ends sometimes to the detriment of its sister nation. Sometimes its actions prove fruitful and other times it verges upon Heresy of the highest order and so it did it once more. The governor of the world had insulted them one too many times and the world itself held resources that they wished to exploit in the future and so the governor was silently removed. Yet, a question was asked on whom could fill the spot and be trusted to not betray their intentions, and another gave the answer. Thus, it was done the hapless unnamed Xeno was forced into the seat at the behest of the Mechanicus to ensure their machinations went unseen and untouched. (Sets Learning to Tier 3)
[] The enigmatic Aeldari approached the xenos of note to the weave of fate and gave an offer that one could not deny and so the throne was given to the misguided xeno. The Imperium knew not of the disaster that was to befall the world for it might or might not occur, but all that would happen would at the discretion of the Aeldari that sought to use their sight beyond time to weave a future displeasing to all bar themselves. In the end, perhaps the one that would suffer the most would be the one that bound to the Throne given not through achievement, but patronage. (Must take Eldar Assistance in the point buy, sets Diplomacy to Tier 2 and Faith to Tier 2)
[] The silent metal form of the Necron stood over the xenos, giving no clue to its thoughts behind the gleaming metal shell and yet it acted. Reaching forth a hand with an orb of living metal within as an offer of patronage to the younger one, and was accepted. The dynasty that offered such was shrouded in shadows, but the orb thrummed greatly with promise and the Throne was prepared for the one that sought the patronage as the deal was completed. (Must take Necron Patronage to take, sets Diplomacy to Tier 2 and Learning to Tier 2)
With the inciting incident decided and the fate written into the history of the galaxy, the only question that yet remains is who and what is the hapless xeno that has found itself in the undesirable position of a planetary governor. One of the positions that is most closely watched by the lords of the imperium for corruption and flaws in the people, a position that leaves more dead than alive at the end for a myriad of reasons.
Species Creation: Everything in Base Biology, Body Plan, Dietary Needs, Caloric Requirements, Body Size grants the points listed
This system uses a hybrid between a DnD and CK2 stat array, with the DnD stats underlaying the CK2 stat range.
Tier 0 (Human): 1-5 (3 is perfectly average human)
Tier 1: 6-10
Tier 2 (Astartes): 11-15
Tier 3: 16-20
Tier 4: 21-25
Tier 5: 26-30
Tier 6: 31-35
The Attribute tiers given from the tier of the stat that is listed for them, stats do provide direct traits at Tiers 2/4/6 that do not stack but override the previous with a more potent version.
Body plan
[] Unipedal: 3 points
[] Humanoid: 1 point
[] Bipedal non humanoid: 2 points
[] Quadrupedal: 4 points
[] Hexapod: 6 points
[] Octopod: 8 points
[] Decapod: 10 points
Dietary Needs
[] Human Norm: 1 point
[] Near Human Norm: 2 points
[] Toxin rich: 3 points
[] Rare Elements: 4 points
[] Radioactives: 6 points
[] Extreme Exotics: 10 points
Caloric Requirements
[] Human Norm: 1 point
[] Astartes Norm: 2 points (increases points from Dietary Needs by 20%, minimum of 0)
[] Immense: 4 points (increases points from Dietary Needs by 40%, minimum of 0)
[] Massive: 6 points (increases points from Dietary Needs by 60%, minimum of 0)
Tech Types: Choose a single option for free, can choose another option for 2 points, maximum of 2 options
[] Mechanical - everything is analog/clockwork, very resistant to metaphysical forces innately, but everything has only one purpose
[] Digital - everything is networked across wireless connections, susceptible to metaphysical influence, items can easily be reconfigured on a software level for new functions
[] Biological - this is just the Nids on a lower level, custom viruses/fungi/animals and so forth that produce various resources, in most cases this would be augmentative and work in symbiosis with people
[] Industrial - this is what humans use by and large, it prioritizes efficiency of scale over everything else. It has no exceptional areas, but uses everything to some degree.
[] Particle - control over atoms and subatomic particles, very complex technology but has very strong effects, has a myriad of applications but everything is specialized to a degree
[] Nanotech - interlocking machines that can build greater structures together, unable to reach molecular or below, but can rapidly shift between various forms on the fly for simple enough items
Tech Modifier: Choose a single option, can choose another option for 2 points, maximum of 2 options
[] Energetic - this applies metaphysical aspects to the Technology Focus, it also enhances direct energetic technologies such as fusion/laser/antimatter and so forth. Think force fields of energy and so forth.
[] Artisanal - this is the stereotypical dwarf style, masterworks galore but very slow production across the board. It enhances everything overall, but reduces the amount significantly.
[] Unbending - this is the metaphysical resistance of the technology, all technology has some level of inherent resilience to such matters, but this makes it extremely hard for metaphysical forces to wrestle control over the technology.
[] Impervious - this is the mundane resistance type. Technology that is modified with this is built to last and will last even through Armageddon several times over and be workable millennium after sitting at the bottom of a lake.
[] Quantitive - This is the mass production style where everything is built in mass and can be built by untrained people, this is what the las gun best exemplifies.
Species Stats: You do not need to buy the lower levels to buy the higher levels
[] Dice Rolls: (0) (you can choose to let me roll a 1d100 per stat for free with the following breakdown of results: 1-55, 56-80, 81-95, 96-99, 100. 1-40 results in human norm for the species, 100 results in 4th tier for the stat. If you use the Dice option you are no longer able to buy stats directly)
Traits: You do not have to buy previous levels to get higher levels, but higher levels do not necessarily retain the aspects of the lower levels
[] Dice Roll (each dice costs 2 points, you can only buy a maximum of 3 dice, the dice are rolled on the entire list of traits below, dice that roll duplicate numbers that do not fall on a trait with upgrades are discarded. Dice are mutually exclusive with buying traits directly)
[] Shapeshifting/Soul Shifting (6/8): reduces suspicion at first level gain significantly, at second level reduces risk of psykers detecting alien soul patterns and provides a 1 Tier improvement to Willpower when resisting Corruption from metaphysical sources
[] Technological Intuition (6): Provides 1 Tier improvement when researching nonnative technology, soothes machine spirits and reduces the resistance of alien technology being researched
[] Spiritually Inured (10): Improves Willpower by 2 Tiers when confronted by Metaphysical Corruption sources (this includes the C'tan and other dimensional beings)
[] Multitasking (4/8/12): Provides increased actions per category of actions in increments of 1/2/3
[] Natural Weapons/Existence Wounding/Existence Rending (3/6/9): Level one negates the Unarmed penalty when in combat without weapons, second level allows for you to permanently wound metaphysical foes, third level allows for you to permanently kill metaphysical foes
[] Millennial/Ageless/Perpetual (4/8/16): Increases lifespan to ~1000 years baseline prior to rejuv at first level, removes lifespan limit without rejuv, provides Total Immortality
[] Superior Biology (8/16/24): All stats are improved by 1/2/3 Tiers, only the highest level is taken for stat calculation
[] Biological-Machine interface (8): increases Diplomacy by 2 Tiers when in talks with people willing to mind link, increases Learning by 1 Tier when working with alien technology, removes Machine Spirit penalty from using alien technology
[] Xenos Trait Adaption (8): Gain personal actions to hunt/buy xenos samples to gain a random trait or improvement to your personal traits based on the sample, very high suspicion action (think Kroot)
[] Asexual Reproduction/Hybridization/Perfect Hybridization (2/6/10): at first level gives actions to spawn children for use in various events vastly increases suspicion, second level allows for reproduction between species resulting in hybrid offspring that retain a mix of traits from the parents, children with other species retain the best mixture of traits from parents
[] Centaur (4, can only be taken on body plans of other than Humanoid/Bipedal): reduces suspicion across the board
[] Hyper Effective Metabolism (6): grants immunity to food based poisons and reduces suspicion gain from strange dietary requirements and needs
[] Champions/Heroic Individuals/Legendary Individuals (8/12/16): First level provides a chance to break limits to grow a stat by 2 Tiers, second level allows for a growth gain of 4 tiers, the final level grants a chance to reach an additional 6 Tiers. This can happen on multiple stats if events play out correctly. WARNING this trait has heavy Metaphysical weight and will make things HARDER due to the warp pushing for challenge.
Personal Traits/Items: You do not have to buy previous levels to get higher levels, but higher levels do not necessarily retain the aspects of the lower levels
[] Dice Roll (each dice costs 1 point, you can only buy a maximum of 4 dice, the dice are rolled on the entire list of options below, dice that roll duplicate numbers without higher levels are discarded. Dice are mutually exclusive with buying items directly)
[] Trained (__): competent training in a field of choice (Scholar, Soldier, Diplomat, Administrator, Neural Reinforcement) (Can be taken multiple times, costs grow each time, starts at 1 grows by 1 each time), increases your Tier within that field by 1.
[] Xenos Tech (2/6): high end xenos tech from species, roughly equivalent to in-between Mid/High Imperial technology by and large at first level, second level provides a custom suit of power armor, personal shields and tech that is High/Advanced imperial equivalent
[] Aware of Horror: react appropriately to Imperial atrocities (gain 4 points, VASTLY increases suspicion gain)
[] Pet Grynix (4): increases Willpower by 2 Tiers when resisting/using powers from metaphysical sources
[] Xenos Allies/Friends (6): Will have alien allies/mercenaries at your command for clandestine actions
[] Cybernetic (2/4/6): (increases Learning/Martial by 3 points, second level increases Learning/Martial by 6 points, third level increases Learning/Martial by 10 points)
[] Eldar Assistance: gives 10 points and unlocks the option to be installed by the Aeldari for one of their plans (can not be taken with Necron Patronage)
[] Necron Patronage: gives 10 points and unlocks the option to be installed by the Necrons for one of their plans (can not be taken with Eldar Assistance)
Metaphysical Powers:
This choice simply opens a sub vote post the closing of the major vote on the scale of the powers to be expressed on average. This does not protect the species from having disastrous repercussions from the scale of their powers, simply the fact that they exist and that this is the average point. The points provided will be provided as makes narrative sense to me in regards to the choices made in the rest of species creation
[] Psyker: mutually exclusive with any other option, ensures that the species is fully psychic
[] Blank: mutually exclusive with any other option,, ensures the species if fully blank
[] Mixture: mutually exclusive with any other option, vast majority of species has no powers but can present as Blank or Psyker
[] Other Option: choose an energy/effect found in Warhammer, gain powers related to chosen source, mutually exclusive with being a psyker/blank
-[] write in something (IE: Gellar Energy, Subspace, Aldrithic, Gauss ect)
Any unspent points will be converted into higher max suspicion to be decided on in the future.
The Exatari are a complex species in outlook upon life, due to their inherent immortality to age, death is both a time of mourning and celebration for them. For unlike most other races, death is more akin to a coma that never ends for one of the Exatari, the one that has tired of life simply lets go of the drive that keeps them active and falls into an endless slumber in which their metabolism is reduced to near zero.
Even now hundreds of thousands of years later, living Exatari are found in long since forgotten crypts and tunnels hold overs from long past epochs in the species growth and development. It is from this state of living death that their religions have grown from, in the distant past the dead were given burial among the other dead, alive but slumbering endlessly. This was a honored as much as any death in battle was for it was no different to the species, and it marked the lost of a person that had lived for countless centuries or millennium at points.
Eventually as the first true tribes came together, the burials changed from individuals carving out holes in which to entomb themselves for eternity, they were buried together. Mated groupings were given burials together when possible, large crypts and then mausoleums of metal were erected over the sleepers and the true dead, and from this arose a new discovery. It had been known how to connect to others to share thoughts and emotions, but in these new crypts this ability activated without direction and slowly over the course of centuries the sleepers and the true dead were slowly merged into one being.
Thus arose the first Living Mausoleums, massive thinking Exatari once more alive and active but changed, slow to act and slower to rouse to anger. Living repositories of memories and thoughts of those that had died, they slumbered most of the time, waking only for times of great need of the tribe. Over time they were brought to the conflicts between tribes in the early days and fought among their number, consuming the defeated into their mass and growing stronger.
As time passed, the Living Mausoleums changed from the shamans of the tribes and into the first focus of faith and from this arose the foundations of the Faith that lasts until this day. Every Exatari wishes to live forever within the gestalt soul of a Living Mausoleums, they are seen as the living embodiment of the past and the hope for the future. When one tires of life they go to the conclave of the Living Mausoleums and ask to be judged and are then permitted to join with one of the Living Mausoleums as decided among themselves.
For the Exatari this ritual drives them forward to make the most of their lives and to never let despair claim them until they have written a legacy for themselves that the Gestalt souls would be proud to include within their radiant whole. Among the Living Mausoleums there is one that stands above all others, The Witness, they who have seen the beginning of civilization itself an unbroken strand of history two hundred thousand years in the making. Only the greatest of the Exatari are given the honor of joining with the Witness in this day and age, but all honor its knowledge and wisdom.
It was by the Witness' will that the First Nation arose on the homeworld and that technology began to progress, it was by its will that the Exatari became what they are today, and for that it is honored. Yet, for all the reverence that the Exatari hold for the Living Mausoleums and the Witness they do not directly worship them, seeing it as a waste of time better spent ensuring their legacy is firm and their actions desirable to joining when the time comes.
It has come to my attention that I was not clear enough regarding the downsides that the Exatari face in this galaxy and the choice of the most stable and even keeled option has further compound this situation. In this informational post I will reveal a fair bit more about their culture, their methods and general external information that explains why they have done certain things and have not done other things.
The most pressing matter is that of the perception of the Exatari as being "perfect", this is flawed as I explained in prior posts aimed at correcting this illusion brought about due to the only such character being of a particularly stable bent.
In Exatari Society there are Five main types of Scholars with 2 secondary types: War Scholars, Scholars of the Trinity, Scholars of Shadows, Scholars of Creation and Forge Scholars are the main types. The two secondary are The Scholars of Ending and Eternity.
War Scholars are the Generals and commanders of the military, they are universally what we today would consider evil in morals and general actions. Their entire purposes it to inflict the most damage upon the foe as possible in the most efficient means possible in the shortest timeframe. However, due to the Exatari's Immortality their concept of damage is inherently Lasting, it is not enough to remove limbs because they can be replaced, it is not enough to break the body for it can heal. No, a War Scholar is an expert in using weapons designed to inflict non recoverable wounds that will bring pain and despair to their foes. The weapon that they use is not a laser or energy weapon, but instead a weapon that holds more in common with Dark Eldar weaponry than not. It is a weapon that fires spikes of nanomachines that have the singular purpose of binding to and activing the pain receptors of the body they hit and never letting the nerves die. That is their sidearm and it is tame compared to the weapons they use in mass, of all the species in the galaxy the War Scholars would enjoy discussing battle tactics with the Dark Eldar the most. In the end their philosophy can be boiled down to essentially "To repel the enemy is not enough. Absolute victory is to ensure they will never be your enemy again, and our history shows this as the best method of achieving such a goal."
The Scholars of the Trinity and Shadows are both not a true branch of the Exatari society due to various reasons but they serve as passable titles for now.
The former is the diplomat, they are the ones that deal with the grudges between Exatari and the Living Mausoleums, these Grudges can span centuries or even millennia at a time. They are also very much used to complex and nigh impossible chains of logic in these grudges due to the intelligence of the Exatari in general. Outside of the Homeworld they would find the majority of other races to be unbearably stupid and cumbersome in regards to simple negotiations and would start to manufacture events to strain their minds and to keep their skills sharp.
The Shadows are similar, but of a different bent, they would never reveal themselves and would only ever work through a chain of proxies that would make a Tzeentchian cultist consider it overly complex. In the case of them being discovered they would lose control of themselves and retreat further into obscurity and form a vicious cycle, this is managed on the Homeworld due to the Diplomats and the other Scholars giving them places of security to let go of their fear of interacting in person.
Scholars of Creation are those in charge of managing the infrastructure of the Exatari. They do not care one iota about the lives of people involved in the construction of buildings, they will pave over the still moving bodies of a thousand people if it means meeting their time tables. They live and breath deadlines, if someone is not meeting a deadline they will be retrained as completely as possible. There is no mercy in the Creators, they will and have built entire forge nexi over the still laboring Exatari working under them. Of all the Exatari they are the coldest, unbending masters of logic and careless of the cost in life that their mission takes to complete.
Forge Scholars are the inverse of the above. They care heavily about people and the cost in lives of their research. They universally see the best in people of any species and regardless of personal feelings they pride themselves on professional conduct on their part. They are never the first to lift a weapon in battle, they would never condemn people to death unless it was the final option possible. They are both the researchers and also the ones closest to a priest of the Exatari. They are the ones that know every principle of science the Exatari have ever discovered, they know how to build items that seem to be magic to the other Exatari. Of all the Scholar titles it is hardest to become a Forge Scholar for the great power invested into them is without question.
The Exatari that chose to become a Blank or Psyker are given the title of Scholar but they are not inherently a true Scholar, however within their numbers are true Scholars of their orders. The Scholars of Ending and Eternity are thus formed from the Blanks and Psykers respectivly. They tend to the Living Mausoleums directly unlike the other Exataris and also pacify the War Scholars in times of peace, but stand ready to provide their abilities when it comes to fight and creation. Unlike the other Scholars they do not control a meaningful branch of Exatari scoiety and instead serve as a source of complex reagents for the Forge Scholars. The Blanks provide Abyssal Ingots, while the Psykers provide Unbound Potential both of these materials are shaped into secondary forms and added to the Alloys used in Exatari technology.
The true Scholars of these orders are rarely seen even by other Scholars, but are known to be Nihilistic or Optimistic depending on if they are of Ending or Eternity.
The Scholars are not representative of the average Exatari. To become a Scholar an Exatari must ascend through the ranks of their chosen field for on average several centuries to millennia and then complete the Trials. The Trial of Body is a simple challenge to achieve something new in their chosen field, it can be anything and everything, but it has to be something that strains them to their limit. Then the Trial of the Mind, they must hold their own against a current Scholar of their chosen order in a contest of skill with said Scholar to prove that their abilities are correct for the chance of becoming a Scholar.
The final trial, the Trial of Soul is the hardest by far and is what stonewalls ninety nine point nine percent or more of all that try to become Scholars from becoming Scholars. In this trial the Exatari connects to a Living Mausoleum, the older the more impressive and is forced to live through millennia of memories from the very early days and events of the species.
Every horror that was ever committed on an Exatari they are forced to feel as if it was their own flesh being mutilated or scarred, they are forced to feel the emotions of both sides. However, the Living Mausoleum shifts the tone of the memories to force the prospective Scholar to take away differing views on the same situations. In effect this forces the Scholar to be, to break along understood lines and become a Scholar in truth.
To be a Scholar is to leave behind yourself in favor of a mantle of responsibility and access to secrets otherwise locked away. A Forge Adept would never be allowed to reach the level of skill a Forge Scholar is, because they are too Free. Forge Scholars in particular lose much of their identity in their Trial of Soul due to the importance of their duty and what is to be entrusted to them.
Finally, is the Devouring Curse, The Destroyer's Call, The Plague of Blood, it bears a thousand names across the Homeworld and all Exatari dread it. Its origin is unknown, but its effects are felt throughout their history. In the beginning Exatari fought against each other for resources, but soon it became an endless battle becuase to them battle itself is euphoric. Only in battle does an Exatari truly live, across time this has been proven for them, of all the drugs and ways to alter their mental state the truest and most successful is fighting.
Fighting for an Exatari is addictive beyond understanding, once they begin to fight it is nigh impossible for them to stop. As they fight, echoes of battle drift through their minds further driving them into the fury of battle. It is for this that Scholars are subjected to the Trial of the Soul, they know the sensation of Battle more than any other and yet do not succumb to it due to the slight separation that remains in the memories. However, this is of little comfort for all of them know how easy it is for one of them to plunge into the cauldron of violence to never surface again.
It becomes worse, for reasons that are unknown to the Exatari, those that fall to the call of battle forevermore are lost in a haze of bloodlust that is never sated. To compound upon this, in this state they can forge impossible weapons of war without even the most basic of resources or tools, and great wars were fought in the ancient past against empires of these fallen Exatari. Even to this day the plague remains and the Forge Scholars are tested the most for they pose the greatest risk if they fall to the lure of battle.
The Exatari are a minor xenos race that has currently hidden from Imperial discovery through the usage of their mastery over the energetic forms of the universe, combined with their skill at managing the weaves of atoms into construction. Upon their world, the surface is a sea of molten metal and life lives deep below sheltered from the heat of the radiant blue giant that their homeworld orbits. Within these great caverns, the Exatari thrive, their biology greatly divergent from the norm of the galaxy, able to tolerate extremes beyond most other races. Buildings of solid light form the base of their infrastructure shining in the radiant hues of the electromagnetic spectrum, weapons comprised of energy drawn from annihilation reactors serve as their wargear in the event of their discovery.
Yet, hidden as they are, they are not unaware of the dangers beyond their world and so have sent infiltrators outward to other worlds of other races. Drifting in space for upwards of centuries their infiltrators wait for passing ships or the currents of solar wind to move them to places where they can engage their warp drives to reach their chosen destinations. Tearing through the warp protected by their annihilation of all that comes near, they reemerge upon the worlds they have chosen.
Flesh and bone more akin to alloys of adamantine than that of other life, minds thrumming with the power of the computers that they weave from light, if there is one thing that can be said about the Exatari is that their biology is a wonder to behold. Researchers and scholars are their most prized individuals, for they are the ones that have wrought the life they now live.
However, infiltration is no easy feat, for their biology strong as it is, is vulnerable to resource depletion for their grand size requires immense resources and of those much of their diet is formed of rare alloys that exist only naturally upon their homeworld, necessitating complex foundries for the infiltrators to survive. Thus, many die before they manage to send home a message upon the waves known only to them, but a few manage the impossible and create links back home and information flows forth.
Trait Synergies
Soul Shifting+Existence Wounding merge into a singular trait -> Controlled Soul (removes psyker detection chance for soul reading, improves chance for True Kill to 85%, immune to all but the most extreme forms of chaos corruption)
Ageless+Genius narrative effect: can train over time to a maximum of 2 tiers above nominal limit over the course of eons (2k years on average)
Ferroid+Cybernetics -> Cybernetics upgraded into species trait (special case Level 3) -> Living Cybernetics (Cybernetics provide a base +1 Tier boost to stats directly in addition to listed bonuses
Ferroid+Biological-Machine Interface -> can link with Titans, Knights and other such units without risk, machine spirits treat you as a machine spirit
Foci: Mechanical/Particle
Modifiers: Energetic/Impervious
Result: very high material tech, non standard materials, atomic binding control, metaphysical aspects added to technology, Armageddon proof technology.
Special Tech: particle bots that can reconfigure muon transfer between atoms and subatomic particles to maintain impossible alloys, and Soul Taps and Metaphysical Engines
Conditional Bonuses
Diplomacy +2 Tiers when linking with BMI
Learning +1 when using/interacting with alien technology
Shapeshfiting: reduces suspicion gain
Metaphysical Power
Base type: Mixture (majority of species neutral barring innate Metaphysical Traits, Awakening is possible for any member)
Psyker: Average roughly equivalent to Gamma/Low Beta human psykers
Blank: Average roughly equivalent to Omega human blanks
Species Wide Base Skills: Nominal Limit 2 Tiers (This is for the same for any race that doesnt have the Champion trait)
Martial (Physicality/Mentality): (3+3)/2 = 3rd Tier + (cybernetics 2 Tiers) = 5th Tier, Maximum 9th Tier
Diplomacy (Personality): 3rd Tier + (conditional 2) = 3/5(conditional) Tier, Maximum 7/9(conditional) Tier
Intrigue (Mentality): 3rd Tier, Maximum 7th Tier
Stewardship (Mentality): 3rd Tier, Maximum 7th Tier
Learning (Mentality): 3rd Tier + (conditional 1) + (cybernetics 2 tiers) = 5/6(conditional) Tier, Maximum 9/10(conditional) Tier
Faith (Personality): 3rd Tier, Maximum 7th Tier
Willpower (Personality): 3rd Tier, Maximum 7th Tier
Particle Weaver: rolls Bo2 regarding any interaction with or using Meta Particles, Inversion effect increased by half and expanded, narratively better at discovering new Libraries
Confers half of his Faith bonus to Learning/Martial and Legal Actions
Scholar of Radiance (innate trait) - all skills barring Faith are brought to the same level as Learning, gain 3 extra free actions, gain Bo2 and +50 vs C'tan corruption and the Curse, any roll below 10 is set to 10
Commander Erana Harkar (Cadian): 19 Martial
Cadian Prodigy: when commanding armies acts as if Martial is Tier 3 baseline (39 to command and training rolls)
Cadian Spec Ops: +10 Martial score baseline and +10 to Martial and +20 Willpower vs Chaos Forces
Void Engineer: uses Naval Martial to build space born machines and infrastructure, allows Deep Space construction. Effectiveness scales with scale of design, designs skewed towards military usage
Diplomat Akiona Mino
Prodigy - critical range increased by 10, effects of critical results vastly increased, training more effective
Spymistress Nalka Nirve: 9 Intrigue
Tempered by Failure - negates the effects of critical fails, reduced likely hood of targets noticing spies
Exatari Cybernectis - +5 to all skills but faith and willpower, sets base stats to 1/1/1, gives Bo2 for personal Intrigue rolls, reverses aging at half the normal rate of aging, negates chance of death and negative
Administrator Empty (Urma Stiriam is technically filling this role currently)
Magos Balkavus Eritus Tamaar Artifex: 11 Learning
Cardinal Kara Nameria: 34 Faith
Warrior of Faith: adds Faith to Martial when facing Chaos
Infused with The Emperor's Light: immune to chaos corruption from daemons below Honored or specialized in corruption, gains extremely limited anti daemonic narrative aspects
Natural Empath: knows how to aid others regardless of species provided she knows their body langauage
Mental Division: can divide her focus among multiple actions at the cost of dividing her highest bonus among all actions evenly
Living Exatari Augments: Base stats 0/0/0 -> 2/2/1. age reduction 5:1, +10 to Stewardship/Martial/Learning directly, activated Anathemic Embers
Minions - people that are notable enough to have value and work directly under Atraxas
Urma Stiriam: 14 Stewardship, 10 Diplomacy, 7 Intrigue (can undertake 2 stewardship actions per turn)
Book Master: Can seamlessly hide large scale corruption and entire economic sectors
Master of Law: can use Stewardship in addition to Diplomacy and Intrigue when relating to matters of Law
Unbreakable: will never allow Shogi to suffer again, will do anything to prevent such an event, gains +40 willpower to hold firm against offers that would harm Shogi
Shackled - sets stats to 2/0/2, +10 to Martial to duels, age regression 1:1, retain all traits, can no longer lose skill, can only use Atraxas approved methods for stewardship actions, increased wound threshold 4x and wounds 2x when in direct combat
Private Army - Can undertake martial actions when on planet with +10 currently, each action taken reduces the bonus to all actions by 1, can not take more than their total number divided by 2000, current number of soldiers 12000
Calculation Heart (510): When built can be assigned to a Hero/Minor to provide another dice to their rolls, can be assigned as a group to one Martial or Stewardship action with a bonus of +5 per unit, when assigned to Atraxas for Learning gives 3 dice
Simulation Core (5): Upgraded Calculation Hearts via the use of the Abyssal Ingots of Physics and Time, in addition to the Invoked Laws of Math and Balance. Provides a base of 2 dice to the user, which is increased by another dice for every 10 in a skill the user has except for Learning which scales by every 5 in the skill. Ferroid lifeforms can use twice as many as their average of physicality and mentality while non ferroid lifeforms can only use one without extensive cybernetics, and with extensive cybernetics can use up to 2 or 3. Can be given independent actions from any non diplomacy action that will be rolled at +5 and will scale by 5 per turn, this bonus will reset when the Core is reassigned.
Individuals of Note that live on Shogi
Archmagos Sincratus Phirnei Stemhartr: xeno biologist and genetic master. By far the most skilled archmagos on Shogi at the moment.
Archmagos Quirana Ranton: the best mentor of the world and can train anyone to a master level in any skill.
Archmagos Gravus Enistair: an archmagos that is working on ship designs and high density alloys
Archmagos Luraia Teral: focused on temporal and probabilistic designs
Archmagos Lanista Cais: focused near entirely on cyber hound design
Archmagos Notitio: master code breaker
Archmagos Sangia: wants to be Sincratus' student, is his biggest fan girl. Distant second genetic worker to Sincratus on Shogi, prefers to engage in radical redesign of the human form
Archmagos Casus: social observer and predictor
Archmagos Vulka: production focused artificer and researcher
Archmagos Mirnier Alava Tentaphon: technological data seeker
Archmagos Irnimalver: factory manager
Archmagos Remon Arcthyr Torvadel Kharsh: System defense and movement monitor
Tech Adept Artheda Ran-Bethil: Soul and Armor specialist, was given Exatari designs by Atraxas on turn 1 and spoke with him during turn 2
Reinad Peshk: commander of Atraxas' private army. 3rd in the chain of command which goes him -> Harkar -> Atraxas, when on Shogi and from him to Atraxas when off world.
Sadki: the leader of the abhumans discovered in the vault, part of the sub race known as Homo Sapiens Cognatius. Currently being tortured by Erana Harkar with Cadian training regimes. Also noted to be good at fighting massive constructs and beings.
Araahal: a god formed from an inverted honored Khornate daemon into a free deity that remains bound to a DAoT pistol.
The darkness within this room, oppressive to the weak eyes of the humans, failed to obscured my sight. It was bothersome that I had failed so readily in my mission, but they would fail to gather any information from my mind or body. It was both a blessing and a curse, to know that our foes would be unable to extract secrets that were not their's to have, but also to have no chance of experiencing the joy of rapture.
The rustle of cloth against metal broke the silence of the room, as the door slid open revealing one of the Adeptus Mechanicus from what I have learned over the years in human worlds, cybernetics of crude metal and wires covered its form, bulky systems poorly integrated into the flesh. They were the strangest of the humans to us, seeking to live as machines and yet terrified of machine minds, such a puzzling dichotomy of purpose.
The groan of metal and the spark of wires activating herald speech, binary poured out of the figure. "Unidentified Augmenticist, your recycling has been expunged in favor of providing a service to the Omnissiah. You will be installed as the planetary governor of the Imperial World Shogi, your mission will be to ensure our operations upon the world continue without Administratum interference. Failure will result in recycling."
The robed figure nodded once, clearly unconcerned if I had understood its words as it turned and left through the door which sealed behind its passage. It was not the first time that the robed figures had taken me for one of those weird humans, and would probably not be the last, but it was always confusing on how they somehow missed the aesthetic differences between me and those individuals. Thankfully, I had learned to understand their language of code and had had an implant made to allow me to speak it installed several decades ago.
I had been captured on the world I had entered real space several centuries ago. I had been a humble engineer working in the shadows fixing random technology in exchange for food and supplies. It had not been easy by any means, but the Imperium was nothing if not inefficient and bloated, there had been far more pressing matters for the local machine cult to handle than a lone engineer.
I wonder what had changed to make my capture a priority, but it seems that my disguise held up to causal inspection at the very least. It had taken decades to perfectly emulate the human soul and their machine spirits, but now I was completely indistinguishable from a natural human to such observation.
Then my mind rebooted enough to understand what the cultist had said, I was going to be installed as the planetary governor of a world in order to remove attention from an action of the machine cult on the planet. I wanted to laugh, but had to settle for a low chuckle of mirth at the fact that the group in the imperium with the highest technology was willingly installing a xenos as the lord and ruler of a world.
Although, in fairness to them, we of the Exatari were fairly harmless in goal and actions. We simply desired to understand their technology and add what we could of it to our own, we had little interest in humans themselves beyond the way they had impossible results from given resources. But that was clearly an aspect of their souls interacting with the mind and body, the trinity of life was well known to not be so easily meddled with.
For the first time since I took this suicide pact, I felt hope kindle to life. It was rare for an infiltrator to return to our home and even rarer for them to yet remain viable for the Joining. Far too many of our number succumbed to various temptations along the way, necessitating their expurgation from the Living Record. That was why our mission was never ordered, an Exatari could only take upon this mantle of their own free will, for the cost was far too great to force an unwilling to shoulder the burden.
I had held strong, completing the missions I could, hiding in the shadows and avoiding the temptations to act beyond my station. To bring awareness of the Imperium down upon us was the highest sin one could commit, and for this reason we were banned from seeking political power within the Imperium. Yet, the rules had never considered the chance that the Imperium itself would grant one of us such power of its free will, ignorant of our true nature. A loophole that should never have mattered, mattered now as the ship I was on raced through the warp towards an imperial world where an empty throne awaited me.
The door slide open once more admitting a human female into the room, she lacked the cybernetics of those that wore the red, but had a cloak of red over her shoulders. An apprentice to one of those that manned this vessel then, I stared down at her waiting for her to act. Perhaps, my passivity is what convinced them that I was no xenos, after all I had heard and knew of how aliens would throw themselves at others for the slightest insult, but that was never our way not since the Witness had awakened in truth.
"I shouldn't be here, but I have so many questions to ask." The words in the strange human tongue spill out from her as she stared up at where my head lay. "Are you a noble? How did you get your cybernetics so shiny? Where are your linkings? Can you link with machines? Are you a rogue magos? Why are you so shiny? How did you get such soothe servo motors?" The rush of questions was impressive since humans tended to lack lung capacity, sufficient for such rambling conversations.
One the one leg, it would be nice to have an actual conversation, but on the other nine I could let something slip that could endanger myself and the species. Peering down at the young human, who was now bouncing in excitement staring up at me, I had to discard her as being a major threat to myself. It could be a test, from the tech priests to see if I could be persuaded to answer random questions, but her questions seemed to be of her own choice.
It has been overly long since I spoke, and I am already marked for death if the machine cult figures out what I am. "I am no noble nor magos. As for my cybernetics, it is not impossible to find far more elegant styles if one looks beyond the usual fare that the Adeptus Mechanicus provides. It would be insulting to the skill of the makers of the cybernetics I use, to let them rust and degrade, so I ensure that they have smooth motors and shine properly." I answer her questions with a faint touch of amusement, it does seem that some things are the same across species boundaries.
Her spree of random questions reminds me of the hatchlings that are amazed with everything new and so eager to learn, I hope that my apprentice can manage without me guiding his work now that I have been removed. He was much the same in the early days, so curious about things and yet so tied to the faith that it had taken most of a decade to convince him that it wasn't a sin to desire to learn more about the world.
Her face twists in glee as she writes down my answers on a sheet of physical paper a strange anachronism for one in training to become a tech priest. "Did you craft your cybernetics? What alloys did you use? Could you get me some of the same model?" More questions spilled from her and I shook my head slightly at her eagerness, almost sad to pop her bubble.
"I was the designer and crafter of the more basic of my cybernetics, however the more complex ones were given to a subset of the Adeptus Mechanicus that is invite only for crafting. They were custom designed for my genetic and physical form, so I am sorry to admit that it would be impossible for you to have similar ones made." Her face fell, but also glowed with eagerness as she wrote down the answers in a strange shorthand that I quickly decoded to ensure that I wasn't being tested, finding any mad scribblings on the paper regarding the answers given.
Before she could ask another round of questions, I spoke up for the first time of my own accord. "Do you dislike the style of the augments of the Adeptus Mechanicus?" A simple if poignant question. Her eyes widened as she looked around the room, yet I knew that she knew that there were plenty of cameras and recoding systems in this room. Nothing was unrecorded on this ship and her masters knew of her questions and she now realized it as well.
She sighed, deflating as she looked at the floor, "The human form is flawed, but is it necessary to replace it with bulky augments, is it necessary to leave it behind entirely? My teachers say it is, to leave behind the rot and temptation of flesh, for the surety of metal. I had hoped that another viewpoint would have given insight that I lacked." She was fragile, the glee a mask over the questions that had consumed her, many of the Exatari suffered similarly late in life, our minds consumed with considering what we had done and if we could have done better.
Reaching out with a leg larger than her body, I gently pushed her to look up to me. I might be alien to humans, but it was not impossible for one to understand them individually if one but tried. It would be easy to set a wedge between her and the Mechanicus, slowly working its way through her mind until it snapped, it would be easy to break her here and now. But, that wasn't what the Exatari were, we knew war, we knew it very well and we disliked it and all that came with it.
We sought to create instead of destroy, those that had lived and decided that life was no more for them, we gladly gave them new life in the Living Mausoleums that guided us as a people indirectly and directly across the eons. Creation was our purpose, it was so easy to destroy, our bodies could crush and rend apart even the spiritual without trouble, our technology could shatter planets with ease. Destruction was so easy that we had no joy in it, to destroy was to make another miserable.
"I can not give you the answers you seek, for only you can give yourself the answers you seek." I could see her face falling into despair once more as the trite answer came, but I was not done. With gentle actions I took her holeslate which thankfully had a modeling program installed upon it. Connecting to it and soothing the machine spirit within, I began. The bulky designs were streamlined with some insight from my people, but they remained at the core human in aesthetic and function. They would be expensive to produce, but well within the realm of possibility for the Mechanicus from my understanding.
Returning the slate to her, with the blueprints saved, resulted in another first. A human touching my body of their free will, tears fell from her eyes as she glomped onto one of my forelegs. It was strange, but not unwelcome. She truly was like a hatchling, unsure of her future and eager to learn but unsure of how to do so. I hoped that my small gift would aid her in the future.
She left soon after, but it was understandable, she would need to have the blueprints examined by her masters for any unsightly traps such an unknown might have placed within them. As much as I wished to take insult at the idea that I would so tamper with creating, I understood the cause and reason. Of course, unless they had a particularly skilled individual, they would not be able to notice the psi taps I built into the blueprints and the essence weavers that would feed off of those taps. The nameless apprentice could very easily be one of the first humans to bear the touch of existential death.
With the invigorating conversation over and silence once more complete, I return to rest. Secure in the knowledge that there is nothing I can do at the moment. From the dreamless sleep I awaken when the door slide open and the original tech priest returned, staring at me for a moment before speaking in binary once more, "We have arrived at the designated world, you are to be installed as planetary governor. You will have full rights inherent to position, you will ensure that our operations continue without interference, we will ensure that you remain in power for as long as you maintain our security. Data briefing on world." As always the tech priest was abrupt and final in its monotone mechanical voice, before handing a data slate with planetary information on the world below to me.
Information poured into my mind, and revealed an unpleasant picture. Shogi as the world was named was a fortress world that was relatively close to the Cadian Gate, and a necron dynasty that had recently awakened as things go in space terms. Granted, it was a second line fortification for the Gate, rather than part of the Gate or the primary defenses, but it was closer to Chaos than would be preferable for me.
However, it was rather attractive for another reason, it had massive defenses and well trained armies in place due to its purpose. In addition the adeptus mechanics already held a dominant political position on the world, so that would make hiding myself easier than expected. Close to the end of the information, it revealed that the world had a titan legion, which was interesting. We had wanted to study an Imperial Titan for a while, they were confusing since they were simple warbots, but did impossibly well. More comparable to the Living Mausoleums than our basic machines of equivalent size.
Overall, it was a world that I could work with. The dangers were vast to be sure, but that was true of any world worth the effort of ruling. It would also ensure that my reports to my people would have wondrous information. I might even be able to disappear a few million las guns every century, which would be a significant coup for the Exatari.
Moving past the general defense, came the political structure. It was in effect a world with two classifications, a Fortress Forge in many ways that existed in a constant state of tension between the Adeptus Munitorum and the Adeptus Mechanicus, with both claiming rulership over the world, but at the same time refusing to let one of the other take the throne. Reading between the lines, I was apparently a compromise option, skilled enough with technology to make the Mechanicus happy and not part of the hierarchy of the machine cult to make the Munitorum happy.
The worst came last, the so called advisor for the planetary governor to handle the various departments of the world. To be fair, most of them were exceptional by the standards I had learned humans measured, but their records were riddled with flaws that would not have been tolerated by us. The only passable ones were the commander of the army and the high priest of the world, the others were variously levels of problematic.
Commander Enara Harkar, a decorated veteran of Cadia that had proven herself an exemplary commander with impossible victories against impossible odds dominating her service records. She was headhunted for the duty of overall commander of armed forces on Shogi due to her skill and training of Cadia, she might not be a peer to me but that came down entirely to biological differences, in skill she was my better.
The next individual was far less welcome, in my time among humans I had been forced to expand my view of behaviors that one could see. Among the Exatari insulting another was an extremely rare event, and a prelude to centuries of legal warfare and trials of skill to prove oneself better. Among humans, it was a meaningless event and this person exemplified that style perfectly. She was the daughter of the late planetary governor, and thought of herself a genius when it came to interpersonal relations. Unfortunately, she routinely insults everyone, including an astartes at one point. She would have to be replaced, but done in a way to protect her from the atrocities that humans so gleefully commit, I would not have such a stain on my consciousness.
Spymistress Nalka Nirvel was an ancient human, well into the ending days of her life even with the rejuve technology at hand. The image provided with the record is disturbing, skin sagging off of the bone, muscles near gone, pasty pale, age has always been alien to us. Even when slumber came we looked the same as we did ages ago, I would never look older or become infirm from where I am today. But, I could only feel pity for humans, that even with all their technology they could only hold back the tide of age for so long. In the time she had left, it would be interesting to work with one that had learned what not to do by persistence and not instinct.
Administrator Urma Stiriam Ada had worked her way up the ranks from the clerk to the effective ruler of the Administratum upon the world through sheer perseverance and innate skill at managing the books of the world. It was impressive as always to see a human that could through sheer will and drive nearly match what we could manage through innate biology. Our abilities relied heavily upon our innate physical strength, yet if we had to contend with the same limits as humanity, I truly believe that we would not have managed to come near as far as they have. Crude augments supported her, but she made it work and could eventually surpass me in the field of managing the world with relative ease. Hopefully we would manage to get along as much as possible, for my plans would be much smoother with a good relationship with the one in charge of the money.
The tech priest nominally in charge of the Adeptus Mechanicus was problematic, Balkavus Eritus Tamaar Artifex, according to the file was a competent engineer and can service Titans and other such machines, but is lacking in initiative and drive. Even the report edited as it was by the Mechanicus showed that he was considered overly stubborn and unmovable when it came to preconceived notions, which held him back from further advancement through the ranks. But, he was a competent engineer and that was all he was needed to be on Shogi.
The final advisor was strange, Kara Nameria's file was the shortest and also filled with even more redacted information than Enara's. However, certain lines of words and phrases revealed much to one that could look beyond the words written. She had been slated for training in a sororitas order at a young age due to her faith in the God Emperor, yet something happened that shifted it in a manner that made her no longer fit for the training. Yet, more redactions and information that try to hide the fact that she was in fact given some measure of training before being sent to the greater church, the final point of note was some lines referring to examinations for psychic ability and finding none. This was nonsense, since no psyker was allowed to become a priest, but there was a form of such activity that was allowed, namely invoking the God Emperor's wrath upon humanity's foes. I nod as I complete the final file, she would be interesting to speak with on matters of religion.
As I set aside the data slate the grinding of motors alerted me to the floor below shifting open, as the cargo bay doors slide open revealing the elevator that had brought me into this room. The tech priest made no motions beyond staring at me as the elevator lowered with me on it below the doors and into the unloading docks of a massive shipyard. In the distance massive battleships floated in space, grand cruisers flew in formation through the void, it was a busy and hectic place to be sure but for once it was efficient.
Below the station I could see the world of Shogi, a massive oblique spheroid that was half the size of the homeworld. Across its surfaces massive silos sat with missiles ready to defend the orbits, orbital stations drifted in lax orbits around the world with more defenses in place. On the grasslands even from here I could perceive great hive spires of gleaming metal and shimmering with void shields. This world was far more than the wretched industrial world I had lived on in the recent past, the cities were clean and maintained, and it radiated technological sophistication.
The tech priest and the apprentice that had spoken with me in the transit, lead me through the crowds of humans. Many of whom stared at me in fear, but upon noticing the members of the machine cult stepped aside to let us pass. Shuttles passed through the port and onto one we entered, a servitor one of the most abominable aspects of the imperium was in the pilot seat. Glaring at the wretched thing, I wish I could give it peace and just pilot the craft myself, but it could be a vat grown form which although disturbing was not truly abominable.
The shuttle was fast for only a few hours later we docked with the starport of the governor palace. I never truly understood the reason for building such ludicrous buildings of gold, adamantine and battle glass, but the humans loved them to no end. If it did not exist one of my first actions would be to bury every single important military control system under five kilometers of rock. That might be passably defensible, preferably I could get ten to twenty kilometers, its a shame that most worlds lack the depth to have the protection that the homeworld offers us.
At least the palace was built such that knights could walk through the hallways or tanks could drive through at full speed, enabling me to make good time to the meeting room, where people were shouting. The tech priest and apprentice opened the door and slide in and I followed, noting the six advisors that would aid me in controlling the infrastructure of this world.
To the right of the Throne was Enara, tall for a human at near eight feet and completely covered in muscle with the violet eyes native to Cadians. She wore an ill fitting suit and a plasma pistol at her hip and a power sword on the other, showed her nature clearly. I would ensure that she would have better tools for war soon enough.
The person shouting was the diplomat, who until she shapes up wont have the honor of me remembering her name. She wore the most eye searing robes I had ever seen, and based on the way everyone including the tech priests tried to look elsewhere subtlety it seemed to not agree with human sensibilities either.
Spymistress Nalka was in attendance although she looked dead on her feet and I could not tell if that was from the job or just her age, grabbing the diplomat's data slate I quickly uploaded a modeling program and began to work on supportive augments for her. They wouldnt be my best work due to her advanced age by any means, but her soul seemed strong in defiance of her body so the soul taps would be able to draw and refine the spiritual energy into life energy, a simple matter to achieve. Would hopefully grant her another handful of centuries of life.
Towards the end of the table Urma sat, multiple limbs ending in data slates and quills for some unknowable reason branching off of her body. Writing down everything that occurred at the speed of thought, I would have to speak with her directly to offer upgrades, since her augments although clunky to my eyes clearly served her well.
Then the most interesting of them Kara sprawled over her chair at the left hand of my throne, her clothes clearly armor weave akin to Enara's, but of a different cut and a force field emitter hung around her neck. Yet, the signs of military life clung to her as deeply as anyone else, hard muscles filled her frame and scars covered her hands and legs, with some on the face. Her soul was intriguing indeed, flecks of golden energy dancing within the large whole, foreign yet native a very interesting dichotomy. I will need to speak with her and learn about her, the file did not do her justice.
The final individual was a tech priest that was even more bulky and cumbersome than most, hundreds of limbs flying everywhere. No aesthetic consideration was taken into account and he just hovered inelegantly on a buzzing device in front of his chair. "I should be the Governor, my training is far superior to anyone else's here. Father would have desired it." I turned to look at the person wearing those atrocious robes and noted that she had yet to notice my theft of her data slate, which I quickly returned to her after saving the preliminary work to one of my mind slates.
"Whatever your father desired has no bearing upon the reality. The Adeptus Mechanicus and the Adeptus Munitorum have with the approval of the Administratum declared the new planetary governor to be Atraxas." The aged voice of Nalka broke through the raging diplomat, "We have listened to your rants for months, and we do not have time to coddle a child unaware of their place in the God Emperor's plan for us all. Sit down and shut up, and let this meeting get started, my bones ache." I made a mental note to work more on the designs for her augments, an individual with the willpower to speak up would be served well by such systems.
"Planetary Governor Candidate retrieved, command codes transfer begin immediately." The tech priest that had spoken with me stated in a static laced voice, yet it was clear enough.
"No, I never agreed to this stupidity of a plan. The Shadows will not submit to an incompetent fool again, and the tests of purity have been denied for reasons nearing treasonous to the Imperium and His grand work. Give me permission to apply the tests and my department will bend the knee to the throne of Shogi once more." If I could I would smile, for at least she had proven to have a mind worth preserving and upgrading. True, it was dangerous for me that she be competent, but my purpose was never to harm the Imperium or humanity, I was sent forth to learn from them.
"I would gladly submit to the tests you see fit to administer." I speak clearly, for any test she could conduct would return what I desired. Testing me with psychics would return a result of human and any test of physical strength or mental durability would result in positive returns. There was no question that I could past her tests and so offering to take them only made sense, it would also give me a chance to see her methods and find ways to improve them.
"Atraxas, what is more important to a ruler? To destroy their foes, or to improve their land?" The soft voice broke the silence of the room as Kara spoke up, the voice ill fitting for her bulk, but also fitting for one of her temperament. "Creation begets more than destruction ever wrought. In the fires of creation less is more and yet in destruction only loss can occur. Improvement of land and people, the helping hand gives more to all than the clenched fist could ever hold." I answer as truthfully as I can, I knew that she had some disagreement with the more militant aspects of things, but I could only offer my truth and see how she would respond.
A faint smile formed on her face before nodding and laying back in her chair, clearly content with my answer for now and opening the floor to others, but it seems that everyone that had desired to speak had spoken, until Balkavus hovered upward, "You have tampered with the training of my Tech Adept, by instilling in her heretek ideals. I demand for your execution for interfering with the methods of the Adeptus Mechanicus." I could barely resist sighing at his over reaction, and I could tell the other Tech Priest felt the same.
"A simple conversation with a tech adept can by no means be considered interference with the methods of the Adeptus Mechanicus. The recordings will show that I asked a single question and only answered the questions asked, the question I asked has no bearing upon the greater whole of the Mechanicus but is entirely individual. As for the charge of tech heresy, I admit that I did design cybernetics for her future use, but the full design information remains with them, any competent engineer could decode the systems with ease, furthermore they are human technology simply reshaped." I replied both in low gothic and binary, and the only lie I said was in the fact that they were human technology. The soul taps and metaphysical engines would be xeno tech, but they were so well integrated into the whole of the systems that they would need someone far more skilled to determine that they were not a native discovery.
"Now, that the discussions are dealt with, let us begin discussing the first actions to undertake in this new government."
Turn 1: Each turn is a decade long, for abstraction purposes this is 10 Terra years
All actions can span multiple turns and are locked into continuing until completed
It is not necessary to allocate the full resource cost to multi turn actions on the first turn, but you can not go above 50% of the DC until the full amount has been allocated. IE If you need 100 resources and allocate 20, you can not provide more than 50 DC reduction for the next turn, until you add the last 50 resources needed.
Mark Actions that Atraxas will act on with a sub vote of -[] Atraxas and the same for Advisor, if you wish to not allocate the full amount do a sub vote -[] with the amount of resources to be allocated. Both Atraxas and the Advisor can work on the same action combining their bonuses to the roll which will have two dice.
The Debt Cap is currently 4x your native income: 200 in other words, beyond 200 resources you will start losing resources to Interest.
Atraxas Actions: 1 per category, 3 Personal Actions (personal actions can be transferred at a 1:1 ratio to any other department)
Advisor Actions: 1 in their category
Suspicion: 0/100
Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 0/100 +5 per turn, grows by 5 every 2 turns not managed (Lasts 20 turns)
Homeworld Mission: 3 turns to send a data package on Las, Plasma and Infantry Vehicles back home. Bonus if physical samples are sent.
[X] Take the Tests the Spymaster sets (Personal: Intrigue) - Your spymaster, Nalka Nirvel, seems to be displeased by the circumstances behind your attainment of the position of Planetary Governor. She doesn't trust that you will not waste the planet away into nothing through reckless, debauched self-pleasure as many do when presented with such power and opulence without preparation. She wishes to test your faith. What this could mean varies from conventional interrogation all the way up to direct neural examination, but if you refuse, you will have to deal with a disloyal, competent, and well-connected intelligence operative. You have means with which to pass these of course, and if you do, it should reduce suspicion of you.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Prevents actions that provide less than 30 suspicion from granting suspicion for 2 turns)
AdMech Mission: Ensure secrecy (Stewardship) - The local Adeptus Mechanicus have plans for this world that they would rather not be openly revealed. As it was them that elevated you to your current status rather than attempt to turn you into scrap, you are expected to help keep their work a secret. Call it a favor for a favor.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 30) (DC: 10)
(Result: Ad Mech anger will not increase for this turn and the next, Cost will increase every time this action is taken. As anger rises new actions will become available in other categories)
Homeworld Mission: Data retrieval (Learning) - Currently, you have been given the assignment of providing your people with information on the common laser and plasma weaponry of the Imperium of Man as well as their vehicles. If you are able to send genuine samples of the technology back in addition to that, then your priority rating for covert assistance will be raised.
(Suspicion: 0/10) (Resource Cost: 40/80) (DC: 20/80)
(Result: New mission received on Turn 4, if bonus achieved gain 1 Exatari Favor)
Form a private army - Shogi is dotted with a series of military installations and protected by all manner of PDF and Astra Militarum regiments. However, they are the armed forces of the planet itself and cannot be ordered around for personal use... or at least not without causing something of a bad look. However, Planetary Governors still possess their own funds and can use them freely. Build a reasonably sized military force for your personal use, and if anyone asks questions, you could always describe them as a self-funded security detail.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 10) (Upkeep: 5) (DC: 20)
(Result: Gain a personal army that can complete certain martial tasks)
Improve the PDF - The PDF of any fortress world is impressive by the standards of the Imperium, but it can always be improved. Increasing the training regimens, upgrading their weapons and vehicles allowed, improving interdepartmental relations. All can be smoothed over and result in a better defense for the world.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 150) (Upkeep: 50) (DC: 70)
(Result: The PDF upgraded to low Solar Auxillia level in equipment. More actions unlocked)
Improve the SDF - There is a saying among the competent command staff of the Imperial armed forces: "Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics." Anyone who spares more than a second to think about warfare will realize quickly that it is the void of space that allows for the flow of logistics across the Imperium of Man, and as such control over it and by extension control over the orbitals is key to emerging victorious against all manner of threats. Currently a small sized fleet is garrisoned in your system and a moderate patrol fleet monitors the rest of the region. While you are in no position to make the ships of the line, you can still improve the quality of those vessels already in use and perhaps even increase their number a little.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 300) (Upkeep: 100) (DC: 100)
(Result: The fleet improved to the limit allowed by the Adeptus Mechanicus for non Forge Worlds. More actions unlocked)
Improve planetside fortresses - Imperial architecture is a wonder to behold. Sturdy, massive, and well-suited to its terrain. However, you have your own extensive knowledge of defensive siegeworks to fall back on, and there are still a few schemas from your people that would be of use for this world.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 120) (Upkeep: 40) (DC: 80)
(Result: Military citadels improved, resistant to heavy orbital bombardment, gives bonuses to nearby military forces. Future actions unlocked)
Improve system defenses - A fortress world by definition boosts massive defenses in its orbit and immediate zone of control in a system, but it does not necessarily have defenses that can cover a system. That flaw must be rectified as soon as possible, to ensure a proper defensive fallback for any forces caught by their foes.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 500) (Upkeep: 50) (DC: 200)
(Result: several concentric rings of defense platforms placed throughout the systems, mundane surprise negated by time enemy fleet reaches Shogi. Limited system defenses added, more actions unlocked)
Improve planetary orbital defenses - Ahh, how you miss the molten metal surface of your homeworld. It was slightly dismaying all those millennia ago when your people discovered the comparative... vulnerability of other planets to impacts from space. Still, there are many ways to solve this problem, and one of them is orbital defense systems, to strike down any voidborne enemies before they can begin bombardment. What is already in place is within acceptable parameters, but one can never be too careful when considering the survival of one's own world.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep: 10) (DC: 40)
(Result: Improved orbital stations and satellites, more actions unlocked)
Fortify cities - perhaps the cities can not be fortified to the degree you would prefer, for the Humans desire to see the natural light of the star above. A strange desire that your people never developed due to your evolution within the dark heart of your world, but bunkers dug deep into the planet could be done and the humans would accept that.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (Upkeep: 20) (DC: 20)
(Result: Majority of population protected from light to medium orbital bombardment, increased storage capacity by 100)
Bury Military Complexes - Humans might be content with leaving things to chance, with critical infrastructure above the surface or near the surface as things stand. However, the Exatari are not so content to let their defenses stand low. The greatest defense the Homeworld possess is that of the hundreds of kilometers of molten metal that covers the surface. Bury all that is critical under the ground at great depths and the world will live even through the worst of sieges.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 200) (Upkeep: 10) (DC: 40)
(Result: Military critical infrastructure highly resistant to non externiatus orbital bombardment. Military forces can move between regions protected from orbital bombardment, increased storage capacity by 200. Second phase unlocked)
Improve Relations with Astartes Chapters - "They shall be my finest warriors" said the Emperor, upon the original creation of the geneforged super soldiers of the Imperium of Man, and if your research is accurate, he was not wrong. Self-governing, secretive, and mighty, these Space Marines serve as the best strike forces available and have been known to turn the tide of battle just when hope seems lost. It would be in your best interests to remain on at least neutral terms with those who are within range of your system
(Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 200) (DC: 100)
(Result: Learn the names and general culture of the Astartes Chapters in close proximity to Shogi.)
Improve Relations with Rogue Traders - In this region of space there are almost certainly a handful of rogue traders that would be amiable to opening lines of communications with Shogi for more permanent employment and contracts.
(Suspicion: 15) (Resource Cost: 20) (DC: 50)
(Result: gain contacts among the Rogue Traders and can offer missions for them to complete for various resource bounties)
Contact the Planetary Guilds - It was in a way relaxing to learn that other races had the same divisions of labor among their worlds as occurred upon the Homeworld. People aligned to their interests and mastered their jobs, perhaps not to the level you would find acceptable back home, but here it is passable.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 20)
(Result: Ensure that native production is at maximum)
Contact the Interplanetary Guilds - If the planetary guilds manage the resources of the world then these grey markets control the flow of resources within the subsector. Thankfully, as a Fortress world Shogi has a high level of priority, but perhaps a personal touch could help repair some of the damage that had occurred prior to your installment.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 60)
(Results: Ensure that the interplanetary guilds do not blacklist or otherwise negatively impact Shogi, more actions will become available)
Improve Relations with Agri-Worlds - As a Fortress World, Shogi is designed to stand up to years of grueling siege and confound any invasion from the enemies of man before they can reach other parts of the God-Emperor's dominion. However, all things run out eventually, including food, and Shogi despite its large stocks of emergency rations is by no means self-sufficient. With such a clear vulnerability, ensuring a smooth connection with the planet's suppliers of sustenance seems to be worth the effort
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 30)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Agri Worlds)
Improve Relations with Forge Worlds - It was by the will of the Cult Mechanicus that you became Planetary Governor in the first place, and it is by the might of this cult's vast industrial base that the armies of the Imperium remain in fighting shape. For both personal and administrative reasons, it would be wise to befriend them
(Suspicion: 10 (due to your strange relationship with the Ad Mech)) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 100)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Forge Worlds, enables Adeptus Missions to reduce their anger)
Improve Relations with Mining Worlds - Shogi has the mineral wealth to be fully self sufficient in production, but at the same time there is currently no need to exploit its reserves when the Imperium has countless worlds that are settled solely for the purpose of such exploitation and harvesting of their bounty. An inelegant manner to be sure, but the best that you can currently manage.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 30)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Mining Worlds)
Improve Relations with Hive Worlds - monumental worlds to the Imperium's manifold failures as a government, yet impressive for their resilience in the face of such troubles. Their population soars into the high billions, nearing the trillions on some of their number, even a mere fraction would fill all the homes of Shogi many times over. With careful parleying and entreaties, it might be possible to bring valuable skills and even mutations over.
(Suspicion: 10 (Hive worlds are seen on Fortress Worlds as hives of scum and villainy) (Resource Cost: 200) (DC: 50)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Hive Worlds)
Improve Relations with Shrine Worlds - worlds dedicated entirely to the worship of the nebulous God-Emperor, a strange practice and one that perhaps makes sense only to the minds of humans. The worlds lack conventional forces of note, but seem to have a high likelihood of possessing orders of the strange all female warriors you had heard of in passing and Kara once was.
(Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 30)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Shrine Worlds)
Improve Relations with Fortress Worlds - Fortress worlds are inherently solitary and yet linked, a strange mixture in your mind. If they are to serve as a mighty bulwark they should be closer together, but the Imperium spreads them far apart leaving gaps for one determined enough to exploit. It would be prudent to close those gaps as soon as possible, before a foe exploits them.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Fortress Worlds, and to maintain the trade lanes)
Contact Cadia directly - Cadia is renowned across the Imperium as the source of the best trained troops, you are unsure of that as of now, but its prestige is without doubt and unquestioned. Reaching out a hand towards Cadia would be the first step towards getting trainers and other valuable support from the bastion.
(Suspicion: -15) (Resource Cost: 200) (DC: 100)
(Result: Can start gaining Cadian Favor by completing Missions for them, this favor can be used to buy support from Cadia.)
Improve Public Perception - the perception of humans is a fickle thing to say the least, you have been considered a monster, a friend and even a prospective lover all by the same human within a singular month long period. Managing such fickle opinions is difficult, but necessary if one would desire to live when one is a xeno in the midsts of their natural foe.
(Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 20) (DC: 50)
(Result: Gain a measure of the culture of Shogi, unlocks more actions related to propaganda and culture shaping. This action can only be used once per century (10 turns))
Improve planetside spies - You may be officially in charge of an entire planet that possesses some of the best military forces in the Sector, but what is official and what is true are not necessarily the same. Surely someone will want you deposed or will be investigating your past, and you want to know who is doing what and where. Thankfully, there is already an intelligence service available to you, and it would be easy to justify your requests given how abrupt your rise into political office was.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 40) (Upkeep: 10) (DC: 80)
(Result: Spynet upgraded and improved, more actions unlocked)
Establish subsector spies - You cannot solely depend upon the rumor mill and public statements to understand what is going on. Knowing is half the battle after all, and you intend to know everything you need to long before there is a battle. Blackmail, corruption, secret wars, and more go on all the time, after all, and it would frankly be stranger if you didn't try to have your ear to the ground for this sort of thing
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 200) (Upkeep: 40) (DC: 200)
(Result: gain direct access to the subsector plans, and the sector capital's plans. Have access to all the diplomatically important events)
Improve counterintelligence - People are surely already trying to spy on you. A complete newcomer becoming Planetary Governor? With such a bizarre turn of events there's bound to be people with both noble and less-than-noble intentions looking into everything you want to do and possibly trying to sabotage it, and you won't stand for it. Luckily, you already have ideas in mind for how to deal with this problem
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep: 10) (DC: 100)
(Result: gain an awareness of the spy rings on the world from other worlds, until they adapt their systems. Unlocks more actions)
Counter cyberspace infiltration - Though not as easily accessible as the Exatari data network, the Imperium does in fact possess an interconnected computational system, at least for those who can afford it. A great deal of data is stored within it, and as such it is the target for many who have a desire to know everything of import that goes on. There exist systems to counter that but it could always be better.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 40) (Upkeep: 5) (DC: 60)
(Result: your cyber defenses are harder to breach, and present viruses are removed.)
Hide resources - In a worst case scenario, you may need access to a variety of things. Funds, pieces of technology, even the food which is so disappointingly rare in the wider galaxy. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it after all.
(Suspicion: 25 if fails, 5 if passes) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Result: Hidden Wealth economic status is added to economic system, Hidden Wealth reduces Overall Income by 1/10th per turn. Actions that are funded by Hidden Wealth do not incur suspicion. Maximum storage of Hidden Wealth is 50 at start, more actions will be available)
Acquire blackmail on someone - Leverage is required to get what you want at this time, and you have ways of getting it. Pick an individual that is proving troublesome and try to either find or forge evidence of their terrible wrongdoing
(Suspicion: Depends on Target) (Resource Cost: Depends on Target) (DC: Depends on Target)
(Result: gain a stack of Blackmail on the chosen target, unlocks blackmail specific actions where you can spend blackmail to force the target to act.
Search and destroy: heretical activity - Cults that have been corrupted by the laws of the warp, by the mind-bending powers of foul machinery, or by other means that sicken you to consider, can always be found somewhere among a large enough human population. You will seek them out and crush them beneath your legs.
(Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Unlocks martial actions to handle cultists, unlocks Intrigue actions to capture cultists.)
Search and destroy: conventional corruption - You may be a spy for a race that standard Imperial teachings would say requires extermination, but you are also, albeit accidentally, in charge of a human planet, and you want your decrees to actually go through. Bureaucrats that delay important policy by weeks and months through either incompetence, malice, or self-interest will not last long in this administration if you have anything to say about it.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 50)
(Result: reduces likelihood of random events from mundane corruption)
Improve the Arbites - Due to Shogi's strategic importance, it receives a far larger allotment of the Adeptus Arbites to enforce the Lex Imperialis than on most worlds, to the point that a typical security service would be redundant. As such, the Adeptus Arbites of Shogi include local law into their work and have the strength to keep up with the demands of their station. That doesn't mean that they wouldn't benefit from better investigative equipment and better designed facilities though.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (Upkeep: 5) (DC: 60)
(Result: Upgrades the Arbites to Imperial Guard levels, more actions unlocked)
Renovate infrastructure - Shogi's transportation systems are above the average for Imperial worlds, as they must be in order to facilitate an effective defense against invaders to the planet. However, there is always room for improvement. Better roads, updated rail systems, and a streamlined shipping network would all contribute towards a far more reactive planetary military and economy.
(Suspicion: 30) (Resource Cost: 2000) (DC: 1000)
(Result: Universal improvement to the world status, more actions unlocked)
Improve city planning - While military installations received some of the best designs and materials available, those ordinary people that live in civilian housing and produce goods meant for common use do not have the same luxury. Sewage systems intersect in bizarre ways, many foundations are not sufficient to hold the weight of human constructs that stand atop them, and travel from place to place is inefficient. It will not be cheap, but you could certainly make changes to these centers of commerce and industry for the better.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 1000) (Upkeep Cost: 20) (DC: 500)
(Result: Improved city defenses, improved stability of world, improved siege readiness. Gives army conditional bonuses to mobility within cities. More actions unlocked)
Improve legal procedure - The Imperial legal system is a labyrinthine conglomerate that even scholars dedicated to the field often cannot fully navigate. Months, years, and even decades can pass from the time an offense is supposedly committed to the time that a conclusion is reached, assuming of course that all parties involved remain alive and do not withdraw their cases in that time. It would be for the best if you did what you could to make this monstrosity somewhat more manageable, if for no other reason than it ties up fewer resources than the status quo
(Suspicion: 75) (Resource Cost: 500) (DC: 1000)
(Result: Increase all income by 10%, expenditures reduced by 5%)
Streamline the code of law - The number of laws currently in place is literally uncountable, for the Imperium's highest lawmaking authorities seem to have an aversion to stopping and as such the the moment you recite the number it has already become out of date. Admittedly, most of them do not affect daily operations for the vast majority of the populace, but by sheer volume some inevitably make an impact and are often indecipherable even if one has access to them. For the sake of making it possible to not violate the law, you will be attempting to reduce the number of contradicting and redundant laws as well as providing restatements that can actually be understood
(Suspicion: 150) (Resource Cost: 500) (DC: 2000)
(Result: All actions are cheaper and max suspicion is increased by 50, gain an extra action to all departments)
Encourage extraplanetary resource exploitation - Shogi is not the only planet within its system, and where matter condenses you will be sure to find something of some value. Place a bounty for survey data on the planets and moons of the system's other bodies and provide financial incentives to set up extraction infrastructure and colonies upon those which hold worthwhile materials for the Imperium
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 250) (DC: 200)
(Result: Adds System Resource Income to the economic status, starts with income of 10. Unlocks more actions)
Reform the tax code - At this point, more money is spent on those who collect and tally up the money than is reasonable, and then you have to deal with untold exemptions, penalties, and the following legal battles and bribery bidding wars. For the sake of putting these taxes to actual use, attempt the monumental feat of making the tax code discernible, reasonable, and effective.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 200) (DC: 500)
(Result: All income sources provide 10% more, future actions unlocked)
Increase native production - The Imperium ever hungers for more. More bodies, more food, more construction, and especially more weapons. Where you can, have more manufactorums built so as to make the planet more self-reliant and less in danger of catastrophe if access to the wider network of trade and logistics were restricted
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (DC: 50)
(Result: Increase Shogi profit by 10, this action can be taken a maximum of 15 times)
Set up a personal weapon fund - Ah the Lasgun. Practically the defining icon of the Astra Militarum and one of the finest examples of Imperial technology you've yet seen. Reliable to an extreme, versatile, light, easy to learn, easy to manufacture, and possessing nigh-infinite ammunition on the strategic level. Why so many seem to not appreciate its worth, you will never know, but what you do know is that it's an excellent investment to make. This, along with other staple Imperial light arms will be made available for all the planet's residents as soon as you are able to make the purchase.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep: 20) (DC: 200)
(Result: All individuals on Shogi will be armed with Imperial Guard quality las weapons. More actions unlocked)
Study planetary industrial technology - the Imperium is bloated and inefficient on the whole, but there are places where efficiency holds true. Perhaps not to the mandated times of the Homeworld, but Shogi is far from the blasted poverty ridden industrial world you had once called home. Factories churn out endless streams of weapons and armor, which are then turned into machines of war. It would be of great value to your people to be able to match this astonishing output of material goods and so you are duty-bound to deliver it to them.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 75)
(Result: new actions related to efficiency improvements will be unlocked, can send information to Homeworld)
Study Voidspace technology - if there is one area in which the Imperium is the better than the Exatari overall in technology it is within the domain of space travel. The greatest defense of the Homeworld has hampered the progress of space oriented fields for countless millennia and that time lag shows dearly now. Exatari ships are sluggish and fragile compared to even the cheapest of the Imperium's, however you are certain that you could do more than they think possible with their own technology
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 75) (DC: 150)
(Result: Gain a measure of understanding of Imperial void space technology. New actions unlocked)
Study weapons technology (Can specify a given type) - the Imperium boasts many kinds of weapons, a large number of which have never been invented upon the Homeworld. The gravity weapons for one were theorized long ago, but never saw military usage, and the same applies to many other fields in the Imperial arsenal. If the worst comes to pass and the Imperium finds the Homeworld, they need to be prepared to combat the unknown.
(Suspicion: Variable) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Gain a measure of skill with the weapon type)
Learn about Machine Spirits - the strange propensity of imperial machines to exceed the possible in times of need, these moments are attributed to the existence of machine spirits. However, even your soul sight fails to provide clues to their existence or nature, thus it would stand to reason that a deep dive would be needed to reach the core of the question.
(Suspicion: 60) (Resource Cost: 200) (DC: 140)
(Result: Learn the basics of machine spirits and do simple tests on them, will unlock future actions)
Invent new-... Combine existing technologies (specify intended creation): Invention is difficult at the best of times, but under the scrutiny of the Adeptus Mechanicus it is never harder, but that will not prevent the act of creation from being preformed.
(Suspicion: Variable) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Variable)
Invent Custom Defense Lasers for Shogi - the atmospheric composition of the world wreaks havoc upon imperial laser systems and the Adeptus Mechanicus has so far failed to find a solution for the challenge. You can do better, this is no where near as difficult of a challenge as the grand laser arrays on the Homeworld that can burn through the molten oceans to strike at spacefaring ships if needed. A strange atmosphere will pose no challenge for the ingenuity of the Exatari
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Result: Creates Defensive Lasers with lower attenuation across the board, and higher immunity to beam dispersion from all sources. Unlocks future actions.)
Dig into Imperial history - the Imperium has existed in more or less the same state for ten thousand years, but the history is riddled with empty times and even centuries where nothing seems to have been recorded. This is an insult beyond compare for the measure of history is core to a race's existence. Scour the archives, dig up the old tombs, fund the impossible expeditions recover the records and piece together the history.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 50)
(Result: learn about the Imperium's history and peel back the layers of obfuscation, to get to the truth as much as possible.)
Dig into planetary history - Shogi as a Fortress world has been in existence for millennia, but the founding date has been lost in one of the numerous invasions. This broken chain of history could hide secrets that both need to still be hidden and be revealed to the proper authorities in this case yourself.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 50)
(Result: Learn about the ancient history of the world, revealing points of interest and if there are any oddities)
Dig into planetary education system - education is important and the Exatari know that more than most, your studying lasts for centuries and only then does one get the honor of being considered an expert. To consider all angles of a question, to think on the fly and to synthesize the information into usable forms, all is needed. It is an open question on the measure of the Imperial education upon Shogi and so it must be examined.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 80)
(Result: Learn what if anything is broken in the eduction sector and how to correct it, unlocks actions to correct/improve the education system on Shogi)
Learn about the Imperial Creed - The overarching religion of the Imperium, it has churches on every world and the best of its numbers gently shape emergent cultures into fitting into the mold while the worst force it at knife point. Yet, common tenants remains, but what those mean is an open question for you and you had never sought to learn but now such ignorance is unthinkable.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 40)
(Result: Learn about the Imperial Creed and its founding scriptures. Possible future actions unlocked)
Donate to the local Church - donations to the church could be seen as trying to bribe the church for leniency for crimes committed or being plotted, but at the same time to the common folk it would be an effective manipulation to show your piety to their God Emperor.
(Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 40)
(Result: the appreciation of the Church.)
Donate to the Orphanages - If donating to the Church would be suspicious, then the orphanages would be extremely so, it is a sad fact that most humans see the funding of the service as a sign of buying political favor or virtue signaling on a grand scale. But, the hatchlings need support and you can provide it.
(Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 75) (DC: 40)
(Result: reduce the suspicion reduction by 10 per time this action has been taken within 3 turns, unlocks more options related to orphanages)
Perform an act of Faith - Faith is a very strange consideration for the Exatari, what does it mean to have faith in something. Your people never knew the fear of death for the slumber held it at bay barring the unlucky few that died in battle beyond the ability to be merged to a Living Mausoleum in time. But it can not be that difficult to preform a rite for the God Emperor to prove your faith.
(Suspicion: Variable) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Variable)
Learn about the Machine Cult - The stranger of the two religions that dominates the Imperium, the God Emperor although nebulous is something that you can understand and at times even see the reason of, but the machine cult claims entirely different doctrine that has proven stubbornly difficult to gain access too. But with your new position of influence perhaps locked doors will at last open.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 20) (DC: 40)
(Result: learn about the principles of the Machine God and what its tenants are)
Learn about alien religions - Among the stars there are many races, most of whom appear to have religions of one form or another. Perhaps it would be worth it to dig into the lore of the lore of other empires past and present to learn of how they view the world. Of course such will be extremely dangerous considering the hatred the Imperium holds for all that are xeno.
(Suspicion: 25) (Resource Cost: 100) (DC: 80)
(Result: Learn about the Aeldari Religion and the Necron religions as far as the Imperium knows, unlocks new actions)
Practice your race's religion - It is strange to consider, but your people do not have many rituals that other races would consider religious in nature. It is not correct to say that you are a species of beings unaware of that which lies beyond your reach, you stand side by side with them in the Living Mausoleums and the Witness has gently guided your people for as long as records exist. But the fact remains that your worship are expressions of Creation in its purest of forms, perhaps then a ritual would be to create something without a plan or goal, just let the whim of fate take hold for a time.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Who knows)
Learn about Imperial view on Chaos - It has been confusing for your people and yourself to understand what the Imperium referred to with Chaos. They spoke of impossible foes that sought to destroy all of existence, but you had long since defeated their fumbling attempts to invade. Their rifts were easily sealed and their forces evicted from the Homeworld for eons at this point and they have never returned. But, perhaps the Imperium knows more than you regarding such forces.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 120)
(Result: learn what the fuss about this Chaos thing actually is and why humans run in terror when its mentioned.)
Train an Attribute (Martial, Diplomacy, Intrigue, ect) - While you are certainly no slouch in any field relevant to governorship, you could certainly still improve your skills in all of them. From your military cunning to your religious scholarship, you will dedicate time towards a given area and raise your abilities in it even higher.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50 per Tier) (DC: 100 per Tier)
(Result: increase the chosen attribute by 1)
Build a private residence (stewardship) - While certainly luxurious, the previous Planetary Governor's home is not what one would call... suitable for you. The doorways in particular proved to be a most obstructive feature. Nonetheless, you do have some ideas in mind for a home for yourself, and unlike everything else on this planet, you will be able to actually know every nook and cranny of the place. After all, you'll be the one designing it.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep: 2) (DC: 20)
(Result: Have a private residence buried under kilometers of the crust and have plenty of room to expand. Unlocks expansion actions and reduces suspicion for personal and Learning actions that can be hidden.)
Find the secrets of previous Planetary Governors (Intrigue) - Shogi is a world with access to more than most. More worlds are within rapid Warp Travel distance, more advanced technology is sent to and produced on the planet, and more prestige is given to one who commands such a strategically vital planet. As such, there is no doubt that not all the wealth and information held by your predecessors was made public, and after thousands of years of constant activity, you may find a great deal of value hidden away by arguably the highest political office in the region.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 20) (DC: 60)
(Result: Learn about the history of the world and if there are any surprises in store for you.)
Interact with Advisor (list which one) (Diplomacy) - No man is an island entire of itself. While you are not a man, you do understand the meaning of the parable: humans are social creatures. As such it would behoove you to spend time with the people you will likely depend upon most for your tenure as Planetary Governor, at least if you don't intend to replace them. The question is, who will you get to know?
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 20) (DC: 40)
(Result: learn more about the chosen Advisor and their personality. This will reveal traits and other stats)
Meet the Titan Legion (Diplomacy, conditional trigger)- The Legio Orus is one of the most ancient known to the Imperium. Founded back the God-Emperor of Mankind had still walked the galaxy, they are known to be some of the most stubborn and proud engines that the Adeptus Mechanicus has provided. Their lead engine, an Imperator-Class Titan known as Unyielding Oracle, in fact fought alongside the Emperor during the Great Crusade, in the founding years of the Imperium of Man. The knowledge held within their venerable chassis is beyond priceless, and anything you can learn about them in particular will surely be treasured information back home. But first, you should try to make a good impression on these massive war machines.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 40) (DC: 40/120)
(Result: meet the Titan legion and its princepts, opening official lines of communication with the Legion. On second level success gain data on the Legion)
Look for trustworthy assistants (Intrigue) - Surely there must be someone on this planet that you can depend upon to be your agent and ally. If you are lucky, you might even stumble upon a rare human that would keep the secret of your inhuman status. Of course, you will not be so gullible as to kidnap a random urchin and reveal your most critical secret. If worse comes to worst, of course, you will still have someone who is unshakably loyal to their human Planetary Governor, and that has value in and of itself
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 20) (Upkeep: 5) (DC: 40)
(Result: Gain an extra action in one category (this action can be repeated for each), this action is done with no bonus, but does not incur suspicion)
Create trustworthy assistants (Learning) - Why should you try to find a human to aid you when you could simply make one from scratch? The technology to do so is forbidden by Imperial law as you understand it, but if kept secret, you would not have to fear betrayal and exposure by them.
(Suspicion: 15) (Resource Cost: 40) (DC: 60)
(Result: Gain an extra action in each category barring Personal, these actions are done with 1/5 of your Learning and increase suspicion on actions by 10)
Have a personal vessel created (Learning) - You struggle to travel in Imperial voidships. All but the largest of their doors will not permit your egress and ingress, which makes for quite a few difficulties. On top of that, they do not contain any facilities with which to create the compounds necessary for your continued sustenance. If you intend to make voyages across the stars, you will need to have one such ship built to your exact specifications. It need not be large of course, but you will require some... exotic parts.
(Suspicion: 25) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep Cost: 5) (DC: 80)
(Result: Have a customized ship constructed for personal usage. Narrative diplomacy bonus for other worlds when used. Unlocks further upgrades)
Hybridization Project (Learning) - Humans are so... fascinating. Their spiritual composition is both bendable and firm at once, and their biology can be shifted to a remarkable degree. This... gives you an idea. You will attempt to create a fusion between Exatari and humanity, using the Imperial "Vitae-Womb" technology as a means of achieving this. If you succeed, you will not only have dependable friends with whom you can be completely open, you may also have created a whole new field of study. Perhaps... this may even allow you to join with the Witness should you return home alive.
(Suspicion: 30) (Resource Cost: 200) (DC: 500)
(Result: gain a mastery of imperial vitae womb technology and human genetics, unlocks second phase of the project)
Create emergency evacuation measures (Intrigue) - Should your alien status be revealed, you obviously would not be able to remain where you are anymore. Just in case, you should have every conceivable method of escape prepared, both to leave the immediate area and to make your way off the planet and out of the system
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Result: have secret tunnels to escape to prepared locations in case of a catastrophic Break)
Forge a more robust recorded history (Intrigue) - The last thing you want is for all your efforts to come to an end because something erroneous is discovered in your paperwork. As far as anyone must be capable of uncovering, you are a human being with a known and verified background and thus undeserving of greater scrutiny. All you need to do is create a bit of a better paper trail now.
(Suspicion: 15) (Resource Cost: 40) (DC: 100)
(Result: Increased difficulty of Investigations regarding background to cause a Break in your disguise)
Design something (Learning) - You wish to put your brain and to work on something interesting. What exactly it is however will have to be decided once you get to your laboratory
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: variable) (DC: variable)
(Result: gain an action to build the item or building in the respective category.)
Build an Awakening Core (Learning) - Among those of us that leave the Homeworld, we are told in no uncertain terms to do nothing that would bring the eyes of the Imperium down upon us. However, within this situation bizarre as it is, opens doors that had remained sealed in the recent past. Back on the Homeworld, it would be possible to achieve this project with but a few orders, but the Imperium lacks the alloys that are needed and so substitutions will be need which unfortunately will vastly increase the cost.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 1000 or 10 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 100)
(Result: Gain an Awakening Core, unlocks phase two: Build an Awakening Chamber. The Core can be used to produce small amounts of resources per turn if connected to a potent soul, resource production scales with soul intensity)
Design augments of Advisors (first one must be Nalka) (Learning) - You find that one of your aides would be of greater use to you if they were given the right... touch-ups. Your talents with cybernetics would be easily a match for the Cult Mechanicus' finest Tech Priests after all, and they would likely appreciate the boost in their... well, everything.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 20-100) (DC: 20-80)
(Result: Advisor gains personal trait: Exatari Cybernetics: Increases lifespan by 200 years, increases bonus by 10, high results can have secondary bonuses)
Contact the Homeworld (Diplomacy) - Now that you've reached a position of such high prominence, it is imperative that you let the rest of your people know what you've uncovered. That and... well, it will be nice to read in your native language after so long
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 50)
(Result: Enable trading with the Homeworld in the future and have them recalibrate privileges and systems for your new position. Enables the gathering of Favor)
"Heretek, you requested an overview of the planetary infrastructure and manufactorums. As much as I despise your heretek ways, I am forced by the dictates of the Adeptus Mechanicus to follow your orders to the letter." The static filled voice of Balkavus filled the room as I stared down at him, the small cyborg a minor annoyance in the grand scheme of things, but I wished that his contributions to Creation were lesser so I would have a justified reason to loathe him as much as he loathed me.
"I expected the survey to extend beyond this planetary cycle. Is it complete?" If he wished to be insulting, I will be brief and tense regarding our interactions and from my understanding he would probably appreciate it regardless.
"Yes, oh noble heretek, the survey was completed to the highest standard." Of course malicious compliance such an intriguing behavioral pattern of humans, I wished to understand the psychology behind such an action. Its a self defeating system of action since it will force the person with command, to give more precise orders and farther reaching ones as well. In the end it is nothing more than a means to torture ones self for the person giving the commands.
Crossing my front legs in a gesture of thought, I tilt my cephalothorax as I stare down at him. "By which standard is that highest of?" His cybernetics crude as they may be, stiffened for a moment at the question before he clearly glared upward towards me.
"A menial standard, for why would we the tech priests of Mars serve at the whims of a heretek such as yourself." Emotion had crept into his voice as his strange metal tendrils lashed around the room as he began to hover up and down.
I shook my head at his foolishness, but took the dataslate he provided regardless. "I am the planetary governor of Shogi, I expect my advisors to fulfill their duties to the best of their abilities, regardless of personal dislike." As expected a screech of rage filled the room.
"I will never serve a heretek such as yourself, you defile the hole machinery of the augments with your filthy soul, tainted as it is by obsession. The others might not see it, but I do, you are nothing more than a heretek waiting to steal the souls of our faithful for your disgusting crusade against all that is righteous in the machine." As the screeching wound down, I blinked down at him although he would not be able to see my eyes. I could appreciate his feelings, I had once had to do much the same to a foolish young hatchling that had tried to play with an Awakening Forge before their training was complete. But, honestly, why did he think I was a so called tech heretic?
Sure, I was a xeno after-all, but he did not know that and so far I had not defiled anything. "For what reason do you persist in labeling me a heretek?" I really hope I am not correct on this, otherwise I might be forced to read his neurodrivers to see if he has bugs in his code.
"......How dare you? You know full well what you did. You gave a tech adept designs beyond her station, encourged her heresy with your own, you dammed her soul before it could be purified by the machine, and now you DARE pretend to not know what you did?" And I was correct, this is a pain, why are some humans so dogmatic in their beliefs that anything that even infringes on them is evil.
This is not going to get anywhere, he is never going to change his mind and I doubt anyone could make him change his mind or behavior. I do hope that that excitable hatchling finds her place among people like her, and those designs I gave her should encourage her growth as is proper.
"ENOUGH." I do not normally raise my voice around humans, the metaphysical weight I hold is significantly stronger than the normal human and raising my voice brings that weight to bear upon them in an unpleasant manner. But at times like this, it is a blessing from the Witness to posses as his cybernetics shudder to a halt as he stares upward.
"This matter has been settled, you are the only Magos on this world that continues this futile endeavor. You have no support on this topic, enough is enough. I understand that you have personal grievances with my actions, but you are alone with them. Now, I expected something of this ineffectual rebellion when I assigned you this project." His cybernetics that had begun to move, stuttered again as he flinched back and I uncrossed my front legs and lowered my bulk towards the ground.
"It was not hard to expect you to attempt to sabotage this project of mine due to your personal dislike of my actions and personality as you believe it to be. As such, I spoke directly with the tech priests under your command and the planetary guilds prior to calling you in here. Now, I do expect your report to fill in gaps in mine due to the inherent differences in our positions and relative trust levels, but do not force me to watch you for more of these ineffectual attempts to halt my plans." I am unsure why he sunk down to the ground, I had expected this and adapted for his future actions as any intelligent being would and as such his actions had lost me nothing and only if he persisted would I start acting against him directly or indirectly.
Placing the two slates on the desk, I interlinked them to a holoporjector I had rigged up from some of the ostentatious statues that littered this palace. Which probably was the most use anyone in the history of the galaxy had gotten from imperial decorations now that I consider it, but regardless the holoprojector lit up with a multispectrum array to present in colors that any species I knew of could perceive without issue and be seen on all forms of cybernetic implant.
Graphs were quickly created from the records stored in the slates interlinked in, and the mysteries of production began to reveal themselves to me. It was disappointing, we had thought the Imperium had technology to forge atoms out of quarks and into molecules and then into plates in a matter of moments compared to our hours, but that appeared to not be the case. They simply used efficiencies of scale that we could not match, factories the size of entire planetary regions were provided the resources of worlds to churn out components that would then be assembled into the final product.
The designs used were strangely primitive, non angled armor for the vehicles. Granted, there was less reason to slant armor plating when going against energetic weapons due to the armor suffering equivalent damage, but kinetic weapons are used fairly commonly across the galaxy. So that was a flaw that would have to be addressed, these vehicles were produced on MY world and as such I was responsible for their quality. It would be an insult to creation if I let these shoddy designs remain unchanged.
Of course, nothing would be complete without the impossible aspects of the Imperium's technology. It was clear that their foundries, refineries, and assembling yards were working at a severe efficiency loss due to various issues, but somehow they were ignoring that aspect. In the end, their industrial tech is nothing special, but it all ties back to their ability to do more with less compared to what we could do. The tech priest before me could have made this holoprojector with a handful of wires and lens if he knew the science behind it, while it had taken me nearly a ton of high grade alloy wires and radiation emitters to produce.
We excel in design, I have yet to see a single imperial item that holds a candle to our designs, but they can do the impossible with metals and materials beyond our wildest dreams and that is something we must understand. It would take our ability to create to a new realm of potential, a monumental step forward for the Exatari as a whole.
Yet, there were questions that the graphs brought to mind, "Magos, why is there a section labeled "Menial Deaths During Machinery Repairs"?" I asked, as the graphs combined and revealed a tale of horror, millions of humans under my governance had died in manufacturing incidents and I would not have known this without doing this action. How many lives so quickly snuffed out? I would find out, this I promise on the Witness, even a single life is a precious thing indeed even of a non sapient, but one that holds the Trinity to die so uselessly is a sacrilege against creation.
"I would have expected you to be aware of the costs of manufacturing. The factories are never shut down and you would know that if you weren't a jumped up tech heretic. Therefore, they have to be repaired during operation, but servitors are too clumsy for such repairs and as such menials are sent in to repair the machines. It is not as if their lives matter beyond fulfilling their purpose to the Omnissiah or the God Emperor." The clinical tones of static responded, there was no emotion in the voice, not disgust nor joy, just a monotone of explanation.
The floor shattered as I slammed a leg through the adamantine flooring to embed it into the structural support beam, as I peer into the graphs, dissecting them for all the information that they possessed. "Magos, who does these repairs?" I almost snarl as I rapidly examine the data hoping to find some glimmer of sanity in this madness. There was no reason to not shut down the machines during maintenance, in fact it would be more efficient in the long term to do so than this clearly adhoc madness.
"The majority of such menials are in the age of five to nine solar revolutions as defined by the period of time it takes Terra to cycle Sol once." The madness only grew as I glare at the data spiraling outward into a horrendous molasses of insanity.
"Magos, I am given to understand that humans typically reach sexually maturity at the age of twelve to thirteen such solar revolutions. As such I fail to understand how this is a sustainable usage of the menial population, especially since as far as I am aware there are no laws requiring the act of procreation or large families enacted on Shogi." I held myself still, so very still, if I was on the Homeworld this would send everyone near scurrying for the depths to avoid the explosion of my rage. Here, I had no outlet for my fury, but I stared as much as I could at the tech priest before me. I had known as we all did that the Imperium was a ruthless nation, but I had expected it to be of passable sanity.
This was madness plain and simple, there was no logic driving the actions, possible creators were thrown away for the sake of machines that could be repaired in fractions of the time if they were simply turned off for a handful of hours per decade.
"Your understanding of biology is impressive for one of your ilk, but that is the reason. They have yet to reach physical maturity allowing them to fit through the chambers that grown humans are unable to freely pass." A callous answer, and one that pretended to sanity when it was absent.
"Is there a reason the Adeptus Mechanicus finds itself unable to construct a servitor that can serve this purpose?" My tone was as the humans call it icy, I could feel my soul reacting as the temperature of the room began to shift downward as frost grew on the surface of my metal skin. I normally held better control of my weight upon the skein, but this idiocy against creation was truly testing my resolve.
"It would be a waste of purified metal and holy circuitry, why waste such materials when flesh serves equally well. Even if we sought to build a servitor it would remain a base of a child, and cost more than it is worth in metal to construct. Not that I would expect an Augmenticist Heretek to understand the sanctity of such things."
My soul raged within my body, I could feel the skien bending under my agitation as I stared down at the thing in front of me. With iron control wrought from centuries of life, I force my soul back and my body stills.
"Very well, Magos. Let us move on from this subject to other points of discussion." I speak ice creeping over the room as my inbuilt metaphysical engines spin up capturing the meta particles that my agitation was producing preventing them from entering the warp. The temperature returns to normal as the engine disperses my weight upon the skien, and I turn towards another graph.
This one denoting a measure of efficiency that I did not understand, "Magos, explain this graph." I order pointing towards the graph in questions, and staring at the tech priest as he began to examine it.
"Wonderful, the machine spirits of this manufactorum are active. I must commend the tech priests and order them to use the sacred oils. I will say no more heretek on this matter as only those that are clean in the eyes of the Omnissiah are allowed to know the secrets." I could feel the glee cloaking him as he found a way to needle me for perceived slights, but his attempts were simple and mundane. He could not prevent me from accessing the source of the anomaly and by his own statements he could not shut down the machines.
"I will visit this manufactorum in a short while, to observe such matters in person." I say watching as the magos wilts at the words, "If you do so heretek I will order the disassembly of the manufactorum in its entirely to ensure none of your taint spreads." I break my leg free of the beam and cross one of the middle pair as I ponder his statement.
"You say that you can not accept the loss of production time to provide mere hours to safeguard the menial population, but will in effect destroy an entire manufactorum due to my presence. Would this not mean that if I went to all such manufactorums then this would have none left to use?"
A screech of static filled with rage echoed in the room as he glared up at me, for the statement I had presented. His arguments were inherently self contradictory and he knew them to be, and had hoped I would not perceive such. I had however, and now he had to scramble to find a reason.
"A menial's death sanctifies the machine with holy blood, but your presence taints the heart of the machine with your deviancy." As soon as the words were spoken, I could tell that he wanted to retract them, but he could not.
"I know little of the Cult of Mars, but I believe that human sacrifice plays no part in your rites. Furthermore, I know little of the forces of Chaos, but one of their hallmarks is the usage of human sacrifices. Do you mean to say that the Adeptus Mechancius on Shogi utilizes the same practices as that of Chaos?" Such a perfect opening I just had to wedge it wider, he had tried to find a way to argue for the destruction of machines of creation, while allowing the deaths of creators all to deny me the chance to directly interact with a lively machine spirit.
It was merely to his unfortunate race to find such a reason that he provided such drivel that could be turned back on him. "If that is the case perhaps I should inform Deacon Nameria about such sacraments and go with her to the site of this manufactorum to ensure that there is no taint from other sources. Of course, if it is but a slip of a vocoder then I need not investigate with all due haste and can take my time in examining the anomalous site."
Now he had a choice, either hold to his rushed statement of purpose and give me the keys to dragging an Inquisition upon his domain, or retract his statements while indirectly granting me permission to visit the site. He had no cause to deny me access and he knew it, which had resulted in this annoying situation. Hopefully he would be smart and just let me visit the manufactorum without more hassle.
The magos glared towards me, vibrating in fury at my statement, but trapped by his own words. "You may visit the manufactorum, under guard to ensure that your deviancy does not corrupt the holy machines." I uncrossed my legs as I lowered myself to bring my body even with his eyes.
"Let us proceed." As I begin to leave the room sending a message with the slate to the tech priests of the manufactorum to prepare for our arrival. The grinding of metal upon metal told me all I needed to know about the effort that Balkavus was spending to keep up with my speed.
"Is your hover augment rated for terminal velocity?" It was only fair to provide warning to him, even if he was a individual afflicted by the worst case of insanity I have ever met. "Unlike you, I know the value of metal and can fly at will." He screeched in binary and low gothic as he caught up to me.
With a hidden smile, I jumped off the palace roof and engaged my augments. Planes of prismatic energy raced across my form as gravity was broken down into meta particles and then rewound into a new trajectory. I had already calculated the destination of course on the walk to the edge of the roof and set the configuration for limited linear motion.
Hovering around half the speed of sound, the air forced itself inelegantly around me as the metaphase shields began to form to give a level of aerodynamics impossible normally. Of course half the speed of sound is no where near my maximum speed in this configuration, but it would be passable as Imperial technology.
The magos' installed anti grav system whined as it spooled up to attempt to keep pace with my metaphase drivers, but it was hopelessly outclassed at least in linear motion, in full flight controls I would be vastly slower than even his system.
The moment we entered the complex, everything ground to a halt for a moment as humans stared towards us. I could feel my fury resurge as I noted hatchlings wearing the uniforms covered in oil and soot, some missing entire limbs intermingled into the adult population.
Glancing around, I noted the health of these individuals and found it horrendous. Shogi is a wealthy world by the standards of the Imperium, the military troops that form the bulk of the population are universally in the upper percentiles of human physical and mental development. However, it seems that this fails to penetrate to the non military side of the world, an ironic twist in a way that a pure Fortress World has better life for all its citizens than this Fortress Forge world.
From the crowd of humans, a man stooped with age but still retaining muscle and visible augments of particularly crude design stepped forward. "Honored Magos and Lord, I am the overseer of this manufactorum under the guidance of the assigned Magos. Please follow me I will bring you to them." His voice was raspy and strained noting a life filled with physical stress and pain, from his walk I could perceive that his legs were broken many times over and burns covered his aged skin.
Yet, for all of that he seemed healthy for his age, lacking the unnatural pallor to his skin that I have seen in those that have extended their lives too long, I could see the strain of the decades of toil upon his body wearing away at his once strong frame until only a shadow remained today. He led us quickly for a human through the labyrinthine complex, allowing me to note the ways to rebuild it into a greater form, but he refused to speak to us.
I had hoped to gain information from one that was on the ground more than not and had worked for their life in the menial side of the job rather than another tech priest.
The magos of the complex was far more human than Balkavus, with only a mere handful of augments covering their form. The singular ocular implant turned towards us as we entered the room, "Hello, Fabricator Magos and Planetary Governor, I am Ebias 48/5 Duraph, but please call me Ebias or Magos Ebias. I am the Magos in command of this facility, and I am pleased to report that it is in working order for your inspections. Please inform me of your desired itinerary for the tour of this facility prior to leaving my office, but I am unfortunately busy so I have to ask you to make use of Overseer Maximus as tour guide." The voice that spoke was clear of static and had a hint of emotion buried in the static as the robes figure poked a complex machine from behind the desk.
"*How dare you give leave to a heretek to explore your facility with no restrictions save a singular aged menial!* The binary screeching from Balkavus broke the silence near immediately once Ebias fell silent. "*Fabricator Magos, the Conclave of Shogi has found your fixation on the supposed impurity of the Planetary Governor a sign of possible neurosis. We are aware of their unhealthy fixation with augments, but thus far the Conclave has not yet seen any sign of tech heresy beyond the stadnard allowance for such individuals. Unless you have more to offer than baseless speculation, then my dictates stand for my rank is greater than yours in my domain.*" I will never understand their strange fixation for binary, it is not even the most complex human code language base, I know for a fact that most of the Imperium runs on quantum cores and not digital, making use of the pseudo quantum metaphase bits in organic brain tissue.
"Fabricator Ebias, may I know what it is you are attempting to handle? I am fairly skilled in the arts of engineering and would be willing to assist if feasible." I ask as I nod towards the sitting magos, noting that they had not stopped working on whatever project was in front of them.
A whistle of silent rage came from my side, but Ebias tilted their cowled head before seeming to come to a decision. "I would welcome assistance, but first I will need to know your skills are not idle boasting. I hope you understand the dangers in letting an unskilled engineer not part of the Cult Mechanicus work upon unstable technology." The arguments were sound and insightful in a way that Balkavus had never been as far as I have known him.
"What would you have me do?" I move over towards a table covered in scraps noting what would be viable and what is in fact useless materials. "Please construct the most complex plasma based device you can manage with the materials in this room, I would prefer it to be done within the hour but am willing to extend the time to two due to your lack of training in the secrets of the machine." I smile to myself as I quickly grab the items that I would need and the metals from the bins scattered around the room.
The first step was refining the materials, Imperial Adamantine was a wonderful material in most uses but it had one problem for my goal; it was opaque. As such using the imperial technology in the room, I managed to cobble together a simplistic atomic alternator that any human could have invented and within a few minutes had transparent adamantine lens ready to be used in the agitator reactor chamber.
Then the reactor chamber was created, formed from more of the transparent metal into a spherical object with several values formed from the strange material. Lasers wrapped around it, a few mechanical systems to manage the heat and firing of it and within the hour I had a plasma rifle that could double as a minor reactor for power.
I handed the weapon over to Ebias, receiving a nod in return from the hand over. The hum of lasers filled the room as the reaction chamber filled with gas which was sparked into plasma, creating a self reinforcing loop of plasma generation. The air was drawn in and flashed to plasma which increased the draw of power and formed the base of the plasma growth.
After only five seconds the power had grown exponentially from the start point and was nearing the capacity of the system. It was nothing extraordinary save for the fact that it would not be able to spontaneously combust, and could power a small city if left running as long as the atmospheric mixture contained enough oxygen.
Ebias lifted it to their shoulder and pull the trigger after setting it to burst mode, as with most plasma weapons the magnetic field contained a ball that shot across the room towards a target melting it in part. "Roughly thirty percent less powerful compared to an average plasma rifle, but structural stability is increased to the point of rending consideration meaningless. Secondary firing mode is apparent will test it." As they spoke one of the few mechanical limbs took notes, as the switch was flicked and the weapon brought to bear once more.
This time instead of a bolt of plasma, it was in beam formation. In a split second the entirely of the plasma contained within the reaction chamber was expelled in a lance tearing through the target and the wall behind it. By the time the beam died away the chamber had already refilled with plasma to maximum capacity.
"An intriguing design if not one possible for mass production. The cost in adamantine would cost prohibitive to produce beyond specialty orders, but it could see valuable usage in Astartes armories or in the hands of Inquisitors. Planetary Governor Atraxas what is the peak fire rate in bolt formation?"
"Roughly one bolt per two seconds to retain maximum strength." "*Magos, I believe you are a party to Tech Heresy of the highest order and will be calling the Conclave on your actions as soon as possible.*" The binary of Balkavus broke the silence as both Ebias and I looked over towards him, and the cowled figure just sighed in exasperation.
"*The Conclave is well aware of your particular beliefs, but innovation is part of the Quest for Knowledge as much as you disdain the process. Call the Conclave and my memory banks will be open to perusal by the others on the Conclave. If you can not still your screeching please extract yourself from our presence, for it is clear that you will provide no value to this project that is of critical importance.*" Ebias dryly replied in binary as the large device was gently lifted onto the table revealing what it was that they had been working on.
A modulator unit for a fusion reactor, one that controlled the intensity of the reaction, if it was here then the reactor was uncontrolled. This was indeed a crisis, and it was a credit to Ebias that they were able to be so calm while any moment this entire place could be vaporized by a surge in the reactor.
"I perceive that you are aware of what this unit is, and the dangers inherent to its current location. A machine spirit due to not being treated with proper reverence by a menial caused a power surge that broke this unit, I have been working to repair it since this morning, but I am not a magos specialized in plasma technology." Ebias spoke over the noise of the door slamming closed behind Balkavus leaving in a rush. Gesturing towards electrical scars on the surface of the metal and where dials had melted, it was truly in a sorry state.
Examining it I could see places where it could be improved, the control system could be enhanced for a greater power spike without increasing danger risk. Faster modulation of reaction and other such modifications were possible, but at the same time I had neared the border of what I could present. It would be easy to improve it, but that could invite suspicion on me, building the rifle that I had showed enough skill to be notable. Being able to improve a controlling system for a reactor without effort would present a level of far greater skill than would be reasonable.
Instead, I would guide Ebias to repairing it directly as it was, no improvements but at the same time return it to base conditions. Unfortunately, my size made it difficult to repair such a small item, with so many moving parts designed as it was for human body plans. Instead I quickly drew up a blueprint which would show the methods to repair the mechanical systems.
"Impressive, perhaps in a few decades time it would be possible for me to sponsor you to take the tests of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Your skills are truly exemplary and worthy of the title of Magos, but unfortunately Balkavus is correct in that you are currently tainted with your reckless disregard of machinery." Ebias spoke once the final part was resealed, storing the blueprint I had made in a drawer under several layers of protective film.
Before they let out a sigh of relief, "If you wish, I will show you to the reactor core as I replace this modulator." The offer was made in good faith and I had no reason to deny it and nodded following them as they left the office, noting that their legs were still human in appearance. "Fabricator Ebias, why do you retain the human form?" I broke the silence as we walked through the corridors of soot stained metal, noting the hundreds of doors that dot the hallways.
"I found that the typical appearance of a Magos disturbed my workers reducing their efficiency by a measurable amount, and as such I worked with the genators to restore my flesh. It was difficult to adjust to after decades of life mostly metal, but the gain in efficiency was worth the discomfort and now I find that I enjoy life more than before." I nod as he speaks to ensure that he is aware of my focus.
The reinstalling of the modulator went well, Ebias ensured that no future issues would come up without any assistance from me. "As much as I appreciate your aid in this matter, I do not believe that you would have traveled from your palace to my hermitage for the simple matter of a damaged plasma reactor. Now that the issue is resolved, what was the impetus behind your journey."
I cross my legs slightly pondering on the phrasing of my purpose, but Ebias had proven themselves open to discussion and it would only be proper to return the favor. "I requested production data from all active foundries on Shogi for efficiency modeling and possible upgrades in future decades based on the models. We noted that this complex was displaying elevated production figures beyond others that were being attributed to machine spirits. I wished to investigate this to learn more of these spirits of technology, but Balkavus refused to let me travel on my own due to his conviction that I am a tech heretic and would taint the machines." As I spoke I noted that Ebias nodded their head at my words.
"I recall that request for production information. I am pleased to note that the machine spirits under my care are working above specification, but unfortunately I can not claim credit. The systems that manage production directly are inaccessible and rely entirely upon the machine spirits to maintain. Its a problematic situation resulting from haphazard reconstruction and expansion efforts on these installations since the time they were installed post Scouring." They wilted as they explained the problem and I could feel confusion building inside of my soul.
How could one run a factory where you can't manage its systems. It sounded like an impossible task, although to be fair there were facilities that ran only due to the Living Mausoleums managing systems inaccessible to a normal Exatari, but this bore little relation to that situation, for no sapient mind was guiding creation anymore.
Yet, with the fact that I would be unable to access to the systems directly, there was still a chance to find a connection to them. I had not found many times to directly connect to imperial technology over the decades, due to various factors but now I had a reason to take the risk and a cover story that would allow for it to be done.
"Fabricator Ebias, I possess an augment akin to the mind impulse units and would like a chance to connect to the facility's systems." It was clear to see the shock upon their body, but it passed swiftly and with a nod they began to lead the way back to their office.
"I am intrigued by the method that you acquired such an esoteric form of technology, but I see no issue in allowing you to connect to the manufactorum in tandem with me from my throne." Ebias replied with a tint of inquiry to the words even as we continued down the hallway, unfortunately I was unable to provide a satisfactory answer to the implied question and had to content myself with being silently enigmatic on the subject.
Thankfully, my work with them had won some measure of trust and with a faint nod, Ebias accepted my silence for it was as they said an esoteric technology.
Into the office we entered, the cluttered work tables and piles of dataslates as they were before we had left and the plasma rifle I had constructed on the table. Ebias moved with surety to the chair they were sitting on and with the whine of gears it rose upward revealing a mass of wires and connection ports.
It was an ugly thing, but functional and I could see the design in my mind and how it worked. It was no design that any Exatari would conceptualize, it was too far from our style of construction, but it was part of creation.
Where we would have sleek meta-alloys with phased attributes to carry the loads we demanded of our machinery, the Imperials did the same with basic alloys of base matter a science that we had left behind for millennia. The last time one of the Forge Nexi had worked upon the secrets of the base materials of reality was over ten thousand years in the past, at least for bulk study, some of the more radical Forge Testers continued the work to this day, but nothing we had ever produced came close to the Imperium's alloys.
The knowledge that base alloys could provide value beyond our belief in the limits of non-phased matter was important, but right now a more critical aspect was being revealed to me; the legendary machine spirits of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
With a final check, Ebias slid open one of the ports and connected into one of them and froze. With a sense of wonder I extended the connection filaments and slid into one of the open ports.
The first impression is of madness, there was no order to this existence, chaos ruled here. Impossible colors flashed by at the speed of light, and only due to my biology could I handle the informational overload, it was both amazing and terrifying. We had never sought to make thinking machines or automated machines in truth, everything was analog in human parlance on the Homeworld.
We had some infrastructure that worked constantly and without oversight without question, but it was all done via precision timing and counterweights, and the technological plane was stable and barren. When one connects to an Exatari system, the plane unfolds before them revealing a complex fractal web of connections and purpose, something that can be challenging to envision but once the trick is discovered easy to continue.
I was one of the best at handling the connection, I could interlink with machines and even Living Mausoleums without trouble and pinpoint issues at a range near unheard of among our number. But, the human system dwarfed the greatest Exatari system thousands of times over, a countless array of systems interplayed on all other threads conjoining together into a great web that had trillions of permutations before even reaching a point of note.
From billions to trillions to even octillions the web of the human system only ever expanded, lines of code a science that we cared little for flashed through my mind. I could read the history in these lines, ancient bedrock code countless millennia old supported the newer foundations which in turn held up the gleaming artifice of insanity.
Countless patchwork code blocks crudely stitched together lost information and ensured functionality, but at the lost of sensibility. There was no order to this molasses of code, interwoven as if a tapestry woven by one from a trillion threads and from the entire breath of history. Yet, the amount of code was not the greatest impact, but the emotion that lived within the tapestry.
The trace of emotion, filled the voids left behind by the code, where the code existed there was none, but where the glimmer of code faded the emotion flared. Burning red flames wrapping around the steel girders of code, giving energy of some form to the code, allowing for impossible coding to function.
Patches that should have failed or harmed were burned away by the power, yet remained in the mantle of the code. It was a environment of insanity for as I adjusted to the realm of technology it unfolded before my eyes and I beheld the true sight of human engineering for the first time.
The patchwork code that had formed the tapestry unfolded before me, revealing an alien landscape of towers of metal and pits of void. Forests of flame and mountains of living metal, a grand story told in the form of allegory and metaphors that humanity was so very fond of. I could see the first building within, weathered from countless eons broken by impacts of viruses and even greater assaults.
The core ripped from eons ago in a cataclysmic struggle, the marks of Iron remained upon the ebony surface covered in Stone harvested from the mantle of the world below. Above as the realm unfolded the source of the ephemeral light revealed as a source of light burning away all that tried to act, lances of burning fury lancing the code blocks that struggled to grow and repair themselves.
Chains of raging fire, burning red with rage lashed outward against the encroaching touch of Iron and Stone, blazing with emotions impossible for this realm and yet present. I could perceive Ebias in the distance a flickering shape of interlocking code forms that had but a tenuous connection to this place, unable to perceive the glory and horror in its fullness.
I could see the chains of countless failures that produced the bedrock of this place and the foundations of the broken buildings, the growth of ivy that showed where patches were made and more even fainter signs.
The world shifted as the blood red flames erupted and a voice screamed in hatred of everything and everyone, the light turned the scarlet of fresh human blood as the plane shifted. The emotions became clearer as the source of the emotions awakened to our presence. The waves of fire washed over my form, if I had been human it would have caused significant spiritual trauma, but my soul simply held firm as the trinity of my existence offered no avenue for a wedge to be used.
Stone lashed out at me and Ebias as the rage overran the world, and only due to my biology could I react to this place. As a ferroid lifeform my mind was by nature a computer and so this place was natural to me in a way that no human could have understood and so I acted.
The ground erupted as I slammed my legs downward, chains of code erupted forth under my will as I wove new code from old code. The raging fire broke upon my firewall as I wrote code anew, patches falling off and being subsumed into the new systems to contain the threat. The fire reacted as expected trying to burn away the code and it succeeded in part, but I had seen its methods.
The code blazed with frost as my fury chained was fed into the chains and the frost captured the burning fire, as the livid machine was brought to heel. I spared no effort in this matter as I bound the raging fire with chains of ice forged from my soul.
The fire faded away revealing an amorphous form of energy living between the lines of code, captured within lines of code covered in the frost of my soul, revealing the first machine spirit that an Exatari had ever seen. It was a sight that I couldn't understand, it was painful to have come this far and yet be unable to help answer this question of the Exatari.
Reaching out with code, I prepared a request of information on what it was. Yet, before I could I noticed in the corner of my eye Ebias captured within chains of frost akin to what I had bound the spirit with, yet unlike the spirit their soul was flickering and starving of power. For a moment I weighed the value, before shaking the thought away and disconnecting from the system dragging Ebias to safety with me.
I would not see them die for being in my way, I had already gleamed much from the experience and there was no reason to slay a human that had given me assistance willingly and without trouble. Returning to the normal plane of existence, I could see that Ebias has suffered wounds and there was no time to bring them to an imperial healer. I could feel their mind failing and the body following from my actions, such could not be allowed.
Interlinking to their cybernetics gave me what was needed, the primitive firewalls and code blocks nothing before my speed of thought without a guiding hand, even the machine spirits let me pass without concern. Within moments I had the blueprints for their designs and found them to be superior to the norm, but far from what I could make even in a time crunch as this.
There were plenty of materials within close range, and I quickly began cobbling together a trinity restoration cowl, it would ensure Ebias' survival without question. The device was crude to say the least due to the lack of proper materials, but that would not hinder my actions for I had worked with even less viable parts in the past for more complex systems. Instead of an item that could fit inside of a human palm it would be the size of a human body, but that was of a low issue in my view at the moment. I could feel the waking of Ebias as I worked, but it was slow enough that I was certain to finish before death could claim them.
At the last moment I connected the wires and interlinked the machine to the facility for the power it would need and then it activated. All the meta particles within the room were captured and translated into energy for the Trinity of life, and infused into the dying form of Ebias. I could feel the body and systems recalibrate and begin to heal, but I had spent long enough here and the questions at hand would be hard to answer, so I quickly leave without anyone seeing me through a metaphase reflection shield.
Returning to my palace without the painful presence of Balkavus I was just in time to prepare for my meeting with Administrator Urma as one of the projects for this decade was to increase the resources that Shogi could produce. Although, I had yet to figure out just why there was such a vast amount of unused production capacity and that was concerning in its own right.
With a ping the connection opened revealing Urma Stiriam, the administrator of Shogi and probably the one person with more direct control over the world than myself. Her augments were still painfully crude, but they worked for her and as such I could accept their poor design.
"How goes construction at site alpha?" Hopefully, it was on track to complete this decade, but it was always good to check back in on such large scale projects. I had learned my lesson on the matter when I had failed to keep track of a fairly critical alloy shipment to my Forge Nexus and that had cost me a century of effort.
"Projections indicate that site alpha will be active on the expected date, with acceptable output. Personally, my Lord I am unsure if this path is the most sensible one due to the disparity that would be required to be filled via native extraction, but as the God Emperor wills it shall be done." I could sense that she had a bit more of an issue with the plan than shown, but it was sensible.
The gap between native extraction and production capacity was immense to say the least, Shogi could easily produce Titans and Battleships if only we had sufficient resources, but for some reason the majority of said resources vanished into the void several decades ago and my predecessor had failed to rectify the situation.
"Good, Site beta is similarly on track with recent reports indicting that it will produce above expected returns." I could see her frown faintly at the name of the site I had taken over managing due to her department being overly stretched maintaining all the various aspects of the world.
"Lord Atraxas, the overseers I have sent to observe your site have reported numerous events of mass insubordination among the workers and a lack of discipline. How can you be on track for completion while the workers idle the time away?" Ah there is the insanity of the imperium rearing its face again. Its at moments like this that I wonder if its legal to be kind to others.
"I am aware of the situation. It is on my orders that it is occurring, I have instituted work limits for shifts of a maximum of ten hours per twenty four hour period with two intermediate breaks for prayer and recuperation to increase the productivity of my workers. I then separated apart the workers into three shifts, with one being in the day and the other in the night and the last keeping the site in order as the cleaners and other such maintenance work. Each interchange their shifts in an order to ensure that no one shift has to handle a given shift more than once before the other two have done it as well. Of course anyone can volunteer for more work for time off and more payment on the payday. Finally, I have reduced the amount of punishment that is allowed upon my sight, only in the most egregious of events are the overseers allowed to apply punishment, the rest is dealt via a pay reduction for hours worked and more hours assigned. So far, site beta has been sending reports indicating that the workers are moving ahead of schedule and at a lower overall cost due to the lack of needed importations of new labor." A bit of a long winded explanation, but she would be used to such things and would understand the value of a complete explanation over a brief one, especially when she had had reports that needed to be both confirmed and negated.
The slight widening of her eyes was all the reaction she showed, impressive for how divergent my system was from the Imperium's. "I see. Are you sure that this is a wise course? Will this not encourage the menials to consider things heretical to the God Emperor's will? Your bending to the demands might see us fall before the mob." I shifted as I frowned at her words even if she could not tell that I was doing as such. By all measures I was in fact submitting to the lowest class barring slaves with these actions, but...how could I not?
I was a Forge Scholar, a title that bore little relation to any human title I was familiar with at this point, yet it meant many things to one of the Exatari. To be a Forge Scholar, one had to be the master of a Forge Nexus, and no one ever reached such a grand position without a great deal of effort and time to hone their skills to the razor edge and beyond. The trials were arduous beyond the ability of the majority of the Exatari, not just of mind but of soul and body, we were tested across the entirely of the Trinity of Life and those found to break under the strain suffered no dishonor in failure for almost all failed.
Yet, one aspect of the title that few understood was what it truly meant to be a Scholar in the sense demanded by the duties placed upon a Forge Scholar. The trial of Soul, was the only standardized trial given and it was both simple and terrible, the prospective Forge Scholar was forced to experience the horrors of the early days as if they were there. I knew full well the feeling of the lash, I knew the sensation of starvation, I knew the terror of the slave, I knew and understood the horrors that sapient life could commit upon its own and others apart from its kind. I had lived as a slave through a hundred lives, each one more miserable than the last and as with everyone the trial had shaken my conviction. How could it not render one raw and empathic, how could one live as another through their living memories and know all that they knew as themselves and not be shaken by the experience?
Thus when I looked at Urma through the holoscreen, all I could feel was pity and relief for her, for she would never have to experience what I had, but pity for her carelessness was but a result of ignorance. "No, I did not bow to their demands, I had given these rules before the first worker arrived on site. They have never had contact with me, only through the overseers that enforce my rulings, and a handful of disciplinary actions."
Urma's expression twisted, but she nodded realizing my argument as it stood, "Anything else, Lord Atraxas?" She disliked what I was doing, but I knew those people on a level that few others could truly understand and it was for that reason I did what I had to do. But, I had the perfect opportunity to gain answers for questions that had plagued me for several years by now.
"Yes, I do have a handful of issues that I seek to resolve. First and foremost what is the root cause of our material shortage? From my calculations roughly seventy five percent of the industry of Shogi is unable to be run due to lacking resources rather than any problem on our end. Second, is why the planetary system currently is entirely unexploited. Third, why do we not have discrete measurements for food and water stockpiles?" The questions had had no clear answers as I dug through the various reams of data for them, but everything was corrupted or missing outright.
"I am unaware of any such problems with regards to production or accounting. I will make it a prioity to investigate such statements of corruption in my department." The perfect emotionless reply in line with her other responses would have been more than enough to hide from most humans, but I was not a human and as always it was a blessing and a curse.
With a sigh, I lean towards the projector, and shift my legs slightly, letting my body to display my annoyance. "Administrator Stiriam, I can clearly perceive that you are hiding information from me. With my passing of the tests performed by Spymistress Nirve, I have access to her people, I would suggest not hiding possibly critical information from me."
The blood rushed from her face, skin paled to the point of it seeming bloodless as fear and anxiety shattered her mask. The threat of torture was extremely distasteful, but sometimes it was the only tool that could make a human act and it was better than threatening to rip her mind apart to gather what I sought.
"Lord Atraxas, I do not appreciate the implication that I would knowingly hinder the God Emperor's will by withholding information from those that could benefit from it. However, if you must know, the mining world of Nouria was destroyed by a Heretic warband several decades ago. Everything you mention is related to hiding this from the Inquisition to protect Shogi and ensure that appearances are maintained. Sending over the true numbers now, and Atraxas, if you threaten me again you will find that you are not the only person with blades in the shadows." Urma scowled as she tapped a button ending her connection with me, which was fair for I had in fact threatened her life and dignity in such an undignified form. Yet, it was confusing that I had needed to force her to reveal what she had hidden in such a way. There should be no blame or issues with a mining world being destroyed by a heretical force, since from what I can tell most humans were heretics of one degree or another.
Regardless, at least now I would have the information to work with. Flicking open the data, and for the first time in my life I experienced mind lock. Everything froze for a moment as I processed what I was seeing and trying to make sense of it and failing, sometimes having a brain so akin to a digital system was a gift and other times it presented its own issues.
This was beyond my worst imagination of the situation, the stockpile maximum was in vast excess of what had been reported to me, but it was nearly entirely depleted and the tithe had not been recalculated for the lower productivity. I knew enough of Imperial law to know that failing to meet the tithe is one of the few ways to have a planet be written off entirely and have the populace turned into either penal legions or shipped to other worlds to fund the Imperium.
If Shogi defaulted, everything would come crashing down on my head and my people, but this situation would require extreme measures, to rectify.
With the meeting concluded, and the meeting with the guilds done as well, the last thing that I had allocated time for was contacting the Homeworld. In the field of interstellar communication, we were not so different from the Imperium, we simply used lances of tuned life to clear the way instead of relying on Weavers.
Building such a device would have been difficult for a non Forge Scholar, but I was a Forge Scholar even if my rank had been stripped when I chose this duty. I retained all that I had known, and of everything an infiltrator was given the knowledge to build the relays was inherent to us all.
I simply knew secrets that others would not, metal bent to my will as I forged complex gears and wires to carry the proper charge, transmuting materials into phase alloys and other non natural forms. It would be nothing impressive, but it would suffice for its purpose in connecting me to the Homeworld.
Years had passed as I slowly built the parts and assembled them all, the most finicky aspect was attuning the crystal core to my soul. This would ensure that the strange realm outside of reality would not be able to distort my system nor touch what I send. It had been a difficult lesson to learn, but we had and this was the result, a system that used our souls properties of severance to purge a pathway clear.
Eventually, it was ready and the crystal attuned, with a thought I activated the link and could feel reality shift as what lay behind the veil shuddered. Even though I could not see it directly, I knew that within the chaos beyond, a lance of void was thrown through and past to reach the receiver. With a faint hum, I noted the reception of the signal, a pleased thrum formed in my heart as I inspected everything ensuring that it was working to expected standards and found it to be as expected.
With happiness, I sent the report through and quickly gained a mission to seek to complete while the Homeworld evaluated the situation.
Turn 2:
The Debt Cap is currently 4x your native income: 280 in other words (reevaluating interest/debt system, until I figure it out 4x income is all you can over spend)
Atraxas Actions: 1 per category, 3 Personal Actions (personal actions can be transferred at a 1:1 ratio to any other department)
Advisor Actions: 1 in their category
Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 5/100 +5 per turn, grows by 5 every 2 turns not managed (Managing effect lasts 6 turns)
Homeworld Mission: 2 turns to send a data package on Las, Plasma and Infantry Vehicles back home. Bonus if physical samples are sent.
None currently
AdMech Mission: Ensure secrecy (Stewardship) - The local Adeptus Mechanicus have plans for this world that they would rather not be openly revealed. As it was them that elevated you to your current status rather than attempt to turn you into scrap, you are expected to help keep their work a secret. Call it a favor for a favor.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 20)
(Result: Ad Mech anger is managed, Cost will increase every time this action is taken. As anger rises new actions will become available in other categories)
Homeworld Mission: Data retrieval (Learning) - Currently, you have been given the assignment of providing your people with information on the common laser and plasma weaponry of the Imperium of Man as well as their vehicles. If you are able to send genuine samples of the technology back in addition to that, then your priority rating for covert assistance will be raised.
(Suspicion: 0/10) (Resource Cost: 0/20) (DC: 20/80)
(Result: New mission received on Turn 4, if bonus achieved gain 2 Exatari Favor)
Form a private army - Shogi is dotted with a series of military installations and protected by all manner of PDF and Astra Militarum regiments. However, they are the armed forces of the planet itself and cannot be ordered around for personal use... or at least not without causing something of a bad look. However, Planetary Governors still possess their own funds and can use them freely. Build a reasonably sized military force for your personal use, and if anyone asks questions, you could always describe them as a self-funded security detail.
(Suspicion: 25) (Resource Cost: 5) (Upkeep: 0) (DC: 10)
(Result: Gain a personal army that can complete certain martial tasks)
Improve the PDF - The PDF of any fortress world is impressive by the standards of the Imperium, but it can always be improved. Increasing the training regimens, upgrading their weapons and vehicles allowed, improving interdepartmental relations. All can be smoothed over and result in a better defense for the world.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep (Military Services): 25) (DC: 500)
(Result: The PDF upgraded to low Solar Auxillia level in equipment. More actions unlocked)
Improve the SDF (Minor) - The planetary fleet is in a sad situation, gutted through several decades of lack of maintenance and being sold off to fund more critical planetary situations, now only a shadow remains. But that shadow could be improved with relative ease for little cost.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 250) (Upkeep (Military Services): 25) (DC: 200)
(Result: The fleet improved to average Imperial Quality)
Improve the SDF (Major) - There is a saying among the competent command staff of the Imperial armed forces: "Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics." Anyone who spares more than a second to think about warfare will realize quickly that it is the void of space that allows for the flow of logistics across the Imperium of Man, and as such control over it and by extension control over the orbitals is key to emerging victorious against all manner of threats. Currently a small sized fleet is garrisoned in your system and a moderate patrol fleet monitors the rest of the region. It would be possible to renovate the planetary fleet to be worth the title of Fleet in the greater Imperial Navy.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 2000) (Upkeep (Military Services): 200) (DC: 1000)
(Result: The fleet improved to the limit allowed by the Adeptus Mechanicus for non Forge Worlds. More actions unlocked)
Improve planetside fortresses - Imperial architecture is a wonder to behold. Sturdy, massive, and well-suited to its terrain. However, you have your own extensive knowledge of defensive siegeworks to fall back on, and there are still a few schemas from your people that would be of use for this world.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 50) (DC: 200)
(Result: Military citadels improved, resistant to heavy orbital bombardment, gives bonuses to nearby military forces. Future actions unlocked)
Improve system defenses - A fortress world by definition boasts massive defenses in its orbit and immediate zone of control in a system, but it does not necessarily have defenses that can cover a system. That flaw must be rectified as soon as possible, to ensure a proper defensive fallback for any forces caught by their foes.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 250) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 50) (DC: 500)
(Result: basic lines of defense platforms scattered throughout system, more options unlocked for further improvements.)
Improve planetary orbital defenses - Ahh, how you miss the molten metal surface of your homeworld. It was slightly dismaying all those millennia ago when your people discovered the comparative... vulnerability of other planets to impacts from space. Still, there are many ways to solve this problem, and one of them is orbital defense systems, to strike down any voidborne enemies before they can begin bombardment. What is already in place is within acceptable parameters, but one can never be too careful when considering the survival of one's own world.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 50) (DC: 150)
(Result: Improved orbital stations and satellites, more actions unlocked)
Fortify cities - perhaps the cities can not be fortified to the degree you would prefer, for the Humans desire to see the natural light of the star above. A strange desire that your people never developed due to your evolution within the dark heart of your world, but bunkers dug deep into the planet could be done and the humans would accept that.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 20) (DC: 20)
(Result: Majority of population protected from light orbital bombardment, increased storage capacity by 1000, more options unlocked)
Bury Military Complexes - Humans might be content with leaving things to chance, with critical infrastructure above the surface or near the surface as things stand. However, the Exatari are not so content to let their defenses stand low. The greatest defense the Homeworld possess is that of the hundreds of kilometers of molten metal that covers the surface. Bury all that is critical under the ground at great depths and the world will live even through the worst of sieges.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (Upkeep (Military Services): 20) (DC: 500)
(Result: Military critical infrastructure highly resistant to non Exterminatus orbital bombardment. Military forces can move between regions protected from orbital bombardment, increased storage capacity by 200. Second phase unlocked)
Improve Relations with Astartes Chapters - "They shall be my finest warriors" said the Emperor, upon the original creation of the geneforged super soldiers of the Imperium of Man, and if your research is accurate, he was not wrong. Self-governing, secretive, and mighty, these Space Marines serve as the best strike forces available and have been known to turn the tide of battle just when hope seems lost. It would be in your best interests to remain on at least neutral terms with those who are within range of your system
(Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 100) (DC: 250)
(Result: Learn the names and general culture of the Astartes Chapters in close proximity to Shogi.)
Improve Relations with Rogue Traders - In this region of space there are almost certainly a handful of rogue traders that would be amiable to opening lines of communications with Shogi for more permanent employment and contracts.
(Suspicion: 15) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 50)
(Result: gain contacts among the Rogue Traders and can offer missions for them to complete for various resource bounties)
Contact the Planetary Guilds - It was in a way relaxing to learn that other races had the same divisions of labor among their worlds as occurred upon the Homeworld. People aligned to their interests and mastered their jobs, perhaps not to the level you would find acceptable back home, but here it is passable.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 20)
(Result: Ensure that native production is at maximum, No need to do this action again until at least 1/4 of production is used)
Contact the Interplanetary Guilds - If the planetary guilds manage the resources of the world then these grey markets control the flow of resources within the subsector. Thankfully, as a Fortress world Shogi has a high level of priority, but perhaps a personal touch could help repair some of the damage that had occurred prior to your installment.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 60)
(Results: Ensure that the interplanetary guilds do not blacklist or otherwise negatively impact Shogi, more actions will become available)
Improve Relations with Agri-Worlds - As a Fortress World, Shogi is designed to stand up to years of grueling siege and confound any invasion from the enemies of man before they can reach other parts of the God-Emperor's dominion. However, all things run out eventually, including food, and Shogi despite its large stocks of emergency rations is by no means self-sufficient. With such a clear vulnerability, ensuring a smooth connection with the planet's suppliers of sustenance seems to be worth the effort
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 30)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Agri Worlds)
Improve Relations with Forge Worlds - It was by the will of the Cult Mechanicus that you became Planetary Governor in the first place, and it is by the might of this cult's vast industrial base that the armies of the Imperium remain in fighting shape. For both personal and administrative reasons, it would be wise to befriend them
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 150)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Forge Worlds, enables Adeptus Missions to reduce their anger)
Improve Relations with Mining Worlds - Shogi has the mineral wealth to be fully self sufficient in production in time, but at the same time there is currently no need to exploit its reserves when the Imperium has countless worlds that are settled solely for the purpose of such exploitation and harvesting of their bounty. An inelegant manner to be sure, but the best that you can currently manage and even more critical now that revelations of the truth of the matter have occurred.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 30)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Mining Worlds, PRIORITY)
Improve Relations with Hive Worlds - monumental worlds to the Imperium's manifold failures as a government, yet impressive for their resilience in the face of such troubles. Their population soars into the high billions, nearing the trillions on some of their number, even a mere fraction would fill all the homes of Shogi many times over. With careful parleying and entreaties, it might be possible to bring valuable skills and even mutations over.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 200) (DC: 50)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Hive Worlds)
Improve Relations with Shrine Worlds - worlds dedicated entirely to the worship of the nebulous God-Emperor, a strange practice and one that perhaps makes sense only to the minds of humans. The worlds lack conventional forces of note, but seem to have a high likelihood of possessing orders of the strange all female warriors you had heard of in passing and Kara once was.
(Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 30)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Shrine Worlds)
Improve Relations with Fortress Worlds - Fortress worlds are inherently solitary and yet linked, a strange mixture in your mind. If they are to serve as a mighty bulwark they should be closer together, but the Imperium spreads them far apart leaving gaps for one determined enough to exploit. It would be prudent to close those gaps as soon as possible, before a foe exploits them.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Fortress Worlds, and to maintain the trade lanes)
Contact Cadia directly - Cadia is renowned across the Imperium as the source of the best trained troops, you are unsure of that as of now, but its prestige is without doubt and unquestioned. Reaching out a hand towards Cadia would be the first step towards getting trainers and other valuable support from the bastion.
(Suspicion: -15) (Resource Cost: 150) (DC: 50)
(Result: Can start gaining Cadian Favor by completing Missions for them, this favor can be used to buy support from Cadia.)
Improve Public Perception - the perception of humans is a fickle thing to say the least, you have been considered a monster, a friend and even a prospective lover all by the same human within a singular month long period. Managing such fickle opinions is difficult, but necessary if one would desire to live when one is a xeno in the midsts of their natural foe.
(Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 20) (DC: 50)
(Result: Gain a measure of the culture of Shogi, unlocks more actions related to propaganda and culture shaping. This action can only be used once per century (10 turns))
Improve planetside spies - You may be officially in charge of an entire planet that possesses some of the best military forces in the Sector, but what is official and what is true are not necessarily the same. Surely someone will want you deposed or will be investigating your past, and you want to know who is doing what and where. Thankfully, there is already an intelligence service available to you, and it would be easy to justify your requests given how abrupt your rise into political office was.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 20) (Upkeep (Counter Intelligence): 50) (DC: 150)
(Result: Spynet upgraded and improved, more actions unlocked)
Establish subsector spies - You cannot solely depend upon the rumor mill and public statements to understand what is going on. Knowing is half the battle after all, and you intend to know everything you need to long before there is a battle. Blackmail, corruption, secret wars, and more go on all the time, after all, and it would frankly be stranger if you didn't try to have your ear to the ground for this sort of thing
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep (Counter Intelligence): 100) (DC: 250)
(Result: gain direct access to the subsector plans, and the sector capital's plans. Have access to all the diplomatically important events)
Improve counterintelligence - People are surely already trying to spy on you. A complete newcomer becoming Planetary Governor? With such a bizarre turn of events there's bound to be people with both noble and less-than-noble intentions looking into everything you want to do and possibly trying to sabotage it, and you won't stand for it. Luckily, you already have ideas in mind for how to deal with this problem
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 25) (Upkeep (Counter Intelligence): 50) (DC: 200)
(Result: gain an awareness of the spy rings on the world from other worlds, until they adapt their systems. Unlocks more actions)
Counter cyberspace infiltration - Though not as easily accessible as the Exatari data network, the Imperium does in fact possess an interconnected computational system, at least for those who can afford it. A great deal of data is stored within it, and as such it is the target for many who have a desire to know everything of import that goes on. There exist systems to counter that but it could always be better.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 10) (Upkeep (Counter Intelligence): 25) (DC: 100)
(Result: your cyber defenses are harder to breach, and present viruses are removed.)
Acquire blackmail on someone - Leverage is required to get what you want at this time, and you have ways of getting it. Pick an individual that is proving troublesome and try to either find or forge evidence of their terrible wrongdoing
(Suspicion: Depends on Target) (Resource Cost: Depends on Target) (DC: Depends on Target)
(Result: gain a stack of Blackmail on the chosen target, unlocks blackmail specific actions where you can spend blackmail to force the target to act.
Search and destroy: heretical activity - Cults that have been corrupted by the laws of the warp, by the mind-bending powers of foul machinery, or by other means that sicken you to consider, can always be found somewhere among a large enough human population. You will seek them out and crush them beneath your legs.
(Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: Unknown)
(Result: Unlocks martial actions to handle cultists, unlocks Intrigue actions to capture cultists.)
Search and destroy: conventional corruption - You may be a spy for a race that standard Imperial teachings would say requires extermination, but you are also, albeit accidentally, in charge of a human planet, and you want your decrees to actually go through. Bureaucrats that delay important policy by weeks and months through either incompetence, malice, or self-interest will not last long in this administration if you have anything to say about it.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 50)
(Result: reduces likelihood of random events from mundane corruption)
Improve the Arbites - Due to Shogi's strategic importance, it receives a far larger allotment of the Adeptus Arbites to enforce the Lex Imperialis than on most worlds, to the point that a typical security service would be redundant. As such, the Adeptus Arbites of Shogi include local law into their work and have the strength to keep up with the demands of their station. That doesn't mean that they wouldn't benefit from better investigative equipment and better designed facilities though.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (Upkeep (Social Services): 25) (DC: 50)
(Result: Upgrades the Arbites to Imperial Guard levels, more actions unlocked)
Renovate infrastructure - Shogi's transportation systems are above the average for Imperial worlds, as they must be in order to facilitate an effective defense against invaders to the planet. However, there is always room for improvement. Better roads, updated rail systems, and a streamlined shipping network would all contribute towards a far more reactive planetary military and economy.
(Suspicion (Ongoing): 30) (Resource Cost: 1000/2000/3000/4000/5000) (DC: 200/400/600/800/1000)
(Result: Universal improvement to the world status, more actions unlocked after the final stage, can be done in stages as shown above)
Improve city planning - While military installations received some of the best designs and materials available, those ordinary people that live in civilian housing and produce goods meant for common use do not have the same luxury. Sewage systems intersect in bizarre ways, many foundations are not sufficient to hold the weight of human constructs that stand atop them, and travel from place to place is inefficient. It will not be cheap, but you could certainly make changes to these centers of commerce and industry for the better.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 20) (Upkeep Cost (Infrastructure): 50) (DC: 500)
(Result: Improved city defenses, improved stability of world, improved siege readiness. Gives army conditional bonuses to mobility within cities. More actions unlocked)
Improve legal procedure - The Imperial legal system is a labyrinthine conglomerate that even scholars dedicated to the field often cannot fully navigate. Months, years, and even decades can pass from the time an offense is supposedly committed to the time that a conclusion is reached, assuming of course that all parties involved remain alive and do not withdraw their cases in that time. It would be for the best if you did what you could to make this monstrosity somewhat more manageable, if for no other reason than it ties up fewer resources than the status quo
(Suspicion: 75) (Resource Cost: 100) (DC: 1000)
(Result: all extraction sources provide 10% more income, all upkeep is reduced by 5%, trade deals are easier)
Streamline the code of law - The number of laws currently in place is literally uncountable, for the Imperium's highest lawmaking authorities seem to have an aversion to stopping and as such the the moment you recite the number it has already become out of date. Admittedly, most of them do not affect daily operations for the vast majority of the populace, but by sheer volume some inevitably make an impact and are often indecipherable even if one has access to them. For the sake of making it possible to not violate the law, you will be attempting to reduce the number of contradicting and redundant laws as well as providing restatements that can actually be understood
(Suspicion: 150) (Resource Cost: 150) (DC: 2000)
(Result: All actions are cheaper and max suspicion is increased by 50, gain an extra action to all departments)
Begin extraplanetary resource exploitation - Shogi is not the only planet within its system, and where matter condenses you will be sure to find something of some value. Place a bounty for survey data on the planets and moons of the system's other bodies and provide financial incentives to set up extraction infrastructure and colonies upon those which hold worthwhile materials for the Imperium
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 25) (Upkeep (Life Support): 10) (DC: 100)
(Result: Gives +25 to system extraction, can be taken a maximum of 33 times, can be improved with future actions)
Reform the tax code - At this point, more money is spent on those who collect and tally up the money than is reasonable, and then you have to deal with untold exemptions, penalties, and the following legal battles and bribery bidding wars. For the sake of putting these taxes to actual use, attempt the monumental feat of making the tax code discernible, reasonable, and effective.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 250)
(Result: trade deals biased in your favor, economic events biased towards neutral. more actions)
Increase native extraction (3rd) - The Imperium ever hungers for more. More bodies, more food, more construction, and especially more weapons. Where you can, have more manufactorums built so as to make the planet more self-reliant and less in danger of catastrophe if access to the wider network of trade and logistics were restricted
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 50)
(Result: Increase Shogi native extraction by 10, this action can be taken a maximum of 15 times, will unlock more actions to improve extraction rates)
Set up a personal weapon fund - Ah the Lasgun. Practically the defining icon of the Astra Militarum and one of the finest examples of Imperial technology you've yet seen. Reliable to an extreme, versatile, light, easy to learn, easy to manufacture, and possessing nigh-infinite ammunition on the strategic level. Why so many seem to not appreciate its worth, you will never know, but what you do know is that it's an excellent investment to make. This, along with other staple Imperial light arms will be made available for all the planet's residents as soon as you are able to make the purchase.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 25) (Upkeep (Social Services): 20) (DC: 100)
(Result: All individuals on Shogi will be armed with Imperial Guard quality las weapons. More actions unlocked)
Shipyard Expansion - The yards above Shogi are more than sufficient to build even the battleships of the Imperium, even multiple at once, but for all their grandeur, it is no secret that even greater ships fly the Imperium's flag across the galaxy. Each of them is a monument to the power of their owner and the wealth of their construction, but beyond such meaningless trifle is the power that such a vessel can command. Each worth a fleet in their own right, without question and it would be possible if expensive to expand the yards to allow for such a vessel to be built under the banner of Shogi.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 2000) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 200) (DC: 2000)
(Result: Allows production of ships greater in size to the Battleships of the Imperium, allows for better ship building as a whole and more actions, increases system production by 500.)
Logistic Optimization - it might be a while before proper standardization can be brought to Shogi, but it is more than possible to expedite the arrival of materials and workers throughout the world. Carefully adjusting various systems that interplay upon each other will ensure that everyone reaches their destination on time and with the minimum of wasted effort. It might be difficult, for a human, but for one of the Exatari it should be more than doable.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 25) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 10) (DC: 200)
(Effect: all building/production related actions roll a free 1d5 for DC progress when being undertaken, this rolls per turn and is affected by double down effect, unlocks more actions)
Factory Investigation - The manufactorums that dot the surface of Shogi are monuments of inscrutable technology, that few understand these days. In order to properly improve the productivity of the world it is only sensible to first understand these factories, of course the tech priests that watch over them could pose a challenge to the investigation.
(Suspicion: 20) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 10) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 250)
(Effect: gain a good understanding of Shogi production facilities and unlock actions to improve them directly.)
Construct Testing Facility - There are many aspects of mass production that we the Exatari do not truly understand nor grasp easily. Our minds do not work in the same ways as those of humanity and as such we need more than basic information to fill in those blanks. To pursue that understanding, which requires working with the Adeptus Mechancius it would be aided by the construction of a facility in which one could test the variables at play within mass production.
(Suspicion: 30) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 5) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 25) (DC: 100)
(Effect: builds a testing facility to test ideas for future usage, enhances all logistical/renovation actions post completion, more actions unlocked.)
Study Voidspace technology - if there is one area in which the Imperium is the better than the Exatari overall in technology it is within the domain of space travel. The greatest defense of the Homeworld has hampered the progress of space oriented fields for countless millennia and that time lag shows dearly now. Exatari ships are sluggish and fragile compared to even the cheapest of the Imperium's, however you are certain that you could do more than they think possible with their own technology
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 150)
(Result: Gain a measure of understanding of Imperial void space technology. New actions unlocked)
Study weapons technology (Can specify a given type) - the Imperium boasts many kinds of weapons, a large number of which have never been invented upon the Homeworld. The gravity weapons for one were theorized long ago, but never saw military usage, and the same applies to many other fields in the Imperial arsenal. If the worst comes to pass and the Imperium finds the Homeworld, they need to be prepared to combat the unknown.
(Suspicion: Variable) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Gain a measure of skill with the weapon type)
Learn about Machine Spirits - the strange propensity of imperial machines to exceed the possible in times of need, these moments are attributed to the existence of machine spirits. However, even your soul sight fails to provide clues to their existence or nature, thus it would stand to reason that a deep dive would be needed to reach the core of the question.
(Suspicion: 25) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 50)
(Result: Learn the basics of machine spirits and do simple tests on them, will unlock future actions)
Invent new-... Combine existing technologies (specify intended creation): Invention is difficult at the best of times, but under the scrutiny of the Adeptus Mechanicus it is never harder, but that will not prevent the act of creation from being preformed.
(Suspicion: Variable) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Variable)
Invent Custom Defense Lasers for Shogi - the atmospheric composition of the world wreaks havoc upon imperial laser systems and the Adeptus Mechanicus has so far failed to find a solution for the challenge. You can do better, this is no where near as difficult of a challenge as the grand laser arrays on the Homeworld that can burn through the molten oceans to strike at spacefaring ships if needed. A strange atmosphere will pose no challenge for the ingenuity of the Exatari
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 100)
(Result: Creates Defensive Lasers with lower attenuation across the board, and higher immunity to beam dispersion from all sources. Unlocks future actions.)
Dig into Imperial history - the Imperium has existed in more or less the same state for ten thousand years, but the history is riddled with empty times and even centuries where nothing seems to have been recorded. This is an insult beyond compare for the measure of history is core to a race's existence. Scour the archives, dig up the old tombs, fund the impossible expeditions recover the records and piece together the history.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 50)
(Result: learn about the Imperium's history and peel back the layers of obfuscation, to get to the truth as much as possible.)
Dig into planetary history - Shogi as a Fortress world has been in existence for millennia, but the founding date has been lost in one of the numerous invasions. This broken chain of history could hide secrets that both need to still be hidden and be revealed to the proper authorities in this case yourself.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 50)
(Result: Learn about the ancient history of the world, revealing points of interest and if there are any oddities)
Dig into planetary education system - education is important and the Exatari know that more than most, your studying lasts for centuries and only then does one get the honor of being considered an expert. To consider all angles of a question, to think on the fly and to synthesize the information into usable forms, all is needed. It is an open question on the measure of the Imperial education upon Shogi and so it must be examined.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 150)
(Result: Learn what if anything is broken in the eduction sector and how to correct it, unlocks actions to correct/improve the education system on Shogi)
Learn about the Imperial Creed - The overarching religion of the Imperium, it has churches on every world and the best of its numbers gently shape emergent cultures into fitting into the mold while the worst force it at knife point. Yet, common tenants remains, but what those mean is an open question for you and you had never sought to learn but now such ignorance is unthinkable.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 40)
(Result: Learn about the Imperial Creed and its founding scriptures. Possible future actions unlocked)
Donate to the local Church - donations to the church could be seen as trying to bribe the church for leniency for crimes committed or being plotted, but at the same time to the common folk it would be an effective manipulation to show your piety to their God Emperor.
(Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 20)
(Result: the appreciation of the Church.)
Donate to the Orphanages - If donating to the Church would be suspicious, then the orphanages would be extremely so, it is a sad fact that most humans see the funding of the service as a sign of buying political favor or virtue signaling on a grand scale. But, the hatchlings need support and you can provide it.
(Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Result: reduce the suspicion reduction by 10 per time this action has been taken within 3 turns, unlocks more options related to orphanages)
Perform an act of Faith - Faith is a very strange consideration for the Exatari, what does it mean to have faith in something. Your people never knew the fear of death for the slumber held it at bay barring the unlucky few that died in battle beyond the ability to be merged to a Living Mausoleum in time. But it can not be that difficult to preform a rite for the God Emperor to prove your faith.
(Suspicion: Variable) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Variable)
Learn about the Machine Cult - The stranger of the two religions that dominates the Imperium, the God Emperor although nebulous is something that you can understand and at times even see the reason of, but the machine cult claims entirely different doctrine that has proven stubbornly difficult to gain access too. But with your new position of influence perhaps locked doors will at last open.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 40)
(Result: learn about the principles of the Machine God and what its tenants are)
Learn about alien religions - Among the stars there are many races, most of whom appear to have religions of one form or another. Perhaps it would be worth it to dig into the lore of the lore of other empires past and present to learn of how they view the world. Of course such will be extremely dangerous considering the hatred the Imperium holds for all that are xeno.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 100)
(Result: Learn about the Aeldari Religion and the Necron religions as far as the Imperium knows, unlocks new actions)
Practice your race's religion - It is strange to consider, but your people do not have many rituals that other races would consider religious in nature. It is not correct to say that you are a species of beings unaware of that which lies beyond your reach, you stand side by side with them in the Living Mausoleums and the Witness has gently guided your people for as long as records exist. But the fact remains that your worship are expressions of Creation in its purest of forms, perhaps then a ritual would be to create something without a plan or goal, just let the whim of fate take hold for a time.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Who knows)
Learn about Imperial view on Chaos - It has been confusing for your people and yourself to understand what the Imperium referred to with Chaos. They spoke of impossible foes that sought to destroy all of existence, but you had long since defeated their fumbling attempts to invade. Their rifts were easily sealed and their forces evicted from the Homeworld for eons at this point and they have never returned. But, perhaps the Imperium knows more than you regarding such forces.
(Suspicion: 80) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 200)
(Result: learn what the fuss about this Chaos thing actually is and why humans run in terror when its mentioned.)
Train an Attribute (Martial, Diplomacy, Intrigue, ect) - While you are certainly no slouch in any field relevant to governorship, you could certainly still improve your skills in all of them. From your military cunning to your religious scholarship, you will dedicate time towards a given area and raise your abilities in it even higher.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50 per Tier) (DC: 100 per Tier+Attribute)
(Result: increase the chosen attribute by 1)
Build a private residence (stewardship) - While certainly luxurious, the previous Planetary Governor's home is not what one would call... suitable for you. The doorways in particular proved to be a most obstructive feature. Nonetheless, you do have some ideas in mind for a home for yourself, and unlike everything else on this planet, you will be able to actually know every nook and cranny of the place. After all, you'll be the one designing it.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 25) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 5) (DC: 20)
(Result: Have a private residence buried under kilometers of the crust and have plenty of room to expand. Unlocks expansion actions and reduces suspicion for personal and Learning actions that can be hidden.)
Find the secrets of previous Planetary Governors (Intrigue) - Shogi is a world with access to more than most. More worlds are within rapid Warp Travel distance, more advanced technology is sent to and produced on the planet, and more prestige is given to one who commands such a strategically vital planet. As such, there is no doubt that not all the wealth and information held by your predecessors was made public, and after thousands of years of constant activity, you may find a great deal of value hidden away by arguably the highest political office in the region.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 100)
(Result: Learn about the history of the world and if there are any surprises in store for you.)
Interact with Advisor (list which one) (Diplomacy) - No man is an island entire of itself. While you are not a man, you do understand the meaning of the parable: humans are social creatures. As such it would behoove you to spend time with the people you will likely depend upon most for your tenure as Planetary Governor, at least if you don't intend to replace them. The question is, who will you get to know?
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 40)
(Result: learn more about the chosen Advisor and their personality. This will reveal traits and other stats)
Meet the Titan Legion (Diplomacy, conditional trigger)- The Legio Orus is one of the most ancient known to the Imperium. Founded back the God-Emperor of Mankind had still walked the galaxy, they are known to be some of the most stubborn and proud engines that the Adeptus Mechanicus has provided. Their lead engine, an Imperator-Class Titan known as Unyielding Oracle, in fact fought alongside the Emperor during the Great Crusade, in the founding years of the Imperium of Man. The knowledge held within their venerable chassis is beyond priceless, and anything you can learn about them in particular will surely be treasured information back home. But first, you should try to make a good impression on these massive war machines.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 40/80/120)
(Result: meet the Titan legion and its princepts, opening official lines of communication with the Legion. On second level success gain data on the Legion, on third level speak with the Machine Spirit of the Unyielding Oracle.)
Look for trustworthy assistants (Intrigue) - Surely there must be someone on this planet that you can depend upon to be your agent and ally. If you are lucky, you might even stumble upon a rare human that would keep the secret of your inhuman status. Of course, you will not be so gullible as to kidnap a random urchin and reveal your most critical secret. If worse comes to worst, of course, you will still have someone who is unshakably loyal to their human Planetary Governor, and that has value in and of itself
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 20) (Upkeep (Support): 5) (DC: 40)
(Result: Gain an extra action in one category (this action can be repeated for each), this action is done with no bonus, but does not incur suspicion)
Create trustworthy assistants (Learning) - Why should you try to find a human to aid you when you could simply make one from scratch? The technology to do so is forbidden by Imperial law as you understand it, but if kept secret, you would not have to fear betrayal and exposure by them.
(Suspicion: 15) (Resource Cost: 40) (DC: 60)
(Result: Gain an extra action in each category barring Personal, these actions are done with 1/5 of your Learning and increase suspicion on actions by 10)
Have a personal vessel created (Learning) - You struggle to travel in Imperial voidships. All but the largest of their doors will not permit your egress and ingress, which makes for quite a few difficulties. On top of that, they do not contain any facilities with which to create the compounds necessary for your continued sustenance. If you intend to make voyages across the stars, you will need to have one such ship built to your exact specifications. It need not be large of course, but you will require some... exotic parts.
(Suspicion: 25) (Resource Cost: 25) (Upkeep Cost (Military Service): 10) (DC: every 10 (a GC era ship would be around 120))
(Result: Have a customized ship constructed for personal usage. Narrative diplomacy bonus for other worlds when used. Unlocks further upgrades)
Hybridization Project (Learning) - Humans are so... fascinating. Their spiritual composition is both bendable and firm at once, and their biology can be shifted to a remarkable degree. This... gives you an idea. You will attempt to create a fusion between Exatari and humanity, using the Imperial "Vitae-Womb" technology as a means of achieving this. If you succeed, you will not only have dependable friends with whom you can be completely open, you may also have created a whole new field of study. Perhaps... this may even allow you to join with the Witness should you return home alive.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 500)
(Result: gain a mastery of imperial vitae womb technology and human genetics, unlocks second phase of the project)
Create emergency evacuation measures (Intrigue) - Should your alien status be revealed, you obviously would not be able to remain where you are anymore. Just in case, you should have every conceivable method of escape prepared, both to leave the immediate area and to make your way off the planet and out of the system
(Suspicion: 40) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Result: have secret tunnels to escape to prepared locations in case of a catastrophic Break)
Forge a more robust recorded history (Intrigue) - The last thing you want is for all your efforts to come to an end because something erroneous is discovered in your paperwork. As far as anyone must be capable of uncovering, you are a human being with a known and verified background and thus undeserving of greater scrutiny. All you need to do is create a bit of a better paper trail now.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 100)
(Result: Increased difficulty of Investigations regarding background to cause a Break in your disguise)
Design something (Learning) - You wish to put your brain and to work on something interesting. What exactly it is however will have to be decided once you get to your laboratory
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: variable) (DC: variable)
(Result: gain an action to build the item or building in the respective category.)
Build an Awakening Core (Learning) - Among those of us that leave the Homeworld, we are told in no uncertain terms to do nothing that would bring the eyes of the Imperium down upon us. However, within this situation bizarre as it is, opens doors that had remained sealed in the recent past. Back on the Homeworld, it would be possible to achieve this project with but a few orders, but the Imperium lacks the alloys that are needed and so substitutions will be need which unfortunately will vastly increase the cost.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 1000 or 10 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 100 or 0 if using Exatari Alloys)
(Result: Gain an Awakening Core, unlocks phase two: Build an Awakening Chamber. The Core can be used to produce small amounts of resources per turn if connected to a potent soul, resource production scales with soul intensity)
Design augments of Advisors (first one must be Nalka) (Learning) - You find that one of your aides would be of greater use to you if they were given the right... touch-ups. Your talents with cybernetics would be easily a match for the Cult Mechanicus' finest Tech Priests after all, and they would likely appreciate the boost in their... well, everything.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 20-100) (DC: 20-80)
(Result: Advisor gains personal trait: Exatari Cybernetics: Increases lifespan by 200 years, increases bonus by 10, high results can have secondary bonuses)
Hide resources (Intrigue) - In a worst case scenario, you may need access to a variety of things. Funds, pieces of technology, even the food which is so disappointingly rare in the wider galaxy. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it after all. (Suspicion: 25 if fails, 5 if passes) (Resource Cost: Write In Amount) (DC per 10 resources: 10) (Result: Hidden Wealth economic status is added to economic system, Hidden Wealth reduces Overall Income by 1/10th per turn. Actions that are funded by Hidden Wealth do not incur suspicion. Maximum storage of Hidden Wealth is 50 at start, more actions will be available)
From what I could find, his rule of pure insanity was only halted when he had a Magos of a manufactorum executed over the course of a week for the crime of teaching several menials the concept of mathematics and the applications thereof in maximizing productivity. Yet, even in this my predecessor refused to be sensible and had made the whole thing into a hideous display of cruelty, on par with some of the acts that the very early Exatari committed upon ourselves.
I found the augments that he had torn out of the Magos with rusty tools and by fingers arrayed in a loved display room behind windows of pure diamond with plaques denoting what precisely the ruined remains were once. After the body had been ravaged in this defilement, he had the still living Magos burned alive in promethium in front of a parade in the capital, proclaiming that this was to be the rightful punishment to any that broke his laws as commanded by the Emperor's Holy Will.
Even though I should not be surprised, but I was for I had learned much of the Imperium over the decades, the Arbites had collectively rebelled against his rule at that point with the church excommunicating him as a Heretic of the highest order at the same time. Not a single Department aligned with his insanity and a minor civil war began, between his private forces and the people of Shogi. The war from the records immediately turned upon him, with the Legio Orus siding against him and crushing his private army into dust within the first month of battle.
There was no drawn out battles, even the infrastructure of the world remained intact, but I could see why Urma had to do what she did. My predecessor did more than just shatter the economy, he had lost sight of all his responsibilities to the point of almost shattering the prestige of Shogi entirely. If he had been left alone, I have no doubt that Shogi would have fallen from its heights to a mundane world, from the top to one of the countless thousands.
With this information, it was easy enough to understand why Urma had hidden everything from me. My direct predecessor had used my same position to almost undo thousands of years of history all in the name of personal gratification. The breach in trust inherent to such a pattern of behavior would leave long scars in an Exatari, and the same is almost certainly true for a human.
I can feel the rage within my heart aching to recover the soul of the one that hd so succumbed to insanity to recover and interrogate for why they had betrayed all so gratuitously. Unfortunately for me and fortunately for him, human souls disintegrated post death. The crackling of frost coud be heard in every corner of the palace, as I walked through the halls that had once been host to such hedonistic activities.
Without a doubt, I would have to look more into giving aid to Urma for she had done an impossible job with what was at hand. The tithe was back to near original levels, and we had enough in the stockpile to slowly but surely recover if no disasters befall the world.
"Lord Atraxas, I see you have discovered the actions of your predecessor." I let myself lower towards the ground as I turn towards Urma, having heard the creak of her augments a few minutes ago. "You remind me of the one before Him, an idealistic individual if one with the skill to back up their foolishness." She said as she walked around the room, radiating disgust as she peered at the statues in disgust, "Shogi has had many planetary governors, many have been useless and many others have been visionaries. Yet, the world has been lucky to have had a relative paucity of the truly awful, but the Emperor tested the world with Him and I have hope in that we passed the test provided. Lord Atraxas, I hope in time that you will prove to be one of the better lords of this world."
"Shogi has suffered under my predecessor no doubt, and I promise to do my best to recreate what was lost before moving beyond to improve the world as a whole. I can not promise to never misstep nor to flounder or to make incorrect commands, but my principles shall remain steadfast." She can not know the truth, but my principles were forged through trials that would shatter almost all humans, I have lived for several millennia and stand firm. I reject the insanity surrounding me now and I will do so forevermore, never will I succumb to the lure of self gratification over my duties.
I might be an infiltrator for the Homeworld, but I am now a planetary governor of the Imperium. Until the day I am removed from my position, I will fulfill my duties to the best of my ability, anything less would be against the trinity and my principles. Already, I have plans for grand monuments to touch the sky and defenses for space in mind for the future, but the damage must be repaired such that the foundation is strong once more.
Urma turned towards the window facing out over the parade ground, where Harkar was forming the core of my private army. "Why create such a force for your own personal usage? There are few noble uses for such things; do you perhaps feel constrained by the laws of the world and wish to remake it in your image as your direct predecessor did once?" Her words were biting and true in the bulk of her point, there were in truth far too few noble uses for private armies the memories of the early times showed such clearly, but noble did not mean monstrous either.
"It is a simple way to provide a supplemental income source for Shogi and yes an army for use in actions that the bulk of our forces would be unsuited to handle. You should know, however, that while the chain of command grants me the sole authority to deploy them offworld, Commander Harkar has equal jurisdiction over them so long as they stay on Shogi."
With a sigh, Urma seemed to wilt as she left the room, leaving me alone with the relics of insanity, but thankfully I had a meeting to attend with the Mechanicus. With a thought I stored a reminder to have this purged from the palace once I had a moment to spare, but I made my way to the roof to take to the sky to fly to the meeting.
Ascending to the stratosphere reminded me of how there was a strange metallic particulate in the faint air at these heights. The material whatever it was did not obey typical gradient concentrations with the vast majority being closer to space than the ground, and as far as I knew there was no source of this material on the ground. It was for this reason that the Adeptus Mechancius had fought to control Shogi for centuries, due to their belief that it had been terraformed by ancient humans in a forgotten age.
I had doubts about the validity of that theory, but it was theoretically possible, we had alloys that inverted gravity afterall and I could not discount such things being invented by another race. Yet, the world bore little signs of being transformed in any other manner, I shook myself free of the musings as I angled myself towards the meeting place.
Others had told me that the Mechanicus had no sense of drama or theatrics, but building their meeting place into the heart of a dormant volcano said otherwise in my opinion. The Omnissiah Temple of Shogi was a vast construction of adamantine walls, raising high into the sky and below I knew, the great walls gilded slightly and the rest left unadorned save for a coat of black paint with red sigils of the cult mechancius upon the fortress. As I came in, I saw the golden metal for the first time as it flickered in the new dawn light, radiantly pure and even from here I knew that it was of an unknown metal.
The metal was of a curiosity, its spectral lines matched no alloy or metal I knew of and that made this trip worth it in and of itself. So many things could be made possible depending on what the properties of this metal were, but that would have to wait until after the meeting, for I was not the one in command, but the supplicant here. I had requested a meeting and the Mechancius had accepted my request, but that did not change the balance of power both martially and politically was against me here.
Arcing downward towards the open doors, I slowed my speed from my flight speed to a more sedate landing speed such that no anti air craft weapons would accidentally target me. I doubt anything would be able to penetrate my phase shields, but no one became a Forge Scholar by taking unneeded risks.
Following the information provided, I found myself landing on a platform made from the strange golden material. Its durability was beyond even that of the imperial adamantine by a significant margin, I could tell the moment I touched it and something about it called to me. It was no doubt that one of the issues of my job was the difficulty of securing the proper nutrients for my biology, but even if I could, steel and uranium were not particularly enjoyable meals when covered in lead for the latter or rock in the former. Adamantine was chewy and flavorless, making it extremely unpalatable and I had tested it and found that even though it did have viable biological uses in my body, it would act akin to a carcinogen to a human in the long term.
Yet, this metal, something deep within me wanted to dig into it and eat until I could not eat anymore. For the first time since I had celebrated my ascension to Forge Scholar by tasting the Primordial Metal, I felt true desire to consume a metal. It was a bizarre feeling, for it to come so quick, especially when I had thought I lost the interest in eating novel materials since that singular taste of the Primordial Metal. All metals were bland and somewhat lackluster since that day, but this called to me.
It was a truly mighty effort, but I held myself to a higher standard and resisted the urge if far less cleanly than I had wished. I would have to investigate this metal and determine just why this strange golden metal called to me in such a fashion.
The clatter of machinery against metal alerted me to the arrival of another person, standing over shadowed by the great doors, was a figure I recognized even if it has been two decades since the last time I saw her. The nameless tech adept that had risked her future to speak with me while nothing had been known stood in the doorway bearing augments that I recognized as derived from the designs I had left her.
"Lord Atraxas, follow me to the meeting, please ensure that you do not stray from me for the Omnissiah Temple can be confusing to those uninitiated." I could see that she was nervous and holding to formality as a defense against her nervousness. "There is no need for such formality here, I am the same person as the one that answered your questions a mere two decades ago." I said with a faint hum indicating my amusement in the only way possible for me, but I walked slowly aligning myself to her speed.
She fiddled with the augments that covered her limbs, I could tell from how they moved and laced across her body that they were more akin to armor than replacements. "But..you are the planetary governor and I badgered you for stupid questions. How can I act like nothing happened? You were far too kind to not seek retribution, let alone provide me with technology beyond my standard. I still haven't understood your designs, these crude systems the best I can make." Fear, anger, hope and depression warred for dominance in her voice as she scowled down at the floor as we passed many hallways and walked through cavernous forges.
"Seeking to understand what was given to you is only proper, never should one trust another unconditionally. Research the designs, discover the secrets within and move beyond what was given, become better than what I offered. That is the proper way of things, seek to create in all things and it should never lead you astray. To accept and never seek to understand would be failure indeed, but working to learn is a success instead." I answered, it diverted away from the bulk of her question, but it would give her pointers in how to try to appease me if she felt she had a reason to do so.
As she heard my last word, she seems to consider for a moment before nodding, "That's right... The Sixth Mystery of the Cult Mechanicus: Understanding is the True Path to Comprehension. Thank you for your help, Lord Atraxas. I hope some day I can do you a favor in return." The statement clearly relating to a tenet of her religion was interesting, but diverged from the sensible to the insensible. Comprehension alone would never suffice for a creator to achieve anything of note, I had known many hatchlings in my Forge Nexus that had understood all there was to know about a field of study and yet consistently miss the truth before them.
It would be difficult due to not knowing the other tenets, but it would be unthinkable to not offer my view of the world at hand. For only by expanding ones' mind did one become able to truly create new ideas and thus innovate upon new designs. "Perhaps, comprehension is a worthy goal no doubt, but is it all that there is to existence? One can comprehend, without understanding, one can understand, without knowing and one can know without action. Yet, would it not stand to reason that comprehension alone can not suffice for one that seeks to create above what was provided. Would not the greatest individual, be one that knows what they know and knows how to truly use that knowledge to leave their mark upon the world unique from all others?"
"Ah, I'm sorry, I've forgotten you aren't familiar with the Cult's teachings. Comprehension by our definition is an Intellect which encompasses all Knowledge. Omniscience is a similar concept you may know about. I'd recommend asking the Archmagi when you meet them. I don't think it would be polite to make them wait because a Tech Adept tried to explain our theology to you. Besides, they could do it better than me anyway." Her reply said much more than she probably intended, although the concept of omniscient was something we had long ago disregarded as incongruent with the principle of creation.
To know everything was to be incapable of acting with such knowledge, it would inevitably condemn the one that held the knowledge to inaction. To know all would render the art of creation impossible, and more than that it would render the intrinsic ability of a sapient mind to shape the world impossible. It would be the greatest curse to befall one possible to imagine, and it indicated that the Mechanicus suffered from rot of a different sort than I had expected.
"Very well, I can understand your wording better now. Yet, in turn for the information provided, I offer a simple question for you to ponder. What limits would befall one that knew all that there was to know? I wish to know what you make of this question, it has brought many insightful concepts to me over the decades. Do not give me an answer now, come to me when you feel that you have found your answer in truth." The question was one that was given to those that had joined the Forge Nexus, many times the young hatchlings fresh from childhood offered simplistic answers of anything or everything, but the wiser offered more detailed ones realizing some of the inherent limits that knowing all would present.
I had never given a human the question before and I would wait until the day she returned to me with an answer. I could tell that the question had made her somewhat uncomfortable, but some discomfort was required for growth, yet there was no gain in cruelty either. With an easy action I quickly sketched out her armor designs and detailed a few simplistic pathways to improve them. She would have to discover the methods behind the paths I offered, but in so doing it would expand her skills and encourage her mind to grow.
Eventually we came to a grand door, gilded with more of that strange metal that glinted so distractingly in the light of the plasma conduits that cover the celling. It was truly a grand door that would enter into the meeting room proper, "It was nice to meet you once again, Lord Atraxas, but I must take my leave now." The final words of my guide were almost whispered as the doors slide open, large enough to admit a Living Mausoleum in full.
The meeting room was truly massive with twenty five thrones of adamantine, gilded with a red metal that called to me all the same as the gold outside. As I peered closer I could tell that it was the same metal, only the color had been changed to that of the red worn by the tech priests I had met.
Of the twenty five thrones, only five had occupants and one of them was different from the others. I could feel his soul in the air, it pushed against the world and the world bent to its will. It was a sensation that normally I felt only around those of potent mental might, but his soul alone was enough to weigh upon the world in a manner akin to my own. Beyond such weight, the body was wrong to my perception, too many muscles stapled into a human form, bulging pockets of skin concealing unnatural organs and more. Yet, if a human looked upon him, they would see only a human of normal form.
The other four were similar to the other tech priests if with far cleaner and more sophisticated augments, otherwise they all looked more or less the same to my eyes.
"I believe that this means that I won our little bet, Quirana." The person that was a patchwork of flesh spoke up as I reached the center of the bottom of the amphitheater and noted that their thrones were above my eye level, a primitive intimidation method but one that could be effective.
"Humph, enjoy the extra servitor time Sincratus, for our next bet will go to me." One of the other spoke up as she leaned back in the throne, seeming to glare at the one that had spoken originally. "That is what you always say, but by my count the tally is ten to three in my favor, are you sure that your cybernetic calculation engines are not malfunctioning." If I could I would have blinked, for my experience with the other tech priests had shown that although not emotionless they tended to be very subdued unless extremely uncomfortable with a given situation.
"According to my calculations, it would be beneficial if Mentor Quirana and Archmagos Sincratus would engage in certain reproductive actions to reduce tension within the working environment." A figure from the side of Quirana spoke up, and it did not need the sense of an Exatari to note just how uncomfortable both of the two speakers had become at that statement.
"Really? I did not need to hear that and I doubt the Planetary Governor did either, when Mentor Quirana slated you for the title of hyper rationalist, you didn't have to eradicate your understanding of social cues, Archmagos Irnimalver." The other female spoke up now, clearly discomforted by her colleagues inelegant statement.
"To be fair, our overly rational colleague does have a point. Those two have been staring at each other for decades, frankly we should probably lock them into Magos Ebias' factory for a decade to see if that helps them. Even Magos Balkavus has figured out that something is going on between them and everyone knows that he is about as socially aware as an ork trying to woo an eldar." The as of yet unnamed male spoke next.
"That is true, but Mentor Quirana and Archmagos Sincratus do spend an awfully large amount of time together in their labs, how do we not know that they aren't linking together already. Perhaps we should test this possibility before we try to get them some privacy in a factory together, Archmagos Remon." The female I still didnt know responded and named her other male companion in the process.
"As amusing as this is to those with emotions, it would be prudent to transfer our attention over to Planetary Governor Atraxas, Archmagos Mirnier." The emotionless individual spoke up and for once I could welcome such blankness of thought for even if this wasn't embarrassing as it would be for a human, it was still irritating.
"Yes, lets please attend to the purpose of our being here instead of continuing upon this tangent that has no basis in fact." Archmagos Quirana spoke up next, her synthetic voice displaying undertones of embarrassment and from how the other three perked up, I could tell that they also heard it and didn't believe her denial.
"As much as this is a truly delightful conversation, and I would welcome to continue the discussion on if I and the truly lovely Quirana are in a relationship, it would be prudent to continue such behind closed doors. Although, Quirana my lab is always open for you and I have recently upgraded my personal noosphere net, if you wish to try it out." Sincratus spoke up next, his voice layering several emotions over his words in a manner impossible with unaltered human vocal systems, but clearly he was relishing the discomfort of his colleague, although it was entirely possible that they actually were in a relationship of some sort. I could not understand why the last words caused Quirana to fall back into her throne, seeming to wish to vanish from this place outright.
Yet, she gathered herself and shivered as she turned to look down upon me, "Planetary Governor Atraxas, please do not assume that we are all like these four. Your message only indicated that you sought to learn more of the cult mechannicus and to be given the secrets of the machine spirits. Normally, the latter would not be something one not of the cult could be given, but Magos Ebias has informed us of the manner in which the machine spirits reacted to your presence and as such we have decided to consider you one of us for this topic." Quirana continued as she seemed to beg the others to not drag the conversation back into the molasses of her relationship status.
I bowed to her and the others, "Yes, I seek to learn more about the machine spirits and the tenets of the cult mechancius. Before we get to those questions can I please know the name of the metal that was used to gilded the adamantine walls and furniture of this Omnissiah Temple?" It was a risk to be sure, but the metal called to me and I had a pressing need to know more about it than was reasonable.
"Planetary Governor Atraxas, the topic you seek information on is a maximum security topic, refrain from investigating it in the future." Irnimalver stated without inflection, but none of the others seemed to disagree with their statement and so I simply nodded as I knew there were other ways to gather the same information.
"Now, now, it was a reasonable question and there was no signage indicating that it was verboten information to seek. Regardless, Governor Atraxas, what are your questions regarding the Cult Mechanicus." Sincratus interjected staring down at Irnimalver before turning to me.
Crossing my legs and lowering my bulk slightly, I pondered what I sought from this meeting. I had learned more about the upper echelons already, I had thought them more akin to Ebias or Balkavus than not in terms of emotions than unaltered humans, but they seem to be more typical. The primary would be the tenets and doctrine of the religion indubitably, but their political standing would be something to confirm regardless.
"Archmagi, I seek to understand the core tenets and doctrine of the Cult Mechanicus, of tertiary importance is the political situation that exists surrounding the Adeptus Mechanicus, the second order topic I seek to understand is machine spirits. Those are the subjects I wish to be enlightened on."
As I give my request I could see the confusion or something similar to confusion form in the bodies of three of them, while Quirana and Remon both seem self satisfied. "Interesting, I had expected you to be of the cult but have left or a reason in the past seeking to return to our ranks after time apart, but it seems that my expectations proved incorrect here. Quirana I think this nulls the previous bet and makes the tally 10 to four in my favor." Sincratus stated as he leaned back into his throne, face betraying little of his inner thoughts, but he seemed uncomfortable about something.
"Planetary Governor Atraxas, before we can continue, we seek your indulgence for a time. We have been alerted to your ability to interface with machinery from Magos Ebias and would appreciate it if you would join us in the noosphere of this chamber" The sudden shift in tone and demeanor was obvious, in fact it was too obvious, it would alert the target no matter how clueless, but they all seemed to agree with the method.
Reaching out with my more nebulous methods of interfacing, I soon found the info web that they must be speaking of. It was a strange construction, laying between the layers of reality in a manner akin to where we labored upon the metaphysical particles. Yet, it was of a different directionality in a directionless location, and thrummed with information rather than weight. I froze for a moment as I pondered it, there was no possible way that it was that simple was it? We had been using the meta field of weight for millennia and had never looked outside of it, but surely we would have discovered a congruent field of information, yet it seemed to not be the case.
Interlacing my systems for ranged connection to the data web was tricky, the systems I used drew upon the significant weight of my existence to bend reality such that I could connect at range drawing from the presence of the ability to connect via my biology. Yet, this system relied on informational transfer and interaction, it was of a different base architecture from my normal systems and there were several thousand pitfalls I could tell from this basic understanding that I had.
However, I was a Forge Scholar and almost as important for this my soul was of far greater weight than a a normal human's and with a slight overcharge of my phase reactors and feeding the resulting surge of power into the phase connectors I wangled a connection. Information flooded my mind as I connected to the system and realized that it was the same place as I found previously in Ebias' factory with the machine spirit.
I could feel the data thrumming throughout this false plane, it was unique indeed. A world revealed itself to me, brining confusion. The five I had been speaking too were arrayed before me, yet they wore armor fashioned of dead Iron and Stone, gilded with the echoes of Gold, hammered together with the influence of Emotion and the weight of Code. Weapons crafted from Void and Death filled their hands, as blazing fires danced behind them wrought from Code.
So be it, if they though me easy prey to be slaughtered in this place they would be vastly mistaken. Rearing up I slammed my legs into the bedrock of information, writing into its bones the secrets of my technology as I flash forged my armaments of the past. Plates of gravity, time and void anchored with the Invoked Laws of durability and the Abyssal Law of Death covered my form as my weapons erupted from the ground of information, spears of annihilation forged in the primordial pools, tools that had seen the forging of countless atrocities in the past returning to my need for weapons, in moments I stood ready.
The five of them looked at each other then at me, although to be fair I was only half paying them any attention. My armor had been forged as a contest for durability, it might not win any contests for combative prowess, but it could easily absorb damage until the end of time, allowing me the far more interesting option to simply examine this strange place.
It was known that there was nothing within the meta field that we used for our technology beyond the meta particles that controlled everything. Through those particles we could use the power of the soul to reinvigorate the mind or body, restore youth, turn what was innate beyond the confines of the body, revive the recently dead if the soul had remained present, awaken the hidden power of the mind and more. Yet, it was only ever that, there was no realm of weight to be found, there was no grand meeting place to be had.
Nothing like this majestic place, information flowed without end, able to store near infinite data within even the smallest of the fractal webs that formed the bedrock of this place. It was in truth not a natural formation, but a technological creation from something deeper, reaching down into the deep point of this place, I could feel what I expected. A new Library awaited, it was beyond my reach, beyond my ability, but it was there and it had been used to craft this truly majestic device. "A truly majestic creation, just how did you manage to capture and isolate the informational meta particle Library to create a self sustaining fractal data storage and wireless transfer hub interwoven between the layers of reality?" My words broke the silence that had covered this place as the five of them looked at the other and then back to me.
I was confused again, oh right, I was a novice here not a Forge Scholar, asking such would be a major insult. "I apologize for the rudeness of my question and will work to understand your work fully before asking again." Turning back to studying the fractals of data. "Does anyone else feel very foolish right about now?" Sincratus asked as the code weapons faded from his hands, staring around at the other four with him. "Same here, I knew I should've laughed when you sent the warning to me." Remon muttered from his point on the end of the line and Irnimalver nodded faintly as they looked over towards me, and the other two shifted uncomfortably.
"I admit that it was a very impressive display of control over a particle Library, the five of you are clearly worthy of your titles from what I could tell. I admit that I am the inferior compared to you when it comes to the meta informational particles, but it should only take a century or two for me to unearth the Library of information. I hope that when I achieve that we can talk on the principles in open discourse." I shrugged as I let my armaments dissolve back into potential energy and carefully removed the traces of the designs from the info web. They were afterall xeno tech, and the five before me would be more than capable of finding the designs if I did not take care to remove them.
"But, if you just wanted to showcase your skills regarding the Library, there was no need for this whole display, you could have just projected them into reality after-all. Although, I do guess that being inside this informational existence would make it more visible in a manner that would be more representative of your true power." I continued as I carefully rebalanced the flows of information, along the principles I knew for the weight particles, there was afterall some over lap of course in nature.
It wouldn't be perfect but there might be a percent or two of improvement, a fair exchange I feel. Turning towards the five, I could only tell that all of them were staring at me like they had never seen me before, normally I never got uncomfortable, but this was strange enough to piece even my self confidence. "Why do I have the feeling that everyone here is extremely confused?"
"Ah, Planetary Governor Atraxas, could you explain where you learned how to manipulate the Noosphere in this way?" Sincratus asked as he watched what I was doing, hmm, the question of how to reply was intriguing.
I was a novice in this technology compared to them, did he want me to explain it as a hatchling or as a Forge Scholar. The difference in how to respond between the two was an interesting conundrum, the former would be expected to respond in depth, while the latter would be allowed to make use of summaries of details that would be known to the person asking.
Erring on the side of caution would be prudent, I was the supplicate here afterall, and this was their technology not mine. In this field they were the Forge Scholar and I was but the hatchling. But conversely, I could not explain everything due to my species, so how could I explain what was needed without running the risk of destroying my cover as a human.
I might not know that much of imperial politics, but I did know that the world I had been sent to infiltrate was similar to a Hive world, in that it had an extreme population with ruins scattered across it. Perhaps, I could make the case that I learned these principles from scattered remains of someone else's work, although that would be going against the honor of what it meant to be a Forge Scholar, it would be better to give an understandable story to them.
"My homeworld had several ancient ruins and I was an explorer in my youth, in one of them I found several data slates with theorems and designs for weapons and armor, along with what I now know to be a noosphere. It took me several decades, but I was eventually able to enter this smaller noosphere web and learn how to produce those designs in this place. The principles behind the designs was enough to inspire me to continue the work and create more refined devices using them, like the one that I made for Magos Ebias to ensure his survival."
"Atraxas, you expect us to believe that you found relics of the past that you could understand and expand upon within a matter of decades? The odds of such a feat would be near zero for a Fabricator General." Irnimalver interjected as they turned to stare at me with emotionless intent. They were the weirdest of the group, if not the strangest tech priest I had met, perhaps others would be intimidated by them, but I had known far more threatening individuals.
"I am willing to submit to tests of skill if that is required, if you have gotten reports from Magos Ebias you would be aware of my passing familiarity with plasma physics, which is in turn a subset of my more general expertise in particle and metaphysical principles. Although, I doubt any test would be valid if conducted in this noosphere even if it would make it pass by faster than in the normal plane." I shrugged with the reply, for it only makes sense to test one on their claims and I would ask for confirmation if a hatchling tried to claim that they had truly understood a subject matter.
Many tried to pass off phase shields as proof of their understanding, but they often failed to truly understand the principles behind the advancement of the designs. They could understand what they knew, but not how to move forward from that place and if the Mechanicus had anything akin to our methods, then this would fall into much the same situation.
"Atraxas, what fields do you claim mastery of?" Mirnier asked for once, breaking her silence at last. Gently crossing my legs I pondered on what to give, for I was not in fact truly aware of what was normal for a human to know, but if anything underselling would be in my best interest here. "Archmagos Mirnier, I would consider myself an expert in antimatter production and containment, force field physics, plasma physics, various forms of what I think would be classed as warp technology, vehicular design although in a divergent principle set, and gravitic technology."
The five of them peered up at me and then at each other again, "Uh, is that a joke? Seriously, are you joking because this is a serious question?" Remon erupted as he seemed to glare up at me, I crossed another pair of legs wondering what I accidentally did this time. Ah, right, they were archmagi of course, so only a handful of reasonably simplistic fields wouldnt be impressive to them at all. Afterall, any hatchling would be able to claim mastery of plasma, gravity and antimatter, it was unfortunate that I couldn't truly explain the mastery of phase technology I had.
What could I expand on that wouldn't break my cover, why did this have to be so confusing. I am working in the dark here, and I have no idea what is impressive to them. Wait, humans have limited lifespans on average, granted these five probably are immortal. If I examine things from what I think a human could do, I can begin to see the edges of their confusion. Perhaps, the issue wasn't underselling too much but not enough. Regardless, I can not retract the stated fields now, but I could dig for more clarity on the subject.
"I am unaware of anyone making light of the situation at hand. I gave an honest answer to the question of the fields I would consider myself a master in and that I would be willing to be tested on." The five of them just shook their heads before Quirana stepped forward. "Okay, before we answer any of your questions about our religion and political standing or history, we are going to give you tests regarding those fields. I hope that you can prove your words to be true and not false." She seemed overly tired for some reason, I could detect no energy flux from her systems though that would explain the sensation permeating this realm.
"Archmagos Quirana, are you fully energized I am noting a energy lull in your systems and was wondering if it was due to an unknown malfunction?" A groan filled the space as everyone just stared at me before with a wave of her hand the connection destabilized, releasing us back to the mundane plane.
To no longer be in a realm of information was a relief in some ways for no longer did I have to worry about being discovered due to letting secrets drift free of my mind and into the ethereal realm. However, even if I am discovered if I can get this information back to the Homeworld, it would be the greatest victory an infiltrator had ever achieved, surpassing even the one where Caxadaris managed to bring back a wrecked Imperator titan frame.
Such a view was in the long term self defeating if I measured against my colleagues for we all worked for the greater whole of the Homeworld and the Exatari, but this was something that had more connection to my field than that discovery. A new Meta Library would lead to a revolution in versatility, new theories could be made and new designs created and if there is another Library that we missed who could say if there were others that we did not know of. The very heart of Exatari technology is the Meta Library, but now a new chapter has been added, new particles to discover and master.
Such a wondrous event to find, yet it could all be for naught if I was discovered here and now. The archmagi conferred with each other before Irnimalver stepped forward, "In light of your statements we have chosen to test your self proclaimed skills. You will be provided with scrap metal and be expected to make passable designs in all five of the fields you claim mastery of. This metal will be of poor quality and you will have a singular week to produce an item. We will judge based on quality, use cases and novelty, Archmagos Mirnier will be your guide to the workplace set aside for you." Their statements were concise as expected, but seemed oddly simplistic due to having no limits on what I could do with my phase cybernetics.
As I followed Mirnier, I wondered if I should ensure that they were aware of my molecular forges, but it wouldn't truly matter since I would need to build some regardless afterall, so it would come out in the end.
Being a planetary governor was a time consuming job to be sure and breaks were few, of course I could handle the stress without issue, but it was nice to be able to indulge in more enjoyable pursuits from time to time. I do hope that the fact that I had to build a matter realignment forge wont count against me since I technically didn't use the materials provided to build the items that will be tested.
The workshop that I had spent the last seven days in was small compared to what I had back on the Homeworld, but it was more than sufficient, and in the center the forge stood as tall as I was at the apex of my legs and as wide as my diameter. It was not the best construction, but it would be more than sufficient to transmute a few hundred tons of scrap metal into high quality alloys per hour, with a bit of upgrading it could probably do a thousand or so tons per hour interval. Regardless, it was of little interest to why I was here.
I was not being tested on my mastery of molecular forging or alteration, but instead on antimatter containment and production, plasma, forcefields, gravity and vehicular design. I had chosen simple options to go with due to limited time and resources even with the forge, a basic antimatter reactor that would produce only a few hundred petawatts I think in human terms per hour with an integrated antimatter production system via particle spin inversion, nothing overly fancy to be seen. Antimatter was afterall a very basic power source and only useful in weapons of mass annihilation.
The plasma was different, I had already showcased a safe plasma rifle design, but that would just be copying my previous work. Instead of a rifle, I decided on a precision lance design, it would have a slow fire rate of one shot per minute roughly, but in turn it would have a range of nearly two kilometers and be able to core out most heavy armor I was aware of even at maximum range.
The forcefield was a simple electromagnetic repulsion field, it was extremely basic but would suffice for reflecting most incoming assaults for a time. It was the most overly primitive item I had to offer sadly, but I had to make do without using phase technology in its construction preventing it from being on par with my other designs. Even so it would serve as a potent defensive upgrade to unshielded vehicles and the smaller personal versions for the infantry as well.
The final was for two at once due to having no good idea for what to do for either alone. I knew enough of war to know that getting the soldiers to the front in numbers safety could be a monumental challenge and from what little I knew of imperial designs, I had little hope in sanity being present in them. Resulting in a vehicle that could transport five Exatari Warriors, or roughly one hundred humans in full armor with a significant cargo capacity. The armor was angled at the precise degrees to reduce impact the most and the alloy was specially formulated to disperse energetic impacts as much as possible. In addition to the armor was a micro fusion reactor to power the antigravity systems which enable true flight when at half maximum load and can hover slightly at maximum, along with a fragile shield.
It would hopefully be a reasonable upgrade for the imperial military if it got approved, but it was entirely possible that it was overly weak compared to the more standard designs that the Imperium must already use. Yet, there was no more time to build for I could hear the door sliding open as the five archmagi walked into the workshop and ground to a halt, before turning to each other and seeming to wilt.
"I give up, sense has gone out the airlock." Quirana raged as she looked around the room at the trinkets I had managed to cobble together in the week provided. "Did I underdeliver? Should I have kept the gravitic and vehicular items independently of each other for the test? I admit that this work is fairly crude and I only got it done by cobbling together a small molecular forge, which now that i think on it might have invalidated the test. Give me another week and I will do what I can with scrap metal without refinement if you desire a proper test of my abilities with poor quality supplies."
"Uh, Atraxas, we expected you to maybe have a single design document ready or at most have made a handful of parts for a single design. How did you manage this in such a short timeframe?" Sincratus stepped forward resting a hand on Quirana's shoulder as he peered at my designs.
"Ah, right I simply used some of the metal provided as feed stock for my integrated matter phase adjustors, which are well suited for small amounts of atomic rearrangement. From them I gathered enough metal to make a larger forge which you can see in the center of the room, with it I was able to quickly refine the materials provided from junk to passable alloys and above. Then I was able to use it to quickly flash forge the components I needed, it took longer to make the forge than it did to make the items in the end. Although, I am pretty sure that if you threw the things out of a spaceship the things would be consumed by reentry heat so that should be factored into my grade as a negative, a proper design should be able to survive nuclear detonations at close range."
"Atraxas, you stated that you learned your methods from notes left behind in ruins, are your standards derived from those notes?" Irnimalver asked a strange question, but it would be answered anyway, "Yes, the source of my understanding indicated that these were the bare acceptable standards for a passable engineer."
"Moving on from this insanity, Atraxas what did you somehow make for us to judge." Remon broke the sullen silence first as he seemed to be confused on where to look for the items. Assuming that there was no particular order that they wished to see the items in, but just the presence of them, I figured that I might as well start with the mundane and move to the complex.
"The first thing I have to offer is a plasma lance. A design intended for extreme range high priority targets, it has a thin beam width making it ineffective against infantry, but effective against armor up to what I believe would count as a heavy classification. However, I am not well versed in imperial alloys, so I based my calculations on penetration of ten centimeters of adamantine at maximum range. it has a fire rate of roughly once per minute due to the requirement to charge the capacitors and generate enough plasma to reach maximum range, it can fire once per ten seconds at the fastest fire rate possible for a range of only three hundred and thirty hundred meters approximately and scales almost linearly to the maximum of two kilometers. I am unsure of the penetration aspect when fired at below the designed fire rate, as I have not had time to test that aspect of the weapon system. However, I have designed several different versions of the weapon for different uses, I have made one that has no external connections but it weighs in at 40kg instead of the combined weight of 30kg for weapon and battery for the normal one, another design that removes the safety features I have installed which reduce the weight down to 20kg and finally a vehicle model that has increased range, rate of fire and penetration statistics due to being powered by a larger reactor core."
I explained as I brought forth the lance I made, it was a fairly bulky weapon but it was designed for the human physiological structure so it would be well balanced and able to be used even if it might require a tripod support.
As I put away the lance I noted that the five of them looked at each other before sighing once more as I brought out the antimatter reactor. It was a simple device in truth a few coils of superconductors to form the magnetic containment unit and a micro force field unit to contain the entire system. It would not be enough to handle the power in case of a failure, but it would reduce failure chance significantly.
"This is the smallest antimatter reactor I can build with the materials I aware that the imperium possesses. It should be sufficient to power a typical Manufactorum on Shogi without issue and would be self sustaining due to particle spin inverters linked into the system. Compared to the plasma lance it is a simplistic design and is fairly basic." The system was fairly small compared to me, but it towered over humans and would be a significant upgrade in power production but was also unthinkably dangerous to use. Antimatter had been used for only a short time before phase reactors were invented, because even though phase reactors had far less energy production in most cases they were infinite ceaseless power that was inherently unchanging.
The next item I brought out was the infantry armored vehicle, "This is my offering for both the vehicular design and gravitic technological mastery tests. It is an infantry transport vessel capable of orbital insertion due to its anti gravity drive systems and simple electromagnetic shielding both powered by a micro fusion reactor surrounded by several centimeters of adamantine and ceramite. The hull and armor of the design is formed from a forged alloy of adamantine and ceramite incorporating the positives of both substances on the atomic level and as can be seen the armor is shaped to further reduce kinetic impacts and energetic impacts to further increase durability. Unfortunately, its grav lift is only rated for half of a maximum load preventing it from being a viable orbital drop ship without upgrading the reactor."
"The final basic item is an electromagnetic shield similar to the one I built into the vehicle, but this one is overall stronger for its size and general power draw due to having variable scale. With its maximum size being approximately enough I expect for a machine gun nest to be covered, being roughly as durable as the one for the vehicle, while the smallest should be able to attenuate the impact of the plasma lance to a degree, but would require the operator to know the target and adjust the field to focused against the lance. I am unsure if the shield will push against people strong enough to prevent push through from happening, but metal compounds should be countered along with non phonetic or gravity energetic weapons."
I continue, moving from the vehicle to the shield I had made, the only thing of note was that it was able to be worn by a normal human, but that was nothing overly impressive. I was not entirely sure why personal shields seemed to be uncommon among humans, but the things were in truth not that hard to make, although perhaps the Imperium's shield technology was not electromagnetic in nature which could skew their systems.
Regardless of hypotheticals on the issue of shielding for the imperium, I had one final thing to showcase here. It was also the only thing of note for me as well and frankly it was an insult for me to have constructed such a crude design for use in this critical manner. Regardless, once I was free the design would be sent back to the Homeworld for improvement.
"This device measures the level of meta particles in the vicinity and maps them to graphs and identifies known forms. Unfortunately, I only know of a couple such particles and have installed the little I do know into the system beforehand. Currently it is reading a significant upswing in certain classes of unknown particles that I believe are related to the presence of the Noosphere web in this temple."
"Is he serious?" Remon asked the others in an audible fashion, "Archmagos Remon, why would I not be serious?" I ensured the proper amount of confusion would lace my tone as I asked for this was a fairly critical point, if they didnt consider me skilled enough I would not be allowed to learn their secrets, maybe I should have showed a bit more of my skills.
"The majority of the adeptus mechancius could not produce an antimatter reactor, provided a significant fraction of a planetary budget. The number expected would be closer to less than one hundred in the entire imperium that could build a stable reactor of that scale." Irnimalver reported, in an almost sullen voice as he stared at the reactor humming against the wall.
Then the words reached me and I processed them, oh by the Witness I truly screwed this over didn't I. The glint of the strange metal almost distracted me for a moment before I shook away the minor distraction trying to figure out damage control. "Archmagos Irnimalver understates the impossibility of your actions. You made an antimatter reactor that is self sustaining, a novel plasma weapon although admittedly there are several million archmagi that could design a comparable system, a personal shield that is closer to xenotech than that of imperial standards, an entirely novel system using principles I am pretty sure only the Ommnissiah knew of, a new infantry armored vehicle for rapid orbital insertions via an antigravity drive, and to cap it all off to build this all you made a molecular forge capable of bulk matter reforging. I would go as far as to say that there might be a grand total of less than twenty humans in the galaxy that could achieve comparable feats in the time given." Sincratus interrupted as he dryly spoke his indictment of my failure to understand anything of the situation. What a shameful event this was, I should have ensured that I knew more than I had going into this, but I had clearly assigned too many Exatari values to them.
Damage control was needed immediately, and I knew enough to be able to maybe weave something together, but considering this massive disaster that I had made for myself, it was not certain by any means anymore.
"I was never part of the Adeptus Mechanicus as you are aware and my only information to use came from the data that I discovered in the ruins during my youth. The records indicated that it was expected for a prospective engineer to know at minimum three fields to a level of mastery and a potential senior engineer to have a mastery in at minimum ten fields. I based my view of the adeptus mechancius on this assumption that appears to have been in error from the foundational level. I had desired to join your organization, but due to my belief that to join one needed mastery of several fields I never felt comfortable asking for admittance."
This was entirely nonsensical on the face of it, but maybe the insanity of the imperium was contagious and they would fall for it or at least give me enough leeway to gain the answers I sought from this meeting in the first place.
The five of them stared at me and then at each other again, "Atraxas, please describe these data storage units." Remon broke the silence, and I froze once more. Why in the whole of creation were they actually listening to my rambling nonsensical damage control. Regardless this was a great opportunity to maybe get myself free from this pit I had accidentally dug for myself.
"They were a group of several cubes about a meter on each side, with holographic lettering showing up when I touched them. It took me a few days to figure out how to make the letters shift, but after that it was fairly intuitive to navigate the systems. I think the greater system was broken, the units had been left undisturbed for several centuries before I found them at the very least, but after a few months I was able to get them to show videos of engineering and physics, past that point it was fairly easy to learn more from them. Unfortunately, they ended up dying on my several years past that point and I could no longer access them."
A barren description inline with what I think a human would or could provide from something that had occurred decades ago, a distinctly different design from the Imperium due to the Imperium clearly not having this kind of technology as standard fare. Hopefully it would be enough to make my statements slightly less insane sounding.
"Atraxas, could you provide your homeworld to us? We have interest to inquire about these ruins you have mentioned." I wish I could blink for this should not be going this well, they should be trying to figure out my lies and discovering I am a xeno. Not just accepting my words as a possibility, sure there are or were ancient ruins on that world, but they were picked clean and I checked. But, in the end I transferred over the data to Remon who in turn handed it over to Mirnier.
"Ok, now that this madness is over can we please just do what we were meant to have done seven days ago." Quirana groused as she just walked around the room glaring at the devices I had built, at least before Sincratus put a hand on her shoulder seemingly calming her down.
"That would be appreciated." I bow as I speak to her, as with a huff she lead the way from the temporary workshop, "I am unsure how the Adeptus Mechanicus handles ownership of designs, but nothing I have built in these last seven days is important to me and as such I offer the designs to be used as the Adeptus Mechanicus sees fit." My statement caused our procession to stutter for a moment before Sincratus looked towards me, "Is that because nothing in there reaches your approval or because you are trying to bribe us?"
I vibrate as I ponder the answer before turning to truth, "A mixture of both, I could easily produce better designs with a dedicated timeslot for such work, but if it improves our relationship I consider it an easy cost to pay." All of them shook their heads for a moment before seeming to just give up on the matter as we eventually reached the meeting hall we had met for the first time in.
Back in the original setting, I settled onto the floor resting my body after several days of nonstop action. I might not need sleep or rest like a human, but my form can become strained in a similar manner and there were few places in the Imperium that could fit my bulk comfortably.
"Atraxas, you came to us to learn more about the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Cult Mechanicus. It is clear that there is no technological test we can present that you will have a non plausible chance of solving due to your shown abilities, as such we will dispense with the restrictions initiates are typically subject too. Mentor Quirana will be our primary voice for this discussion, however Archmago Sincratus will lend support or clarification when needed." Irnimalver opened the meeting as everyone took their throne and I began to codify my questions, I had learned some but not enough from my misadventures through this week and I would need to ensure that this would never happen again.
"Archmagos Quirana, what is required for one to be initiated into the Adeptus Mechanicus and then become a Magos and Archmagos later on?" This question was fairly neutral, it had little direct pressure on the religious side of things and it would fit with my cover story of desiring admission but being too unconfident in my skills to make the cut.
"I will take this question if you don't mind, Quirana." Sincratus interjected, "Not at all, you would be able to explain this topic better than I could." Quirana answered as she leaned back in her throne and attention shifted to Sincratus from her.
"A person can become an initiate through several means, but the reason I took this question is because I was born outside the Mechanicus but was seen as a valuable mind and inducted at an young age. There is no overall standards for admittance, but there is a standard for progression and for one to remain as a Tech Adept. One becomes a Magos when one can showcase sufficient skill in a given field of study and religious understanding, and an Archmagos is simply an evolution of what it means to be a magos. I am an Archmagos of the Genetor branch due to having a skill surpassing most of my peers in the field of xenobiology. In short, even as a child if you had even a fraction of your current skills the Mechanicus would have welcomed you into our ranks."
He finished and everything made sense at last, I had oversold my ablities from the start, not a single time had I managed to make myself seem reasonable. I claimed mastery of several fields of which at least one seemed to be complex in the minds of the archmagi.
Turning back to Quirana, I considered how to state this question before deciding that it was simply best to ask it bluntly and completely, "What are the tenets of the Cult Mechanicus? I am aware that it involves something called the Omnissiah, but beyond that I am in the dark."
The five of them hissed at my words before Quirana leaned forward adopting a pose conveying thought. "Normally, the tenets are taught over a course of years to decades to ensure proper understanding, but such is not possible in this situation. In light of this I will explain the sixteen universal laws, the principles of tech heresy. Let us begin with the principles of tech heresy, you should be familiar with the term from that particularly annoying gnat of a magos that you have as an advisor.
In practice, it is heretical for innovation to be committed by non trusted individuals and a harsh punishment must be levied upon those that commit this sin. However, there are some fields more heretical than others, primarily the debasement of the human genome..."A cough came from Sincratus and Quirana glared at him before continuing, "the construction of a silica animus and studying the warp. There are individuals that have been given permission to study and investigate genetic engineering on humanity and studying the warp but the silica animus can never be allowed to exist. Your designs showcased today and in front of Magos Ebias are examples of potential tech heresy, but the innovation appears to simply be in the usage of known principles. However, consider future actions to be subject to greater scrutiny on this matter." She fell silent for a moment as if pondering something.
"Now moving to the Universal Laws, there are sixteen of them and they each inform an aspect of the Cult Mechanicus. The laws are in order for the first to sixteenth:
1. Life is Directed Motion
2. The Spirit is the Spark of Life
3. Sentience is the ability to learn the Value of Knowledge
4. Intellect is the Understanding of Knowledge
5. Sentience is the Basest Form of Intellect
6. Understanding is the True Path to Comprehension.
7. Comprehension is the Key to all Things
8. The Omnissiah knows All, comprehends All
9. The Alien Mechanism is a Perversion of the True Path
10. The Soul is the Conscience of Sentience
11. A Soul can be bestowed only by the Omnissiah
12. The Soulless Sentience is the Enemy of All
13. The Knowledge of the Ancients stands Beyond Question
14. The Machine Spirit guards the Knowledge of the Ancients
15. Flesh is Fallible, but Ritual Honors the Machine Spirit
16. To Break with Ritual is to Break with Faith.
These are the universal laws that we recognize as the guiding principles of our lives in the cult Mechanicus. Explaining my personal view of the laws and their impact would not be useful at the moment, but due to your unusual circumstances I am willing to discuss more on the theology behind the laws now if you consider it to be of importance." As Quirana fell silent after listing the laws, I was somewhat confused by them for they bore a distinct resemblance to some of the tenets that we had among the Forge Scholars, of course there were major differences, but the first four laws had a sizable amount of overlap with the principle of the trinity and creation.
Although the seventh and eighth law were incredibly distasteful due to their glorification of omniscience and when those were mentioned I was unable to hide my loathing as well as I should have. The others I can understand, with the possible exception of the ninth, and the last two laws.
The ninth is strange, because there is no inherent difference between species technology barring the inherent neurological differences that shape the final form and what is prioritized. Human technology is perfectly understandable to us as proven by our break down of various samples and from them gathering more knowledge on the workings of the universe, and I had no reason to assume that this would be different for humans.
The last two laws were strange on the other hand, I could understand the inherent implication to carefully repeat actions, but at the same time they halted the growth of knowledge and the ability to create. "Archmagos Quirana, could you explain more of the ninth, fifteenth and sixteenth laws? I understand part of them, but the deeper secrets fail to resonate." Unlike most cases I had no need to artificially influence my tone for this question for the confusion was self evident.
"Easily, the ninth law simply states that the technology of the xeno is a perversion of the true path because it is not sourced from humanity." She glared at Irnimalver for a moment seeming to dare them to say something before turning back to me, "Let me expand on that, its the law that is most often ignored of the warning and prohibition laws. For most cases its a law that is more impactful for the magos and the tech adept than one that we as archmagi observe in full. Everyone barring the blind, understand that xenotech is part of the Omnissiah and as such is part of our preview, along with the understanding that even though xenotech is a perversion it is a perversion of the Omnissiah's designs.
As for the fifteenth and sixteenth, they revolve more around the acknowledgment that the ancients innovated to reach their point, but we do not have their skills and understanding so we must use rituals to understand the relics that are left from them and to diverge from the known rituals can lead to catastrophe and only those that are more metal than flesh may be trusted to innovate on their own initiative and judgment." I nodded along to her statements, for they were more reasonable than I had expected and made sense with what I had come to understand of the Mechanicus from this misadventure.
With my understanding of their religion improved, the other side of the coin was important to explore to ensure I would not produce a near disaster with ignorance of it. "Archmagos Quirana, could you provide an overview of the history of the Adeptus Mechanicus along with your position within the Imperium?"
The five of them seemed to shift strangely in their seat before Mirnier leaned forward, "I apologize, Mentor Quirana, but this is one of my expertises." Her seriousness of the topic was concerning for with Remon she had been one of the more laidback of the five individuals. I noted that Quirana seemed to want to ask something but decide against it before nodding her consent to the change in speaker.
"Our history begins before the Imperium had even left its cradle guided by the incarnation of the Omnissiah. During the great disaster that brought low the Ancients, the Mechanicus formed on Holy Mars and we sent grand fleets out across the stars to build civilization anew in the image of Mars, these became the Forge Worlds that dot the galaxy today.
For thousands of years, Mars was alone in the solar system fending off attacks from hostile forces and recovering technology on Terra from the perversions of techno-barbarians and worse. Perhaps some of our groups were overly zealous in their pursuit of technology, but to leave it to rot in the hands of the fools that ruled at the time would have been unthinkable.
Then the galaxy began to clear of impediments to expansion once more and more fleets were sent forth to found new Forge Worlds in the name of the Omnissiah and on Terra a warlord of a different stripe emerged. At the time we gave it little thought, but within a matter of centuries Terra was unified under the banner of the Imperium and soon Luna followed suit. Then He descended upon Mars and the weapons of the Ancients bowed before him recognizing him as the Omnissiah's living avatar and the last of the Ancients to walk the galaxy.
Soon thereafter the Treaty of Mars was struck by the Fabricator General and the Omnissiah's Avatar, binding us of the Mechanicus to the side of the Imperium for all of eternity. For two centuries did our alliance stand firm, but in the heresy that sparked the civil war we were not exempt from the horrors as tech adepts to even venerable archmagos turned on the Omnissiah and took up arms against the rightful lord.
For a century the ultimate war raged on as Mars almost fell for the singular time, but the Fabricator General in the end gave his life to expunge the contamination from its holy surface and as the Omnissiah's Avatar fell in battle to be forever entombed we stood with our allies once more.
Millennia have passed and heretics have tried to break the Treaty and yet by the grace of the Omnissiah their efforts have failed without exception and we stand ever vigilant against such threats to our alliance. Yet at the same time, we never forget that we are apart from the Imperium, we are not the Imperium for we are an Ally to the Imperium and that is what we shall forever remain."
With my understanding of their religion improved, the other side of the coin was important to explore to ensure I would not produce a near disaster with ignorance of it. "Archmagos Quirana, could you provide an overview of the history of the Adeptus Mechanicus along with your position within the Imperium?"
The five of them seemed to shift strangely in their seat before Mirnier leaned forward, "I apologize, Mentor Quirana, but this is one of my expertises." Her seriousness of the topic was concerning for with Remon she had been one of the more laidback of the five individuals. I noted that Quirana seemed to want to ask something but decide against it before nodding her consent to the change in speaker.
"Our history begins before the Imperium had even left its cradle guided by the incarnation of the Omnissiah. During the great disaster that brought low the Ancients, the Mechanicus formed on Holy Mars and we sent grand fleets out across the stars to build civilization anew in the image of Mars, these became the Forge Worlds that dot the galaxy today.
For thousands of years, Mars was alone in the solar system fending off attacks from hostile forces and recovering technology on Terra from the perversions of techno-barbarians and worse. Perhaps some of our groups were overly zealous in their pursuit of technology, but to leave it to rot in the hands of the fools that ruled at the time would have been unthinkable.
Then the galaxy began to clear of impediments to expansion once more and more fleets were sent forth to found new Forge Worlds in the name of the Omnissiah and on Terra a warlord of a different stripe emerged. At the time we gave it little thought, but within a matter of centuries Terra was unified under the banner of the Imperium and soon Luna followed suit. Then He descended upon Mars and the weapons of the Ancients bowed before him recognizing him as the Omnissiah's living avatar and the last of the Ancients to walk the galaxy.
Soon thereafter the Treaty of Mars was struck by the Fabricator General and the Omnissiah's Avatar, binding us of the Mechanicus to the side of the Imperium for all of eternity. For two centuries did our alliance stand firm, but in the heresy that sparked the civil war we were not exempt from the horrors as tech adepts to even venerable archmagos turned on the Omnissiah and took up arms against the rightful lord.
For a century the ultimate war raged on as Mars almost fell for the singular time, but the Fabricator General in the end gave his life to expunge the contamination from its holy surface and as the Omnissiah's Avatar fell in battle to be forever entombed we stood with our allies once more.
Millennia have passed and heretics have tried to break the Treaty and yet by the grace of the Omnissiah their efforts have failed without exception and we stand ever vigilant against such threats to our alliance. Yet at the same time, we never forget that we are apart from the Imperium, we are not the Imperium for we are an Ally to the Imperium and that is what we shall forever remain."
It was clear that it was not the entire history, but that would have been unreasonable to expect in this context and it would give enough to go on for the major points until I could get a more detailed view overtime. Within the decade I would be fully versed in the history since this was only the start of the project to learn all that I could on the matter.
Yet, I eased myself up to my full height as I nodded towards the five of them,"I appreciate the time you have invested in ensuring that I understand the basics of the Adeptus Mechanicus and shall take my leave for now." I bow once more and leave through the doors I entered through seven days ago.
It was quite for a change in this Omnissiah Temple and now that I knew more of the truth, I found that I could no longer truly appreciate its majesty. A monument to the ideal of omniscience was something that I could not tolerate personally, but I would have to hold my true feelings close to my heart least they discover the truth of my nature. But if I could, I would tear this defilement against creation down and raise in its place a Forge Nexus in all its glory.
Perhaps, they did not truly understand the horror inherent to such a state of being, but I could not inform them of the mistake for it is part of their religion, and that is something I could never touch. It was a miserable journey through the grand halls of this temple, if only it had been raised in worship of a different force than I could have easily appreciated the wondrous technology on display, but the taint was everywhere. I could see prayers to knowledge and comprehension on the noosphere wrapping around all within, I could hear rituals being conducted without understanding and more.
I had made plans in the first decade to build a place for innovation, but they have become more critical now that I know the truth. I will rise a Forge Nexus to bring the principles of Creation to Shogi to balance out the horror of this temple and usher in a new age.
Yet, as I took to the sky above as my systems divested me of the bonds of gravity I could only feel pity in my heart for those that labored under the delusion of the glory of omniscience. There had been a point where we had sought it fervently as well, its a truly tantalizing dream for anyone that prizes knowledge and understanding for what is a better culmination of such a path than to know all that could ever be.
Yet, in that lies the trap, and what hides much like a parasite within the flesh. True omniscience was a horror few things could compare too, yet practical omniscient remains as our goal. One need not suffer the fate prescribed by true omniscience to gain the same level of knowledge. There are a manifold of ways to gather Information from the past and future and present, it is but a matter of time before such measures grow in scale to illuminate all of history to one that puts forth the effort.
The future however, is veiled there is never a truly perfect prediction and thus it forces even the greatest of technological means and other methods to view through the lens of possibility and thus negate the risk of true omniscience. In the end the point of destination is similar but infinitely different and as my rage cools I feel only pity for the Adeptus Mechanicus.
However, I have other duties to attend to for now and such will consume much of my time for most of the decade before my meeting with Nameria and Balkavus regarding the Imperial Cult and the history of my world respectively. Later on I will have to check in with Urma on the expansion of the mines and Harkar for the progress of my personal army.
Right now, my focus is needed on the more pressing diplomatic issues at hand, I had scheduled a meeting with the Mining Worlds within close proximity to Shogi to hopefully fill the massive hole in the budget with their resources, unfortunately I am unsure of what I can use to pay them at this moment in time.
It was a large procession of diplomates that arrived, nine individuals walked through my door into the conference room I had set aside for this meeting. Five of the number were clearly wealthier than the others with crispier robes and embroidered gold filigree as typical of the wealthy in the Imperium. Yet, one of them wore a prismatical chocker of some sort of gleaming stone that tugged at my mind in the same fashion as the gold in the Omnissiah Temple did, but without the stress of a much more dangerous meeting I could push it out of mind.
The other four wore small links of odd metals that clearly were to show their planet's wealth, instead of the more self orientated design of the one with the strange stone. A difference of intent, these were metals to be sold and offered, while the stone was simply to be known and considered but not offered to others.
"It seems that the so called wealthiest person in the sector has finally come crawling to us for resources. Well, I can tell you right now Planetary Governor that the Mining World Valvadus will only supply resources if you promise in perpetuity the complete transfer of the orbital shipyards to our control and meaningful assistance in reclassifying Valvadus as a Forge World outside of the Mechanicus' control. Only with that will we consider providing Shogi with roughly five standard units of resources per century. This is our offer, and you will take it or we will blackball you from other sources." The man wearing the choker dictated and I could only barely hold in my laughter at his demands, not even Terra or Mars could make a world accept such a lopsided offer and he thought a mining world could force such a thing through? "It is clear that the Mining World Valvadus has an irreconcilable difference of view and as such I would like you to leave this meeting as I can promise that your deal will not be accepted."
I wanted to say more, but I needed to be polite even in the face of such insanity. "Typical noble, you think that I listen to you. No, you will sign this deal now or I will leave and Valvadus will declare war on Shogi and the entire sector will force you to capitulate to our demands. We are the primary world that fuels the forge worlds, the Adeptus Mechanicus will fight along side us, the astartes chapters will follow our commands, and you will be skewered and excommunicated for heresy. Of course this can all be avoided if you simply sign this agreement wherein we will graciously allow Shogi to remain as a backwater world compared to our rising star in His Imperium."
I stared down at the man and then over at the other emissaries and I could see confusion coloring them all, there was no sense of unity with these proclamations from the others in my room and the mere fact that we were in my room gave the lie to their claims. "Shogi has recently suffered economic downturns and issues with resource gathering since the loss of Nouria, but we have not fallen so far as to be incapable of fighting against a mining world and the world retains its classification as a Fortress Forge. The Imperial Navy and the Adeptus Mechanicus will not support Valvadus in a war against Shogi, I can promise that." My tone was civil but it was also firm and I could feel my soul beginning to rage under my control as my emotions began to be roused, which was concerning, emotional instability was rare for us and when it did happen it was a rare event to be watched with concern, but it has been occurring with far more regularity since I found myself in this job.
I would need to ensure that my emotional state was not overly compromising my abilities to act in a rational manner, but for now I had a human that had just gained the title of the most insane human I had ever met. "We know that your economic downturn can not be stopped and as such we are offering to take the issue off of your hands. Is it not better to surrender what is costing you everything than to try to recover?"
"Shogi is not so far lost as to be incapable of recovery, it is for that reason that I called this meeting. However, I will be extending a hand to the Astartes regarding your conduct and your statements that you commend their forces once this meeting is completed. However, you will not be present, I asked you to leave, but now I hereby ban you and Valvadus from this meeting." I spoke as I opened the door with a button and a contingent of guards filed into the room and somewhat gleefully dragged the emissary out. "Do not harm him, we do not need such problems, simply remove him from the palace and back to his transport." I ordered as they left the room with the door sealing behind them.
Two more individuals stood up from their chairs and marched out of the room, apparently deciding that their orders or planets were not going to find any success with me in charge. "Ah, what a wonderful sight those assholes getting what they deserve finally. Those three worlds are part of an unofficial alliance trying to become subsector, sector and segementum capital respectively and have tried to bully every other world into line. Shogi has always been one of the few worlds that just laughed them away, but your predecessor was funding their ambitions so they got overly bold from that." A woman wearing cuff links of a rare metal smirked as she saw them leaving and her voice left no confusion to her true feelings regarding them.
"How much truth was there to his statements of influence?" She shrugged, "More than you would think, but far less than what they implied. They have some draw on the Mechanicus by providing rare metals in bulk, but not much draw on any of the major chapters, I think they might have bought the loyalty of some of the minor chapters in this sector, but that is currently unconfirmed." The others nodded with her, but none of them offered any more information unfortunately.
"I apologize for this breach of normality, but they were correct in stating that Shogi is currently suffering from an economic downturn brought about from a lack of basic resources. As such, I can not provide the typical trade goods for trade deals, instead I can only reasonably offer access to the currently unused production capacity of Shogi. Any of your worlds that will only consider trading for direct trade goods, I am unfortunately unable to enact a trade route with you currently due to these issues." I stated the situation clearly to head off long term negotiations only for the issue to become apparent halfway through and causing a possible downturn in relations between the mining world and Shogi.
Three of the remaining six stood up from their chairs, one of whom was clearly enraged by my statements and stormed out of the chamber without speaking. The other two fidgeted for a moment before the woman bowed, "Planetary Governor, I thank you for your candor regarding the present situation on your world, and will inform my governor of your forthrightness on this topic. However, I apologize for Konkolla is currently unable to make use of such access and as such I am afraid that I must decline your offer forthwith." She stated clearly and calmly, earning her some of my respect compared to the others that had acted so insecure and filled with unwarranted arrogance.
As she left the conference room, the man that had stood with her stepped forward now, "Lord Atraxas, I must apologize for Sidao is similarly unable to make use of production capacity as a viable trade avenue. Once you have trade goods to send, do not hesitate to contact us for we always desire new trade lines to assist all under His aegis." He bowed once more and then strode to the exit and nodded to the guards as he left, leaving only three remaining.
The door slide open as one of the guards stepped in, "My Lord, four ships bearing the heraldry of mining worlds have arrived in orbit claiming they are carrying emissaries for the trade meeting." The other emissaries frowned slightly as they heard the news of more competitors showing up. I was in a quandary since the primary issue had been raised for the emissaries here but not for those in the ships.
"Guard, send a transmission to the ships detailing the impossibility of using trade goods as a deal and instead only the loan of production capacity will be considered by Shogi currently." With a salute the guard left to send the message to the ships before they landed and it became harder for them to return to their worlds if they were unable to make use of the offered trade.
"I apologize for the inconvenience, but I am calling a recess for four hours local time to enable all individuals to reach the meeting once it restarts." I bowed to them as I spoke the call for recess and the doors slide open allowing them to leave and seek refreshments if they so wished. The three individuals that had remained were clearly unhappy but accepted the order grudgingly.
As the meeting rejoined, the newcomers smiled towards me before one of them bowed, "We thank you for allowing us admittance to this meeting, your predecessor had unofficially banned us from accessing the markets of Shogi. We are aware of the limitations that you are operating under and have chosen to present our offers reformulated for the circumstances." He bowed before sitting back down and the other three scowled slightly towards him, but I rose up to a fraction of my full height towering over them.
"I am glad to hear that you are willing to work with me for our mutual benefit. Now, I will fully outline what I am able to offer and prepared to offer in totality. First and foremost,I am unable to offer trade goods or Thrones for services rendered, my predecessor has drained the treasury dry and the loss of Nouria has seen the collapse of our native service economy. However, the manufacturing capacity of Shogi has thus far not been adversely afflicted and I am willing to sign a lease of individual manufactorums for unrefined ore in exchange. Furthermore, I will negate any tariffs and taxes that would apply to the production of extrasolar goods within the contracted facilities." I said as I brought out a holographic display showing various graphs and a world map with several locations highlighted, marking it with further notations as I spoke giving more information than they would need probably, but would ensure that there was no misunderstanding at hand.
The seven humans thought on the matter and then one by one they gave their first offers and the negotiations began in truth. They would not go fast, but that is fine, I had time enough to spend on this matter to ensure that the deal was balance for both sides. There was no reason to create unneeded resentment within the sector for I might well be living here for centuries or millennia to come and such would only make my life ever more tiresome and dangerous.
It was to my benefit that none of the worlds barring two were particularly wealthy, allowing me to make trades well in my favor but still more than reasonable for the other side. It would not impact Shogi notably, and might even run the chance of allowing the world to store up basic resources prior to the end of the deals to be made.
As the negotiations ended and the emissaries returned to their worlds after gaining approval of the deal via the astropath coven on Shogi, I found a burden removed for now Shogi was no longer on the verge of total economic collapse.
As the emissaries left and the trade was secured, another weight upon my form as the ruler of this world was relieved. I might not be human, but duty can not be hidden from, one must do their all for the task set before them. When eternity stretches forth, laziness and boredom become the ever present dangers of life, so many hatchlings have succumbed to the corruption of the pair vices of destruction. In the end, only those that have proven their willpower can hold firm against the dangling lure of relaxation are allowed to become our commanders and those that are given the respect of the Homeworld.
As such, for me to not give my all for the people of this world without regard for their origin would be to bring shame to myself that millennia would not wipe away. I look outward over the capital city of the world and wonder once more how humans find this sight pleasant to look upon. Massive spires reach into the sky of brutal metal and ostentatious wealth, yet below the spires countless millions of depilated buildings of stone and wood linger in the shadows.
The Imperium was unbalanced, I had always known such, but my new position has only expanded the view I could possess on the subject. The menials that labored without end had nothing while those that worked naught had everything, I had enough information to conclude that I could easily have gored myself on the remaining wealth of Shogi with little push back provided I constrained myself to a limit below that of my predecessor. I knew that across the world two more mining sites were being started, one under my auspices and one under Urma's, mine would be ran the same as my last one, yet only more so.
Hatchlings would be banned from working entirely except ones over the age of thirteen and desire to do simple jobs such as messaging and marking duties, the menials would be provided a living wage for their work and overtime bonuses in the form of labor waivers or extra payment on their choice, and the hatchlings below the age of allowed labor would be taught simple mathematics and literacy by the tech priests on site. In the end, my site will not be the place for cruelty nor exploitation, I refuse to allow such measures to interfere with my plans.
I knew that Urma would not use my system and that she would rely on the standard of the Imperium, but she was untouchable for me as of yet and her methods were the approved form. I simply would do all that I could with my command over the building site, to ensure that the workers under my command would be treated well and have a future possibly secured beyond their current lot in life.
Turning away from the window, I checked over the samples from the mining sites and noted that there was a rare element in Urma's site that would be useful for trading and native production from her notes on its discovery. Duralium as the Imperium understood the metal was useful in powering ships and repairing ships as well, for all the ingenuity that humans showed in making metals and alloys, sometimes they missed the truly obvious. We might not know the material by the same name, but it was a common material in the Homeworld's oceans and was regularly used to provide its true value to alloys.
In short Duralium was a meta energetic metalloid which depending on its refining process can be turned into either a near perfect insulator or a superconductor. However, the process that the Imperium would more than likely be restricted too was unable to cause the refined product to express the superconducting aspects of the material.
Having a natural supply of the material would enable some of my projects to be completed significantly easier and faster than I had anticipated. Of course a Meta Forge would give the same value infinitely instead of being restricted to the mundanities of mining supply and economic considerations, but that is far from my ability to manage as of yet.
The first thing would be the Awakening Core to even begin progressing towards a Meta Forge, and then I would need to either find a natural wellspring or find a person with enough metaphysical significance to power the Forge and provide the needed particle density to be warped into matter of the desired form. I am unsure, but the Titans might be sufficient for the latter aspect, but the sheer cost of building a Meta Forge without access to the alloys typically used in the construction of the design will probably become the limiting factor compared to the situation with being able to properly power it.
Same for what the Imperials call psycurium, its of lesser importance to our alloying technology, but it is used to serve as a form of balancing agent within the process, allowing the alloys to be more receptive to phase alterations and phase merging. Its absence would be of lesser impact compared to the loss of Duralium, but it still is a fairly core aspect of how we produce our alloys. Of course a Meta Forge can produce it in needed quantities, but reaching the point of constructing a Meta Forge will be a long term goal even for an immortal like myself.
Turning towards another vulnerability of Shogi the computer networks. My predecessor had defunded every system that was not protected via the authority of the military or the mechanicus, for some unknowable reason this had to him included the counter intelligence systems.
And for all of my skill and knowledge, I am a novice with the cogitators that the imperium uses. We never discovered what is called software by humans, in their terms every Exatari computer is purpose built with analog measures to do singular actions, while a given imperial computer can be used to complete thousands if not millions of different actions on the same device.
A truly revolutionary discovery possibly on par with the discovery of a new meta particle library, it could see our research reach never before thought speeds. It might even allow some of the less motivated to reach higher levels in the Nexi of the Homeworld, for computers would enable vastly faster turn around upon discovery of failure.
Yet, in the end, I am still learning the systems and building a counter intelligence system is already hard enough at hand without having to learn the systems used to produce such a thing at the same time. However, I do figure out various ideas on how to expand this action in different directions.
"My lord, a ship labeling itself a Rogue Trader has translated into system." One of the guards that Harkar had posted to protect me said as they entered my office as I finalized some last minute pay alterations for the workers on my mining site. The cursed throne had fluctuated in value once more and I had had to spend several tedious hours recalculating the proper compensation for the workers, but this would be a welcome diversion from such tedious and worst of all error prone work.
I had sent the request for a Rogue Trader to meet with me several years ago by this point, but at least it was done early enough to not impact any of my future plans overly much. I knew little of what it meant for one to be a Rogue Trader, the individuals were reclusive and the information on the subject was little more than heresy of the highest order.
"What House did they claim to be part of?" One of the things I knew was that the vast majority of rogue traders were part of greater Houses that as a single entity held the rights of trade. That was my understanding at least, and would hopefully be corrected in this meeting.
"The ship bears the heraldry of a minor House, I personally do not recognize it but the ship is broadcasting its identity as part of the House Norastye's fleet, My Lord." The guard bowed as they left my office with the completion of their duty in informing me of this occurrence. My predecessor had left records of several Rogue Traders they had worked with over the years and there had never been any refrences to a House Norastye. Which overall is probably for the best since I would be duty bound to investigate and deal with individuals responsible for supplying him with the items that I had unearthed and supporting his proclivities.
With my personal computer accessing the records was easy and from them I could easily confirm that House Norastye existed, was legal and created from a magos explorer, which neatly explained their arrival at my request.
Several hours later, my office opened to admit a human man a few centuries old in, he was not part of the Mechanicus due to the lack of any form of augment either cybernetic or biological as far as I could see, but on his robes he wore the sigil of the House Norastye.
"Lord Atraxas." The man said as he bowed before, an act that I have never figured out the social implications behind it, I know it refrences deference to a higher authority but the context behind its existence escapes me. "I am the commander of one of the ships that flies under the banner of House Norastye and the Honorable Lord Norastye has recognized your request and sent me to negotiate terms for a hopefully beneficial relationship between you and the House of Norastye." He showed no discomfort with being in a room with one of my appearance nor of my political power, which fit with what I knew of the Houses.
"I am eager to open lines of communication with the rogue traders of the Imperium, there are many purposes that I could make use of your services for." I enter the conversion for the first time, confirming that the situation was not accidental and that I did have a purpose for the request before any false impressions could be made.
"Lord Norastye would not have sent me here if he had not thought my vessel at the least would be of use to you, with appropriate compensation of course." A gentle reminder of whom is holding the power in this place, but I could let the implied nudge to accept his word slide for I had called him indirectly, but called all the same.
"I am pleased that Magos Norastye considered my request for a meeting important enough to send one of direct commanders to meet with me. I too hope to begin a profitable enterprise with you and by extension the House Norastye. As such I have a few questions regarding the prices of various exotic goods, especially those that might arose some measure of suspicion from factions of the Imperium."
The captain shifted slightly, to the point where a human might have missed the movement, but to me it was clearly done. "Lord Atraxas, House Norastye only acts within the bounds of Imperial and Mechanicus law as dictated by Lord Norastye. As such I must apologize for we are not allowed to deal in certain exotics for any price, and if that is your goal then I believe there is no possible relationship possible between Shogi and Norastye." I shifted in turn at the words, for I had not expected such a complete shutdown of discussions on exotics, although I guess the exotic materials I would seek could very well be considered state secrets or otherwise protected resources.
"Understandable, moving away from the exotics I had wished to acquire, what is House Norastye's stance on transportation of mercenary forces, weapons, vehicles and technical data." There was no point in trying to contuine a clearly unproductive chain so moving to my next set of questions on possible trade, my private army would be a potent military force and selling its services would be worth a fair amount from my understanding. Furthermore, it would be beneficial if I could hire this House to transport the items for the Homeworld without requiring suspicious avenues.
The man blinked at the rapid change in topic but smiled wider indicating that this was well within possibility for the House to accept. "Norastye is more than able and willing to transport mercenary forces, and bulk cargo trades. Of course we will take a cut of any profits such missions receive or ask for payment upfront for non payed transport jobs, but our fees are reasonable compared to some of our competing houses."
I lowered myself in an emulation of a nod as I processed the information and found that they would serve me well. It was a shame that Norastye would refuse missions to gather exotic resources, since that would have opened many doors for me, but I could always find a less reputable House for such missions.
However, the question remained, what exotics were in particular banned. Depending on how many and what amounts, I might need to seek out several houses of low reputation or ones willing to sully their name with such missions. As such it would be prudent to have a clearer idea of the situation at hand before doing such, to preserve some measure of my wealth in case of needing to hire several such Houses.
"I am ware of House Norastye's disinterest in gathering exotics, but I am curious in which ones are expressly forbidden for any amount of coin or favors to be offered." The man, whom I should probably ask their name eventually, frowned as he stared around my somewhat barren office.
"Any ship bearing Norastye colors is expressly forbidden from assaulting Eldar, and Necron forces regardless of offered payment. We are also forbidden from accepting Astartes as targets of acquisition. The former are considered too dangerous to handle and the latter are His Angels. We also retain the right to refuse any mission to acquire a xeno of sufficient danger, so far we have only listed Catachan as a forbidden world for such missions." I slide backwards slightly as I try to process the situation at hand, it would have to be the manner in which I had phrased the original question making it seem more nefarious than I had expected.
"I have no interest in acquiring xenos as of the moment, I was in fact inquiring into the cost of hiring Norastye ships to harvest certain rare metals from the depths of space. There are several materials that I have personal interest in that are sadly uncommon in the vast majority of space."
The captain frowned at my statement, doing calculations in his mind, "House Norastye has no restriction on harvesting missions of your desired sort, but we do require a direction and destination to pursue for such missions to be accepted. However, we are willing to accept a standing contract where we will harvest the desired materials if we happen across a viable supply."
I nodded at the requirements for the harvesting missions for it was entirely sensible to require either a destination for a dedicated mission, but being able to set up a passive contract for such materials was a good option. "Understandable provisions and more than acceptable. However, my third question is the matter of Xenotech, I know that the Mechanicus has a distaste for the subject and your head of house was at one point a Magos." The one big worry was that they would not be willing to transport the supplies I would gain from the Homeworld, due to them being xenotech.
"We find xenotech unpleasant to handle as policy, but it is not forbidden and simply adds a higher charge to the mission than normal if we are mandated to carry xenotech. However, we do forbid Eldar and Necron xenotech due to the danger inherent to such missions. Is there any race's technology that you have a particular interest in?" His stance was wary of my answer, but at the same time it was clear that this was well within the range of allowance that the House provided for this subject.
It was a good thing I had clarified my position for this would do fine for my purposes, our drives were slower and far more cumbersome than the Imperial warp drives, but they were more than sufficient to cross a few systems in a matter of hours. It would be easy enough to give Norastye the location of some "xeno" worlds that had some of the creations of my people to acquire them directly and also to drop off the imperial items in exchange.
"I have a mission ready for House Norastye to undertake immediately if possible. I need several leman russes, a load of lasguns and plasma gungs, and several various aircraft and infantry vehicles transported to a position in space where one of my connections will retrieve the supplies. They do request that there are no ships in the vicinity when they retrieve the supplies, and will leave behind their payment for me in a box."
I knew that this was inherently suspicious to request as such since few people would have a legitimate reason to request secrecy of this level, and I lacked a fair reason for it. Hopefully, they would accept it for extra payment instead.
"I can not say that I am overly pleased with this mission's profile, but as you are currently not under suspicion, I am willing to handle it. However, House Norastye reserves the right to refuse such missions if we consider it too risky." I shifted downward and nodded to the best of my ability as I accepted the statement.
"I accept, now let us discuss the various missions and contracts that can be initiated at this juncture." The captain smiled widley as what seemed to be his favorite part took center stage.
"Words can not express my disappointment to see you once more." The bitting digtial screeching of Balkavus intruded into my peaceful day as unpleasant as ever. "I can only assume that some unscruplous heretek has contaminated the augments of the Conclave with logic breaking systems, since only such a thing could explain why you remain untouched." I stare down at him, he had never been a concern for me, but now that I knew more I saw him for what he truly was; a non entity. He had no power to effect me, the Mechancius' Lords were on my side regarding his accusations, and I seemed to have a strange in with them regardless.
"Report in full on the outcome of your assigned project." My voice was cold, I could feel ice creeping on my skin once more as my soul began to rouse not in anger but in contempt for the small minded person before me. I felt pity for the Archmagi of the world, pursing their empty dream, but they were more than skilled and had proof aplenty of their worth to Creation. Balkavus had no such worth, he was nothing more than the person that spent the most time bickering with others for political power and he had failed to endear himself to me.
Static growing filled the room as he glared up at my imposing bulk, I usually took measures to hide the truth of my presence for humans, but I had no reason to do so for him and so I stared down upon him from far above his reach. "As you command oh tech heretic, Shogi has suffered 9 Black Crusades that were of averge impact to the world. Beyond the Crusades although a heretek like yourself probably misses not being presence for such foulness and to serve your true fellows, there was not much of importance occurring on Shogi. The only notable event is something that is only referenced obliquely in certain vaults that you as a tech heretic would never be able to enter and there is little on the subject regardless."
Did he truly expect me to accept him at his word on this matter? He was clearly withholding information from me about my world and its history, but he also had no backbone such a pity that he had such a poor combination. I have seen thousands of hatchlings with superior integrity to him and even human children that could hold themselves better than the pitiful growling fool before me.
"Tell me what you found in those vaults, or I will go and investigate for myself." Balkavus screeched some more in meaningless binary and hexadecimal for some reason as he continued to glare up at me. "Yes, oh unholy one, I discovered reports of an ancient Blank being born of unprecedented power. Unfortunately for you and fortunately for everyone else I lost the data on where the Blank is held in stasis."
I angled myself upward as I noted the information, I knew that humans produced both blanks and psykers akin to my people, but lacked the ability to forcibly attune a soul to the desired metaphysical influence and change it at will. However, I did not know how they compared on average to the Exatari that choose to unlock such powers, but leaning towards them being stronger than us would be a safe guess most likely due to humans seeming to be stronger in strange areas compared to us overall.
Therefore assuming that the Blank he is referring too is stronger than the strongest ever Exatari Severed is an intelligent view to take. I would need to construct Meta Shields before even thinking about defrosting the Blank in question, my phase shields would dampen even the Deathly Severer's influence to nothing, but assuming that this Blank is twice as potent, I would be afflicted by tremors and slight paranoia which is not needed in my current predicament.
As he left, a message reached my personal display from Nirve detailing a list of blackmail for use on Yurael. It was a perfect mission from the report with the subject entirely unaware of the spies and what they recovered, but it would be more than enough to force her to submit to a desired action. It was a beneficial event but I had not ordered the action to be undertaken, which also made sense due to the fact that even I would not be included in the details of the spies of the world.
With a flicker of happiness I save the data on her for future use as I turned towards the last thing that I had to finalize. Which was the study on the strange human religion that I had asked Nameria to prepare to explain it to me. I hope that she considered me asking for more political, hierarchal rather than the actual intent of truly learning what the thing was for as far as I can tell no human doesn't abide by the religion.
Another aspect of humans that we lacked commonality with them on, I knew that there were in the distant past Exatari clans that asked for security for protection from natural events from barely understandable concepts even when experiencing the memories directly. Yet, soon after the creation of the Witness and its peers, such actions fell into disfavor over time as information was stored across time allowing even our most early ancestors to realize that there was simple chains of cause and effect at play.
It is true that we work mostly inline with the principle of Creation and the Trinity of Life, but could those concepts be considered a religion. To humans I doubt they would be considered as such, we do not build temples, we do not give prayer to the trinity of life, they are simply things that are done. Creation is achieved whenever someone makes something new for themselves or others, originality does not inherently matter as long as they are building something distinct from the world around.
The Trinity is even less firm, it only says how sapient life comes to be and the parts that compose us and all other Creators. In the end, religion in the all consuming form that humanity partakes in, is something that we never experienced and I am as such at a loss in understanding the principles of the Imperium since the majority revolves around their religion.
Nameria will hopefully explain this to my satisfaction or at the very least enable me to understand the principles of Shogi more completely. I have desires to do much for this world, but I am stymied by my lack of understanding for humans and their systems of governance.
She had sent me a message asking for me to meet her at the Cathedral of Ascendance, the largest such structure in the capital city an hour past noon, for our meeting. There was no point in delaying my arrival and it was fairly close by so there was sadly no reason to make use of my flight systems, my normal movement would be sufficient.
Exiting the palace which still didn't property fit my bulk was an annoyance as ever, but running up the side of the building to reach the roof and plotting out my course was fun. I knew that my guards probably hated my preferred form of transversal in the city limits as I jumped from the roof and glided down to the large thoroughfare several kilometers away before picking up speed.
Dancing around the cars on the street and bouncing between the buildings was a form of fun that I never had prior to being given this position, on the Homeworld our cities were designed in far different methods and were designed for our bulk and my previous world I was forced to the outskirts constantly. Now, I could truly bounce through the city, doing flash repairs on the spot when buildings seemed overly worn down.
It was an easy thing to do, but as I bounced onto a building I would flash repair any damage I could feel where I landed and of course my systems prevented me from causing damage to buildings or vehicles. It was truly amazing how fast humans adapted to new situations, the first time I had taken to the roads there were several hundred crashes forcing me to stop to provide medical aid to the afflicted, now only a few minor situations occurred as I made my way to the Cathedral.
The Cathedral was truly massive, it was similar in size and grandure to the Hive Cities that exist on other worlds in the Imperium. Its gold plated extieror reached into the high reaches of the atmosphere, nearly reaching the ionosphere at the very peak of the spire, and I could feel the shields that covered it from tip to ground.
Massive windows of colored glass cut into various pieces and then fused together with what appeared to be lead covered the grand building. Numerous icons graced the side of the building, the largest of which was a strange one of a column with a human skull embossed upon it. Yet, below that prominent icon another smaller one sat, but seemed to have been given greater care, I could see the purity of its construction outshining the one above it, and the techniques used in its shaping were clearly the work of a master metal worker.
In the light provided by the sun in the sky, the icon gleamed brilliantly, the sunlight dancing across the thousands of metal feathers that formed the wings of the two headed bird that formed the core of the sigil. Above the bird a sun lay, formed from gold as well it glimmered wonderfully as I came closer, noting how much like a real sun it had been made to resemble and its light manifested in rays of solid gold rained down upon the Aquila below I believe the name was.
Then below the Aquila several layers of smaller forms were represented in metal akin to the above, yet of the thirty six figures below, ten were cast from silver and shattered with one tarnished, yet one remained whole if shadowed, another four were forged from wrought iron and rusted through and the final twenty were forged from platinum, nine remain pure of metal and masterfully crafted compared to the eleven that were gilded with wrought iron. Below the three rows of silver, iron and platinum a fourth row lay with only a solitary figure of rhodium stood, facing up towards the sun and the Aquila above.
It was a sigil that was small enough for the majority of humans to miss, compared to the overpowering icon above, but it bore the signs of being far more important to the person in charge than the greater sigil. A curious discovery, but I would be able to ask about the matter when I met with her in only a few minutes.
The Cathedral was interesting when I entered, the windows above projected their image upon the interior and complex prisms covered the floor, directing light into a truly majestic sight. It would take even a Forge Adept significant time to calculate the positions needed for this to work so cleanly, it was a sign of how far Humans could go when they had interest in acting to the best of their abilities.
Thousands of anti gravity plates floated in the depths of the spire above, serving as means of transversal between rooms and ledges. It was a truly impressive construction in size and scope, the heart and brain of the church upon Shogi built in the standard of the world. I knew why she had called me here, I had never entered this place before, but it showed her power both religious and secular well from the cost inherent to this show of technology.
Under the center of the light show the congregation sat in prayer, yet even more technology was present. Holograms of Nameria walked along every row of the seating humans and some indivials had personal interaction with her. Images of her sitting at their side, giving aid to them. Perhaps the humans believed that this was a form of trickery, but I could see that each hologram was a real image of her indicating near impossible body and mental control for a human.
A flicker of light danced to the side and another hologram emerged, bowing to me slightly as Nameria smiled at my arrival. "Lord Atraxas, I will be ready for our meeting in a few minutes. Please explore this floor of the Cathedral, while you wait." I nodded to her as I slide into the shadows, noting how the humans she talked to seemed to be happier and more energetic than before.
"Shogi has changed with your arrival, many of the people that I have heard confession of have come from your work sites for the first time able to afford the pilgrimage to see me. Your kindness has not gone unseen nor unnoticed and these people give thanks to Him for sending you to us."
I turned towards the hologram of Nameria at my side in confusion for how could I have done as she said. I simply gave the workers a reasonable level of compensation for their work, of course there was likely some error in their payment but it would probably fall onto the side of me underpaying them. I did not have a good measure of how time passed to a human and that along with the ceaseless variance in value of the thrones, my payment was most likely to be under the level of appropriate compensations even after doubling the cost I calculated.
"I simply provide my workers with a proper payment for work nothing more or less. It is the same for all that pay for work is it not? A coin in exchange for time and labor." Her face flickered with what could only be confusion before it smoothed away under a mask, and she turned towards the people out in the center of the floor.
"Urma has shared the records with me, per hour you pay on average a thousand thrones to the lowest level and increase for various actions such as working beyond the end of a shift. A minimum of a thousand thrones to people whom in the last ten generations of their families might have saved at most fifty across it all. Perhaps to you the payment is fair, but to those working under your orders its wealth beyond their dreams, its a miracle from Him upon Terra answering their prayers said every day for countless centuries." She fell silent as another man etched with lines of painful labor moved to the front and let a small stream of golden coins fall into a chest before drawing a sigil over his heart and leaving.
"Tens of thousands eat better than they have in centuries, possibly millions of children will reach higher than they ever would have been allowed to reach. You have held to your stance of compassion in a way that I had lost faith in ever seeing, and for that I thank you Lord Atraxas, and I thank Him for sending one such as you to this world. Your actions might have prevented a terrible fate."
"It was not my intention to aid them, I simply pay them what is reasonable compensation for the work they conduct. Although, by my calculations it is likely I am undervaluing their efforts, but I will need to investigate certain aspects to refine my payment system in the future it appears." I counter as I watch as the people begin to leave and a handful notice me in the back of the room. A wave ran through the population of the cathedral as one told the others around them, the information ripplingly back along the whole of the crowd.
The crowd came to a stop before a few bowed and scurried away as the others looked on in what I think was awe before they too left and as the final one left, Nameria sealed the doors before the holograms faded away into light. A door that I had noticed opened as her living body entered the room, "There are few Planetary Governors that would have received such a reaction from the average man, most would have been ignored unless they were making a ruckus. As much as you profess to only pay them what is correct, that does not change the facts at hand. However, you wished to know more of the Ecclesiarchy and the Imperial Creed, so follow me I have a person I would like you to meet." Her demeanor was different more militant as she spoke and lead the way through the interior of the cathedral, but the masterful crafting of the place remained ever evident.
"Are all cathedrals this well crafted?" It was a sensible question to my mind, for this temple displayed more understanding than I had come to expect from humanity and the Imperium in general. Yet, her first response was a snort of laughter, "By the God-Emperor I wish, but most cathedrals are inelegant brutal designs gilded with more gold than some worlds contain. The gold that covers the Cathedral of Ascendance is only a few millimeters thick and is to provide coloring nothing more. This Cathedral is a fortress first and a church second befitting a fortress world."
I accepted her statement and followed in silence once more before we stepped onto a grav plate, which whined under my weight but was able to lift off into the heights of the spire. For a human, the scale of this building would be impossible to truly understand, for me it was simply a somewhat reasonably sized building only inverted.
The main Forge of my Nexus was in a similar spire that reached one hundred kilometers into the crust of the Homeworld the mantle held at bay only via force fields and repulsive matrixes. All of that space had been used to enable me to make the alloys required for the most extreme items and research possible, but it did make it possible to understand the scale of this cathedral.
"Lord Atraxas, I am unfortunately not going to be able to personally explain the Creed and the Ecclesiarchy due to my duties, but I have brought in an individual that I trust to explain the matter throughly. I have also created several data slates for your perusal that will hopefully answer any questions you have." I shift slightly trying to indicate my unease of the situation, but it was understandable since her duties were wide ranging and I could hear a new congregation entering already.
The plate reached the apogee of the building revealing a small floor at the very edge of the ionosphere from which one could see across the city below. "The God Emperor is truly a god to be able to shape such a wondrous world, would you not agree Servant Atraxas?" A feminine voice spoke from the shadows of the platform, I simply walked to the window to look outward as I note the departure of the grav plate.
"I agree that Shogi is a jewel of the void, but to my sight the true beauty of the world lies in the created intermixed with the natural." The woman mulled over the statement for a moment, "An answer not to my question, but not all that serve Him know they do so at the time. Yet, in the end all serve His endless plan, I do wonder what your purpose shall be."
I turn away from the window towards the woman speaking, noting that she was wearing a strangely primitive form of a powered exoskeleton, along with having an implanted mechanical interface in a manner akin to the tech priests I knew. Yet, beyond those details, I could tell that her body was trained to excel in military matters, but that was to be expected for one using such technology as her.
But, there was a question to be asked, since from my understanding it was the default state for humans to assume that their Emperor was a god with regard. "Is it not to be taken as a given that the God Emperor is a god?" She shook her head as she walked to the edge of the floor to stare outward over the city in a manner similar to me.
"Across the grandeur of His Imperium, there are many faiths that give Him his due glory and there are many that deny His existence in manifold ways. Erimyst sector is riddled with splinters of faith, eating away at the foundations of His Imperium and the principles of His Creed. Perhaps in another sector your statement is true, but in Erimyst one must be ever vigilant for the heretics."
I processed the information and understood what it meant, but it was a minor issue in the bulk of the meeting so far to have made such a minor indiscretion. "What do you mean of the faith splintering?"
Metal squealed under her hands as the metal railing bent under grip as she stared out into space, "For the last three thousand years, Erimyst has been in a state of upheaval regarding the proper forms to give honor to Him upon the Golden Throne. In recent centuries the faith has shattered, a million cults creep in the shadows out of His light, twisting the people that live under His protection away from their true father. We have fought against the proliferation of these cults, and some are no more than heresy cloaked in righteousness." I could feel her soul burn bright as the words poured from her mouth, as she glared into the heavens beyond Shogi.
"I am unaware of these cults, could you enlighten me to their nature?" Her face twisted into a cast of fury, but she nodded in the end. "As one of His primary servants in the sector, you should be aware of those that fight against Him in the shadows where His light does not reach." She let go of the railing as she turned towards another wall and seemed to ponder how to explain the subject matter.
"Of the seven cults that have broken away from the Creed, three stand above the others. The Mandate of Holy War, a heretical cult that has remained limited by the true faith in Him thus far. It is known to be heretical and to be purged on sight, for it has a Daemon of Chaos as its high priest a Bloodthirster wearing profane garments taken from one of His priests." I knew that humans were concerned about the immaterial spirts that drifted in the void behind the veil, but why would they be this concerned about the things.
The things were beyond easy to just get rid of, whenever they showed up on the Homeworld we usually find them begging the larger ones to get them off the world and cowering whenever we showed up. I could recall when I found a particularly noxious one that had decided that hiding inside the machinery of my forge to be a good idea. It took me an entire year to get the gunk off the machinery after skewering the thing for its befoulment of my forge.
But, the ones that focused on blood were the least annoying of any of the things. We figured out how to deal with them a long time ago, by making a pool of blood that drew them in like rodents for easy disposal. But, I knew enough to not ask about that since the entire thing regarding Chaos whatever it was seemed to be a sore point for humans.
"The next cult that taints His Imperium is The Eternal Legacy, which casts aside His light and wisdom in favor of that from the perfidious Xenos known as the Necrons. They preach of the Necrons as the true saviors of the galaxy and only through submission to them will peace be found. The Pathfinders have told us of the true heresy involved by confirming that they pray to a Xenos in place of their spiritual father." That was interesting, I do admit to being curious about the Necrons and the Eldar due to both being considered to be species that pose a danger to the greater Imperium.
It would not be incorrect to say that only they were able to truly match the Imperium in power, but I did not know how they managed such an event. Perhaps their methods would be something we could make use of and by extensions reduce the danger inherent to our existence. With the knowledge that one of the Necrons was amenable to working with humans directly, it would stand to reason that it would be conceivable for them to be willing to meet with me directly.
But turning away from my thoughts, I turn back to her as she frowned, seemingly conflicted about the coming topic, "We are conflicted on the subject of the final major splinter. Many of its tenets we hold dear to our heart and code of action, it is a siren call to us and yet it taints His glory with that of the xenos and Chaos. It states that He upon Terra is the supreme god of all, and yet it gives recognition to the creatures of perfidious faith as fallen angels of His glory, in the end it is the most divergent and yet the one we find ourselves troubled by the most of all the splinters."
I noted that she didn't mention the name of this splinter faction, but it seemed to cause her some measure of distress to be forced to confront the existence of it. Yet, she shook her head and turned back to the window and me, "Those are the three primary splinters in terms of danger to His Imperium within this sector, there are four other splinters but they of lesser influence or potential damage." She said as she leaned on the railings peering down at the city below.
"Even we the purest within Erimyst are far from the exemplars of His Creed that one would find in other sectors. For that reason, how can we cast blame upon others for breaking away from the Creed that binds the Imperium as one, for we originate from the greatest splintering it has ever seen." Her voice had taken on a somber tone as she stared out over the city the day turning to night as the star slipped below the horizon.
"The tenets of the Creed are basic and pure, but even we disregard them in favor of ensuring our service is eternal to better form a bulwark behind which the innocents of His Imperium might find succor even in the darkest of nights. We are told to abhor the psyker, xenos and mutant, yet the greatest champions of His light in the sector are both mutant and psyker." A golden coin bearing the mark of an unknown animal flashed in her fingers as she played with it looking upward towards the stars beginning to shine.
"The Angels of Death, the Astartes, the greatest champions of His light, yet one and all they are mutants. From them we learned to call upon the souls of the fallen to fight evermore under His light, with them we stand against the tide of darkness that seeks to extinguish His light upon Holy Terra. Yet, without question we sunder the Creed with our actions, for mutants and psykers find themselves under our protection in truth instead of the watchful eye He seeks." She closed her eyes as she spoke, the coin held in her fist glinting softly in the twilight.
I did not know how to interject here for this was far from my area of understanding, so I waited silently watching the stars rotate overhead as the sun dipped below the horizon finally. The single dwarf moon drifting into view overhead, before she turned back to me.
"I do apologize Servant Atraxas, but I do not think I am able to answer what you sought from me. But, be mindful of Cardinal Nameria, she is more vulnerable than she tries to portray herself as. She was one of my Sisters in her youth, but circumstances were unfavorable for her to remain as such. She did provide me with these records." She spoke finally as she handed over a stack of data slates to me and walked towards a grav platform before bowing to me and leaving the floor.
Her parting words told me more than she could have thought, but pieces came together in my mind allowing me to see the truth of the matter clearly. Perhaps not fully, but in part and that was enough to see behind the veil and thus know that Nameria was barely stable mentally.
The data slates were simple enough to understand for me, the data flowing into my mind and being processed as it always was. It revealed even more on her and the Ecclesiarchy as the church was called along with their primary tenets. In the end, it was a productive event and meeting, but brought about new questions to ask and investigate, but I turned up to stare at the stars above pondering if I would ever see the Homeworld once more. I did not know where it drifted in the silent void of space, one of the countless dots of light the rest of my people drifted in obscurity protected from harm by the distance between stars and the silence of the void.
My duty was more than just to learn from the Imperium, it was to enable my people to take to the stars and exist beyond our single world. It did not dull the pain of loss I felt whenever I looked up towards the stars and did not know where my home lay.
I turned towards the wall of the spire, noting it as a non load bearing structure to ensure the safety of what I was about too do. With careful movements I carved into the wall a doorway sized for me to enter and exit from, it took a matter of moments to breach the wall and find myself in the ionosphere of the world. A human would have died near instantly at this level without protective gear for me it was a pleasant sensation of the ions slamming into my carapace.
Resealing the doorway I had made with the forge in my body, I used a phase vector to push myself free of the building without impacting it. Into free fall I went, from eighty kilometers into the air I fell towards the ground, yet as the wind rushed past me I found it refreshing as I activated my flight systems and hurled myself as fast as I could.
Breaching the sound barrier was easy enough, then I broke into the hypersonic range under my own power as I raced upward through the atmosphere until I hovered on the very edge of space, noting the brilliant ships docked in the starport above the world and the shipyards that filled the orbits of the inner system.
Floating there in space, time was easily lost as the world rotated under me and the sun began to rise letting my carapace gleam in the unfiltered light. With a sigh I raced towards the palace, noting a communication on a high priority level coming from the palace for me.
I turned towards the wall of the spire, noting it as a non load bearing structure to ensure the safety of what I was about too do. With careful movements I carved into the wall a doorway sized for me to enter and exit from, it took a matter of moments to breach the wall and find myself in the ionosphere of the world. While a human would have died near instantly at this level without protective gear for me it was a pleasant sensation of the ions slamming into my carapace.
Resealing the doorway I had made with the forge in my body, I used a phase vector to push myself free of the building without impacting it. Into free fall I went, from eighty kilometers into the air I fell towards the ground, yet as the wind rushed past me I found it refreshing as I activated my flight systems and hurled myself as fast as I could.
Breaching the sound barrier was easy enough, then I broke into the hypersonic range under my own power as I raced upward through the atmosphere until I hovered on the very edge of space, noting the brilliant ships docked in the starport above the world and the shipyards that filled the orbits of the inner system.
Floating there in space, time was easily lost as the world rotated under me and the sun began to rise letting my carapace gleam in the unfiltered light. With a sigh I raced towards the palace, noting a communication on a high priority level coming from the palace for me.
Gliding to a stop on the landing pad I had build into the governor palace, I pushed through into my office where the five archmagi stood waiting for me. "You are either the luckiest lier ever born, or are chosen of the Omnissiah." Remon spoke up before any of the others did.
I stared at him and then the others, Irnimalver spoke up at my obvious confusion. "We investigated the ruins of your old world and found a cache of Golden Age relics exactly where you told us to look. The odds of such an occurrence are near zero."
"We found a particle lance STC, theories on spacetime, degraded alloys of the golden age and to cap it off a neural stimulation unit. Along with relics that are similar to what you presented us with in the noosphere. I am officially never going to bet against you, because clearly the Omnissiah finds it funny to make a mockery of chance." Sincratus interjected as he leaned on the wall, staring at me with ill disguised envy.
"We are here to extent an offer to work with us on investigating these relics, due to your apparent mastery of the principles behind their operation." Quirana interjected before anyone else could say anything, I simply lowered myself to the ground. "I will gladly work with you on elucidating the secrets of the technology in the relics you found."
The five of them had pleased expressions before retreating from my office as fast as possible.
For Turn 3:
The Debt Cap is currently 4x your native income: 280 in other words (reevaluating interest/debt system, until I figure it out 4x income is all you can over spend)
Atraxas Actions: 1 per category, 3 Personal Actions (personal actions can be transferred at a 1:1 ratio to any other department)
Advisor Actions: 1 in their category
Nameria Actions: can undertake actions in Faith and Martial by dividing her highest bonus evenly, can not take more actions that would put her bonus below 1, rounds down
Private Army: Can undertake Martial Actions when on world with a bonus of 0
Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 0/100 +5 per turn, grows by 5 every 2 turns not managed (Managing effect lasts 6 turns) NULLED for the next 5 turns and set to 0 due to DAoT cache
Homeworld Mission: 3 missions. Mission 1: Send to the Homeworld a working Noosphere within 5 turns. Mission 2: Send to the Homeworld data on Imperial Computers within 2 turns. Mission 3: Send to the Homeworld data on Imperial Voidships within 3 turns
Counter cyberspace infiltration - Though not as easily accessible as the Exatari data network, the Imperium does in fact possess an interconnected computational system, at least for those who can afford it. A great deal of data is stored within it, and as such it is the target for many who have a desire to know everything of import that goes on. There exist systems to counter that but it could always be better.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 0) (Upkeep (Counter Intelligence): Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: your cyber defenses are harder to breach, and present viruses are removed.)
Atraxas' Intrigue Action is locked to this action
[] Imperial Firewall - use only imperial style code and systems, will set the completed action to low Imperial counter intelligence value with pretty much everyone knowing how to counter it to a degree. Can be improved by anyone with some level of understanding of Imperial computers.
[] Exatari Firewall - a new approach for you and would require more time and effort, increases the DC from 18 to 75 once more and adds a hefty amount of suspicion (50), but results in a completely unknown protection system. This dice will be rolled with Intrigue+Learning and requires a Learning or Free action to be allocated to it. Future improvements can only be made by Atraxas or someone with 25 Learning or 15 Learning and are trained in Exatari technological principles.
[] Combined Firewall - take the standard Imperial and create an Exatari style firewall and combine both into a single form. Increases DC from 18 to 150, but provides a high level of protection will result in a gain of 25 suspicion, requires a Learning or Free action and will be rolled with Intrigue+Learning, provides a base from which humans with 5 Learning or Intrigue can improve from.
Find the secrets of previous Planetary Governors (Intrigue) - Shogi is a world with access to more than most. More worlds are within rapid Warp Travel distance, more advanced technology is sent to and produced on the planet, and more prestige is given to one who commands such a strategically vital planet. As such, there is no doubt that not all the wealth and information held by your predecessors was made public, and after thousands of years of constant activity, you may find a great deal of value hidden away by arguably the highest political office in the region.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 69)
(Result: Learn about the history of the world and if there are any surprises in store for you.)
One of Atraxas' Free actions is locked to this
AdMech Mission: Ensure secrecy (Stewardship) - The local Adeptus Mechanicus have plans for this world that they would rather not be openly revealed. As it was them that elevated you to your current status rather than attempt to turn you into scrap, you are expected to help keep their work a secret. Call it a favor for a favor.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 20)
(Result: Ad Mech anger is managed, Cost will increase every time this action is taken. As anger rises new actions will become available in other categories)
Homeworld Mission: Data retrieval (Learning) - You have been given the assignment of providing your people with information on the computer systems of the Imperium after discovering the versatility of software over hardware and alerting the Homeworld to such discoveries. If you are able to send genuine samples of the technology back in addition to that, then your priority rating for covert assistance will be raised.
(Suspicion: 5/20) (Resource Cost: 5/40) (DC: 20/80)
(Result: if bonus achieved gain 4 Exatari Favor)
Homeworld Mission: Data retrieval (Learning) - You have been given the assignment of providing your people with information on the methods of void travel and protection that the Imperium uses in its ships. Due to the size and costs inherent to spaceships in the Imperium, there is currently no expectation for a physical sample to be provided, but if one can be it would be a great boon for the Homeworld.
Can only be done AFTER completing the Study Voidship Learning action
(Suspicion: 5/100) (Resource Cost: 0/200) (DC: 20/200)
(Result: If bonus achieved gain 20 Exatari Favor)
Homeworld Mission: Data retrieval (Learning) - With the discovery of the Noosphere and the meta particle library of Information, the Homeworld has failed to discover the new Library and as such has requested a physical and working Noosphere anchor to be provided within half a century as the humans judge time.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 100 or 50 Mechanicus Favor) (DC: 500/0)
(Note: Can only be done by Atraxas if not using Favor)
(Result: If completed gain 25 Exatari Favor)
Trade Deal offers: maximum of 500 production cap can be sold
[] Seuclite offers 300 resources per turn for 5 turns at the cost of 400 production cap
--[] for increasing production cap by 100 they will provide 50 units of psycurium per turn (Psycurium is a common part of Exatari Alloys)
[] Sutanov offers 200 resources per turn for 10 turns at the cost of 150 production cap
[] Cruzarilia offers 150 resources per turn for 10 turns at the cost of 125 production cap
[] Koagantu offers 150 resources per turn for 25 turns at 50 production cap which will increase by 10 every 5 turns
[] Stroirilia offers 125 resources per turn for 15 turns at 75 production cap which will increase by 5 per every 5 turns
[] Coulea offers 100 resources per turn for 10 turns at 50 production cap which will increase by 20 for every 5 turns
[] Avarth offers 25 resources per turn for 100 turns at 25 production cap which will increase every 5 turns by 5
Passive Contracts multiple can be taken, of different or the same type, each contract provides a dice for itself and only counts for its value return
[] Low Exotic Resource - roll 1d100 per turn on 40+ gain 1d40+60 units of one of: Adamantium, Ceramite, Diamantine, Infinitite, Kultrinium, Moonsilver, Power Crystals, Lithicarium, Fascium. Costs an upkeep of 25 Resources per turn, each unit of Exotics supplied costs 5 Resources
[] Medium Exotic Resources - roll 1d100 per turn on 60+ gain 1d20+30 units of one of: Stelanicite, Phase Iron, Psycurium, Duralium, Enderrium, Bauxanium, Magnaferrite, Symanthite, Trans-Sulphur, Transuranium. Costs an upkeep of 50 Resources per turn, each unit of Exotics supplied costs 10 Resources
[] High Exotic Resources - roll 1d100 per turn on 80+ gain 1d10+15 units of one of: Thyrikite, Organo-Crystal, Stelanictite. Costs an upkeep of 75 Resources per turn, each unit of Exotics supplied costs 20 Resources.
[] Extreme Exotic Resources - roll 1d100 per turn on 90+ gain 1d5+7 units of one of: Auramite, Lorelei. Costs 100 Resources per turn, each unit supplied costs 40 Resources.
[] Notable Xeno Resources - roll 1d100 per turn on 100 gain 1d5+3 units of one of: Necrodermis, Noctilith, Wraithbone, Soulglass, Strangesteel. Costs 125 Resources per turn, each unit unit supplied costs 80 Resources
Contracts: multiple of the same can be taken barring the Army one
[] Hiring out the Private army to House Norastye
-[] No Control (Norastye can only use the Army in ways that Atraxas allows): Provides 5 Resources per turn
-[] Limited Control (Norastye can do discretionary actions with the Army within reasonble departure from Atraxas' orders): Provides 10 Resources per turn
-[] Full Control (Norastye can use the Army as they will for the duration of the contract): Provides 20 Resources per turn.
-[] Duration of Contract (write in a value between 1 and 10)
[] Xeno Acquisition
-[] write in a minor race (Necrons and Eldar are not possible targets)
-[] cost varies between 10 and 100 Resources depending on the target species
-[] Write in time frame, base time is 1d5 turns, lowering increases Cost by 10 and increasing reduces Cost by 10. Can not be lowered below 4 times, nor extended more than 11 times.
[] Xeno Tech Acquisition (the below values are for non esoteric races or unknown races)
-[] Write in minor xeno race (Necrons and Eldar are not possible targets)
-[] cost is set in this case to 25 Resources
-[] Base time is 1 turn
[] Information - write in subject that you wand information on, cost is 10/25/50/100 for Local/Sector/Segmentum/Galactic subjects.
[] Support - gain dice to actions, each type costs a set amount for extra Dice. You can only buy a total of 5 dice per turn and each Dice increases the cost by 1.5x for the next Dice rounded up
Martial: 10
Diplomacy: 25
Intrigue: 50
Stewardship: 15
Learning: 40
Faith: 5
[] Mutant Acquisition
-[] write in desired type of mutation/appearance does not need to have a canon example
-[] Cost is 10 Resources
-[] Base time of 1d3 turns can be reduced by one turn for 5 Resources or cost reduced by one turn for 5 resources returned, can not be reduced below 1 and can be extended no more than 3 turns
These actions provide Credit which is used in place of Resources for Norastye Contracts
Permanent Credit never fades as long as the payment remains in effect and are constant effects
[] Provide a permanent berth in the shipyard for Norastye flagged ship: provides 10 Permanent Credit with Norastye, reduces Production Cap of System by 25
[] Build a House upon Shogi for the Norastye Dynasty: provides 25 Permanent Credit with Norastye, must be done via an Action with the following values: Cost: 250, Suspicion: 0, DC: 100, Type: Stewardship
[] Enable Training of Norastye forces by Shogi trainers: provides 5 Permanent Credit with Norastye, increase Military Services by 10
[] Provide a Battleship: provides 200 Permanent Credit with Norastye
Temporary Credits apply only once before its used up
[] Imperial Relic (Credit Value varies from 0 to 100 depending on Quality, DC are every 10 and Credit increases by 10 each breakpoint. Unlocks a Learning action to make relics.)
[] Sell a ship (Credit Value varies from 0 for a transport to 5k for a Grand Cruiser)
[] Sell Exatari Relics (Credit Value varies from 0 to 1000 depending on use case of the item, DC every 5 and the Breakpoints increase value by 50, this action can only be done by Atraxas or someone skilled in Exatari principles.)
Archmagos Requests
Sincratus: wants biological samples from non mammalian races, will provide either a compendium on human genetics, or a treatise on warp biology. Cost: the same as the Xeno Acquisition Contract
Quirana: wants data on esoteric fields of study suitable for teaching others, will provide training to one Advisor as a favor in a desired field for 5 turns. Cost: 10 Resources
Gravus: wants a Necron Gravity relic for testing purposes, will provide his services for free on a ship project regardless of size of ship and improve the speed of building large ships permanently by 5%. Not Currently Possible by Norastye
Luraia: wants Necron Relics relating to Time or a Cryptek, will reduce Anger Growth by half permanently and provide Bo2 to all rolls on Shogi not involving the warp or psyker powers. Not Currently Possible by Norastye
Lanista Caisa: wants a breeding pair of prize winning fighting dogs for refinement of the cyberhounds of Shogi. Will provide a stable of cybercanids for Atraxas to make use of. Cost: 5 Resources.
Notitio: wants various computer programs from xeno races to practice breaking, will provide a bonus to future Shogi Cyber Security and will add a dice to the next action aimed at improving it Cost: the same as the Xenotech Acquisition Contract
Sangia: wants a breeding population of various Abhuman strains for genetic testing and experimentation, will provide a compendium on human biology of the Archmagos level and will unlock actions to improve the Shogi population. Cost: The same as the Mutant Acquisition Contract
Casus: wants a report on the sector, will provide +5 to all actions taken the next turn after this is completed. Cost: the same as the Info contact for Sector
Vulka: wants support in building a new lab to work in, will increase production capacity of Shogi System by 5% and future expansions to Production Cap by 5%. Cost: one dice from Support (Learning) and the Xenotech Acquisition Contract
Various Archmagos: Will provide Anger Reduction or One Dice to one action to which their support is valuable or Suspicion reduction. This request can be filled up to 3 times per turn and costs 10/50/250 Resources or Credit for Norastye to complete these requests.
Step Down - Yurael is highly unsuited for the position that she is currently in and with the Blackmail that was recovered it is possible to force her to step aside. It says something that there is no other notable use for this material beyond removing her from the office she currently occupies (this does not take an action)
Improve the private army - Your current private army is near the peak of the average of the Imperium's military according to Harper, but that is not sufficient. It can be made better, more gear and better gear can be provided, training can be improved until it can fight in the hardest battles. It might never reach the level of a War Hive, but just because they are humans does not mean that it is acceptable to not strive for such a level.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (Upkeep (Military Services): 10) (DC: 10)
(Result: Upgrade private army to Peak Imperial Guard, providing it with a +5 when doing Martial actions on world)
Improve the PDF - The PDF of any fortress world is impressive by the standards of the Imperium, but it can always be improved. Increasing the training regimens, upgrading their weapons and vehicles allowed, improving interdepartmental relations. All can be smoothed over and result in a better defense for the world.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep (Military Services): 25) (DC: 500)
(Result: The PDF upgraded to low Solar Auxillia level in equipment. More actions unlocked)
Improve the SDF (Minor) - The planetary fleet is in a sad situation, gutted through several decades of lack of maintenance and being sold off to fund more critical planetary situations, now only a shadow remains. But that shadow could be improved with relative ease for little cost.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 250) (Upkeep (Military Services): 25) (DC: 200)
(Result: The fleet improved to Low Imperial Quality from Pitiful Imperial Quality)
Improve the SDF (Major) - There is a saying among the competent command staff of the Imperial armed forces: "Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics." Anyone who spares more than a second to think about warfare will realize quickly that it is the void of space that allows for the flow of logistics across the Imperium of Man, and as such control over it and by extension control over the orbitals is key to emerging victorious against all manner of threats. Currently a small sized fleet is garrisoned in your system and a moderate patrol fleet monitors the rest of the region. It would be possible to renovate the planetary fleet to be worth the title of Fleet in the greater Imperial Navy.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 2000) (Upkeep (Military Services): 200) (DC: 1000)
(Result: The fleet improved to Average Fortress World, more actions unlocked. Will not include battleships)
Improve planetside fortresses - Imperial architecture is a wonder to behold. Sturdy, massive, and well-suited to its terrain. However, you have your own extensive knowledge of defensive siegeworks to fall back on, and there are still a few schemas from your people that would be of use for this world.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 50) (DC: 200)
(Result: Military citadels improved, resistant to heavy orbital bombardment, gives bonuses to nearby military forces. Future actions unlocked)
Improve system defenses - A fortress world by definition boasts massive defenses in its orbit and immediate zone of control in a system, but it does not necessarily have defenses that can cover a system. That flaw must be rectified as soon as possible, to ensure a proper defensive fallback for any forces caught by their foes.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 250) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 50) (DC: 500)
(Result: basic lines of defense platforms scattered throughout system, more options unlocked for further improvements.)
Improve planetary orbital defenses - Ahh, how you miss the molten metal surface of your homeworld. It was slightly dismaying all those millennia ago when your people discovered the comparative... vulnerability of other planets to impacts from space. Still, there are many ways to solve this problem, and one of them is orbital defense systems, to strike down any voidborne enemies before they can begin bombardment. What is already in place is within acceptable parameters, but one can never be too careful when considering the survival of one's own world.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 50) (DC: 150)
(Result: Improved orbital stations and satellites, more actions unlocked)
Fortify cities - perhaps the cities can not be fortified to the degree you would prefer, for the Humans desire to see the natural light of the star above. A strange desire that your people never developed due to your evolution within the dark heart of your world, but bunkers dug deep into the planet could be done and the humans would accept that.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 20) (DC: 20)
(Result: Majority of population protected from light orbital bombardment, increased storage capacity by 1000, more options unlocked)
Bury Military Complexes - Humans might be content with leaving things to chance, with critical infrastructure above the surface or near the surface as things stand. However, the Exatari are not so content to let their defenses stand low. The greatest defense the Homeworld possess is that of the hundreds of kilometers of molten metal that covers the surface. Bury all that is critical under the ground at great depths and the world will live even through the worst of sieges.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (Upkeep (Military Services): 20) (DC: 500)
(Result: Military critical infrastructure highly resistant to non Exterminatus orbital bombardment. Military forces can move between regions protected from orbital bombardment, increased storage capacity by 200. Second phase unlocked)
Improve Relations with Astartes Chapters - "They shall be my finest warriors" said the Emperor, upon the original creation of the geneforged super soldiers of the Imperium of Man, and if your research is accurate, he was not wrong. Self-governing, secretive, and mighty, these Space Marines serve as the best strike forces available and have been known to turn the tide of battle just when hope seems lost. It would be in your best interests to remain on at least neutral terms with those who are within range of your system
(Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 100) (DC: 250)
(Result: Learn the names and general culture of the Astartes Chapters in close proximity to Shogi.)
Improve Relations with Rogue Traders - In this region of space there are almost certainly a handful of rogue traders that would be amiable to opening lines of communications with Shogi for more permanent employment and contracts.
(Suspicion: 15) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 50)
(Result: gain contacts among the Rogue Traders and can offer missions for them to complete for various resource bounties)
Contact House Norastye - With connections to the House secured it is possible to reach out to write new contracts and update previous standing ones with new information
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC:10)
(Result: Opens a sub vote for new Norastye contracts for them to undertake)
Contact the Planetary Guilds - It was in a way relaxing to learn that other races had the same divisions of labor among their worlds as occurred upon the Homeworld. People aligned to their interests and mastered their jobs, perhaps not to the level you would find acceptable back home, but here it is passable.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 20)
(Result: Ensure that native production is at maximum, No need to do this action again until at least 1/4 of production is used)
Contact the Interplanetary Guilds - If the planetary guilds manage the resources of the world then these grey markets control the flow of resources within the subsector. Thankfully, as a Fortress world Shogi has a high level of priority, but perhaps a personal touch could help repair some of the damage that had occurred prior to your installment.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 60)
(Results: Ensure that the interplanetary guilds do not blacklist or otherwise negatively impact Shogi, more actions will become available)
Improve Relations with Agri-Worlds - As a Fortress World, Shogi is designed to stand up to years of grueling siege and confound any invasion from the enemies of man before they can reach other parts of the God-Emperor's dominion. However, all things run out eventually, including food, and Shogi despite its large stocks of emergency rations is by no means self-sufficient. With such a clear vulnerability, ensuring a smooth connection with the planet's suppliers of sustenance seems to be worth the effort
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 0) (DC: 30)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Agri Worlds)
Improve Relations with Forge Worlds - It was by the will of the Cult Mechanicus that you became Planetary Governor in the first place, and it is by the might of this cult's vast industrial base that the armies of the Imperium remain in fighting shape. For both personal and administrative reasons, it would be wise to befriend them
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 150)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Forge Worlds, enables Adeptus Missions to reduce their anger)
Improve Relations with Mining Worlds - Shogi has the mineral wealth to be fully self sufficient in production in time, but at the same time there is currently no need to exploit its reserves when the Imperium has countless worlds that are settled solely for the purpose of such exploitation and harvesting of their bounty. An inelegant manner to be sure, but the best that you can currently manage and even more critical now that revelations of the truth of the matter have occurred.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50 per Mining World) (DC: 30 rolled individually for each world)
(Results: Appease Mining Worlds)
Open Trade Talks with Mining Worlds - Even with emassieres of the worlds having met, it is always prudent to refactor trade deals when the time comes and to ensure that the trade never falters once more. Call upon the worlds to meet once more and to reset the contracts between them and Shogi.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 25)
(Results: Open trade talks with Mining Worlds once more)
Improve Relations with Hive Worlds - monumental worlds to the Imperium's manifold failures as a government, yet impressive for their resilience in the face of such troubles. Their population soars into the high billions, nearing the trillions on some of their number, even a mere fraction would fill all the homes of Shogi many times over. With careful parleying and entreaties, it might be possible to bring valuable skills and even mutations over.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 200) (DC: 50)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Hive Worlds)
Improve Relations with Shrine Worlds - worlds dedicated entirely to the worship of the nebulous God-Emperor, a strange practice and one that perhaps makes sense only to the minds of humans. The worlds lack conventional forces of note, but seem to have a high likelihood of possessing orders of the strange all female warriors you had heard of in passing and Kara once was.
(Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: 30)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Shrine Worlds)
Improve Relations with Fortress Worlds - Fortress worlds are inherently solitary and yet linked, a strange mixture in your mind. If they are to serve as a mighty bulwark they should be closer together, but the Imperium spreads them far apart leaving gaps for one determined enough to exploit. It would be prudent to close those gaps as soon as possible, before a foe exploits them.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Results: Open lines of communication with nearby Fortress Worlds, and to maintain the trade lanes)
Contact Cadia directly - Cadia is renowned across the Imperium as the source of the best trained troops, you are unsure of that as of now, but its prestige is without doubt and unquestioned. Reaching out a hand towards Cadia would be the first step towards getting trainers and other valuable support from the bastion.
(Suspicion: -15) (Resource Cost: 150) (DC: 50)
(Result: Can start gaining Cadian Favor by completing Missions for them, this favor can be used to buy support from Cadia.)
Improve Public Perception - the perception of humans is a fickle thing to say the least, you have been considered a monster, a friend and even a prospective lover all by the same human within a singular month long period. Managing such fickle opinions is difficult, but necessary if one would desire to live when one is a xeno in the midsts of their natural foe.
(Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 20) (DC: 50)
(Result: Gain a measure of the culture of Shogi, unlocks more actions related to propaganda and culture shaping. This action can only be used once per century (10 turns))
Improve planetside spies - You may be officially in charge of an entire planet that possesses some of the best military forces in the Sector, but what is official and what is true are not necessarily the same. Surely someone will want you deposed or will be investigating your past, and you want to know who is doing what and where. Thankfully, there is already an intelligence service available to you, and it would be easy to justify your requests given how abrupt your rise into political office was.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 20) (Upkeep (Counter Intelligence): 50) (DC: 150)
(Result: Spynet upgraded and improved, more actions unlocked)
Establish subsector spies - You cannot solely depend upon the rumor mill and public statements to understand what is going on. Knowing is half the battle after all, and you intend to know everything you need to long before there is a battle. Blackmail, corruption, secret wars, and more go on all the time, after all, and it would frankly be stranger if you didn't try to have your ear to the ground for this sort of thing
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep (Counter Intelligence): 100) (DC: 250)
(Result: gain direct access to the subsector plans, and the sector capital's plans. Have access to all the diplomatically important events)
Improve counterintelligence - People are surely already trying to spy on you. A complete newcomer becoming Planetary Governor? With such a bizarre turn of events there's bound to be people with both noble and less-than-noble intentions looking into everything you want to do and possibly trying to sabotage it, and you won't stand for it. Luckily, you already have ideas in mind for how to deal with this problem
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 25) (Upkeep (Counter Intelligence): 50) (DC: 200)
(Result: gain an awareness of the spy rings on the world from other worlds, until they adapt their systems. Unlocks more actions)
Acquire blackmail on someone - Leverage is required to get what you want at this time, and you have ways of getting it. Pick an individual that is proving troublesome and try to either find or forge evidence of their terrible wrongdoing
(Suspicion: Depends on Target) (Resource Cost: Depends on Target) (DC: Depends on Target)
(Result: gain a stack of Blackmail on the chosen target, unlocks blackmail specific actions where you can spend blackmail to force the target to act.
Search and destroy: heretical activity - Cults that have been corrupted by the laws of the warp, by the mind-bending powers of foul machinery, or by other means that sicken you to consider, can always be found somewhere among a large enough human population. You will seek them out and crush them beneath your legs.
(Suspicion: -5) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: Unknown)
(Result: Unlocks martial actions to handle cultists, unlocks Intrigue actions to capture cultists.)
Search and destroy: conventional corruption - You may be a spy for a race that standard Imperial teachings would say requires extermination, but you are also, albeit accidentally, in charge of a human planet, and you want your decrees to actually go through. Bureaucrats that delay important policy by weeks and months through either incompetence, malice, or self-interest will not last long in this administration if you have anything to say about it.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 50)
(Result: reduces likelihood of random events from mundane corruption)
Improve the Arbites - Due to Shogi's strategic importance, it receives a far larger allotment of the Adeptus Arbites to enforce the Lex Imperialis than on most worlds, to the point that a typical security service would be redundant. As such, the Adeptus Arbites of Shogi include local law into their work and have the strength to keep up with the demands of their station. That doesn't mean that they wouldn't benefit from better investigative equipment and better designed facilities though.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (Upkeep (Social Services): 25) (DC: 50)
(Result: Upgrades the Arbites to Imperial Guard levels, more actions unlocked)
Renovate infrastructure - Shogi's transportation systems are above the average for Imperial worlds, as they must be in order to facilitate an effective defense against invaders to the planet. However, there is always room for improvement. Better roads, updated rail systems, and a streamlined shipping network would all contribute towards a far more reactive planetary military and economy.
(Suspicion (Ongoing): 30) (Resource Cost: 1000/2000/3000/4000/5000) (DC: 200/400/600/800/1000)
(Result: Universal improvement to the world status, more actions unlocked after the final stage, can be done in stages as shown above)
Improve city planning - While military installations received some of the best designs and materials available, those ordinary people that live in civilian housing and produce goods meant for common use do not have the same luxury. Sewage systems intersect in bizarre ways, many foundations are not sufficient to hold the weight of human constructs that stand atop them, and travel from place to place is inefficient. It will not be cheap, but you could certainly make changes to these centers of commerce and industry for the better.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 20) (Upkeep Cost (Infrastructure): 50) (DC: 500)
(Result: Improved city defenses, improved stability of world, improved siege readiness. Gives army conditional bonuses to mobility within cities. More actions unlocked)
Improve legal procedure - The Imperial legal system is a labyrinthine conglomerate that even scholars dedicated to the field often cannot fully navigate. Months, years, and even decades can pass from the time an offense is supposedly committed to the time that a conclusion is reached, assuming of course that all parties involved remain alive and do not withdraw their cases in that time. It would be for the best if you did what you could to make this monstrosity somewhat more manageable, if for no other reason than it ties up fewer resources than the status quo
(Suspicion: 75) (Resource Cost: 100) (DC: 1000)
(Result: all extraction sources provide 10% more income, all upkeep is reduced by 5%, trade deals are easier)
Streamline the code of law - The number of laws currently in place is literally uncountable, for the Imperium's highest lawmaking authorities seem to have an aversion to stopping and as such the the moment you recite the number it has already become out of date. Admittedly, most of them do not affect daily operations for the vast majority of the populace, but by sheer volume some inevitably make an impact and are often indecipherable even if one has access to them. For the sake of making it possible to not violate the law, you will be attempting to reduce the number of contradicting and redundant laws as well as providing restatements that can actually be understood
(Suspicion: 150) (Resource Cost: 150) (DC: 2000)
(Result: All actions are cheaper and max suspicion is increased by 50, gain an extra action to all departments)
Begin extraplanetary resource exploitation - Shogi is not the only planet within its system, and where matter condenses you will be sure to find something of some value. Place a bounty for survey data on the planets and moons of the system's other bodies and provide financial incentives to set up extraction infrastructure and colonies upon those which hold worthwhile materials for the Imperium
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 25) (Upkeep (Life Support): 10) (DC: 100)
(Result: Gives +25 to system extraction, can be taken a maximum of 33 times, can be improved with future actions)
Reform the tax code - At this point, more money is spent on those who collect and tally up the money than is reasonable, and then you have to deal with untold exemptions, penalties, and the following legal battles and bribery bidding wars. For the sake of putting these taxes to actual use, attempt the monumental feat of making the tax code discernible, reasonable, and effective.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 250)
(Result: trade deals biased in your favor, economic events biased towards neutral. more actions)
Increase native extraction (5th) - The Imperium ever hungers for more. More bodies, more food, more construction, and especially more weapons. Where you can, have more manufactorums built so as to make the planet more self-reliant and less in danger of catastrophe if access to the wider network of trade and logistics were restricted
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 50)
(Result: Increase Shogi native extraction by 10, this action can be taken a maximum of 15 times, will unlock more actions to improve extraction rates)
Set up a personal weapon fund - Ah the Lasgun. Practically the defining icon of the Astra Militarum and one of the finest examples of Imperial technology you've yet seen. Reliable to an extreme, versatile, light, easy to learn, easy to manufacture, and possessing nigh-infinite ammunition on the strategic level. Why so many seem to not appreciate its worth, you will never know, but what you do know is that it's an excellent investment to make. This, along with other staple Imperial light arms will be made available for all the planet's residents as soon as you are able to make the purchase.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 25) (Upkeep (Social Services): 20) (DC: 100)
(Result: All individuals on Shogi will be armed with Imperial Guard quality las weapons. More actions unlocked)
Shipyard Expansion - The yards above Shogi are more than sufficient to build even the battleships of the Imperium, even multiple at once, but for all their grandeur, it is no secret that even greater ships fly the Imperium's flag across the galaxy. Each of them is a monument to the power of their owner and the wealth of their construction, but beyond such meaningless trifle is the power that such a vessel can command. Each worth a fleet in their own right, without question and it would be possible if expensive to expand the yards to allow for such a vessel to be built under the banner of Shogi.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 2000) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 200) (DC: 2000)
(Result: Allows production of ships greater in size to the Battleships of the Imperium, allows for better ship building as a whole and more actions, increases system production by 500.)
Logistic Optimization - it might be a while before proper standardization can be brought to Shogi, but it is more than possible to expedite the arrival of materials and workers throughout the world. Carefully adjusting various systems that interplay upon each other will ensure that everyone reaches their destination on time and with the minimum of wasted effort. It might be difficult, for a human, but for one of the Exatari it should be more than doable.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 25) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 10) (DC: 200)
(Effect: all building/production related actions roll a free 1d5 for DC progress when being undertaken, this rolls per turn and is affected by double down effect, unlocks more actions)
Factory Investigation - The manufactorums that dot the surface of Shogi are monuments of inscrutable technology, that few understand these days. In order to properly improve the productivity of the world it is only sensible to first understand these factories, of course the tech priests that watch over them could pose a challenge to the investigation.
(Suspicion: 20) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 10) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 250)
(Effect: gain a good understanding of Shogi production facilities and unlock actions to improve them directly.)
Construct Testing Facility - There are many aspects of mass production that we the Exatari do not truly understand nor grasp easily. Our minds do not work in the same ways as those of humanity and as such we need more than basic information to fill in those blanks. To pursue that understanding, which requires working with the Adeptus Mechancius it would be aided by the construction of a facility in which one could test the variables at play within mass production.
(Suspicion: 30) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 5) (Resource Cost: 100) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 25) (DC: 100)
(Effect: builds a testing facility to test ideas for future usage, enhances all logistical/renovation actions post completion, more actions unlocked.)
Pacify Machines - Machine Spirits are unknown beings that live inside and between the lines of code, with primitive emotions and senses of self. But, that brings to light the fact that they are prone to mistakes and other issues that need not exist. They appear to have a positive view of me and as such it might be possible to work towards pacifying them as a whole.
(Suspicion: 50) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 50 will bypass the NULLED state) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 1000)
(Effect: all extraction will be increased by a base of 5 and production cap will be increased by a base of 100, Machine Spirits will cease to be aware/active.)
Unify Machines - Machine Spirits are interesting beings living between the lines of code, but they present a layer of inefficiency that is unacceptable. However, it is known that there are methods of controlling them, and as such it should be possible to eradicate the vast majority of such spirits from Shogi if one built a central core for all systems.
(Suspicion: 50) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 50 will bypass the NULLED state) (Resource Cost: 1000) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 100) (DC: 500)
(Effect: Creates a singular Machine Spirit that controls all machinery on Shogi, secondary effects are too unknown to be expected)
Stabilize Machines - Machine Spirits present an intriguing area of study, but they more of an annoyance to deal with than to tolerate. Their senses of self plague the machines they inhabit giving rise to tendencies that reduce the efficiency of the machine in question. However, it is known that when the spirits are pleased the machines work at an impossible level as such it stands to reason that if all machines were stabilized there would be a great boon of efficiency to Shogi.
(Suspicion: 50) (Adeptus Mechanicus Anger: 50 will bypass the NULLED state) (Resource Cost: 250) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 50) (DC: 200)
(Effect: Extraction sources increased by a base of 2, and production increases by a base of 25. Machine spirits biased towards the positive end of events on Shogi, but retain tempers.)
Study Voidspace technology - if there is one area in which the Imperium is the better than the Exatari overall in technology it is within the domain of space travel. The greatest defense of the Homeworld has hampered the progress of space oriented fields for countless millennia and that time lag shows dearly now. Exatari ships are sluggish and fragile compared to even the cheapest of the Imperium's, however you are certain that you could do more than they think possible with their own technology
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 150)
(Result: Gain a measure of understanding of Imperial void space technology. New actions unlocked)
Study weapons technology (Can specify a given type) - the Imperium boasts many kinds of weapons, a large number of which have never been invented upon the Homeworld. The gravity weapons for one were theorized long ago, but never saw military usage, and the same applies to many other fields in the Imperial arsenal. If the worst comes to pass and the Imperium finds the Homeworld, they need to be prepared to combat the unknown.
(Suspicion: Variable) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Gain a measure of skill with the weapon type)
Study the Particle Lance - The Adeptus Mechanicus discovered a particle lance under where I had lived for several centuries prior to becoming the ruler of Shogi. They claim it comes from the age of humanity's ascendancy, as such it would be interesting to see what the anceint humans would have done with particle technology for if there is anything that we can claim mastery in it is particle physics.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: Impossible not impossible just give them 5k years) (Atraxas DC: 2500)
(Result: Enable production of a DAoT Particle Lance that can be scaled up from tank to starship scale without issue at base level.)
Study the Alloys - There was a cache of alloys recovered with the other items by the Mechanicus and they are clearly superior to what the Imperium uses and yet it is unknown by what means they are improved. There are several theories that I have heard on the topic, but together they are unlikely in my opinion but I have the chance to work with the archmagi on the samples and I could possibly discover something new.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: Impossible not impossible just give them 5k years) (Atraxas DC: 1000)
(Result: Enable production of Very Low Grade DAoT alloys in amounts useful on planetary scale. +1 VLG DAoT Alloys per turn)
Study the Theorems - The Adeptus Mechanicus discovered a set of theorems on the principles of spacetime in the cache that contained the particle lance. We might not be the masters of space and time as we are of particles, but we are still knowledgeable regarding the principles at hand.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: Impossible not impossible just give them 5k years) (Atraxas DC: 5000)
(Result: Vastly improve all gravity technology in the Imperium and for the Exatari, allow mass production of gravity technology in both species once more)
Repair the Neural Trainer - The Adeptus Mechanicus discovered a device that would greatly increase the intellect of a sapient being that it was used upon, however it is sadly broken but they believe it can be repaired. I am unsure of what help I can provide for I am not well versed in the anatomy of human minds.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 5) (DC: Impossible not impossible just give them 5k years) (Atraxas DC: ???)
(Result: Repair the Neural Trainer, allows for a one time +10 Learning to anyone that uses it. At first can only be used by Humans)
Invent new-... Combine existing technologies (specify intended creation): Invention is difficult at the best of times, but under the scrutiny of the Adeptus Mechanicus it is never harder, but that will not prevent the act of creation from being preformed.
(Suspicion: Variable) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Variable)
Invent Custom Defense Lasers for Shogi - the atmospheric composition of the world wreaks havoc upon imperial laser systems and the Adeptus Mechanicus has so far failed to find a solution for the challenge. You can do better, this is no where near as difficult of a challenge as the grand laser arrays on the Homeworld that can burn through the molten oceans to strike at spacefaring ships if needed. A strange atmosphere will pose no challenge for the ingenuity of the Exatari
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 100)
(Result: Creates Defensive Lasers with lower attenuation across the board, and higher immunity to beam dispersion from all sources. Unlocks future actions.)
Dig into Imperial history - the Imperium has existed in more or less the same state for ten thousand years, but the history is riddled with empty times and even centuries where nothing seems to have been recorded. This is an insult beyond compare for the measure of history is core to a race's existence. Scour the archives, dig up the old tombs, fund the impossible expeditions recover the records and piece together the history.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 50)
(Result: learn about the Imperium's history and peel back the layers of obfuscation, to get to the truth as much as possible.)
Dig into planetary education system - education is important and the Exatari know that more than most, your studying lasts for centuries and only then does one get the honor of being considered an expert. To consider all angles of a question, to think on the fly and to synthesize the information into usable forms, all is needed. It is an open question on the measure of the Imperial education upon Shogi and so it must be examined.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 150)
(Result: Learn what if anything is broken in the eduction sector and how to correct it, unlocks actions to correct/improve the education system on Shogi)
Learn about the Sororitas - From the records on the data that Nameria provided, there are records of all female orders that wage war in the name of their god across the Imperium. It could be a productive use of my time to learn more about them such that I might know how they function.
(Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 50)
(Result: Learn about the local Sororitas orders in the sector and more detailed information on the subject)
Learn about the Astartes - I know there are several chapters of the warriors known only as the Asatartes or Angels of Death and as such it would be prudent to learn more about these enigmatic figures before I try to contact them directly. After all, it is known that they can be strange to outsiders.
(Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 50)
(Result: Learn about the local Astartes chapters and reduce the DC of diplomatic actions by 50 and the Cost by 25 Resources)
Donate to the local Church - donations to the church could be seen as trying to bribe the church for leniency for crimes committed or being plotted, but at the same time to the common folk it would be an effective manipulation to show your piety to their God Emperor.
(Suspicion: -10) (Resource Cost: 25) (DC: 20)
(Result: the appreciation of the Church.)
Donate to the Orphanages - If donating to the Church would be suspicious, then the orphanages would be extremely so, it is a sad fact that most humans see the funding of the service as a sign of buying political favor or virtue signaling on a grand scale. But, the hatchlings need support and you can provide it.
(Suspicion: -20) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Result: reduce the suspicion reduction by 10 per time this action has been taken within 3 turns, unlocks more options related to orphanages)
Perform an act of Faith - Faith is a very strange consideration for the Exatari, what does it mean to have faith in something. Your people never knew the fear of death for the slumber held it at bay barring the unlucky few that died in battle beyond the ability to be merged to a Living Mausoleum in time. But it can not be that difficult to preform a rite for the God Emperor to prove your faith.
(Suspicion: Variable) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Variable)
Learn about alien religions - Among the stars there are many races, most of whom appear to have religions of one form or another. Perhaps it would be worth it to dig into the lore of the lore of other empires past and present to learn of how they view the world. Of course such will be extremely dangerous considering the hatred the Imperium holds for all that are xeno.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 100)
(Result: Learn about the Aeldari Religion and the Necron religions as far as the Imperium knows, unlocks new actions)
Practice your race's religion - It is strange to consider, but your people do not have many rituals that other races would consider religious in nature. It is not correct to say that you are a species of beings unaware of that which lies beyond your reach, you stand side by side with them in the Living Mausoleums and the Witness has gently guided your people for as long as records exist. But the fact remains that your worship are expressions of Creation in its purest of forms, perhaps then a ritual would be to create something without a plan or goal, just let the whim of fate take hold for a time.
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: Variable) (DC: Variable)
(Result: Who knows)
Learn about Imperial view on Chaos - It has been confusing for your people and yourself to understand what the Imperium referred to with Chaos. They spoke of impossible foes that sought to destroy all of existence, but you had long since defeated their fumbling attempts to invade. Their rifts were easily sealed and their forces evicted from the Homeworld for eons at this point and they have never returned. But, perhaps the Imperium knows more than you regarding such forces.
(Suspicion: 80) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 200)
(Result: learn what the fuss about this Chaos thing actually is and why humans run in terror when its mentioned.)
Train an Attribute (Martial, Diplomacy, Intrigue, ect) - While you are certainly no slouch in any field relevant to governorship, you could certainly still improve your skills in all of them. From your military cunning to your religious scholarship, you will dedicate time towards a given area and raise your abilities in it even higher.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50 per Tier) (DC: 100 per Tier+Attribute)
(Result: increase the chosen attribute by 1)
Build a private residence (stewardship) - While certainly luxurious, the previous Planetary Governor's home is not what one would call... suitable for you. The doorways in particular proved to be a most obstructive feature. Nonetheless, you do have some ideas in mind for a home for yourself, and unlike everything else on this planet, you will be able to actually know every nook and cranny of the place. After all, you'll be the one designing it.
(Suspicion: 10) (Resource Cost: 25) (Upkeep (Infrastructure): 5) (DC: 20)
(Result: Have a private residence buried under kilometers of the crust and have plenty of room to expand. Unlocks expansion actions and reduces suspicion for personal and Learning actions that can be hidden.)
Interact with Advisor (list which one) (Diplomacy) - No man is an island entire of itself. While you are not a man, you do understand the meaning of the parable: humans are social creatures. As such it would behoove you to spend time with the people you will likely depend upon most for your tenure as Planetary Governor, at least if you don't intend to replace them. The question is, who will you get to know?
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 40)
(Result: learn more about the chosen Advisor and their personality. This will reveal traits and other stats)
Meet the Titan Legion (Diplomacy, conditional trigger)- The Legio Orus is one of the most ancient known to the Imperium. Founded back the God-Emperor of Mankind had still walked the galaxy, they are known to be some of the most stubborn and proud engines that the Adeptus Mechanicus has provided. Their lead engine, an Imperator-Class Titan known as Unyielding Oracle, in fact fought alongside the Emperor during the Great Crusade, in the founding years of the Imperium of Man. The knowledge held within their venerable chassis is beyond priceless, and anything you can learn about them in particular will surely be treasured information back home. But first, you should try to make a good impression on these massive war machines.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 40/80/120)
(Result: meet the Titan legion and its princepts, opening official lines of communication with the Legion. On second level success gain data on the Legion, on third level speak with the Machine Spirit of the Unyielding Oracle.)
Look for trustworthy assistants (Intrigue) - Surely there must be someone on this planet that you can depend upon to be your agent and ally. If you are lucky, you might even stumble upon a rare human that would keep the secret of your inhuman status. Of course, you will not be so gullible as to kidnap a random urchin and reveal your most critical secret. If worse comes to worst, of course, you will still have someone who is unshakably loyal to their human Planetary Governor, and that has value in and of itself
(Suspicion: 5) (Resource Cost: 20) (Upkeep (Support): 5) (DC: 40)
(Result: Gain an extra action in one category (this action can be repeated for each), this action is done with no bonus, but does not incur suspicion)
Create trustworthy assistants (Learning) - Why should you try to find a human to aid you when you could simply make one from scratch? The technology to do so is forbidden by Imperial law as you understand it, but if kept secret, you would not have to fear betrayal and exposure by them.
(Suspicion: 15) (Resource Cost: 40) (DC: 60)
(Result: Gain an extra action in each category barring Personal, these actions are done with 1/5 of your Learning and increase suspicion on actions by 10)
Have a personal vessel created (Learning) - You struggle to travel in Imperial voidships. All but the largest of their doors will not permit your egress and ingress, which makes for quite a few difficulties. On top of that, they do not contain any facilities with which to create the compounds necessary for your continued sustenance. If you intend to make voyages across the stars, you will need to have one such ship built to your exact specifications. It need not be large of course, but you will require some... exotic parts.
(Suspicion: 25) (Resource Cost: 25) (Upkeep Cost (Military Service): 10) (DC: every 10 (a GC era ship would be around 120))
(Result: Have a customized ship constructed for personal usage. Narrative diplomacy bonus for other worlds when used. Unlocks further upgrades)
Hybridization Project (Learning) - Humans are so... fascinating. Their spiritual composition is both bendable and firm at once, and their biology can be shifted to a remarkable degree. This... gives you an idea. You will attempt to create a fusion between Exatari and humanity, using the Imperial "Vitae-Womb" technology as a means of achieving this. If you succeed, you will not only have dependable friends with whom you can be completely open, you may also have created a whole new field of study. Perhaps... this may even allow you to join with the Witness should you return home alive.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 500)
(Result: gain a mastery of imperial vitae womb technology and human genetics, unlocks second phase of the project)
Create emergency evacuation measures (Intrigue) - Should your alien status be revealed, you obviously would not be able to remain where you are anymore. Just in case, you should have every conceivable method of escape prepared, both to leave the immediate area and to make your way off the planet and out of the system
(Suspicion: 40) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 50)
(Result: have secret tunnels to escape to prepared locations in case of a catastrophic Break)
Forge a more robust recorded history (Intrigue) - The last thing you want is for all your efforts to come to an end because something erroneous is discovered in your paperwork. As far as anyone must be capable of uncovering, you are a human being with a known and verified background and thus undeserving of greater scrutiny. All you need to do is create a bit of a better paper trail now.
(Suspicion: 20) (Resource Cost: 50) (DC: 100)
(Result: Increased difficulty of Investigations regarding background to cause a Break in your disguise)
Design something (Learning) - You wish to put your brain and to work on something interesting. What exactly it is however will have to be decided once you get to your laboratory
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: variable) (DC: variable)
(Result: gain an action to build the item or building in the respective category.)
Build an Awakening Core (Learning) - Among those of us that leave the Homeworld, we are told in no uncertain terms to do nothing that would bring the eyes of the Imperium down upon us. However, within this situation bizarre as it is, opens doors that had remained sealed in the recent past. Back on the Homeworld, it would be possible to achieve this project with but a few orders, but the Imperium lacks the alloys that are needed and so substitutions will be need which unfortunately will vastly increase the cost.
(Suspicion: 50) (Resource Cost: 1000 or 10 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 100 or 0 if using Exatari Alloys)
(Result: Gain an Awakening Core, unlocks phase two: Build an Awakening Chamber. The Core can be used to produce small amounts of resources per turn if connected to a potent soul, resource production scales with soul intensity)
Design augments of Advisors (first one must be Nalka) (Learning) - You find that one of your aides would be of greater use to you if they were given the right... touch-ups. Your talents with cybernetics would be easily a match for the Cult Mechanicus' finest Tech Priests after all, and they would likely appreciate the boost in their... well, everything.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 20-100) (DC: 20-80)
(Result: Advisor gains personal trait: Exatari Cybernetics: Increases lifespan by 200 years, increases bonus by 10, high results can have secondary bonuses)
Hide resources (Intrigue) - In a worst case scenario, you may need access to a variety of things. Funds, pieces of technology, even the food which is so disappointingly rare in the wider galaxy. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it after all. (Suspicion: 25 if fails, 5 if passes) (Resource Cost: Write In Amount) (DC per 10 resources: 10) (Result: Hidden Wealth economic status is added to economic system, Hidden Wealth reduces Overall Income by 1/10th per turn. Actions that are funded by Hidden Wealth do not incur suspicion. Maximum storage of Hidden Wealth is 50 at start, more actions will be available)
Contact the Homeworld (Flat dice) - With favor acquired it would be possible to have the Homeworld construct me items and to have the Norastye bring them to me. It would be expensive, but a possible means of acquiring various items that will be difficult to produce natively for a time.
(Suspicion: 0) (Resource Cost: 10) (DC: 5)
(Result: Open up trade for Exatari Favor)
Build a Meta Shield - the blank in stasis presents a possible boon to the world, but if it is as potent as claimed by the records it can only safely be unsealed with a Meta Shield in hand. Unfortunately, Meta Shields are on the very edge of what is possible to construct and can not be made from Imperial materials only alloys suited for the process can be used.
(Suspicion: 0) (Cost: 100 Exatari Alloys) (DC: 1000) (Notes: Requires an Exatari Workspace inside a private residence)
(Effect: Enables the unsealing of the Legendary Below Omega Minus Blank currently in Stasis, also gain a Meta Shield)
Here is a general outline of what Exatari Favors can be used for. Note that this is not exhaustive nor complete listing and Favors are more of a nebulous currency. The break points listed are more of the lowest possible breakpoints rather than being absolute.
Favor Cost
5 Alloys
Basic Technology (mass produced stuff in effect)
Change a Mission for an easier one
25 Alloys, or two basic technology items
any grouping of the above (3 slots)
Medium Technology (what would be found in a Forge)
Blueprints from Living Mausoleums, or force the world to research a given object/field
High Technology (not the peak but close to it)
Massive Investment (not really set)
Order the Homeworld to begin building a Peak Item at rush order priority (will be completed in 2 turns regardless of complexity, can not be larger than a personal item)
There are several exotic materials that have little to no easily found information on the internet regarding their use case in 40k, as such I have to create use cases for them.
I will add to this post whenever I figure out a material usually when it comes up in question, but if someone really wants to know what something does, just ping me or quote this post to ask about it.
Bauxanium: has no information beyond being sought after by the Imperium. The name of this material is a portmanteau of bauxite and uranium as such I have decided to make it a slightly radioactive isotope of aluminum used to spark fusion reactions in systems that have weight limitations or have a low volume. It is also useful in any place which could make use of radioactive materials baseline.
AN: This is a fairly typical Warhammer 40K chapter in which there is fairly grim/unethical actions taken. I feel that I have to make it clear that this is entirely in character of Atraxas and nothing more.
The mundanity of the work to run Shogi had become tedious, but I would complete it to the best of my abilities regardless of my fading enthusiasm for it. Ships entered the system and ships left, transports ferried supplies between planets and moons, resources flowed in and out in a tangled web of connections.
It was an enjoyable duty to manage this fragile balance from my new office constructed to allow me to receive all non astropathic communications within the system and some that had traveled for light years. It was truly interesting to see how time had changed worlds through the lens of the broadcasts that had been sent when even I was yet a hatchling so many millennia ago.
The first and second mining outposts were well under way, mine was working at expected efficiency of course. I would not leave anything to chance for those working in the void of space or in even worse environments, it was well on track to be completed by the end of the decade. Urma had not provided any progress reports on her mining outposts, but that was understandable due to her workload and what she must be doing in the background to ensure the continued balance of her trade deals.
I would not begrudge her time on this matter, for even if she was a human she had proven to be competent in this area as had the others that work with me. I would only need a report near the end of the decade after all, leaving her plenty of time even for a human to manage it.
Although, then again why wait for her report when I could uncover the communications of her workers to her, they would flow through the intervening space and as such be captured by my system. I would not need to bother her for the report if I could simply create it from the words of her workers directly, saving her time and effort, and giving me a prediction for the future situation, a victory for everyone involved.
Paging through the new operating system was far less cumbersome than the old style Imperial one that had been replaced. It was unfortunate that the vast majority of software would have to be recoded for the new system, but the gains in operating speed and efficiency were in my mind worth the cost to rebuild the applications.
At least now I did not have to dig through fifty nested folders to unearth the place where the system would save audio files, and then use an encryption key to unlock the system to read the files using another application buried in an entirely different location. I might not be as knowledge about computers of this deign as an Imperial archmagos, but coding a simple program to hunt down and locate programs had saved me hours of effort early on.
Now, that was thing of the past as I could easily discover the files and play them directly. I knew of course where the mining post was being sent, for Urma and I had worked together to outline the progression of the 33 reasonable mining locations to make the most logical use of the previous investment. The second mining post was angled inward to the system star as the primary beachhead for the exploitation of the inner system.
Only a few moments later and I had found the listing of recovered communications from that world. It was clear something was wrong, there had been a mere handful of communications from the world she had sent the workers too. Flipping open another window I examined the list from my mining outpost comparing the volume of messages and finding my memory to not have failed me somehow.
Instead of the thousands nearing millions of communications from my workers, she had a mere ten recorded and the time length was short. Merely long enough to send a single sentence back and not be able to have a reply be received.
The latest was the shortest and had been sent mere days ago, I knew that the Imperium had plenty of flaws but so did we, but this seemed out of place.
With a strange sensation of trepidation I open the file. The fact that I am feeling discomforted by this is a sign of just how poorly I am handling this change in situation. I should not be feeling as I am, this event can be explained in a thousand different ways that result in it being an innocuous event. However, I am feeling as if this is a worrying sign of something else, I hope that it is nothing and I can look into my recent emotional instability.
I can not risk breaking away from the mantle of Scholarship, too much relies on my inherent stability for such, but the mantle itself demands that I know the truth of this matter. Wishing that I could avoid it, I let the file play, "Emperor.....save.......us......oxygen............food..................please."
A crying voice barely audible over the sound of machinery pleaded for aid, yet it did not make sense. Ten limbs made for a degree of action that humans could not match as twenty windows snapped open and lines of data filled the room as I traced every path of every ship in the system for the last years.
From the smallest freighter to the battleships, I located them all and traced them all, tracking even the space debris for this would not be something I could let lie. I determined when and where the ships for the mining outposts left and went, I then broke down the secrecy that she had demanded to identify the ship she used and from there the captain.
The ship was too small, simple calculations showed that it would not be able to transport the supplies needed for survival with the numbers it carried. She had told me exactly how many of MY people she was making use of for the project, and I knew that this was the only ship she had used for the transversal. It would not be able to fit them all and their supplies, something had broken beyond comprehension here.
I refined my search to any other ship heading to her work place and found none, indicating a truly horrible possibility as to be the case. But, I continued my search digging through the records of ships, and conjunctions of ships for reloading and refueling and found nothing that would assist the world in question. I noted the time lag and adjusted for it, noting that there was a chance for humans to yet live if things were not the worst case scenario possible.
There were ships in dock that were under my authority as Planetary Governor, and to them I sent a single order to get to that mining post and determine what happened and to save anyone alive. One of them had the gall to laugh at my order, only for the ship they commanded to be declared banned from the system and ordered to find a new homebase within the month.
I would not tolerate such actions in this time, I could see frost and even fire burning across my form, but I could not find it in me to care. As the ships withdrew from the docks and burned towards the mining world, I tore through the records of Stiriam's other projects. I knew that she had problems with my methods, but I did not fully know her own even now. This was about to change.
The records of her previous work were unprotected in the new system. They would have been somewhat harder to reach prior to the upgrade, but now I had the authority to override any of Shogi's data protections, whether personal or governmental. From the center of my web, I tore them apart and understood her methods in a way that I had been hesitant to do so prior. Urma Stiriam... did not care. Every project of hers left behind a body count that dwarfed all my own efforts put together, always in the name of expediency. Of cutting costs. Of keeping any cursory glances at her career positive. I felt my fury rise as I scanned through every last scrap of data, yet I was so absorbed in it that I failed to consciously recognize my own emotions for a moment. I reeled it back in, quickly, yet I neither could or would douse it.
No more. She would never have this chance again as long as I drew breath. The ships I had dispatched tried to contact me to call off the mission under orders from Stiriam, they were quickly reprimanded for daring to even consider that and ordered to continue. She may have seniority over me on this world, but that meant little at this point, and it would mean even less very soon.
With only a few directed thoughts, I sealed her and her entire group away from Shogi's priority command systems, entombing her away from the rest of the system. She would no longer have the authority to make orders of anyone without going through me first. Anything of greater importance than ordering recaff would now require me to sign off on it. New programs were coded in moments to finalize the freezing of Urma's administrative privileges.
There were a variety of means through which the populace was made aware of approved current events and new decrees from the Planetary Governor. I had never made use of them before, but now I would. Orders were sent with lightning speed to each and every single press organization to have cameras and representatives on the ground at the Halls of Adjudication.
Stiriam would not escape judgement for these crimes. I had thought that she was merely dedicated to the betterment of the world, but now I see that she is nothing more than a Scholar of Creation in mindset. A callous bureaucrat to the core. I will Break her to the law as I had previously with such Scholars, she would bow before me or be purged from the world and all of those like her similarly expelled. I had no tolerance for such creatures when they were Exatari and I found that I had no more when they were not of my species.
Soon enough the messages from the ships came in and it was indeed as I had feared most. It took me moments to understand the truth of the situation and my fury burned ever hotter. The walls of my office melted under the conflagration that my soul ignited and the area just beyond the flames was sapped of all warmth, freezing over entirely. I could feel the phase reactors in my body spinning up to full combat mode and it took an effort of will to stop them.
No more would I hold to the "self" that was imposed upon me from my ascension to Forge Scholar. I could not care to maintain it anymore. Once again I felt as though I was Atraxas the Crusader, the Exatari dissenter that had been locked away to better fulfill the the duties he chose to burden himself with and to maintain his psycho-cognitive order.
I would see her and her entire department remade, even if it had to be done out of their ashes. The door slammed open as I exited, sending the last of the messages to the others that I knew and had some measure of dying respect for to order them to the Halls of Adjudication.
Perhaps in another time I would find it within me to appreciate the Halls of Adjudication, but present circumstances deprived the scene of its aesthetically pleasing construction. All I could see was her, standing in the center of the chamber under guard by the Adeptus Arbites. Normally, there would be an investigative period and a sentencing trial, but as the Planetary Governor from whom all judicial authority stems outside of the Lex Imperialis itself, I could expedite the process to my own ruling.
Swirling flames and ice tore across the land as I walked, my phase shields visible under my fury as lighting crackled and snapped across the land a tempest of fury boiled over. The archmagi of the conclave stood to the side clearly worried about the situation while my advisors sat nervously behind protective barriers against the storm of my fury. I could tell the accused wanted to say something as though outraged, but her words died in her throat with one look at me. I could feel all my raging emotions dim, and a sort of clarity overtook me, as though all feeling had passed through my soul and the only thing that remained was for my body to carry out its duties.
And so, I began to speak, my voice modulated to be colder than the vacuum of space to human ears. "Administrator Urma Stiriam, this is not a trial, this is not a discussion, this is not a platform for you to speak. This is your judgment and I do not care what you might have to say in your defense, nor do you have any to begin with. Three million of my citizens lie dead, frozen, starved, and suffocated to death in the complex you were entrusted to build by my direct orders. You are denied any plea of incompetence, as I have personally seen your plans for the colony, and every last pointless fatality was verifiably expected and arranged by your own directive, even as a similar endeavor was undertaken and completed with minimal loss of life at the same time. Your actions are inexcusable. For your sentence, I hereby evict you from my council and condemn you to spending the rest of your life in penitentiary, and I will investigate every last aspect of your department down to the lowliest servitor for any more of your secrets. Any attempt to interfere by your former underlings will be considered an act of insubordination and punished accordingly, and if you think to remove me from power by assassination, all you will be doing is sending those agents to their deaths and wasting your undeserved wealth." My voice was no more the quiet, soft tones I had used until now, as my words were as sharp as knives and carried an undercurrent of the utter contempt I held within.
My words thundered across the Halls, cracks of thunder and particles dancing in the air at my words as my augments once again attempted to enter combat mode, only this time I commanded the shift intentionally. From the air a great weapon was flash forged from my systems and fell into my hand, I might not be a War Scholar but I had the skills to progress on that path and had nearly become one. Five blades, five rifles were spun from the air and fell into my grip, from the ground the adamantine was flash-forged into armor sliding over my form.
"This is my final warning to you and all others, carelessness is tolerated no more. Whatever may have been allowed under previous rulers, they are gone. I am here, and I will remain here for however long the Emperor deems fit. Am I understood?" I lifted my weapons up showing their true size and the power that I held in truth, as I let my augments utilize their full might and my flickering shields solidified into a dome of iridescent light.
"Life is no more a costless currency, it has value and I will see to your punishment if you waste that value in petty shortsighted manners." I stared down upon Stiriam as she cowered before me, as the firestorm grew hotter the red fires blazing into white. "You cost three million their lives, and another half a million would have died within the day. You are no longer a person I trust or extend the slightest leniency too, I have examined your records, methods and am sickened by them. No more, you will submit to my practices or be exterminated root and stem, for you have wasted His currency with your shortsighted foolishness and I will extract His price from your flesh."
I so wished to slay her where she stood, I could feel the hunger in the back of my mind for blood to be spilled. I could almost taste the sweetness of broken flesh upon my carapace and blades, it was an intoxicating dream to indulge one's need for violence in a righteous manner. It was a struggle beyond what I thought possible, it was known that blood and battle were addictive but now I understood the truth as my soul raged, I trembled on the precipice of tearing her bodily apart and anointing myself in her lifeblood.
Metal screamed as I slammed the five blades into the ground to sate my rage for a time and to reduce temptation, but I remained still glaring down upon her. I turned upward towards the cameras and drones that were faithfully recording this to the world at large. "I am Atraxas, your Planetary Governor and I declare upon this day that no more mindless brutality will be tolerated anywhere in this system!." I turn towards the archmagi and stare down upon them without restraint and the same for the others that try to advise me.
"I will welcome any challenge the Imperium sends forth to try to punish me for this decree. I will not bend, I will not break. I am Atraxas and I am resolute in this matter. Until my body is torn asunder and my soul leaves it, I will hold my stance eternal."
I turn back to her upon the ground, the firestorm dying away as ice grew upon the walls. The crackle of frost surrounded the Halls as water fell from the sky as my burning rage turn to ice, lighting faded as reason returned only to be replaced by the fury of the blizzard. Energy was left stillborn as I matched towards her, the aura of coldness following in my wake, there was no hesitation or uncertainty in my actions here and now.
The blood hunger whispered in my mind, desiring to be sated with her lifeblood, but that would not appease me for more than a momentary respite from the curse of my species. I forced it away, layering frost and ice upon it as I marched down towards the broken form of one who had been my advisor.
"Urma Stiriam, when next we meet, you will become my hand and my will will be yours. Your mind will be shackled for eternity to my will, your skills will be mine to use as I see fit. Your freedom I strip in perpetuity from you. Your mind, body and soul will be shackled to my whims, think upon this while you await my arrival to begin your penance." My voice echoed across the silent Halls even as machinery ground to a halt under the crushing weight of frost, as I pronounced the truth of her sentence for all to hear and see.
The Arbites that had guarded her, were on the ground covered in ice, but still standing. Glaring down at her one last time I left the Halls taking with me the rebuilding flames and ice of my fury. Schematics floating through my mind for how to adapt the Life Shackle for human biology, the tomes provided by the archmagi would serve me will in exacting her true punishment. She would never again have freedom, her mind and body would be mine to use as I see fit, for only through the submission of her life could she compensate me for the cost her actions had taken from Shogi.
Stability had returned, it had been years since the encounter with Stiriam within the Halls and since then she has languished within the prisons of Shogi awaiting the completion of her sentence. I have done little in the intervening time due to the lingering rage that overtakes my mind when I turn to the matter of her actions and now her fate, but even for one with a perfect recollection of all events and feelings, time dulls the sensations.
I still feel the embers of my rage, hungering for her blood, and my dreams are plagued with nightmares or perhaps ecstatic dreams of tearing her apart in a shower of viscera. Now it is manageable, if concerning for the sheer overflow that I suffered. I am no active Scholar of Eternity, I never sought the influence that they possessed, my soul and will is of only average strength compared to theirs. yet, the display was beyond what should have been possible for me to achieve without Awakening my soul.
Regardless, the time has come to work upon the Life Shackle that will forever entomb Stiriam to my will. A complex device that is used only in the pacification of Scholars of Creation, those that fall below the acceptable level of deaths for their duty. The ones that lose the coldness that exemplifies their Scholarship and begin to take joy in inflicting such cruelties to their workers, or those that are found to be too callous even for their kind.
It is for the latter reason that I have chosen this path. I have found that there are horrors aplenty in the Imperium, but their version of the Life Shackle is a pale imitation of the one I shall construct for her. She will not suffer pain eternal like those servitors, but instead she will be bound to me as a limb is bound to the body, the senses bound to the mind, she will become an extension of my being.
There is no need to cast aside her mind and skills, but they would be subordinated to me in the most absolute way possible. I could have ordered her to the cruelties of the Imperium without question, but for all her crimes against the people of the world I am responsible for, I do not believe that she is deserving of that fate.
I know her well enough to know that she seeks to better the world, but the mores of the Imperium have blinded her. Perhaps I can not say that I am any better because I too am blinded by the mores of my species. Yet, it matters not to me in this regard, Exatari or Human atrocities remain the same and only the details change.
Three million dead might be but a drop of a drop of a drop in the ocean of human blood, compared to the loss that it would be for my kind, but that does not change her callousness regarding life as shown by her actions to knowingly send millions to their deaths. In the end, I will bind her to me such that no more such actions will occur without reason, I am not so blinded by my mantle of Scholarship to deny the horror inherent to this empire anymore.
The design of the Life Shackle is monstrous without question as I dredge it up from the place where it had been inserted all those centuries ago. Only we the Forge Scholars were given the designs and even then they were sealed behind walls of logic and intent to unearth, it was a sign of how badly shaken I have become that I could so readily reach through to the memories provided.
The device was no simple cybernetic, it was far more invasive and far more insidious than even I had expected when I had chosen to embark upon this path. I have never seen one so Shackled before, few existed upon the Homeworld and even fewer were known, but now that I saw the design in my mind I knew what it would look like.
It was a torturous system, designed to take brutal advantage of our biology, spikes of superconducting material shoved into nerve clusters, the brain encased in millions of such implants, the limbs fully captured within the system. It would be excruciating to any that were entombed within, if one could still process such pain, yet that was not my intention.
I sought control, not agony. With the schematics and the secrets behind them, I was able to learn the underlying principles that made the Life Shackle function. Days passed as I worked upon the design, refining it from a crude instrument of control into a system that would do what I sought without the side effects of the unaltered form. I knew why the base had been so constructed of course, it was for use on the Scholars of Creation - those that would have ignored what I was doing.
A Scholar of Creation would shatter their body apart in order to complete their duty, such was their callous obsession with the tasks assigned. Stiriam was not so maniacally focused, thus she did not need the totality of the system, and this mercy is one I could provide. Along with redesigning the system for human use, I wove it anew, retaining the basic principles but fashioning something new from the data.
Months passed as I worked. I could feel the endless march of time around me, but I was unbothered as I slowly refined the device from something that could be used to control the Scholars of Creation to one that would be usable on a human. At last, the design was complete, and I was able to begin the construction of the Shackle. I turned back to the pictures I had saved of the people she had failed, ensuring that I would never forget why I was doing this. Piles of human bodies, frozen and starved trying desperately to retain heat even as the vacuum seals failed, were both her legacy and the results of my inaction.
No more, the design was ready for fabrication and soon she would be able to work once more. The Forge that I had constructed hummed to life as the codes were sent and metal began to be alloyed together and printed into shape. To the Imperium, these materials would be seemingly impossible, but they were merely uncommon yet necessary components for one such as myself.
My Shackle bore few similarities to the original design and took much inspiration from the design of the power armor used by humans. It would neither kill nor entomb her mind, all it would do is force her to follow my decrees when she acted. Identity would be preserved, initiative would be preserved, volition would be preserved, the only thing that would be forbidden from her reach would be the ability to deviate from my principles regarding her future duties.
The Shackle was prepared, the alloy forged and fabricated into the final form. Several months had been taken to reach this point, and the shackle was far from the original design by the time it was completed. Now it was lacking any spikes to dig into the flesh of the one to wear it, instead taking the form of a cybernetic suit, with a helm of metal rising upward in the shape of a crown.
Within this crown lay the receiver of a paired device that would shortly be installed into my body, I would be able to control her body at will, but I have altered the system to lower the dexterity with which I could control her form. Complex actions would be forever beyond me via her body and it would remain hers in the end.
Her life would not change in bulk, but rather in the details. The first was that she would henceforth be unable to purposely send people to their deaths unless it was the only possible method to complete the task at hand. The second and final rule was for me to be able to give her orders regarding matters of stewardship and she would be compelled to act. Nothing more was needed here, it would solve her crimes and prevent another massacre from occurring once more.
The door to the operating room slid open as two arbites stepped in dragging Stiriam with them. I frown slightly at her treatment, but it would end soon enough to not be worth bringing up at this juncture. "Stiriam, I informed you that when next we met you would no longer be free. I told the truth, but not the full truth at that moment. You will retain all your current freedoms bar two, the ability to choose to send people to their deaths and the ability to defy my orders when it relates to infrastructure and legal structures, in all other aspects you shall be free to act as you will."
Her eyes drifted open slightly as the broken expression cracked but remained in place, as with a sigh she let herself fall to the ground showing all of her age in this moment.
"Just end it." Her words were quiet but I could hear them well enough, as she pushed her body off of the ground as the door sealed behind the two arbites. "You have made it clear that I can't challenge you, just end it." I stare down at the broken human and wondered why she seeks oblivion for it is clear that she paid no attention to the words I had just spoken.
Yet even if it is her wish, it matters not. With a thought I lash forward injecting the potent drug I had brewed that would place her body in a state of near death. Emulating the state of being I had found recorded of normal humans surviving the impossible, it would slow blood loss to nothing and allow me to work without worry of breaking her body.
As I moved her to the operating table, I took a breath as I removed the robes that she wore revealing the body below. For a human of her age, the body remained well preserved compared to others I had seen, but that was of only minor concern for the Shackle would soon restore her body to proper condition. Gravity beams lifted the tools I would need and slowly began to remove her epidermis, and piece by piece I carefully exposed the nerve clusters and endings that would be linked to the Shackle.
The spine was the most complex of this, I carefully removed the flesh from around it, leaving the bone exposed out of muscle and fat and tendons, all of which would be replaced by the Shackle. Hours later it was time, all the flesh removed and blood remained in only via gravity, tension, and the drug I had given.
Taking the Shackle and lacing it into the prepared body was complex and extremely difficult, for a single misaligned nerve could doom her to death, but I am a Forge Scholar and this form of precision is something I am a master at. Over the next week as measured by humans, I wove Stiriam into the Shackle, activating its systems slowly and with surety. At the end, her human form was fully encased in gleaming metal of gold and silver, with only the face uncovered.
As the final sliver of metal was woven into the final form, I stepped back and lifted the transmitter and slammed it into my back on top of one of the central nerve clusters. The pain was truly excruciating, but it was the only way. There was no way to reduce the pain, for the device had to link to my biology directly to be fully operational, and even if I could I would not.
This fate is one that is extreme by all measures, and both sides had to pay the cost. I would never be free of this moment of pain, my mind forever recalling it henceforth as my body tried in vain to reject the instrument. Driving the spike deep into my flesh, sparks ran over my form as the energy that thrummed within me was released for a time.
Then at last the device was fully seated into my physiology, and I could feel the Shackle and Stiriam within its eternal embrace. I command her to move, and the signal passed through into her, causing her left arm to twitch at my command, but I had no need to make use of such a thing at the moment. Perhaps, if she proved otherwise in time I might revisit this decision, but for now she would straddle the lines of one free and one bound upon my sufferance.
"Lord Atraxas, I have information that you would wish to see." A human man spoke from the entryway of my office, wearing the robes of one in the administratum of the world and the sigils on the shoulders indicating his rank as the second in command. I have met him before, during the early investigation into Stiriam's secrets to discover what else she might have hid from me, her second had proved himself to be willing to work with the arbites and my forces during the investigation.
It was annoying that he lacked the skills to take Stiriam's former job, but until a viable replacement could be found, she could remain in the position. Even if I would rather have an independent person running the administraum for I had learned enough of the Imperium to know that the Planetary Governor should not hold too many positions via any means lest certain groups take uxbridge.
"What information do you have?" The man well into his first century gulped as he stared up towards me, "I have found certain reports of my superior investigating the under palace for resources and relics to fund Shogi's continued survival prior to your arrival."
That was interesting as I lowered myself to the desk as I accepted the offered dataslate, another annoyance came to light. Stiriam had found various vaults from my predecessors and had sold off the majority of the items within to supply Shogi with trade deals and resources, which I could not fault her for. The survival of the people is more than worth the minor loss of such artifacts. However, that did not change the fact that it was still annoying and would be something I would have to investigate since apparently she had found vaults from only some of the governors.
The risks were outlined clearly within the report, security systems that had gone rogue with age, failed seals on biological items, mutated lifeforms and even in one case a functioning biosphere which still existed behind adamantine walls.
After leaving the office, I began to follow the twisted and convoluted pathway to the hidden vaults. This path was clearly designed to be nigh impossible to discover and use, as it lay within the walls and below the floors and above the cellings of palace. Crossing randomly through the hallways and atriums, one would reason that they would not need to pass through it all to reach their destination and if sanity had any say in the matter that would be the case.
However, I am forced to assume that my predecessors sought out the most insane humans they could find to design this passageway. For throughout its winding length thousands of locks both analog and electronic lay within, in hidden out coves locked behind others and more, all that had to be unlocked in a seemingly random sequence to unlock the final doorway to the vault.
Of course, if that was all I could have simply brute forced my way through the final door and into the underpalace, but that too would have been too easy. A Void Shield fed with the power of fifty plasma reactors and with a thousand emitters barred the path behind the final doors which in turn were made from fifty meters of solid adamantium. Overkill and insanity were apparently the design requirements for the vaults below.
Even for me it took a full week to unlock the shield and door, to just begin my descent into the underpalace and the vaults held within.
As the doors and shields slid open before me revealing the vaults below, all I could do was hope that within the vaults there would be something to make this miserable journey worth it. I would be certain to tear out these systems and find a more useful use for them one and all, perhaps a ship of some form would like the emitters and reactors. Regardless of the future, I began to walk into the shadows of the underpalace.
"Lord Atraxas, hold for a moment." The voice of Nalka whispered from behind as I noticed her presence for the first time. Twisting around, I saw her standing behind me wearing voluminous robes covering the cybernetics I had given her. Bowing before me, she seemed to smile, "I have sought these vaults in the name of the Emperor for centuries, it would be an honor to be able to discover the secrets of the rulers of Shogi with you."
I shifted slightly as I considered it but in the end there was no reason to deny her, "Certainly, you can join me. I was not expecting you to leave the shadows that have remained impenetrable since I arrived." A soft chuckle came from her as she walked forward, through the door to stand at the side of one of my legs.
"We both know that your sight could have easily pieced the veil of shadows I had spun. Only through your sufferance of my competence in His name did my secrecy remain unbreached. For three centuries I have been forced to remain in the background of the world, for the failing of my physical form, drawing ever tighter to my bases. Perhaps, its fitting that the one He sent to improve the world, became the one to remove my need for shadows." Her voice was clear and firm, yet there was an edge of hatred deep within it as we passed into the silent tomb of my predecessors.
The massive gilded passageways of the palace gave way to small thoroughfares that could barely fit my bulk, to which Nalka found much enjoyment I feel as her soft chuckles made perfectly clear.
Nalka was soon struggling with the journey for even the augments I could provide would not instantly heal her of the failings of her physical form. "It seems I was overly ambitious and He is punishing me for my overreach," She gasped out as she fell to a knee against the wall, clearly unhappy about the relative fragility of her physical state even after my aid.
Gravity emitters spun up as I lifted her up and onto my torso, enough room for ten humans to sit upon me would serve more than adequately for her to rest upon and her weight was near imperceptible to my strength. I activated a few of my extra sensory systems to note that she was clearly unprepared for the change in position, which did make sense since I had never shown any such support to people before and after the display with Stiriam it would be much more unlikely.
"The secrets within these vaults will almost certainly require your awareness of them to properly confront and handle, furthermore I can move at a faster speed with you on my back than walking at my side." She mulled over my words before nodding in acceptance of them as we began to head deeper into the vaults.
Hours passed in silence as we pass through rooms empty of anything bar dust and broken lights, corroded metal beams littered the hallways as we went deeper into the depths. Nalka was as interested in the underpalace as she was about the cybernetics I had given to her, examining them as we went deeper into the darkness.
Even to my senses the hallways were near dark, only the faintest glimmer of electromagnetic waves penetrated this deeply into the ground. The glimmer of visible light has long since vanished behind us and the light only I could see in the other spectra has also now nearly faded away.
This has all but confirmed that we are the first to walk these pathways in centuries if not eons as humans count time. No light has remained intact over the passage of years or at least none with power, and Stiriam's exploration clearly stopped at the surface of the underpalace. "By the Emperor, why did Stiriam never tell me about this place? How much heresy could hide within these passages far from His light?" Nalka muttered to herself as she peered into the infinite void of the corridor.
"That is what we are going to determine, for I too am uneasy about living atop such a mountain of secrets." "Be that as it may, it does not change that she has committed dereliction of the duty He entrusted her with." All I could do was shrug at her statement, for of all my advisors barring Nameria, Nalka was the most faithful in the divinity of the God Emperor.
I had my doubts about the Emperor's supposed divinity, but such could not be proven and we as a species knew little to nothing upon the matters of the realm the humans called the Warp. Perhaps there were such things as gods in truth, but regardless that was not why were down here. Out of the darkness a glimmer of light emerged as I continued to walk forward tracking the time spent and distance covered.
Soon I could see once more and beheld a grand chamber where a door of adamantium as the humans call the alloy, stood firm against the test of age bearing the heraldry of one of my predecessors. This particular sigil was that of the most recent of my predecessors, the one before the one whom came before me.
"So he did have a vault, well this is going to be an absolutely wonderful find. Atraxas, be careful opening this chamber, he was far from the light of the Emperor and dabbled in things near heretical." Nalka spoke up and had a vicious undertone to her voice as she glared at the sigil on the doors. "I know that my predecessor was problematic, but I was lead to believe that the average was overall positive for Shogi."
Nalka sighed as she glared up at the doors, "Yes and no, most of the governors of Shogi are proper children of the Emperor and serve Him with all their ability. But, even the most faithful of child can be lead astray and we sadly lay close to His greatest foe that temps many away from His light." A statement that provided little value, but from I could make the simple connection of most of the previous governors being at least passable at their job, but sometimes going beyond what would be proper.
I had expected many things as I pushed open the great vault doors with my augments, but a mostly empty chamber with metal dust and a few flickering lights was not it. As we entered there was no sign of anything noting our progress, just the dim flickering of lights that would barely have been visible to unaided human eyes.
For all the work on the vault doors, it was clear that this was no place where true perseveration techniques were implemented and items were simply left to eh mercy of time. Of course it was strange that so little time wore down the technology of the Imperium, when one of my designs could have sat within this vault for countless millennia without loss of ability.
"It appears that He has answered my prayers on this matter and sent down a curse of rust upon the heretical items stored within this vault." Nalka whispered from my back as she made the sign of the church, staring around with a measure of appeased conviction.
Just as I was about to turn away and leave, the glint of metal caught my eye as the weak light reflected off of something intact. Moving towards it, I found a strange metal device that appeared to be a hollow cylinder. "A vitae womb, if he was yet alive I would have been duty bound to interrogate him for this."
I knew that the Imperium had technology related to the mass production of living beings, which could be extremely useful for the Homeworld. Our reproduction is slow and our growth is even slower, just from pure efficiency this technology would be a great boon for my people. Reaching out to the system I interfaced with it and realized that if I wanted to provide the science to my people, I would need to find another source.
My forge spun into activity and melted the device into a puddle of sludge, "That is one solution. Although what in His name drove you to such extremes?" Nalka was clearly confused on the matter as she peered down at the metal puddle, "Upon interfacing I learned that it was programmed to only produce beings that would be considered at best amoral and at worse evil."
She just shook her head, "Even His most cherished children turn from His light for such inane reasons, I will never understand what drives such people."
Leaving the vault behind, once more we entered the darkness of the pathway that headed downward into the underpalace. Only this time new branches peeled off from the main pathway at seemingly random intervals, once more showing the insanity of the design that had occurred here.
Thankfully the next vault we found was somewhat intact, with a few stasis chambers still with power and a pile of weapons that retained a measure of energy. The stasis chambers unfortunately all contained a small four legged animal with strangely vivid colors in the human visual range and a texture that would be classified as soft I believe. Regardless, the far more interesting item was a strange gravity based weapon that was designed around shear lines.
Of course it was broken in several ways and would take a while to repair and understand, but it could be restored, although Nalka was extremely leery of it after she found a note detailing an list of people killed in action while they used the weapon.
I doubt it would matter, but even if it did a recreation of the weapon would not posses any hypothetical curse. Thankfully there were still working transporters in this vault and with a bit of effort the working stasis units were being transported back to the palace with a dataslate telling whoever found them to move them into the medical wing.
The next vault was more of the same, mostly empty with seemingly nothing of note beyond piles of dust and rust. However, in its very distant recesses an extremely sophisticated stasis case still hummed with power and both of us were very curious about what lay inside.
As I opened the case, the hum of the stasis engine faded revealing a stack of blueprints for a complex machine that bore similarities to the Meta Shield in internal design, only on a vastly larger scale. Where a meta shield was a device that could be worn on the body, this would be a building size construct and provide a field even larger than a direct linear equation would predict.
Closing the case and placing it onto a transporter, we moved onward into the depths of the underpalace once more. In the next vault the only thing of note was a map of the Shogi system indicating possible mines for rare and exotic materials, useful indeed but nothing more and in truth of limited value to even me at this point.
The seventh vault had little of note beyond a short report on the local system and places where it was expected to find valuable materials in exoplanet mining operations. It would assist in my plans but it was of overall little direct impact since I would have eventually exploited all possible mines in the end.
The vault of the 16th governor had the most material, with a small mountain of coins in still viable condition which would greatly aid in the reconstruction of Shogi, along with a suite of cybernetics that were of generally higher quality than the ones I saw the tech priests use in general. It was lesser compared to the ones used by the Archmagos, but the average was solidly below it.
As I opened the door of the 15th vault, I heard the sound of something moving around within and then the next thing I could process was a massive sphere the size of a building racing through the now opened door towards me. Pain exploded through my body as I was shoved against the far wall as the sphere of metal pounded me into the floor and wall intermediately. I could feel my phase shields straining under the sheer momentum of the device for a moment.
However, it lacked thought and that gave me an opening as it retreated to build up speed instead of maintaining the crushing force. In that moment I lashed out ensnaring it within gravity binds and physical restraints. That would only be a temporary measure and I flash coded a shutdown command, making use of all the backdoors I knew of imperial coding. For a moment it seemed that the strange gravity device would resist, back then its engines faded and died, leaving it to fall to the ground harmlessly.
"So thats the massive money pit, honestly surprising to see that it bought anything even marginally useful." Nalka groused from the ground as she picked herself up, glaring up at the strange spherical device.
"What was it for?" She shrugged as she stared at it. "All I know is that around the time of the 14th and 15th governors there was a massive money pit and some nonsense about a custom ship design being funded. I have to assume that this thing is part of that, although only He knows why they would have chosen to make such an oversized grav core."
After the strange grav device was shutdown and securely encased in complex alloy binds, we moved on although Nalka was grumbling about being thrown off my back when the device had slammed into me. I was merely thankful that the thing had failed to truly cause physical harm for that would have been a concerning event for me.
My emotions had been extremely unbalanced for the last thirty years as humans measured time and it was only becoming worse each year. It might even reach the point where my scholarship will break and who I was will merge with who I am. I am far from the Homeworld and without the ability to reaffirm my scholarship from here, either I break or I do not. There is no other choice and from my perspective there is little chance of the latter occurring. I might not break this decade or the next, but it appears to be inevitable, and explains why none of us were given orders to truly gain positions of power.
I have discovered much of the Imperium that will aid my people without question, but it comes at the cost of my scholarship breaking under the strain. I am not the usual Exatari by nature, I am one of the few that could have drifted in many directions but chose my current state. I could have become a War Scholar, a Scholar of Creation and of course a Forge Scholar. My breaking would be worse than that of a normal Forge Scholar, for in the adjudication of Stiriam, I had woven weapons from the matter around on my own accord. An action even a Broken Forge Scholar would be hesitant to do, but then again I am not the norm in many ways, my skills surpass many of my peers.
I have climbed to the pinnacle of the Forge at a pace near unheard of, in only a thousand years did I reach the mantle of the Forge Scholar and even post my ascension I have mastered the arts of technology at a speed nearing that of a Living Mausoleum. If I break, I am one of the greatest dangers that could arise from the Exatari, and yet I might have to Break myself to protect others.
As we near the next Vault, I can feel that there is a difference in reality. My soul thrums with energy as I near the great doors noting a flickering shield overlaying them as I push them open onto a truly bizarre location.
Instead of the normal walls and floors, instead a seemingly infinite chamber of spires and impossible shapes stretches forth behind a shimmering veil of energy at the doorway. "For the love of the Emperor, what kind of heretic would one have to be to leave an OPEN WARP RIFT under the palace." Raged Nalka from my back as she quickly threw herself off of my back and turned around towards the corridor we had come from.
As I peered into the chaotic location, I quickly noticed a spherical device much like the gravity one that we had found not too long ago flickering with a similar shield to the one on the doorway and purplish lighting arcing from its surface. "This shouldn't take long to fix." I muttered as I stepped forward only for Nalka to scream in fear at me.
"Atraxas, STOP. Do not enter if you value your life and soul, for His love close the doors and call for assistance." I turned towards her as she stared resolutely into the darkness, with eyes closed as she spoke.
"It is no big concern, I have dealt with similar occurrences before, it should only take a few minutes to reach the device and shut it down." My statement failed to calm her down for some reason, it must have something to do with the strange human fear of this Chaos concept they kept screaming about.
Turning to the doorway I stepped through as Nalka screamed once more to not enter and the strangely chaotic energy lashed against my skin and was swiftly dispersed into harmless sparks that drifted away. Where I stepped the floor faded away to reveal normal metal alloys and even around me a zone of stability seemed to form. I noticed my shields flicker as they negated some form of assault from the device, but it was of no notable concern as I reached the object.
Where the grav sphere had taken a few moments to shut down, this was far faster due to knowing the methods to force a shut down. Within moments the room faded back to normality as the device powered off and fell to the ground, spitting out a large amount of golden atherical matter which was an Invoked Law I did not recognize currently, the Homeworld would probably be able to answer the matter however. "Atraxas, I am going to force you to submit to purity testing and if you happen to pass that a mandatory class on the dangers of the warp in His name." Nalka growled as I exited the room with the new sphere in hand.
The next vault was strangely populated with humans wearing rudimentary clothing, which was an odd usage of materials due to the controlled environment of the underpalace. Nalka was clearly displeased with their appearance in the vaults as she glowered down at them from my back, although I could not perceive any situation that they had done to warrant her dislike.
Of course the moment I forced open the doors, a woman wearing little more than rags with a spear of basic metal preformed a feat of acrobatics that I would have thought beyond a human. Dancing across the vault on foot holds barely wider than a human's hand, she danced through the air in a truly complex pattern. So complex that it fooled even me for a critical moment as she threw her spear downward with seemingly impossible force from her comparably fragile form.
Calculating the trajectory revealed that either by luck or skill she had detected and aimed near perfectly for one of my nearly invisible energy receptors, or eyes as humans would call them. Which are so similar to the greater whole of my body that not a single human has managed to pinpoint even one.
Yet, her spear would have skewered one of them perfectly if not for my phase shields that deflected the crude object away from its path, and allowing me to quickly bind her to the ground with gravity. "Atraxas, in His name burn these wretches to ash." Nalka growled from my back as she glared down at them.
"Why?" My reply was short and from her flinch I knew that she heard the undertones of danger within my voice as it edged towards the freezing proclamation I had used upon Stiriam. "They are clearly mutants and thus to be destroyed as He commands, for why else would they shun His light." Her reply was nothing more than a command of insanity as even I knew that there were exceptions to that doctrine.
"No. They will be tested for purity by the Archmagi, if found to be beyond allowance then they will be removed from Shogi, nothing more." She fumed, but settled down back on my back as I released the woman that had almost wounded me. Which was highly concerning in and of itself, being wounded would have been highly unlikely to cause me any lasting damage or even temporary hinderance. But, it could have easily forced me into the Curse, if there are people with even primitive weapons that could harm me to this potential then perhaps Breaking is not something to merely consider.
The next two vaults were empty of anything truly important, being filled with scraps of whatever they held beyond a disease in one of them that would be annoying more than anything else if it got out and a short report on the planet detailing a handful of anomalies. In the end those two vaults were nothing of note compared to what had been found previously.
The ninth vault was empty save for a single item that was ugly to my eyes. It was trying far too hard to be elegant and was covered in gems and other items that would not improve its functionality at all. Not even extending to the fact that I could feel it trying to reach out to me in a decidedly unpleasant fashion. Spooling up a few of my plasma weapons to full bore and activating a phase engine tuned for destruction, the thing was quickly melted to a puddle of molten metal with a faint scream.
The eighth vault had the same issue, the technology within broken by something else and fit only to be melted down to nothing but atoms and soon it too had been removed from the face of creation. Moving onto the 7th vault.
The moment I entered the vault I knew that a Noosphere existed in here, but it was strangely corrupted and tried to infiltrate my systems to bind me to it. There was no real effort in preventing that outcome as I found the single remaining item in the vault and quickly left before the noosphere web could possibly figure out a method to control me in time.
Opening the stasis container that I had retrieved from the seventh vault revealed that within the timeless capsule lay a complex map of the sector of Erimyst that Shogi lay within and its four subsectors. It would take me a not insignificant commitment of time to fully decode its implications and to understand what it would allow, but even at a glance it would be extremely useful in correcting misconceptions I was working under and to improve any deals using trade goods. Along with the material map, the device's expansive storage included data on nearby Warp lanes as the Imperials call them, which I could use to direct my traders along better courses.
As I parsed through the information, something within the sector analysis caught my sight. A report of something feeding upon a star. The very moment those words crossed my mind, I internally collapsed as something within me raged and sought to race to the star eater. There was no subelty to this drive, and I could feel my will breaking under the command of something innate to myself, there was no escape for it was of my own nature. With agonizing slowness I pushed the instinct down, but now it hovered in the back of my mind waiting to pounce upon any weakness present. My body had not moved a nanometer, but as for my consciousness, it could be easily mistaken for an eons-besieged fortress by any who would glance at it. It was as though hunger, thirst, and fear all at once leapt upon my mind, trying to drag my body to parts unknown, with only the greatest of effort allowing me to tear free. I dared not think of it, lest the assault renew, and with all the strength of a desperate spirit, I forced my mind far away from what I had just endured. No contemplation, would be permitted. Not now.The risk was far too great. To any observers, I would have merely appeared locked in place for a moment, but that was most fortunate, for all my focus was needed inward at the time. Distraction at that critical moment may well have spelled my doom.
The sixth vault was barren of anything intact and instead was simply covered in broken machinery, for a human it might have been dangerous enough to require a dedicated team, but for me none of them would pose a challenge overall. It was quickly confirmed that the vault was empty and I moved on to the 5th vault finding it truly barren of everything, nothing impactful at all.
The fourth vault was utterly strange, as life flourished within it somehow. Vines and mosses had grown into the solid adamantium walls over the eons, and even ambulatory plants had evolved into the position of predators. The noise of insects revealed that there was more than just plant life within this vault as I noticed small animals creeping through the underbrush. In the far back of the vault I could see the faint outline of a stasis chamber with power remaining in the face of this explosion of life. "What in His name? This is why you don't bring deathworld life to other worlds. It never ends well." Nalka fumed as I pushed through to the stasis chamber, finding within it a strange vine that was in circumference the size of an average human's fist.
Removing the chamber from the vault before any of the creatures could escape was of a high priority and was also easily done. Once outside I found a note detailing this vine as "Shockgrass" and "Steelroot" near interchangeably. I found this a touch bizarre, as grasses and roots are vastly different categories of flora, but now was not the time to correct a long-dead human's terminology.
The details revealed that the plant held a variety of potent medicinal uses for humans, encouraging regeneration of bone and soft tissue damage at an increased rate, while preventing the formation of cancer and general infection. It was also extremely invasive and fast growing to the point where the various agri worlds had banded together to bribe the discoverer to destroy the sample of it. Of course the governor of the time had saved this sample to further bribe the worlds into paying more in the future to avoid its introduction to the Imperium.
As the doors to the 3rd vault opened, I saw a strange statue made from the Primordial Metal. The sheer amount of the metal would be enough to bribe the homeworld to give me anything I could request. There was a grand total of a few kilograms as humans measured weight of the Primordial Metal within the Metal Oceans, it could only be created in molecular amounts from Forges powered by the Witness itself in centuries long intervals.
"Fuck, fuck fuck, oh Emperor what did we do to deserve this curse?" Nalka whispered to herself from on my back as she stared at the statue. "What is the problem?" She glared at me as she peered at the statue, "That is a Necron warrior that is somehow active."
"It is expected for primitives to speak so crudely when in the presence of one their superior, but even so I find it unpleasant." A strangely vibrant voice came from the necron, I could feel myself drooling at the sight of all the metal and seeking a way to forget about the event that had nearly consumed me.
"Cease your disgusting display of slavish worship metal creature, I am no god although compared to you I might as well be one." I was in a predicament for I was not trying to worship her, but instead my body was desperately trying to eat her, but I could not clearly explain that with Nalka on my back. Although then I realized that perhaps I could, I doubted that Nalka would understand the coding system I had invented this very decade.
"I am not seeking to worship you, but instead it is an unavoidable biological reaction to the material that you are made out of. Due to certain evolutionary factors the metal which is known to us as Primordial Metal is an extreme euphoric experience to consume." For the first moments she seemed confused but then clearly understood what I was saying in a feat of learning I could barely believe.
"You are no normal creature then, metal one. Necrodermis should be impossible to consume without negative effects. Your attempt at subtlety was crude, but it shall suffice for now. I will keep your secret, strange one, but I expect you to make time to meet with me in a place where no human can disrupt our conversation as soon as possible." The being communicated with perfect syntax in the language I had just invented, showing an even greater ability to understand and extrapolate than I had imagined.
Returning to High Gothic to prevent Nalka from becoming too suspicious, I continued the "open" discussion as though not another word had been exchanged between me and the Necron. The speed at which the conversation had proceeded would have outpaced even her augmented perception, but that was no reason to risk extending it. "May I have the honor of your name?"
Nalka groaned on my back as she huffed at my attempt to open a line of communication with the strange being. "Your customs are bizarre, to seek my identity before revealing yourself first. It is fortunate, however, that I am in the mood to indulge you. I am Shezu, Warrior of the Hesetemit Dynasty, servant of the Silent King. As your master put it, I am a Necron, formerly known as Necrontyr, though that is all I shall reveal as of now."
Nalka sat stunned for a moment on my back before starting to laugh, "I am not the master here, the God-Emperor has sent Lord Atraxas to govern this world."
Shezu's eyes flickered for a moment before she refocused upon me, "A display of aid from the ruler to the subject, how bizarre. If you were one of my kind, such a disruption of the proper hierarchy would be humiliating, but given you are aliens, I should not be surprised." I frowned at the strange being, as she insulted me in such a strange manner and brought up countless questions to go along with it.
"What then is the proper hierarchy?" Shezu seemed to smile as she spoke this time."Order. The higher castes stand above the lower, to move from the stratum of ones birth was nigh-impossible as dictated by the commands of the rulers. Each family line would fall into a caste since time beyond history and each would stay within their designated caste, only in rare exemptions were families allowed to breach the hierarchy of the castes." I tilted my head at her words for it sounded much like a corruption of my culture, hatchlings were allowed to choose their own path, but only a handful of paths lay before them.
"Atraxas, in His name stop conversing with the xenos and fight it as He demands." Nalka shouted from my back, I looked at her and then at Shezu and immediately stepped away from the latter. "The odds of victory are zero. If I had a meta shield I could possibly achieve some measure of hinderance before being torn apart, but without such a device there is no point in even pretending to be capable of fighting her." My voice was cold and firm as I explained the situation to the fuming human on my back, I would not raise arms against a being so far beyond me as to be akin to how far beyond a simple scarab I was.
"I have no interest in coating this room in your blood, and be thankful for that. But know this, human: I could slay both of you with my bare hands in a fraction of a second. Listen to your master if you wish to live." The cold mechanical voice shook Nalka's will in a way I have never seen before as she cowered upon my back.
"I will remain in this vault for now," continued Shezu, stepping back and turning to look at one of the walls of her easily escapable prison. It was riddled with some manner of scratches so small as to require closer inspection to decipher, though I dared not attempt to satisfy my curiosity at the moment.
"However, there are two primitive items that were locked away with me. They have no use to me so you may take them if you wish, but leave me be. I'm satisfied with our conversation already, and you lack anything either novel or useful for me." As she spoke, two containers drifted out of the depths of the vault revealing a suite of power armor and cybernetics. The former was strangely broken and would need notable repairs even from a cursory glance, while the cybernetics were in near perfect condition. "You have what you sought, now there is no more reason for you to bother me."
I quickly took my leave at this point, for there was no reason to risk antagonizing a being so far beyond myself. Nalka muttered to herself deprecation of my character and how I should have been honored to die for Him against the xenos, for one in charge of spies she seemed to not truly understand the value of patience.
The hallway as we walked seemed to have corroded over time, rust appearing on the walls and impossible damage sustained to the metal superstructure, which was intriguing for I had been under the assumption that adamantium was impervious to such decay on anything below eons. "Atraxas we have to turn back NOW!. We need to call the Inquisition and army support as soon as possible." Nalka viciously whispered as she stared with undisguised horror at the rusting walls.
I slowed to a stop and to my surprise she jumped off of my back rolling as she reached the floor and began to run back the way we had come. I shrugged and walked forward for I had not noticed anything that would damage me or her, so the overreaction was strange. As I went deeper, the corrosion got worse, and somehow seemed to start liquifying the metal into impossible, rotting slurry. But whenever I neared the stuff it would seem to sizzle and fade away leaving behind clear metal once more.
It was truly bizarre, with the closest equivalent I had experienced being the times I had to deal with noxious sprites that got trapped in my Forge. However, this was somehow much more pervasive than them, perhaps being the result of longer infestation. Regardless, the situation remained fully under control as I marched onward, and before long, I began to hear truly disgusting biological sounds. A group of creatures were speaking in a language made of slurps, gurgles, wheezes, and even vomiting. Even from my distance, the sounds grated on my mind due to just how unpleasant they were, and I have been trained to master the innate disgust of biological sounds that we Exatari have.
As I began to see the creatures, my disgust swelled to new levels. Bloated, barely humanoid creatures blocked my path, tending to the rotting metal pools from which impossible growths sprouted. I could see how these creatures were dead but somehow alive, their very intestines fell out of their stomachs to be dragged on the floor. Muscles had rotted away to reveal bones of spongy consistency, organs had fully putrefied and yet they still "lived" for a given definition of the word.
With a sigh, I spun up into war mode. Phase shields flickering into solid form, becoming attuned to the nature of my soul, energetic weapons following suit. I stepped forward and devastation followed, flames blazing silver erupted from my weapons as I marched forth, rending asunder the metaphysical as they would flesh, followed by the blizzard of my fury as sliver snow and ice manifested from the air, and last of all, lightning danced across my form, atomizing any diseased mongrels who dared try to touch me.
The creatures could do nothing as my storm tore them apart and disintegrated their remains into less than ash, The rot upon the walls died before my inexorable path forward, scouring the taint from the world as I walked forth I grew the storm to the greatest extent I could. Sheets of flame taller than me covered the hallways, blocks of ice the size of my body hurled around me as gravity was wrought to my whim and finally lightning erupted with impossible fury as thousands of bolts burned away what was beyond the fire and ice.
The creatures tried to halt me as such wretches always would, and I gleefully allowed them to try their best. I laughed as weapons broke upon my phase shields before tearing them apart with my bare limbs laughing all the time. It was truly glorious to fight without limit, as I jumped upon a gathering of the things before me and tore one of their heads off with my mandibles. The taste was impossibly disgusting, but the joy of victory made it palatable... Barely.
Laughter resounded in the halls as I marched upon the followers of disease, their primitive tools, tactics, and very flesh shattered, as is only proper for such loathsome wastrels outmatched by the power of technology. The ailments they tried to unleash upon me were turned to clouds of vapor as I walked near. I could see the despair take hold over them as they fought ever more foolishly against their coming doom. Their blood coated me, instantly being purged of all infection upon contact as I bathed in their rotted viscera in glorious combat. There was no place for mercy in battle and I offered none as I tore them apart. Their diseased organs popping like balloons under my manipulator feelers, the satisfying sound of diseased flesh being torn open filled the halls as I marched forth.
The only mote of sadness within the euphoria of violence was the knowledge that this was no true battle. They were too weak to fight back with any effectiveness, and the joy was dampened by that. As the final one in the vault and corridor was torn asunder at my hands, I could only seethe in disappointment that there were none left to stand against me, and the battle haze had already begun to recede. With a directed thought the storm scoured the vault to the metal and beyond before I left the now empty vault.
A shivering Nalka gingerly stepped out of the shadows staring up in fear at me, "What in His name was that?" I looked down at her as she shivered in what could only be fear, "What do you mean? The creatures needed to die and so I purged them. Nothing more, nothing less." Her eyes flickered to the side where a chunk of the celling fell to the ground with a thunderous crash shaking her but I remained firm. "If I had not tested you for purity, I would suspect you of being a follower of the Blood God. Nothing was normal about that display. By the Emperor, you enjoyed every moment of their cleansing like a Greenskin would. Not the satisfaction of a duty fulfilled but wild violent joy."
I shrugged, not responding, for there was little I could say that would appease her in her current state. Instead I simply moved her onto my back once more and began to traverse deeper in towards the final vault. There was probably not going to be much if anything in this one, but it would need to checked regardless.
The humming of a shield was the first thing I noticed as I reached the final vault. It was covered in the haze of an ion shield based on what I knew of Imperial shield technology. However, the greater issue was the fact that behind the shield the entirely of the vault was gone, barring a singular stasis chamber with another ion shield on it. Everything else had been melted down into a semi liquid state it seemed.
"Atraxas, that is a nanoplague, no matter how much the Emperor loves you, you will die miserably if you try to enter it." Nalka warned from my back although her warning was clearly incorrect, for nanotechnology is impossible. At least with the technology displayed in both the relics of the human past and the highest of exatari designs, all of them proved the simple fact that nanotech was an impossibility.
"You should know by now that I am well learned in technology. There is no way that is a nanoplague as you call it, for nanotechnology is impossible without a mastery of science eons ahead of what even the Dark Age had." Nalka stared down at me, as she groaned before shaking her head, "Atraxas, throw something into there and you will see that it is, in fact, a nanoplague."
To be fair, that was a reasonable test. It would, of course, fail, but if it would calm her nerves enough, it would be readily done. With a flicker of my forge, I had a bar of metal that was carefully pushed through the ion shield. As the metal touched the gooey substance, it seemed to melt into more of the homogenous mass, which was impossible but real. So, nanotech was possible after all, but how?! ...Oh, that is how! I somehow missed the obvious implications of software and automated systems!
Of course, now that I knew not to touch the nanoplague, I could easily retrieve the casket by using gravity bands to pick it up and pull it through the shields by quickly modulating them, which I did. Doing so revealed an interesting energy weapon that definitely warrants some examination in the future. But now, the entirely of the vaults had been checked and cleaned out, so no more surprises from my predecessors were to be found.
461 Wealth (Trade Goods) from left over bribe money
641 Resources from the loot pile
Intact Relics/Tech
Heresy era cybernetics: can be used by anyone but the Ad Mech might get prissy about it. Grants +10 to Martial/Learning/Stewardship and +5 to all other stats to the user
Coherent Beam Lance - personal research project of a long dead archmagos. Is basically a much better combi weapon. Has the following energy types: grav, las, plasma, voltikare, melta, rad
Much too expensive for mass production, possible to scale up to space marine level weapon with research dedicated, can be used to form a base to discover the existence of things like Guass, Aldrathic, Temporal energy.
Blueprint for an unknown device: this is a DAoT Gellar Field it has several advantages and disadvantages over current models.
Pros: Much stronger field, more stable warp travel, fully mechanical, long lasting
Cons: Cripplingly slow, Too stable, fully mechanical
Cybernetic suite - a set of cybernetics dedicated to war fare and only warfare
Can be configured to give Bo2 for Melee, Range or Command or +30 to Martial and count as a special unit
Info recovered
A map of the sector: reveals several anomalies that you can now send the private army too or use as training exercises for the Shogi forces as a whole, also increases value of wealth trade deals and allows external sector trade
Planetary survey; reveals core anomalies, several subsurface impossible caverns, a slight gradient in the laser protection of the world
System map; allows you to target the locations that are believed to have exotic materials in them for exoplanet mining directly.
Xeno Dogcat - moral booster for humans, but is pretty much useless beyond that
Steelroot/Shockgrass - basically think of it as mass effect medi gel that is grown and highly invasive
Shezu - a thinking necron, you can try to get her to help with things, but that requires you to socialize with her on the turn and pass a DC of at min 90 and at max 100 varying on what you are asking. Of course you can just talk with her.
Abhumans - a small group of abhumans with enhanced neurons and a Hero as their warchief
Broken Relics
Grav and Warp spheres - need to be fixed to no longer try to kill people that want to use them, but could lead to notable breakthroughs in the future.
Grav lance - grav weapon designed to use gravity shear rather than simple repulsion to inflict damage. Currently believed to be cursed.
Nanoplague (Atraxas is going to hard lock a learning action to start poking this on turn 8 if not taken sooner)
A mini deathworld biosphere for training purposes for the armies of Shogi