@Captain Dodgers ,
@Raven1138 &
Yeah, Bonesaw/Riley hits my rage buttons too.
It has been shown that unlike the rest of the S9, Riley is a redeemable character.
Shuri would love to have a little sister who could lend her hand in the Bio Research lab.
The major "opportunity" with me trying to do a Riley redemption plot would be the Shard's limitations.
Specifically, the Earth range limit described by Wildbow. I know that a lot of fanfic authors have completely disregarded the limit and it works, but I'm currently taking advantage of the range limit to keep Taylor "safe" from Shard/Entity tomfoolery and to change that would be problematic.
Riley without her power would be less than useful and the next question would be, what happens when a parahuman is taken beyond the range limit of their shard? Would the shard temporarily disconnect itself to save power or would the parahuman die or something else?
I haven't completely worked that out yet, but I'm thinking that the parahuman would pass out when taken beyond the lagrange point ( halfway between the Earth and Moon ) and wake up a few minutes or hours later without their power. It may or may not reconnect automatically if they return to Earth.
Time to crowdsource this idea. So, anyone else have ideas?