STAR TREK: A Long Road (Voyager Fix It Quest)

The Dragon: Once per episode, at the beginning of combat place an Advantage on the field representing a cunning tactic or strategy devised by Danara Pel.

USS Voyager
Sovereign Class Heavy Exploration Vessel
Command Ship: Can give advantages using Command within range to Away Missions or to supporting ships.

EMH: Has an EMH!

Improved Warp Drive: When going to warp, roll 1cd on an effect, regain the power point.

Quantum Torpedoes: Can use Quantum Torpedoes! (60 total)

Secondary Reactors: +5 to Power

High Resolution Sensors: +1 momentum to out of combat sensor checks.
Federation Starship – A highly sophisticated and advanced vessel, with holodecks, replicators, and similar comforts, primarily designed to handle multiple operations. Highly sensitive and requiring constant maintenance, the vehicle is less rugged than other interstellar craft

Maquis Crew - a good chunk of the crew are former Maquis troublemakers. Expect discipline problems and unorthodox plans.
Phaser Arrays
Power Cost: 1-3 | Range: Medium | Damage: 9cd [+1 per extra power spent]
Can Use Spread: Hit +1 time at ½ damage per effect OR Area: hit +1 ship per effect within close range.
Versatile 2: Gain 2 bonus momentum with a successful hit

Photon Torpedoes
Power Cost: 0 | Range: Long | Damage: 6cd
High Yield: If it causes 1 breach, it causes +1 breach

Quantum Torpedoes
Power Cost: 0 | Range: Long | Damage: 7cd (Vicious 1 - +1 damage on effects)
High Yield: If it causes 1 breach, it causes +1 breach
Calibrations: Requires 1 minor action to calibrate

Tractor Beam (Strength 5)
Power Cost: 0 | Range: Close | Damage: None
Effect: If successfully established, enemies face a diff 5 check to escape.

CREW COMPLIMENT (Base Stat: 9 | Base Skill: 2)
CO: Captain Katheryn Janeway (Skilled: Command, Science | Weakness: Combat)
SPECIAL ABILITY: "We Can Be Better" - if you succeed on any diplomatic check with Janeway, Get +1 momentum​
XO: Commander D-91 (Skilled: Command | Weakness: Socialization)
HELM: Lt. Tom Paris (Skilled: Conn | Weakness: Not Being A Fucking Up)
TACTICAL: Ensign Harry Kimm (Skilled: Gunnery | Weakness: Harry Kim)
SECURITY: Lt. JG Amy Strong (Skilled: Personal Combat | Weakness: Lying)
MAQUIS HEADBREAKER: C'nola (Skilled: Combat, Sneaking and Scheming | Weakness: Emotional Wreck)​
SCIENCE: Tuvok (Skilled: Science | Weakness: Emotionless)
COMMS: Lt. Bian T'are (Skilled: Communications | Weakness: Combat)
MEDICAL: The EMH (Skilled: Doctor | Weakness: Kind of a Dick)
ENGINEER: B'lanna Torres (Skilled: Engineering | Weakness: Also a dick)

Ensign Steve (Useless Security Goon)
Ensign Becky (plural fighter jock)
Petty Officer Third Class Jessie (Hard working engineer)
Crewman Billingsly (Dude, Billingsly!)
Crewman Chandra (Concerned Crewman)
Bifurcate (bidimensional robot girlfriend of Harry Kim)
Princess Lyan Positron (runaway daughter of magician most foul and girlfriend of Harry Kim)
Soria Flyte (Pegasus girl and girlfriend of Harry Kim)
Mirror Universe Trevor (he's fine!)
MRSS Val Jean
Keldon Class Heavy Cruiser
Electronic Warfare Suite: Whenever making a Jamming or Intercept communications check, can spend 2 momentum to select +1 target (repeatable.)

Fast Targeting Systems: No +1 diff for called shots

Improved Hull Integrity: +1 Resistance

Cloaking Device: Spend 3 power, and make a Control+Engineering + Engines + Security check with a diff of 2. If successful, gain the Cloaked Trait (impossible to detect, cannot attack, shields are down.) It takes a minor action to decloak.
Cardassian Ship – Durable, uncomfortable, close, cramped and cheap. Thinks creature comforts are for other people and technical sophistication is for people who haven't spent decades starving to death. The fact that the starving could have been avoided if the government were know, monstrous doesn't seem to have occurred to that many of them.

Okampan Crew – the crew are bright, perky, cheerful, and incredibly psychically powerful. Individually, they're all better than Vulcans, and as a gestalt? Who knows!
Phaser Arrays
Power Cost: 1-3 | Range: Medium | Damage: 7-9cd (Spread: Hit +1 time at ½ damage per effect OR Area)
Versatile 2: Gain X bonus momentum with a successful hit

Disruptor Banks
Range: Medium | Damage: 8-10cd (Vicious 1: Each effect adds +1 damage)

Tractor Beam (Strength 3)

CREW COMPLIMENT (Base Stat: 8 | Base Skill: 1)
CO: Lt. Commander Brian Wacoche (Skilled: Commando Tactics | Weakness: Independent)
TACTICAL: Seska (Skilled: Being Seska | Weakness: Everything Else)
CONN: R'lash skilled: Piloting | Weakness: Romulan Fuckup)
ESPIONAGE: Kes (Skilled: Commando Tactics | Weakness: Naive)

Crewman Stadi - Age 23, Betazoid, born Beta Colony-5 to Zani and Talwyn of the House of Riis, survived by her sisters Tari and Batri.
R'mor - age 182, Vulcan, burn on Romulus to R'tan and Leslali, survived by his twelve nieces and nephews across the Empire
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Yeah thats been my guess too. This region of space doesn't have replicators, a proper holodeck would be unimaginable for most of the locals.

My other thought is that the Borg Drone might not be so much a vacationer, so much as...serving as a hub or server for a series of virtual worlds while it is...regenerating. Basically, what if the Sikarians =stumbled upon Unimatrix Zero and decided to use it as the basis for a VRMMO without anyone actually being the wiser...

And that's why they're terrified of us scanning the Borg Drone and actually looking like we know what we're doing. Hell, maybe thats not even the only Drone on the planet...
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Weirdly, no? Well, yes and no. One thing it does better is having space combat faster to resolve (less dice on all counts, so its easier to roll and tabulate) and WAY less fiddling with resources (no more fucking around with power.) But there are no rules for squadrons, which is VERY weird.

However, a big change?

Ships blow up WAY easier. Rather than needing to wipe structure, then wipe engines, then roll a warp core breach, you just have to get 1 breach per scale in the structure. So, a frigate can take 3 breaches to the structure and BAM! They're dead.

Ah. That's a bit disappointing, but I suppose simplifying combat and making combatants weaker is one way to solve the issue of having more ships out on the field.
Ah. That's a bit disappointing, but I suppose simplifying combat and making combatants weaker is one way to solve the issue of having more ships out on the field.

Yeah, like, me and my GF have been running a game (she GMs, I solo as my homeworld sona) and the first real session involved a fight that was my frigate + support frigate +10 interceptors versus 12 corvettes, 2 assault frigates and an ion array frigate and it didn't take TOO long, despite having loads of people! did help my character convinced the Turanic part of the fleet to switch sides after the Taiidani were mostly space dust.
I'm currently too sleep deprived to properly think up the rest of a plan but we should consider using the folded-space transporters featured in the episode "The High Ground." Those transporters are capable of beaming into and out of shielded areas, with the one downside being that it causes lethal damage to organics. D-91 as a synthetic life form may be able to use it without negative repercussions.

Now that I'm thinking about it though I'm starting to realize the folded-space transporter as depicted in "The High Ground" is a pretty massive plot hole. Why didn't the terrorists just use the things to transport bombs directly to their targets rather than have people use them? For that matter why didn't that tech overturn starship combat by making viable the tactic of beaming over a photon torpedo into an opposing ship, past their shields?
Now that I'm thinking about it though I'm starting to realize the folded-space transporter as depicted in "The High Ground" is a pretty massive plot hole. Why didn't the terrorists just use the things to transport bombs directly to their targets rather than have people use them? For that matter why didn't that tech overturn starship combat by making viable the tactic of beaming over a photon torpedo into an opposing ship, past their shields?

Simple! The fold space disassociates non-conscious matter, so a bomb not carried by a person will just arrive as a fine spray of subatomic particles. You could transport D-91 with less risk, but the biological degeneration can still destroy synthetics too.
Right, so planning. Here's a little something I like to call Plan Grand Theft Everything


- Nab the transporter technology
- Nab the drone

Required Assets:
- MRSS Val Jean & Crew
- Voyager on standby
- Bioneural gel pack(s)
- EMH backup unit
- One "Lightly Used" Kazon Fighter to be left as space debris in orbit
- One Isolation Chamber for drone on Voyager

Required Personnel:
- V'orak (Because everyone loves a good Gorn)
- Danara Pel (who mentioned the possibility of taking a vacation in her episode!)
- R'lash (Romulan sneakiness & smuggling experience; Getaway Pilot for the Hoverski Pan-Oceanic Race Circuit)
- Seska ("Tech expert")
- Nelix (Veteran Commando)
- Kes (Clairsentience & Psychic Gestalt Coordinator)
- The Doctor (Emergency Criminal Hologram, also to bodyjack the Borg Drone via downloading his program into the Drone's Cybernetic Implants - ala Body and Soul)

Associated Events:
The Hoverski Pan-Oceanic Race Circuit
The Star Chancers Gambling Tourney

Danara Pel - Op Leader, Gambler
R'lash - Hoverski Pilot
V'orak - Float, Gambler, Danara's "Assistant"
Nelix and Kes - Field Team, Transporter Heist
Seska & The Doctor - Drone Heist & Disabling Security Systems

1) Doctor's program will be augmented with extended Emergency Crime Hologram protocols, based on the finest spies and criminal minds in history. Backup unit transferred to MRSS Val Jean, which will arrive at the planet, flooding the resort with the majority of Okampan Crew for shore leave. This both adds a lot of new people to the resort for security to split attention between, and gives us access to a potential psychic gestalt to use in the heist. Also, since Okampans are described as natural telepaths, it probably wouldn't be too hard for them to nudge people towards thinking "Everything is fine" and to let down their guard.

2) Amidst the chaos, the field team enters, with Danara Pel & V'orak entering the gambling tournament, and R'lash entering the Hoverski Pan-Oceanic Race Circuit, with Seska (carrying a EMH backup module containing a copy of the Doctor) and Nelix, serving as her "support crew." Field team takes the opportunity to scan the area surreptitiously, with sensor vests disguised as clothing, getting a better picture of conditions on the ground. Kes is among the Okampans, coordinating her fellows in using their psychic abilities to help security and others turn their attention to the ongoing events, and to say, overlook our ongoing heist. Nothing to see here, as it were.

3) Once the events are underway and people are distracted, Seska and Nelix will find a way to slip away and download the Doctor into the Borg Drone's cybernetic implants, giving him access to the capabilities of a Borg Drone for the duration of this mission. Seska and Doctor of Borg will proceed to compromise the sensor systems, using the drone's functionality and Seska's technical know-how to do so. An assimilated bioneural gel-pack being wired into the hotel's computer center may be involved, creating a small "collective" that the Doctor would have control over. I'm sure this won't cause issues whatsoever, oh, no siree.

4) Once security systems have been compromised to a reasonable extent, Nelix and Kes will clear the route to the secure facility and disable the guards and force fields. Seska and Doctor of Borg will locate information on the desired transporter technology (as well as whatever else may be useful that they keep in their secure computer of theirs), and acquire it, as well as one of their transporters. To make their escape, they will use the resort's very own transporter system, with Doctor of Borg turning off the Collective search signal (if possible) before being beamed to a "lightly used" Kazon fighter we leave in orbit, from which they can be beamed aboard the Val Jean - where an isolation chamber has been prepped in one of the shielded boltholes. Depending on whether they need to return to keep cover, Kes and Nelix may return to the resort or also be beamed out, while Seska...well, it depends if its easier to beam out entirely or join the support staff again, while leaving behind a virus that wipes the system so there's no record of the beam out or scrambles records entirely. Meanwhile, our gamblers and pilot are still doing their thing, with the Okampan psychic gestalt covering us / tilting the odds ever in our favor. V'orak will assist as needed, with Danara keeping track of how everything is going.

This is what I've got so far. Any suggestions or changes?

Edit: Changed things a bit so we don't go directly to wherever Voyager is with transporter. Also remembered that the Val Jean has shielded boltholes and crawlspaces, making it an ideal getaway ship.

[x] Plan Grand Theft Everything
-[x] Main Objectives
--[x] Sikarian Transporter Technology
--[x] Borg Drone
-[x] Required Assets
--[x] MRSS Val Jean & Crew

--[x] Bioneural gel pack(s)
--[x] EMH backup module
--[x] One "Lightly Used" Kazon Fighter to be left as space debris in orbit
--[x] One Isolation Chamber for Drone
-[x] Personnel Required
--[x] Danara Pel (Gambler, Op Lead, Distraction)
--[x] R'lash (Distraction, Pilot for Hoverski Circuit)
--[x] V'orak (Float, Danara's Partner)
--[x] Seska (Tech Expert)
--[x] Nelix (Veteran Commando)
--[x] Kes (Clairsentience & Psychic Gestalt Coordinator)
--[x] The Doctor (to bodyjack the Borg Drone via downloading his program into the Drone's Cybernetic Implants - ala Body and Soul)
-[x] The Plan
--[x] Phase One: MRSS Val Jean will arrive at the planet, flooding the resort with the majority of Okampan Crew for shore leave (and leaving the wreck of a fighter at a useful spot in orbit). This both adds a lot of new people to the resort for security to split attention between, and gives us access to a potential psychic gestalt to use in the heist. Also, since Okampans are described as natural telepaths, it probably wouldn't be too hard for them to nudge people towards thinking "Everything is fine" and to let down their guard.
--[x] Phase Two: Amidst the chaos, the field team enters, with Danara Pel & V'orak entering the gambling tournament, and R'lash entering the Hoverski Pan-Oceanic Race Circuit, with Seska (carrying a EMH backup module containing a copy of the Doctor) and Nelix, serving as her "support crew." Field team takes the opportunity to scan the area surreptitiously, with sensor vests disguised as clothing, getting a better picture of conditions on the ground. Kes is among the Okampans, coordinating her fellows in using their psychic abilities to help everyone at the resort, security included, turn their attention to the ongoing events. The ongoing spectacles becomes more, while the work in the shadows becomes...less. Subjectively speaking.
--[x] Phase Three: Once the events are underway and people are distracted, Seska and Nelix will find a way to slip away and download the Doctor into the Borg Drone's cybernetic implants, giving him access to the capabilities of a Borg Drone for the duration of this mission. Seska and Doctor of Borg will proceed to compromise the sensor systems, using the drone's functionality and Seska's technical know-how to do so. An assimilated bioneural gel-pack being wired into the hotel's computer center may be involved, creating a small "collective" that the Doctor would have control over.
--[x] Phase Four: Once Doctor of Borg has gained control over security systems, Nelix will meet up with Kes, and they take the quantum computer and clear the route to the secure facility and disable the guards and force fields through their sneaky commando ways (which may or may not involve Anesthizine gas, psychic suggestion, or other such). Following that, Seska and Doctor of Borg will enter the secure facility and locate information on the desired transporter technology (as well as whatever else may be useful that they keep in their secure computer of theirs), and acquire it, as well as a working model of one of the Sikarian transporters. To make their escape, they will use said transporter system to beam to a "lightly used" Kazon fighter in orbit, from which they can be beamed aboard the Val Jean - where an isolation chamber has been prepped in one of the shielded boltholes. Doctor of Borg will, of course, turn off the Collective search signal (if possible) before beaming up. Depending on whether they need to return to keep cover, Kes, Nelix, and Seska may return to the resort or also be beamed out, with Seska leaving behind a virus that wipes the system so there's no record of the beam out or at least so that records are scrambled entirely. Meanwhile, our gamblers and pilot are still doing their thing, with the Okampan psychic gestalt covering us / tilting the odds ever in our favor. V'orak will assist as needed, with Danara keeping track of how everything is going.
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Plan Nebulae 11

The Ships:

– MRSS Val Jean
– Ship acquired by Neelix
– Type-9 Shuttle

The Heisters:
– V'orak as the Val Jean's Captain
– Danara as the card shark
– R'lash as the getaway driver
– Seska as the 95 pound Chinese man
– The Doctor as the living virus
– Lindel as the VIP
– Harry as the rat
– Lyan, Cate, and Soria as his harem
– Adora as the changeling

The Prize:
– The Skirian Teleporter
– The Borg Drone

The Plan:
Part 1: The Inside Man
Like any overly intricate heist we're going to start by getting an inside man. For that we're going to need Harry and his lovers three. Having 'stolen' a Type-9 shuttle Mr. Kim will arrive on Sikaris with his three partners. His three pre-Warp partners.​
Citing his violation of the Prime Direction Mr. Kim will bemoan how his indiscretion resulted in him being demoted to Ensign Junior Grade and that he was ordered to return the women he loved to the regressive society that they came from. Frustrated, he took them and the shuttle and left with the intention of asking the Sikarians for help in getting away from Voyager. In exchange he promises them his technical know how and the technologies held within his stolen shuttle.​
Little will the Sikarians know that planted within the Shuttle's systems will be the Doctor who, once they hook it up to their systems, will infiltrate their internal network. The Doctor will look for blind spots in the security network, steal passcodes, and spoof surveillance footage as needed. Harry and the girls will also help with what systems they manage to gain access to.​
Part 2: The Team Arrives
Aboard a ship with all the proper accreditation, the infiltration team consisting of Danara, R'lash, Lindel, and Seska will arrive. R'lash stay with the ship as a uniformed chauffeur. Lindel will play the part of the actress on a downward spiral, the death of her husband leading her to become a careless gambler intent on throwing away her money at The Star Chancers Gambling Tourney.​
Danara will play the part of her advisor in truth and as a cover. She'll be helping Lindel stay in the game and win big to draw attention. Seska will pose as a beleaguered assistant who will slip away when no one is looking and begin an infiltration of the teleporter facility. She will be guided by the Doctor and much of the job will involve sneaking through vents.​
Part 3: The Flash Mob
At this point the MRSS Val Jean will arrive and begin disgorging its crew and causing minor havoc up until the point that management is brought in. At that point V'orak will beam down, having morphed themselves into the most intimidating Gorn subspecies and get into a heated face-off with the staff, one tense enough to bring in those guards that would otherwise be assigned to defend the teleporter.​
This will provide Seska the opportunity to slip past the final layer of defenses and get her hands on the Sikarian teleporter tech. Once she has what she needs she'll sneak out to a point where Harry has access to and drop off the device. Harry then will pick it up and sneak it into the shuttle.​
Part 4: The Finale
The standoff with the Val Jean crew would get rowdy until management starts pushing them out. In the chaos a bunch of Okampa will end up getting pushed close to the drone which they will quickly cover in an active camouflage tarp made using the same technology that powers Starfleet's isolation suits. The Borg drone now rendered invisible will be carried away by members of the Val Jean crew.​
Meanwhile, Amy, who has been surgically altered to look more Okampan will Change into a duplicate of the drone and go 'berserk.' Someone will shout the Borg drone is active and before the Skiarians can do anything Amy-Drone will be tackled by a number of brave Okampa will be 'beamed into space' by the Val Jean. The heist crew will take the opportunity as an excuse to get to their ship and leave.​
Finally Voyager will return to the world having finally 'tracked down' Harry and immediately beam him, the girls, and the shuttle up to their vessel. Playing the part of Psycho Janeway, our dear captain will shout down Gathorel with threats of quantum torpedoes if he tries to get in her way, telling him there is nothing she will not do in service to the Prime Directive, a tenant of which is keeping Federation technology out of the hands of those that would misuse it.​

The vote:

[X] Plan Nebulae 11
-[X] The Ships
--[X] MRSS Val Jean
--[X] Ship acquired by Neelix
--[X] Type-9 Shuttle
-[X] The Heisters
--[X] V'orak as the Val Jean's Captain
--[X] Danara as the card shark
--[X] R'lash as the getaway driver
--[X] Seska as the 95 pound Chinese man
--[X] The Doctor as the living virus
--[X] Lindel as the VIP
--[X] Harry as the rat
--[X] Lyan, Cate, and Soria as his harem
--[X] Adora as the changeling
-[X] The Prize
--[X] The Skirian Teleporter
--[X] The Borg Drone
-[X] The Plan
--[X] Part 1: The Inside Man
---[X] Like any overly intricate heist we're going to start by getting an inside man. For that we're going to need Harry and his lovers three. Having 'stolen' a Type-9 shuttle Mr. Kim will arrive on Sikaris with his three partners. His three pre-Warp partners. Citing his violation of the Prime Direction Mr. Kim will bemoan how his indiscretion resulted in him being demoted to Ensign Junior Grade and that he was ordered to return the women he loved to the regressive society that they came from. Frustrated, he took them and the shuttle and left with the intention of asking the Sikarians for help in getting away from Voyager. In exchange he promises them his technical know how and the technologies held within his stolen shuttle. Little will the Sikarians know that planted within the Shuttle's systems will be the Doctor who, once they hook it up to their systems, will infiltrate their internal network. The Doctor will look for blind spots in the security network, steal passcodes, and spoof surveillance footage as needed. Harry and the girls will also help with what systems they manage to gain access to.
--[X] Part 2: The Team Arrives
---[X] Aboard a ship with all the proper accreditation, the infiltration team consisting of Danara, R'lash, Lindel, and Seska will arrive. R'lash stay with the ship as a uniformed chauffeur. Lindel will play the part of the actress on a downward spiral, the death of her husband leading her to become a careless gambler intent on throwing away her money at The Star Chancers Gambling Tourney. Danara will play the part of her advisor in truth and as a cover. She'll be helping Lindel stay in the game and win big to draw attention. Seska will pose as a beleaguered assistant who will slip away when no one is looking and begin an infiltration of the teleporter facility. She will be guided by the Doctor and much of the job will involve sneaking through vents.
--[X] Part 3: The Flash Mob
---[X] At this point the MRSS Val Jean will arrive and begin disgorging its crew and causing minor havoc up until the point that management is brought in. At that point V'orak will beam down, having morphed themselves into the most intimidating Gorn subspecies and get into a heated face-off with the staff, one tense enough to bring in those guards that would otherwise be assigned to defend the teleporter. This will provide Seska the opportunity to slip past the final layer of defenses and get her hands on the Sikarian teleporter tech. Once she has what she needs she'll sneak out to a point where Harry has access to and drop off the device. Harry then will pick it up and sneak it into the shuttle.
--[X] Part 4: The Finale
---[X] The standoff with the Val Jean crew would get rowdy until management starts pushing them out. In the chaos a bunch of Okampa will end up getting pushed close to the drone which they will quickly cover in an active camouflage tarp made using the same technology that powers Starfleet's isolation suits. The Borg drone now rendered invisible will be carried away by members of the Val Jean crew. Meanwhile, Amy, who has been surgically altered to look more Okampan will Change into a duplicate of the drone and go 'berserk.' Someone will shout the Borg drone is active and before the Skiarians can do anything Amy-Drone will be tackled by a number of brave Okampa will be 'beamed into space' by the Val Jean. The heist crew will take the opportunity as an excuse to get to their ship and leave. Finally Voyager will return to the world having finally 'tracked down' Harry and immediately beam him, the girls, and the shuttle up to their vessel. Playing the part of Psycho Janeway, our dear captain will shout down Gathorel with threats of quantum torpedoes if he tries to get in her way, telling him there is nothing she will not do in service to the Prime Directive, a tenant of which is keeping Federation technology out of the hands of those that would misuse it.

Formatting, fixing spelling errors, and putting a more readable summary above the plan vote.
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I prefer

[X] Plan Grand Theft Everything

Nebulae 11 takes several risks it doesn't need to such as Harry's whole bit, and some specific character acting that I feel are too restrictive.

I do wish @Rivenscryr would add a bit about prepping an isolation chamber for the drone, or just turning the search function off before we run off with it.
Nebulae 11 takes several risks it doesn't need to such as Harry's whole bit, and some specific character acting that I feel are too restrictive.

It's not like Grand Theft Everything is any more risk free. A big element of it involves activating Borg nanoprobes and having them assimilate a bag of bioneural gel. If things go sufficiently wrong it might trigger a Borg incursion by informing the Collective of the presence of hitherto unfamiliar Starfleet tech. That's of course after Neelix and Seska somehow manage to get to a Borg drone seated out in the open at the front of the resort, laid out in a place where everyone is able to see it, after resort security recently had an incident where people got to close to it.

Then it ends on making use of an unknown transporter to carry to crew directly to Voyager, when we have no guarantee that the transporter in question even exists, and may give away Voyager's location by leaving the coordinates of the ship in local computers or because the locals are able to track their own transports. At the very least any plan made with the intention of using the local transporters should drop off those involved at a rendezvous point.
Then it ends on making use of an unknown transporter to carry to crew directly to Voyager, when we have no guarantee that the transporter in question even exists, and may give away Voyager's location by leaving the coordinates of the ship in local computers or because the locals are able to track their own transports. At the very least any plan made with the intention of using the local transporters should drop off those involved at a rendezvous point.

True. We could beam them to a "lightly used" Kazon fighter we leave in orbit, from which they can be beamed aboard the Val Jean - which we know has shielded crawlspaces and boltholes, quite ideal for hiding things from sensors.

Alternatively, we could also introduce some Cardassian voles to the resort and watch the chaos unfold. I'm sure Torres would love it if they became Someone Else's Problem.
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Something else that's just now occurred to me is whether or not the Okampa will be allowed into the resort, especially in significant numbers. Recall that when Kes joined Tuvok's investigation in "Ex Post Facto" her presence caused the Banean investigation a degree of consternation in the belief that it would bring in Caretakers. There's a chance the Sikarians may reject any sizeable Okampan presence for much the same reason.

That works for my plan where they're supposed to be disruptive but it may cause trouble for yours where they're meant to blend in.

I would also caution against making Danara the centerpiece of any distraction that she takes part in. The Emergency are on the prowl for her and they are bound to send an agent to follow up any sighting of Voyager and or activate one nearby. I personally suspect they'll have at least one present in the resort given that it caters to the entire region.

Alternatively, we could also introduce some Cardassian voles to the resort and watch the chaos unfold. I'm sure Torres would love it if they became Someone Else's Problem.

I think introducing an invasive species would count as biological warfare and be too close to colonial style shenanigans for Starfleet to be comfortable with.
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I would also caution against making Danara the centerpiece of any distraction that she takes part in. The Emergency are on the prowl for her and they are bound to send an agent to follow up any sighting of Voyager and or activate one nearby. I personally suspect they'll have at least one present in the resort given that it caters to the entire region.

Sure, but that's why I have V'orak there as a partner/assistant. If you want a bodyguard, you could do worse than a Gorn!

I think introducing an invasive species would count as biological warfare and be too close to colonial style shenanigans for Starfleet to be comfortable with.

Starfleet? What Starfleet? This is the Marquis, a dastardly criminal group with no actual ties to the federation. Why even their ship, the Val Jean, was stolen from another power by one of their most notorious members, the Dread Pirate Brian.
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It's not like Grand Theft Everything is any more risk free.
I'm not saying it is, I'm saying that the specific risks I mentioned were added complexity, for no real pay off, especially the bit with Harry, it's not the people they're afraid of, it's their scanners and technicians trying to get harry and his lovers in doesn't help us do anything because they're not going to let a human near anything sensitive.
They don't need to trust him. Harry's primarily a delivery method for the true infiltrator, the Doctor who will be hidden in the shuttle's computers and will leap over into the Sikarian's systems when they invariably examine it. The plan is for the Doctor to the be the inside man not Harry.

Later on Harry will contribute by helping to move the stolen teleporter components into the shuttle after Seska steals it, since it'll be hard for her to sneak it all the way back out to the heisters' ship without getting spotted, and then serve as a justification for Voyager to act pissy and beam up the shuttle with the stolen parts in it.
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Assuming we get the transporter/spatial trajector/whatever the MacGuffin really is, it certainly would be a cool thing to go back and maybe not have to kill Harry this time. More robots are a good thing!
They don't need to trust him. Harry's primarily a delivery method for the true infiltrator, the Doctor who will be hidden in the shuttle's computers and will leap over into the Sikarian's systems when they invariably examine it. The plan is for the Doctor to the be the inside man not Harry.

Later on Harry will contribute by helping to move the stolen teleporter components into the shuttle after Seska steals it, since it'll be hard for her to sneak it all the way back out to the heisters' ship without getting spotted, and then serve as a justification for Voyager to act pissy and beam up the shuttle with the stolen parts in it.
And running up their security consciousness is not worth the support you listed. Just having humans around is gonna run their paranoia through the roof.
I was aggressive and dismissive in my previous deleted post. Allow me to try this again.

I understand how Harry showing up could potentially lead to problems, but I do not believe the Sikarians are familiar enough with Voyager, Starfleet, or the Federation to be that particularly suspicious of humans. With how short their interaction with Voyager was the Sikarians didn't even get to learn that the Voyager's crew would be interested in their teleporters or why.

Voyager was shooed off because its technology was a potential threat. The Sikarians have no reason to suspect that Voyager would come back because they know so little about it that they can't predict the crew's motives. With how little they do know it would be an gross overreaction for the Sikarians to interpret Harry's defection as a sign that the resort should expect a heist.

While they likely won't accept Harry's story at face value I don't believe that they will consider it any more suspicious than similar stories told by anyone else in the region. A person defecting because they are dissatisfied is a common tale throughout history. That combined with the potential of Federation technology, which is well beyond the standard in the region, I feel will tempt the Sikarians into taking a risk.

Besides if involving Harry risks putting the Sikarians on guard because he's human, a similar case could be made about the Val Jean crew because they are Okampan.

If what the Banean investigator had to say is to be believed then Okampans are commonly known in the Delta Quadrant to be watched over by Caretakers. The one group of Okampans known to exist without a Caretaker meanwhile are the ones encountered by Voyager and since it is unlikely any group of Okampans overseen by a Caretaker would be allowed to man a ship leaving their purview the Val Jean's crew would likely be deduced as originating from that particular group of Okampa.

Their arrival at Sikaris aboard a warship not belonging to any of the other local powers, not unlike Voyager, so soon after Voyager's own visit could be considered suspicious as well. Eyebrows would be raised further if the Sikarians bothered to dig into things and discovered that the ship in question has visited few if any other worlds prior to theirs, due to it having been run cloaked for most of time.

Most damning of all is that Kes openly worked with Tuvok during his murder investigation and that at that time she identified herself as a member of the Voyager crew.

Harry being human could set off alarm bells as you say, but then so could the Val Jean crew being entierly Okampa, or Denara's presence. For all we know Neelix might be recognized out of the gate as a Talaxian commando.
Our sensor tech was seen as a threat. Our SENSOR tech. The last thing they want is the species with that kind of sensor tech secrets in their heads poking around their stuff. They're not afraid of human warriors, or even infiltrators, they're afraid of someone figuring out their scam and blowing the whistle.
Ah, so that's what you meant. I could see that happening.

That said I still don't think they would reject someone offering them tech and if Harry is willing to go that far, it wouldn't be unreasonable for the Sikarians to think they could also bring him into their scheme.

Harry knowing how replicators function would be invaluable to the Sikarians if they are indeed operating some manner of holodeck and are limited to Delta Quadrant tech.
One thing to remember: If you send anyone in, you can always use the old super cool space medicine (cheap makeup effects) to blend in as a talaxian or whatever!


I have COMPLETED writing a novel! I am DONE writing a novel, I finished it! WOO!

This means I will now take a few days off! Yay! Go me! woow! onikm;l,dsandibh

*flops around on the ground*

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