Star Wars An Officer and a Traitor (NO SV, you are an Imperial Officer and Traitor)

Adhoc vote count started by Magoose on Dec 4, 2022 at 12:36 AM, finished with 52 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Meet the Rebels with X-Wings
    -[X]Those who Fight Monsters: You and the Constatnists have not met, and you need to meet them all, see their loyalty, and once assessed… plot. You will need it. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of success: 50% Reward: You meet the men and women who think they are on the right side on the Doctrine wars. Well at least your side.
    -[X]We Are Soldiers without an Army: You need to find the Rebels and find out just what they are, and if you can offer any support. Your reputation. Cost 1000 Credits: Chance of Success: ??? Reward: You begin hunting down rebel cells that are actively fighting the empire.
    -[X]The Incom inquisition: it seems many incom engineers are trying to flee the empire with many trying and failing to run the blokades to the outer rim. You can change that. Cost 500 chance of success: 45% Rewaard: the X-wing project will remain unknown to imperial forces.
    -[X]Who is Loyal?: Loyalty is a Dying virtue these days, but something close to it can be found if you look hard enough. If not, you'll just use other methods to get the job done. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of Success: Various. Reward: You learn who is actually loyal to you, and to the Republic…
    -[X]My Daddy Was a Minner: You wish to meet with the union group, and see just how much craziness they are getting up to. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: You meet with the union men, and start planning some terrible things for the Empire.
    -[X]Gunrunning and other Signs of Trouble: You need to get them Weapons… and soon. Cost: 1000 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: You arm the Rebels.
    [X]Plan: I'm A Good Moff, I Swear
    -[X]His Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition 400c
    -[X]Those who Fight Monsters 100c
    -[X]Bullets and Blasters 100c
    -[X]Laundering and other Signs of Morality 100c
    -[X]My Daddy Was a Minner 100c
    -[X]Gunrunning and other Signs of Trouble: You need to get them Weapons… and soon. Cost: 1000 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: You arm the Rebels. 1000c
    [X]Plan Hidden Rebel
    -[X]Meeting the Senators: You seem to have Friends in the Senate it seems, those that wish to hold many of the more… Lines that won't be crossed. Cost 100 Credits Chance of Success: 70% Reward: You meet with Members of the Senate that are more, conservative. To draw heat away from you.
    -[X]Liaison with Local Forces: You need to make sure local forces aren't doing… too well. Cost 100 Chance of Success: Various. Reward: You work with local forces, and can prevent more rebel forces from getting captured
    -[X]The Supply Situation of Imperial Security: You want to find out just what the Imperial Army is doing with the supplies. You also want to make sure you have your men well, and not screwed over. Perhaps then, there will be time to bring men to you. Cost 300 Credits: Chance of Success: 50% Reward: You learn what the Imperial Army is doing with your supply, as well as what your other Moffs are doing with them.
    -[X]How to Make Things, Disappear: You need to start planning for money and supplies to disappear here. Cost 200 Chance of success: 90% Reward: So, you play a little game. Involving imperial tax law. So predictable.
    -[X]My Daddy Was a Minner: You wish to meet with the union group, and see just how much craziness they are getting up to. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: You meet with the union men, and start planning some terrible things for the Empire.
    -[X]The Rebel Palpatine: Luthen Rael, a name you have only heard once. But they are all whispered. And some say he is a part of some rebel cell that has influence all over the Galaxy. Cost 300 Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: You meet the man who many call The great master of the Rebellion.
    [X]Plan Networking with X-wings
    -[X]His Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition: So… there is an opposition in the Senate?! How drunk are they just to even consider themselves… Actually, wait, let's not finish that sentence. They are your friends, soon enough, and you fear that you may need them soon enough. Cost 400 Credits. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: You meet his Majesty's most Loyal Opposition. And possibly their Leader. Bail Organa.
    -[X]We Are Soldiers without an Army: You need to find the Rebels and find out just what they are, and if you can offer any support. Your reputation. Cost 1000 Credits: Chance of Success: ??? Reward: You begin hunting down rebel cells that are actively fighting the empire.
    -[X]Operational Paper Clips: Office Supplies, we steal them, we screw with them, and we make fun of those who use them…but those have a very important role within the bureaucracy, and securing them will make things easier. If nothing else…we can bribe people with them. you'd be surprised how much that it's worth. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of Success: 45% Reward: You begin stealing office supplies, and perhaps start getting men to follow your lead.
    -[X]Political Commissars: Ah, ISB. You hate these bastards, but you need to know just exactly what they are looking for. Or rather, who wants to make things… interesting. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of Success: 55% Reward: You learn of the ISB's Whereabouts and their objectives.
    -[X]My Daddy Was a Minner: You wish to meet with the union group, and see just how much craziness they are getting up to. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: You meet with the union men, and start planning some terrible things for the Empire.
    -[X]The Incom inquisition: it seems many incom engineers are trying to flee the empire with many trying and failing to run the blokades to the outer rim. You can change that. Cost 500 chance of success: 45% Rewaard: the X-wing project will remain unknown to imperial forces.
    [X] Plan Meet the Rebels
    -[X]Those who Fight Monsters: You and the Constatnists have not met, and you need to meet them all, see their loyalty, and once assessed… plot. You will need it. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of success: 50% Reward: You meet the men and women who think they are on the right side on the Doctrine wars. Well at least your side.
    -[X]We Are Soldiers without an Army: You need to find the Rebels and find out just what they are, and if you can offer any support. Your reputation. Cost 1000 Credits: Chance of Success: ??? Reward: You begin hunting down rebel cells that are actively fighting the empire.
    -[X]Who is Loyal?: Loyalty is a Dying virtue these days, but something close to it can be found if you look hard enough. If not, you'll just use other methods to get the job done. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of Success: Various. Reward: You learn who is actually loyal to you, and to the Republic…
    -[X]My Daddy Was a Minner: You wish to meet with the union group, and see just how much craziness they are getting up to. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: You meet with the union men, and start planning some terrible things for the Empire.
    -[X]The Walking Carpet: So... Wookies? He decided to waste valuable... Resources and money, on rescuing Wookies? Can't really fault him for it... Who is that? Cost: 300 Chance of Success: 70% Reward: You meet Solo's new Crew member.
    -[X]Gunrunning and other Signs of Trouble: You need to get them Weapons… and soon. Cost: 1000 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: You arm the Rebels.
    [X]Plan: I'm A Good Moff, I Swear (cleptomania edition)
    -[X]Operational Paper Clips 100c
    -[X]Those who Fight Monsters 100c
    -[X]Bullets and Blasters 100c
    -[X]Laundering and other Signs of Morality 100c
    -[X]My Daddy Was a Minner 100c
    -[X]Gunrunning and other Signs of Trouble: You need to get them Weapons… and soon. Cost: 1000 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: You arm the Rebels. 1000c
Honestly, so far, we are kinda on that sort of path, what with our stunts having a tendency to go quite beyond what we anticipated.

First, while we mentioned the possibility, I suspect our MS was surprised by the big split he catalyzed through his raking of the Tarkin Doctrine.
Then there is his investigations and forming connections with the unions that lit a bonfire he didn't notice till he set the empire aflame.
The the good thing about being a good person in a position where those with (nominal) offical power can here us is sometimes they actually listen, meaning sometimes we can get them to actually fix things.

In many ways, we seem to be the anti-accelerationist. By trying to put in reforms, we are helping to provide the revolution with the fuel it needs to grow.
At the rate things seem to be escalating, I wouldn't be surprised if Vader decides to add some fuel of his own..

Going Hutt hunting perhaps? All this chaos will probably have Jabba trying to make bank at the Empires expense..
its not that they are escalating. they are just being brought to the surface faster then they were in canon, and before the REbel Alliance was formed.

Besides, Bail and company have lots of things to thank us for.
We have the best cover: Everything else is on fire while we arent. And we can honestly admit that we didnt expect us fixing issues with workplace safety here would somehow turn into a general galaxy-wide strike.
We have the best cover: Everything else is on fire while we arent. And we can honestly admit that we didnt expect us fixing issues with workplace safety here would somehow turn into a general galaxy-wide strike.
There isn't a general strike yet.

Only in the mid rim...

That is about to change. :V
Galen Erso's wife Lyra is a naturalist who also happens to study the history and philosophy of the Jedi and is the primary source of Galen's pacifism. He's more of a "science for science's sake" guy.
I will say that having read the book knowing she was going to be shot was one of the ways I got through her chapters. She was that holier than thou. If I ever rewatch Rouge One when the Death Troopers shoot her I will be overjoyed at that scene.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Magoose on Dec 2, 2022 at 11:22 PM, finished with 71 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Meet the Rebels with X-Wings
    -[X]Those who Fight Monsters: You and the Constatnists have not met, and you need to meet them all, see their loyalty, and once assessed… plot. You will need it. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of success: 50% Reward: You meet the men and women who think they are on the right side on the Doctrine wars. Well at least your side.
    -[X]We Are Soldiers without an Army: You need to find the Rebels and find out just what they are, and if you can offer any support. Your reputation. Cost 1000 Credits: Chance of Success: ??? Reward: You begin hunting down rebel cells that are actively fighting the empire.
    -[X]The Incom inquisition: it seems many incom engineers are trying to flee the empire with many trying and failing to run the blokades to the outer rim. You can change that. Cost 500 chance of success: 45% Rewaard: the X-wing project will remain unknown to imperial forces.
    -[X]Who is Loyal?: Loyalty is a Dying virtue these days, but something close to it can be found if you look hard enough. If not, you'll just use other methods to get the job done. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of Success: Various. Reward: You learn who is actually loyal to you, and to the Republic…
    -[X]My Daddy Was a Minner: You wish to meet with the union group, and see just how much craziness they are getting up to. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: You meet with the union men, and start planning some terrible things for the Empire.
    -[X]Gunrunning and other Signs of Trouble: You need to get them Weapons… and soon. Cost: 1000 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: You arm the Rebels.
    [X]Plan: I'm A Good Moff, I Swear
    -[X]His Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition 400c
    -[X]Those who Fight Monsters 100c
    -[X]Bullets and Blasters 100c
    -[X]Laundering and other Signs of Morality 100c
    -[X]My Daddy Was a Minner 100c
    -[X]Gunrunning and other Signs of Trouble: You need to get them Weapons… and soon. Cost: 1000 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: You arm the Rebels. 1000c
    [X]Plan Hidden Rebel
    -[X]Meeting the Senators: You seem to have Friends in the Senate it seems, those that wish to hold many of the more… Lines that won't be crossed. Cost 100 Credits Chance of Success: 70% Reward: You meet with Members of the Senate that are more, conservative. To draw heat away from you.
    -[X]Liaison with Local Forces: You need to make sure local forces aren't doing… too well. Cost 100 Chance of Success: Various. Reward: You work with local forces, and can prevent more rebel forces from getting captured
    -[X]The Supply Situation of Imperial Security: You want to find out just what the Imperial Army is doing with the supplies. You also want to make sure you have your men well, and not screwed over. Perhaps then, there will be time to bring men to you. Cost 300 Credits: Chance of Success: 50% Reward: You learn what the Imperial Army is doing with your supply, as well as what your other Moffs are doing with them.
    -[X]How to Make Things, Disappear: You need to start planning for money and supplies to disappear here. Cost 200 Chance of success: 90% Reward: So, you play a little game. Involving imperial tax law. So predictable.
    -[X]My Daddy Was a Minner: You wish to meet with the union group, and see just how much craziness they are getting up to. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: You meet with the union men, and start planning some terrible things for the Empire.
    -[X]The Rebel Palpatine: Luthen Rael, a name you have only heard once. But they are all whispered. And some say he is a part of some rebel cell that has influence all over the Galaxy. Cost 300 Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: You meet the man who many call The great master of the Rebellion.
    [X]Plan Networking with X-wings
    -[X]His Majesty's Most Loyal Opposition: So… there is an opposition in the Senate?! How drunk are they just to even consider themselves… Actually, wait, let's not finish that sentence. They are your friends, soon enough, and you fear that you may need them soon enough. Cost 400 Credits. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: You meet his Majesty's most Loyal Opposition. And possibly their Leader. Bail Organa.
    -[X]We Are Soldiers without an Army: You need to find the Rebels and find out just what they are, and if you can offer any support. Your reputation. Cost 1000 Credits: Chance of Success: ??? Reward: You begin hunting down rebel cells that are actively fighting the empire.
    -[X]Operational Paper Clips: Office Supplies, we steal them, we screw with them, and we make fun of those who use them…but those have a very important role within the bureaucracy, and securing them will make things easier. If nothing else…we can bribe people with them. you'd be surprised how much that it's worth. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of Success: 45% Reward: You begin stealing office supplies, and perhaps start getting men to follow your lead.
    -[X]Political Commissars: Ah, ISB. You hate these bastards, but you need to know just exactly what they are looking for. Or rather, who wants to make things… interesting. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of Success: 55% Reward: You learn of the ISB's Whereabouts and their objectives.
    -[X]My Daddy Was a Minner: You wish to meet with the union group, and see just how much craziness they are getting up to. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: You meet with the union men, and start planning some terrible things for the Empire.
    -[X]The Incom inquisition: it seems many incom engineers are trying to flee the empire with many trying and failing to run the blokades to the outer rim. You can change that. Cost 500 chance of success: 45% Rewaard: the X-wing project will remain unknown to imperial forces.
    [X] Plan Meet the Rebels
    -[X]Those who Fight Monsters: You and the Constatnists have not met, and you need to meet them all, see their loyalty, and once assessed… plot. You will need it. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of success: 50% Reward: You meet the men and women who think they are on the right side on the Doctrine wars. Well at least your side.
    -[X]We Are Soldiers without an Army: You need to find the Rebels and find out just what they are, and if you can offer any support. Your reputation. Cost 1000 Credits: Chance of Success: ??? Reward: You begin hunting down rebel cells that are actively fighting the empire.
    -[X]Who is Loyal?: Loyalty is a Dying virtue these days, but something close to it can be found if you look hard enough. If not, you'll just use other methods to get the job done. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of Success: Various. Reward: You learn who is actually loyal to you, and to the Republic…
    -[X]My Daddy Was a Minner: You wish to meet with the union group, and see just how much craziness they are getting up to. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: You meet with the union men, and start planning some terrible things for the Empire.
    -[X]The Walking Carpet: So... Wookies? He decided to waste valuable... Resources and money, on rescuing Wookies? Can't really fault him for it... Who is that? Cost: 300 Chance of Success: 70% Reward: You meet Solo's new Crew member.
    -[X]Gunrunning and other Signs of Trouble: You need to get them Weapons… and soon. Cost: 1000 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: You arm the Rebels.
    [X]Plan: I'm A Good Moff, I Swear (cleptomania edition)
    -[X]Operational Paper Clips 100c
    -[X]Those who Fight Monsters 100c
    -[X]Bullets and Blasters 100c
    -[X]Laundering and other Signs of Morality 100c
    -[X]My Daddy Was a Minner 100c
    -[X]Gunrunning and other Signs of Trouble: You need to get them Weapons… and soon. Cost: 1000 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: You arm the Rebels. 1000c
Turn 3 Results
Turn 3 Results:

-[X]Those who Fight Monsters: You and the Constatnists have not met, and you need to meet them all, see their loyalty, and once assessed… plot. You will need it. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of success: 50% Reward: You meet the men and women who think they are on the right side on the Doctrine wars. Well at least your side. Rolled: D100 + 210 + 49 => 352

You think that you made more friends than you dared count on, what with Wulf Yularan being the most recognizable face there.

But it seems you have more friends than you thought.

(Continued in The Officer Rebellion.)
-[X]We Are Soldiers without an Army: You need to find the Rebels and find out just what they are, and if you can offer any support. Your reputation. Cost 1000 Credits: Chance of Success: ??? Reward: You begin hunting down rebel cells that are actively fighting the empire. Rolled:D100 + 210 + 20 => 300

You looked at Saw Guerra and sat down and faced him. "If it were any other man, Saw." You said the words carefully as he glared daggers at you as he was forced into the room. "You would be dead."

The tired soldier was trapped, and looking at you with the armor on, you looked like death coming towards him. Except you were unarmed, and you were watching him, as you continue sitting, offering him a chair. "Say it." You said. "Tell me that I am everything you despise, that I am an instrument of terror and death, to the people of the Galaxy. I've heard it all before."

"Why have you not killed me, are you going to parade me to your masters, and kill all my people to break me?" Saw asked as he sat down, looking at you with confusion.

"If you are wondering, I had my men set blasters to stun, your partisans and your people are still very much alive." You stated, causing the man to slightly relax. "The Emperor would have had me kill them all, yet I believe differently."

"How so." Saw asked. "You are a loyal dog of the empire."

"I take offense to that." You stated, acting hurt as your men were finally out of earshot. "When we fight for the same cause. That of the Republic."

Saw continued to be confused. "Yet you serve the empire."

"Indeed, unfortunately, you are failing to grasp the big picture that I am playing at Saw, that many are playing that, blinded by your own hatred and love for the Republic, that you fail to see. Do you think that you are alone in fighting this empire, that is destroying this galaxy? No. Quite the opposite. But you are working under the assumption, that if we are not fighting the empire, we are submitting to it, keeping to ourselves, and praying for better days?"

You then stood. "There are ways to rebel that do not require killing. Even though in the end, it will require one thing." You turned around to walk away from him.

"And what is that?" He asked.

"Revolution." You said.

You walked out to face Skysailor, and his face twitched. "Ready?"

He grinned. "Already found the cadavers that we can fake. So destroyed that it would be almost impossible for them to be identified. Quite effective our new tanks are."

"Good." You stated.

"And Saw?" He asked.

"Something tells me he might be willing to listen now to what is coming." You replied.

He frowned. "I still think we should kill him. He's too dangerous to be left alive."

You frowned. "No one is too dangerous to be left alive. For everyone has value."

Reward: You "Destroyed" Saw Guerra's partisans and they are all underground. Waiting for you to reactivate them.

Saw is shown that maybe, he can work with other people, as there are other forms of rebellion.
-[X]The Incom inquisition: it seems many incom engineers are trying to flee the empire with many trying and failing to run the blokades to the outer rim. You can change that. Cost 500 chance of success: 45% Reward: the X-wing project will remain unknown to imperial forces. Rolled:D100 + 210 + 20 => 315

"Quite a shame that the Rebels killed them all." You said as you slide over the holotape. Everything was staged perfectly and the local street gangs were "Rebels."

Every single data file, and engineer, on Project X-Wing was killed in a tragic explosion. The entire project had been scrapped, for fear of losing more money. The Loss of the X-Wing team had damaged INCOM in a way that it might not recover.

The Head Engineer, Ithorian Pes Vitag could only laugh at the news. "Quite ingenious, and it allowed our employers to keep sapping funding away from the ISB, and work on a fighter that will not pass imperial design specifications."

You nodded. "I hope you and your team will be okay with more limited resources?"

"Ever since the Empire rose my friend, we have always been strapped for everything, as we are not well-liked by the Emperor or his cronies… No offense."

"I'm not a crony, so none was taken." You replied. You then looked at the Holo. "Are you sure it can destroy Star Destroyers?"

"Yes. Without question, and with more time, much more."

Reward: You have rescued the INCOM X Wing Team, in a way that INCOM is not only blameless but able to funnel funds and resources into the project.

Rebel Fighter combat rolls gain a +20 to their rolls permanently until the empire is defeated.

-[X]My Daddy Was a Minner: You wish to meet with the union group, and see just how much craziness they are getting up to. Cost 100 Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: You meet with the union men, and start planning some terrible things for the Empire. Rolled: D100 + 210 + 6 => 256

You looked at the union men and allowed them to relax. "Gentlemen, and ladies." You said as you looked at them all. "Do not mistake my uniform for being a man who will discard your rights, nor ignore your problems. I am someone who believes that there is only one way that things can change, and that is leveraging that change."

"And what leverage do we have? Droids can replace us as quickly as we strike, and if we try to disrupt them, it will only lead to crackdowns. We've seen the reports at the mid-rim. Darth Vader-"

"Vader cannot be everywhere at once. And droids… why not just organize them? Unionize them, make them demand their own rights and privileges?"

"Droids? They are just-" one spoke.

"That's genius!" One of the leaders spoke. "A vast majority of the empires production are droids-"

The Plan was simple. Almost all droids, were sentient, at least those that worked in major production facilities, only because they were required to learn and prevent disasters at stations.

Well, let's hope they can… do something about their positions.

Reward: Next turn, in the special event roll, you will find out if their sabotage is successful.

And other things.

There will be a general strike next turn as well.

-[X]Who is Loyal?: Loyalty is a Dying virtue these days, but something close to it can be found if you look hard enough. If not, you'll just use other methods to get the job done. Cost 100 Credits: Chance of Success: Various. Reward: You learn who is actually loyal to you, and to the Republic… Rolled: D100 + 210 + 20 => 330

You had found many who were loyal to you… or to the Republic… or just did not like the Empire, to where they did not care who they were fighting alongside.

But only one really caught your eye.

Mitth'raw'nuruodo "Thrawn"

The Cadet stood at attention, but you did not feel anything but curiosity behind his crimson eyes. But you could see just how calculating and measuring they were watching you scroll down his records.

"I hope you will allow me the privilege to use your basic name, no offense, it would be better for both of us to not make a fool of myself." You said, though partially joking, you were wishing to keep this conversation… casual.

"None was taken, Moff." He said with a stiff face.

"Top of your class, despite your lack of connections, the sabotage of your other classmates, and the racism that has been plaguing you." Your face twitched, and you looked at him. "Did you like the Art I sent you? I sent many posters I found, useful and inspiring to the many top cadets."

Thrawn nodded. "I was surprised that you did such a thing, but the gesture was appreciated."

"Did you like them?" You asked, probing the CAdet in a boring, almost playful tone. You didn't expect anything from it, but his answer, shocked you.

"I did not believe you could continue supporting an empire that seems incapable of accepting its weaknesses and failing to address them." He replied. "Sir."

Had you… No. You almost laughed. "From Artwork?"

"A culture, a civilization as it were, is defined, in its totality, by its art work." He replied.

"A Bold Statement." You rose, as you turned to see a poster of the Imperial Academy on Corellia. The one under Commadore Baylo. "Do you think, this may change your perspective then?"

It was just a few starships, and in formation, but on them, were personal effects. Graffiti and pilot tags, call signs, and, the prominence of the ground crew.

Not just the glory of pilots, but the people that maintained it. Excellence. But it also prompted you to ask this.

Thrawn noticed. "Different."

You then shook your head. "Do you think I am an idiot as to what is going on?"

"Pardon?" He asked.

"A Chiss officer in exile, who just so happened to be found by an imperial patrol, brought to the Emperor himself?" You shook your head. "It makes one wonder whose side he is really on. The Empire, or his homeland… or even his own desires?"

You leaned forward. "Most people don't realize that, despite my time as a fleet officer, I had ample time to study spycraft. And I understand the Chiss are well versed in such matters."

"So I should ask another question, one that should make all things clear. What are you doing here, really? And how can I help?"

Thrawn could only smile. "Out of everyone in the Empire, it was you?"

"Everyone underestimates me Mitth'raw'nuruodo, You are not the first, and you most certainly will not be the last to make that mistake."

Reward: Gain Thrawn as a Junior/Captian officer, and the ISD Chimera Requisition.

Thrawn is utterly on board with your... Rebellion, though he believes it should be a strong dictatorship, rather than return to the Old Republic.

He's impressed you figured out why he was there in the empire, and why.

Unknown Effect to the Rebellion, and your command abilities. (Note, its a bonus)

-[X]Gunrunning and other Signs of Trouble: You need to get them Weapons… and soon. Cost: 1000 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: You arm the Rebels. Rolled: D100 + 210 => 298

You looked at the ledgers. "Han… You armed them all?"

"To be fair, I was in the middle of something." He said quietly. "Also i won a new ship and made a new friend."

Yes, Lando Calrissian. He was going to be a bad influence on someone. Mostly Han, or that walking carpet that follows him around.

Reward: All Rebel Cells in the Outer and Mid rim have received ample amounts of weapons and armor.

The formation of more cells can now begin.

Lando and Han are now Friends. Kinda.

Han now owns the Meliniumn Falcon.

Special Event roll:D100 + 210 + 50 => 353

You looked at all your friends and raised a glass. "Gentlemen. We remember what we fought for. And understand this. If you remain in this room, you will be an accessory to High Treason. Do you accept?"

Not a single man or friend moved, save one, who was just drinking some whisky.

"Good. This will take years. Decades even. But this Empire will fall."

(Continued in: The Officer Rebellion.)

AN: enjoy.
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So, I am aware the QM views the empire as a VERY BAD THING, but the republic wasn't doing that much better in comparison even with the SIth giving a push at all. If the sith had not turned the republic into an empire the Republic might have become a hodge podge mess of crime syndicates and corporations with the Jedi completely tied in red tape to do anything real.

Is the republic worth saving/restoring?
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General strike, officers revolt, Thrawn's looking at art, mid rim gun running, and a secured x-wing project.

The latex executioner is going to throw us out of a window. :V :V :V
(Continued in The Officer Rebellion.)

Rebel fighter rolls gain a +20 to their rolls permanently until the empire is defeated.

There will be a general strike next turn as well.

The formation of more cells can now begin.

Lando and Han are now Friends. Kinda.

Han now owns the Meliniumn Falcon.
Papa Palpatine: I feel a disturbance in the force... as if a great many people are going to piss me off