Star Wars: Rebellion

You can have actions that'll take 3-4 intervals (or more) that are larger-scale things.

The question is really on the other end of things - "how short a time period is needed to do any of these projects". After all, if it takes half a year to construct a port, then what're the construction workers doing the other half of a year if there's a single year granularity.
Making it a really, really nice port, instead of the shitheap and a half you're using right now.
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We should wait a turn on the Senator diplomacy action if we want to do the Mystery Sale that is happening this year, as both are likely to fail and we only have one boost available.
80% constitutes likely to fail?

Ah, sorry, misread that. I saw the "Chance of Kota Doing it anyway: 40%" part, and I only remembered the 40% part, and I forgot that if we choose it it would be 80% likely to succeed.

That is entirely my bad. A complete failure to remember the pertinent information.

Could I change my vote, i'd like to swap out "The underworld" for "Senator" now that I'm more aware of how things actually look.
Ah, sorry, misread that. I saw the "Chance of Kota Doing it anyway: 40%" part, and I only remembered the 40% part, and I forgot that if we choose it it would be 80% likely to succeed.

That is entirely my bad. A complete failure to remember the pertinent information.

Could I change my vote, i'd like to swap out "The underworld" for "Senator" now that I'm more aware of how things actually look.
Vote is called, Winners are:

Raiding Pirates
Pointy End Goes The Other Way

Paladin Of House Organa


Power Armor
Big Guns

A Minor Thing
Mystery Sale

Lying Like A Rug

Prep For Surgery
Finishing The Lesson

Vote for Double Down will be called in two hours.
Very nice quest you have here @Voikirium! Both the general writing and the flavor text for each of the vote options is exceptionally well written. The latter especially. I'll follow this quest with great interest.

[X] DD on Senator

More seriously, why do you keep offering us things that completely muck up canon or you're plans whenever we succeed? Not crit-succeeding, just plain succeeding.
This time, you crited.

And I don't have just one plan. I'm like a Hydra- you guys have stopped two, but I've so many more ready for just this situation.
Turn 7 Results
Turn 7
10 BBY

You twist your blade through the wooden block quickly, cutting it in half with a single flick of the wrist. Woodchips fall around you, and twist your gaze to block a rock thrown at you by Ahsoka, swatting it out of the air. You palm slap a log that was sent twirling at you, shattering it. You lift your blade and cry out, racing towards Ahsoka. She ducks your first blow, blocks the second with her staff, kicks you in the chest, and sends you flying with her palm. You tap out after that, limping over to your hut.

Martial: Over a thousand people follow your orders. If that's not the best news you'll hear all year, then you'll consider this a good year. (Pick 2)

Raiding Pirates: You can't and probably shouldn't hit the Imperials too hard, too fast. At least, not yet. Pirates, on the other hand? Are a different story, one full of you stealing their stuff. As a bonus, you'll almost certainly free some slaves and impress enough youth that you will get some recruits.
Needed:35 Rolled:24 Reroll:97+10=107

-The ships you raid this year are filled to the brim with Evocii slaves- younglings included. You have no idea what to do with them- they wouldn't be safe with you, and you certainly won't return them to the Hutts. However, the decision is taken from your hands when an Evocii warrior wearing shining armor takes command of those Evocii. Named Graun, four-hundred evocii scouts follow him. Quick of hand and nimble of foot, no one notices them unless they want to be found, and they rarely want to be found.

He also left coordinates for a potential meeting.
Reward: +20,000 Credits, +400 Evocii Scouts, Hero Unit- Graun The Swift And Sure

Pointy End Goes The Other Way: You now have access to Chainswords- which are nice. Training your men to use them could be difficult-but as the fight with Ventress shows, they are quite effective. It will certainly take time-but you have no doubt about how cost effective they are.
Needed:25 Rolled:56

-Chainswords are dangerous things, ones that require specialized training. Training which will take time.

Diplomacy: You have had a good few years when it comes to not putting your foot in your mouth.

Paladin Of House Organa: You are the appointed Champion of House Organa, a friend to it and its people and foe to their foes, and vice versa. Maybe they have some support they could offer, maybe even- if you are truly lucky- a second base?
(Can Be Taken Once)
Needed:1 Rolled:26

-Credits, blasters, and men are shuffled around either into your pocket or to where they can do you good, though with Bail's secret plan not so much as you would like, and Taris ends up safe from most Imperial intervention, while you end up with a few more credits in your pocket.
Reward: Imperials less likely to intervene on Taris, +1,000 credits

Senator: You are, yourself, a notable citizen. Senator Greelo Tonu has requested to meet with you, at your earliest. A rare example of a Non-human Senator, he is even rarer as a Rodian example of such. You hear conflicting rumors of the man- some painting him as greedy, others as a man of the people. You wouldn't know until you met him either way.
Needed:50 Rolled:66+20=88

-Greelo has made an offer you'd be stupid to refuse. (Continued in Interlude)

Stewardship: You are richer now than ever you were before- not bad for a Bounty Hunter's kid.
Expansion: Mira extended an offer to you- acting as a port for the Panteer trade fleet. Your current facilities are not adequate for the task- time to expand them. It will be expensive, and may draw attention-but in turn, you'll make quite the chunk of change. Might want to hurry if those reports of her speaking with competitors are worth their weight in flimsi.
Needed:1 Rolled:72

-The supplies are found, plans made, and permits supplied. A proper hangar- if a spartan one- has been built in your clearing. The Panteer Trade Fleet is turned from their storage on Denova to Taris, breathing life into the planet. You are raking Credits in hand-over-fist, one-and-a-half thousand, a truly generous amount. Mira also moves her office with it- the fleet is her brainchild, after all.
Reward: +1,500 credits a turn, Hangar expanded, Mira moved

Armory: There are some weapons that require specialized storage- and a few that are easier to maintain in such conditions. Ensuring you have facilities rated for those weapons will be expensive and, before the Power Grid so generously donated by the Hutts, impossible to build, but having one could only do good thing.

-Work is begun on an armory. Such things require time, however.

Learning: You are a smarter man today than you were yesterday- and for that, you feel accomplished.

Power Armor: It is certain to take time and money even with the leapstart gained from the Hutt's technology- but Gavin and his department think that, with a bit of luck and a lot of determination, they can create the very basics of power armor- not even so advanced as Stormtrooper equipment- but still a huge step forward compared to where you are.
Needed:20 Rolled:25+5=30

-Preliminary results indicate that the design they have should work, but it will require extensive, expensive, and tiring testing.

Big Gun: You are not much for most sciences, much preferring the Civilized Subjects and Archeology- but even you know what'll happen when that much energy is applied to a target. In short, Boom. You are not much one for burning excitement- but you're damned close to it for this.
Needed: 15 Rolled:52+5=57

-Work is also begun on a new blaster design.

A Minor Thing PT.1: You have found the training gear, the manuals and holocrons. It may well be time for something that has not been done for decades to be done now. You will erect a Jedi Training Facility here, on Taris, where initiates of the force may be taught.

First, you need a location- not just anywhere, but somewhere where there is both peace and tranquility and the thrum of life. Such a place is rare, at best, and sure to take up more of your time- but in turn, it will make a fine location to train Jedi.
Needed:40 Rolled:81

-You don't find anything, persay, but your gut has told you to keep looking.

Mystery Sale: Rahm has reported a mystery auction to be held on the planet of Bellassa. Something in his gut is telling him that there may be something important there, and you feel much the same. It may be expensive to get in, but it is also likely to be well worth it.

-The sale was a man- Ferus Olin, an Ex-Jedi who never did finish his training, and at one point a rival to Anakin Skywalker. The assembled buyers were competing to see who would earn the right to present him to Vader and earn his favor. Rahm quickly put a stop to that along with Ahsoka.

Ferus does not trust you- or, more to the point, Ahsoka- but he is thankful that you rescued him, if indirectly, and may agreeable to future dealings that don't involve him being sold.

Intrigue: You now know why Vader battles on Mandalore- and may be capable of using it.

Lying Like A Rug: You don't just have to feast on information. You can give it, too, through your informant, Jonas Cass. It'll set the Imps to sniffing away from you, and if you get lucky, might even lead them to sniff around a few bandits, pirates, and other scum suckers from the very ends of the galaxy.
Needed: 20 Rolled: 90

-Ceinis is really damn tired of screwing the pooch on this one. He makes it quite clear what'll happen to Jonas if he- or, Force forsake, Ahsoka- gets if more Imperial presence shows up in the Ojoster sector- and just like that, half a dozen battle and patrol groups are pulled away to deal with bandits, mercenaries, and Hutt scum, or to investigate on Bellassa. You should be capable of working unmolested for some time.
Reward: Empire distracted

Prep For Surgery: No one should be a slave. No one. Not even Ventress, and that is what her kill switches have made her. However, before you go willy nilly chopping bits out, you need her consent- and to know that she will not run back to Palpatine to damn the man who took her hands.
Needed:40 Rolled:15+6=21 Reroll:43+6=49

-Ventress hates you for cutting, which is fair enough- you dislike her for much the same. However, she tires of having bombs planted in her, and would like that to change, enough that she promises to be on her best behavior should you take them out.

Reward: Gained Ventress's okay for surgery

Finishing The Lesson: You have not yet learned as much you can from T3- and you hate to leave things only halfway done.
Needed:25 Rolled:99+10=109

-T3 has seen how you requested a challenge, and complied. You never did much like math- but holy crap did you just get smothered under it. You come far smarter for it however, and T3, in pride of what you, his student, have accomplished, has set a challenge for you-a Saber Emitter Schematic, one he created for the style he thinks you may excel in. It will require you to use every technique he taught you, but will be very nice.
Reward: +1 Learning/Stewardship, Emitter Schematic

Imperial Gossip:

The Grand War: The war against the Hutts has continued to grind on endlessly, killing thousands on both sides. Whenever Lord Vader takes the field with the 501st, the Hutt forces fall back, surrender, or are slaughtered- but as mighty as he is, he is a single man, who cannot be everywhere at once. The Hutts have used this to their advantage, striking wherever he is not. However, no few folk claim that an Imperial victory is inevitable without outside intervention of some sort- the Hutts simply lack the required unity to face Imperial might and not fall.

The Upset: A grand cavalcade of notable Imperials was found dead in a seedy cantina on Bellassa, the victims faced with some sort of energy or simply flung away. The Imperial Inquisition is in an uproar, as is Imperial Security.
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It would be best if we can make it look like we are the Hutts when we hit the empire, that way they are less likely to try to hunt use down