Star Wars: Rebellion

Wait a minute! Could it be possible the Darth Vader is going to get killed in a one-on-one duel with Jabba the Hut? :o

Like that is ever going to happen. :p
You actually did think this through- sabotage in this case meaning you simply stuck an unknown to all parties-except for you- backdoor in the blaster. Because- and this is kind of important- you, like most of the galaxy, kind of really fucking hate the hutts, and want to see them suffer. You also would rather not help the evil slug bastards get closer to victory than necessary to extend the war.

Beyond which, who says the hutts are losing?
A lot more people would have voted for that if we knew that was the case, we thought we were hurting their chances in the war.

I totally would have voted for them if that was the case.

Ah well, I'll vote for it next turn. There's no point changing my vote now I guess, it's not going to win, but next vote could you make it a little more clear that it won't hurt the Hutts chances and it's a flaw that only we can exploit?
It probably also worth considering that Darth Vader probably has extra reasons to hate the Hutts, so he's probably more determined and motivated than normal to sticking a lightsaber in them where the sun don't shine.
Vote is called, winners are:

The Officers

The Only Things You Have To Lose Are Your Chains, Comrades!
We Stand Together, Or We Hang Apart


The Threat In Shadows

Ways Of The Enemy
Getting Them Out

Time With Mira
The Lockbox


Vote for Doubledown will be called in one hour.
I just realized I forgot to apply the Bindo Holocron bonus to your training with T3, which would have caused a crit.

Would you like me to retroactively apply the bonuses of that crit, or keep it in stock for a different option later?
Sure... I think we also need a character sheet for Graun The Swift And Sure and I'll update the front sheet... well I'll try.
Turn 8 Results
Turn 8
BBY 10

You pound as hard as you can on the door, the torgruta hearing you. You're wearing your armor, the pounded plates of metals you don't have a name for sheathing you in their embrace. You hear a woosh of wind, and without missing a beat, you drive your chainsword home through the durateel, stopping the random crate she threw at you. Feeling pretty proud, you smile- and only smile more when backhand the stun bolt sent flying your way with your crystal arm. Flexing it, you study it for a moment, before smiling.

Martial: Soont's set a strategy for how you can use the Grand War against both Empire and Hutts, a few of which he's laid before you and his fellow advisers.

Pointy End Goes The Other Way: You now have access to Chainswords- which are nice. Training your men to use them could be difficult-but as the fight with Ventress shows, they are quite effective. It will certainly take time-but you have no doubt about how cost effective they are.
-The training is done. Each man under your command now wields a chainsword, one always strapped to their belt. You have had some new idol thoughts regarding your men, but that can wait until next year.
Reward: All soldiers equipped with chainswords

The Officers: Plenty of Imperial officers are moving through the Ojoster Sector on the way to the Hutt Front, and being that they are in safe space, more than a few have failed to take appropriate precautions.Graun- the evocii leader- has plans for them. The explosive kind that end up extending the war.
Needed:40 Rolled:70

-Across battle group Fist Of Dread, soldiers are waking up to find their commanders dead by explosive decompression. a fate shared by many officers and generals, along with muggings gone wrong, explosives placed on troop transports, and ten thousand other ways to die. Without their leadership, untested men, fresh meat and the untouchable, are thrown into the war. While a few manage not to fail, for the most part, their greenness shows itself with their every strategy and tactic.
Reward: War extended

Diplomacy: You've almost gotten good at dealing with people.

The Only Things You Have To Lose Are Your Chains, Comrades!: The Hutts use slaves, keeping them in line by fear and power. However, the power of the single overseer is often exaggerated- more than that, you know the ways of slavers well. Go among them, make them understand the power they hold, the power they could take back, and watch as the Hutts are pushed both inside and out by their victims.
needed:35 Rolled:82

-Across Hutt space, pleasure palaces, mines, and other miscellaneous hell holes find themselves visited by the idealistic sort- your men. They succeed, being each a leader in themselves- the kind of men who help other. The Evocii in particular manage great gains. Violence has not broken out yet- but it is inevitable

We Stand Together, Or We Hang Apart: Ferus Olin might not have finished his training- but that doesn't matter. To the Imperials, he is a danger. You won't let a man die when you could avoid that- try to talk him into staying in contact with you, at the least.
Needed:20 Rolled:66

-Ferus is not really a rebel- not yet, at least- but he has no problem making sure your men have access to cheap identities and a safe place to hide if they need to. You now have a hidey hole for your men in the Core systems, and if you can swing it, possibly another force user.
Reward: Stay in contact with Ferus Olin, Safe house on Bellassa

Stewardship: Work goes well on your armory.

Armory: There are some weapons that require specialized storage- and a few that are easier to maintain in such conditions. Ensuring you have facilities rated for those weapons will be expensive and, before the Power Grid so generously donated by the Hutts, impossible to build, but having one could only do good things.

-it took a lot of credits, advanced technology, and time, but you have a place to store the advanced weaponry you are now legally allowed to own.
Reward: Basic Armory

Bait: You have defenses already prepared- rather static defenses. Putting some traps- snares and ion mines, mostly, and a few sand pits if you can swing it- ought to be pretty helpful at ensuring anyone who comes to your base comes from the direction you want them to.
Needed:25 Rolled:12 Reroll:20+10=30

-You nearly don't manage it- but you do manage to punch through your request for mines and sentry turrets, and off the records, you have snares, pits, and log rollers set up. It's not enough- not nearly enough- but not being a great big easily attacked base is nice.
Reward: Traps

Learning: Not a lot you can do here right now- both Gavin and the men you saved are busy already.

Power Armor: It is certain to take time and money even with the leapstart gained from the Hutt's technology- but Gavin and his department think that, with a bit of luck and a lot of determination, they can create the very basics of power armor- not even so advanced as Stormtrooper equipment- but still a huge step forward compared to where you are.

-Though you nearly sear your hair off and almost fry your beard helping with testing, things do progress.

Big Gun: You are not much for most sciences, much preferring the Civilized Subjects and Archeology- but even you know what'll happen when that much energy is applied to a target. In short, Boom. You are not much one for burning excitement- but you're damned close to it for this.

-Much the same could be said here.

Piety: Your focus has shifted to finding a location for the temple.

A Minor Thing PT.1: You have found the training gear, the manuals and holocrons. It may well be time for something that has not been done for decades to be done now. You will erect a Jedi Training Facility here, on Taris, where initiates of the force may be taught.

First, you need a location- not just anywhere, but somewhere where there is both peace and tranquility and the thrum of life. Such a place is rare, at best, and sure to take up more of your time- but in turn, it will make a fine location to train Jedi.

-You receive snatches of images- a babbling brook surrounded by storms that could bring low the mighties fighter. You do not find it, however.

The Threat In Shadows: Vader was on Mandalore looking for Obi-Wan Kenobi. You might not have the Negotiator with you- but you do have Jedi. See if you can't maybe turn him astray and away from his true foe for a moment.
Needed:25 Rolled:73

-Rahm attacks half a dozen shipping outposts, factories, and training centers dedicated to the Empire, along with you and Ahsoka. The reports of Jedi bring the big man himself, and he is stuck putting out half a dozen forest fires and hunting half trained jedi instead of focusing on the Hutts, something sure to extend the war.
Reward: War Extended

Intrigue: In the fertile soil of chaos that is war, Ceinis excels. (+1 Intrigue option)

Ways Of The Enemy: It's a time honored Jedi tradition to preserve peace and save life. However, it's also in the way of the Jedi to use trickery or even lies to stop their enemy- despite the name, Jedi are not merely knights in space.

You know where the Hutts are coming and going from, owing to your father having worked for them and the ships you raided. The Imperials are quite unlikely to listen to you- but if Ceinis were to, say, lead them on a wild goose chase into those areas and let them put two and two together, they'd probably smack the hit out of the Hutts. Same applies against the Imperials- you weren't spectacularly high up, but you know a few dirty secrets, and a few dirtier men.
Needed:40 Rolled:70

-This is shaping up to be a long war. The Empire and the Hutts both end up finding out each other's secrets, causing of dozens of skirmishes and minor battles, delaying forces. It's a delicate balance, but one that works well on these scum.
Reward: War Extended

Getting Them Out: For various reasons, getting a doctor that can operate on Ventres and get the kill switches out may be difficult, requiring subterfuge. In turn, however, you know one or two men- Jakar's brother, for example.
Needed:25 Rolled:31

-The man you find you can barely call a doctor- but he does his work well. It akes him an hour, and Ventress needs a month to recover, but in turn she is thankful that you have given her back her sanctity of body.
Reward: Ventress no longer has kill switches and is quite thankful for it

Personal: Your hair may be graying from stress- but you are Tellus Othello. You'll stop when you're dead.

Time With Mira: You enjoy spending time with Mira. You have a lot on your plate, but your psychological health would much appreciate speaking with friends.
Needed:15 Rolled:24+6=30

-You are no silver tongued speaker, no great orator- but you are a hero, and a Jedi, something that counts for a lot. Mira is kind- almost oddly so- but it's not the waif kindness one expects from an heiress, but steel begot by steel that is tired of rage and hate carrying the day. She finds your awkwardness charming instead of off putting- and more than that, she respects the work you do. You chat with her often- lately it seems a sort of camaraderie has been built between both of you. Yet you cannot say there are no tensions between the two of you.
Reward: Spent time with Mira, relaxed

The Lockbox: You have no idea how to open the Lockbox you received. Maybe meditation will allow the answer to come to you.
Needed:50 Rolled:36+15=51

-It's a shattered lightsaber. Morbid, and for obvious reasons you have no desire nor ability to use it, but it could still be handy in the right hands, just not yours.
Reward: Broken Lightsaber

Imperial Rumours:

Unlikely News: The hutts have stalled the Imperials. The hutts- slimy slugs and cretins- have stalled the Imperials. Let that sink in for a moment.
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Don't we already have pretty much everything we need to build our own lightsaber? Chances are that it's got some other significance...
Well, at least the lockbox is open. I suppose we'll eventually find a use for it.

Most of what we did was meddling in the war; it went well this year, but I suggest doing a minimal amount of deception and trickery next year - just a feeling.
What does 'double down' mean anyways? I can't find it explained anywhere in the thread.