Star Wars: Rebellion

[X] "We're gonna ram this sonuvabitch right into the Death Star!

A plan so crazy it might just work.
... really? dose anyone remember the plan is to do a Trench run on the death star?

We deal with the big ship, rest of the fleet and the fighters and bombers come in to do the trench run. while the patrol Cruisers are a threat to the fleet, the fighters are a threat to our fighters and Bombers. while unfortunate, Loss off fleet ships is acceptable. Loss of our fighters is not, as that means there will be fewer to make the trench runs.

we thin the fighters, it means they can get past the fleet to the death-star quicker, and are likely to be in greater number and have more chances of pulling it of.

The deathstar Is in range of Corrilia, and as soon as it realize we are here, it will take out Corrilia. Or start swating our ships like flies. time is still our biggest enemy, and we need to kill It ASAP.

[] "Thin the Fighters!" *vote changed*
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... really? dose anyone remember the plan is to do a Trench run on the death star?

We deal with the big ship, rest of the fleet and the fighters and bombers come in to do the trench run. while the patrol Cruisers are a threat to the fleet, the fighters are a threat to our fighters and Bombers.

we thin the fighters, it means they can get past the fleet to the death-star quicker, and are likely to be in greater number and have more chances of pulling it of.

The deathstar Is in range of Corrilia, and as soon as it realize we are here, it will take out Corrilia. Or start swating our ships like flies. time is still our biggest enemy, and we need to kill It ASAP.

[x] "Thin the Fighters!"
If ramming wins, you're gonna aim for the blatantly obvious laser that is currently pointed vaguely in your general direction, and hope it mucks about with the thing to buy a lot more time for the fighters.
... really? dose anyone remember the plan is to do a Trench run on the death star?

We deal with the big ship, rest of the fleet and the fighters and bombers come in to do the trench run. while the patrol Cruisers are a threat to the fleet, the fighters are a threat to our fighters and Bombers. while unfortunate, Loss off fleet ships is acceptable. Loss of our fighters is not, as that means there will be fewer to make the trench runs.

we thin the fighters, it means they can get past the fleet to the death-star quicker, and are likely to be in greater number and have more chances of pulling it of.

The deathstar Is in range of Corrilia, and as soon as it realize we are here, it will take out Corrilia. Or start swating our ships like flies. time is still our biggest enemy, and we need to kill It ASAP.

[x] "Thin the Fighters!"
Please don't make assumptions. Without the cruisers, our bigger ships can cover our fighters.
[] "We're gonna ram this sonuvabitch right into the Death Star!

Hopefully disables the Superlaser, buying time for the fighter strike.

[] "Destroy the Patrol Cruisers!"

Thins out the enemy capitals so our own ships can support our fighters.

[] "Thin the Fighters!"

Yeah, but TIEs are crap anyway.
Please don't make assumptions. Without the cruisers, our bigger ships can cover our fighters.
Yes, but that's going to take Time. time which the fighters will be tied up fighting, instead of moving onto the real target. If we were not on a time limit, the yhea, crusiers would be the better option, all around. but we are.

though the GM's comments about where were going to ram makes a lot of sense to. That would give us a Lot more time to deal with the situation..

changeing vote.

[X] "We're gonna ram this sonuvabitch right into the Death Star!
[X] "Destroy the Patrol Cruisers!"
-[X] As a last resort, "ram this sonuvabitch right into the Death Star!"
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[] "Thin the Fighters!"
-[] As a last resort, "Ram this sonuvabitch right into the Death Star!"
[X] "Destroy the Patrol Cruisers!"

-[X] As a last resort, "Ram this sonuvabitch right into the Death Star!"
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Also, looking at their stats (in their fight rolls). They are in fact our equal. Which you couldn't tell by the fact that they dominated the entire fight and that at no point did we stand the ghost of a chance, if you take out the rolls and read it as a narrative! But at least in theory it was a fair fight between equals.

So it's not the QM throwing us into a tough fight, it's the dice fucking us nearly to death.
I realize this is seven hours too late, but I feel the need to say that you stood more than a ghost of a chance, narrative and roll wise. That's all I'll say on the matter.
I'd point out that Star Destroyers are shit at dealing with fighters. The guns are too big and unwieldy. It is great at dealing with other Cap Ships. If we get rid of the imperial capital ships, then our own much smaller capital ships will have a much easier time dealing with the enemy fighters with their lighter, faster guns.
I'd point out that Star Destroyers are shit at dealing with fighters. The guns are too big and unwieldy. It is great at dealing with other Cap Ships. If we get rid of the imperial capital ships, then our own much smaller capital ships will have a much easier time dealing with the enemy fighters with their lighter, faster guns.
Good point
I'd point out that Star Destroyers are shit at dealing with fighters. The guns are too big and unwieldy. It is great at dealing with other Cap Ships. If we get rid of the imperial capital ships, then our own much smaller capital ships will have a much easier time dealing with the enemy fighters with their lighter, faster guns.


This so very much.
[] "We're gonna ram this sonuvabitch right into the Death Star!

Critfail! It now plugged the only exhaust port big enough for a torpedo. Much less a fightercraft. Worse still, the Empire is now aware of said exhaust port(one weak point of Death Star removed).

[X] "Destroy the Patrol Cruisers!"
[] "We're gonna ram this sonuvabitch right into the Death Star!

Critfail! It now plugged the only exhaust port big enough for a torpedo. Much less a fightercraft. Worse still, the Empire is now aware of said exhaust port(one weak point of Death Star removed).

Then the Whole Station asphyxiated to death because of exhaust backup :V