Star Wars An Officer and a Traitor (NO SV, you are an Imperial Officer and Traitor)

Dear god we're going to lead a doctrine revolution that everyone ignores except for the rebellion, who study it religiously…
Why do I feel that Thrawn may end up consistently frustrated, over seeing a doctrine that is exactly what the Empire needs, and yet Constantly rejected cause it doesn't embrace the Bigger stick for everything that Tarkin Doctrine encourages?

I mean, Disney canon had his TIE Defender program sunk by politics after the fuel dump said program was using got blown up. I mean, it should have been merely a setback, but the resources were simply redirected to the death star instead of making up for the fuel shortfall. And Legends it was deemed too costly to roll out meaning little use, other than the one warlord whom broke off early and led to the Missile Boat being built to counter the many advanced craft said warlord stocked up on.
You lose 100% of the battles to which you never arrive: a repudiation of Big Ship Doctrine in favor of Pack Predator Doctrine
You lose 100% of the battles to which you never arrive: a repudiation of Big Ship Doctrine in favor of Pack Predator Doctrine.

The ongoing assumption of Imperial fleet doctrine has been that colossal capital ships will be the central figure, typically with escort cruisers or a fighter screen to prevent an enemy from getting inside the defenses of said ships. These give battles a central focus for ships to concentrate around. They also leave blind spots you can fly a freighter through.

"The best defense is making your enemies unsure of where to strike; the best offense is making your enemies unsure of where to defend" - Pers Pradeux.

An illusion of invincibility only needs to be shattered once before it is worthless. Capital ships provide aspiring criminals, terrorists, and fringe polities with kilometer-long "hard" targets. More importantly, however, their expense provides enormous areas where there is no defense between criminals or terrorists and "soft" targets. An illusion of fear need only find foes less concerned by fear than their goals to cease carrying value, and it needs a certain degree of investment in ensuring that the long arm of the law does inevitably catch up with them.

If the Empire is to advance the cause of peace and order, then I propose a different solution: multiple squadrons of hyperspace-capable seek-and-destroy strike fighters in each sector able to respond to threats almost immediately, creating the illusion of being everywhere all at once and making potential foes think twice before attacking. Far less expensive than any capital ship, operating with interchangeable parts that can be made anywhere, the values of such a defense force are manifold.

-Ease of maintenance: common and inexpensive parts allow for the Empire to make use of economies of scale as yet unexplored. Any sufficiently-industrialized world can produce parts for these fighters and supply their sector defense force.
-Ease of recruitment and training: any capable pilot can be recruited and trained to fly a fighter to defend their home. Propaganda teams can have a field day with this one.
-Ease of swift response and swift escalation: Distress calls and emergent situations can be answered by scrambling a squadron of fighters. Larger situations can lead to more squadrons being pulled from gradually larger response areas to swarm over any threat until it is destroyed.
-Ease of location: Hyperspace-capable seek-and-destroy fighters would only require a small supply depot / repair hangar to operate from and thus could be positioned anywhere, allowing for strategically important locations to have hangars all their own. If desired, a hangar could even be placed on an unindustrialized world and maintained with regular supply shipments.

Capital ships could then be reserved as the "heavy end of the hammer" for issues poorly suited to the use of fighters and allowing them to be more specialized exclusively towards destroying large ships while also ensuring they remain shrouded in mystery to better assure the appropriate fear response to their arrival.

To claim the galaxy as territory of the Empire and back that claim with hordes of "pack predator" starfighters is the surest means to peace and order in the galaxy.

Though there are almost certainty many retorts here, case in point the issue of covering so much area, and the reliance on their enemies not acquiring the means to produce fightercraft somehow. Like, say, snagging the design of a heavily economical strike fighter from the defecting designers of said design.

Well, if you're going to tee it up for me like that...

Pers Pradeux is generally considered one of the fathers of the Republic and later Imperial Navy, so I figured dropping a Sun Tzu quote in his mouth made sense and thus quoting him would have a similar sort of effect.
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You lose 100% of the battles to which you never arrive: a repudiation of Big Ship Doctrine in favor of Pack Predator Doctrine
Another bonus…

Holy fuck: guys calm down. We're almost at the point where we can pass all the actions!

And Make Tarkin look incredibly foolish at the same time.

I only wanted to do one not both!
I'm from May the Invisible Hand Be With You, which developed such an absurd omake bonus stack that it's been a while since next turn wasn't already provided for at the time of the previous turn being in place.

The omake train has no brakes. You have been advised. Have a pleasant day. =)
I'm from May the Invisible Hand Be With You, which developed such an absurd omake bonus stack that it's been a while since next turn wasn't already provided for at the time of the previous turn being in place.

The omake train has no brakes. You have been advised. Have a pleasant day. =)
I kinda forgot about the invisible hand…

Dammit looks like I need to reread it again.
The Venator Rebuke and the Imperator Failure.
Second Generation Assault Carrier Doctrine
AKA The Venator Rebuke and the Imperator Failure.
As is tradition in all things military, It appears we are having yet another argument on what we should build.

The Venator Argument is simple in its basic idea: The Imperators are too heavy on the Gunside and need more strikecraft. It is however more than that: It is also a doctrine that emphasizes a generally combined arms approach with a focus on Assault Carriers.

The Imperator Argument is also simple in its basic idea: The Venators were not gun heavy enough to carry the day in proper battle and had too much focus on being carriers. It also emphasizes combined arms for fleet battles, but favors the big gun for winning it.

The Tarkin Doctrine meanwhile emphasizes the idea that by having the biggest stick, no one would dare fight back. They favor the Imperator because it is the biggest stick that isnt a ungodly expensive Battlecruiser, which ALL agree is a fleet battle ship and nothing else. Of course...this also means if a bigger stick arises, they will prefer that.

The Light Ship Doctrine meanwhile Emphasizes that the current enemy of the Empire is internal: Terrorists, Rebels, and Pirates. They argue that making a fleet of light ships could more easily hunt down all of these more cost efficiently and effectively.

Vornskr Doctrine meanwhile emphasizes hyperdrive-capable strikecraft to roam around hunting for pirates, rebels, and terrorists.

All have issues. To understand these flaws, we first need to consider the 2 ships and their flaws.

The Venator is a decade and a half old class with considerable hanger space and a gun compliment actually not that much weaker than a Imperator. Against most lightships, there is no real difference when being shot at by the 2 of them. comes at a cost: Armor and Shields. The Venator while better than their CIS counterparts at the start would by the end be left wanting in these departments. The reality is that their hanger was poorly designed. It took up a considerable portion of the ship while having a MASSIVE door on top and on the bottom. That top door also wasn't segmented: It was either all open or all closed. This gave an easy target to wreck the internals. However, the thing that allowed it to be so good at deluging strikecraft was said door. So up-armoring it would be hard just on that alone. However, up-armoring means that to keep its acceleration at the mandated specs means more reactor power on thrust. Calculations determined that we could either sacrifice shields or acceleration to below the mandated specs as we lacked the room without a complete redesign for a stronger reactor. And well...while back then it might have been reasonable to choose shields if we chose to up-armor...this was Pre-Battle of Coruscant. We found that the ships we tested both options with actually faired worse than a normal venator. The venator as a class is simply done as a front-line. Which is an issue: The Venator is limited in troop count, deploy time, and crew amenities. It was a ship built to fight a war and only to fight wars. It is not a ship meant to galavant across 20 to 30 sectors with the support of itself alone and still be able to blast pirates, get its hyperdrive wrecked, go to a random asteroid, set up a mining outpost, use that to over the next 5 months rebuild said hyperdrive, and all without once needing to even think about rationing food.

Meanwhile...the Imperator is in many ways a ship built from the lessons of the Clone Wars: You need armor, shields, and big guns if you intend to actually slog it out. Many Venators were lost due to that late-war. And said example? Happened last year. The Imperator is much larger partially due to that reactor. But it is also faaaar better armored. It is far better shielded. Critics like to point out the bridge placement. That bridge is so heavily armored that you could probably blow a hole from front to back more easily than blast a hole into the bridge. And it takes actually quite a few hits to the shield generator to wreck it. However...the class is expensive. Very expensive. It is limited in its ability to be everywhere. It can stay out for a long time without direct support. But only so many can be afforded.

You however may note I dont count the hanger. The reality is that the hanger is still pretty good. The failure of the Imperator's hanger is not in its design, but in what we use inside it: TIE fighters. Because some brilliant individual decided to take the basic prototype of the TIE and immediately put that into mass production. I wonder how many captains know that there was an almost identical looking version being worked on with Hyperdrives and Shields by the very person who made the TIE?

There is no reason they cant be given such kinds of fighters like that the Vornskrites want. Imperators are literally designed to be mobile military bases able to sterilize planets. They should be used as such. We could use the light ships proposed by the Light Ship Doctrine so as to allow for a more granulated escalation slope.

Venators may not be viable for long range operations...but they are still viable as carriers. They can still carry better fighters. They would be kings of System Defense. Plenty of systems would gladly take on a Venator so as to defend themselves from Pirates and it would allow us to actually get some more use from them. They could also be dedicated as true proper carriers in true fleet combat, allowing the imperator to close their hangers up and charge in while the venators handle cycling of strikecraft.

Instead, the Navy ignores all of these in favor of Imperators all the way, ignoring even the imperator argument in favor of Tarkin's doctrine.

OOC: The Imperator Argument is something I made up to basically be those who think the imperator should be used the exact same way as the venator was, just bigger guns. This guy however considers both bad: He favors Imperators as mobe naval bases for everything to operate around while incorpatibg what he feels is the best idea of all of the other doctrines...expect tarkin. Because Tarkin is so far off in concept from the rest its automatically anti-Tarkin by not parroting Tarkin.
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AKA The Venator Rebuke and the Imperator Failure.
As a general note, the I in ISD stands for Imperial, not Imperator.

being shot at by them the 2.
Either "them" or "the 2" is redundant. Also, it should be "the two", not "the 2".

We found that the ships we teated both options with
I have no idea what this word was supposed to be, but I am positive it was not this.

go to random random asteroid
"a random asteroid"?

There is no reason they can be given such kinds of fighters like that the Vornskrites want.
Based on the rest of the paragraph, I'm assuming this was supposed to be "can't".

We could use the light ships proposed by the Light Shil Doctrine
And in the background, a political appointee whom is a hardcore tarkin Doctrine person is working on the dumpster fire that is the ISD 2. Wouldn't be suprised if it becones a pentagon wars esque situation, except it is exactly what it looks like unlike the alleged bradley story.

Turn 1 of moff quest.

DOCTRINE WARS engulfs the empire as the more naive tries to help the empire and the more imbittered and ambitious fights to protect future ISD captain slots.
And in the background, a political appointee whom is a hardcore tarkin Doctrine person is working on the dumpster fire that is the ISD 2. Wouldn't be suprised if it becones a pentagon wars esque situation, except it is exactly what it looks like unlike the alleged bradley story.

Turn 1 of moff quest.

DOCTRINE WARS engulfs the empire as the more naive tries to help the empire and the more imbittered and ambitious fights to protect future ISD captain slots.
Watch how it ends up with us making the entire officer corps split between Constantine faction and Tarkin factions…

And our faction is also supplying rebels with the ability to counter our enemies.

Or better yet, we cause an irreversible split among the officer corps that we can use to our advantage to create more republic leaning officers!
As a general note, the I in ISD stands for Imperial, not Imperator.
While the I in ISD might stand for Imperial, it is actually still the Imperator Class, as thats what the class' first ship is called. So officially, it would actually be a Imperator Class Star Destroyer with the Imperator being ISD-01 IN Imperator.
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Mobile starfighter base Doctrine
Mobile starfighter base Doctrine

As powerful as starfighters can be when used appropriately, using them as the standard defense strategy does have it's challenges. Namely in establishing bases for the starfighters to base out of, as they need the facilities to maintain the ships, keep the crew entertained, healthy, and effective, as well as ensuring that the pilots will be able to deploy in their starfighters within a reasonable time period should an emergency rise. This is on top of the security needed to ensure bad actors don't cripple our defenses even before the first hostile craft appears. Some sectors may have many planets unsuitable for such a base, and some might have none feasible in the whole sector!

To address this issue, it may be prudent to develop a carrier to serve as a mobile base, to both ensure sufficient basing in unsuitable areas, as well as to provide less certain and more secure locations for starfighters, that are both better able to respond to larger scale crisis due to not needing hanger space at the destination, but also can serve to thwart attempts against perceived weaknesses by providing reinforcements that may not have been anticipated.

The Imperator would never fit the role because thanks to it's armament, it fits more as a big stick should something need sheer anti-ship firepower. The Venator as an assault carrier wouldn't fit because as an assault carrier built for war, it simply isn't designed to fit the role, and even then all the weapons would be superfluous for such a role. Quasar Fire frigates are small and can only hold so much, but they could serve as small emergency bases, exploiting it's nature as a refitted cargo ship to obfuscate it's role. But it's too small to operate fully as a mobile base, which would require a specialized design. Which can use the fact it is mostly to serve as a basing point for warp-capable fighters, it's best defense should be it's obscurity, focusing more on amenities and providing it's own resources. A purpose-built design with focus on utility and stealth over direct combat should help keep costs down. But for as useful as such a design is for us, should it fall into hostile hands, it would be a BIG problem, especially since any means we could track it with would be means the hostile forces could track which would be problem for it's main usage.

A/N: Well, here is a possible path the fighter focused doctrine could take, focused on the fact for a fighter-centered doctrine to work, there would need to be the infrastructure to base them wherever needed. Which, incidentally somewhat crosses over with canon/legends rebel doctrine, since they run into similar problems that a theoretical imperial fighter focused one would, with added emphasis on obscuring information.
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