Star Wars: Rebellion

The Tide Turns
The Tide Turns

Closing your eyes, you fall into the Force. Warmth pervades, fire burning in your chest.

Battle Meditation: 11+30=41/60 Revan Reroll:29+40=69

You can feel everything. The Force is with you, and you are a like a guiding light to your men. Words of encouragement flow from the Force to them, while the enemy is faced with doubt and uncertainty. Your mind contains a river of strength, which flows to many individuals...

The Fighters: 33+25=58/50

Be not afraid, for the Force is your ally, and a powerful ally it is.

You are Ahsoka Tano, once known as Fulcrum. You have been flying for only half an hour, and you already wish you had more support. As you watch, your wingman explodes in a ball of flame. Dodge, now! Pulling to the left, a TIE Bomber goes under your ship, already in a barrel roll. "All fighters, on me!" The X-Wings get into formation, Jedi and those not so gifted flying together as one. "Luke, take a squadron with you and head for the Reactor. We'll cover you."

"Red, you're with me."

A dark presence begins to grow over the horizon, fighters led by someone you have not seen in a very long time. Flicking open your comms to a very specific channel, you thrust your ship under twin lances of emerald, flying over your cockpit. "Lance squadron, we're heading for the big guns. Gold, Blue, and Grey have command over the rest while we're gone." Pulling off from the pack, you and the eleven other Master Aces of the Order prepare to face one of the finest pilots the galaxy might ever know. "Be careful, all of you."

Twelve of the most advanced fighters the galaxy has to offer prepare to make battle against twenty-nine screaming metal death traps and one of the best fighters the Empire has. You get the first blow in, Anakin's wingman exploding as crimson fire bursts over the metal monstrosity which killed an entire planet and threatened to kill another, were it not for your student.

Harsh, distorted breathing fills the cockpit. "Ahsoka, you are a fool to return."

"I'd make a harsh retort, but I'm a bit busy kicking your men all up and down the sector." As if to punctuate your point, you dodge underneath Anakin's blast, flying to blast his own man apart. "Anakin, when last we met, I was the learner: Now, I am the Master." Spin! Your orientation goes upside down for a moment as you perform a loop, threading between two enemy pilots, who are moments later destroyed by the cannons Skywalker built into his ship. Coming to a complete stop, you turn to face Anakin, and prepare for the long haul...

(Enemy Fighters distracted in preparation for Bombing Run)

The Dark: 59+25=84/55

Spared by his mercy, out of harm's way into the arms of home and kin.

You are Tycho Celchu, one of the finest the Empire has. Flying under an enemy's ship, you blast through the shields, critical damage done. She pulls to the left, ducks under your wingman, trying to escape. You don't hesitate, she's in your sights. But then, something strikes you. She's holding a wounded hand up to a profusely bleeding forehead. Would It be worth it? Your finger lingers over firing studs, this seems wrong. Is this what you signed up for, son of Alderaan? Murder?

Your mind made up, you pull off from your wingman, escorting the X-Wing back to the Rebel ships, where she docks, followed quickly by you. Exiting your TIE with your hands up, you exclaim "Don't shoot!" As you are led in cuffs to the makeshift detention area, you notice a medic pulling out the wounded pilot, as she gives you a smile.

On Corellia: 37+25=62/60
Though the whole world has gone mad mad with fear, anger, and grief, even if you stand alone, you will stand against it.

Your silver blade knocks back blaster bolts, as Han shoots back at a few armed bounty hunters. Left! Your body passes underneath a vibroblade the size of a wookiee's arm, before your blade stabs up and through his chest and into his heart. The mercenary falls to the ground, dead, while you fling your saber at Droid who had been sneaking up on Solo, scoring a deep cut on its head. The thing falls to the ground, twitching, as you turn to see ten men, each with a blaster big enough to worry even you. They begin to take careful aim.

Block! The bolt flies back, striking through the faceplate, as the mercenary tumbles to the ground, head still smoking. Leap! You jump over the next shot, bounty hunters smoking holes in each other's armor as their hearts are struck. Palm. Hand upward facing, your next foe is soon struck just as surely dead he planned for you. Lightsaber high, you feel alive. Blood pumps, and your pulse leaps. "For the Rebellion!" The Jedi, under order from Shaak Ti to maintain something resembling order on Corellia, echo your cry, moving in unison with you. "The Force is with us!" Leading a strong charge, you can feel your brother in space, fighting just as surely as you. You attempt to comfort him through the Force, while all the same you prepare for battle.

The Run: 16+30=46 Reroll: 47+30=77
The Force will be with you. Always.

"I'm going in!" And just like that, the battle grows more frenetic. You are Obi-Wan Kenobi, teacher of Luke and Anakin Skywalker. The time when you would normally be flying like this seems like it should have died so long ago. But much like yourself, it endures. Dodging under the Emerald lances, you almost feel like laughing. The Light is strong again, the Order rebuilding. No longer are you simply an old man trying to preserve a dying people; you are once more the Negotiator, the only Jedi to fight Vader and live, the Slayer of Grievous and member of the Jedi Council.

"I'll cover you!" Pulling into formation, you remember a boy much like him once. Strong, brave, noble. But where Anakin was angry, brash, and impulsive, Luke is like his mother: Kind, patient, and understanding. You promised to watch over the boy, one last promise to an old friend, and you will see that promise fulfilled.

[] The Hero With No Fear
[] The Man In The Machine
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[X] The Hero With No Fear

Oh, I so want to see what is going on with Vader, but I will resist.

Also, great rolls. And it is very strange to think of old Ben in a fighter.
[X] The Man In The Machine

That went great :)

Now I'd like to have a look into Vader's head.
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