Star Wars: Rebellion

[X] Strategize with the Admirals. Lead the men.

In this we must win this as Soldiers not Jedi. One of the glaring errors of the Old Republic was it's over reliance on Jedi. Let the leaders see you act in support and others act in concert. Not as puppeteers.

Um, what? You mean the Old Republic where Jedi were not allowed to hold any offices at all and were meant to be entirely neutral peacekeepers with no political agenda or direct influence?

Literally every other form of the Republic in existence was more heavily Jedi run/led.
[X] Attempt Battle Meditation

... We can coordinate the men but there are others who can do that, even if they cannot do it as well as us.
AFAIK we are the only one who can currently attempt Battle Meditation as a multiplier to improve those leading, and those following.
[ ] Attempt Battle Meditation

If we were in our element I'd opt the other way, but here and now, Battle Meditation is what we can contribute the most.

On second thought, we're the head of our military. We kinda have an obligation to work with our Admirals instead of going off on our own and meditating. I think this might be one of few downsides to accepting the position.

[X] Strategize with the Admirals. Lead the men.
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not tempted to attempt battle meditation myself, but We might want to ask to see if another jedi is properly trained (or experienced) in battle meditation.
Personally we should be teaching several Jedi that technique. Not everyone could probably do it, but having at least a dozen decent ones should counter several of Palpatine's strategies. Not to mention ending the war with far fewer casualties.
I thought battle meditation was very rare? Lets use what we know we can do.

[X] Strategize with the Admirals. Lead the men.
[X] Attempt Battle Meditation

We're very good at strategy and tactics, but so is Ackbar. Too many cooks spoil the broth.