Space Ninja Summer Camp ( Warframe/Worm )

Just show her the Helminth Infirmary in the oribter. She's gonna flip.

Alternatively, show her an embolist, phage, hema, hirudo, or other infested weapon besides the acrid. Bonesaw would love to see that.
Then there's the fact that Warframes themselves are partially organic. Hell, even the Orbiter itself is partially organic. As is almost all Orokin tech, as we've seen in the Ostron village.
@Sleethr I think I remember a WOG saying that parahuman powers would start to fade as the distance from Earth grew, but I can't link it so don't quote me on this.

She HAS, however, been hardened in regards to the concept of death and killing, so she would be a decent Tenno with some training.
@Sleethr I think I remember a WOG saying that parahuman powers would start to fade as the distance from Earth grew, but I can't link it so don't quote me on this.

She HAS, however, been hardened in regards to the concept of death and killing, so she would be a decent Tenno with some training.

Probably more along the lines of an Operative rather than a full Tenno. I think between the Zariman Ten-Zero horror stories and Taylor's own experience stranded on the Grineer Deralict she wouldn't wish that experience on her worst enemy.

Though that may be a good ancedote for Emma if she starts having confidence issues and relasping to Sophia's bullshit philosophy. Just tell her about Karl, a Tenno that is physically one of the strongest people Taylor has ever met. The sort that if they were playing a game of Luccio, he wouldn't need his Rino Warframe to be the defensive lineman. But even he is still haunted by the Zariman memories, and on several occasions Taylor had to help him get through an emotional breakdown.

The lesson would be that even the strongest can be vunerable from time to time. The real measure of strength is how you deal with it. Bottle it up like Sophia had Emma doing until it consumes you or get help in confronting it so you can move past it.
@Captain Dodgers , @Raven1138 & @Flameal15k


Yeah, Bonesaw/Riley hits my rage buttons too.

It has been shown that unlike the rest of the S9, Riley is a redeemable character.

Shuri would love to have a little sister who could lend her hand in the Bio Research lab.

The major "opportunity" with me trying to do a Riley redemption plot would be the Shard's limitations.

Specifically, the Earth range limit described by Wildbow. I know that a lot of fanfic authors have completely disregarded the limit and it works, but I'm currently taking advantage of the range limit to keep Taylor "safe" from Shard/Entity tomfoolery and to change that would be problematic.

Riley without her power would be less than useful and the next question would be, what happens when a parahuman is taken beyond the range limit of their shard? Would the shard temporarily disconnect itself to save power or would the parahuman die or something else?

I haven't completely worked that out yet, but I'm thinking that the parahuman would pass out when taken beyond the lagrange point ( halfway between the Earth and Moon ) and wake up a few minutes or hours later without their power. It may or may not reconnect automatically if they return to Earth.

Time to crowdsource this idea. So, anyone else have ideas?

I could honestly see Taylor, should she discover the Earth radius limit (whether by accident or via other means), "disarming" Bonesaw or another physically-frail parahuman by intentionally taking them beyond the shard's limit. This could even work on monsters like Crawler and Grey Boy, should she pull it off.

Of course, that also raises the question of why she wouldn't use this on any hostile parahuman, or even "Why doesn't the PRT use space as a Parahuman jail?" Of course, Cauldron would freak out should they realize that Taylor is exploiting this fact, which should have...interesting consequences down the line.

However, I would rather not have this take place if I can help it, because it would turn every conflict between Taylor and a shard-user into a case of you having to justify why she wouldn't try to disarm them once she's discovered this weakness.
Because Canary's case was such a kangoroo court that even Winston Payne would refuse to prosecute it normally, and even a quality divorce lawyer would be enough to turn it around? And that's even besides the job-change.

As I said earlier, as someone grew up with a father practicing corporate law, he was quick to point out in courtroom dramas like Law and Order, Boston Legal, Suits and Bull, even a third of the antics the protagonists pull would result in a mistrial along with disbarment. And even excusing the usual handwave of "it's a Cauldron/Ziz/Underpants Gnome Plot" that entire ciruit of the Federal court including the state AG would be crucified for what they pulled.

We have counts of jury tampering, collusion between the prosecution and the judge, denying Canary access to a lawyer and assigning one that was either grossly incompent or outright unwilling to defend his client, and restraints that were only put on to push the jury towards conviction without letting her testify. All this on top of an automatic Birdcage sentence without any prior criminal record and a body count of one. Amnesty International, the ACLU, the Government Accountability Office and the Innocence Project would be on them like wolves before closing arguments were written.

Canary can ask for heads of the judge, the prosecutor, her prior council, and the State Attorney General in her civil settlement, and the only response would be a motion to have an associate attorney pop into Williams and Sonoma to get a few silver platters.
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Time to crowdsource this idea. So, anyone else have ideas?

Maybe taking a shard host outside the range of earth is like taking your laptop away from your home router and driving around with it in your car. The computer doesn't die, it just cant connect until it's back in range of where it should be, at which point it resumes its function.

[I suck at metaphors but this is all I could cone up with.]
It better to have it disconnected for good if they stay out of planet for a certain length of time because that be more fun to write about or you could make it when they reconnected the shard works better or more unrestricted like tinker tech being less black boxed.
Time to crowdsource this idea. So, anyone else have ideas?
The limit is a function of communication range. Since Tenno tech can not only detect, but analyze the communication Taylor could (eventually with enough work) build an amplifier that would extend that parahuman's range.

Since I am not a lawyer and don't watch lawyer shows on TV, she will probably be handled off-screen by Uncle Alan when he volunteers to represent her pro-bono.
Why not have Danny represent her? He'd be just as effective as having a divorce lawyer. There's no need for anyone to offer to handle her case 'pro-bono'. Canary had plenty of money, she just temporarily doesn't have access to it, there would be plenty of lawyers who'd be willing to take Canary's case on a contingency basis (not something done in RL much for criminal cases, but then neither do cases like Canary's).

For that matter just having someone publicize what is going on with her would fix nearly all the issues with her trial, and might be enough to get the charges dismissed.
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Riley without her power would be less than useful and the next question would be, what happens when a parahuman is taken beyond the range limit of their shard? Would the shard temporarily disconnect itself to save power or would the parahuman die or something else?

There's a failsafe implanted by shards when you trigger. Once the shard is plugged in, getting disconnected will kill the host. Scion and Eden actually had to abuse that a couple of times in their earlier days, by mass recalling all the shards from the hosts that were staging their own attempt at Golden Morning, before leaving to go somewhere else.
The limit is a function of communication range. Since Tenno tech can not only detect, but analyze the communication Taylor could (eventually with enough work) build an amplifier that would extend that parahuman's range.

That's a possibility, but keep in mind that Taylor plans to wash her hands of Earth-Bet, so why bother with a range extender. But on the other hand, if it turns out that the rest of her clan got board waiting for her to return and decided to get Davo to help finance construction of a Relay over Mars-Bet, then she would consider taking up the matter with Shuri.

After telling her that she needs to return Kid Win home.

And before that trying to keep Davo away from the New York Stock Exchange.

Along with trying to keep Danny from skinning Lem alive, in the most half hearted way possible.

At least...oh damnit, CLEM!!!

Taylor: and that is why I wanted to know your secret of how you manage to fool everyone about your age.

*Alexandra just gives Taylor a look of pity before opening her desk drawer and pulling out a bottle of Cachaça.*

Why not have Danny represent her? He'd be just as effective as having a divorce lawyer. There's no need for anyone to offer to handle her case 'pro-bono'. Canary had plenty of money, she just temporarily doesn't have access to it, there would be plenty of lawyers who'd be willing to take Canary's case on a contingency basis (not something done in RL much for criminal cases, but then neither do cases like Canary's).

For that matter just having someone publicize what is going on with her would fix nearly all the issues with her trial, and might be enough to get the charges dismissed.

Besides the earlier post about Alan's change in career track, the main reason is to make sure there is no way for the DOJ gets off the hook for this. Keep in mind that unlike Danny, Alan has access to an entire firm of resources, including Brandish as his senior legal partner. Overturning the charges against Canary on the account of the gross miscarriage of justice would be a reputation coup for his firm and a major win for Carol's cause of cape accountability, namely that independent capes like Canary and herself are not threatened with a kangaroo court as an example to the rest.

As for payment, well there is grounds for a civil suit against the government. Just imagine how many billable hours they could rack up...
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So a tenora?

She use a standard crit build with damage booster mods?

Or a less effective build I call the giggity.

A build best summarized by dumping a silencer mod on the gun for shits and giggles on lower levels.

After all, a silenced rotary gun? Utter madness!
Once all of Taylor's clan shows up, I think Mars Bet will be a new clan holding for them.

Not really much there to hold except raw materials, and that's what extractors are for. The Origin System's version of Mars has been terraformed so it has a breathable atmosphere and temperature warm enough that you won't freeze solid in minutes. Mars Bet is just a barren rock where you need to carry your own oxygen.
Not really much there to hold except raw materials, and that's what extractors are for. The Origin System's version of Mars has been terraformed so it has a breathable atmosphere and temperature warm enough that you won't freeze solid in minutes. Mars Bet is just a barren rock where you need to carry your own oxygen.
Don't forget that the dust also causes cancer!
Not that any of that is likely to matter to a Tenno.
So, what about Canary?
The main difference i see is with Dragon's actions. Since she is at run level 3 now, she can do several things she couldn't before.
1) she can simply refuse to put Canary into the Birdcage. She couldn't do that before.
2) she can finally wage the political campaign needed to change perception.

In cannon she could have exposed all of the corruption and collusion, but at limited processing power maybe she hadn't connected the dots. At her new run level maybe she can
3) study law and then expose the corruption. (Going with the excuse she just didn't know in cannon)
4) she can hire a competent defense attorney with her own assets.
I haven't completely worked that out yet, but I'm thinking that the parahuman would pass out when taken beyond the lagrange point ( halfway between the Earth and Moon ) and wake up a few minutes or hours later without their power. It may or may not reconnect automatically if they return to Earth.

I think its cannon that the farther away a host is the more the Shard 'Sugests' to go back to earth, starting with feelings, ending with horrible pain. After that I am not sure but it could be everything from a simple disconect to death.

Do you really want to take a chance?

Who dosn't like Salad V?

Whatever you call them, by the time you know they are here it's to later. I personaly would vote for a simple 'Fuck', beauty in simplicity and all that.
@Trollbird : I like my corrosive status build. I tried a crit build, but the status build seemed more consistent in its face melting properties.

On Shard range limits, I think I'll go with a temporary disconnect option. Fear, increasing to panic to passing out when the range was exceeded. Death would only occur if the parahuman was using their power to provide themselves with spaceflight and breathing. If the parahuman is brought back into range, they would reconnect. Not sure if they would have another trigger dream or not and I do not want to get into a second trigger event either.

At the moment, I'm unsure how likely the scenario is to happen in story. A voluntary Shadow Stalker would seem to be the most likely first candidate followed by an involuntary Crawler. It's good to have a plan of action though. :)

Canary: Yes, due to Taylor being kidnapped by "tinkers" and Shadow Stalker befriending his daughter, one of the butterflies is that Uncle Alan decided to get out of divorce law and focus on parahuman law instead. He's still dealing with a few divorce clients, but the majority of his law practice is now parahuman law. As a result, the day after Christmas, he plans to drive up to Boston? Not sure where the jail is that they are keeping Canary, but where ever it is, he's going to make a visit. Maybe it's in New York? I remember checking, but not finding a location. Brandish will help once she finds out the amount of corruption Alan uncovers.

Bonesaw's fate will depend on what happens if ( hell, who am I kidding? ) Taylor decides to collect the S9 bounty. I favor attempting to redeem Riley, but Murphy's Law of Combat applies: friendly fire, isn't friendly.

I'm also an "Exploratory Writer", which means that I start the scene and the characters somehow react and sometimes they surprise me. As in, oh crap, yeah, there is no way Joe wouldn't punch Mike for saying that about his girlfriend. Now what do I do?! Delete, delete, no, wait, that can work. *Panic*

Which is why the last chapter was so long and took a bit extra time to complete.

I thought getting up to 85 or 86 percent crit chance was good enough.

I mean I wasn't putting any forma on my weapons in general the status build actually that good?

I thought getting up to 85 or 86 percent crit chance was good enough.

I once fell into that trap of assuming that Warframe criticals worked the same as in, say, World of Warcraft. However, crits in Warframe are...unique. Critical chance isn't capped at 100 in Warframe. In fact, you can clear 100 quite easily on with a common, decently high-rank crit percentage mod such as Point Strike with certain weapons (such as the Paris Prime, Lenz, or
The Dread)
even without Prime mods, Riven mods, or Set mods.

The reason why you would want to do that is because there are several types of criticals, from the basic "Yellow Criticals" to "Orange Criticals" all the way to "Red Criticals," named after the color of the damage numbers upon achieving one. And you obtain these types of criticals only by having a crit chance exceeding 100% (which you can read more about here: Critical Hit ).

So for example, I have an 112.5% crit chance on my Paris Prime. That means that not only do I already have guaranteed yellow crits on every hit, I also have a 12.5% chance of obtaining an orange crit for additional damage every shot, increasing my damage output significantly.

Apparently, there are systems already in place for crit chances exceeding 500%, and when you pair even an orange critical with a weapon designed around crits in the first place, a stacked crit damage multiplier, and the ability to consistently land headshots on those brain-dead Grineer?

Well, let's just say that I'm MR 9 and I regularly do in excess of 2800 damage per shot, not counting headshots or orange crits, with an approximately 200-base-damage weapon on one of my crit builds, and leave it at that. :evil:
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