My muse won't stop feeding my brain with these little tidbits, so here I am typing away on an official omake…
Inspired by
@VirtualFox 's "
Tenno Thought Experiment"
Warframe, primaries, secondaries, and melee options are all detailed
on this post.
POV: Komi-Shouko (my IGN in Warframe)
My Liset Prime docked in my Orbiter, the pneumatic hiss of the airlocks securing the landing craft and starting the depressurisation. While all of the pre-disembarking processes were going on, I was going through the mission results with my Cephalon. "So that's fifteen hundred cryotic units, three hundred endo, two hundred alloy plates, eighty detonite ampules, a couple hundred neurodes, seven nav coordinates, six polymer bundles, an Ayatan Vaya sculpture, and eighty thousand credits. Then we have a few mods, all of them common ones and I've got lots of duplicates of. All in all, not bad for an excavation mission, but not very good either." I sighed and straightened up as I made my way out of the landing craft and back up onto my personal quarters in the Orbiter, letting myself plop down on the couch in front of the Somachord and idly flicking through the song catalogue.
"Although I honestly think your performance is only deserving of this pittance, I would also agree with your observation, Operator," my ever-snarky companion and ship Cephalon, Vivi, replied in her usual dead tone.
"Why you would not mow down the Infested but instead merely restrict yourself to Strangledome, despite having both your Ignis Wraith and Redeemer Prime equipped, I would perhaps never understand."
"My only concern was getting at least ten excavators completed," I answered, settling on
a particular favourite track and setting it to play on repeat. Once the first notes began playing, I eased back to recline on the surprisingly comfortable couch. "Besides, it turned out to be a good idea. What with the other Tenno busy with either rushing to build their Railjacks, or jumping onto squads to the Proxima."
"You forgot to switch the Ignis Wraith back to its default mod setup. And you also forgot that the Redeemer Prime does not use any ammunition."
I could not hide the small wince at the Cephalon's accusing statement. "Yes, I did. Again, with everyone all hyped at the rediscovery of the Railjacks… I see no sense in rushing blindly with the rest. I will proceed at my own pace."
"Quite a sensible approach," Vivi replied.
"If only I didn't know that would mean you would be dragging your feet."
"Not this time, Vivi," I got up with a grin. "I've talked with other Tenno in the relays, and more or less we've got everything we need. Except for the Argon Crystals, but I can get those later." My legs led me to the navigation console, and directed my Orbiter to the Clan Dojo.
Despite there only being two of us left, the Founding Warlord and I managed to get everything ready, including setting up the Drydock. There, in its bay, sat what would become my Railjack; the Fuselage after its recovery and repair, Propulsion Systems already fixed and set in place, and the Port Nacelle already attached but still being repaired. The Excavation mission was mainly to while away time, as well as start building up the amount of cryotic I would need for the Sibear. Seriously, thirty thousand units was a pain to get, and each Excavator only gave me a hundred units… Talk about a slog. Maybe if I could take a friend or two to help…?
Brushing those thoughts aside with a small shake of my head, I got off the Orbiter and made my way to the Drydock console. Exiting my Khora via Transference, I huffed with pride as I watched my Railjack being built.... well, re-built. "See Vivi, I'm not just all laziness. I just choose my own pace."
"Very well, if you say so, Operator." I just knew that behind Vivi's monotone, she would be rolling her eyes (if she had one).
"Ah, Operator, this just came in. A call to all Tenno who are willing to help out in a rescue mission."
"Meh, they do that all the time," I began to dismiss Vivi.
"The rescue subject is a fellow Tenno Operator," Vivi immediately cut in.
Whatever objections I had, that shut me right up. Someone who can detain a Tenno would be a dangerous foe to go up against, even more if they could somehow stop a Warframe. "Send an urgent response and put my name up as a volunteer, Vivi. See what other intel you can get from them. I'll get back to the Orbiter and get things ready."
I began to walk back to where my Orbiter was docked, my mind already starting to come up with possible scenarios, and how to deal with them. In any rescue situation, I always prioritised stealth and information-gathering, so my Ivara was a definite go. I knew I still had the Rubico Prime, the Catchmoon kitgun, and the Rakta Dark Dagger set up with her along with the Prisma Shade sentinel, so I wasn't going to be changing anything in her loadout. Although considering the Dread bow might be a good idea, especially if I was going full stealth.
In case they already had someone to break my sister or brother Tenno out, they'll probably need someone running interference, or testing the defences. I could volunteer for it, with my Gauss Warframe. The Ignis Wraith could be a good option to either test said defences, or just plain melt them. The Redeemer Prime could also be a good melee weapon for Gauss; sprint in, slide and spin to slash, pull the trigger once, then sprint away. The Mara Detron would be a decent alternative to the Ignis Wraith, in the off chance I ran out of ammo. I'd wish luck to anyone trying to get a bead on him, Gauss is already fast enough on foot to rival most Archwings and K-Drives; it's even worse if they somehow pair me with a Volt.
Alternately, I could take Octavia and help out as an all-rounder, and give her the Baza submachinegun. I've always loved the quiet little thing, and the puzzled looks the Grineer or Corpus gave whenever someone just slumped down riddled with bullet holes.
Worst case scenario that I could think of was that we would have to storm a fortress to get him or her out. In that case, I thought with a low growl, I'll be taking my prized Valkyr Prime, fully kitted out with the Opticor Vandal, Pyrana Prime sidearm, and Venka Prime claws. I took out the Opticor Vandal though, thinking of putting the Ignis Wraith on her as an alternative. If fortress storming was what we had to do, the Ignis Wraith was second to none amongst weaponry in clearing enemy personnel.
"No one harms a brother or sister Tenno and gets away with it," I whispered to myself as I began Transference once more and Khora materalised where I was standing.
"No one."
EDIT: linked the relevant post, and made one small change.
EDIT 2: I just realised I put the wrong secondary on RageKitty Prime; edited to correct the loadout, then added some things to accommodate the Mara Detron on a different loadout. Also linked my loadout post.
EDIT 3: Got notified that my little omake has been threadmarked! Thank you
@Sleethr ! Sho-lah!