What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] Trade

We can improve chaos protection in a lot of ways, but trade is a lot harder to start when you don't have a product people want.

..that and I decided by a coin flip.
Vote closed
000.M42 - A Bright Future
The first proclamation of the Council was met with understanding and general acceptance of the ruling. Giving some more decades of life to people with critical knowledge and skills made sense for most, and the rest thought it would do great in motivating people to work harder to become worthy of a dose.

Alongside that, the first five recipients of the Juvenat were the Celestial Choir, all visibly shrugging off years of hardship and many injuries sustained. However, Bnuy had a somewhat adverse reaction or minor fault within her dose as she was afflicted with moments of inattention and heavy breathing, particularly when in the presence of Theta 33/n, or Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child. Probably some minor corruption that was burned within her by his presence?

On the note of Prophet Teeln, he opposed being given a dose of Juvenat, having to be hunted down by a task force of Ogryns, volunteers, faith guards, and Bnuy before accepting a dose. While a great show of his humbleness and a following of his preachings that one should not seek personal advancement on the backs of others, the time this dose has given him will aid us all greatly in establishing our faith and building the bulwark of prayers and sanctified shrines which will guard us all against the predations of the Warp for generations and millennia to come.

There is now a great sense of anticipation concerning the, no doubt, bright future that will be built by our hands and faith!

Congratulations! The creation segment is done! Now, you will turn over to regular Quest Turns, which will last 10 in-game years, though they can be disrupted by events such as an invasion, government collapse, wondrous finds, and miracles.

You have five categories where Actions can take place.
[General] - The usual government stuff. Infrastructure, Diplomacy, etc.
[Military] - All military stuff. Do you want guns? Here are guns.
[Psykana] - Psychic-related things are collated here. The only category where a roll of a d100 happens. If you roll a 66, 77, 88, or 99, [Bad Thing] will happen. As you are full Icono and have chosen Excellence as the Juvenat distribution method, you have unlocked [Good Thing] happening if you roll a 55 and can now re-roll any of the four bad numbers above. Should you roll something divisible by 5 (5/10/15/etc.), the [Bad Thing] will have its effect weakened.
[Faith] - Religion stuff. Conversion, temples, dogma, etc.
[Chapter] - All Space Marine options are collated here, from recruitment to sending out the Chapter in war.

You Have 3 [Three] Actions.
[] [General] Construct a Scout Ship and explore your new Home

Despite it being impossible as far as you are aware, you have been transported to a new location by means you do not know. Previously you were...somewhere, and now you are in the middle of a trinary star system with a blue, golden, and brown star orbiting around you. So, the first order of knowing what to do next outside the station is to repair a damaged system monitor and scout out the local system you are located within.
(Gain: System Map and Knowledge)

[] [General] Repair the Station
Much was damaged in the revolt, which is now called the Waking Rising, and more needs to be done to ensure that our industry does not require blood, flesh, souls, and lastly metals as a tertiary resource in most industrial processes. It will also clear a lot of space that can be used for other things.
(Gain: Repaired station, space to expand, and valuable materials salvaged.)

[] [General] Figure out an Economy
You...don't exactly have a way to distribute things like food, medicine, and workers to where those are needed right now. It is primarily ad-hoc and relies heavily on shift-leaders taking things from where they are handed out and giving them to where they think they are needed. Some organization of these things should happen sooner rather than later before someone makes a system for you that sticks around for centuries.
(Gain: Figure out how to distribute resources in an efficient measure.)

[] [General] Burn the Corrupted Parts
While you got around to destroying many of the corrupted (or possessed) parts of the station, there is still a lot of machinery and chaos symbols that need to be burned and destroyed.
(Gain: A (mostly) cleansed station.)

[] [Military] Uuuuh, Organi-what?
Sure Boss-man, I'll get to organschating the troopers! What the fuck is a chain of command? Where are they made?! Heh?
(Gain: Uuuuuh, militarily organized?)

[] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
The Dark Prieshad mainly used their non-production related time for psykana experiments, alongside a dash of biological and demon summoning experiments, the latter of which was sometimes aided by Chaos Space marines that demanded a heavy toll from the people aboard in flesh and souls. Some of the psykana experiments have escaped containment in the chaos of the Waking Rising, and they now hunt the dark and forgotten parts of the station, where they take the souls of the unlucky and those caught off-guard. They need to be hunted down and destroyed, ere they do something worse than merely killing randomly.
(Gain: Clear the station of Dark Mechanicu Psykana Experiments.)

[] [Psykana] Construct the Symphonium
The Celestial Choir needs a place to conduct their songs, where they can listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. There, their centuries-long service will begin in careful tuning of their abilities and where they shall live and work to see us secured from the malignant tumors of the universe.
(Gain: The Symphonium, where your psykers will be able to work on refining their psychic abilities and control in a safe-ish manner.)

[] [Faith] Unite The Creed
There exist a thousand and one interpretations of the Star Child and what needs to be done in their service even though we had been blessed by their Prophet for only a scant few years. Gathering those already preaching the Child's words and aspirations to hammer out a united Dogma and Canon to follow will hamper any outside sects or agents of Chaos from using the discord to split us in two.
(Gain: Eliminate the chance for a schism...for now.)

[] [Faith] Construct Cradle-Shrines
Five shrines will be built, one in the center, four on a cross centered on the first. There, our preachers will give sermons; there, our faithful will gather, and there, we will be united in faith and belief. From there, all of our works shall be elevated, and all our struggles made holy. We are but candles in the dark of the galaxy. Time to light five fires to gather around and provide guidance to all who are yet lost but wander still.
(Gain: Five Cradle-Shrines, beginning the creation of something greater than yourself.)

[] [Chapter] Screen for potential Candidates and Foster Gene-Slaves
Though the practice of Gene-Slaves is frowned upon by most Chapters within the galaxy, some do use it in times of need and to prepare for times filled with many casualties. Now that the Chapter is but one, implanting all seventeen Gene-Seeds into willing volunteers to harvest thirty-four in ten years must be done. Only then can the rebuilding of the Chapter begin with four already pre-selected perfect candidates, with the thirty seeds implanted into volunteers once more before the practice can be retired after two or more repeats. Also, Dreadnought Chyron would like this to be given priority, as he can only aid our people with a Chapter at his back.
(Gain: 34 Gene-Seeds, beginning the first step of reviving the Lamenters Space Marine Chapter.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
(Gain: Turn to address the issue.)
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[X] Plan: Unity, Duty, and Gene Seed
-[X] [General] Repair the Station
-[X] [Faith] Unite The Creed
-[X] [Chapter] Screen for potential Candidates and Foster Gene-Slaves
[X] Plan: Settling the Foundations
-[X] [General] Repair the Station
-[X] [General] Burn the Corrupted Parts
-[X] [Faith] Unite The Creed

[X] Plan: Settling the Foundations, Practical Matters
-[X] [General] Repair the Station
-[X] [General] Burn the Corrupted Parts
-[X] [Military] Uuuuh, Organi-what?

The Lamenters can keep for one turn, and the economy can be replaced temporarily with, "salvage from repairing the station."

The latter plan basically assumes that being Iconoclast means we might be able to tolerate some differences in the creed for one turn in exchange for having a military that we can then send against any Dark Psyker remnants/problems.
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You guys do know, there are at least two different plans, both of which are called Settling the foundations right?
Anyway, Lamenters HO!
[X] Plan: Unity, Duty, and Gene Seed
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[X] Cleanse the Foundations
-[X] [General] Repair the Station
-[X] [General] Burn the Corrupted Parts
-[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments

let's go ahead and get the basics done, which is fix up the station and purge the shit out of anything Chaos.

Bnuy had a somewhat adverse reaction or minor fault within her dose as she was afflicted with moments of inattention and heavy breathing, particularly when in the presence of Theta 33/n, or Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child. Probably some minor corruption that was burned within her by his presence?
Also, is it just me or does anyone else think that Bnuy is thirsting over our Prophet?
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[X] Cleanse the Foundations
-[X] [General] Repair the Station
-[X] [General] Burn the Corrupted Parts
-[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments

let's go ahead and get the basics done, which is fix up the station and purge the shit out of anything Chaos.

Also, is it just me or does anyone else think that Bnuy is thirsting over our Prophet?

My worry there is without either Lamenters, improved Psykers, or an actual military, it feels like hunting the Psykana Experiments will be a much bigger risk than we're thinking. Hence why my "Practical" amendation to Settling the Foundations replaces the Creed with getting a military into gear, so that said military can hunt down the Psykana next turn, while the Creed is united and the Gene-Seed is set up. Or something like that.
[X] Plan: Unity, Duty, and Gene Seed
-[X] [General] Repair the Station
-[X] [Faith] Unite The Creed
-[X] [Chapter] Screen for potential Candidates and Foster Gene-Slaves
[X] Plan: Unity, Duty, and Gene Seed

Yeah, we don't really have the experts involved to reliably fight anything. Best to get our house in order--we can afford to let the corrupted bits keep for a bit given how hard we invested in Just Saying No to Corruption.
[X] Plan: Burn Out The Rot
-[X] [General] Burn the Corrupted Parts
-[X] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
-[X] [Faith] Unite The Creed
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Remember the turns are a decade long; I wouldn't want to sleep within ten kilometers of a chaos infested lab for a single night, much less 3650 of them! Still, it is dangerous to go in and we have other pressing concerns; let's just hope people figure out the METRO mode of defense and block off those sections with HMG nests and flamethrowers in the main hallways.
As far as "Order of Operations" stuff goes, it seems like by repairing the station and clearing out the Chaos shit, we'd make it harder for the Dark Psykana types to be able to hide and get away with shit. It won't actually stop them, but it will reduce the number of dark corners they can go in, just as Gene Seed and Military increase our ability to go into those dark corners with a Flamer.