Name: Archibald Constantine
Age: 40
Fertility: 100%
Health: 5.0
Rank: Moff of the Imperial Navy
Rebel Status: +1. Rebellious Servant
Learning: 3+3=6
Personal Combat: 3+3=6
Master Diplomat: You were trained to be a brilliant diplomat, always able to stop the greatest of threats with words and actions. Joining the Military changed that. (+10 to Diplomacy, +5 to intrigue)
Moff of the Empire: You are a Moff, a Supreme Leader of the Fleet, General, and administrator of the Imperial Army. It is a rank that carries many responsibilities, and many privileges. (+3 to all Skills)
Known Dissident: The Emperor knows you are not completely loyal to his regime. But that does not mean that he does not view you as a pawn. (+10 to imperial detection Roll on your actions)
Kind: You always try to brighten up someone's day, even when it costs you time and energy. (+4 to diplomacy, -2 to intrigue.)
Just: Fairness, morality, and law. This person seeks to balance all accounts, by forgiveness and retribution alike.(+3 to Stewardship. Special Events now carry added consequences.)
Administrator: This person has a knack for accounting and organizing people. Numbers, time management.. (+5 to Stewardship, +2 to Diplomacy, +20 to Stewardship Actions.)
Paranoid: You can never open yourself up to trust anyone. All they will do is betray you. (+3 to intrigue, +20 to detect lie, -10 to diplomacy rolls)
Command traits:
Lead From Rear: You cannot stand leading from the front, that is the surest way to getting killed. You trust your staff more than anything. So let them work, while you give orders (when commanding from the front lines, suffer a -20 to all combat rolls. When not, gain a +10 to all combat rolls, to all subordinates)
Fleet Commander: You are a Commander of fleets, not of fighters. You focus on the big picture, not the small ones. (When commanding fleets, gain a +10 to your combat rolls)
Ground General: You have never once been afraid to lead men on the ground, as you had many times before during the Clone Wars (When commanding Ground Forces +10 to combat rolls)
Father to His Men: You have always put the well being of your subordinates and charges well. Everyone thinks it is wrong, but you never once considered it such. It was moral. (If your Men's Morale are higher than 60, gain +10 to attack rolls, for every 10 above 60)