Star Wars: Rebellion

Yeah, 1000 km is a bit much.
So how about 260km?

Sure it takes 6 million men to crew and it may be excessive to be able to fit Super Star Destroyers in the main hanger bay along with multiple Imperial class Star Destroyers in the side bays. But I think it has potential. Nobody would ever expect it to be built!
Honestly would this be more difficult than building and manning a deathstar?
Ehh. I really doubt we will have Star Destroyers during the rebellion. Those things really stick out and projects of those size are pretty much impossible to hide. The Empire would probably notice a massive amount of personal and resources going into those places and quickly find the factory in question.

Once the Empire is destroyed and the Republic is reformed, that might be a different story.
Ehh. I really doubt we will have Star Destroyers during the rebellion. Those things really stick out and projects of those size are pretty much impossible to hide. The Empire would probably notice a massive amount of personal and resources going into those places and quickly find the factory in question.

Once the Empire is destroyed and the Republic is reformed, that might be a different story.
If I recall correctly, the New Republic had no problems with fielding captured Star Destroyers.
Voikirium can you give a short and long introduction for both quest for the TV tropes pages, please.

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Yes and this is far bigger the the Executor, which is the tiny ship under the main star destroyer
I think for Heavy Capships, we should probably go with a Dreadnought-ish design....A big ugly Fucker with thick armor and a lot of guns, designed to slug it out with 2 or more SDs and come out on top....

Maybee a secondary Fast/Light Battleship Design to fill out our Heavy Naval Forces?

Honestly, a lighter and faster navy would be a good idea, but we would still need a Dreadnought Class to be able to help us through Slugging Matches.
M30Cs and Nebulon B's would be good as a stopgap until we get proper cruisers. Also Assault frigate mk 2s. Always had a soft spot for that one--
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My full idea.

Light Saws: by using fragments of a lightsaber crystal we have created a chainsaw with light saber edges. This spinning fury of death will touch your heart...and rip it out.

Laser vision: By putting lasers in your visor you can have eye beams. Sure, it blinds you while using it, but that can be dealt with later.

This was Tellus' face at the time. 30 years worth of repressed emotion coming out in a single moment might have some bad effects. Who could have guessed?

I'm with the GM on this.

Tellus fought through the clone wars, enduring who knows what. He took part in the early-Imperial purges cementing Palpatine's rule doing horrible things. He fought for another 5-10 years as an Imperial, and we all know what that was like. And on top of everything else, leading a rebellion against the Empire for the past 16 years.
I'm with the GM on this.

Tellus fought through the clone wars, enduring who knows what. He took part in the early-Imperial purges cementing Palpatine's rule doing horrible things. He fought for another 5-10 years as an Imperial, and we all know what that was like. And on top of everything else, leading a rebellion against the Empire for the past 16 years.
I was actually talking about the half of his parental issues that don't come from dear old dad. That said, Tellus has a lot of shit going on inside.
Bad News Bears
Bad News Bears

Mists cloud your vision, the Force granting you a warning. A space station hangs over a peaceful planet, Talus in the Corell system. Green light runs into the center of an circular space that you instantly know can be nothing good, where it lashes out and, in an instant, Talus is obliterated. Millions of souls die screaming, and you can hear their end.

... Shaking your head, you return to reality soon enough. You are finally face to face with the Son Of Skywalker, your Master scarred but still alive, as is Leia. "Master Othello, I have awful news. The Empire has a new superweapon, they called it the Death Star. It destroyed Talus, the entire planet wiped from the galaxy in a second. I felt the Force scream and then simply stop. They've placed it as part of the blockade around Corellia. They've threatened to destroy the planet, unless the Rebel Alliance, all of it, turns itself in within the next week. There's three-billion people on the surface; we can't just let them all die!"

"We won't."

Just then, your holo flashes to life, Shaak Ti calling in from the temple. "We heard. Tellus, there are literally billions of people on the planet. The Jedi will not sit back and watch as defenseless people are slaughtered, entire planets killed. You are the general: Use us, and save Corellia."

"Enough!" Your hand crashes into the table, making a good sized dent in the wood. "This is not the time to panic, not the time to lose our command of our faculties. Now is the time for us to come together. Akbar, gather the Fleet, send one of the CR90s to make a pickup at these coordinates." There is silence, and that is all. "Well? What are you sitting there slackjawed and buggy eyed for? Get to it!"

That sets them off, and you are soon surrounded by a flurry of activity. This will be the sink or swim moment, when it all comes together or everything falls apart. The Empire will be merciless, the foe cruel and uncaring. But you have plans for a similar situation- not exact, but similar:

[] The Scalpel That Is Driven By The Hammer: The Death Star has one critical weakness, an exhaust port that a Fighter can exploit to blow the whole thing to hell. However, that weakness is currently blocked by the Star Destroyer Impediment, and the roughly twenty ships that are also part of the blockade of Corellia. The other ships are all quite stoppable by your own fleet, but the Impediment will require some finesse- A strike team, lead by yourself, that will at worst distract the crew from firing on your ships and will, at best, bring the whole thing tumbling down.

[] False Surrender: "Surrendering" to Grand Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader, you and the other Rebel Leaders will endure torment. However, this will cause the Death Star to be lured to Yavin, where your Fighters will battle the Death Star and, if the Force is with you, destroy it, while you escape before it explodes. This will require hiding your Jedi nature from Vader.

[]Write In- In a matter of hours, new plans came to you. (Write In.)

Jedi Deployment:

[] With You

[] With The Fleet, as fighter support
[X] The Scalpel That Is Driven By The Hammer
[X] With The Fleet, as fighter support

Nope, not gonna rely on pulling a fast one on Vader. And the Jedi are much better used taking on the Death Star.

Talus, huh? Makes sense that the Emperor would want to debut his superweapon where all the attention is. Oh and with Alderan still around I think that mean Bail didn't die along with the people there like in canon.
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thoughts on the phesabilty of mass boarding opperations upon the Death Star? Possibly combined with a external strike to simply disable the super laser?

It would be a high risk all or nothing strike, but extremely interesting win or lose or even a partial victory.

Let's do something diffrent for a change and take a major risk.
thoughts on the phesabilty of mass boarding opperations upon the Death Star? Possibly combined with a external strike to simply disable the super laser?

It would be a high risk all or nothing strike, but extremely interesting win or lose or even a partial victory.

Let's do something diffrent for a change and take a major risk.
Far too big to possibly hold onto if we can take it, and it should have waaaaay more infantry than we can take on. We know how to destroy it, and have Jedi far more skilled than Luke was in canon to make the shot.
[X] The Scalpel That Is Driven By The Hammer
[X] With The Fleet, as fighter support

if this mission works the empire will NEVER live it down. their threating on of the most important worlds in the galaxy on a public broadcast and then it gets blown up by a snub fighter strike. Not only will they have lost most if not all of what little good will they had left in the galaxy they'll get bearded in the process.

The Tarkin doctrine will be shattered by this.
Well we're in the Corellian System.

If I was metaing, I'd say use Centerpoint Station's tractor beam cannon to blow up the Death Star.
Though there is the small problem of an entire city living in the firing chamber.
...ooh I just realized something. Vader leads a TIE fighter wing to stop the Alliance attack in canon, and Ahsoka's sure to be flying on our side. That's going to be a unpleasant reunion between former master and student :(