Star Wars: Rebellion

Hhhm I suppose we could aim for more practical and less evil versions of world devisators as support ships.
Modified your idea and created a series of scale designs for Mobile Star Factories, which are basically World Devastators, just with varying sizes, can't consume ENTIRE planets, and have the serial numbers filed off. Only the Medium-size Star Factories can land on large planets with atmospheres, anything bigger can't (but eating moons, asteroids, nebula (over a LONG period of time) are still certainly options). Cheers. :)

Agreements are made, deals pounded out and agreements forged. You concede your planned mercenaries, in order to leave enough credits for the Raxus factory and the Propaganda campaign, along with your own shipyard offer and officer academy.

Wayne Support: Auto Pass
Idoni: Needed:70 Rolled:78+12=90

Major: Shipyard- The Mon Cala Shipyards and Incom have jointly approached with a deal for you: 10,000,000 credits to build a new shipyard on the "neutral" Mon Cala, in exchange for massively reduced rates on Warships- from the biggest to the smallest, X-Wing to Cruiser.

-You have a supermajorit already. The motion passes, and an eight of the fortune disappears into the funds of Incom and Mon Cala Shipyards. They send finalized terms on their end: 30% off all of their ships, incredibly generous terms for a business. It should be up and running by next year, and pushing out its first civilian ships not a year after that.
Reward: Shipyard over Mon Cala, -30% on all Incom and MCS warships.)

Massive: Officers Everywhere- It's very simple: you would like to build an officer program equal to the Empire's, with a first facility in the Vergesso Asteroid Field- a space station loaded for war and ready to fight, with the added bonus of being well and truly stealthy. What would take years becomes a matter of months as you blow fully a quarter of the fortune on building and staffing it.

-At the same time, an order is sent to the Foerost Shipyards, for an impenetrable and spacious space station, to function as your Officer Academy, is written up and sent out, along with a few favors called in and a few old friends called. Worth 25,000,000 credits, it will be operational by next year, a boon to your fledgling army.
Reward: Excellent Officer Academy

Minor: Outer Rim Incendiary- there are plenty of planetary governments who are most unsatisfied with the Empire, such as Taris. Minister Idoni would like to attempt to incite these governments to Rebellion, no matter how slight or how great, from workplace strikes to full on secession; each, no matter how petty, strikes at the foundation of the Empire, and makes it bleed.
Needed:20 Rolled:80+18=98

-None of you are stupid, and each of you understand both subtlety and tact, or strategy and tactics. The motion passes unanimously, already small secessionist and rebel friendly parties have gained a few more seats and a few more acts of petty sabotage are well underway, along with some not so petty.
(Reward: Rebellion through the outer rim)

Massive: Raxus- Wayne would like to build a truly stupendous amount of massive factories on Raxus Prime, the Junkyard planet. He hopes to turn the truly gargantuan amounts of scrap metal on the planet towards funding the war machine and building the many weapons and ships required to fight the Empire and win, on the one planet where they will not immediately look. Pricy, perhaps excessively so, but worth it in his view.
Needed:45 Rolled:54+18=72

-There is some grumbling here, some people wish to use the funds for more immediately useful acts, but you manage to argue enough of them down that, with 4:3, the motion passes.
As you relax, word comes in of an incoming ship named the Millenium Falcon; the rescue party for Leia and Ahsoka. However, they have still got to get passed the security ring. Leaning back, you close your eyes. Unbidden, memories enter your head....

MotHER... FaTHer...
Sweet, everything passed with great rolls. That last bit is worrying though.
Just so everybody knows, I added some...very detailed...possible ship design options for the research list on the last page. May have slightly overdone it on the Dreadnought and Assault Carrier options, but hell, who cares about sanity?

Also, 40K-style STCs.

EDIT: OOH, let's add Tactical Antiship Superlasers to the list! :D
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Just so everybody knows, I added some...very detailed...possible ship design options for the research list on the last page. May have slightly overdone it on the Dreadnought and Assault Carrier options, but hell, who cares about sanity?

Also, 40K-style STCs.
Avatar, spinal turbolasers don't work as Turbolasers have a glass ceiling where they stop being cost effective. the largest they get are the quad turrets used by ImpStar IIs.
I love those ship descriptions, but the light carrier wouldn't leave after it launched its fighters, they need someone to return to for repair and rearmament. It could hang back and rely on other ships to defend it, like modern carriers do with their fleets.
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Avatar, spinal turbolasers don't work as Turbolasers have a glass ceiling where they stop being cost effective. the largest they get are the quad turrets used by ImpStar IIs.
Ah, didn't know that. Still, between Spinal Tactical Superlasers and SMACs basically there's a lot of options for DAKKA. :)

I love those ship descriptions, but the light carrier wouldn't leave after it launched its fighters, they need someone to return to for repair and rearmament. It could hang back and rely on other ships to defend it, like modern carriers do with their fleets.
Right, makes total sense. Will alter.
So go with plasma ion combo like the agressor class
I'll think about adding that as a Spinal weapons option, thanks!


Starship Tech:

1. Enhanced Gravity Generators: As well as providing a bonus for and extending the range of Hyperdrive Interdictors, EGGs provide the needed prereqs for Neutronium armor.

2. Neutronium Armor: Theoretically possible with properly-applied antigrav/grav manipulation tech, literally a layer of neutronium that is projected, protected and maintained by redundant EGG distributed networks. Virtually indestructible barring massed enemy fire or direct hits from Spinal weapons such as Tactical Superlasers or SMACs.

3. Nautronium Sabots: Basically a poor man's Vortex Grenade, scaled up for anti-starship use. Designed for SMACs, a massive oversized shell with 2 EGGs generators inside, coating and protecting a penetrating sabot with neutronium. The round is fired, pierces the enemy ship, then the EGGs deliberately overload, and the neutronium destabilizes, acting like the normal laws of physics would have it do all of a sudden (eating large chunks of a ship's internal frame, in short), all while the round is still inside the enemy ship. Yeah, ouch. Can also be used to bombard enemy planets or otherwise immobile fortified positions.

3. Tactical Superlasers: Scaling up superlasers, but not quite to blowing up planets yet, or even small moons. Ships, however...

4. Antiship Heavy Railguns/SMACs: Basically a horrifically huge giant gun firing 1000kg rounds at Ludicrous Speed. The results are quite entertaining.

5. Dual Ion-Plasma Cannon (Spinal): Ion shot fires first, followed immediately after by plasma blast. The ion shot disables shields so the following plasma shot could do maximum damage. Fantastic for causing severe casualties to enemy ships by gutting their insides, while still leaving something for salvage (unlike Neutronium Rounds).

6. Weaponized Tractor Beams: Two modes, coring ships by focusing on a very small part of them, or the classic SF pull-push-pull-push rip apart option. A nice multipurpose weapons that can be tuned to tugging starships below a certain size (500 meters?) lacking FTL drives.

5. MetalStorm Turrets: Lots of dakka in any direction we want. Turrets, pop up and not, meant to complement ground defenses.

2. Ship Design Philosophy (Quality over Quantity): Basically, focusing on building better ships at all costs, at the cost (heh) of being more expensive. However, due to the increased effort put into making really awesome/sturdy designs, the ships can take geometrically more of a pounding, as well as having the same in firepower compared to previous designs. Combines VERY well with Automated Systems (Basic and Advanced).

3. Standard Template Constructors: Basically, developing and implementing 40K-style STCs. All STC Templates for everything are automatically set to Highest Quality.
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are your sure you didn't mean Dreadnoughts should be 1000-2500m long, as even 1000km is impossibly large
A vision huh? Hopefully we won't become Anakin 2.0 if we are careful.

Although I am more worried about all these 40k references. A physical manifestation of the dark side of the force reminds me of something really bad from the Warhammer series.
A vision huh? Hopefully we won't become Anakin 2.0 if we are careful.

Although I am more worried about all these 40k references. A physical manifestation of the dark side of the force reminds me of something really bad from the Warhammer series.
Well, Anaking developed the golden fire eyes after he slaughtered the entire Jedi Temple and thus immersed himself 100% into the Dark Side.

...which doesn't really explain why we almost acquired it after merely killing one guy. Yeah, perhaps that is a bit worrying.
Spinal weapons could be an adapted planetary ion cannon, or maybe a variant of the Malevolence's Ion Pulse Cannon.
Something to assume: if something's not done technologically, there might be a reason. Whatever the external logic, Star Wars has an internal logic, and if a type of technology or laser or weapon-system isn't widely used, than either they are missing the implications of a new technology or it's simply not a good system.

As a general rule, people aren't stupid.
Something to assume: if something's not done technologically, there might be a reason. Whatever the external logic, Star Wars has an internal logic, and if a type of technology or laser or weapon-system isn't widely used, than either they are missing the implications of a new technology or it's simply not a good system.

As a general rule, people aren't stupid.

I don't know about that. In comparison to the Old Republic and now, it seems like technology has either regressed or have been in stasis for a long time. Maybe there was some kind of powerful political group that discouraged the development of new technology. Like the Adeptus Mechanicus.
One thing to keep in mind is just how old civilisation is in the Star Wars galaxy. In the real world our oldest historical records date back about five thousand years to when mankind was living in mud huts. In Star Wars humans have been flying around the galaxy in hyperdrive-capable ships for five times that length of time.
I don't know about that. In comparison to the Old Republic and now, it seems like technology has either regressed or have been in stasis for a long time. Maybe there was some kind of powerful political group that discouraged the development of new technology. Like the Adeptus Mechanicus.
I headcanon that the apparently unchanging nature of Star Wars tech is because most of the improvements are "Under the hood", so to say, where they would remain unseen. Such is certainly canon for this quest.

Well, Anaking developed the golden fire eyes after he slaughtered the entire Jedi Temple and thus immersed himself 100% into the Dark Side.

...which doesn't really explain why we almost acquired it after merely killing one guy. Yeah, perhaps that is a bit worrying.

This was Tellus' face at the time. 30 years worth of repressed emotion coming out in a single moment might have some bad effects. Who could have guessed?
8. Dreadnoughts:
- Size: 1000-2500m long.
- Systems: Emphasis on supreme amounts of high-powered long-range and short-range firepower/armaments, 1x Spinal Tactical Superlaser OR 2x Heavy Antiship Railgun (SMAC basically), as well as being ridiculously over-engineered and armored/shielded (level 3 heavy armor, Heavy PDS, Heavy Shields) to withstand virtually low-level Death Star prototype-level shots.

I thought the armor on the sun crusher was the only thing to even have a chance in hell of that of that, and its impossible to mass produce. I can not recall anything in the galaxy capable of tanking that.

Even low yield shots were shown obliterating star cruisers in RoTJ.
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are your sure you didn't mean Dreadnoughts should be 1000-2500m long, as even 1000km is impossibly large
Yeah, 1000 km is a bit much.
So how about 260km?

Sure it takes 6 million men to crew and it may be excessive to be able to fit Super Star Destroyers in the main hanger bay along with multiple Imperial class Star Destroyers in the side bays. But I think it has potential. Nobody would ever expect it to be built!