Star Wars: Rebellion

Means we need to damage the imperial war effort some how.

Spread a rumor that Obi-Wan is somewhere in the Outer Rim or Wild Space and send Vader on a wild goose chase?

Incite the Geonosians to revolt?

Or these actions?

Martial: Over a thousand people follow your orders. If that's not the best news you'll hear all year, then you'll consider this a good year. (Pick 2)

Supply Lines: The Empire needs men and materiel for its battle against the Mandalorians, and to keep its strong grasp on the galaxy. Funnily enough you need much the same. Raid the Empire under guise of pirates, strike them from the shadow, make them bleed, and take their materials, rescue their slaves, and be a hellacious nuisance.
Cost:500 credits

Chance Of Success:75%

Reward: Credits, freed slaves, materiel

Diplomacy: You have had a good few years when it comes to not putting your foot in your mouth. (Pick 2)

Ways Of The Enemy: It's a time honored Jedi tradition to preserve peace and save life. However, it's also in the way of the Jedi to use trickery or even lies to stop their enemy- despite the name, Jedi are not merely knights in space.

You know where the Hutts are coming and going from, owing to your father having worked for them and the ships you raided. The Imperials are quite unlikely to listen to you- but if Ceinis were to, say, lead them on a wild goose chase into those areas and let them put two and two together, they'd probably smack the hit out of the Hutts. Same applies against the Imperials- you weren't spectacularly high up, but you know a few dirty secrets, and a few dirtier men.
Cost: 500 Credits

Chance Of Success: 60%

Reward: Hutts and Empire beat on each other more
21k credits, 1.5k income, a bunch of scouts, a hero unit, a bit of stat, a schematic, less Imperial attention AND being distracted - yes please! Not sold on the senator or Ferus and I don't trust Ventress.

1. So what's been happening on Bellasa?
2. I think we should see about sticking a few knives in the Empire's back next turn.
Ooh, this story looks very interesting, never seen a SW one before. Just finished reading through it, and I have to admit I like the stlye of writing and our character, he's quirky. Gotta love being a Jedi too on top of things. Signing up for this one. :)
21k credits, 1.5k income, a bunch of scouts, a hero unit, a bit of stat, a schematic, less Imperial attention AND being distracted - yes please! Not sold on the senator or Ferus and I don't trust Ventress.

1. So what's been happening on Bellasa?
2. I think we should see about sticking a few knives in the Empire's back next turn.

1. Bellasa was us rescuing Ferus. Fortunately it was in the core world's and so the Inquisition and the ISB are going to be poking around the wrong places.

2. Agreed, let's kick the Grand War into overdrive and take other opportunities as long as they're far enough away from Taris.
The Offer
The Offer

Greelo's secretary pushes you into his office, the Ithorian having enough work in front of him to make you wince. The Senator sits at his desk, working on a proposal to bring before the planet, before looking up and noticing you. "Thank you for comin', Tellus." He has two plates worth of tasty looking meat of some sort brought up, spiced to perfection- you think it might contain Nerf meat.

Taking a seat, you tilt your head. "Thank you for having me here, Senator."

He leans back and gives a laugh. "Pleasure's mine. Not often you get to speak with a Jedi nowadays, after all." As you choke on your food, you get the feeling he would be smiling if he was capable of it. "Relax, kid. I admired the Order, always did, and even if I didn't I have more important things to focus on than one man raging against the dark." He pulls out a few official looking documents, one or two with your handiwork all over them. "No, I'm far more concerned with what that same man is doing out in the woods, surrounded by things that give me nightmares and making sure they don't eat the people."

He sighs, and hands over a few official looking documents, more than which contain legalese you could barely understand if it weren't for your knowledge. "See, I hate leaving debts unpaid, and I do owe you a debt, sir. I've also got a bit of a surplus of resources and an open position."

[]Official Recognition: You are a force for security and good on Taris, something of a rare thing. He could employ you as Planetary Security, earning a few credits and much more importantly, expanding the kind of things you can acquire.

[]A Haven: The beings you saved will need homes, as will any more you save. Taris can be that home- that place where scars can heal. Have land and credits set aside for escaped slaves, and those you rescue, to build a town.
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So difficult to choose.

On one hand we get the ability to become the law of Taris. On the other hand we can feed our reputation of being the Great Liberator against piracy.

Practical Disguise or Inspirational Attachment?
[X] Official Recognition

Being able to legally acquire stuff will help things immensely. Also hiding in plain sight's a wonderful thing :D
[X]A Haven

A town, we're being offered the resources to build a town. Sounds worth it to me.
[X] Official Recognition

The way I understand it, "Haven" is something we can more or less do on our own, even if it'll be expensive and time-consuming. Official Recognition, though, would be very difficult to get, otherwise.