Star Wars: Rebellion

I realize this is seven hours too late, but I feel the need to say that you stood more than a ghost of a chance, narrative and roll wise. That's all I'll say on the matter.

Oh, I meant as far as 'How bad our rolls sucked.' If we'd both been rolling 'okay' I think we'd have had an even chance or better of winning. Instead, they were rolling consistently in the 70s and above and we were consisently rolling below 50. With that kind of streak of bad luck, well, it happens :)
[X] "Destroy the Patrol Cruisers!"

is the best as we have mostly anti starship focused frigates the crusaders and blockade runners should do horrible things to the Ties if they're not focused by other starships.
[X] "We're gonna ram this sonuvabitch right into the Death Star!

I swear to god if this works.
Vote is called, could I have a vote tally?
Vote tally:
##### 3.19
[X] The main reactor is usually too defended, but certain tests and sheer arrogance have made the Empire remove some soldiers from its guard, enough that we can punch through and blow it to hellbefore getting out of here.
No. of votes: 1

[X] Pana, you feel like hunting somedangerous game? (Pana goes to fightthe Dark Side disciple).
No. of votes: 1

[X]We're gonna get through to the bridge and either capture or destroy it.
No. of votes: 2
whydoesitmatter, avatar11792

[X] Graun, take command. I won't be long. (Graun takes command, you go hunt the Disciple)
No. of votes: 2
whydoesitmatter, avatar11792

[X] Destroy the Patrol Cruisers!
No. of votes: 16
Derek58, chriswriter90, Tylonius, Whumbly, NegativeHorizon, subsider34, sesbio, Chaeronea, Night_stalker, durin, cyko2041, Qeqre, Thester, The Laurent, Chimeraguard, D.D. Spectator

-[X] As a last resort, ram this sonuvabitch right into the Death Star!
No. of votes: 6
chriswriter90, durin, cyko2041, Wing101, Chimeraguard, D.D. Spectator

[X] We're gonna ram this sonuvabitch right into the Death Star!
No. of votes: 5
De3ta, TerrisH, Erandil, Neo-Chan, paintedspear

[x] Thin the Fighters!
No. of votes: 1
Death Star Assault
Death Star Assault

"Destroy the cruisers, then set a heading for the station: we're gonna slam this sonuvabitch into the Death Star!" The sound of silence dominates the bridge for moment, awkwardness and fear.

"Boss, did I ever tell you that you have the best plans? Wait, don't answer that." Drawing up the control panel, he moves all power to the cannons, aiming for the biggest patrol cluster. "On my mark!"

Patrol Group 1: 19+18=37/20

With Graun's aim, the fire power of a Star Destroyer is turned on the Tartans. Coordinator, Dominance, and Order are wiped out from over Corellia's biggest port near instantly; more than a few of the emerald bolts end up hitting gunships or fighters, but with shields down and the full force of a Star Destroyer used on them, they evaporate, crews destroyed in an instant along with the ships themselves.

The other two patrol groups have turned on you, shields beginning to flare up. It won't be near enough.

Patrol Group 2:76+18=94/40

Motivator, Striker, and Dispatcher are next. Shields flash for a moment before emerald bolts strike the bridges, blowing them to hell. The ships fall apart, not used to this kind of fire power applied to them. Momentarily, small stars reign over corellia, night becoming day on the planet's surface. You have fire returned towards you, but unlike them, your shields are up, have been up, and are unlikely to fall by such scattered fire.

Patrol Group 3: 8+18=26/45 Revan Reroll:47+28=75/45

Green lasers fly out, striking each ship, once in the engine, once in the bridge, and once in the reactor. Each explodes, Nova, Imperial Fist, and Magnatus blown to cinders and ash.

(Coordinator, Dominance, Order, Motivator, Striker, Dispatcher, Imperial Fist, Nova and Magnatus removed from Imperial Fleet! )

"Now the fun begins, big guy. Men, header nine! All power to Engines. Ramming Speed!" The ship lurches, picking up velocity within seconds. The marines on-board have been sealed into their quarters, and the hangars- except for 3 Aurek- have been jammed shut. "Now let's get outta here!"

Rushing through a tangled maze of halls and paths, you get to the Ebon Hawk as the Death Star begins to dominate the view ports. "T3, all power to the engines! Get us out of here!" Blasting out of the Hangar, accompanied by the Slaver's ship, you pull out of the main path as quickly as you can, turning to view the slamming shot of a Star Destroyer striking into the Death Star.

Big Gun Break: 54+18=72/50

Well it certainly lives up to the name. Striking the center of the oversized laser dead center, the explosion rips through the station, debris and shrapnel flying everywhere and shredding the fighter squadrons that had been guarding the Station.

Pulling into the system, Ackbar orders a volley just as he gets in.

First Strike: 9+20=29/20

It does its job admirably well, tearing through the remaining fighter wings like tissue paper. They still have an impressive amount, but the fact of the matter is, that just went really, really well.

You have two things you could do: You can support the fighters by brushing off your fighter lessons, or you can rejoin the fleet, and get back together with the command elements.

[] Support The Fighters
[] Rejoin Command
This vote is going to be called today.
[X] Rejoin Command

That went much better than our duel! And we destroyed the super laser too! :D

I agree that we need to get back to Command since we're in pretty bad shape.