Star Wars: Rebellion

Well, there goes Corellia.

Eh, only thing I'm upset about is Farm. Without his influence, we'll have to step up.
Rolling for 2 or more planets being blown up. Hoping for a nat 1!!

I want to see the chaos this caused.

Edit: Damn!
AZATHOTHoth threw 1 2-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
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Wait... if Corellia was one of the potential targets, what where the other two?

Turn 19 Results
Turn 19
BBY 0 (Note: this turn will be 1/2 year)

"I distinctly recall ordering you to evacuate, General. You don't just get to ignore my orders because you feel like it, Garm. We have a chain of command, we have rules. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"We're rebels, aren't we? It's our job to save the people from the Empire, and right here, right now, is the place to do it. Corellia is where we can do that, where the foe can be stopped. Come down here, so we can save them all."

Martial: You can feel the fires of war around you. Imperium Delenda Est.

Tanks But No Tanks: "Poor" is no longer an apt descriptor for yourself and your Rebel Cell. You can afford to pay the exorbitant costs of Taggeco without breaking the bank, helped by the fact that they are willing to be surprisingly generous for a Megacorp. It will be expensive- but will fill up your vehicle bay as much as possible with fairly decent tanks.

-You have accepted the contract. One-Hundred tanks in total might not seem like much, but they have an advantage that had not occurred to you earlier: They are, for tanks at least, not out of the ordinary. Being properly deployed to the right planet, they are not going to bring much attention until you start the battle. This is unlikely to last forever, but should be good for at least the first real battle until word leaks out.
Reward:+1 Strikebreaker Unit for 9 turns

Planned Assault(Minor): Om has come up with a list of the Death Camps that are lightly guarded enough for you to hit. Thousands of beings die each day in them, and you hope you will be capable of liberating them soon.
Needed:35 Rolled:11+25=36

-You nearly lose it all. The Imperials almost detect your soldiers hidden in the Strikebreakers, almost shoot down the Lambda containing the Wookiees. However, 'almost' only counts in artillery, and the plan works. The Warriors smash down, tearing through the command center, while your soldiers set to work moving the victims out, stabilizing and saving those they can and moving the survivors into Alliance care, while those less fortunate are buried or otherwise given a final send off with all the dignity you can muster for them. Ten-thousand soldiers join on after the Liberation, while 50,000 credits worth of loot are found.
Reward: 20,000 Alliance Troopers, +50,000 Credits

Diplomacy: You have your plans, your job and your needs.

Kashyyyk, Fight!: There is a strong undercurrent of resistance on Kashyyyk. You think there may very well be enough there to forge an underground cell on the planet, one which will ignite the fires of Rebellion that have burnt so long in that Forest World and bring them to the Alliance.

-Before, there were Rebels galore on the planet of Kashyyyk. After, there is not a soul who would not fight, would not die to see the damned Sith hung from the rafters. They will be more than a cell, more than just a nuisance. They will be something greater.

Resistance: The League Of Five Worlds joined the Rebellion, helped to found it. However, it does not represent all the rebel cells on those worlds, only the largest and most successful. You are a face well respected by the inhabitants of the League, and as such, Bail has requested you attempt to get these minor cells to join with the alliance.

-If the Empire truly is so willing to slaughter its citizens, to slaughter their own people, Alien or no, then why should anyone, any being, ever wish to fight for them? These cells will not only fight for you, they shall fight with strength and vigor that only cornered prey can.

Stewardship: The Ion Cannon should be ready this year.

Ion Cannon(Ruusan): The temple must not fall. Build an ion cannon, and you can make very, very sure them damn kids stay off your lawn. As a bonus, being built by you on what may as well be your planet will keep costs low and ensure that there will be no lack of acceptance for the idea.

-The Ion Cannon is on track to be finished by the end of the year.

Alcove: You'd like to see what could be done with the high ground in the caverns that you excavated last year. Maybe some bigger guns could be set into the recessed rock? Only one way to find out.
Needed:30 Rolled:49

-As it turns out, they're the perfect place to put Anti-Air guns, modified Kuszas to be exact. Something A'Sarhad and Graun are both thankful of when they have to evacuate without your help. Raking the skies with fire, they ensure that the A-55s are capable of getting out without being slowed by the enemy. Of course, there's a new problem as well: The Empire has blockaded Taris.​

Reward: Anti-Air guns worth 4,000 credits, had an easier time evacuating,???​

Learning: Always so busy.

Droid Production: Producing Droids is expensive but very necessary, a key component for any modern fighting force. You have the scientists, the engineers, the keys to the kingdom as it were. Now, you just need to use them

-Work continues, though having to evacuate right in the middle of the year was pretty distracting.​

Lightning Fists: A few ideas have entered your head, as you said before. You aren't saying you particularly think having to punch someone right in the face is a thing your soldiers will generally have to do. However, if they have to, being capable of using electricity when they do ought to be pretty nice.​

-You are the first wielder of the "Power Glove", as some soldiers have derisively taken to calling it. With electrical circuitry and power supplies placed inside your gauntlet and running up and down the whole of your crystalline arm, the thrumming energy fueling it. It's not perfect, and is slightly off-looking, but on the other hand you can cook half-a-kilo worth of bantha steak well done in about three minutes using it, so there's clearly potential there.​

Piety: You're a busy man.

Theological Argument: The Jedi before the Purge were not allowed to marry or have relations with a few exceptions. You doubt anyone will particularly care about what you and Mira have- and even if they do, it's none of their damn business- but constant and open communication will be the key to the Jedi Revival. Bring it before your comrades, so that you might put that requirement in the trash, where it belongs.​

Needed:20 Reward: 56+10=66​

-There is not a soul willing to let such a base division stop the Jedi from fighting Palpatine. The Orthodox faction is quite willing to let you have this, in order to facilitate unity. The Jedi are many things, but when the chips come down, they are servants of the peace, of the galaxy, of the Light, and to let petty squabbles and division stop that is the height of foolishness. Give it to the end of the year, and you should face no real problems.​

For The Light (Conversion): Asajj has infiltrated the Dark Side cell. Composed of twenty individuals, it consists of Dark Jedi who were led by the self-proclaimed "Dark Lord Of The Sith" Leroy Marchand, and his "Apprentice" Dacks Star. You have two real plans to deal with them.​

You were a servant of the Dark Side once, as was Asajj, and a good sized chunk of the people who serve the Rebellion even now. You will not damn them to die like this. Instead, Asajj will attempt to convert them to the Light. Dangerous, but if it succeeds, worthwhile.
Needed:50 Roll:12+30=42 Revan Reroll:2+40=42​

-They have become convinced that the Empire wields a superweapons of dreadful majesty and terrible power, the Dark Side made manifest. You are not sure you can fault them.​

Intrigue: Work has continued on the Slave uprisings.
(Pick 1)​

Slaves: No more shall slavers hunt down innocent beings, no more shall the Galaxy run on the back of innocent being. Jorek Laforge has connections in the form of old friends, slaves one and all, through whom he can influence an uprising much like the one that struck at the Hutts amongst the Imperials and their oppressed victims.
Needed:40 Rolled:1+10=11 Reroll:26+10=36
-Chewbacca and Han have been reassigned to the Princess' rescue mission, along with Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.​

Punishment: You have the criminals responsible for these atrocities in your sites, their names and ranks, where they are stationed. The Evocii have volunteered to put them down, to get what justice may be found for these murdered souls.
Needed:20 Rolled:82+10=92​

-Far and away your finest agent in this is an Evocii named Frank Castle as a cruel joke by his Hutt masters. He slaughters the madmen without remorse or hesitation. It's almost...frightening, really, watching him work.​

Personal: Your shoulder still twinges, every once in a while.

Vacation On Alderaan: Mira has a plan to spend some time together. You can't say you're overly opposed to the idea. After what happened last year, you must confess to fantasizing about it a bit.​

-It's...nice, relaxing with Mira. The both of you just decompress, and relax. She takes very good care of you, confining you to bed as your shoulder and, unbeknownst to her, patience heal from the wounds of last year, just in time for the Advisory Council meeting.
Reward: Dark Side Corruption strangled in the crib, lose trait wounded​

Minister Of War: As Minister Of War, you are responsible for the Alliance Military, and have resources dispatched to you and what you scrounge up on your own to get the army of the Alliance ready for battle and to restore Justice to the Galaxy. You can spend more than your budget, but if you do, you can expect to make the difference up yourself out of your own pocket.

X-Wing Conversion: The T-65 is ready to be pushed into production. Being part and parcel of Incom, they are willing to sell at a much reduced rate compared to how much they would normally be charging for the first contract: five Squadrons worth, for 150,000 credits in total. Still pretty damn expensive, but not as much as they will be charging.​

-They are certainly expensive, but should be well worth it- they blow the old Headhunters out of the water. The Pilots acclaim them, the ships being superior to TIE-fighters and easily blowing them out of the water. As a spot of even further good news, their controls are similar enough to the Z-95 controls that you can already pilot them, no extra training required. The older fighters have been mostly relegated to Base Defense, while the X-Wings have been sent on patrol with the Fleet.
Reward: 5 Squadrons of X-Wings​

Folding In: Fold your part of the Army in with the Alliance as a whole. This will make it easier for your improvements to filter down through the ranks, and vice-versa. This ought to be fairly cheap.​

-The Soldiers have already begun to acclimate to their new base, the old troopers and others moving into Barracks at least twice as large as their old ones. This has also exposed you to something important:​

Your soldiers are the closest thing to elites you've got. The Assault troopers especially have been in high demand, the soldiers fighting like they had ten times their numbers. You can use this…
Reward:Taris Cell Folded into Rebel Command,???​

Rebellion Morale: Determined​

Rebel News:

Kidnap: Ahsoka Tano and Princess Leia have been captured, the Torgruta and Princess having been stopped by the evil Darth Vader. A striketeam, consisting of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca the Wookiee has been assembled to save her and get the plans from the Bothans to Alliance High Command.​

Blockade Strengthened: A second Star Destroyer has been deployed to Corellia's blockade, reinforcing the minor fleet already stationed there even further.​

Praxeum Roll: 98+17=115/50=16
Temple Roll: 82+17=99/60=10​

Jedi Knights/Masters:180+26=206
Senior Padawans:102+6=108​

Imperial Suspicion:16%

-As it turns out, yes, you can rebuild an entire order in the shadows. It feels good turning the weapons of the Sith onto their wielder.
Advisory council meeting will be up soon.

Just so it's clear, you haven't seen the thing yet.
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Aww, those were some unfortunate failures, but not that bad overall. Time to bail on Taris though, it served us well and helped us prepare for the GCW that should be starting shortly.
Well, THAT's not the bad news? Our Master captured, the Princess too, our planet blockaded, failing several important rolls...and THAT's not the bad news?
Ahsoka and Leia have some of the Alliance's best heading to their rescue, we'll run the hell out of the blockade, and those failures have only delayed stuff, not failed it outright.
Kidnap: Ahsoka Tano and Princess Leia have been captured, the Torgruta and Princess having been stopped by the evil Darth Vader. A striketeam, consisting of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca the Wookiee has been assembled to save her and get the plans from the Bothans to Alliance High Command.
Dammit, will We have to save them ourselves.
No shit Sherlock.

We need to get them clear NOW. Because Ashoka's survival is slim, unless, of course, you think Vader is going to go soft on "Snips".
Our problem is getting out from under the blockade.Because Suddenly Blockade! isn't something I saw coming. I thought we would have some sort of warning or something. A chance to flee.
Our problem is getting out from under the blockade.Because Suddenly Blockade! isn't something I saw coming. I thought we would have some sort of warning or something. A chance to flee.
Few X-Wings, one small freighter, and we'll be able to get a team out to free them.

As for getting them out though.... There are a LOT of detention cells on the Star.

Jedi Robes make it clear who you are, and why you're here. Sliding into the conference room, you nod to the Secretary Of The Council, an as of yet unrevealed Jedi setting the Holo up. Proposal after proposal from the Ministers of Education, Industry, Finance, State, Supply, play before you go. You despise politicking; Needs must, though.

How This Works, and What You're Here For: Tycho Nalle left a fortune worth 100,000,000 credits from his criminal enterprises. 20,000,000 of that was already earmarked for the Minister of Finance, to reinvest; the Minister Of Education, to get a fully fledged intelligence network in Imperial Territory; and the Ministers Of Supply and Industry, to keep the War-machine fed. A very small portion of that is still useable and renewable, but for the most part, you have received a windfall that cannot be easily recreated. You have proposals of your own you would like to get through, and the easiest way to do that is to get support from the fellows of the council. Each has a vote, including the secretary, for a total of seven votes, counting your own, which can most easily be gained by supporting the proposals of each, to act as a bonus for your own rolls. You can count on the Minister Of Supply and Education to back you.

First, your proposals:

Minor: Mercenary- There is an overabundance of guns for hire in the Galaxy, a truly extraordinary amount. You would like to tap into this Manpower by getting contracts with as many guns for hire as can be found on 5,000,000 credits. (Cost:5,000,000 credits. Reward: A Shitton of mooks. Chance Of Passing before support: 80%

Major: Shipyard- The Mon Cala Shipyards and Incom have jointly approached with a deal for you: 10,000,000 credits to build a new shipyard on the "neutral" Mon Cala, in exchange for massively reduced rates on Warships- from the biggest to the smallest, X-Wing to Cruiser.
(Cost: 10,000,000 Million Credits, Reward: Much Easier Access to Warships, massively reduced costs, Chance Of Passing before support :60%)

Massive: Officers Everywhere- It's very simple: you would like to build an officer program equal to the Empire's, with a first facility in the Vergesso Asteroid Field- a space station loaded for war and ready to fight, with the added bonus of being well and truly stealthy. What would take years becomes a matter of months as you blow fully a quarter of the fortune on building and staffing it. (Cost: 25,000,000 credits, Reward:Excellent Officer Program far more quickly, Chance Of Passing before support :40%)

Minister Of State:
[] Minor: Outer Rim Incendiary-
there are plenty of planetary governments who are most unsatisfied with the Empire, such as Taris. Minister Idoni would like to attempt to incite these governments to Rebellion, no matter how slight or how great, from workplace strikes to full on secession; each, no matter how petty, strikes at the foundation of the Empire, and makes it bleed.
(Cost: 3,000,000 Credits, Reward: Rebellion by planetary government, Chance Of Passing without you:80%)

[] Massive: Buying Bothawui- Idoni would like to purchase the services of the entirety of the Famed Bothan Spy Network, to keep up to date with every diplomatic incident, faux pas, and other flaw or error he can use diplomatically. You would also benefit from this- but by the Stars would it be expensive!
(Cost: 30,000,000 credits, Reward: Services Of the Bothan Spy Network, Chance Of Passing Without You: 45%)

Minister Of Industry: Minister of Industry Wayne has only one request and Proposal to bring before you all, the rest already payed for by the earmarked money.

Massive: Raxus- Wayne would like to build a truly stupendous amount of massive factories on Raxus Prime, the Junkyard planet. He hopes to turn the truly gargantuan amounts of scrap metal on the planet towards funding the war machine and building the many weapons and ships required to fight the Empire and win, on the one planet where they will not immediately look. Pricy, perhaps excessively so, but worth it in his view.
(Cost:40,000,000 Credits, Reward: Gigantic factories on Raxus Prime, Chance Of Passage: 40%)

Special: Secretary- Arthur Pendragon is many things, but corrupt is not one of them. That being said, he has requested that you support a proposal to purchase a modified CR90 for "Diplomatic Missions". You know that it plays into the council's preferred strategy to reveal themselves, but they've kept that close to the chest for various reasons. (Cost: 6,000,000 credits, Reward: Stealth CR90, Chance Of Passage Without You:30%)
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